27 Junie / June Jr/Yr 16 No. 25 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za
Visarend deur Lani Visser van die Longtom Fotografieklub
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27 Junie / Julie 2019
DOCUMENTS stating the alleged crimes and with evidence that it is currently being investigated by the Community Safety, Security and Liaison Office in Nelspruit part of the dispute why a traffic officer of Thaba Chweu has not been suspended from duty even though Thaba Chweu has known about it for months. Thaba Chweu has been aware of the complaint since March 2019 and several officials are involved. The Subject of the complaint is : A L L E G E D FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES
Burgersfort, Shop 2, Mashifane Park, Main road to Polokwane
Cornice Glue 2L
No Power? No Problem... 150L Solar Geyser R6500
Solar Controllers
Solar System
Outdoor Umbrella Beige & White R1 150
Lights From R80
From R139
Gel Solar Battery
Selected PVC Ceiling
Charcoal R35 per 5KG
Mertanti Wood Single Garage Door From R6 900
PPC Cement
Outdoor set R3 999.99
Mertanti Wood Double Garage Door From R13 200
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Waco Switch 1 way 1 lever
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I N V O LV I N G T R A F F I C OFFICER FROM THABA CHWEU MUNICIPALITY. The purpose is to provide the Member of the Executive Council with the outcome of the investigation of the complaint received on 30 November 2018 of alleged fraudulent activities during his/ her employment. The name of the officer is being withheld because the case is still under investigation and it is probable that more officers were involved. After the request for final investigation and visit to Thaba Chweu from the legislative in Mbombela on Friday 19 January, the following was confirmed: 1) Notice was on the court roll of 17 January and that a Warrant of Arrest was issued. The warrant of arrest is currently not executed and still active. There is evidence of fraudulent tickets written out where the type of vehicle, identification number of the driver and other statistics written down do not add up. The originals of the tickets were also found and were not given to the drivers and payment of bribes are part of the complaint. ~ Michelle Boshoff
Traffic fraud
The ticket was purposefully distorted to protect the identity of the driver that was scammed.
27 Junie / June 2019
HE HOMELESS MAN in this photo can just as well be sleeping behind the palisades. That is because he is in an open jail and doesn't need palisades to be a captive of his circumstances. He has been 'a resident' in De Beer Street Lydenburg since approximately the middle of April. He first camped out on the corner at Standard Bank and slept in their parking lot's garden. Standard Bank and their security didn't do anything to help or try to remove him. He then moved to the tree directly in front of the Dutch Reformed Church. He is there day in and day out. We suspect he uses the open lot across from the church for his ablutions. The De Beer Street residents have an active whatsApp group and several of the residents have tried to help out, by giving him blankets and food. They have also called state departments, their own churches and other non profit organisations. Sometimes he will just throw the food on the ground and say it is poison. A community leader of Mashishing, a Pastor of Mashishing and other social workers that work with the homeless were contacted. The community leader in Mashishing said that the man may have been left in Lydenburg and that he is actually from Burgersfort. According to him people from Burgersfort come and dump their elderly with Dementia here, because they won't be able to find their way home. It appears that the man may be mentally ill. But after weeks of observation I don't think it is the case – he just acts up when people approach him. The community leader of Mashishing and the Pastor was extremely kind and concerned over the phone, but there has been no active solution. I need to be very clear that several institutions were contacted and they were asked how to help him. When I went the offices of a social worker their neighbours said the office has been closed for 10 days and they don’t know where the social workers are. The Lydenburg Hospital, SAPS and Rata were great giving advice – but there is so much red tape that they always need another department to give the go-
Help for the homeless nonexistent in Thaba Chweu According to a community leader Burgersfort DUMP their elderly with Dementia here because they won't be able to find their way home.
ahead, to fill in forms or to give permission to remove him or admit him to an institution. The man is not doing anything wrong and doesn’t appear to be a criminal. We were hoping that he could be admitted to the Lydenburg Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. That will at least get him off the streets for a few days. Five homeless people were murdered in Pretoria last week. Homeless people are a soft target and this man is attacked nearly every weekend and everything he managed to gather the
during the week gets stolen. But for this homeless man it is also a battle for survival in these freezing temperatures. And there are many more homeless people in Lydenburg. At best, they have a tree to sleep under during the day. The broader society simply ignores their existence. It is sad that there is zero support from any state organisation and the rest of his community.
