24 Januarie / January 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 3 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Photo Andre Hanekom Foto: Andre Hanekom Mr Jonathan Kock (Acting MMC Finance & Technical), Ms Sphiwe Matsi, (Acting MM) Mr Manqele (Electrical Manager); (back): Andre Anderson (Rural Maintenance) Etli vd Merwe (LMBC Chairperson), Wessel Davel (LMBC Government Liason)
THE Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber (LMBC) had a productive meeting with the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality (TCLM) Acting Municipal Manager, Ms Siphiwe Matsi, the MMC Mr. Johathan Kock and Technical Managers of TCLM on 18 January. The meeting was convened by Mr. Wessel Davel and six members of the LMBC attended to discuss pressing electrical problems and power outages in town. It was explained by TCLM that the current electrical infrastructure was much older than 30 years and that despite the replacement of many overhead and other lines, minisubs and switchgear, the system is huge. Underground cables have been joined at various places and most of these joints collapse, as the demand for electricity grows. The maintenance budget and staff capacity simply cannot keep up, as it is not also growing. There are five main substations supplying TCLM, each with its own network of mini-subs, lines and switchgear. Some lines serve outlying areas such as Potloodspruit, Sterkspruit, the Rooidraai farms, Mosterdhoek and so on. Apart from the developments in town, some of these areas have also experienced massive growth. TCLM indicated that a process is being started that will have Eskom take over Coromandel and most of the outlying areas above. Mr. Andre Anderson from the private company Rural Maintenance gave a presentation that included the success of the Mafube Municipality in the Free State that includes several towns such as Villiers and Frankfort. He extended an invitation to TCLM to actually visit Mafube to ascertain how the system works. It is a long term solution whereby the entire network is taken over, maintenance is financed by private sector and the whole network is overhauled and managed by the private sector. Several speakers from the LMBC stressed the importance of tourism, business and the fact that happy residents contribute to growth, but they are tired of answers about dilapidated infrastructure, lack of resources and capacity and all the old stories, without a plan that can be implemented. TCLM indicated that several discussions and meetings with Eskom and Duma are taking place. A meeting was scheduled for 24 January, between TCLM, Duma and Eskom during which a presentation by Rural Maintenance will also be included. The LMBC was invited to attend. The solution seems fairly straight forward in that the entire system must be overhauled from A to Z. However, it will involve lots of discussions, meetings and buy-in from all roll players. It is key that an expert company such as Rural Maintenance be involved and even more important that all political roll players should support the plan, irrespective of political differences. This is about the sustainable future of an entire community. It must involve residents, Organised Business, TCLM, the Portfolio Committee, Provincial Treasury, Eskom and National Treasury. All of this will require time and constant communication with the entire community The meeting was held in a very positive spirit and there is hope that our electrical issues will be dealt with in time. Andre Coetzee
24 Januarie / January 2019
Ongelukke vier hoogty sonder stoptekens In die bo-gaande foto’s is net ’n paar voorbeelde van straatname en stopstraattekens wat glad nie meer sigbaar is nie. Op die hoek van Simmons en De Souzastrate was me. Reinette van Schalkwyk in ’n ongeluk betrokke omdat die stopteken self nie meer teenwoordig is nie. Dieselfde vir Brown straat. Slegs die dowwe ou verf is nog op die teer, waarna mens mooi moet oplet om te kyk of dit wel ’n stopstraat kon gewees het (foto bo). Inwoners kla al jare oor die gebrek van instandhouding van stopstrate en stoptekens. Die ander faktor is dat dit geignoreer word, selfs waar dit nog teenwoordig is. Motoriste en inwoners doen ’n beroep op die Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit om strate weer veilig vir die motoriste en voetgangers te maak. Ongelukke vind nou veels te gereeld plaas - vir iets wat baie eenvoudig opgelos kan word - Michelle Boshoff.
Me. Lorraine Stols, Remax Winners, het nou net mooi genoeg gehad van ’n lek wat al twee maande loop in hul erf in Lydenburg. Volgens haar vloei die water net sterker. Herhaalde rapportering aan die munisipaliteit het niks aan die probleem gedoen nie. Die water is al groen. Net onderkant daardie lek was daar ook ’n groot pyp wat stukkend was waar water sterk uitgeborrel het en toe kinders weer daar speel soos ’n fontein uitgespuit het. Haar erf sowel as haar buurman se erf was onder water. • Die munisipaliteit is bewus van al die probleme maar in ’n onlangse vergadering is bevestig dat hul mannekrag en tydfaktor die herstel daarvan inhaal. Daar is deesdae by amper elke huis ’n vorm van herstel nodig deur die munisipaliteit, hetsy krag of water. ens. - Red.
