0.55kw Borehole Combo Includes Pump, Motor & Control Box
R276995 04 Oktober / October 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 39 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Wicus van Heerden
ESTVAAL MASHISHING se Wicus Van Heerden het vanaf 9 tot 15 September aan die 13de wêreldwye “Isuzu I-1 Grand Prix - LCV afdeling” kompetisie vir tegnici deelgeneem. Net om geselekteer te word, was al ’n uitsonderlike prestasie. Wicus het as lid van ’n drieman Suid Afrikaanse span bestaande uit die twee beste tegnici in die land en ’n “coach” of mentor, in dié kompetisie in Thailand deelgeneem, waar 24 lande wat die Isuzu handelsmerk bemark, verteenwoordig was. Die jong man het nie net deelgeneem nie, maar die tweede plek indiwidueel (uit 48 van die wêreld se bestes) in die teorie gedeelte van die kompetisie behaal! Die kompetisie behels ’n praktiese en
teoretiese eksamen. Tydens die prakties is 24 identiese Isuzu’s voorberei, elk met presies dieselfde foute. Die spanne moes die gelyste foute opspoor en herstel. Daar is ook addisionele “foute” ingebou, wat nie gelys was nie en hulle moes dit self opspoor en regstel. Slegs een uur is toegelaat vir die werk. Wicus en sy span het gesamentlik vir al die dele van die eksamens die derde plek internasionaal behaal, voorwaar ’n reuse prestasie vir Suid Afrika en ’n besonderse prestasie vir Westvaal Mashishing. Dink net, ons sit met een van die heel beste Isuzu tegnikuste wêreldwyd, reg hier in Lydenburg! Die Isuzu I-1 Grand Prix word as die grootste kompetisie vir tegnici van ’n motorfabrikaat ter wêreld beskou en demonstreer hoe ernstig dié handelsmerk is oor die gehalte van sy voertuie en veral oor die gehalte van hulle naverkopediens. Die Highlands Panorama span wens Jehane Claase (handelaarshoof), Brian Coetsee (werkwinkelbestuurder) en in die besonder vir Wicus Van Heerden (tegnikus) geluk met hierdie uitsonderlike prestasie. Ons lesers sal ook onthou dat ons verlede jaar berig het dat Wicus tweede plek in die Suid Afrikaanse Isuzu kompetisie in 2017 behaal het. Tydens ons onderhoud met Wicus was dit duidelik dat sy verbintenis tot gehalte werk, sy groot passie is. Wicus is getroud met Louise en hulle het een kind Johandre en nog ’n kleinding is op pad. Hy is reeds 17 jaar in die motorbedryf en 12 jaar in Lydenburg. Sy ander passies sluit in die buitelewe, fietsry, jag, boogskiet, stap en gholf. Deur Andre Coetzee
Courtney Robert Hundermark met ’n bergadder wat hy op ’n vorige keer hanteer het. TWEE slangbyte is gerapporteer in Lydenburg verlede week, met geen ernstige gevolge nie. Die eerste pasiënt was mnr. Hennie Benecke, van Olifantshoek, in die Beetgekraal omgewing. Hy is vermoedelik deur ’n nagadder gepik. Hy het buite gestap in die donker en op iets getrap - hy het daarna ’n brandpyn in sy voet gevoel. Mnr. Neels Bothma, slangkenner, het mnr. Benecke by die dokters se spreekkamer ontmoet maar daar was net ’n skrapie met geen sigbare tekens of simptome nie. Gedurende die nag het die voet begin swel en pyn. Twee dae later was dit amper weer normaal. In die tweede slangbyt is Courtney Robert Hundermark deur ’n bergadder gepik. Hy het vanaf Johannesburg die area besoek en neem gereeld foto’s van die slange wat hy vind. Tydens die hantering het die klein bergaddertjie hom gebyt, gelukkig op die vingernael. Die bergadder, met die rooiskakering (inlas op foto) is algemeen in die berge van die Longtompas en Mpumalanga. Besoek asb. dadelik die dokter of skakel mnr. Neels Bothma by 082 730 3047 vir hulp as jy deur ’n slang gebyt word.