Perhaps because the man is homeless, a part of society has forgotten him and he knows he is just a menace to society. But is it fair to leave him under a tree for the rest of the winter? Please respond to this article with a positive and helpful plan of action by phoning 082 450 4876. You can clearly see where to find him and try to help out. By Michelle Boshoff
l STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738
Dit is met leedwese dat ons verneem het van Elna Schnetler se afsterwe. Ons innige simpatie en medelye aan haar gesin. Die begrafnis is op Vrydag 5 Julie 2019 om 11h00 by die Lewende Woord Kerk. • Me. Schnetler is reeds jare die Highlands Panorama Nuus se buurvrou. Ons gaan haar vriendelike waai uit die bakkie mis en ook die vinnige inloer. Die koerant betuig ook ons innige simpatie aan haar familie en vriende. ~ RED
Including Removal
Contact 082 568 6695
27 Junie / June 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit
Belangrike kennisgewing in verband met Rusoord Shade. Skadu onder die palmtakke. Dit beteken nie om in die skadu te sit nie. Die bitsige manier wat mense met mekaar kan kommunikeer. En om steke in mekaar se rigting te gooi. As jy niksvermoedend in ‘n geselskap staan en dié pyl op jou neer. Jy staan en dink aan jou honde wat jy gister gebad het... en ‘n paar sekondes later reën die goed deurdagte gifpyle met ‘n arsenaal op jou neer. Die drie het so lekker in die warm water gestaan met die skuim om hulle. Jy doen niemand kwaad nie. Jy dink nie aan slegte dinge nie. Jy staan net daar. Ja ek is seker ‘n goeie teiken. Want ek dra elke emosie op my arm. Ek het nie die geen gekry om my emosies weg te steek nie en ek kry nog nie Botox nie. Dit is een van die dae my plan. Al moet ek nooit weer eet nie. Toe lees ek die rubriek van Gustaf Pienaar op www.litnet.org.za Ek dink nie hy het na die emosionele kant van die geselskap verwys nie maar eintlik na dieregeweld. Hy skryf oor hoe die beweging Beauty without Cruelty in Augustus 1985 by minstens twee spoorwegstasies tussen Kaapstad en Simonstad groot advertensieborde gehuur en daarop 'n baie omstrede maar hoogs effektiewe advertensie geplak het. Dit het bestaan uit 'n foto van die onderlyf van 'n dame wat 'n romp aangehad het. Daarby het sy sykouse en hoëhakskoene gedra, asook 'n lang pelsjas wat so agter haar aan gesleep het – alles in swart en wit. Agter die sleep van die jas was daar 'n lang bloedspoor wat in helder, kontrasterende rooi uitgebeeld is. En dan was daar die boodskap opskrif: "It takes up to 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat. But only one to wear it". Was dit die wyse Shakespeare wat iets gesê het van die dame wat net so 'n bietjie te veel gemor het? "The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Of sou ons in mooi idiomatiese Afrikaans sê: "As die jakkals tjank, is die skoot raak." Ja my tjank is afgetrap ek sal weer moed vir die week moet bymekaarskraap. ~ Michelle Boshoff
NUMERI 32:13: Die Here was baie kwaad vir Israel en het hulle veertig jaar lank in die woestyn laat rondswerf, totdat die hele geslag omgekom het wat in sy oë verkeerd gedoen het. Vader vergewe en behoed ons van hierdie lot en gee dat ons nuwe geslagte wel U beloofde land sal ervaar - Amen.