Dr. Karen Kromhout BChD (Pret) Dr. Auke van der Meulen BChD (Pret) Dr. Leanda Meyer BChD (Pret) Bronwen Rall - Oral Hygienist Cnr Church & Viljoen Street (Opposite Medical Centre)
www.mysmile.co.za Tel : 013 235 1983 / 013 235 4563
24 Janaurie / January 2019
Photo: Lorinda Kapp
THE activities of the Sector 2 (Lydenburg) Community Policing Forum (CPF) are bearing fruit. During the CPF meeting held on 14 January the SAPS confirmed that crime statistics for November were down 4% in comparison with November 2017. What was not given was the reduced crime for the period September to December 2018, which is known to be significantly lower. The meeting, chaired by CPF chairperson Hugo Fourie was well attended and covered important matters such as the role of the CPF, CPF procedures, the role of private neighbourhood watches, ID. cards, signing in at the SAPS station, radio procedures etc. The CPF is not a vigilante group. Private citizens do not have the right to apprehend people, stop vehicles etc. and may only conduct a private citizens arrest under specific conditions and rules that satisfy all the elements of a crime. The CPF acts as a watchdog that barks if something suspicious is seen. Its role is to observe and to report any suspicious activities to the SAPS and members of the CPF. Becoming a member of the CPF is free with the only obligations to pay for your i.d. card yourself and to donate your time and fuel for patrols. You have to sign and subscribe to the code of conduct for the CPF. Doing patrols is voluntary and not compulsory. There is no reward for being a CPF member, other than knowing that you are contributing to the reduction in crime and improving overall safety in the community.
So, why become a member? The answer is simple. You are assisting each other and residents under the custodianship of the SAPS. It is a legal entity and it enjoys the full co-operation of citizens, private security companies and the Police. The more members we have, the easier it is to operate without placing a burden on just a few individuals. Please offer your help and let us work together. Contact Hugo Fourie (chairperson) on 083 299 9204 or Lorinda Kapp (secretary) on 071 944 1175. Andre Coetzee
STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738
24 Januarie / January 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
Registreer om te stem
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit
2 KRONIEKE 7:14: en my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, toon berou en bid en vra na my wil en draai terug van hulle bose weë af, sal Ek luister uit die hemel en hulle sonde vergewe en hulle land laat herstel. Ons Vader ons bede is dat ons almal na U sal terugkeer en dat U hierdie belofte sal nakom - Amen.
Die wolf by die deur GEREELDE lesers ken my. Ek hou my nie op met samesweringsteorië nie en ek is nie in sak en as oor negatiwiteit nie. Maar ek is ook nie blind vir realiteit en daaglikse gebeure nie. Ek is ook nie so naïef dat ek Jan Brand se “Alles sal regkom” storie lekker glo nie. So, daar is nog ’n opstoot in Zimbabwe. Die keer lyk dit rof. Die Zimbabwiese bevolking is grootliks ongewapen, so die regering gebruik die tipiese
Op 26 en 27 Januarie 2019 word alle stembusse landswyd geopen en word geleentheid gegee om te registreer. Stemlokale open 8vm en sluit 5nm. Neem u identiteitsdokument of tydelike ID dokument saam. Ek doen ‘n beroep op stemgeregtigdes: maak seker julle registreer en stem. Moet nie deel word van die stille meerderheid soos in 2014 nie. Die deelname van alle Suid-Afrikaners in die verkiesing is fundamenteel vir die volgende sukses van die demokrasie.
