30 Mei / May 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 21

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30 Mei / May 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 21 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Koue aande, geen kos om te eet nie, geen bed om in te slaap nie, dwelmverslawing en geweld is realiteite waarmee hawelose mense elke dag gekonfronteer word. Dit maak dit vir 'n hawelose moeilik om 'n uitkoms te sien of hoop te hĂŞ. Thulare Mission is 'n NPO wat in samewerking met Lewende Woord Gemeente uitreik na die behoeftiges in die gemeenskap. Van die dames wat betrokke is by hierdie diens van barmhartigheid, het 'n naweek op straat deurgebring saam met haweloses oftewel, Outie's. 'n Outie is iemand wat deur die gemeenskap uitgewerp word, of sosiaal verwerp word, en op straat woon. Hierdie mense bedel vir iets om te eet, te drink en vir warm klere. Hester van Zijl, Charmaine de Graeve en Rika Saayman het Vrydagmiddag 16:00 ingeklok vir twee nagte, en moes van die staanspoor bedel om kos te kry. Hulle het die naweek saam met twee hawelose mans deurgebrin, en is Sondag saam na Lewende Woord se erediens. Deur hierdie Outie for the weekend #Challenge is bewusmaking geskep om die gemeenskap bewus te maak van die uitdagings wat hawelose mense het om te oorleef op straat. Die weerloosheid en om 24 uur per dag oor jou veiligheid bekommer te wees, is ingrypend. Twee van die mans wat by Thulare Sorgsentrum kos ontvang, Willem Goosen (Blou Willem) en Johan Boshoff (Bossie), het die dames vergesel en bekend gestel aan hulle lyfstyl en dus ook saam met hulle op die stoep van 'n winkelkompleks geslaap vir veiligheid. (Vervolg bl. 3)

Rika Saayman, Hester van Zijl en Charmaine de Graeve wat die naweek op straat spandeer het om hul empatie te betoon aan die haweloses. Hulle is van die Lewende Woord Kerk.


30 Mei / May 2019


HE coal mining industry is conscious of the environmental significance of its operations which, unavoidably, directly and indirectly, impact the environment. Mine management is responsible for implementing environmental management plans and strategies. These plans generally use legal compliance (such as permits and licences) as the minimum requirement. Transparent and inclusive engagement with all stakeholders is key to the industry's approach to environmental management including various tiers of government, environmental protection agencies and NGOs. Some mines have formed strategic partnerships with global organisations such as the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) to seek long-term solutions to environmental management challenges. Environmental monitoring and compliance audits are conducted annually, as part of coal mining companies' environmental management systems. These audits are conducted by independent environmental auditors and their reports are submitted to the Departments of Mineral Resources and Water Sanitation for review by the permitting authority. Full-time environmental officers monitor compliance with environmental management programmes, authorisations and water use licences, as well as specialist

recommendations. The coal industry recognises that South Africa is a water scarce country and that water is a precious resource. The industry's water management principles therefore centre around responsibly sourcing water, mitigating negative impacts on all stakeholders and meeting the socioeconomic needs of host communities. The coal mining industry has adopted sustainable water resource management initiatives which ensure that water is equitably and appropriately distributed amongst stakeholders and mining operations. Mining companies tend to use potable water only for non-mining activities, such as staff accommodation and

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offices. Non-potable water, otherwise known as industrial water, is used in mining and processing operations as far as possible. Managing a water balance is not the only environmental imperative faced by companies, it is also crucial that coal mines ensure waste water is not discharged into the natural environment and that, wherever possible, water is recycled. Clean run-off can be discharged into surrounding water courses, while other water is treated and can be re-used in processes such as dust suppression, irrigation of rehabilitated areas and in coal preparation plants. Mines invest in the ongoing protection and restoration of their surrounding natural habitat. Mines plan for habitat rehabilitation according to the agreed end land-use objectives outlined in their closure plans and in accordance with their Environmental Management Plans and Rehabilitation plans whilst mines are still operational. New, creative ways of developing and restoring land, with the use of underground storage facilities are being explored for coal mines. In terms of their environmental management plans, many mines put programmes in place to preserve indigenous flora and fauna, and to protect any stakeholder cultural heritage sites, traditions and sacred artefacts. Independent specialists are hired to assess and monitor biodiversity performance; many mines have created biodiversity and cultural heritage committees to ensure that these environmentally and culturally sensitive matters remain a priority. The coal mining industry is continuously looking for cleaner coal solutions.

