13 Desember / December 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 49

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13 Desember / December 2018 Jr/Yr 15 No. 49 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Navorsing oor tierboskatte

Van links na regs, Wimpie by sy suster Joey, sy pa Willa en sy ma Ina.

Mini p. 3 substation was a ticking time bomb

“Daar is nie ’n ma wat soveel vir haar seun opgeoffer het nie,” het mnr. Willa Boshoff gesê oor sy vrou Ina. Dit is na die dood van hul seun wat deur die jare in Lydenburg en die res van die land se harte ingekruip het na ’n motorfietsongeluk aan die begin van die Longtompas. Wimpie was in ’n vegetatiewe toestand na die motorfietsongeluk amper vyf jaar gelede. ’n Vriend het die oggend na die ongeluk op hom langs die pad afgekom en Wimpie was reeds in ’n koma. Hy was in verskeie hospitale in-en-uit, twee dele van die skedel is verwyder om drukking te voorkom en die hospitaal het vir die Boshoff-gesin ’n roetine geword, maar hulle het nie verlede week toe hy na Middelburg oorgeplaas word gedink dit sal dit laaste keer wees nie. Hoop het hulle nooit beskaam nie. Dr. Van Velden, wie die gesin bedank vir al sy hulp en sorg aan Wimpie, het hulle aangeraai om hom onmiddellik te laat opneem nadat hy die laaste paar dae voor sy dood meer kritiek was en sy ma agtergekom het sy hartklop is verkeerd.

Wimpie is toe die Donderdagoggend om 00:23 in Middelburg oorlede. Vir sy ouers en familie was dit na die ongeluk nie eers ’n kwessie om hom in ’n versorgingsinstansie te plaas nie. Wimpie is selfs saam met vakansie want hulle kon hom nie alleen los nie. Met die hulp van baie vriende, weldoeners en organisasies het hulle sy kamer met ’n hospitaalbed, rolstoel, suurstofmasjien ens. ingerig. Willa se 1985 matriekgroep van Meyerton het met hul reunie geld ingesamel om vir Wimpie ’n tiltbed te koop. Daarin kon sy versorgers hom vir ’n paar ure laat ‘staan’ sodat sy bloedtoevoer kan verbeter. Hy is ook gereeld omgedraai en het buisvoeding gehad. Dit was vir mediese personeel altyd ’n mooi voorbeeld dat hy geen bedsere gehad het nie. Deur die loop van sy 1732 dae as pasiënt, het sy ma me. Ina Boshoff, op Facebook, hul vriende en belangstellendes op hoogte gehou met ’n dagboek oor hoe dit met Wimpie gaan en almal het gereeld die gesin en Wimpie in hul gebede opgedra. Op die laaste dag het Ina geskryf: “Met my

hart in duisend stukkies wil ek vanaand net dankie sê vir almal se liefde en ondersteuning, al die boodskappies en oproepe die afgelope 1732 dae en ook die laaste twee daggies. Dis ’n onbeskryfbare seer pad wat voorlê sonder Wimpie. Wimpie my kind, jou plekkie is leeg mamma kry baie swaar. Ek sal altyd vir jou lief bly. Liewe Jesus, vanaand wil ek vir U dankie sê vir nog 1732 dae wat U ons saam met Wimpie gegee het. Dankie vir die krag wat U ons elke daggie gegee het. Dankie vir als wat u vir Wimpie gedoen het Liewe Jesus. Hy is nou in die beste hande. Here, maar ons het U nou baie nodig om ons harte weer heel te maak.” “’n Vriend het vir my gesê Wimpie is op die 14de Februarie gebore, hy het 14dae na sy verjaardag geval vier jaar en tien maande gelede en sy begrafnis is ook op die 14de. Dit laat my dink alles het uitgewerk soos die Here bepaal. Ons gaan jou mis my kind,” het sy pa verder gesê. Die Roudiens is op Vrydag 14 Desember om 11:00 by die PPK Kerk Lydenburg. ~ Deur Michelle Boshoff


13 Desember / December 2018

Well known favourite pharmacy now part of Medicare Group

HORISON pharmacy is now Medicare Health. Finding high quality and affordable healthcare solutions is becoming increasingly difficult. Getting a nurse or doctor is time-consuming or even impossible in some parts of the country. Treatments are complicated and the range of medicines vast. And to top it all, most South Africans pay out of their own pockets for increasingly expensive everyday healthcare. Medicare believes everybody d e s e r v e s e a s y, e q u a l a n d affordable access to healthcare and is reinventing the pharmacy to make that a reality. Medicare wants to make it a one-stop destination for South Africans’ everyday healthcare needs. That means getting everything needed under one roof: Consulting a pharmacist or a nurse, picking up medication and even getting blood tests done or seeing a doctor in-store via the i n d u s t r y l e a d i n g Vi d e o M e d service. VideoMed - bringing quality From left (back) Neo Mahowa (Area Manager), Ester de Beer, Gary Simpson (Operational manager), Inge Stubbe, Elna de Lange, healthcare to everyone. Helen van Zyl; (front): Jolene Erasmus, Alicia Bothma, Chantel Meyer. Medicare’s VideoMed service allows patients sitting alongside a nurse in a pharmacy clinic to quickly and conveniently access a doctor via secure video link. Instead of travelling far or standing in long lines, people who need medical care can save time and simply go to a Medicare pharmacy. In addition to the convenience the service also costs less than a regular doctor consultation. Medicare’s VideoMed service also provides increased access to doctors, not only in cities and towns but also in more remote areas and communities where access to doctors and specialised care is often limited. This means better access to quality healthcare for all patients. Who is Medicare? Medicare has more than 47 community pharmacies across South Africa. Nearly all the clinics offer the services of a processional nurse from VideoMed. Medicare aims to offer an unrivalled healthcare experience that dramatically improves the lives of South Africans. ~ Michelle Boshoff Bonita van der Merwe, Gary Simpson (Operationals Manager), Petrus Ngwato, Eunice Magagula, Linah Koza and Neo Mahowa.


Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00 Sat: 09:00-12:00 39 De Beer Street,Lydenburg 1120 Tel / Fax: 013 235 1075 akjewelslydenburg@gmail.com

13 Desember / December 2018 ’n Mannetjie en wyfie tierboskat van Verlorenvallei Natuurreservaat buite Lydenburg is deel van ’n navorsingsprojek deur die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Dr. Jannie Steyn van die Lydenburg Dierekliniek, is ingeroep om die katte te verdoof sodat die span saam met die navorser Daan Loock monsters kan neem. Loock is besig met sy doktorsgraad. Daar is bloed-, uriene-, en mismonsters geneem om vir parasiete en virusse te toets. Mates van die katte se pote en gewig is geneem. Die katte word aan dieselfde siektes as huiskatte blootgestel en die data is van onskatbare waarde. Die katte sal volgende jaar toegerus word met halsbande om data te monitor as deel van die projek. Dit is mnr. Loock se 113de en 114de tierboskat landswyd in die voortgaande projek om ook vas te stel hoe groot die katte se teratoriums is. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Dr. Jannie Steyn van die Lydenburg Dierekliniek het gaan hand bysit om twee tierboskatte te verdoof en monsters te neem as deel van ’n navorsingsprojek deur Daan Loock van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Foto’s verskaf.

Data van tierboskatte geneem Truth about Thaba Chweu and inspiration Mr Pompies Letwaba writes: The Christmas period offers mankind a perfect opportunity to help, bless, heal and magnify the good mighty Lord. The birth of the Redeemer our Lord, Jesus Christ, perfectly refills us with the divine power to conquer the impossibilities of this world. At the same time, we cannot claim to be holy whilst our actions and words are the direct opposite of love and respect for our fellow brothers and sisters regardless gender and colour. I am greatly moved by a God fearing Cornelius in ACTS CHAPTER 10 VERSE I. He saw the need to worship the name of the Lord and generously shared his wealth with the poorest of the poor. He distinctly saw an angel of God,'Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before the Almighty God. We are living in a complex world whereby people are trapped by a horrendous spirit of Mamon (A spirit of greed and worshiping money). This is a spirit of failing to bless others and continuously reminds the empty, proud and bragging generals of the devil that they are powerful and God does not exist. As shrewd as I am, as fearless against private sector sponsored killings as I am and vocal against fraud and corruption as I am, Lord, I confess with my mouth that I am able to share the little I have with the downtrodden regardless of colour and gender. I took it upon myself to reveal to the world community about my passion for travelling and eating delicious food. Its my prayer to my creator that our roads through the blood of Jesus Christ may be purified from arrogant middle finger pointing reckless drivers with a mission statement to hurt and kill happy touring families, exploring the beauty of our country and its gorgeous landscape. Tourists are sometimes forgetful of their immense blessings and His divine protection whilst enjoying themselves. I shed tears when a mama in the area of our majestic Three Rondavels and the scenic beauty of potholes is cleaning toilets surrounded by her underage kids. Nobody except my family was able to call them to our table and we shared our meal with them. Blessed is a hand that gives than a hand that receives. It was not by her choice to clean your mess including cleaning a dirty norm of spitting saliva everywhere like a lethal Mozambique spitting cobra. Public indecency is a mammoth challenge facing our communities including our urban areas. The stench of h u m a n u r i n e everywhere in public facilities is unbearable and poses a huge health risk to innocent civilians. Men urinating in such places must be stopped and those found committing such shameful acts must be arrested. I will continue praying without ceasing that littering must be seen as a crime and municipalities tightening the municipal by-laws to eradicate these barbaric behaviours. Our country is not for sale to the highest condom and expired food littering p e o p l e . W h i l e celebrating, let us not be reckless by disturbing our shift working workers and nurses. In simple practical terms loud music is extremely barbaric. May the good Lord multiply Our Blessings in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name.

Mini substation up in flames

STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738

The mini substation on the corner of Viljoen and Jansen Street caught fire on Tuesday morning. It may result in a few days without electricity in certain areas. A person who wished to stay anonymous with knowledge of the situation on the scene, told the newspaper that this minisub was reported several times, if not up to 30 times, due to it being unsafe.

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BURGERSFORT 013 231 8008




13 Desember / December 2018 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:




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Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Highlands Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