DIE Bestuur van Rusoord Tehuis vir bejaardes wil graag die volgende onder alle betrokkenes se aandag bring: Geen medikasie mag deur die inwoners by hulself of in hulle kamers gehou word nie. Enige en alle voorgeskrewe en rakmedikasie moet aan die tehuis se verpleegpersoneel besorg word vir veilige bewaring en dosering aan die pasient. 'n Beroep word dus gedoen op families, kinders, dokters en aptekers om streng toe te sien dat afgelewerde medisyne in die hande van die tehuis se verpleegpersoneel alleenlik gelaat moet word, met
duidelike instruksies vir wie dit bedoel is en welke dosisse wanneer toegedien moet word. Hierdie reel is nodig omdat van die inwoners soms vergeet watter medikasie teen watter dosisse geneem moet word, per ongeluk nalaat om hulle medisyne te neem, per ongeluk kan oordoseer, of per ongeluk die verkeerde medikasies kan kombineer. Ons maak in hierdie verband staat op almal se samewerking. Rusoord Bestuur.
Silwer toekenning vir DN Makelaars
By die onlangse Mpumalanga Streektoekennings van Santam het die plaaslike DN Makelaars silwer gewen. Veels geluk aan die gedugte span. Van links agter Cornél Sealie, Gerhard Nel, André Nel, Wessel Davel, Amanda Nel, Lelanie Potgieter; (voor): Rinska Harmse, Sarah Mogola, Pamela du Plessis, Leandri Lange en Louise van Staden. Afwesig op foto: Martin Mulder en Petro Warricker.
IN celebrating the National Child Protection Week, the police in Ohrigstad led by the social crime prevention coordinator Sgt Kholofelo Phokane jointly with the VEP members, CPF and YAC members conducted two separate awareness campaigns around Ohrigstad policing area. In the first campaign the members visited Kiba Creche at Majaditshukudu village outside Ohrigstad. The little ones displayed the knowledge and understanding by doing poems, which they learned at school.
Beloofde Land NEE, ek praat nie van die Heuwels Fantasties se liedjie met dieselfde titel nie. Ek is meer ’n Pink Floyd (The Wall) of ’n Deep Purple (Smoke on the water) of Uriah Heep (Stealin) tipe. Nee, ek verwys na die praatjie van Sipho Nkosi (SBI Voorsitter) nou die dag by die Sakekamer se jaarvergadering. Sy praatjie was hoopvol. Hoopvol oor die toekoms van hierdie land Suid Afrika wat nou so vinnig en dramaties uitmekaarval onder die ANC bewind.
Aldus mnr. Nkosi het sy navorsing getoon dat veral Afrikalande sowat 40 jaar neem om te stabiliseer en te presteer na ’n rewolusie, of na onafhanklikheid vanaf die datum van die einde van kolonialisme. Ons is nou 25 jaar in hierdie ding. Sy analogie met die Israeliete wat 40 jaar onder Moses in die woestyn rondgeswerf het, was interessant. Volgends die ou Testament het die Israeliete in die tyd afgode gebou, honger gely en voortdurend gemurmereer. Baie min van hulle het die beloofde land gesien. Mnr Nkosi se goeie nuus was dat dit
In another campaign the members visited Maepa Primary School outside Ohrigstad town, where more than 120 learners were addressed at their assembly point. During his address, Sgt Phokane advised the learners not to play next to fire places without the supervision of elders and that they must refrain from starting veld fires because its winter and that can cause serious accidents and / or damages to other people's properties. The Youth Against Crime chairperson Puleng Msibi warned the learners not to smoke or drink alcohol. Suid Afrika nie 40 jaar sal neem om reg te kom nie. Volgens hom kan ons Zuma, die Guptas en die ANC bedank hiervoor. Hulle destruktiewe kaskenades het baie mense in die land wakker gemaak en hulle dring nou aan op stabiliteit. Op ’n beter ekonomie, beter onderwys, beter gesondheidstelsels en ’n drastiese afname in misdaad. Siende dat ek oor die algemeen positief is, kan ek nogal met hom saamstem. Die skrif is aan die muur vir die huidige spul. Die EFF moet nog hulle beurt kry, maar dit sal van korte duur wees. Vir die wat net murmereer, die geld afgod aanhang, of weghol kan ek net sê: Oppas dat julle nie die beloofde land misloop nie! Die tyd kom vinnig nader dat ons vrede, voorspoed en ’n misdaadvrye samelewing gaan opeis. Hou die plaaslike regering verkiesings binne twee jaar dop. Dit gaan die begin van verandering wees.
