06 Junie / June 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 22

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06 Junie / June 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 22 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za


FTER an independent contractor, Mr Gerald Olivier, investigated the Water Works in Lydenburg, he supplied the following report for publication. The report has been forwarded to the Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber and the Thaba Chweu Municipality for attention. Mr Oliver has also said that TCM is aware of the report. About a month after the people of the fire brigade under direction of Mr Broekman, cleaned the settler and replaced the filter material with the correct silica sand he visited the water works. He observed that the turbidity of the water was still poor.

He then went to meet with the Technical Department from the Municipality where he offered his services free of charge. This included an auditt of the efficiency of the process, flocculent test work as well as to make recommendations to improve the system. At that stage TCM undertook to set up a meeting with the other members to discuss the proposal. Mr Olivier says he offered to visit the plant twice a week to check on the water quality. On Tuesday the 21st May 2019, Mr Olivier visited the plant again together with a representative from a chemical company in order to conduct some test work on various flocculents. During this visit the water was reasonably clean, with one exception that the turbidity was 11 FTU (Formazin Turbidity Unit), measured with a turbidity meter, compared to the required levels of <1 FTU. The following observations were made which should receive urgent attention: Training is required to operate the plant effectively. Employees are vey keen to learn. A daily logsheet is required to record all measurements. The “blue�' flocculent used, was very viscous, which means it does not disperse effectively when it enters the water. A standard flocculent solution is made up to 0.05% before use. It appears the dosing pump does not run 24/7, it is only switched on, on occasion, which renders the flocculent system totally ineffective. Continues on page 3


06 Junie / June 2019

A topic close to the heart of Wendy de Klerk and her father are the stone circles that were found in Mpumalanga. Most of the mountains and hills of Mpumalanga have stone circles on them and extensive road networks joining them to one another. This has long been thought of as just homes of the local peoples and their cattle kraals. They were therefore dismissed as being of any real value or importance archaeologically. However, it has since been proven by means of extensive investigation and discovery of artefacts, rock art and satellite and aerial imagery, that these people, the Bokoni or Koni people were much more advanced. They were farmers, forgers of weapons and tools, miners and traders. The smelting of iron and copper and forging of weapons and tools from iron ore and mixing this with charcoal and fluxes to get steel takes a very specialised skill set, even some form of chemistry to get the mixture right for the steel to be strong enough to be of use. This later developed into a specialty performed by only specific people and the skill was then passed down within those families. The chief of the village prized the metal-workers as the skill allowed for trade from and to other villages and even long distance to other peoples. (Serfontein, 2013) This even included the trade in gold, where it was found. The archaeological site of Mapungubwe has demonstrated the use of gold used in burials. The Bokoni also developed specialized farming methods using terracing for their crops and walls along roadways to prevent their livestock grazing on their crops on their way to and from pasture. Crops planted were

sorghum, bulrush millet, finger millet, gourds, squash, melons, beans and groundnuts. They kept cattle, goats, sheep and chickens. Their diet also consisted of some wild animals, primarily buck. (Serfontein, 2013) It is believed that the language spoken by this tribe was known as Sekona and was closely related to Pedi, both of which were the formative languages of Sotho. We know this from work done in the early 1800s by missionaries in the area who worked with the last remnants of the tribe before they finally dispersed. (Delius et al., 2011) As mentioned before, trade became vital to the economy of the early tribes, including international trade in gold, ivory, rhino horn, slaves and timber. These were traded for beads, cloth, porcelain and metal goods. This thriving trade industry was active from before 1000 AD. This connected the east coast of Africa with India, the Persian Gulf, Thailand and China. (Delius et al., 2011) Trade also brought foreigners to the land, first in the form of the Portuguese then later the British and Dutch. These traders eventually brought settlers and, starting in the Cape, the slow but sure annexation of the land began. The Pedi were also responsible for wiping out a large contingent of the Bokoni. The Nguni and Ndebele also moved in on the area. It is unclear which of these were mainly to blame for the dispersal of the erstwhile Bokoni. (Delius et al., 2011) Due to being attacked by various tribes, the Bokoni built walls around their settlements and villages, and they were positioned on top of mountains and hills so that they could be more defensible. Rocks could be rolled down on attackers trying to penetrate their territory from below. (Serfontein, 2013). Another amazing feature of the area, although not connected with the Bokoni, is the Adam's Calendar. This has been dated to be 75,000 years old and pre-dates any other existing man-made structure. This is dated to approximately the time the Khoi-San were active in their rock paintings. We do know of it, but its true origins are unknown. The author Wendy de Klerk is studying towards a BA in Environmental Management and Archaeology. She has always had a keen interest in Archaeology and Heritage. Published on www.theheritageportal.co.za supplied by the Mpumalanga Heritage Society.