OMER en son en saffier. Alles blink met die nuwe son wat daarop skyn. So dig die slampamperman C. Louis Leipoldt. Nee... daardie uitdrukking is net vir mense wat na die see staar! Wel, of vir diegene wat sorgeloos in 'n swembad sit, baie geld het vir uiteet en rondry. Gaan kyk in 'n Afrikaanse woordeboek onder die letter “s”. Jy sal plus-minus alles daar raakloop wat ons somervakansies gedenkwaardig gemaak het: veel meer as net die sonskyn en swembadjie. Maar in Die Uwe se woordeboek is somer vir my iets heeltemal anders. Alhoewel die somer heerlik warm en vrolik is, bring dit talle frustrasies. Somer gaan vir baie mense gepaard met hitte-uitslae en hitte-uitputting. Somer is ook onder andere 'n ope-uitnodiging vir insekte om jou te kom byt en jou agter te laat met jeuk en krap plekke. Ek lyk met tye of ek masels het. Ek het letterlik nou alles op die mark gebruik en die reuk van insekweerders maak my ongelooflik naar. As iemand nog raad het laat weet my. Ek weet nie van julle nie maar die somer en saffier van Desember het my in my hele bestaan nog nooit getref nie. Selfs al was ek op heerlike seevakansies. Dit gaan altyd oor waar is die naaste koelte, die naaste waaier en die soel aande… dit is altyd heerlik. In die somer is daar nie vir my 'n middelweg nie. Ek kry net warm. Ek smelt net. Ek kry hitte-uitputting. Ek brand 'n blaas op my neus na ek deur 'n parkeerarea loop, ja regtig. Sondag het alles sommer gelyk gebeur. Teen Sondagaand was ek poegaai. Hoe Jessiah moes voel wat elke dag in die son werk, wil ek nie eers dink nie. Maar hy sê dit pla hom nie. C. Louis Leopoldt se gedig beskryf ook die mooi van die somer Vol van die vreug van die somerdag; Bly die gekwetter van bruin tinktinkies; Blyer die son wat goudgeel lag. Algar wat lewe, algar tevrede, Hoog op die heuwel en laag op die vlei; So was dit gister, en so is dit hede Somer en son en saffier vir my! Heer, wat die hemel oor my sprei, Dit is my eerste en laaste bede: 'Somer en son en saffier vir my!’ ~ Deur Michelle Boshoff

Hebriërs 12:3: Hou Hom voor oë wat so 'n vyandige optrede van die sondaars teen Hom verdra het. Dan sal julle nie geestelik moeg word en uitsak nie. Vader, gee dat ons Jesus ons Verlosser altyd in die oog sal hou, en Sy voorbeeld sal volg, veral in hierdie moeilike tye - Amen.

Sosiale Vaardighede EEN van die redes waarom gemeenskappe vandag uitmekaarval is ons gebrek aan sosiale vaardighede. Of dit veroorsaak word deur misdaad, politiek of ander verskille, ons het almal ’n laertrek mentaliteit. Ons bly by die huis, braai by die huis, drink by die huis, swem by die huis en kuier net met familie. In die ou dae was dit nie so nie. Ons het in die strate gestap, vensterinkopies gedoen, aan die veerpyltjie of snoekerklub behoort en by vriende

Dankie vir 2018 se diens Seniorburger van Lydenburg skryf: Groot dank en waardering aan die volgende instansies: Highlands Panorama Nuus wat elke

Voter registration for South African citizens living abroad will take place at all South African foreign missions from 1 to 4 February 2019. Registration will take place during office hours at South Africa's 120 foreign missions, including high commissions, embassies and consulates worldwide. A full list of South Africa's missions is available on the website of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) at http://www.dirco.gov.za/webmissions/index.html. The finalisation of international voter registration follows the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) on registration and voting at diplomatic missions abroad. The agreement gives effect to the Electoral Act 73 of 1998 which provides for all eligible South African citizens to register and vote in national elections. DIRCO has assisted the Electoral Commission with the registration and voting of citizens abroad since 1999. All South Africa citizens aged 16 and older and in possession of an official South African identity document (either a blue barcoded ID book, a smartcard ID or a temporary ID certificate) are eligible to register as voters. Citizens who live abroad must present themselves in person at their nearest South African mission in order to register as voters. In order to apply for registration they will require their South African identity document as well as a valid South African passport. Citizens living abroad who are already registered to vote – either on the national or international segment of the voters' roll – need not re-register but will be required to inform the Electoral Commission of their intention to vote outside of the country. They do so by completing an online form (Notification and Application to CEO for Special Votes Abroad) indicating the mission at which they intend voting. This form will be available on the website at www.elections.org.za from the date the 2019 national election is proclaimed for a 15-day period. The Electoral Commission will issue a notice to this effect after proclamation. For updates on the process to apply to vote abroad please follow the Electoral Commission on social media (@IECSouthAfrica on Twitter and Facebook) or visit the website www.elections.org.za. MORE ABOUT VOTER REGISTRATION ABROAD Who needs to register to vote abroad? To vote in South Africa's elections, you must be registered as a voter. First-time voters who are not currently on South Africa's voters' roll must apply for registration at their nearest South African embassy, high commission or consulate-general. Voters who live abroad, but were previously registered in South Africa, are still registered to vote and are not required to reregister. What do I need to register to vote abroad?

gaan musiek luister en bordspeletjies speel. Dit is wel so dat dinge verander het en ons agter heinings skuil. Ons wil nie meer betrokke wees by die sakekamer of die rolbalklub of die ouetehuis nie. A.g.v. misdaad pas ons ons plekke op. Ons interaksie met ander mense, wat uiters noodsaaklik is, raak al hoe minder en ons verloor hierdie vaardighede. Kinders en jong mense het veral ’n behoefte aan sosiale interaksie en dit leer hulle belangrike vaardighede. Maar hulle leer by ons as ouers, bly maar by die huis, speel videospeletjies of is die hele tyd op die selfone met sosiale media besig.

week tuis afgelewer word, polisie, sekuriteitsmaatskappye en privaatpersone wat ons veiligheid verseker. Mag julle ’n Geseënde Feeseisoen beleef.