27 Junie / June 2019
Wees deel van Lydenburg se glanstydskrif vir besighede
ydenburg / Mashishing se jaarlikse Sakegids – die agste in 'n ry – is in wording. Die Sakekamer en die redaksiespan is opgewonde oor die 2019 / 2020 uitgawe wat soos elke jaar, die mees omvattende sake-foonboek vir die omgewing is. Die oplaag is sedert die eerste uitgawe in 2012 van 5000 na 10 000 verdubbel om die groeiende aantal gebruikers gelukkig te hou en van die 2018 / 2019-uitgawe is daar slegs enkeles by PostNet en die Highlands Panorama beskikbaar. Die handige glanstydskrif vir Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Burgersfort en die groter Tubatse-area, word gratis versprei aan besighede, myne en smelters en hul hoofkantore in Gauteng en Rustenburg, gastehuise en toerismepunte – waar ookal gebruikers is wat met Lydenburg en omgewing wil sake doen. “Die boek het 'n lang raklewe,” verduidelik produksiebestuurder Marietjie Bezuidenhout. ”Ons ideaal is om uiteindelik 'n boek in die boonste laai van elke verbruiker, nywerheidsbaas, sake-bestuurder en sy of haar sekretaresse te hê. Ons adverteerders bevestig elke jaar dat hulle die boeke bêre en gereeld gebruik om nommers op te spoor en kliënte te help.” Die nuttige dorpskaarte van Lydenburg, Steelpoort en Burgersfort en die padkaart na die myne en smelters, is veral gewild. So ook die uitgebreide lys van skole, kerke en gemeenskapsdienste. Die gewildste bly egter die omvattende A-Z-foonlys agter in die boek en kategorie-lys binne-in. Die volledige boek is ook elektronies as 'n blaai-boek beskikbaar op die Sakekamer se webwerf, www.lydenburgbusiness.co.za
”Soos elke jaar is die boek propvol nuwighede,” belowe redakteur Gerda Whitehorn. “Ons luister na ons gebruikers en adverteerders en maak elke jaar aanpassings. Vanjaar is ons tema Longtom en ons beplan om meer inligting oor besienswaardighede en aktiwiteite in die Panorama-gebied te dek. “Die Sakegids is 'n diens aan die gemeenskap en nie 'n geldmaakboek nie,” sê Whitehorn. “Die Sakekamer se belangrikste funksie is om die sakegemeenskap by te staan om besigheid te kan doen. Dit is 'n ondankbare taak met baie frustrasie en min erkenning. Met die Sakegids wil ons graag die Sakekamer se ledetal uitbrei sodat ons met 'n dikker stem met owerhede kan praat.” Elke lid kry 'n gratis inskrywing in sowel d i e k a te g o r i e - a s d i e A - Z- l y s . Te l e f o o n n o m m e r s v a n d i e n s organisasies, skole en kerke word gratis geplaas en besighede kan vir so min as R120 per jaar 'n nommer agter-in die AZ-lys publiseer. Adverteerders wat blokadvertensies uitneem, (vanaf R960 tot half- en volbladsye) kry 'n kliek-deurskakel in die elektroniese gids na hul eie webwerwe toe. Sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings en advertensies in die 2019 / 2020 Sakegids, is 31 Julie. Vir meer inligting, kontak Gerda Whitehorn via whatsapp of e-pos op 079 515 7799 of gerda@whitehorn.co.za, André Hanekom op 081 778 5904 of admin@lydenburgbusiness.co.za, of Marietjie Bezuidenhout op 082 789 8317 of marietjie@gm-web.com Die Highlands Panorama sal weer help met die verspreiding van die gids.
27 Kerk Street, Shop nr 3, Lydenburg
27 Junie / June 2019
Foto – Barry Odendaal (Spar Lowveld), Pamela Seopela (Tops Longtom Bestuurder), Judah en sy pa Louis Fourie (wenner) en Andre du Plooy (Longtom Superspar & Tops). Mnr Barry Odendaal van Spar Lowveld het die trekking kom doen vir die “Weekends are for Tops” promosie. Hierdie promosie was vir al die Tops winkels in die Laeveld streek. Mnr Louis Fourie kon nie glo dat hy die gelukkige wenner was en met so 'n groot prys huistoe gaan nie.
