04 Julie / July 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 26

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04 Julie / July 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 26 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Foto: Lani Visser - Longtom Fotografieklub maandwenner





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Die magiese krag van wild oor die vlaktes op die Afrika kontinent bly ‘n verwonderende-blik. Lani Visser het hierdie foto geneem van die menere met die gestreepte pajamas en die reuse van die diereryk wat agter hulle staan en kyk ‘waarheen hardlooop hulle nou weer?’. Dit is so ‘n gepaste foto vir die winter want meer as ooit besoek toeriste Afrika vir ons pragtige natuurlewe. Dankie dis ’n voorreg om so ’n mooi foto met ons lesers te kan deel. Almal droom om vorentoe te beweeg en die Zebra’s op die foto is ook sterk oppad met die hoop vir die toekoms. RED


04 Julie / July 2019

Groot pret – plaaspret - wag op Die doel met die Plaasfees is om Lydenburg-en-omgewing se gesonde vermaak vir jonk en oud aan te bied, en kinders aan diere en mense. Op Saterdag 2 November vanjaar die plaaslewe bloot te stel. sal Rooikat Rugbyklub plek maak Die organiseerders van Longtom vir Lydenburg se heel eerste Dierekliniek, drs Marietjie Malan en Longtom Plaasfees – 'n heeldag D e b b i e E n g l i s h e n h u l l e vol diere, vermaak en gesinspret ontvangsdame, Luné Albrechts, met 'n plaaskleur. Die kunstenaar het egter die gemeenskap se hulp Brendan Peyper is reeds bespreek nodig om van dié dag 'n sukses te vir twee vertonings op dié dag en maak. Die infrastruktuur vir so 'n as borgskappe dit toelaat, sal nog dag is duur. Professionele k u n s t e n a a r s g e n o o i w o r d . kunstenaars met verblyf en etes vir Ongewone rasse soos die reuse die kunstenaars, 'n behoorlike O v c h a r k a s , A m e r i k a a n s e verhoog- en klankstelsel is maar veghonde wat teen stropers enkele van die onkostes wat gedek g e b r u i k w o r d e n v e r s k e i e moet word. Besighede kan by die beesrasse sal op die dag te siene pretdag betrokke raak deur borgskap of stalletjies met wees. bemarkingsgeleentheid. Daar sal ook 'n meganiese bul, cowboy-speletjies, springkastele Kunstenaars wat kan optree is ook welkom om van hulle te laat hoor. en genoeg gesinsvermaak wees. Verskaffers aan die boerderybedryf, enige dier-verwante bedryf asook telers wat hul ras aan die publiek wil voorstel, kan met Luné skakel by 013 235 1224 of 071 285 8122 of e-pos: longtomdierekliniek@gmail.com. En wie weet, dalk word dit nog ’n instelling in die dorp. Deur Gerda Whitehorn

Dr. Karen Kromhout BChD (Pret) Dr. Auke van der Meulen BChD (Pret) Dr. Leanda Meyer BChD (Pret) Bronwen Rall - Oral Hygienist Cnr Church & Viljoen Street (Opposite Medical Centre)

www.mysmile.co.za Tel : 013 235 1983 / 013 235 4563

04 Julie / July 2019

FOR the past seven years, the Lydenburg/Mashishing Business Chamber has served as a forum for the area's schools, churches and places of worship and community services. “It has always been our aim to gather all our community institutions under one umbrella,” says Chamber admin officer Past André Hanekom. In the annual Business Directory a double page spread is dedicated to churches and places of worship, schools, pre-schools and day care centres, support networks and social services. The telephone numbers and addresses, where available, are published free of charge as a service to the community. However, every year the editorial team are faced with a substantial challenge to ensure that the information is correct and updated. Production manager of the Directory, Marietjie Bezuidenhout, pleads with all institutions in Lydenburg, Mashishing, Steelpoort and Burgersfort to verify their contact details in the book (normally on pages 8 and 9 in the Directory). To facilitate communication with institutions, a telephone number and e-mail address where possible, would make it easier for both Chamber and the editorial team. “For the past seven years we have been dialling the numbers – if after three attempts there is no reply, we have to remove the details of the school, church or body. This is time consuming and costly, and we have therefore decided to opt for a more economical approach,” says Bezuidenhout. NGO's, churches, schools and charities are also encouraged to join Chamber by visiting www.lydenburgbusiness.co.za – for an admin fee of a mere R150 per year, membership will bring these organisations into the bigger picture of the towns. This is vital for particularly charity organisations who are dependant on sponsorships. “Chamber aims at assisting community organisations to follow