These solutions include carbon capture and storage facilities and the reduction of methane emissions. Companies are also creating incentive for managers to meet holistic targets by making environmental management part of KPIs. Coal mines also use risk management. Coal mines have thorough risk management programmes which are put in place to reduce the impact that their operations have on the environment. Companies use future scenario planning in order to prioritise their environmental preservation interventions. The agricultural sector was also a big water user. A strategy to adapt, change and reduce the water usage in this sector was ready, Molewa said. According to the country's latest census, conducted in October 2018, the number of households access to piped (tap) water in South Africa rose from 84.4% in 2001 to 91.2% in 2018. Nearly half, or 46.3%, of the country's households have tap water inside their homes (up from 32.3% in 2001), according to census 2011, while 27.1% have tap water inside their yards (down from 29%), 11.7% have tap water on their community stand less than 200 metres from their homes (up from 10.7%), and 6.2% have to walk more than 200 metres to reach tap water on their community stand (down from 12.4%). The department was facing the twin challenge of reaching the rest of the population missing out on access to water, and that of repairing infrastructure problems. The department would focus on the functionality of municipal infrastructure and sustainable service delivery in 2018/19, because “improving the skills bases in the water sector is vital to the success of our efforts and ensuring security of supply”. During 2018/19, South Africa's water boards had reduced the debt of municipalities to R1.3-billion. The boards generated R10.5-billion from water sales in 2018/19, paying their own operational costs and investing R2.1-billion in infrastructure development. A further R3.3-billion was now being invested. w w w. c o a l m i n i n g m a t t e r s . c o . z a a n d www.dwaf.gov.za

D’Lite 2L

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Baked Beans 4x400g 00


WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Pictures for illustration purpose only

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30 Mei / May 2019

Vervolg vanaf bl. 1 Helderoordag Saterdagoggend om 9:00 is Charmaine en Hester geteister deur 'n Rastafariër, wat voorkom of dit moontlik 'n poging van 'human trafficing' was. Die man het basies vir hulle genoem dat hulle nie hoef te bedel vir geld nie, en dat hy hulle sal wys hoe om goeie geld te maak. Gelukkig was die dames se mans en vriende ten tye naby om hul by te staan. Maar diegene wat permanent op straat is, het nie daardie luukse van beskerming nie. Hulpbehoewendes klop by Thulare Missions aan vir kos, en kan selfs daar stort en vars klere kry. Aangesien die sentrum nie huisvesting bied nie, is die behoefte aan 'n 'shelter' verseker 'n leemte in Lydenburg. Hester van Zijl noem dat ongeveer 250 mense weekliks 'n ete per week ontvang by die sentrum (64 hiervan is kinders). Mense beland op straat as gevolg van verskeie redes: trauma, werkloosheid en verslawings. Van hierdie mense het

Blou Willem se shack.

’n Toilet wat Blou Willem vir homself gebou het en aan die kant van sy shack is.

Agter lê Jan Boshoff (Bossie) ’n ‘Outie’ en voor is Charmaine de Graeve, Hester van Zijl en Willem Goossen (as Blou Willem bekend) ook ’n ‘Outie’.

voorheen stabiele lewens gelei en selfs werk gehad. Die grootste vernedering is egter om nie te bad nie, en deur mense veroordeel te word. Hierdie mense sukkel om weer in die gemeenskap aan te pas omdat hulle reeds rowwe verledes gehad het, en niemand bereid is om hulle 'n tweede kans te gee nie. 'n Beroep word op die publiek gedoen om veral hierdie winter te help met komberse, truie, serpe en handskoene. Die nood is groot ten Blou Willem smul aan koek wat o p s i g t e v a n mansklere (28-32 die dames saamgebring het g r o o t t e ) , saam met Rika Saayman. mansskoene (8 & 9's), asook kouse en onderklere. U kan ook finansieël help deur 'n bydrae aan: Thulare NPC, ABSA rekeningnommer 409 364 1495. Vir verdere navrae, kan Egbert Hiemstra gekontak word by Die groep het vir hulle een nag 082 899 0094, of ’n skuiling van kartonbokse Hester van Zijl en gebou op ’n winkelkompleks se C h a r m a i n e d e stoep, maar dit het beswaarlik Graeve.

die koue uitgehou.