04 Oktober / October 2018
Teachers and learners at Estralita School celebrated Heritage Day last week and had a lot of fun. Every person has their own special culture and giving each other room to celebrate it says a lot about common respect.
Dr Snowy Khoza
Dr Myles Munroe
AN uplifting and insightful Vision Leadership Summit will take place at the Living World Church (Lewende Woord next to Laske Nakke Lydenburg) on Friday October 19. Two renowned international speakers will address the audience. Dr Snowy Khoza - Executive Chairperson of Bigen Africa is a passionate human rights activist and benefactor to the disadvantaged. At Bigen she leads a team of ‘engineers with a conscience’ who not only actively pursue the group’s vision, but are also committed to ‘doing good while doing business.’ Dr Myles Munroe - “Character protects power and vision.” Evangelist and ordained minister, avid professor of the Kingdom of God, author, speaker and leadership consultant who founded the Bahamas Faith Ministires International (BFMI).
The entrance fee is R200 and will include lunch and sessions by these two world renowned speakers. The Vision Summit is presented by Living Word Lydenburg and Thulare Ministries. RSVP by 5 October, phone 082 899 0094 or email lydenburg@lewendewoord.co.za for more information.
STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738
04 Oktober / October 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Janica Herselman, Megan Neudecker en Martin Mulder by die September-wynproe by Café Crust.
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit
Ek het ‘n vriendin gehad, Anri Cronje. Sy was ‘n baie sensitiewe tipe mens met soveel kenbare intellek en innemendheid. Haar oënskynlike gelukkige lewe het tot ’n einde gekom na selfdood. Anri was een van die joernaliste wat Baba Tsepang se storie oopgevlek het in Uitenhage. Anri was toe nog ‘n joernalis by die Diamond Field Advertiser in Kimberley. Ons het pas begin werk na ons joernalistiekstudies in Potch. Sy daar en ek in Pretoria by Beeld. Dit was in die vroeë 2000’s. Baba Tsepang was 11 maande oud en is verkag deur ‘n 25-jarige man. Dit was ‘n verskriklike groot saak met media-obsessie wêreldwyd. Sy moes kosmetiese snykunde kry en jare daarna weer operasies ondergaan om ‘heel’ te word. Na die Dros-saak van verlede week uitgekom het, het ek die hele naweek vir Anri in my agterkop gehad. Ek het nog altyd gedink die Baba Tsepang-saak was vir haar die keerpunt, altans te veel. Ek is siek, tot in my gees. Dikwels kyk mens na ‘n video wat aangestuur word, en niemand waarsku jou nie. Ek dink nie ek moes na daardie video gekyk het nie. Dit het my gruwelike nagmerries gegee. Nicholas Ninow vol bloed wat gil dat hy ‘mental’ is. Bedoelende dat hy eintlik al sy varkies op hol het. Maar ek weet nie. Dit kan net die duiwel wees wat ingetree het. Anders kan ek dit nie verklaar nie. In Rapport Sondag is daar ook oor die land se afgryse berig. Geen woord kan sterk genoeg wees om die land se ‘siekwees’ hieroor die beskryf nie. Ek weet net dat Anri jare na die Baba Tsepang saak steeds daaroor gesit en huil het want sy het deel van die familie geword, die hofdokumente en video’s gesien. Sy het selfs saam met die ouma by die hospitaal gaan sit terwyl die baba geopereer word. Daar is soveel wat mense kan sê na die verkragting by die raak. Dit raak almal. Hou net vanaand jou kind se hand ekstra styf vas. ~ Michelle Boshoff
EKSODUS 20:4: “Jy mag nie vir jou 'n beeld of enige afbeelding maak van wat in die hemel daarbo of op die aarde hieronder of in die water onder die aarde is nie. Vader gee dat ons sal besin oor die verering van mense, deur op te hou om beelde van hulle te maak, Amen.
Beelde Noem my outyds, verkramp, ou-testamenties, van die pad af of wat ookal, maar ek het ’n kleintjie dood aan beelde. In besonder standbeelde. Of dit nou Nelson Mandela of Hendrik Verwoerd of Piet Pompies is, ek het ’n probleem daarmee. ’n Monument soos die taalmonument of vrouemonument is anders. Dit is nie ’n spesifieke persoon nie. Kom ek verduidelik: Dit gaan vir my om mense verering. Om mense amper Goddelik te
Dr Peet Visser, Heidi en Eric Johnson.