Check your voter registration status THE next registration weekend for the 2019 National and Provincial Elections will be on 26 and 27 January 2019 at your local polling station. You may not be able to vote where you live if your address is missing or incorrect at the Electoral Commission! The 2019 national elections are coming up! Your last chance to register to vote in
Skoonma se tong
k is baie versigtig om dit hardop te sê maar ek het onlangs twee Cv’s gesien waarvan ek nie die diploma-gedeelte glo nie. Altans die feit dat die persone regtig aan die betrokke tersiêre instelling hul kwalifikasies voltooi het nie. Toe ek die persone so per abuis begin uitvra oor hul werksondervinding en of hul dan nie geleer het om sekere dinge te doen tydens hul diploma-opleiding nie, het hulle glad nie geweet waarvan ek praat nie. Dit het my laat wonder. Maar ek het nou nie die moeite gedoen om dit van die instelling self te bevestig nie. Iets was net nie pluis nie. Ek het die afgelope naweek met vriende gekuier wat vir groot universiteite praat. Dit was vir die een werknemer so ironies dat sy nie ‘n student kan help registreer nie. En sy werk daar. Hy kom van Marble Hall. Sy ma is haar huiswerker. Maar tussen haar en sy ma gaan hulle toesien dat hy ’n graad behaal. Dit is ongehoord. By hierdie bekende universiteit in Pretoria het registrasieprosesse altyd ’n vrot geur. Dit is bloot net onmoontlik. En dan nog meer onmoontlik vir die betrokke vriendin, wat boonop daar werk. En sy het gedink sy sou hom eerder kon help. Ek kan insien hoekom baie matrikulante ook net gaan werk omdat hulle glad nie weet hoe om by die universiteite en kolleges aansoek te doen nie. In my dae was daar loopbaanuitstallings. Jy het kaartjies gekry van die bemarkingsbeamptes van al die universiteite in die land. Ek is seker dit bestaan nog, maar gesien in die lig van die vlakke van opleiding, geletterdheid en hoe bekwaam mense vir hul poste regtig is, is sekere vrae seker van toepassing. Die meeste plekke wat wel nog gekwalifiseerde personeel het, maak van konsultante gebruik. En die konsultante se tarief is waar die hele begroting heen gaan. Maar hoe as jy dan nie eers na matriek ingeskryf kom by ‘n universiteit nie. Ja, ons het ook baie gepraat van die ‘voorregte’ wat ons geniet het as Afrikaanse-kinders, maar ek kan nie een oomblik terugsit en met die antwoord opkom - dat alles in my skoot geval het nie. Dit het ook nie in my pa, sy pa of my ma se skote geval nie. Hulle het daarvoor gewerk en daarvoor betaal. Nou kom ek weer terug na die twee Cv’s wat vir my baie verdag gelyk het. En dit boonop van instellings wat ek nog nooit van gehoor het nie. Miskien moet ek maar my joernalishoedjie opsit en uitvind of die plekke wel bestaan. Ek weet net staatsdepartemente, gesondheid, onderwys, polisie en justisie is maar ‘n paar dele waar daar groot leemtes in is. En as die matrikulante van 2018 nie eers kan geregistreer word nie, het ons nog groter probleme as wat ons elke dag moet sluk.
C. Coetzee VF+ Hoofsweep van Lydenburg skryf: In die verkiesing in 2014 was daar 36.67 miljoen mense bo die ouderdom van 18 jaar wat stemgeregtig was, maar slegs 25.4 miljoen het die moeite gedoen om te gaan registreer om te stem. Sowat 31% van die stemgeregtigdes het nie gaan registreer nie. In die verkiesing het sowat 27% van die kiesers wat geregistreer was om te stem nie gaan stem nie, wat beteken 58% van mense wat kon stem, het nie gestem nie.
Afrika diktator tegniek om die mense te intimideer, te arresteer en selfs te skiet. En so sal dit gaan. Dit is net nog ’n Afrika land, “so what”! Die probleem is hulle is ons bure. Hulle is verarm en vlug - suid na die land van melk en heuning. Ons sekerheidsmagte is ook so verarm en versukkel dat hulle nie die gety by die grensposte gaan keer nie. So die wolf is by die deur. En hoe onskuldig en bejammerenswaardig die situasie vir die vlugtelinge ookal is, hulle probleme gaan nie hier stop nie. Suid Afrika sit met ’n enorme werkloosheidsprobleem. So as hierdie vlugtelinge in hordes hier kom eet, sal
the elections will be on the weekend of 26 and 27 January at your local polling station. Electoral Commission office or on 26 or 27 January at your local polling station. However, those who have registered before can update their details online by visitinghttps://www.elections.org.za/MyI EC/Account
Sansevieria trifasciata. Dié interessante plant is glo ’n goeie absorbeerder van gifstowwe. Dit is droogtebestand, groei vinnig en het min aandag nodig. Dit is perfek vir groot tuine of harde grond. Met ’n naam soos skoonma-se-tong sal dit enige tuin interessant maak.