You must: Be a South African citizen; Be at least 16 years old; Have a valid South African ID – either the green barcoded ID book OR smart ID card or Temporary ID Certificate; Have a valid South African passport. Where can I register abroad? You must apply in person for registration at your nearest South African embassy, high commission or consulate-general (visit http://www.dirco.gov.za/webmissions/index.html for locations and contact info) during their normal office hours. Please note that it is not possible to register or vote at honorary consuls' offices. When can I register abroad? The registration event will take place from 1 to 4 February 2019 for South African citizens abroad. How can I check if I'm already registered? Visit the My Voter Registration Details page at https://www.elections.org.za/content/For-voters/Myvoter-registration-details/ on the Electoral Commission's website and submit your ID number. Should you visit South Africa before the 2019 elections, you can also SMS your ID Number to 32810 (R1.00 per SMS sent or received) for your registration status and voting station details. (This SMS facility is only available if you are in the Republic of South Africa.) What documentation do I need to take with me to register? Please take BOTH your South African ID (green, barcoded South African ID book, smart ID card, or valid Temporary Identity Certificate) AND your valid South African passport. Both documents are essential. Only original documents can be accepted – no copies. What if my ID and passport have different surnames, for example, one still has my maiden name? Do I need to re-register? You do not need to re-register. The Electoral Commission uses your identity number and checks it against the National Population Register (NPR). We then get your name as it's reflected on the NPR (the Department of Home Affairs automatically changes your name when you get married), and that is the name that appears on the voters' roll. You can apply for a new ID/passport reflecting your changed name if you want to. These new documents can be applied for at any South African mission abroad or at the Department of Home Affairs in South Africa. The date for the 2019 national and provincial elections is only expected to be announced by the President in early 2019. In terms of the Constitution the elections must be held within 90 days of the expiry of the current term of the National Assembly and provincial legislatures. Their term expires on 6 May 2019, and the 90 day period ends on 5 August 2019, so the elections must take place between these dates. The President has indicated his intention to call an election before the end of May 2019. For general queries: Email info@elections.org.za www.facebook.com/IECSouthAfrica

En ons grootmense verstaan dit nie, kritiseer die jongmense en gaan te kere. Maar hoeveel sosiale vaardighede het ons ons kinders geleer? Daar is drank- en dwelmmisbruike en allerlei euwels wag daar buite, so ons kinders is veilig tuis met hulle selfone en leer nooit om hierdie slaggate te identifiseer en dit te bestuur nie. Ons onbetrokkenheid by ander lei tot ons negatiwiteit, onvergenoegdheid, onbedagsaamheid en onverdraagsaamheid. Dit is alles onaanvaarbare gedrag en baie sleg vir ons en ons kinders. Dink na hieroor. Besluit om dit ’n klein bietjie te verander. Sluit aan by ’n organisasie of twee. Neem ’n Nuwejaarsvoorneme en stof bietjie daardie sosiale vaardighede af of leer dit aan. Glimlag. Dit is goed vir almal.

13 Desember / December 2018

THE Longtom Motor Group (Nissan, Renault and Hyundai) are planning their annual ToyRun. This great initiative has been running for the past 13 years to gather toys and other necessities for underprivileged children in time for Christmas. Old toys are given new life by the staff at the Longtom Group but new toys are just as welcome. This year the scope of the request is just a little larger to include non-perishable foodstuffs for people and for pets. “ Our plan is to help Home4Paws this year as well. I know every household is on a strict budget but if we all stand together we can make a difference. If a person gives willingly then he receives willingly as well. We would really like to help with not just toys but food as well. So for just one evening people do not have to go to bed hungry, or a child’s face is lit up by a smile from a gift and to help Cathy at

RATA, geleë te Viljoenstraat Lydenburg het op Vrydag 7 Desember kinderharte bly gemaak deur hul te neem op hul jaarlikse Kersuitstappie na Kromklip. Die kinders het dit gate uit geniet, geskenke was uitgedeel, koeldrank, spookasem en allerhande lekkernye so na 'n kind se hart. Rata wil graag vir Kromklip bedank sowel as elke ander donateur wat die dag moontlik gemaak het, Rata wil niemand uitsonder nie maar spesiale dank aan Imbali, asook DRA

global, Melissa, oom Marius en elkeen genoem of nie genoem nie, wat ons gehelp het om die dag vir die kinders moontlik te maak. Hul het heerlik geswem, gesmul aan die eet en drinkgoed en kon 'n dag geniet vry van hul allerdaagse uitdagings, in 'n ontspanne omgewing waar daar vir 'n paar ure van alle sorge vergeet kon word. Indien u wil betrokke raak skakel ons kantore gerus op 013 235 2847.

Home4Paws feed the animals she rescues is our mission this year” said Fred Zeeman. So generous people of Lydenburg, Fred Zeeman has raised the challenge. Let’s stand together and prove yet again that Lydenburgers do care and do make a difference in peoples’ lives, especially over this festive season. You can take your donation and drop it off at the Longtom Motor Group (Nissan, Hyundai or Renault) or contact them on 013 235 2381, ask for Stephen and they will come and collect it from you.