Including Removal

Contact 082 568 6695

STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738


30 Mei / May 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Member of


Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

My vriendin Alida se kleinseun leer om wiskunde met ’n Japanese metode aan te leer. En die klein mannetjie is maar vyf. Die oosterse wiskundeklas het tot al ’n kompetisie gehad die afgelope naweek. Ek is beindruk. Ek kon in matriek nog nie wiskunde doen nie, wat nog te sê van vyf jaar oud. Wie van ons sou ooit so ver vooruit gedink het in die goeie ou dae. Maar met die geleenthede oorsee en in die Ooste, kan jy nie anders as om jou kind vroegtydig aan ander perspektiewe bekend te stel nie. Met dié tipe wiskunde kom kinders nie eers agter hulle leer nie, dit voel soos speel. Die kenners sê kinders se beste ouderdom om nuwe tendense aan te leer is tussen twee-en-’n-half en ses. Hulle is dan soos sponsies en leer makliker. Dit geld ook vir tale, as jy jou kind solank wil blootstel aan ’n tweede of derde taal begin vroeg. Die wiskunde studente in Japan word onder die top presteerders in die wêreld getel. Dit word ook die vierde nywerheidsrevolusie genoem. Ek het bietjie gaan oplees op die internet oor hierdie wiskunde dilemma. Want ek dink die meeste van ons kan die plat liniaal onthou op ons hande en die seuns se boude wat gebrand het in die wiskundeklas. Wiskunde was vir die meeste kinders Grieks. Die Tendense in Internasionale Wiskunde en Wetenskap (TIMM’s) wys dat Suid-Afrika nie juis vordering maak as dit by wiskunde en wetenskap kom nie. Uit 140 lande is ons wiskundevlak die laagste, laer as die armste Afrika lande soos Malawi en Mosambiek. Dit klink vir my na ’n probleem. Volgens die TIMM’s studielys is Hongkong, Singapoer, Japan en Suid-Korea onder die top 20 lande. Die spreekwoord sê ‘buig die boompie terwyl hy nog jonk is’. Maar laat ek julle vertel, my wiskundelat is steeds reguit. En ek weet steeds nie hoekom ek dit tot in matriek moes neem nie. So hopelik leer die Japanese die kleingoed - en nie net om sushi te eet nie. ~ Deur Michelle Boshoff

I KORINTHIËRS 13:1 AL sou ek die tale van mense en engele spreek, en ek het nie die liefde nie, dan het ek ’n klinkende metaal of ’n luidende simbaal geword. Vader, gee dat ons die soms moeilike opdrag van naasteliefde, sal eerbiedig en uitleef - Amen.

Mesmeriseer HIERDIE liederlike anglisisme is glo die korrekte vertaling vir die woord “mesmerize” Dit is ’n werkwoord en die korrekte vertaling is in werklikheid “betower”. Ek is beslis nie ’n taalbul nie. As mens Engels praat, of Frans, of isiZulu, of Afrikaans, doen dit dan behoorlik. Dit is nie koel (let op die Afrikaans) om jou tale te meng nie, alhoewel die meeste mense so dink en my denkwyse as ouderwets beskryf sal word. Hollands, oftewel

DIE omgewingskundige Pieter van der Merwe, het die trajek van die spoorlyn nagevors en gaan soek en dit is verskaf deur die Mpumalanga Erfenisstigting. Hierdie was sy indrukke: Schoemanskloof in Mpumalanga het 'n vergete verhaal. Een van hulle is die dowwe spoor van

die roete waarlangs 'n smal spoorlyn geloop het vanaf Elandshoekstasie tot diep in die beboste berg- en kloofwêreld van die plaas Koedoeshoek. Die lyn van die ou smal 24 duim spoor was in 1915 gebou. Die lyn was deur 'n privaat onderneming genaamd Mark Wilson Ltd ehout

Die smalspoortrajek vanaf die Elandshoekstasie tot diep in die kloof by Koedoeshoek waar die saagmeul gestaan het, was kronkelend deur die Schoemskloof en het die Krokodilrivier 'n hele paar keer gekruis. Op talle plekke is die pilare nog sigbaar en word dit steeds gebruik nadat dit na motor-oorgange verander is