the correct procedures, get registered and to work together by not all targeting the same sponsors at the same time,” says Past Hanekom. Chamber's website features Lydenburg's Events Calendar which is regularly updated by Hanekom. He advises businesses and organisations to visit the calendar before finalising dates for events – and likewise, to inform him of all happenings in the area. He also emphasises that Chamber cannot be held responsible for clashing dates. “We offer a service and a forum for the town's events - the more people use it, the better our events calendar will function.,”says Past André. To update your information, contact Chamber's Admin officer Past André Hanekom on 081 778 5904 or admin@lydenburgbusiness.co.za. For more info contact production manager Marietjie Bezuidenhout on 082 789 8317 or marietjie@gm-web.com or editor Gerda Whitehorn on 079 515 7799 or gerda@whitehorn.co.za. Deadline for updates are 20 July 2019.

PANEL BEATERS & SPRAYPAINTERS Office: 087 822 1776 / 087 822 1742 After Hours: 082 335 7253 2 Kerkstreet, Lydenburg, 1120 www.ccautobody.co.za

On social media this traffic fine was shared. It says: “My wife just received a R500 traffic fine for driving 75km/h in an 80km/h zone. She was driving alone so she decided to keep quiet and took the fine. We have been unable to verify this story, as it was published on Social Media. But with the recent alleged irregularities in traffic fines, it could be true.

24 HOUR TOW-IN & RECOVERY Approved by:

04 Julie / July 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:


Koue tone, koue vingers, koue hande en koue neuse. Dit is ’n gegewe in die winter. Mens kom nie daar verby nie. En dis die maklikste aanknooppunt vir ’n gesprek. Maar niks bring soveel warmte as om tussen familie tyd te spandeer nie. Deel herinneringe aan kleintyd, hoe lekker ons gespeel het en hoe ouma ons bederf het. En partykeer is jy skoon verras waaraan jy herinner word. Ek het die afgelope naweek met ‘facetime’ met my neef gepraat. Ek kan nie glo dat sy vrou al 31 is nie. Dit voel soos nou die dag dat hulle getroud is. Die tyd het gevlieg.


vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


Winternag ~ Eugene Marais O koud is die windjie en skraal En blink in die dof-lig en kaal,

Member of


Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

so wyd as die Heer se genade, lê die velde in sterlig en skade. En hoog in die rande, versprei in die brande, is die grassaad aan roere soos winkende hande. O treurig die wysie op die ooswind se maat, soos die lied van 'n meisie in haar liefde verlaat. In elk' grashalm se vou blink 'n druppel van dou, en vinnig verbleek dit tot ryp in die kou En my Koeleman-familie het nogal uitgebrei. Nou nie te danke aan my nie. In die skets-taal van selfone en internet sou ek nou kon lol tik vir (laugh out load) So ‘n ou grappie gemik in my eie rigting. Eugene Marias was nog altyd my gunsteling digter. As julle ooit ’n digbundel raakloop van hom lees ‘Boek’... dit som jou lewe op in ’n filosofiese wyse ‘soos die ou vergeelde bladsye van ’n boek.’ Dit het sy eie bekoring. Die punt waar ek wil uitkom is dat dit ’n koue naweek was en ek hoop die wat tussen familie was, het sommer warm gevoel. Die mense van jou hart.

GENESIS 8:22 “So lank as die aarde bly bestaan, sal saaityd en oestyd nie ophou nie, ook nie koue en hitte, somer en winter, dag en nag nie.” Ons Hemelse Vader, dankie vir die seisoene van die jaar en vir die feit dat U skepping sy gang gaan - Amen.