27 Junie / June 2019
Uitverkoping by Pet’s Corner
Richard Parkinson besit Pets Corner, Lydenburg al vir die afgelope 11 jaar en is 'n bekende gesig hier in die dorp. Sedert Augustus verlede jaar het Richard se gesondheid erg agteruit gegaan. Hy het ongelukkig sy mediese fonds uitgeput en word hulle nou genoop om die winkel te sluit. Alles in die winkel is afgemerk. Gaan loer gerus in of kontak Toekie 082 750 5470 vir enige navrae.
27 Junie / June 2019
This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.
(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
Hino wins top award Be careful of modified cars HINO South Africa’s Dealer Network continued to vote its brand as the best in the country in terms of Dealer Satisfaction for the third year in succession at the recent annual awards by the National Automobile Dealers’ Association (NADA). Hino once again collected a platinum award as it placed top of the commercial vehicle category in the Dealer Satisfaction Index (DSI) rankings. Hino SA made history when it was one of the first truck manufacturers to earn a platinum award in 2017. This year Hino was the only truck franchise to collect platinum, with one brand collecting gold, three gaining silver awards and three placed in the bronze category. Platinum is awarded for scores over 85 points, with gold between 75 and 84.9, silver between 70 and 74.9 and bronze between 65 and 69.9. Hino SA was the only franchise in the top five to improve its score over 2018. This year it scored 86.1, which was 2.3 points higher than its 2018 score. The NADA DSI survey, which has now been conducted for 24 years, is undertaken annually to monitor the health of the relationship between dealers and their respective manufacturers or distributors. “The improvement in Hino’s rating over the past few years – the franchise ranked only fifth in 2013 – did not happen by accident. It was our objective to gain No. 1 position and a platinum rating,” said Ernie Trautmann, Vice President of Hino South Africa. “This achievement of getting to No. 1 and then retaining this top position is truly a team effort and living testimony to our One Team One Pledge approach to the way we do business. It is also an important outflow from the International Total Support strategy which we have employed for several years now.” This latest achievement in topping NADA’s DSI for the third year in a row f o l l o w s H i n o ’ s dominance i n t h e quarterly Data Track comparative truck survey which is based on customer interviews. Hino’s latest combined score for sales, service and parts was again over 99%. The results of the first quarter Data Track at the end of March marked the third successive quarter where Hino placed top in the combined score ranking of this important survey. Motorpress.co.za
DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg
013 235 1086 / 013 492 1871 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za
WITH more than half a million South Africans browsing Gumtree for parts, there's a booming online aftermarket for car parts and accessories which is being accessed largely by informal mechanics indulging in their favourite hobby. But whether it's done for style or for performance (or both), changing a manufacturer's specs on a vehicle should be done with great caution. Firstly, it's a bit of a legal minefield. The relevant Acts are inadequate to cover most modifications and, in particular, lack detail, which means the authorities have a broad license to interpret almost any changes as illegal simply because the vehicle is no longer identical to the way it rolled off the production line. Obviously any modifications which demonstrably improve the safety of a vehicle
(better brakes as an example) will not be problematic, but almost anything else could get you into trouble. Some areas to keep a special eye on are: • Being able to prove that a replacement engine has been legally obtained - all engines and chassis should have VIN numbers or other forms of identification. • Completely darkened windows are illegal immediately and attract attention from the police. • Highly exaggerated noise from massive exhausts is anti-social, drains expensive fuel and, once again, draws notice from the authorities. The best way to protect yourself is to get a roadworthy on the modified vehicle once you have finished the work. Leaving aside the law, your primary concern should be the safety of the modified vehicle. Here you should follow some basic rules: • Only use quality parts from a reputable manufacturer – it's not uncommon for cars that have stood outside on cinder blocks for months to be broken up for parts and they can be hazardous. • Don't overpower the vehicle body – the braking system and structure of a smaller car may not be able to cope with a massive boost in engine power. • Always get a licensed professional to fit a custom body kit to your car (even one that you've made yourself) - loose parts are particularly dangerous. • Do not DIY your car's electrical system – improper insulation or overloaded circuits can cause a hazardous engine fire. • Dropping the ride (lowering the vehicle) carries serious handling implications and can cause accidents at speed – the same applies to outsized wheels. • Don't add to passenger capacity – squeezing in some extra seats is acutely dangerous especially if those seats are not properly anchored and don't have seat belts. Finally, many of the problems facing vehicle modifiers come from the 'street racing' perception that it's all about risk and speed in ways that endanger drivers and the public. Don't be part of that. If your passion is to drive fast then only use your modified vehicle on a properly regulated racetrack. by Jeff Osborne of Gumtree Autos.