Dr. Karen Kromhout BChD (Pret) Dr. Auke van der Meulen BChD (Pret) Dr. Leanda Meyer BChD (Pret) Bronwen Rall - Oral Hygienist Cnr Church & Viljoen Street (Opposite Medical Centre)

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06 Junie / June 2019

Mr Deon Broekman from N3 Rapid Response was kind enough to share this photo that our readers can see the extreme air quality disaster Lydenburg faces. The landfill was set alight on Sunday, resulting in the fire spreading into Gustav Kliengbiel, which Deon and his team successfully put out. Illegal fires such as the still smouldering landfill site can cause serious respiratory problems and cause damage to property.

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From page 1 (report by Mr Gerald Olivier to Thaba Chweu and its residents) The employees don't see the results of samples sent to Nelspruit for analysis. This must be compared to the SABS standard required for drinking water. Apparently during the rainy season the water is very dirty, which is mainly due to the flocculent system not working. Test work must be done to determine the operating parameters required during winter and summer, especially during the rainy season. Mr. Olivier says that when the flocculent system is in proper operation the settler and storage tanks must be purged on a regular basis, one or twice a week depending on the volumes, in order to get rid of any settlement to keep the process effective. The Municipality should invest in a turbidity meter. He says there is very poor housekeeping of the area. This is confirmed by nearby residents who complain about refuse thrown over fences, long grass and illegal burning. There is no controlled access to the plant. Mr. Olivier also visited the water works at Coromandel but according to him could not find anybody to assist.

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06 Junie / June 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



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Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