13 Desember / December 2018

Elandsfontein Geloftefees Machadodorp PROGRAM Vanaf 15 Desember 2018 – 17 Desember 2018 Laertrek – Gratis kampering Datum: 15 Desember 2018 10h00 Boeresport / Skyfskiet 12h00 Braai of Piekniek. 13h00 Perdesport Verversings word te koop aangebied 17h00 Braai – Pap, Sous en Bykosse word verskaf. (Braaipakkies te koop aangebied); 18h30 Verskeidenheidskonsert /Geselligheid (Vir deelname: Gee U naam en item gedurende die dag) 16 Desember 2018 05h00; Oggendsaluut 06h00 Biduur 07h30 Gereedmaak van Perdekommando 08h00 Vertrek van kommando 09h00 Vlaghysing by Feeshuis 10h00 Geloftediens, ds. Arrie van Heerden. Prysuitdeling, kollekte na die Erediens 11h30 Feesrede - Ds. Arrie van Heerden 13h00 Middagete, Braaipakkies te koop. Kontak: Izak Davies 083 701 2243 / Matilde Pretorius 082 878 5570, matildep@assmangchrome.co.za

180 jaar herdenk • Badfontein Geloftesfees. Saterdag 15 Desember. 09:00 by Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes. Aankoms van perdekommando, kort diens. Oorhandiging van Bybel, Gelofte en vlae, perdekommando vertrek. 15:00. Gehou op Alwyn Beetge se plaas, Badfonteinpad. Hannes Joubert gee ’n praatjie oor swartkruit. Boeresport, eiergooi, sakresies, kleiosse bou, kettie skiet, eetgoed te koop ens. 18:00. Kampvure word aangesteek. Bring-enbraai. Stokbrood en malvalekker-braai vir kinders. Kampvuurkonsert en volksliedjies word gesing. Beperkte verblyf skakel Marilize Beetge by 084 208 8257. • Sondag 16 Desember. 10:00 Aankoms van perdekommando. Oorhandiging van Bybel, Gelofte en vlae. Geloftediens ds. Willie Botha. Eerbetoning, saluutskote, sing van volksliedjies ens. Dankgebed. Na afloop van die verrigtinge is almal welkom om saam te braai, pap-en-sous word voorsien. Bring swemklere vir die kinders. Skakel Nico Cross: 013 235 3003, 013 235 0236 of 082 470 3070.

• Watervalsrivier / Burgersfort: Vrydag 14 Desember 17:00. Laer opslaan, bring-en-braai, pap en sous word voorsien. Saterdag 15 Desember: Boeresport, konsert, potjiekos, pap-en-sous word voorsien, fliekvertoning en Kindervermaak. Sondag 16 Desember: 04:00 Saluutskote 09:00 Kerkdiens. Maandag 17 Desember 08:00 Stap na waterval. Kontakpersoon: Ruan Potgieter: 082 339 4406. • Ohrigstad: Saterdag 15 Desember 18:00. Bring-en-braai by Potgietersaal. Sondag 16 Desember: 09:00 Erediens by NG Kerk Ohrigstad. Kontakpersoon: Marnus: 076 041 6057 of Liesie 072 592 5781. • Steenkampsberg / Naauwpoort. Saterdag 15 Desember 17:00 en Sondag 16 Desember (meer inligting volg vlg week). • Badfontein - Saterdag 15 Desember 17:00 - Saterdag, Sondag 16 Desember Erediens en perdekommando. (sien program langsaan) • Lydenburgkerke: Geloftefees eredienste by onderskeie kerke.

Kersliedere, inkopies by die mark en smaaklike eetgoed is altyd ’n resep vir ’n heerlike middag. Die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes het Vrydagmiddag nog ‘n fees gehou om fondse in te samel vir die bejaardes. Kontak hul gerus om by te dra by 013 235 2146 vir die Kerstyd en om navrae te doen oor hoe om betrokke te raak.

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13 Desember / December 2018

Drome van Eiffel-toring en die Franse taal

Om die jaar se Franse klasse kreatief af te sluit, het Shalene Theron (links) en Anke van Deventer (regs), Mme Gerda Whitehorn omgepraat om by Houtgeskenkies elk 'n Eiffel-toring te gaan verf, as blywende herdenking aan twee jaar se prettige Frans-praat. Kinders van Graad 6 tot 12 wat volgende jaar wil leer Frans praat, kan met Gerda skakel via whatsApp 079 515 7799 of gerda@whitehorn.co.za

Ablutions for play parks Thaba Chweu Local Municipality wants to build ablution blocks at the play parks in Lydenburg Buhrmanstr and in Mashishing. They need donations for bricks (broken or whole). If you can help or assist, please contact Andre at 081 778 5904 or Etli 082 371 6449

13 Desember / December 2018


This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.

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Happy motoring to two new Kia owners DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg

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175/70/13 R492 175/65/14 R492 185/65/14 R625 185/65/15 R634 195/50/15 R570 205/55/16 R680 205/40/17 R710 195R14 R892 And many more specials

Mr Andries Viljoen and Mrs Letsoalo are now the proud owners of their new Kia Sorento 2.2 DSL LS 2WD A/T 5 Seater vehicles. May you have many safe miles with your vehicles.