Mr Pompies Letwaba from Lydenburg writes: THE state capture commission led by deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo, stands as a pinnacle of resolute courage within our communities. He is a man of absolute character and has fighting spirit. He is principled and stood firm against fraud, corruption and maladministration engineered and perpetuated by dirty criminals in the name of our former glorious movement known as the ANC. Advocate Thuli Madonsela is a rare gift from God, a precious gift that refused to be intimidated and refused to concentrate on insults that were hurled at her by noisy ANC Parliamentarians as she was labelled a DA sellout. Only a woman and person of great character could against all odds stand toe to toe with the then, much feared Gupta President Zuma. The faith displayed by Advocate Madonsela and her team reminded me of Shadreck, Meshack and Abednigo in Daniel 3;16. (Even if this God does rescue us we shall never eat from the delicacies of Nebuchadnezzar). That is Advocate Thuli Madonsela. The commission headed by a reputable judge served to expose how the ANC is rotten to the core. We thought the Mantashe's of this world are innocent and must be protected and most vulnerable. I salute the resilient spirit of the banks and their refusal to succumb to the most barbaric pressure by the ANC top five. The concise evidence by the former deputy Finance Minister, Mcebisi Jonas and how the Guptas tried to offer him R600 Million in cash to kill our economy and direct the entire treasury to Dubai shook the whole country with horror. My fellow countrymen, once a formidable force to be reckoned with, now a shadow of its former glory. One wondered why ANC
maak. Mense wat baie goeie werk vir hulle gemeenskappe, naaste of volk gedoen het, verdien erkenning vir hulle prestasie. ’n Vermelding of aantekening in ’n geskiedenisboek of handboek, of op ’n koperplaat soos die oorlogsmure, of jou besigheid, of op ’n grafsteen of ’n straatnaam of die Steenkampsbrug is voldoende. Daar is baie maniere. Die Bybel is propvol van sulke vermeldings van profete, apostels en ander mense. Prestasie erkenning is ’n goeie ding en motiveer mense. Dit is opbouend. Maar ’n mens behoort nie ’n beeld te maak van ’n ander mens en hom te
DR Peet Visser het lede en gaste van die Wyngilde by die September-proe getrakteer op 'n deeglike wyntoer van die Bordeaux-streek in Frankryk. Wynproewers het in 'n blinde proe, vyf Bordeaux-wyne, waarvan drie uit Frankryk, vergelyk met twee SuidAfrikaanse wyne en moes raai watter wyne van watter streek af kom. Ondanks 'n meerderheid misraaie, was dit 'n heerlike aand, aangevul met Café Crust se bypassende bredie en verleidelike sjokolade-bruintjie met room as nagereg. Die twee Suid-Afrikaanse wyne, Rainbow's End en Arboretum, is aangewys as wyn van die aand. Die Gilde sien ook uit na die uitslag van die jaarlikse Blaauwklippen versnitkompetisie op 5 Oktober. Die voorsitter, dr. Jakkie Swanepoel, woon die spoggeleentheid in die Kaap by omdat Lydenburg se gilde as een van die vier finaliste aangewys is. Lydenburg hou duime vas! ~ Gerda Whitehorn
parliamentarians were so obsessed in protecting the Gupta President, all corrupt to the CORE- “Sies man”. I owe my great debt of gratitude to our most revered constitutional court of the Republic of South Africa, under the splendid leadership of chief Justice Thomas Reetsang Mogoeng Mogoeng. His ruling on Nkandla and all chapter nine institutions was exceptionally amazing. Through gallant fighters like Advocate Madonsela and chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, the number one enemy of our people is fear and fear of the unknown. My prayer is to see the state capture sailing smoothly to its glorious end with full implementation of its recommendations. We pray that President Ramaphosa avoids selective prosecution as that seeks to undermine his leadership as per the Mail and Guardian dated 21-09-2018 (selective prosecution). I am pleased to inform you that the state capture commission of inquiry has acknowledged the letter from the coalition of its intention to testify on behalf of Mpumalanga province. The deputy President DD Mabuza ruled the province with an iron fist and completely paralysed all state institutions in Mpumalanga. There are also serious allegations of eliminating anti-corruption fighters like Jimmy Mohlala. The DA and EFF in parliament raised issues with the deputy President about him being the number one serial murderer in Mpumalanga province. In closing, may the good Lord multiply the production of Glencore for refusing to employ a CLO from the region and have their business dictated to by the ANC region. For this gigantic step you have earned yourselves a ''Newly introduced titled Boss of the Month''.