Winter?? ELKE seisoen kla ons oor iets. Dit is ons manier. In die somer is dit te warm en in die winter is dit te koud. Solank ons net kan kla. Ek hoor mense sê hierdie is ’n verskriklike koue winter. Dit is nie. Nog nie. Ons het nog baie min swaar ryp beleef. Wag vir Juliemaand. Dan is dit winter. Die laagste meting wat ek vanjaar in Junie geneem het, was nul grade C. In Junie 1994 het

Ons groet die Koning! Bayede! Met dié vrolike kreet is die Wyngilde se Juniemaand proe ingelei, toe die aanbieders, Thuli en Thabi Myanga van Bayede-wyne, uitgedos in tradisionele drag, lede en gaste by Café Crust verwelkom het. Wynliefhebbers was aangenaam verras met die ontdekking van hierdie wynreeks, vir die meeste nog onbekend in Lydenburg. Bayede! het Thabi Myanga (links) Emma Neethling en Thuli Myanga van ontstaan toe Sy Bayede Mpumalanga. Majesteit Koning G o o d w i l l Z w e l e t h i n i KaBhekuzulu besluit het om sy n a a m e n handtekening beskikbaar te stel vir die ontwikkeling v a n ' n werkverskaffingsprojek wat veral vroue in landelike g e b i e d e ondersteun. Wynmaker Altus le Roux in die Paarl is aangesê om onder die vaandel van die koninklike groet, Bayede!, 'n reeks vir die koning, Charmaine Du Preez en Mark Hadjie (agter) was die chefs wat koningin, prins en die Wyngilde bederf het by Café Crust. Hier glimlag hulle saam met Fanie en Christelle Grobler. prinses te ontwikkel. Café Crust se chefs het die proewers Die Prins-reeks is dié maand gekies vir bederf met 'n heerlike lensiesop en 'n die Lydenburg Gilde se proe-oefening. beespotbredie as hoofgereg. Gildelede is gewoonlik suinig met hulle Die heerlike taai broodpoeding het jou punte maar die maklike drinkbaarheid skoon na jou ouma laat verlang. Die van die vyf Prinslike wyne en die lekkerkry is aangevul met sang deur die Koningin se vonkelwyn, het vir hoë Gilde se eie bariton, tenoor en sopraan – puntetellings gesorg – soms so hoog as Jan en Emma Neethling, bygestaan deur 18 uit 20! dr Jakkie Swanepoel. Die Prince Sauvignon Blanc 2019 is Die proe was soos altyd reuse-pret. gekies as witwyn van die aand en die Op Donderdag 18 Julie bied dr. Peet Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 as sowel die Visser 'n spesiale Grenache-proe aan. rooiwyn van die aand en, teen 'n Om deel te word van die Lydenburg bekostigbare R60 per bottel, ook as W y n g i l d e , k o n t a k beste waarde vir geld. gerda@whitehorn.co.za of whatsapp na Die ander wyne was 'n kortkop agter 079 515 7799. hulle – die Chardonnay Pinot Noir 2017, *Bayede!-wyne is in Lydenburg Merlot 2018, Pinotage 2018 en Queen beskikbaar by Tops en Checkers. Nandi MCC Brute.

ons minus 4 aangeteken, in Junie 2009 minus 5 grade en in Junie 2014 minus 6 grade Celsius. Dieselfde geld vir die reën. Die 1.5mm wat op Woensdag 26 Junie (verlede week) aangeteken is, was niks buitegewoon nie. In 2009 is daar in Junie 18mm gemeet, in 2003 sowat 11mm en in 1989 ’n allemintige 51.9mm. So, vir alle praktiese doeleindes het ons sover ’n doodgewone en matige winter en moet ons nie kla nie. Ek dink die feit dat ons elke jaar bietjie ouer word en die gebeente

bietjie meer kraak, die artritis bietjie erger word en so aan, skep die gevoel dat ons winters al hoe erger raak. Vir my is die koue nie die groot probleem nie. Mens kan immers lae klere aantrek en in ’n kombersie toewikkel. Nee, wat ek verpes is dié tyd van die jaar se verkoue en griep, die gesnuif met ’n loopneus en die gepaardgaande ongemak. Ek is natuurlik ook baie lief vir my warm bedjie in die oggend en klim onder groot protes daaruit! So, kom ons hou op kla oor die winter. Gaan sit in die sonnetjie met ’n koppie boeretroos en kyk hoe die bome alreeds hulle blare begin regskud, sodat die nuwe bloeisels oor sowat ’n maand weer begin vorm. Dit is amper heerlike lente!