Colonial Timber Merchants and Saw Millers van Johannesburg, gebou. Ysterhout, Transvaalse Geelhout en ander hardehout soorte is in die kloof op die plaas Koedoeshoek gekap en teen 8 myl per uur kronkelend al langs die Krokodilriviervallei na die hooflyn by Elandshoekstasie afgevoer. Seker dan weer verder na Pretoria of na Lourenso Marques? Van die roete is daar vandag baie min sigbaar en dit kon net meer akuraat nagespeur word met 'n mikroligte vliegtuig, 'n besoek grondlangs, historiese lugfotos, vertellings en geskrewe bronne. Wat ons geweet het was dat die saagmeule op die vloer van die diep vallei gestaan het en dat die gekapte houtstompe met groot moeite met osse of muile uit die bos hoër uit die berge gesleep is. Die hout is dan op koekepanne gelaai wat vanself op 'n spoortjie afdraend al met die rotslys van die kranslyn na 'n oorlaai punt geloop het. Op elke koekepan het 'n boswerker gesit wat die rem by die volgende oorlaaipunt moes aandraai en om te keer dat die trollie nie met hom weghol nie. Op die oorlaaipunt is osse en muile ingespan om die lee koekepanne weer terug te trek na die laaipunt hoer op, dieper in die ruigtes. Om die hout onder by die stoomaangedrewe saagmeule te kry was ’n wentelende hysstelsel met 'n dubelspoor gebruik, op 'n manier waar die gewig van 'n vol koekepan wat regaf na onder graviteer, die lee een van die saagmeule af boontoe trek. Ons het dit! Die los sementblokke onder in die veld op die vloer van die klofie het die plek van die van die saagmeule uiteindelik verklik. Maar die twee lyne van die hysstelsel was glad nie meer sigbaar nie. Tog later, op 'n afstand en toe ons agterkom waar om te kyk kon mens baie vaagweg ontdek waar die spore teen die regaf steilte geloop het. Verder weg tel ons stukkies steenkool op. Op 'n deel wat toe duidelik wys waar die lokomotiewe vanaf die saagmeule op hulle 25km tog na Elandshoekstasie vertrek het. Twee stoomlokomotiewe was in bedryf. 'n Bagnall van by die vyf ton en waarskynlik 'n ander kleiner lokomotief van onbekende massa.

Na die hout uitgeput was is die smalspoortjie vir nog 'n aantal jare in stand gehou om vrugte en plaasprodukte uit die Schoemanskloof na die stasie toe aan te ry.

Spanne houtkappers doenig met die kap van die welige inheelse bos teen die hange van St. Pauluskop en omstreke. Vandag is daar weinig hout in hierdie klowe te sien. Links is die stoomenjin wat onder in die kloof geplaas was om vertikale koekepanne van onder na bo te trek/hys. Die sementbloh waarop dit monteer was, is vandag nog sigbaar.

Nederlands, wat as een van die belangrikste fondamente van Afrikaans beskou word, is waarskynlik die mees skuldige taal wat betref die gebruik van ander woorde. Hoewel daar reeds in 1969 ’n man op die maan was, is die Nederlands vir ’n ruimtetuig nog steeds ’n “space shuttle”. Wat my betref is dit gewoon luiheid. Erkende Afrikaanse woorde soos “boma” is wel universeel en behoorlik gemotiveer. Ons braai en kuier nie in ’n kraal nie. Afrikaans bevat as ’n jong taal baie leenwoorde uit Engels, Nguni, Indies en ander plaaslike tale. En dit is koel. Alle Afrikaanse woorde gaan ook nie

lekker af nie. Daar is geen manier waarop ek myself kan kry om ’n aansitter ’n “knormoer” te noem nie. Die ding knor nie en hy moer beslis nie. Dit bring my by ’n ander ding waaraan ek ’n kleintjie dood het. “Jy moet ’n lekker daggie hê” Of, jy het ’n oulike koerantjie! Liefie, (verkleinwoord), van wanneer af is ’n dag korter of kleiner as 24 uur? Of ’n standaard formaat koerant (al is dit net twee bladsye) ’n koerantjie? Ek verstaan die bedoeling is goed, maar na ’n lang en moeilike dag wil ek iets oorkom oor ’n lekker daggie. Wens my ’n goeie of lekker dag toe. Ek sal dit waardeer. Die gebruik van taal, veral in ’n diverse land soos ons s’n, kan baie maklik en sonder bedoeling kwetsend wees. So, trek op jou kouse en laat behoorlike taalgebruik jou betower in plaas van mesmeriseer!