vereer nie. Ons is ook nie anders as die Europiërs, Afrikane, Russe of Amerikaners nie. Hulle het almal beelde van hulle sogenaamde volkshelde. Ek glo dit is verkeerd. Ek glo dit grens aan mense-aanbidding. Kyk maar hoe gil die dogtertjies ten aanskoue van die bleeksiel Justin Bieber. Of oorle Michael Jackson. Dis om van siek te word. Ek dit dit is myns insiens ’n gruwelike sonde. Bou ’n brug en noem hom die Andre Stander brug as jy dan wil. Dit is funksioneel en reg soos ’n straatnaam wat na ’n pilaar of krimineel in die gemeenskap vernoem is. Lydenburg se stadsvaders (stigter) name is almal te sien in Jansenstraat, Marrensteeg, Viljoenstraat ensovoorts en dit is reg met my. Nee wat, al staan ek alleen in hierdie saak, sê ek vir jou, beelde van mense is erg verkeerd, dit is sonde en dit is uit!
04 Oktober / October 2018
Braaidag fees by Soli Deo Gloria Braaidag/ Erfenisdag is verlede Maandag vinnig gereël vir die inwoners en hul kinders by Soli Deo Gloria Sorgsentrum op Lydenburg. Die Abundant Life Sendelinge het ’n poppekas vertoon. Daar is al amper 90 inwoners by die sentrum. Vir enige navrae skakel Gerda Venter 072 402 6595.
Last article in the series
What is dyslexia? Dyslexia is a learning problem that is a lifelong challenge with which someone is born. Dyslexia has a neurological basis and affects the development and understanding of language. It is a learning problem that hinders reading, writing, spelling and sometimes even speaking. Dyslexia is not a sign of low intelligence, laziness or poor sight. Children and grownups with dyslexia has a neurological problem that process and interprets information differently than people without dyslexia. According to the national institute of health (Information from Sandra Stark) – Dyslexia affects 20% of children, it affects boys and girls equally, it is the main cause of reading problems and for leaving school and can be inherited. Dyslexia effects everyone differently. It depends on the grade of dyslexia and the strategies to compensate for it. Some people with dyslexia struggle with reading and spelling others with writing and some with distinguishing between left and right. Only later when complex language skills develop will they start to struggle. For example in sentence structure, reading comprehension and writing of paragraphs. People with dyslexia find it sometimes difficult to express themselves. They can have trouble finding the right words and structuring them to express their thoughts. Dyslexia has a big influence on a person's selfperception. Without help these children get feelings of hopelessness when they have to learn and they see themselves as dumb. They get teased by other children that leads to a negative self-esteem. Dyslexia has different warning signs in different age groups. Everyone struggles some time in their lives with learning. A learning problem such as dyslexia is constant and always present. Possible indicators of dyslexia: Has difficulty learning nursery rhymes or detecting rhyme; likes listening to stories but shows no interest in letters, words or books; has difficulty learning to sing or recite the alphabet; has a history of delayed speech and language development; has difficulty following instructions; gets letters in words muddled, e.g., cucumber, flutter by; has difficulty keeping simple rhythm; forgets the
names of friends, teachers, colours etc.; displays poor auditory discrimination; has persistent difficulty in dressing, e.g., finds tying shoelaces and manipulating buttons difficult. Has a poor standard of written work compared with oral ability; produces messy work with many crossings out and words attempted several times, e.g., wippe, wype, wiep, wipe; is persistently confused by letters which look similar, particularly b/d, p/g, p/q, n/u, m/w; spells a word several different ways in one piece of writing; makes poor reading progress, especially using 'look and say' methods; demonstrates poor letter-sound knowledge; is hesitant in reading, especially when reading aloud; misses out words when reading, or adds extra words; has difficulty in learning to tell the time; has poor personal organisation; employs work avoidance tactics, such as sharpening pencils and looking for books; has a poor standard of written work compared with oral ability; has neat handwriting but writes very slowly; with spellings crossed out several times and the same word spelt differently in one piece of work; has difficulty structuring written work; has difficulty with punctuation and/or grammar; has difficulty with organisation of homework and completing tasks on time; is hesitant and laboured when reading aloud and omits, repeats or adds extra words, or avoids reading at all costs; loses his place or uses a finger or marker to keep the place when reading; has difficulty in pin-pointing the main idea in a passage; finds difficulty remembering tables and/or basic number sets; finds holding a list of instructions in memory difficult, although can perform all tasks when told individually; is disorganised or forgetful, e.g., over sports equipment, lessons, homework, appointments; is excessively tired due to the amount of concentration and effort required. If your child has one or more of these signs don't hesitate to get him or her help. With the right help and support your child can make a success of school and work. A trained therapist can identify, diagnose and treat dyslexia. Therapists working with dyslexia are speech therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists. Written by Zelna Pieterse (Speechlanguage therapist & Audiologists)
on selected books While Stocks Last.