04 Julie / July 2019


RIVING past a person looking for work sometimes makes you start thinking about how you can help them. Being the Editor of the Highlands Panorama News, I decided to use my platform this week and try to give Davidson an opportunity. Please phone him if you have any yard maintenance or trees that need to be cut down. This is just a small attempt to help someone that does not have the means to advertise in a newspaper. We will see how it works out and may just give a shout-out to other entrepreneurs in the future. Davidson’s number is 078 985 4898 and he is usually waiting at the corner of Viljoen and Jansen S t r e e t s . And I don’t think it is a bad idea, there are many people looking for opportunities out there. ~ Michelle Boshoff

LYDENBURG 013 235 1486 sales@4ucomputers.co.za Christine


BURGERSFORT 013 231 8008 4uburg1@4ucomputers.co.za Deborah

04 Julie / July 2019

WILDEVY manne is 'n nie winsgewende organsasie wat daargestel is deur manne uit die gemeenskap om fondse vir minderbevoorregtes in die gemeenskap in te samel. Die 4x4 gesinsdag is slegs een van die projekte wat jaarliks aangebied word. Graag wil hulle alle 4x4 entoesiaste, asook die publiek, nooi om deel te kom wees van die welbekende dag. Dit vind plaas op 27Julie 2019 by PLM boerderye, 10km buite Burgersfort, op die Lydenburg-R37 pad. Die hele gemeenskap, wat besighede en mynbedrywe insluit, is betrokke by hierdie dag om dit so lekker as moontlik vir die hele familie te maak. Hierdie 4X4 dag groei elke jaar geweldig baie. In 2018 het 100 4X4 voertuie deelgeneem en ongeveer 5 000 tot 7 000 besoekers het die dag saam met ons geniet. Die baan is baie uitdagend en interesant, dit is egter nie so opgestel om normale viertrek voertuie te beskadig nie. Die roete is uiteengesit sodat die hele gesin kan deelneem aan pret uitdagings soos lemoene gooi, windbuks skiet en ander 4x4 verwante uitdagings. Inskrywingsgelde vir die dag is R950.00 per voertuig wat deelneem. Dit sluit ook 'n spesiale hemp vir die bestuurder en sy assistent bestuurder in. Ons het ook die Morone Berg Roete teen R1100.00 per voertuig. Slegs voertuie met laebestek 4x4 word toegelaat om hieraan deel te neem en word beperk tot 20 voertuie, dit word gedoen om die area te beskerm waar gery word oor die berg. Opgeleide gitse vergesel die voertuie. Dit sluit ook 'n spesiale hemp vir die bestuurder en sy assistent bestuurder in en ook 'n heerlike middagete en verversings bo-op die Morone Berg. Na die sukses van Die Wildevy MTB bergfiets wedren in 2018 gaan ons groter en beter! Ons bied 'n 50km (R170.00), 20km (R150.00), 10km (R60.00) en 2.5km (R30.00) pret trap vir kinders onder 12 jaar aan. Hierdie bergfiets wedren het ook tans gesetelde status waar fietsryers kan punte bymekaar maak op die bergfietsry punteleer. Pieter Heyns kan by 082 806 5622 gekontak word vir meer inligting oor die fietsry! Besoek ook gerus www.wildevymtb.co.za Hierdie jaar het die Wildevy 'n nuwe opwindende toevoeging vir sport liefhebbers. Die Wildevy Trail Run is n 10km (R100.00) of 5km (R50.00) landloop resies wat op goed gemerkte bospaaitjies gaan plaasvind. So as jy nie n 4x4 of n fiets het nie, maar jy het n paar harloop skoene en lus is vir avontuur, moet jy kom inskryf aan die nuutjie by die groot dag. Vanjaar bied ons ook uitstekende vermaak met bekende sangers wat gaan optree op die hoof verhoog. Bekende sterre soos Appel – Boer loop deur my are, Ampie en Zak Steynen, wel bekende DJ Robbie – The Event Maker. Die manne gaan besoekers en deelnemers betower met hul treffers! Wawiel wyntuin waar jy kan rustig sit weg van die lawaai en jou bene rus met uitgesoekte wyne en ander heerlike versnapperinge. Die dag het altyd 'n heerlike feestelike atmosfeer met verskeie stalletjies wat tuisgemaakte kos en verversings bedien deur plaaslike gemeentes en skole. Daar is ook weer die jaar uitstallers wat bydra tot die kleurvolle dag. Vir die jongspan is daar ook baie pret beplan soos springkastele, trapkarre en 'n pretpark. Daar is ook weer helikopter vlugte oor die baan die jaar, wat baie gewild is met die besoekers. Vir die mense wat nie deelneem aan die uitdagings nie, is daar 'n trekker en sleepwa om hulle tussen punte te vervoer om sodoende niks van die aksie mis te loop nie. Hierdie is 'n gratis diens aan die publiek. Daar sal ook kampgeriewe beskikbaar wees vir die mense wat van ver af kom kuier. Die tradisionele SHOW STOPPER, vind plaas in die middag. Dis nou waar 'n paar uitsoek voetuie hul passies deur die modderbad sal neem.Hierdie is 'n moet en sorg elke jaar vir hope pret. Moet dit nie misloop nie! Dit spyt ons egter dat geen 4x4 motorfietse toegelaat sal word op die baan en op die plaas nie. Geen koelhouers word op die terrein toegelaat nie, 'n biertuin met baie billike pryse is beskikbaar. Kontak gerus vir Frieda Beetge 083 302 5769 as jy belangstel om n stalletjie te bespreek, om uit te stal en of handgemaakte en ander produkte wil kom vertoon en verkoop.