30 Mei / May 2019

’n Nostalgie-toer en hulle loop steeds ‘Padlangs’


Mnr. W. E. Schulze is te Lydenburg gebore op 28 Maart 1931. Hy het aan die Hoërskool Lydenburg gematrikuleer in 1949. Sy kleurbaadjie, rugbytrui en stewels is in 1947 aangeskaf. Die das met twee strepe is die eerstepan se das, en die das met die baie strepe is ’n tweede span das. Hy het dit aan die skool geskenk in 1993.

et dekades se herinneringe het mnre. Erich Schulze en Ben Maree onlangs weer die voetspore van hul jeug gevolg. Dit mag dalk heiwmee en die nostalgie aanbring maar dit is goue herinneringe van 'n tyd in die pragtige dorp Lydenburg. Beide die ooms is 88 jaar oud en het in 1949 aan die Hoërskool L y d e n b u r g gematrikuleer en oom Erich pas sowaar nog in sy skoolbaadjie in. Hy het sy skoolbaadjie en rugbystewels in 1993 aan die skool geskenk en die skool bewaar dit met trots. Dit word uitgestal in 'n glaskas vol herinneringe. Mnr. Ben Maree se pa was vanaf 1945-1955 skoolhoof (sien foto onder). Dié twee was op skool maats en is steeds na al die jare vriende. Hulle stap nog steeds Padlangs, soos die skool se leuse aanspoor.

Mnr. Erich Schulze en Ben Maree (beide 88) op ’n nostalgie-toer by Hoërskool Lydenburg.

30 Mei / May 2019

Women share stories and are encouraged to stand up for one another at conference

From left: Mrs Mashigo, Mrs Mlangeni, Mrs Sindane, Mrs Moima, Mrs Nkosi, Mrs Mthenjane, Mrs Thwala, Mrs Ngwana; (front): Mrs Hleza and Mrs Moshwana.

Mrs Thandi Masilela

Mrs NMP Sedidi

THE AFM (Apostolic Faith Mission) Church in Mashishing held a women's conference on 25 May with the theme “an apple of God's eye” and was hosted by the pastor's wife, Mrs NMP Sedidi. The conference was aimed at reminding all women, young and old, of how precious they are in the eyes of God as per Psalm 17:8. The women from the church and other local churches in Mashishing came out dressed in their

Mrs Sindane

best to celebrate themselves and to celebrate one another as women. “We learn of statistics on how many women get raped, how many are abused, killed, etc. everyday. It is sad. Christian women need to make new, positive statistics; and together we can do it regardless of the church you go to, your age, race, marital status, employed or not,” said Mrs Sedidi Mrs Moima, the speaker of the day, encouraged the women as the beloved of

On Sunday 9 June the local animal charity, Home for Paws, will host a pet friendly hike at the Lydenburg Guest Farm. All the hikers are welcome to bring their dogs on leash to enjoy the nature walk with them. It starts at 09:30 and the fee is dog food or blankets. There will be pony rides, food and refreshments. For more information phone Alison at 071 244 7631.

Ms Sisanda Mnisi

The main speaker at the conference Mrs Moima.

The host Mrs Sedidi of AFM Church with Mrs Mthenjane, Mrs Nkosi, Mrs Thwala and Mrs Mlangeni.

God, to also treat God's work and His people as they would care for their own eyes. Mrs Moima said “you can’t keep your eyes open if an object tries to enter your eye. People blink or slap the object out of their way. Do the same with the work of the Lord. Keep your eyes open and protect yourself.” The other speakers were also a source of inspiration, encouragement and empowerment. They made it clear that every women is special in God’s eyes. Ms Sisanda Mnisi represented the youth, Ms

Thandi Masilela represented the single mothers, Mrs Sindane the senior citizens and Mrs Hleza was the master of ceremonies. “A lot of single mothers look down on themselves because they are judged. Some of them did not choose to be single mothers. Some are widows. Some were divorced by their husbands. But I stood up , got a job and raised my three kids”, said Ms Thandi as she shared her journey.

30 Mei / May 2019


DIE Vleisfees is elke jaar ’n groot viering by die Hervormde Kerk Lydenburg. Daar is skaap-, bees-, en varkvleis, biltong en droëwors, wildsvleis en alles wat lekker is te koop. Gaan geniet die tradisionele plaasstal en ontbyte waarvoor die kerk so bekend is, basaarpoeding, tombola, vrugte-engroente, koektafel,witolifant-tafel ens. Vir meer inligting skakel die kerkkantoor by 013 235 3554. Hierdie gaan ’n bees van ’n fees wees op Saterdag 1 Junie.

IE Meimaand-proe van die Lydenburg Wyngilde is aangebied deur Martin Mulder, wat lede en gaste laat proe het aan die Top 12 Shiraz-wyne met oesjare so ver terug as 2010. Almal was dit eens dat dit 'n besonderse voorreg was om van hierdie uithaler wyne, heerlik verouder, saam met Café Crust se groot bederfdriegang maaltyd te geniet. Die Lydenburg Wyngilde het die wyne, met oesjare van 2010 en 2011, in 2013 aangekoop - en ses jaar lank gebêre vir hierdie spesiale aand. Om deel te word van die Gilde se maandelikse wynkuiers, kontak gerda@whitehorn.co.za of WhatsApp Gerda: 079 515 7799.