04 Oktober / October 2018
SLANG STORIES NO. 5 Hierdie keer gesels ons oor Waterslange. Twee spesies kom hier voor : Groen en Bruin waterslange. Albei is onskadelik en nuttig vir die omgewing. Albei verkies ook vogtige plekke naby water. Groen Waterslange (Philothamus hoplogaster) is soos die naam aandui, helder groen, en word maklik verkeerd aangesien vir Boomslange of self Groen Mambas. Soms is daar swart strepies by die nek sigbaar. Die onderkant is wit of geel, word tot 80 cm en kan goed swem. Dis ’n wakker, dag aktiewe slang wat in ruie plantegroei skuil. Die slang rus oornag aan die kante van plante waar hulle
opgekrul die nag deurbring. Hulle kan ewe goed boom klim en seil vinnig weg as gevaar dreig. Groen waterslange vreet paddas, soms word die prooi onder water gevang en na oop grond gebring en daar ingesluk. Vissies en akkedisse maak ook deel uit van hul prooi. Soos alle diere het hulle ook vyande. Voëls, roofdiere en ander slange maak gereeld jag op hierdie pragtige slange. Waterslange lê drie tot agt eiers in die vroeë somer en kleintjies is ongeveer 15 cm lank. Deur Neels Bothma, vir enige navrae skakel hom by 082 730 3047.
5 en 6 Oktober WERK en lag met genot en dankbaarheid - dis wat feesgangers gaan sien wanneer die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes Lydenburg weer kermis hou. Dit vind plaas op 5 en 6 Oktober. Hierdie naweek word reeds ’n jaar vooruit beplan. 5 Oktober: Die Kermis skop af met ’n optog deur Lydenburg om 11:00. Outydse
Groen Waterslang (Philothamus hoplogaster)
motors, perde, motorfietse, fietse veteraanmotors of ander interessanthede. 6 Oktober: Ontbyt begin om 07:00. Daar is ’n teetuin, koop vleis by die grootste vleis en groente tafels met die beste pryse, naaldwerk, wit-olifanttafel, koektafel en meer. Kompetisies: Inskrywingsgeld R20. Kom neem deel met die oorspronklikste hoed, ouma-en-ouma, die man met die grootste maag, baba-, kleuter-, en tienermodelkompetsies, Hondekompetisie: 1. Die mooiste, 2. Dierbaarste, 3. Die oulikste, 4. Wie lyk die meeste na sy eienaar, 5. Die oorspronklikste aangetrek, 6. Vienna run. Daar is ook heeldag ’n biertuin en ook ’n springkasteel vir die jongspan. Stalletjies is welkom. Skakel Andrea Coetzee: 013 235 2146 of me. Jeanetta Kruger: 013 235 2146 of 082 579 2962.