ons binnekort weer die xenofobie ding sien kop uitsteek. Plaaslik is die bankrotskap en geldstelery deur politici ook reeds so erg dat daar maar min oor is. En die regering se standaard metode is om elektrisiteit, brandstof en water net duurder te maak. Soos my goeie pel sê “Daai kite gaan nie vlieg nie”. Watter raad kan ek gee? Ek weet nie, maar deursigtigheid op alle vlakke en plekke is ons samelewing is nodiger as ooit. Wees op hoogte van sake. Wees voorbereid. Hou jou kant skoon en stap op die moreel hoë grond. In die natuur geld die beginsel van veg of vlug en ek ken die natuur. Ek hou nie van vlug nie. As ek verkeerd opgevryf word is daar net een opsie. Maar ek is ’n redelike mens. Jy moet baie vryf op my “op te charge”! Hou hierdie spasie dop.
24 Januarie / January 2019
Praatjie met tema: Gebroke gesin met heel gesinslede DR. Thelma Laubscher van Barberton kom bied vir Rata Lydenburg 'n praatjie aan ge-titeld: ’n Gebroke gesin met heel gesinslede. ’n Baie groot persentasie kinders word vandag groot in gebroke, enkel of saamgestelde gesinne. Hierdie ouers wil ook graag vir hulle kinders die beste opvoeding gee moontlik. Kom luister na 'n opvoedkundige wat alreeds 40 jaar hiermee werk. Kom leer meer hieroor en kom rus jouself toe om hierdie taak aan te pak - sonder om uit te brand, skuldig te voel of boedel oor te gee. Kom leer ook hoe jy in die proses kan heel word en waardig bly. Die praatjie vind plaas op 16 Maart om 08:30 tot 14:00 by die Hervormde Kerksaal deur dr. Thelma Laubscher. Dis kos R100 per persoon en sluit middagete in. Skakel Rata by 013 235 2847 om te bespreek of e-pos lydenburg@rata.org.za
SOMMER so in die begin van die nuwe jaar het lede van die Longtom Fotografieklub vir Januarie 19 'n paar baie mooi fotos ingeskryf. In die vaste onderwerp afdeling het Heather Aspeling met haar pragtige Kersversierings foto gewen. Die foto is geneem met 'n Nikon D5600, F5, ISO 100, 66mm lens. In die ope-afdeling het Marthinus du Plessis gewen met sy mooi bobbejaankleintjie wat hy in die Kruger Nasionale
Park afgeneem het met 'n Canon EOS 7D mark II, F3.2, ISO 100. In die monochrome (swart-en-wit) afdeling was die wenner Lani Visser met haar voëls wat 'n droë boom besoek. Die vergadering vir volgende maand vind plaas op 11 Februarie by die Hervormde Kerk om 18:00. Persone wat belangstel kan vir Des Jacobs (voorsitter) 076 858 6317 of Lize Maritz (sekretaresse) 083 279 7997 skakel vir verdere inligting.
24 Januarie / January 2019
Research shows mining is not only answer for development
RECENT research conducted by ActionAid South Africa on the social, political and economic conditions of mining affected communities in South Africa has completely debunked claims by the Minister that mining will bring jobs and development to communities such as Xolobeni in the Eastern Cape. Our research, which will be launched publicly on the 5th of February in Cape Town has highlighted some of the following outcomes which calls into question the claims by the Minister: • 73% of the respondents indicated that no individuals in their households were either currently employed or previously employed by the mine. • Of the 27% who indicated that someone in their household was employed at a mine, 41% indicated that they were casual or manual jobs. • 79% indicated that there was no benefit from the mines at all. • 40% of women indicated that jobs are only accessible through sexual favours. Conducted in 8 communities across South Africa in conjunction with MACUA and WAMUA, involving door to door surveys and interviews, our research paints a picture of a mining industry that benefits the few while condemning communities affected by mining to poverty, violence and deteriorating health and well being. The upshot of the paternalistic top-down development proposed by the Minister under the current mining regime, is that the developmental outcomes, are more often than not, the type of outcomes that deepen inequality. Christopher Rutledge AASA Natural Resource Manager says; "When examining the human-centred results of the baseline studies, the promise of progress and development driven by SLP`s and the Mining Charter are not
evident, and the evidence points instead to a far more systemic process of excluding the voices of affected communities. This type of exclusion, which the baseline survey points to, produces a structure within which the social and economic outcomes are experienced as a violation against the person of those affected” via email ED: While research depends on the areas canvassed and the sample size normally produce credible results, there is also a different way to look at the situation. I have known the Burgersfort / Steelpoort / Lydenburg area since 1969. The growth of especially Burgersfort and Steelpoort, the businesses established and the jobs that these businesses have created must not be discounted. The question is simple: Would there have been a Mall and a Casino in Burgersfort without the platinum belt mines? Would the place have grown like it has without the mines? The answer is no. Business attracts business. At least three local newspapers operate in the area. So, if you are employed by a grocery store or a clothing store, that store exists because of growth and in this case undoubtedly triggered by the mines. People must look at the big picture. The economy is a big machine that creates jobs. Maybe not for all, but for many. Sabotaging any part of the economy, harms the whole machine and people invariably lose jobs. So, before you criticize or strike against a mine or business, look around you. Locally we are exceptionally fortunate because of the involvement and ongoing support our communities receive through the hard work and commitment of the mines in our area, of which many examples exist.