Dit vraag of mense ook kan hiberneer was een van die eerste wat ek my pa gevra het. Hy het altyd daarop aangedring om vir my die drie bere te lees. Ek weet nie hoekom was ek bang vir die drie bere nie, maar met sy diep growwe stem het hy hulle baie kwaai laat klink, “wie het my pap' geëet. Soos ons altyd gesels het en hy my meer vertel het van die wêreld het ek gehoor van die bere wat gaan hiberneer in die winter. Hulle kry al hul kossies bymekaar en bly vir maande in 'n veilige grot of warm plekkie om hulle van die koue te weerhou. Ek wens ek was 'n beer. Hoe heerlik sou dit nie gewees om as ons menslike wesens vir die duur van die winter, net daar in ons warm beddens onder al ons komberse, ook so kon hiberneer nie! As kind kon ek nie verstaan waarom seisoene bestaan of nodig is nie, en in my kinderlike verbeeldingstogte, het ek 'n perfekte wêreld opgetower waar net somers bestaan, of miskien met 'n bietjie lente hier en daar ook tussenin! Want aai, Lentedag was seker die lekkerste dag van die jaar op 'n kind se skoolkalender! 'n Dag waar jy van jou aaklige winterskooluniform kon ontslae raak en by die skool kon opdaag met koeler, mooier en baie beblomde tuisdrag. Soos 'n tipe bevryding en vernuwing. Of is dit net ek wat so voel? Ek twyfel, want ek kan nie glo dat enige mens winter as hul gunsteling seisoen sal uitsonder nie. Of dalk is daar tog mense oorsee wat winter geniet, aangesien hul kerstyd midde in die winter val, en waar hul al singende van “n droom oor 'n wit kersfees” en met egte sneeu én sneeumanne, hul winter kan deursien.. Maar ek het nog altyd gevoel mens kan mooier aantrek in die winter. En ek het twee paar winterstewels gaan koop voor dit nou te koud was om dit te dra. Ek haat sop. Maar in die winter – oorweeg ek butternut sop en warm-sjokolade. Die probleem is net ek moet dit sonder melk drink en dan is dit nie regtig die moeite werd nie. Gisteraand (Maandagaand) het ek voor die tv gelê met vier honde in elke hoek en gaatjie ingekruip tussen my voete en agter my rug en 'n kombers. Maar julle my hande en lyf het gepyn van die koue. Daarom dink ek, ek gaan hiberneer – of ek gaan in my pajamas werk toe kom. Dan hoef ek nie in die oggende koud te kry terwyl ek aantrek nie. Watse glorie onthou ek toe ook van my jong dae. My ma het my skooluniforms gestryk sodat ek dit warm kan aantrek. Ek gun myself nie eers so bederf nie. Maar dis hoe my ma was. Dis alles herinneringe en as mens so lê en koud kry onthou jy die Drie Bere (die Lady Birdboekies), gestrykte klere vir hitte, souskluitjies (“is so reg na my smaak”) en borde kos wat in die lou-oond warm gehou word. ~ Deur Michelle Boshoff.

Dit is met leedwese dat die familie van mnr. Hendrik Trumpie van hom afskeid neem. Hy was vir jare ’n bekende boer op die plaas Uitkoms in Ohrigstad, Buffelspoort en het ook in Balmoral gebly. Hy laat sy vrou Bets Venter, twee kinders en drie kleinkinders agter.

HULLE is reeds besig om lekker vir Innibos 2019 op te warm! Kaartjiepryse teen verlede jaar se pryse! Dís nou ń vuurwarm winskopie! Kaartjieverkope vir die feesterrein & Goue Sirkel by Computicket. Besoek Innibos se Facebook blad of www.innibos.co.za

DEUTERONÓMIUM 26:11: En jy moet vrolik wees oor al die goeie dinge wat die HERE jou God jou en jou huis gegee het; jy en die Leviet en die vreemdeling wat by jou is. Vader ons dank U vir al die goeie gawes wat ons elke dag van U ontvang - Amen.

Verandering SEDERT die middel negentigs het ek verskeie seminare en kursusse oor verandering bygewoon. Dit het dikwels oor politiek gegaan en was verstaanbaar. Maar dit het ’n obsessie geword by veral die sogenaamde veranderingskonsultante wat baie geld maak deur vir jou te vertel jy moet uit jou gemaksone klim. Wat ’n klomp snert! Waarom is mens in ’n gemaksone? Dit is omdat jy gemaklik is met jou lewenswyse, jou werk, jou familie, jou Godsdiens en jou lewenstyl. Jy het vrede en is stresvry. In Engels is jy

“content”. Alles het mening en betekenis. Nou is dit glo verkeerd. Jy moet blare vreet en ’n “vegan” word want ai, die arme diertjies! Of dit is glo beter vir jou gesondheid. Wat help gesondheid as jy gestraf word elke keer as jy lekker wil eet? Alles wat ons drink kom in plastiek, terwyl outydse glas lekkerder voel in jou hand en ten volle herwinbaar is. Jou motor word beoordeel na gelang van die grootte van die informasieskerm daarin, wat in elk geval net jou aandag aftrek. Sogenaamde “drivers cars” is uit, want hulle is kragtig, verg al jou aandag op die bestuurservaring en is lekker om te bestuur. Nee, hy moet met ’n battery loop. Daardie battery maak ’n honderd