’n Weber ryker Mnr Hannes Marais van Lydenburg het op 24 September 'n lekker verrassing gehad en boonop was dit Erfenisdag. Hy was die gelukkige wenner van die Weber kompetisie te PNA Lydenburg. Me Adri Taljaard (eienaar, PNA Lydenburg) het sy geskenk oorhandig. By PNA kry jy nie net jou skryfbenodighede, boeke en kunsvlyt nie, maar jy wen ook groot pryse!
013 235 1775
04 Oktober / October 2018
Sing in Harmonie
DIT was ’n geleentheid waaroor die dorp nog lank sal praat want toe die kore klaar gesing het, is daar hoorbaar na asems gesnak. Onder die koorleiding van me. Suzaan Bronkhorst het die Hoërskool Lydenburg se koor ’n tweede plek nasionaal en die Laerskool Lydenburg se seniorkoor ’n derde plek nasionaal verwerf. Die kykNet program Sing in Harmonie het vir maande uitdunne gehou om die beste kore in die land op te spoor. En toe is die dorp se twee kore voorwaar ‘voor in die koor’. Me. Suzaan Bronkhorst het na die tyd gesê: “die uitbundige vreugde van saamwees, die gevoel van innerlike vrede.” Die kore was volslae ambassadeurs vir Lydenburg en verdien alle lof wat na hulle toe kom. Van die ouers, tot toesighouers en onderwysers wat almal vroeg moes opstaan in die oggend om die liedere met finesse in te oefen. Almal het hul tyd opgeoffer om ’n wenproduk op die planke te sit. Op die slotepisode van die program het die beoordelaar Phillip Kotze veral die laerskool koor se alte lof gekomplimenteer. Niemand sal in die toekoms twyfel aan die feit dat Lydenburg se kore voorwaar ‘sing in harmonie’ nie.
Die sanger en aanbieder van Sing in Harmonie 2018, Anthony Bougas, en me. Suzaan Bronkhorst wat die koorleier van die hoër- en laerskoolkore was.
04 Oktober / October 2018
This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.
(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
ISUZU recently threw its hat into the SUV ring with the mu-X, going up against the likes of the Fortuner and Everest in the fiercely-competitive ‘affordable’ end of the full-sized family SUV market. It’s a battlefield, and it’s not only the intrinsic qualities of the vehicle that matter – it is also how readily it can be tailored to a family’s lifestyle; whether it revolves around cycling, watersports, touring or fishing. For that reason, Thule is pleased to announce that they can offer a comprehensive range of travel-related solutions for buyers of the new Isuzu muX seven-seater. Available products include the ubiquitous racks (cross bars) which attach to the standard roof rails and act as the platform to which an array of activity-specific accessories can be mounted. In this instance the aerodynamic, low-profile Wingbar Edge is the rack set of choice. It boasts features such as double-moulded plastic caps for a sleek appearance which, along with the TrailEdge feature on the crossbars, reduces air resistance. That also means minimal impact on fuel consumption and low noise levels. With little effort, the crossbars can be fitted with the likes of: The Thule Canyon XT roof basket. Thule Touring M luggage box, or similar As many as four Thule ProRide bicycle carriers Thule DockGrip – a versatile kayak carrier that’ll conform to a wide range of hull shapes and sizes. Says Richard Downey from Thule importer SA Sport & Cargo: “We pride ourselves on reacting swiftly to market demands. With this class of vehicle there is high uptake on accessories that go with the lifestyle family SUVs represent. The list here is by no means exhaustive and Thule have a product to carry virtually anything and everything.” Thule lifestyle products for the Isuzu mu-X and just about any other vehicle you care to name are available from Thule Partner Stores, nationwide. A comprehensive Thule re-seller list can be found at: https://www.thule.com/en/za/dealer-locator#/ Via Motorpress.co.za
FSP 10677
Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen StreetsLydenburg mcgeesales@mcgee.co.za McGee's Burgersfort Tubatse Mall 0132317274
An Authorised Financial Services Provider
04 Oktober / October 2018
Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00
Termiete Kokkerotte Miere Rotte
Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment
3 SLK, 2 BADK o n m i d d e l i k EK KOOP BYNA b e s k i k b a a r , A L L E m o t o r s , Lydenburg. 082 bakkies, kombi’s & 786 1651 dubbelcabs vir k o n t a n t . E k i s AKKOMODASIE/ bereid om op te tel. ACCOMODATION Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ Aflam 072 203 1614 KLITZ-GRAS CHALETS Accommodation, MOTORHUUR/ chapel & Venue CAR HIRE f a c i l i t i e s , boma/braai Spitbraai for hire L Y D E N B U R G 013 235 2758 VEHICLE HIREcar & van rentals. WERK GESOEK/ 013 235 1780 WORK WANTED 6735