24 Januarie / January 2019
Blomme in die hare, dis nie net vir tuine nie
Die Tuinbouklub het verlede Woensdag hul eerste vergadering van die jaar gehou by die Tumbleweed Kwekery en heerlik in die skadu gesit en kuier. Hulle beplan interessante projekte en praatjies vir 2019. Van links is Dina Tryhou, Annetjie Ackermann,Vita van Rooyen, Magda de Jager, Jo van Rooyen, Nirene Wagner, Hester le Roux, Katrien van Tonder, Gé Reingrover en Elize Swart.
Geniet die Boer & Brit-dag op Val Mpumalanga Erfenis hoop om vanjaar in goeie getalle hierdie geleentheid by te woon. Die plan is om reeds op Vrydag 29 Maart te vertrek en mekaar teen laatmiddag vir 'n drankie in die kroeg te ontmoet. Die geskiedkundige gehuggie Val, op die Hoëveld lê tussen Greylingstad en Standerton in die suidweste van Mpumalanga GPS: 26°47'46.4"S 28°56'05.8"E. Val is bekend vir sy jaarlikse Anglo
While Stocks Last.
Boereoorlog-fees waar daar 'm magdom praatjies, inwydings en ens. sal plaasvind. Dit geniet veral groot byval onder die geskiedenisliefhebbers. Kontak Linda Grimbeek by die Kruger Lowveld Tourism at linda@klcbt.co.za or 013 755 1988.
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24 Januarie / January 2019
This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.
(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
Hierdie fotos is geneem van padongelukke in Suid Afrika oor die Feestyd - bron die Internet
DIE slagting op ons paaie word net erger, ten spyte van verhoogde wetstoepassing. Volgens Blade Nzimande is daar hierdie afgelope vakansieseisoen 1 612 mense dood, teenoor 1 527 verlede jaar. Volgens hom is 8 507 in hegtenis geneem, waarvan 2 223 vir dronkbestuur. Dit is 26% en dit is net die ouens wat gevang is! Daarinteen is 775 of net 9% gevang vir spoed. Van al die oorledenes was 35% voetgangers. Van die nege provinsies is daar net in twee, naamlik Gauteng en Noordwes laer sterftesyfers aangeteken. Heelwat van die ongelukke en sterftes was toe te skryf aan oorlading, onpadwaardige voertuie, buitelanders agter die stuurwiel en onwettige U-draaie op besige paaie. Volgens Ndimande gaan wetgewing sodanig verander word dat dronkbestuur as ’n skedule 5 misdaad (soortgelyk aan roof of moord) vervolg gaan word, met swaar strawwe. Daar is na my mening twee ander faktore wat lei tot ongelukke en dit is die aantal mense met vervalsde lisensies, of mense wat bestuur sonder ’n geldige bestuurderslisensie en ook die graad van ondervinding of ervaring van die bestuurder. Ek meen, plaas nou ’n negentienjarige wat dalk sy lisensie en PDP in verdagte omstandighede gekry het agter die stuur van ’n taxi met 15 passasiers. Waar het hierdie outjie met respek die ervaring opgedoen om ’n voertuig wat op ’n nat pad gly, te beheer? As ’n persoon vir my kan bewys dat hy 5 000 kilometer of meer per maand op alle padtoestande vir die afgelope 5 jaar afgelê het sonder ’n ongeluk, dan behoort hy die werk te verstaan. Ons bestuurderopleiding laat veel te wense. Die weermag het sy diensdrywers van militêre voertuie (troepe en vragdraers) destyds aan ’n 6 weke intensiewe opleidingsprogram onderwerp. Dit het ingesluit dag en nagbestuur, op alle padoppervlakke, met en sonder sleepwaens en op onbegaanbare heg-en-steg (offroad) terrein. En ten spyte daarvan het verskeie drywers dit nog verkeerd gekry. Jy moes ook ’n oorbruggingskursus doen vir elke ander voertuig wat jy moes bestuur. Amper soos ’n “conversion” vir ’n vlieënier wat van een na ’n ander vliegtuig oorskakel. Praktiese opleiding moet baie meer intensief wees. Andre Coetzee
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24 Januarie / January 2019