Martin Mulder

Die Potgieters en Swanepoels voor Café Crust se vuurherd by die onlangse wynproe.

Carla en JJ van der Walt

Entries open for SA's best boerewors recipe The nationwide search for the country's very best boerewors is on and boerie enthusiasts who believe that their recipe has what it takes are invited to enter the annual Championship Boerewors competition by Friday, 21 June. Shoprite and Checkers are proud of the country's boerewors tradition and celebrate it by annually looking for SA's No.1 boerewors maker - someone with an exceptional recipe for traditional boerewors up their sleeves and the skills to make it from scratch. “Take the time to fine-tune your recipe,” suggests Yvonne Blaauw, the 2018 champion. “It took me 15 years to perfect my recipe with help from my friends and family who shared invaluable feedback, and I never gave up. Knowing my boerewors is the best in the country is indescribable.” The culinary experts at the South African Chefs Association (SACA), a recognised South African food authority, will once again take charge of the judging process to search for quality boerewors with special flavour and character. All entries will go through a validation process to ensure that recipes adhere to the guidelines for making truly t r a d i t i o n a l boerewors as per the law. Once validated, paper judging will commence to select the 30 best submissions. The judges will then have the even harder task of identifying the top 10 finalists during a rigorous judging and tasting process. These finalists will be required to showcase their

boerewors-making skills at the finale on Wednesday, 28 August where the winner of the 2019 Championship Boerewors competition will be announced. Along with bragging rights, the honour of having your winning boerewors sold in Shoprite and Checkers stores nationwide and the sought-after title of the 2019 Championship Boerewors winner, incredible prizes are up for grabs from sponsors Coca-Cola, Wellington's, Sasko and Toyota, with the grand prize being a Toyota Fortuner 2.4 GD-6 4x4 6AT worth over R500 000. Entry details and more information about the c o m p e t i t i o n c a n b e f o u n d a t www.championshipboerewors.co.za Boerewors is so loved across South Africa that there is a law stipulating what constitutes traditional boerewors. Traditional boerewors must contain at least 90% meat always beef with either lamb or pork or a mixture of both. The fat content of the meat mixture may not exceed 30%. Recipes may not contain bacon, chutney, cheese,

per-peri, curry, tomato sauce, peppadews, green pepper, Parmesan, Aromat seasoning, chilli, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, paprika, whole peppercorns, green and pink peppercorns, lemon, soya, mustard, kidney fat, alcohol or venison. Ingredients that make boerewors distinct include coriander, cloves, nutmeg, black pepper, vinegar, water and Worcestershire sauce. Any products sold as 'boerewors' must comply with these regulations.


30 Mei / May 2019


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More rugged, redefined Comes with an array of design updates Nissan Intelligent Mobility technologies change the way you drive Johannesburg - South Africa (May 14, 2019) Nissan South Africa is pleased to introduce the new stylish, designed to be ultra-functional and comfortable, Nissan Navara Stealth. “Nissan has more than 50 years of heritage in South Africa. The new Nissan Navara Stealth has been engineered specifically with the South African customer in mind, to meet the demands that are placed on them and to reflect something of who they are,” says Kabelo Rabotho, Director Marketing Nissan South Africa. More rugged, redefined Modelled on the tough-as-nails Nissan Navara luxury edition, this awardwinning pickup comes with a number of design updates to make it an even more rugged, redefined version of the iconic pickup. Standard silver and chrome detailing on the exterior gives way to sleek, black trims; while newly added orange accents - on the grill and front bumper, side mirrors and side steps - give the new Navara a character that is both edgy and bold and one to match that of its driver. Roll-bar, side steps and black alloy wheels completes the picture. This two-tone colouration is carried through into the interior, with seats featuring black leather side bolsters and orange material inserts and stitching which both contrast and complement one another to give the cabin a strong, modern feel. This rugged off-roader combines distinctive, rugged aesthetics with superior performance. “The new bakkie builds on the Navara’s name as a tough, luxurious and comfortable pickup. These updates are designed for the customer who is passionate about vehicle accessories and looking for a pickup that speaks to who they are,” says Rabotho. Optimized driving experience The Navara comes in 2-wheel drive and 4-wheel drive configuration featuring the Navara twin turbo engine with 140kW power and 450Nm torque, as well as a 6-speed manual transmission or 7-speed automatic transmission and a 5-link coil rear suspension, to further optimize the driving experience. It also comes with an array of Nissan Intelligent Mobility technologies, geared at moving Nissan customers towards safer and more sustainable driving.