JADE ART & L A U N D R Y / FRAMING 013 235 WASSERY A1 - 1241/ 082 337 6927 For all your washing & dry cleaning. 013 235 3976 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING G.A PIENAAR & KIE:Inkomstebelastingopgawes S K O O N M A A K 2018. 1 September V A N M A T T E , - 3 1 O k t o b e r meubels, motors en R1089. 013 235 d r o o g s u i g v a n 4774 oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 AK JEWELS 013 7494 235 1075 REKENAARS/ ROX INTERIORS COMPUTERS Upholstery, carpets, curtaining, I.T.@Large - for all Blinds & Gifts. 072 P C r e p a i r s , 222 5566 maintenance, updating or J O V E L A U T O - purchasing new M AT I S E R I N G hardware and Accessories for s o f t w a r e , v i r u s gates & garage r e m o v a l s , doors. 39 Rensburg networks, call outs street. 079 490 etc. Jacques 071 9183 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 VUURWAPEN OPLEIDING/ FIREARM TRAINING ALL FIREARM COMPETENCY t r a i n i n g & accredited shooting range. Paul Zorn. 083 641 7275 GESONDHEID/ HEALTH & FITNESS DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263
3m x 3m=5000 3m x 4m=5500
For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949
BEDIENDE SOEK WERK nadat werkgewer verhuis het. Julia 072 261 PETS CORNER - 1502 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW parlour. 53 Viljoen St. Rowena 083 326 0941 TE HUUR/ TO RENT
A feasibility study has indicated the possibility of establishing a successful Electrode Casing manufacturing facility in the Steelpoort area to benefit the local economy. Electrode Casings are used in the operation of electric furnaces in the ferro-alloy industry. Electrode Casing manufacturing process involves precision engineering. It is therefore of utmost importance that the proposed manufacturing facility can deliver a quality product with exceptional service at a competitive price to enable its customers to procure from this proposed manufacturing facility on a sustainable basis.
2 S L K WOONSTELLE R3500 p/m. Krugerspost, 20km vanaf Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. A U T O H A U S E N Skakel 082 253 SMART 013 235 4525 2721/ 082 554 8293 MOTORS TE KOOP/ CARS FOR SALE
•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliekerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • EL-ROHI - Die Gemeentes van Christus Rensburg-str.41, Lydenburg. Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 10:00, Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 19:00 Gemeentebiduur, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 lydenburgbaptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 - Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 Lesstudie (Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 09h00 by Lydenburg Akademie Skool (CVO Skool) C.S Linde 083 302 4926.
ATLAS PANEELKLOPPERSG e a k k r e d i t e e r. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382
I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646
Pallet Wendy’s
Fanie du Toit 072-317-3959 Sales & Rentals
Manufacturing of Electrode Casings requires: 1. Stringent quality compliance, precision engineering and 2. The ability to effectively manage a workforce with the necessary control mechanisms, systems, policies, and procedures. (It is envisaged that the successful entrepreneur(s) will preferably have to collaborate with an established enterprise with a proven track record to ensure that the necessary quality control and efficiency measures are maintained. There will therefore have to be a good fit between the successful entrepreneur(s) and the identified partner / established enterprise.) 3. Given the large capital investment required to establish a state of the art / automated manufacturing facility, the successful entrepreneur will also have to meet the criteria laid down by the funders. 4. Finally, it is important to ensure that the local communities benefit from this initiative with regards to job creation - and growth opportunities. Proposals are hereby invited from interested entrepreneurs indicating how they propose to contribute to the establishment of and participate in the day to day operation of such a potential enterprise.