CARS and technology go together so much these days that the high profile Consumer Electronics Show, held in Las Vegas in January, was recently named one of the top ten auto shows in the USA. Many of the big motoring brands now choose to launch vehicles at CES and not just to reveal their tech innovations. So, what's hot in auto tech from CES 2019? 1. CAMERAS AROUND CORNERS. All-round video vision and sensors are standard at the top end but the cameras are becoming high-res and Nissan's Invisible-to-Visible technology combines data from car sensors with info updated via the cloud to create a virtual image of what's coming out of sight and around the corner. Some manufacturers have an app which allows you to use the car's cameras to remotely check the area around your vehicle. The same apps offer the ability to flash lights, honk the horn or start the car. 2. CONNECTIVITY AT THE WAVE OF A HAND. Connected car tech is moving beyond an internet connection into computer vision and augmented reality on the dashboard with seamless ease of use and convenient integration with smartphones. The Mercedes-Benz User Experience infotainment system, launched at CES, controls the infotainment and climate control systems simply by gesture or voice. 3. HASSLE FREE PHONE CHARGING. As new smartphones offer wireless charging capabilities, automakers have responded by installing wireless charging pads as standard features on some models. 4. HIDING THE TECH. BMW's Vision iNext features what BMW calls 'Shy Tech' with control interfaces integrated into the décor that only appear when you touch the pad. This is meant to create a cleaner interior. 5. ELECTRICITY IS CURRENT FOR MOTORBIKES. All the major car manufacturers are racing to stay ahead in the development of electric powered vehicles and the motorbike manufacturers are joining in. HarleyDavidson has two new electric bikes and has announced its first ever electric production motorcycle. via email By Jeff Osborne, Head of Key Accounts Gumtree SA.
Will the next Amarok be built by Ford? VW and Ford recently confirmed the latter would “engineer and build” bakkies “for both companies” as part of a new global alliance. And that has led to fresh speculation the next-generation Amarok may well be built right here in South Africa. The current Ranger, of course, is produced at the Blue Oval brand’s Silverton assembly plant in Pretoria. And if Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa retains the contract to built the Ranger when its next generation rolls round, there’s every chance – as German publication Handelsblatt points out – that the new Amarok would be built alongside it. Ford invested more than R3-billion in its SA local operations for the launch of the current Ranger in 2011, servicing South African buyers and exporting to more than 148 markets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In 2017, a further R3-billion investment was made to expand production capacity to meet growing worldwide demand. The 500 000th Ranger rolled off the factory’s assembly line in August 2018. Under the new alliance, Ford will furthermore engineer and build “larger commercial vans for European customers” for both firms, while Volkswagen will “develop and build a city van” (we suspect this will serve as the next-generation Volkswagen Caddy and Ford Transit Connect). Meanwhile, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles CEO Thomas Sedran told Automotive News Europe that “clear decisions” on production locations had yet to be made. That said, Sedran added “the more production we have in the low-cost countries the better”, before singling out Turkey and Poland as “very competitive” sites specifically for van production (Ford has a factory in Turkey while VW runs a plant in Poland). For the record, the Ranger is currently also made in Thailand, while production of a US-spec version of the bakkie began in Michigan in 2018. The Amarok, meanwhile, is currently made in Hanover, although Handelsblatt reports the latter’s production will cease by 2022. carmag.co.za
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We are stockholders of the following tyre brands
24 Januarie / January 2019
Tel : 013 235 1711 * Faks: 013 235 3107 www.ganda.co.za e-pos: gertandreelek@lantic.net Posbus 1159 Kantoorstraat 24 Lydenburg 57 Kerk St Lydenburg 013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555 After Hours: 076 053 7178 082 883 5342
Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Jac Brink; Dr Brian Chester-Browne; Dr Hestia Brink; Dr. Philippa Colly
Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware, Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar
DIENSTE/ SERVICES L A U N D R Y / WASSERY A1 - For all your washing & dry cleaning. 013 235 3976 G.A PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en Pastel agent 013 235 4774 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 ROX INTERIORS Upholstery, carpets, curtaining, Blinds & Gifts. 072 222 5566 JOVEL AUTOMATISERING Accessories for gates & garage doors. 39 Rensburg street. 079 490 9183 M AT H S V I D E O S : Simply the best1 Grade R - 3. Learn, achieve, succeed. Grade 4 - 12. 067 338 7499. DIE BOOMDOKTOR - Sny van bome, mulching (chips), firewood. Roll-onlawn. 082 702 1420 GESONDHEID/ HEALTH DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AUTOHAUSEN SMART 013 235 2721/ 082 554 8293
SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all PC r e p a i r s , maintenance, u p d a t i n g o r purchasing new hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932 MOTOR DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES
KLITZ-GRAS C H A L E T S Accommodation, c h a p e l & Ve n u e facilities, boma/braai I BUY VEHICLES for Spitbraai for hire 013 cash. 082 646 6735 235 2758 MOTORS TE KOOP/ CARS FOR SALE
KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES MOTORHUUR/ CAR HIRE LY D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780 TE KOOP / FOR SALE K I T S G R A S K E K O E J O E Lydenburg en omgewing. 071 402 9279 TROETELDIERE/ PETS PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW parlour. 53 Viljoen St. Rowena 083 326 0941
ART/ FRAMING JADE ART & FRAMING 013 235 1241/ 082 337 6927
3 SLK HUIS, 2 BADK in Steelpoort, veiligheids sekuriteits kompleks. R8500 p/m 082 808 9345
EIENDOM TE KOOP/ PROPERTY FOR SALE FLAT FOR SALE: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, centrally located in Lydenburg. R495 000. Urgent Sale! 082 553 5549
3 SLK H U IS TE HUUR R4500 p/m. Krugerspost, 20km vanaf Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. Skakel 082 253 4525 1 B E D R O O M G A R D E N F L AT Sterkspruit plots. No pets. R3500 pm. 060 603 7194 B A C H E L O R S W O O N S T E L Lydenburg R2600 pm. 079 624 9486
I N T H E M A G I S T R AT E ’ S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BURGERSFORT HELD AT TUBATSE Case Number: 2648/2017 In the case b e t w e e n : N I C O L A A S J O H A N N E S VA N D E R W A L E X E C U T I O N CREDITOR and M O S O M A CARRIERS (PTY) LT D R E G N O : 2016/082867/07 E X E C U T I O N DEBTOR NOTICE O F S A L E I N EXECUTION OF M O V A B L E PROPERTY BY WAY O F P U B L I C A U C T I O N . PURSUANT to a judgment of the Magistrate Court Tubatse given on 18 May 2018 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 7 February 2019 by public auction to be held at: ERF 8262 EXTENSION 31 BURGERSFORT by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, Burgersfort to the highest bidder for cash. 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are
available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the S h e r i f f . 3 . Registration as a buyer is a prerequisite subject to a specific condition, Inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2 0 0 8 : ( U r l http://www.info.gov.z a/view/downloadfilea ction?id-99961>) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; p a y m e n t o f registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Goods offered for sale are: 1 x TATA TRUCK HORSE, Reg nr: BT 35 KX GP. S I G N E D a t LYDENBURG on this 17th day of January 2019. (sgd) JJ B R O E K M A N ATTORNEYS FOR E X E C U T I O N C R E D I T O R STEENEKAMP BROEKMAN INC L E X N U M E R I BUILDING 46 KERK S T R E E T LYDENBURG, 1120 Te l : 0 1 3 2 3 5 2 1 7 5 Fax: 0866141952 Docex: 1 Email:
col1@lexlaw.co.za Ref: Mrs Weideman File no: Sv0322 C/o Tswelopele Platinum Place Building Cnr Kruis & Dirk Winterbach street BURGERSFORT 1150 KERKE/ CHURCHES Anglican Church Ly d e n b u r g . S u n . 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • N G M o e d e r g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e Hanekom. • EL-ROHI - Die Gemeentes van Christus Rensburgstr.41, Lydenburg.