Swansong for local Corolla? We are stockholders of the following tyre brands

LATE in November 2018, Toyota South Africa Motors confirmed the new Corolla sedan would be imported into South Africa rather than built at the brand’s Prospecton plant in KwaZulu-Natal. And now we have word the outgoing sedan is set to live on as a locally produced Quest-badged offering, which means the 43-year run of local Corolla production technically won’t end just yet. The imported twelfth-generation sedan is expected to launch in SA at some point in 2020, following the arrival of the Corolla hatchback in February 2019. Of course, the move to use the outgoing sedan as a base for a “new” Corolla Quest – while not yet officially confirmed by Toyota SA Motors – makes sense, since the current prolonged lifecycle vehicle is quite popular in South Africa, both with private consumers and with fleet buyers. In November 2018, Toyota is said to have sold 880 units of the Quest (officially, the Japanese firm reports a figure to Naamsa that combines Corolla, Auris and Corolla Quest sales, which in this instance was 1 426). So, what does all this mean for the Prospecton facility’s production and export volumes? Well, it’s interesting to note that local production and export of the eleventhgeneration Corolla has declined steadily over the past few years (previously, Prospecton supplied many European markets with the Corolla, but from the eleventh generation the sedan was also built in Turkey), with the Hilux forming the bulk of both monthly figures. As an example, in November 2018, Toyota exported 3 652 units (admittedly down a considerable 2 267 units on the firm’s effort in October), comprising 3 400 examples of the Hilux, 142 units of the Fortuner and just 100 vehicles from the Corolla line (plus 10 examples of Hino trucks). In fact, over the past half year, Corolla exports have averaged 88 units a month. A report from August 2018, meanwhile, suggested Toyota SA was “investigating” the possibility of building a “more affordable” car in Durban. And seems likely this as-yetunannounced model will fill any freed-up production capacity at Prospecton. carmag.co.za


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13 Desember / December 2018

The perfect gift for the petrolhead in your life IT's that time of the year when everyone gets paid early, the shops are full and there is Gammon on just about every table. With that said, things can get hectic and this notion rings true when having to buy Christmas gifts, especially for car-crazy loved ones. If you're planning to buy a gift for someone and they are a petrolhead, there are quite a few items that will have them smiling from ear to ear. Whether its a scale model car or a logo t-shirt, there is a wide variety of options to choose from. Wheels24's Janine Van der Post says: Model cars and car t-shirts are a winner any time of year and would definitely make my husband smile. In fact, I wouldn't mind finding something like that under the tree as well. I am in desperate need of a new book shelf, and I wouldn't mind one made from a car grille or even shaped like a car against our bedroom wall. Or a paint job for my Toyota Corolla 20V RSI - that would put him in my good books for a solid two years! A few things to consider: 1. Sound system upgrade A host of car audio shops are having discount sales this time of the year on things like head units and subwoofers. Places like Soundmatch and Autostyle stock a wide range of products. Depending on the brand and its features, you can pick up a head unit for around R400 or even take a look at combo specials on offer as well. 2. Logo T-shirts There is nothing to show that you love cars more than wearing a logo printed t-shirt. There are a host of international websites that sell these but it often takes a month or two to arrive here, meaning they won't get it in time for Christmas. On the other hand there are a host of printing shops that can do it for as little as R100. If you don't want to go through the printing process, there are a number of local suppliers like StoneDeff Originals and Double Apex. 3. Scale model cars The Simonstown toy car museum and the Dreamers hobby shop is the places to visit if you want to snap up a collectible model car. Most of the cars housed at the museum cannot be bought anywhere else so there is a bit of rarity attached to it. The Dreamers hobby shop is a much closer alternative and also has a wide variety of cars on show. 4. Key rings/stickers/lanyards Almost all automotive shops sell these. Everything from miniature NOS canisters to 'not sponsored by mom and dad' stickers can be found. A popular spot is Racing Edge in Parow with a glass cabinet full of add-ones starting from R100. 5. Meguiar's car care products These can be a bit pricey but it is a quality product used by a number of car washing services in Cape Town. It is sold both separately and part of a pack depending on which application you want to use. Game stores have a wide range to choose from.

6. Fast and the Furious box-set You're not a true petrolhead if you don't enjoy atleast one of the movies in the franchise. The blu-ray copies make for excellent quality while there are also a host of additional or deleted features not known if you watched it in the cinema. Be sure to check stores like Musica and Takealot.com for availability. 7. Set of new wheels There is no better way to kit your car out with a fresh set of wheels to roll on into the new year. Just like with plenty of other products this month, there will be discounts and combo specials on specific sizes, notably from 15 to 18". Alies Wheels, Goodhope Tyres and Shaba Mags are some of the most well-known places for the latest sets. 8. Forza Horizon 4 or Gran Turismo Sport If they have an Xbox One or Playstation 4 they will love you forever with either one of these. Just about any computer or big outlet store will have it. Alternatively, you can also purchase it online. 9. Advanced driving course There are a host of these packages available online. Whether its hijack prevention or just high performance driving around the track, there are a number of options to choose from. These courses can be purchased as vouchers with prices starting from R1 500. Check out Gift Experience South Africa. 10. Xenon/LED replacement lights They are cheap and offer a much better alternative to the ordinary globes. Every reputable auto parts shop stocks them, China town also has rear reverse light Tel: 013 235 3423 ones that looks really cool. George: 064 755 0730 wheels24.co.za

Pieter: 082 454 8382 atlaspaneel@mweb.co.za


13 Desember / December 2018

Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment

purchasing new hardware and software, virus DIENSTE/ removals, networks, SERVICES call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre L A U N D R Y / 079 881 1932 WASSERY A1 - For all your washing & dry cleaning. 013 235 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES 3976 G.A PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en Pastel agent 013 235 4774

ATLAS PANEELK L O P P E R S G e a k k r e d i t e e r. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