27 Junie / June 2019
Do not miss the Classic Car Show at Nasrec on 7 July BIG on Muscle Cars, Big on Classic VWs, Mighty on Minis and a British Invasion too. That’s the message organiser Paulo Calisto is sending out for Gauteng’s biggest mid-winter classic car bash at Nasrec Expo Centre on July 7, 2019. Driver and one passenger of a classic car gets free admission to the show. Food, drink, a prawn festival and helicopter rides for the whole family. There will be drifting and passenger rides in drift cars at this year’s show. Admission price is R60 through Computicket, R80 at the gate, children under 12 - R20. The Show runs from 8 am to 4pm on Sunday, July 7. Over the past seven years The Classic Car Show’s mid-winter bash at Nasrec has built up a fine tradition in the crisp Highveld weather that can be expected at this time of the year. Once again, over 1 000 classic cars, hot rods and muscle cars are expected, making this Gauteng’s biggest motor show. As in past years, the gates open for spectators at 8 am at the impressive Nasrec Expo complex, which is located just of the N1 Highway, south west of Johannesburg, and just a wheel-spin away from Soccer City. The easiest way to get to the Nasrec Expo Centre is via the Rand Show Road exit, with the venue about 1 km east of the N1. The Classic Car scene continues to thrive in South Africa, and this twiceyearly event at Nasrec draws a diverse mix of classics that is one again expected to number over 1 000 cars. “This July we are extending a special invitation to owners of British Classic cars to spend the day mixing it up with the American Muscle and the other European classics,“ says organiser Paulo Calisto. “We are expecting a number of Triumphs, Austin Healeys, MGs, Jaguars and hopefully some Morgan sports cars too. American muscle cars have traditionally arrived at The Classic Car Show from all over Gauteng and Pretoria. This year we are targeting a large contingent of the traditional British sports cars, the idea being that variety is the spice of Classic Car life!” Mini’s up-coming 60th birthday will be celebrated at Nasrec on July 7. As a preview to the big Birthday Bash for Minis in late August, a number of classic, first-generation Minis are once again expected at Nasrec. In past years there have been up to 30 original Minis in short-nose and long-nose form making the run to Nasrec, and this year should be no different. The Mini turns 60 this year on August 24, and The Classic Car Show will give many Mini owners the opportunity to give their classic little Minis a dry run before their big birthday bash in Cullinan late in August. As has been the tradition at The Classic Car Show over the past seven years, many builders of serious American Muscle from the ‘60s and ‘70s use the Nasrec event to showcase their latest rides. Expect a strong presence of Mustangs from the 1960s and ‘70s, Chevrolet Camaros, Oldsmobiles, Plymouths, Dodges and other larger cars that originated from America. A favourite ride as usual will be the classic Chevrolets from the so-called Tri-Chevy years of 1955 to 1957. These were the cars that were most popular amongst a whole generation of muscle car freaks inspired by the 1970s movie, American Graffiti. The interesting thing about these triChevy models is that they were all based on the same bodyshell, but different grilles, chrome accents and wing treatment give them a look that is significantly different in each of the model years. Hot rods and pick-up trucks will again form a huge part of the classic car turn-out. Of note will be the traditional Rolling Thunder display which rolls to the show all the way from Pretoria, and which traditionally sets up shop
Lydenburg,CNR Voortrekker & Viljoen Str, 013 235 2381
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outside Hall 5 at Nasrec. From a European perspective, DKW two-stroke cars have been enjoying a stronger presence each year at Nasrec, as well as other German brands, such as Taunus, Mercedes-Benz and Opel. There seems to be no end to the popularity-growth enjoyed by the Volkswagen bus and Beetle brigade. Kombis in both classic and custom form traditionally make The Classic Car Show scene each year, and the VW Beetle in models ranging from the 1950s to the late 1970s are expected to show up in ever-increasing numbers. The owners of classic cars will be admitted free of charge to the Classic Car Show on August 7, 2019. Admission will be free for the driver and one passenger, while extra passengers will have to pay a full admission fee. The Show runs from 8 am to 4 pm. Classic car owners can gain access to the display area from 7 am. As usual there will be a full complement of entertainment, food and drink laid on by the organisers, with live rock music being a traditional feature of the show. There will be entertainment for children such as kiddies gokarts and jumping castles, and helicopter rides will also be on offer. Once again the Classic Cars Show Prawn Festival will be a feature of the event. There will be a host of stalls selling car-related and lifestyle goods at The Classic Car Show For more information, visit www.classiccarshowco.za, send an e-mail to events@classiccars.co.za or call organiser Paulo Calisto on 060 524 3767.