maal meer skade aan die omgewing as ’n enjin tydens sy vervaardiging, maar ons moet verander. Jag is nou barbaars, maar die oorbevolking aan olifante wat die bome en plantegroei verwoes is nou reg. Vuurwapens is uit want een malletjie uit ’n miljoen gaan ’n kerk of skool bestorm en mense doodskiet. Die baie wat op ’n skietbaan ontspan en van hulle frustrasies ontslae raak deur papierteikens te skiet, moet verander. Wie lees nog? Nee, as dit nie op jou slimfoon verskyn nie is dit nie belangrik nie. Myns insiens is die stresvolle samelewing en die toenemende waansin onder mense die direkte gevolg van sogenaamde guru’s wat jou gedurig wil verander. Los my uit. Ek is die skepper van my eie gemaksone. Ek is rustig en kalm. Ek lees. Ek hou van ’n motor met oemf. Ek is gemaklik op ’n motorfiets en ek skiet soveel moontlik op ’n skietbaan en rooibokbiltong is heerlik. So, kom gesels met my oor die lekker dinge. Spreek jou menings en frustrasies uit. Jou geheime is veilig by my in my gemaksone.

06 Junie / June 2019

Business Chamber invites you to their Annual General Meeting THE Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber (LMBC) invites all who are interested to their AGM, which will be held on Wednesday 12 June. The venue is Jam Jar and the meeting will start at 18:00. Dress informal. A cup of soup will be available to chase away the winter blues. Topics for discussion include feedback on current projects, co-operation between the LMBC and TCM, infrastructure issues and the guest speaker will be Sipho Nkosi (Sasol Board Member and Chair). He is a coal mining veteran and former CEO of Exxaro. He will talk about “From Red Tape to Red Carpet - Hot survival skills�

Four questions will be asked and answers sought for the following: 1. On what should the LMBC focus to make a difference? 2. What is the greatest limitation on business in Lydenburg? 3. What do you suggest to be the solution? 4. What opportunities does Lydenburg have to create economical growth? Please think about these issues and contact the LMBC with your suggestions. Entry is free, but please confirm your attendance with LMBC Secretary Andre Hanekom on 081 778 5904 in order to finalise arrangements. Andre Coetzee.

The Chamber P.R.I.D.E project still in full swing with volunteers cleaning up the streets

LMBC P.R.I.D.E. project joined hands with TCLM members and the private sector to clean up the town due to the backlog. We want our town to be clean and presentable. We urgently need donations for black bags. Contact Etli at 082 371 6449 if you are able to assist. Thank you to Westvaal Mashishing for helping cleaning up Lydenburg recently. Many businesses and volunteers are involved. (Photo courtesy of LMBC).

06 Junie / June 2019

Konsert op note Die Hervormde Kerk se basaar die afgelope Saterdag het weer groot getalle besoekers getrek. Alhoewel die Hervormers al vir etlike jare die basaar na Vleisfees gedoop het, was daar baie meer as vleis op die tafels. Van die wit-olifanttafel, tombola, vars groente-en-vrugte, biltong-endroeëwors, tafels vol vleis en vele meer. ’n Hoogtepunt was ook die vertoning van sekuriteitshonde deur Phoenix Security. Almal het lekker in die winterson gesit en kyk hoe die hond sy takies geniet. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Talent uit eie bodem, dit is die gesegde. En dit was boonop weer waar toe talent van Lydenburg die verhoog bestyg het. Met toneelstukke, sang, speel van musiekinstrumente en ander vermaak het lede van die Lydenburg Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes behoorlik konsert gehou verlede week. Dankie aan al die nuwe lede en diegene wat nog nie as bejaardes klassifiseer nie, maar hul talent met die gehoor gedeel het. Die Dienssentrum van Bejaardes, dié kommitee, akteur en musici bedank almal wie dit kom bywoon het.