04 Julie / July 2019

This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.

Haval H6C Road Test THIS week we tested the new Haval H6C mid sized SUV. The H6C range comes in City, Premium and Luxury versions. Our test car was the H6C Premium and was packed to the rafters with features, the only items missing being the Luxury panoramic sunroof and tyre pressure monitoring system. Heated seats front and rear are optional across the range. The engine is a very lively direct injection 2-litre turbo petrol, good for 140 kW and 310 Nm. This is mated to a six speed Getrag Dual Clutch transmission, which works like an automatic, but with full manual override. Regarding safety you are looking at the usual seatbelt restraining systems, six airbags, ABS, EBD, ESP, HDC, four-wheel disc brakes and more. In terms of equipment there is an electronic parking brake, keyless entry, push button start, trip computer, satellite steering controls, 8-inch integrated multimedia system with MP5, Bluetooth, USB, AUX and SD Card with 7 speakers (8 with sub woofer on Luxury). You get four-way adjustable electric power steering, selectable sport mode, mood lighting, auto headlights (xenon on our test car), automatic and manually adjustable headlights, auto wipers, illuminated doorsills within the stainless Haval logo, 8-way electrically adjustable seats, cruise control, blind spot detection, reverse camera, front and rear park assist, foldaway mirrors, 19 inch alloy wheels (17 inch on City model), dual zone automatic climate control (with aircon for rear passengers), synthetic leather seats and electric (auto) windows. There are dual sun visor mirrors, sunglasses holder and even slots on the centre console for your credit or garage cards for those pesky tollgates. There is a 12V power socket in the boot as well and behind a neatly integrated flap on the lower dash sits a concealed ashtray and cigarette lighter - O happy days! I have searched for and could honestly not find anything missing in this car. If you want the sunroof, the heated seats, the sub-woofer and the tyre-pressure monitoring system, simply specify the Luxury version and available options on the Haval H6C. Rear passenger legroom is excellent. So, having sampled and checked the equipment list and finding all in order, I took the car on the road. Acceleration off the mark is brisk but not spectacular. This is after all a largish SUV. Gaining speed and maintaining a high cruising speed is however very good. I dialled in 160 on a fairly bad road and the H6C handled it with ease. At that speed the engine turns at just over 3 000 rpm in sixth. Nice. Change down and overtaking is a cinch. If one is looking for a performance SUV, this is it! Road manners are very good. The steering might initially feel a little heavy, but is in fact perfectly weighted and not too sensitive. Pulling away on gravel must be done with care, as you may easily induce wheel spin. The four-wheel disc brakes are very good and even an emergency braking maneuver did not upset stability or directional control. The ride quality is halfway between soft and hard and is very comfortable. Those horrible little speed humps out of town past Obaru are no issue. Road and wind noise are virtually absent. The only rattle came from the rear tailgate number plate holder, which was not properly fastened. I liked everything on this vehicle and could not find any dislikes or gripes, except for the improperly mounted rear number plate holder. I want one in metallic red! In summary, this vehicle proves a number of things: The Chinese have not only caught up in the highly competitive motoring market, they have in several areas come up with a better product than the competition. At a price of just below R 400 000 for the top spec Luxury model, there is simply no other option. Our test Premium model is on offer at much less than that. The warranty and standard service plan is good. Contact Haval Motors Lydenburg (right next to Kia Lydenburg) and book your test drive. Andre Coetzee