AK JEWELS 013 235 AUTOHAUSEN 1075 SMART 013 235 ROX INTERIORS - 2721/ 082 554 8293 Upholstery, carpets, curtaining, Blinds & MOTORS TE KOOP/ Gifts. 072 222 5566 CARS FOR SALE JOVEL AUTOMATISERING Accessories for gates I BUY VEHICLES for & garage doors. 39 cash. 082 646 6735 Rensburg street. 079 490 9183 EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, MATHS VIDEOS: bakkies, kombi’s & Simply the best1 d u b b e l c a b s v i r Grade R - 3. Learn, kontant. Ek is bereid achieve, succeed. om op te tel. Skakel Grade 4 - 12. 060 782 Unis 082 959 9120/ 2527 Aflam 072 203 1614 VUURWAPEN OPLEIDING/ FIREARM MOTORHUUR/ CAR TRAINING HIRE ALL FIREARM COMPETENCY training & accredited shooting range. Paul Zorn. 083 641 7275 GESONDHEID/ HEALTH DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263 ART/ FRAMING JADE ART & FRAMING 013 235 1241/ 082 337 6927 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all P C r e p a i r s , maintenance, updating or

Krugerspost, 20km vanaf Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. Skakel 082 253 4525

AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMMODATION KLITZ-GRAS C H A L E T S Accommodation, c h a p e l & Ve n u e facilities, boma/braai -Spitbraai for hire 013 235 2758 KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES Kennisgewing: die ondergenoemde voertuie sal deur GS Auto verkoop word na 30 dae vanaf eerste plasing van die advertensie om die besigheid se kostes te dek sowel as stoorgelde vir die voortuie as die eienaars nie die rekenings kom betaal nie: Nissan Xtrail, silwer, Reg: HMZ 772 MP; 2004 Nissan Hardbody, gold, REG: BHB 116 L; BMW X5, Reg: FND 852 MP Kontak GS Auto by 013 235 3086 vir verdere inligting.

within the boundaries of Mpumalanga Province. Postal address: P O Box 6886, Lydenburg, 1120. Telephone number: 072 454 2410. Cell phone number: 072 454 2410. Addresses to which comments must be submitted: Comments should be made in writing and be addressed to the municipality concerned and a copy to the applicant , to reach the said addresses within thirty (30) days of this publication. Municipalities address: Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Cnr Central and Viljoen Street, Lydenburg, 1120. Applicants a d d r e s s : 11 5 Potloodspruit FARM, Lydenburg, 1120.

INVITATION FOR P U B L I C COMMENTS IN APPLYING FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE IN TERMS OF SECTION 35(2) (A) O F T H E MPUMALANGA L I Q U O R LICENSING ACT, 2006. I, David Moloko, ID Number LY D E N B U R G 540716 5287 089, an VEHICLE HIRE- car INVITATION FOR adult male hereby & van rentals. 013 P U B L I C invite written public COMMENTS IN c o m m e n t s 235 1780 APPLYING FOR A c o n c e r n i n g m y LIQUOR LICENSE application for a I N T E R M S O F liquor license to the TE KOOP / FOR SECTION 35(2) (A) Mpumalanga Liquor SALE O F T H E Authority to trade M P U M A L A N G A under the name KITSGRAS - L I Q U O R Mogo Matse K E K O E J O E LICENSING ACT, Trading. I make this L y d e n b u r g e n 2006. I, Senty application for omgewing. 071 402 Themba Nkambule, m y s e l f . L i c e n s e ID Number 751206 Type: The retail sale 9279 5757 087, an adult o f l i q u o r f o r male hereby invite c o n s u m p t i o n o n w r i t t e n p u b l i c premises where the TROETELDIERE/ c o m m e n t s liquor is sold. PETS concerning my B u s i n e s s application for a Premises: Physical liquor license to the a d d r e s s : 1 4 1 PETS CORNER - 013 Mpumalanga Liquor Draaikraal Farm, 235 2658 Authority to trade Roossenekal, 1066 u n d e r t h e n a m e being an address in D O G G Y I N T H E C o t h a p r e d d o the Republic of South Africa and situated WINDOW parlour. 53 Trading. I make this within the boundaries a p p l i c a t i o n f o r Viljoen St. Rowena myself. License o f M p u m a l a n g a 083 326 0941 Type: The retail sale Province. Postal of liquor for address: 141 TE HUUR/ TO consumption on and Draaikraal Farm, RENT off premises where Roossenekal, 1066. the liquor is sold. Telephone number: B u s i n e s s 082 675 3213. Cell 8 B A C H E L O R Premises: Physical phone number: 082 W O O N S T E L L E . address: 1136 Blio 675 3213 Addresses Dadelik beskikbaar. street, Mashishing, to which comments 072 240 5100 1 1 2 3 b e i n g a n must be submitted: a d d r e s s i n t h e Comments should be 3 SLK HUIS TE Republic of South made in writing and HUUR R5000 p/m. Africa and situated be addressed to the municipality

concerned and a copy to the applicant , to reach the said addresses within thirty (30) days of this publication. Municipalities address: Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Cnr Central and Viljoen Street, Lydenburg, 1120. Applicants address: 141 Draaikraal Farm, Roossenekal, 1066 KERKE/ CHURCHES Anglican Church Ly d e n b u r g . S u n . 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerdek e r k Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n . 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moederg e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Wo e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e Hanekom. • EL-ROHI - Die Gemeentes van Christus R e n s b u r g - s t r. 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 1 0 : 0 0 , Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 1 9 : 0 0 G e m e e n t e b i d u u r, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2 0 8 8 • N e w Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor:

013 235 4905. • L e w e n d e Wo o r d Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 lydenburgbaptiste@i sat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. S e r v i c e s Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 E r e d i e n s . # L y d e n b u r g Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh

Keys (cut) Remotes Locks Safes Gate Motors (Centurion) 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla

082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS B e t h e s d a Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas G o u d m y n , Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t


Ly d e n b u r g , P a s t Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 4 4 8 2 6 5 8 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.