Musiekaand en ’n ete saam met Mathys Roets Geniet 'n vertoning met 'n heerlike ete en 'n glas wyn op 8 Junie. Die Gereformeerde Kerk het Mathys Roets uitgenooi om te kom optree. Die kaartjies is slegs R300 per persoon. Dit begin 18:30 by Laske Nakke. Skakel PostNet (013 235 4438) en die Gereformeerde Kerk se kantoor vir kaartjies 082 055 5004.

06 Junie / June 2019 LANDING at Oliver Tambo, his very first impression of South Africans was that everyone was so friendly and kind, said Yael Vervoordeldonk. Yael and his friend Mats de Haas, are pupils, aged 16 and 17, in the bilingual stream of the RSG Broklede school in Breukelen in the Netherlands. As part of their high school curriculum, they came to South Africa for a two week internship to practise their English, learn about new cultures and broaden their horizons. They chose Lydenburg to do just that – and certainly left with a totally different idea of South Africa and its array of cultures and people. They were hosted by Brian and Gerda Whitehorn from Paardeplaats but was exposed to a variety of people and places. Says Mats de Haas, in his report back to Gerda Whitehorn: “What I liked most about our international internship is that we didn't just work at one company everyday all day. You gave us the chance to meet a lot of different people and hear a lot of different perspectives about the whole situation in South Africa. I think I learnt more in these two weeks than I could have ever wished for.” Mats and Yael attended a day's school at Lydenburg High School and took part in the Colour Run. They helped coaching soccer at Enkeldoorn Primary School, worked at Hops Hollow Brewery, visited Mashishing and walked the streets of Lydenburg with journalist Thumelo..., went to the Kruger Park, helped Marnus Pretorius taming a horse and did basic farm work at Paardeplaats. At the Vollies Mini-market they held a live snake under Neels Bothma's watchful eye. And since they were here during election time, they were also exposed to the country's politics. But it was meeting individuals that impressed them the most. “The person I liked meeting the most, was Jan Neethling,” said Mats – and Yael agreed with him. “He is one of the truest people I have ever met. How he dedicates his life to helping those kids (the children at Enkeldoorn Primary School) and teaching them about life, somehow really inspires me to also do my part and make a difference in the world. He changed my trip to Lydenburg from an amazing time to an experience I will truly never forget.” “I learned that we are in an European bubble,” says Yael, admitting that they did not know of the complexities of the South African landscape – and of the pollution that

Yael Vervoordeldonk, Mr Ian Breitenbach, Mats de Haas

Gerda Whitehorn, Mats de Haas at Colour Run

Mats de Haas and Yael Vervoordeldonk with Lucas Nkuna on tractor European companies cause in Africa. Mats shares his impressions: “The first day at high school Yael and I already started noticing how the black and white kids all split up, throughout the two weeks we continuously noticed more and more evidence that there was a big difference between black and white. We heard of 'white and black schools', and that blacks get a job or a scholarship way easier. “This is what shocked me the most as we (mostly) treat everyone equally in our country. Also the extreme political parties me

Mats de Haas, Jan Neethling, Yael Vervoordeldonk

shocked me with slogans like 'land or death'. When I first thought about South Africa I never expected there to be any of these extreme problems.” Yael confirmed that the Lydenburg and Longtom surrounds was exactly as he pictured South Africa. They left with heads and hearts filled to the brim with impressions and hundreds of photographs – hopeful to return to South Africa and the friends they made in Lydenburg. ~ Gerda Whitehorn Mats de Haas, Colin Ntshangase, Yael Vervoordeldonk

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Mapping on vehicles to boost your kilowatts & nutan meters