27 Junie / June 2019
Termiete Kokkerotte Miere Rotte
DIENSTE/ SERVICES A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976 G.A PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en Pastel agent 013 235 4774 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 ROX INTERIORS - U p h o l s t e r y, c a r p e t s , curtaining, Blinds & Gifts. 072 222 5566 J O V E L A U TO M AT I S E R I N G Accessories for gates & garage d o o r s . 3 9 Rensburg street. 079 490 9183 MATHS DVD’s: 067 338 7499. D I E BOOMDOKTOR Sny van bome, mulching (chips), firewood. Roll-onlawn. 082 702 1420 GESONDHEID/ HEALTH DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263
BACHELOR FLAT Lydenburg. I.T.@Large - for all R2900 p/m. 079 P C r e p a i r s , 624 9486 maintenance, updating or 2 BEDROOM purchasing new GARDEN FLAT hardware and R 2 9 0 0 p / m . software, virus Lydenburg. Lenty r e m o v a l s , 062 139 6106 networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 S L K 268 9211 / Pierre 1 W O O N S TEL. 079 881 1932 Krugerspost. 082 253 4525 MOTOR 2 S L K DIENSTE/ AUTO SERVICES WOONSTEL te h u u r. To e s l u i t motorhuis, geen ATLAS PANEEL- t r o e t e l d i e r e . K L O P P E R S - R4500 p/m 083 G e a k k r e d i t e e r. 327 3003 Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382 AKKOMODASIE/ ACCOMAUTOHAUSEN MODATION SMART 013 235 2721/ 082 554 8293 KLITZ-GRAS CHALETS Accommodation, MOTORS TE chapel & Venue KOOP/ CARS f a c i l i t i e s , FOR SALE boma/braai Spitbraai for hire I BUY VEHICLES 013 235 2758 for cash. 082 646 6735 WERK GESOEK/ WORK WANTED MOTORHUUR/ CAR HIRE I AM LOOKING FOR WORK. I LY D E N B U R G have a valid VEHICLE HIREdrivers license. car & van rentals. 060 918 2384 013 235 1780 LOOKING FOR kitchen/ cooking TROETELDIERE/ work. 079 845 7531 PETS
JADE ART & FRAMING 013 PETS CORNER 235 1241/ 082 337 013 235 2658 6927 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VA N M AT T E , meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494
B u r g e r s f o r t . 18:00. Tel. 013 Sentrum (PPK). Nysschen 084 R8000 p/m 082 2 3 5 3 5 5 4 • W o . 1 0 : 0 0 554 5899 / Pieter 803 9291 M e t h o d i s t v r o u e d i e n s , Briel 082 904
A n g l i c a n C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerdekerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 TE HUUR/ TO 4 3 9 1 . RENT •Hervormde3 B E D R O O M kerk Lydenburg. T O W N H O U S E Son. 09:30 en DOGGY IN THE WINDOW parlour. 53 Viljoen St. Rowena 083 326 0941
C h u r c h Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moederg e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 1 8 : 0 0 . Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinderkerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 1 8 : 3 0 . Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00, English service Sundays at 1 1 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie
biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 837 4 5 0 8 jacovanwyk@ron elco.co.za English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse diens Sondagoggend om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 - Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de
Pieter 072 132 3241 George 073 211 4913
C.S Linde 302 4926.