(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Registered Debt Counsellor 082 924 9292 Burgersfort 087 151 1034 Lydenburg 087 802 7054

Nuus / News

13 Desember / December 2018

House of the week Deo Volente This property is situated in a popular estate offering all the security and privacy expected. The neat home is priced to sell. Open plan lounge and dining room. Spacious kitchen with modern, beautiful units, and separate scullery / laundry. Three spacious bedrooms all with ample built- in cupboards. Two bathrooms, main ensuite with a stylish corner bath. Guest bathroom has a shower, toilet and basin. Undercover entertainment area leading from reception rooms with a built-in braai. Double garage with an automated door and direct access to the home. Double carport. Private and well sized easy maintainable garden, with remote controlled gate. R1 275 000. Call Henry at Deo Volente Properties on 074 589 0204 or 013 235 1102.

1. 'n Lieflike grasperk Lei altyd jou grasperk soggens nat (voor 08:00 is ideaal) en dien gereeld 3-1-5kunsmis toe om dit dwarsdeur die somer te laat gedy. Neem asb waterbeperkings in ag. 2. Blomgroei Sny of snoei jou blomdraende struike een keer per maand om baldadige blomme in die somertyd te verseker. 3. Inheemse indoenas 'n Mengsel van inheemse en blomplante bied jou 'n waterwys tuin en verseker ook dat jy dwarsdeur die jaar blomme sal hê. 4. Sing jy van blomme … Plante wat oorvloedig blom, is 'n plesier as jy van snyblomme in jou huis hou. Inkalelies groei soos weghol-brande – trek dit eerder uit die grond as wat jy dit pluk wanneer jy die blomme oes, want dit moedig groei aan.

5. Kostyd Verleng die blomtyd van jou plante met blaarvoeding ('n vloeibare kunsmis word direk op die plant se blare gespuit) van 'n produk soos Seagro Seaweed Foliar Spray en vul yl plekkies grondlangs met 'n deklaag of 'n grondbedekker aan. Bounce Back of 'n soortgelyke groeiproduk wat een keer per maand gebruik word, sal ook blomplante aanmoedig om aan te hou blomme dra. 6. Woeker op jou werf Gemengde gebruik van blomme-, groente- en kruietuine verskaf heel- wat visuele plesier en eetbare belonings. 7. Groen plaagbeheer Verjaag slakke met skyfies komkommer wat in 'n aluminiumhouer geplaas word – die komkommer reageer met die aluminium en gee 'n reuk af wat slakke en hul maters pes.

8. Roos-raad Rose wat voldoende water kry, is meer geneig om siektes te weerstaan. Skep 'n dammetjie om elke boom om die water op te vang – en gee dit elke tweede dag water in plaas van elke dag. 9. Sonde met die 'diere' Honde-urine bevat hoë vlakke van stikstof wat grasperke kan doodmaak. Verbeter dié kolle so: verdun jou hond se gunsteling-draailoopkolle met water, en om te verhoed dat hy weer na dieselfde kol toe teruggaan, bedek die area met 'n tak of twee van 'n doringboom totdat die gras herstel het. 10. Sit die pot … raak Plaas potte met geharde vetplante in op jou terras vir heeljaar se genot. Groepeer potte van verskillende vorms en groottes. www.goeiehuishouding.co.za

13 Desember / December 2018

Marga Kirton and Pieter V Vuuren, prize winners

function. The Committee is pleased to confirm an increase of funds collected this year, which stands at R15 000. This was awarded to a Grade 1 pupil of Laerskool Lydenburg, Joshua Vermaak, who has extremely poor eyesight affecting his Charity Award: Pieter Van Vuuren, Cornè Vermaak, Genay daily functioning and ability to learn. His eyes are tested by an ophthalmologist in Nelspruit for an Vermaak, Nadia Venter; (front): recipient Joshua Vermaak accurate adjustment to the specification for the annual replacement of high magnification lenses GOPHERS Golf closed this years league and early February 2019. according to his current level of sight. This The annual Gophers League Competition awards fund raising efforts for the 2018 season with its process continues until he, at a later stage may points on a sliding scale based on the individuals year end game played at the scenic Pilgrims Rest Golf Course and its award function held IPS results of each game played. Bonus points are afterwards at The Vine Restaurant in town also awarded for the number of games played in with thanks to Danie Brummer and Johnnie the year and for being one of the prize winners. Reinders for the donation and preparation of The “Player of the Year” trophy is awarded to the male and female player who obtained the highest the sheep braai. The days competition was won by Johan Viljoen accumulated score at year end. This year the with runners up Willie Lotz and Nadia Venter. trophies went to Pieter Van Vuuren and Nearest to the pin was won by Marga Kirton on MargaKirton. Well done to them. The charity award was also presented at the rg, the short hole. The new season is planned for

Marga Kirton (nearest the pin), Johan Viljoen (1st place), Willie Lotz (2nd place), Nadia Venter (3rd place)

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need to undergo a lens operation. The payment of current costs for the treatment is coordinated via the school social worker Chrisan van Buuren. We thank all the golf courses where our games were hosted and all the league players, as portion of their green fees are used to raise funds. We appreciate the support from our regular sponsor Longtom Super Spar and the sponsorship from Johan Kruger of WBHO Pty Ltd for the game at Highlands Gate. We thank the Highlands Panarama News and Michelle Boshoff for all the articles published. The Gophers Committee wish all our players and sponsors a blessed Christmas and a safe Festive Season. ~ By Bruce James

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