06 Junie / June 2019


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Yokohama is gestig in 1917 as 'n gesamentlike onderneming tussen Yokohama Cable Manufacturing en BF Goodrich. Yokohama Rubber Company het veral naam gemaak toe hulle die hoofborg word van die bekende voetbal klub Chelsea. En daarna ook die hoof bande verskaffer Soos die aanvraag na uitlaatstelsels afneem, weens die uithaal van lood uit aan die Macau Grand Prix Formule 3 vanaf 1983. Na 'n 100 jaar is hulle die die brandstof, het ons meer begin konsentreer om ons bande reeks uit te 7de grootste bande verskaffer, en ken hulle beslis hul bande. brei. Ons eerste “brand” wat ons begin verkoop het, was Hancook bande, daarna het Yokohama gevolg. Hancook het in 1941 onstaan as Chosun Tire Company, en was in 1968 hernoem na Hancook, wat “Korea” beteken. Die maatskappy verskaf baie van die bande aan motorvervaardigers as “OE fitment”, wat beteken “Original Equipment”. Daar word plus minus 92 miljoen bande per jaar vervaardig.

(Hier is Yokohama se eerste band en binneband.)

(Hier spog 'n Jeep met die Hancook Dynapro Mud Terrain bande)

Vandag is hulle so vol vertroud in hul bande kwaliteit, dat hulle 'n “Mileage Warranty” op van hul bande reekse het. Byvoorbeeld die Yokohama G015 AT het 'n 100 000km mileage warranty op. Vir die passasiers voertuie het hulle 'n reeks wat bestaan as die “Blue Earth” reeks, wat vervaardig word deur hul “Orange Oil Technology”. Dit maak die rubber samestelling sagter, dus gee dit die bande beter padhouvermoë.

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Ons het hier by De Graaf Undercar ons bande reeks so uitgebrei sodat ons in al ons kliente se behoeftes kan voldoen na die beste van ons vermoë. Tans verskaf ons die volgende bande reekse, Yokohama, Hancook, Continental, General Grabber, Achilles, GT Radial, Falken, Dunlop, asook 'n wye reeks meer bekostigbare bande.

06 Junie / June 2019


Kia baby SUV interior shown The case for genuine leather seats KIA has released sketches of its upcoming baby SUV’s interior, revealing the newcomer will be offered with a 10,25inch touchscreen. The latest images have been released after the Korean firm earlier showed off sketches of the vehicle’s exterior. Although the automaker has yet to announce the new model's name, it's expected to wear the Tusker badge. Kia claims the new model’s cabin will be trimmed in “high-quality materials throughout”, with the design creating a “youthful and luxurious vibe”. Look closely and you’ll notice the metallic highlights in the air vents as well as the grab-bar on the passenger side of the centre console. Front and centre, though, is the aforementioned 10,25-inch touchscreen navigation system, which Kia promises will provide “seamless access to a range of features”. “We have focused on designing a cabin unlike any other in the small SUV segment, with a greater sense of depth and richness to the design. Our newest model will offer greater pleasure and satisfaction to our customers, with a premium-quality interior that benefits from sophisticated design details,” said Byung Chul Juh, head of styling. Described as a “new global small SUV”, the model is scheduled to hit the market in Korea in the second half of 2019, with sales in other regions to “follow soon after”. carmag.co.za

WHY do car manufacturers think that oil-based fabrics are more sustainable than leather? The world of automobiles is currently undergoing its biggest period of change since they were first introduced over a century ago. From that moment they have transformed the way we live, but now the way we live is changing, and the automobile is being forced to adapt. It is appropriate that the industry should rethink all aspects of its production at such a moment, but it is vital that it uses common sense and properly thought out science in doing so. Oil based plastics are no substitute for leather. One of the gravest errors that seems to be surfacing with electric vehicles and some hybrid types is the tendency to replace leather, an organic material, with oil- based plastics and synthetics, somehow conflating 'vegan' with 'sustainable'. It is a misrepresentation of science and not only illogical but perverse when the stated objective is improved sustainability. Properly made leather is one of the most sustainable materials the car companies could use. No one keeps or kills cattle to make leather, it is a by-product from the meat and dairy industry. Hides and skins are a renewable resource - perhaps one of the world's oldest recycled materials. Modern leather factories, such as those making automotive leathers, produce an engineered product made with integrity, t e c h n o l o g y a n d craftsmanship. The plants are bright and modern, not unlike the most modern car facilities and they skilfully merge