“Nissan Intelligent Mobility is a suite of cutting-edge technology that paves the way for a whole new way of driving. It offers peace of mind, opens up new experiences, and connects you to your world and those around you,” says Rabotho. Nissan Intelligent Mobility technologies Nissan Intelligent Mobility technologies that feature in the new pickup include, the Intelligent Key System, the Intelligent 4x4 System – which assists drivers in smooth cornering by adjusting power output to the front and rear wheels – and Hill Start Assist. The new Navara also comes with Intelligent Around View Monitor, which uses four cameras positioned at different points around the pickup to give the driver a 360-degree, aerial view of the vehicle and its surrounds.


R 582 200 Lydenburg,CNR Voortrekker & Viljoen Str, 013 235 2381

New Car Sales Executive Vusi - 076 494 6142 Emmanual - 073 779 5060 Prince - 076 520 7259 Werner vd Walt - 067 348 2354


Used Car Sales Executive Henry - 083 237 5171 Emmanual - 076 606 9371

Sales Manager Luan Gouws 079 492 0311

The Nissan Navara Stealth starts from R582 200 and comes with Nissan Assured, including a comprehensive 3-year/90,000km service plan plus a class-leading 6-year/150,000km warranty with Nissan Assured. ~ motorpress.co.za

30 Mei / May 2019


New Mahindra XUV 300 Opel Astra Sport 1.6T AT THE new Mahindra XUV300 launched in South Africa. The local XUV300 line-up includes two engines and two generous trim levels, for a total of four derivatives. The turbocharged 1,2-litre, three-cylinder petrol engine offers 81 kW (at 5 000 r/min) and 200 N.m (from 2 000 to 3 500 r/min). There's also a 1,5-litre, four-cylinder turbodiesel unit (delivering 86 kW at 3 750 r/min and 300 N.m from 1 500 to 2 500 r/min) which we drove at the international launch in India. Each engine is mated to the front axle via a six-speed manual gearbox. The W6 trim level will feature LED daytime running lights, LED taillamps, follow-mehome headlamps, a cheeky roof spoiler, roof rails (although seemingly for cosmetic purposes only) and 16-inch steel wheels. Inside, you’ll find electric windows, air-conditioning, a multifunction steering wheel, a seven-inch touchscreen infotainment system (with a four-speaker sound system, Bluetooth and auxiliary/USB ports), satellite navigation and smartwatch connectivity. Safety equipment includes two airbags, ABS (with EBD), Isofix child-seat anchors and an immobiliser. A neat "wheel direction indicator" is also included. The range-topping W8 specification level, meanwhile, adds five more airbags (for a total of seven), electronic stability programme (with rollover mitigation), foglamps (fore and aft), parking sensors (front and rear), a reversing camera, an alarm system, rear bench seatbelt warning system, hill-hold assist, tyre-pressure monitoring and an electrochromatic rear-view mirror. It also gains dual-zone climate control, cruise control, keyless entry (with start button), a glass sunroof, a TFT display in the instrument cluster (which itself boasts adjustable colour lighting), leather trim for steering wheel, faux-leather upholstery, a pair of dash-mounted tweeters and a sunglasses holder. The flagship will

also boast 17-inch alloys, added chrome for the grille, electrically folding side mirrors (with integrated turn signals) and silverpainted skid-plates (fore and aft), plus a rear armrest with cup holders, a height-adjustable driver’s seat and chromed interior door handles. Expect Mahindra to offer its standard five-year/150 000 km warranty as well as a service plan of the same length. An optional maintenance plan is also on the cards. So, just how big is the newcomer? Well, the XUV300 measures 3 995 mm long and 1 821 mm wide, with a wheelbase of 2 600 mm. Pricing: Mahindra XUV300 1,2 Petrol W6: R249 999 Mahindra XUV300 1,5 Diesel W6: R274 999 Mahindra XUV300 1,2 Petrol W8: R304 999 Mahindra XUV300 1,5 Diesel W8: R324 999 carmag.co.za

DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg

013 235 1086 / 013 492 1871 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