Fanie du Toit 072-317-3959 Sales & Rentals
Pallet Wendy’s 3m x 3m=5000 3m x 4m=5500
For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949
joe.log.homes@gmail.com www.jjwendyhouses.co.za
We deliver everywhere
André Delport 082 874 3803
Algemene bouwerk, Huis verbeteringe, Betonwerk, Motorafdakke. Voltydse toesig gewaarborg. NHBRC 3000232511
Would you like to grow your business? Contact BNI President Brian Coetsee on 079 976 9112
Wil jy graag jou besigheid laat groei? Kontak die plaaslike BNI President Brian Coetsee by 079 976 9112 (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
For all your washing & dry cleaning needs IMPROVEMENTS • Thatching • Property Maintenance • Fibreglass splash pools • Kitchen Cupboards • Painting • Shade net carports • Steelwork
3 7 4 8 • Vo l l e Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS B e t h e s d a Steelpoort d i e n s t y e Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 1 0 : 0 0 Oggenddiens, ou k e r k i e b y Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3 8 7 8 . • Harvester Reformational C h u r c h Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29.
Tel : 013 235 3976 Fax : 086 511 0521 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg
Registered Debt Counsellor 082 924 9292 Burgersfort 087 151 1034 Lydenburg 087 802 7054
• Alle loodgieter werk • Instandhouding • Solar Geysers • Water-suiwering sisteme • Bou werk en instandhouding
Tiaan Dippenaar 076 629 7605 tiaandippenaar1@gmail.com
Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00
Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment
Nuus / News
27 Junie / June 2019
New on the market and priced just right, this exclusive to Pam Golding property awaits you in a secure estate in Lydenburg. Ideal for a bigger family, the large upstairs bedroom has its own en-suite bathroom. (This space can also be used as a flat) The downstairs area is a modern, spacious, open plan design. The lounge has a built-in fireplace for the cold winter days. A large entertainment area, with built-in braai, stove, oven and a jacuzzi, can be used all year round. Kitchen with granite tops, gas stove and eye level oven. Separate laundry. Lots of built-in cupboards all through the house and blinds in all the windows. The double garage has built-in cupboards for extra storage space. There are two Wendy houses with electricity. Electric fencing, computerised irrigation system, water tank and generator are included in the sale. Selling @ R1 695 000.00. Contact Madelein Buitendag, 082 560 4981
VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop Kantoor Spasie te huur 2 leef areas ontvangs area 1 badkamer CBD area R7 150 3 slk huis 2 badk kombuis leef area met braai dubbel motorh met tuin R11 800 2 slk woonstel in Kompleks 1 bdk leef area en motor afdak R4 800
Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net
Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5
27 Junie / June 2019
Frankfort. Lydenburg Posduifklub. Datum 16 Junie 2019. 1. Jan Venter, Frans du Plessis, Nel & Nel, Frans (Basie) du Plessis, 5. Frans (Basie) du Plessis, 6. 7. 8. Nel & Nel, 9. -13. Frans (Basie) du Plessis.
Om vir amper 12 ure aaneen te hardloop sit nie in enige persoon se broek nie. Rudolph de Wet het weer eens hierdie jaar die Comrades aangedurf en kan met trots aankondig dat hy dit die 19de keer voltooi het. Hy het dit gehardloop in 11:55:18. Hierdie jaar was dit die langafstandstryd (opdraende) en dit het in Durban afgeskop.
On Saturday, 15 June MCC members participated in the annual Selati Big 5 MTB race in Komatipoort, hosted by the Komatipoort Academy as a fundraiser for the school. The following members participated in the 20km : Johan Sadler Helgaard Prins Juanita Prins 45Km Darren McDonald Ilse McDonald Marius Sadler entered the race, but had to withdraw due to falling ill on Friday night. It was a perfect day for cycling, and part of the route followed, was right on the border with the Kruger National Park along the Olifants river. Entrants spotted elephant, hippos, warthogs as well as various antelope species along the way. Everyone enjoyed the race immensely and our cyclists have been participating in the race for the past 4 years, and will definitely be back for next year's race. Everyone received a medal upon completion of the race.