technology, craftsmanship and product design to engineer a long-lasting renewable product from a natural material. It is a material that has become increasingly popular as an interior design resource in modern cities as well as a covering for smartphones and tablets precisely because as an organic, natural material it humanises an environment loaded with metal, glass and technology. All the evidence so far suggests that cars will be expected to work harder and last longer. Leather as a tactile, long lasting low maintenance material fits perfectly as a sustainable contemporary fabric which is totally relevant for the demands of this fast evolving world. Internet

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06 Junie / June 2019

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AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735

ART/ FRAMING J A D E A R T & FRAMING 013 235 1241/ 082 337 6927 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VAN M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all PC repairs, maintenance, u p d a t i n g o r purchasing new hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


MOTORHUUR/ CAR HIRE LY D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780 TE KOOP/ FOR SALE HAELGEWEER Browning 12Gr pump R10 000. 072 538 0 4 5 0 . Ve r w y s i n g : Hunters Boma 082 777 4864 V O L L E D I G E slaapkamerstel, Imbuia hout. 076 914 3207/ 013 235 2996

Kennisgewing: die ondergenoemde voertuig sal deur Atlas Paneelkloppers verkoop word na 30 dae vanaf eerste plasing van die advertensie om die besigheid se kostes te dek sowel as stoorgelde vir die voortuig as die eienaars nie die rekening kom betaal nie: swart Mercedes B e n z C 1 8 0 Compressor Reg: SLS 948 GP Kontak Atlas Paneelkloppers by 013 235 3423 vir verdere inligting.




AUTOHAUSEN K L I T Z - G R A S SMART 013 235 2721/ C H A L E T S 082 554 8293 Accommodation, c h a p e l & Ve n u e facilities, boma/braai MOTORS TE KOOP/ Spitbraai for hire 013 CARS FOR SALE 235 2758

MATHS DVD’s: 067 338 7499. DIE BOOMDOKTOR Sny van bome, mulching (chips), firewood. Roll-onlawn. 082 702 1420

TO W N H O U S E Burgersfort. R8000 p/m 082 803 9291

TROETELDIERE/ PETS PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658 DOGGY IN THE WINDOW parlour. 53 Viljoen St. Rowena 083 326 0941


FLAT FOR SALE: 2 b e d r o o m s , 1 bathroom, centrally located in Lydenburg. R495 000. Urgent Sale! 082 553 5549




LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds at Mpumalanga intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T91776/2007 dated 12 July 2007 passed by Eddy Sello Mashego in f a v o u r o f Ta b o o Trading 0014 Proprietary Limited Registration Number: 2004/005627/07 in respect of certain:ERF

5 2 1 LY D E N B U R G T O W N S H I P , R E G I S T R AT I O N D I V I S I O N J T, PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA IN EXTENT: 2855 (TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND F I F T Y F I V E ) SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF T R A N S F E R T91776/2007 which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Mpumalanga within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION PRETORIA CASE NO. 78013/2009 In the matter between: SHACKLETON C R E D I T MANAGEMENT (PTY) LTD Plaintiff and D AV I D PAT R I C K SELALA Defendant (ID No: 710906 5705 081) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION OF MOVEABLE PROPERTY In pursuance of a judgment by the above Honourable Court on 27 July 2012 and Warrant of Execution issued in the above court under mentioned goods been attached, and will be sold in execution for cash or Bank Guaranteed cheque to the highest b i d d e r o n W E D N E S D AY 2 6 JUNE 2019 at 10H00 at the Office of the SHERIFF'S OFFICE LY D E N B U R G & BURGERSFORT situated at NO. 80 KANTOOR STREET, LYDENBURG. 1. The Conditions of Sale will be available at the Office of the Sheriff, 24 hours prior to the set time 2. Registration as purchaser is