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OPEL South Africa has added a new Astra Sport 1,6T AT variant to its rationalised local range, with the fresh flagship model replacing the six-speed manual version. Priced at R508 000, the new derivative ships standard with the German brand’s three-year/120 000 km warranty and five-year/90 000 km service plan. As with the outgoing manual version, the range-topping Astra is powered by a turbocharged 1,6-litre, four-cylinder petrol engine sending 147 kW and 280 N.m to the front wheels. But this version uses a six-speed automatic transmission and sips at a claimed 6,1 L/100 km. It features Opel’s OPC-inspired exterior styling package (including 18-inch alloys shod in 225/40 R18 rubber) as well as interior items such as alloy sport pedals and a heated, leather-wrapped steering wheel. A sunroof is available as an optional extra. An "advanced" parking system, LED matrix headlamps, LED daytime running lights, cruise control and a touchscreen system (with navigation) also ship standard. carmag.co.za

30 Mei / May 2019

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Termiete Kokkerotte Miere Rotte

KERKE/ CHURCHES Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n d a e 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 2 3 5 3 3 2 9 . • Vo l l e Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • New

Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00, English service Sundays at 11:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg

Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 837 4508 jacovanwyk@ronelco.co.z a English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse diens Sondagoggend om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program;

Would you like to grow your business? Contact BNI President Brian Coetsee on 079 976 9112

Wil jy graag jou besigheid laat groei? Kontak die plaaslike BNI President Brian Coetsee by 079 976 9112

10:00 - Lesstudie (Bespreking); 11:00 Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster

B e d i e n i n g . S o n d a e : 0 9 : 0 0 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • H a r v e s t e r Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 10h30 by Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.

Nuus / News

30 Mei / May 2019

Pieter 083 274 1986

Quick Sell Realty brings you this family home situated in a secure estate, decorated in a modern style, something different ! You are welcomed to a entrance hall, with antique security gates and cemcrete screed flooring which runs through the whole residence. The entry opens up into a large open plan country style kitchen, butcher block working surfaces, an apron zinc rounds the kitchen off , gas oven and electric oven (the one in the pictures to be replaced), a separate pantry, scullery and laundry room. Dinner can be enjoyed in the winter times next to the fireplace. A large television room / lounge is available, complete with blinds. A built- in braai is also available. Upstairs offers, three bedrooms with laminated floors. The third bedroom can be split into two separate rooms. A sunny study with balcony and picturesque views. Large main bedroom, with open plan full bathroom and built in units, wooden sliding doors that could open up onto a private deck (currently no deck available). It also has two bathrooms. You have direct entry from the double automated garage to the home. Option available to purchase the empty stand (535m²) next to the residence, for space for a pool and or entertainment room !! To top all this off this home also has an alarm with external beams, fencing and automated gate for security. Contact Fanie du Toit for your viewing at 072 317 3959 or 013 235 4575 today.

Gerda 079 515 7799

Madelein Bernadette 082 560 4981 082 801 9907

VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop 3 slk woonstel 2 badk kombuis leef area en buite braai. Geen tuin R7350. 3 slk meenthuis 2 badk kombuis leef area en enkel motorhuis in kompleks klein yard R6200. 3 slk huis 2 badk kombuis leef area met braai dubbel motorh met yard R11 800

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

30 Mei / May 2019


Die o.15 hokkiedogters in aksie tydens hul ligawedstryd op die velde van die Hoërskool Lydenburg.

175/65R14 82H Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 185/60R14 82H Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 185/65R14 86H Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 185/60R15 88H Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 185/65R15 88H Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 195/55R15 85V Goodyear Efficientgrip ZA 195/65R15 91H Goodyear Excellence 195/60R15 88V Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 195/50R16 88V Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 195/55R16 91V Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 205/55R16 91W Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 205/60R16 96W Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 215/40R17 87V Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 225/45R17 94Y Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 225/50R17 98W Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 225/40R18 92Y Goodyear Efficientgrip Performance 235/55R19 101W Goodyear Excellence AO 275/40R20 106Y Goodyear Eagle F1 Asym 3 SUV 245/70R16 111/109T Goodyear Wrangler A/T Adv 265/65R17 112T Goodyear Wrangler A/T Adv 265/60R18 110H Goodyear Wrangler A/T Adv Pricing include Balancing, Valve and Vat 17 Voortrekker Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 1830 e-mail: hiq@lydtoy.co.za

R720.00 R770.00 R790.00 R860.00 R880.00 R960.00 R920.00 R980.00 R1190.00 R1460.00 R980.00 R1280.00 R1540.00 R1450.00 R1760.00 R1720.00 R2650.00 R3380.00 R1930.00 R2190.00 R2900.00

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