Keys (cut) Remotes Locks Safes Gate Motors (Centurion) 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla
joe.log.homes@gmail.com www.jjwendyhouses.co.za
We deliver everywhere
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Tiaan Dippenaar 076 629 7605 tiaandippenaar1@gmail.com
To qualify, a participant must fulfil as many of the following criteria as possible: 1. S/he must be from one of the local communities in proximity to the existing operations and mines in Steelpoort (Proof of residence is required) 2. S/he must preferably have business experience and a proven record of doing business with the mines and existing operations (Require a Tax Clearance Certificate; a Letter of Good Standing and a Business Profile) 3. S/he must have appropriate qualifications to manage such an operation (Please attach certified copies of qualifications) and / or alternatively have appropriate experience (Please attach an updated CV with references that can be contacted) 4. S/he must be able and available to participate on an active basis in the day to day management of the business. 5. S/he must have access to funding or be in a position to make a financial contribution to the business. Even though the emphasis is strongly on empowering local entrepreneurs, just being local and representative will not be sufficient. To qualify you will have to submit a business case with financial projections clearly outlining what will be required to manufacture 200 casings per month: 1. The type and cost of equipment required to make this venture succeed 2. The size, layout and requirements of the envisaged workshop space 3. The staff complement needed, clearly outlining the key positions; the number of staff per position and the positions that your key people will fill. 4. Your own contribution to this venture whether it be cash, assets or in-kind contributions. If you are interested in participating, you are requested to mail your motivation with the supporting documentation for the required criteria listed above before or on 22 October 2018 before 12h00 to marketing@ledconsult.co.za. The decision of the adjudication panel to select the best possible candidate based on the documentation received, will be final.
Nuus / News
04 Oktober / October 2018
Gerda 079 515 7799 Pieter 083 274 1986
THIS Game Ranch provides Quality and Value for money to satisfy even the most discerning buyer, with beautifully furnished houses and with views overlooking gorges and a beautiful waterfall. The 5500ha ranch is aimed at providing a full nature experience in the Bushveld. All activities available to the owners, are nature related - hiking, mountain biking, 4x4, swimming, river tubing and fly fishing for yellow fish and trout. Private Reserve is underpinned by the meeting of two Eco Zones - the Highveld and the Lowveld. Because of its elevation it is a Malaria free area. The Dorps River and the Spekboom River flow through the reserve with interesting features such as numerous rapids, rock pools and waterfalls. The topography ranges from wetland to savannah and from forested gorges to dry rocky outcrops. The reserve is also rich in archaeological history and evidence of primitive dwellings, rock art and artefacts
Madelein 082 560 4981
can be found. The reserve also has its own airstrip. Each property offers: 10,000 m² freehold stand; Thatch roof properties (lodge like atmosphere); Professionally managed with permanent staff; 1/125 share in the 5500ha Private Nature Reserve (common property); 1/125 share in an investment company which has approximately R20m of game which roam the reserve (including 3 of the Big 5). Majority of the furniture is included and will be specified in the sale agreement. This unique development is less than 300 km from Gauteng and only 120 km from the Kruger National Park. Please contact Pieter at Pam Golding on 083 274 1986 to view one of these fantastic properties from as little as R900 000.00 to R3 000 000.
P.R.I.D.E. vullisdromme is net bedoel vir straatvullis DIE groen P.R.I.D.E. vullisdromme is net bedoel vir straatvullis. Dit beteken papiertjies ensomeer wat in die strate van die dorp naby sulke dromme opgetel en daarin gegooi word. Hierdie dromme word op Woensdae leeggemaak deur die Sakekamer se span helpers en vervang nie die Munisipale “asry” funksie nie. Tuinvullis, besigheidsvullis en gemors wat uit kantore kom, moet steeds soos voorheen in swart sakke toegeknoop en op straat uitgesit word op die betrokke dag wanneer die Munisipaliteit vullis verwyder. Ons vra asb almal se samewerking in die verband. Andre Coetzee.
VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop *Uitsonderlike netjiese 3 Slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise met stoorkamer. Binne braai. Buite Studio, Wendy huis, netjiese tuin en buite toilet. R12900 pm *Netjiese winkel/kantoor spasie te huur (reg oorkant Mediese Sentrum) R4800 pm *Baie ruim 3 Slaapkamer plaashuis,( ongeveer 10km uit die dorp) 2 badkamers, en 1 motorhuis met woonstel. R8650 pm
Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: INA 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net
Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5