compulsory in terms of: The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2009 The Act on Financial Intelligence Centre 38 of 2001 3. Goods will be sold to the highest bidder for cash or sold subject to confirmation of the Consumer Protection Act, in accordance with instructions from the Judgment debtor and/or his/her attorney. 4. Goods being offered for sale being as follows: 1 x MERCEDES BENZ – REG NO: HCV 730 MP; 1 x VENTER TRAILER; 1 x NISSAN BUS – REG NO: BCC 279 MP Lynn & Main Attorneys Ref: DWoodgett/AB552 011 784 4852

KERKE/ CHURCHES Anglican Church Ly d e n b u r g . S u n . 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerdek e r k Ly d e n b u r g . Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Ly d e n b u r g . S o n . 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • N G M o e d e r g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Wo e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e

Keys (cut) Remotes Locks Safes Gate Motors (Centurion) 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla

Would you like to grow your business? Contact BNI President Brian Coetsee on 079 976 9112

Wil jy graag jou besigheid laat groei? Kontak die plaaslike BNI President Brian Coetsee by 079 976 9112

Hanekom. • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • R e h o b o t Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00, English service Sundays at 11:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 8 3 7 4 5 0 8 jacovanwyk@ronelc o.co.za English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse diens Sondagoggend om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. S e r v i c e s Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat.

Fanie du Toit 072-317-3959 Sales & Rentals

Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. Verkope van elektriese goedere.

39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563

Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 E r e d i e n s . # L y d e n b u r g Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS B e t h e s d a Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas G o u d m y n , Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Ly d e n b u r g , P a s t Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 4 4 8 2 6 5 8 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.

• Alle loodgieter werk • Instandhouding • Solar Geysers • Water-suiwering sisteme • Bou werk en instandhouding

Tiaan Dippenaar 076 629 7605 tiaandippenaar1@gmail.com

Termiete Kokkerotte Miere Rotte

Nuus / News

06 Junie / June 2019

Pieter 083 274 1986

Gerda 079 515 7799

Madelein Bernadette 082 560 4981 082 801 9907

Family house in Secure, Quiet Area - ONLY R1 595 000. Elegant and spacious modern family house in a quiet area in town with a neat garden and securely fenced. House consisting of family room with fireplace, open plan kitchen with scullery, pantry and separate laundry. Add to that 3 bedrooms and two well fitted bathrooms. A study that can also be used as a fourth bedroom. Double drive-through garage with additional three vehicle carport, large enough for a motor-home. More than enough space for the kids to play in the large garden with lovely lawns. You simply need to see the property to fully appreciate it! Contact PIETER on 083 274 1986 at Pam Golding.

VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop 3 Slk meenthuis 2 badk kombuis leef area en enkel motorhuis in kompleks klein yard R6 200 3 Slk huis 2 badk kombuis leef area met braai dubbel motorhuise met yard R11 800 2 Slk dupleks, 1 badkamer, kombuis, leef area kaggel gaste badk 1 motorhuis met yard R6 800

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

06 Junie / June 2019

Laerskool se o,13 seunsrugby eindig seisoen op ’n hoogtepunt

Laerskool Lydenburg se o.13 span het aan die Mpumalanga Groot Skole Rugby finaal deelgeneem die afgelope naweek.

Debatwenners 2019

Debat 2019: Tiaan Joubert en Fanie Erasmus het maksimaal gegaan! Baie geluk manne, hulle het die ander span goed laat sweet!

Die o.13’s in aksie tydens die seisoen

Collage verskaf

o.14’s is Plaatwenners

Baie geluk o.14 netbaldogters van die Hoërskool Lydenburg, wat die bane by MUSSA’s verlaat het as Plaatwenners.

1ste span in aksie

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