Sondagoggende 10:00 & Sondagskool 1 0 : 0 0 , Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, Woensdagaand 1 9 : 0 0 G e m e e n t e b i d u u r, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vr y. J e u g 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 lydenburgbaptiste@is at.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30
Sondag oggend 09:30.• Shalom Church Centre. S e r v i c e s Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • L y d e n b u r g Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. E l k e S a b b a t (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 S a b b a t s k o o l Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 E r e d i e n s . #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda Steelpoort dienstye
Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas G o u d m y n , Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Ly d e n b u r g , P a s t Skeen 083 294 3878. • H a r v e s t e r Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 4 4 8 2 6 5 8 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.
Keys (cut) Remotes Locks Safes Gate Motors (Centurion) 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla
Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. Verkope van elektriese goedere.
39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
Pallet Wendy’s 3m x 3m=5000 3m x 4m=5500
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Nuus / News
24 Januarie / January 2019
SITUATED in a peaceful quiet part of town is this family home currently being renovated. Spacious open plan lounge and dining room, leading to an enclosed entertainment area with built-in braai. Neat kitchen with generous packing space. Study or fourth bedroom. Three bedrooms, all with built-in cupboards and two full bathrooms, main en-suite. Linen closet. Double automated garage with direct access to the home. Security includes an automated gate, alarm system and electric fencing. R1 185 000. Contact Henry at Deo Volente Properties on 074 589 0204 or 013 235 1102
VOLENTE Paint colour trends for 2019 DEO The Property Shop WARM and inviting creamy shades of hazelnut paint colors are sure to never go out of style nor ever clash with existing furnishings as it makes for one comforting go-to of a hue. Though dove gray is one of the most classic paint colors when looking for modern alternatives to stark neutral paint color ideas, there's something a tad moodier about 2019's lilac undertone injected options. For one, the addition of lilac works to make gray hues warmer, more gender neutral and cheery. For the traditionalist with a casual approach to interior design, charcoal blue, ice blue, gray-blue, and a very pale powder blue are great options when looking for paint colors that are far from every day yet subtle enough to not take over a room. With an endless amount of alternative blue paint color ideas available, there's no limit to the number of routes you can go with this exacting tone. www.decoraid.com
2 slaapkamer woonstel. 1 badkamer, mooi kombuis, agter erf. R4900 per maand 3 bedroom, spacious flat. 2 bathroom, 1 garage, open plan living area. R7800 per month 3 Bedroom, study, open plan living area, 2.5 bathrooms, 3 garage in the Heads complex. R12 900 per month
Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net
Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5
24 Januarie / January 2019
Padlangs met Akademie Hoërskool Lydenburg het by die Bohlabela prysuitdeling, by Hoërskool Sybrandt van Niekerk in Sabie, puik toekennings ontvang. Die toekennings toon hoekom die skool in die laaste 6 jaar uitnemend presteer het. Hoërskool Lydenburg is aangewys as die skool met die beste graad 12 akademiese uitslae in die Bohlabela distrik met die 100% slaagsyfer en 79% matriekvrystelling wat hulle behaal het. Die toekenning getuig van 'n spanpoging tussen mnr. Loots, personeel, ouers en veral ons matrikulante van 2018. Harde werk lewer puik prestasies. Baie geluk aan elke person wat 'n toekenning ontvang het tydens die spoggeleentheid. Sterkte aan die 2019 Graad 12 groep.
Let our Professional team of painters do the job for you. Call for a quote.
Valid Until 31 January 2019
Baie geluk aan Melusi Mokwena (bo) wat as Senior Victor Ludorum en Larisca Kelly (regs) wat as beste junior meisies veldatleet en Junior Victrix Lodorum aan gewys is. Lydens is trots op julle, hou dit altyd Padlangs.
American Foursomes: Both players play tee shots at each hole, and then play a second with their partners' ball. One ball is then selected and then play proceeds as in foursomes with the owner of the ball selected then playing the third shot. Handicap allowance is 75% of combined handicaps. It will take place on Saturday 26 January at the Chrome Golf Club. The Competition fee is R150 per person and it will start at 7h30. Call 083 302 5769.