WIELE WHEELS (Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305

04 Julie / July 2019

New Opel Corsa for 2020 WHEN Opel revealed the new Corsa in May 2019, it showed only the all-electric version. Now, however, the German firm has taken the wraps off the petrol and diesel models, confirming the sixth-generation model’s conventional engine line-up. The fresh-faced five-door hatch employs what the Rüsselsheimbased automaker describes as a “particularly economical” range of petrol and diesel engines (of course, courtesy of the PSA Group under which Opel now falls and likely shared with the new Peugeot 208). The base naturally aspirated 1,2-litre petrol engine makes 55 kW (and is fitted with a five-speed manual gearbox as standard), while the turbocharged 1,2-litre three-cylinder unit is offered in two states of tune: one with 74 kW / 205 N.m and the second with 96 kW / 230 N.m. The 96 kW model (available exclusively with an eight-speed automatic transmission) tops out at 208 km/h and hits 100 km/h from standstill in a claimed 8,7 seconds, while the 74 kW version (offered with either a six-speed manual or an eight-speed auto) has a top speed of 188 km/h and reaches three figures in “around ten seconds”. These three petrol engines are joined by a 1,5-litre turbodiesel churning out 75 kW and 250 N.m. So, when will the new Corsa arrive in South Africa? Well, the Unitrans Opel Distributor told CARmag.co.za it was "working" with Opel in Germany on a plan to bring the new Corsa to SA "with an expected late-2020 introduction". Local engine options and specifications, of course, have yet to be confirmed. carmag.co.za

Kia Seltos specs revealed WHEN the new Kia Seltos was revealed earlier in June 2019, the Korean firm opted not to divulge details of the planned engine range. Now, however, a report out of India has listed a handful of technical specifications, including power and torque figures for three powerplants. According to Autocar India, the most basic version of Kia’s new small SUV will be offered with a naturally aspirated 1,5-litre petrol engine delivering 85 kW and 144 N.m to the front axle. A 1,5-litre turbodiesel unit offering 85 kW and 250 N.m is also on the cards. The range-topper, meanwhile, is expected to draw its urge from a turbocharged 1,4-litre petrol mill (bearing the T-GDI badge) worth 103 kW and 242 N.m of torque. The publication claims all three powerplants will be available with a six-speed manual gearbox as standard, as well as engine-specific automatic transmissions (depending on the market, of course). The base petrol derivative will feature a continously variable transmission, the diesel model a six-speed torque converter and the turbopetrol variant a seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox. In addition, Autocar India has listed the exterior dimensions of the new Seltos, which measures in at 4 315 mm long, 1 800 mm wide and 1 620 mm tall (as the publication points out, that makes it longer and wider than the Hyundai Creta). The new Kia’s wheelbase comes in at 2 610 mm, while its ground clearance is 190 mm. The boot, meanwhile, can swallow a claimed 433 litres. Earlier, Kia said the new Seltos would be produced in both India and Korea, with sales commencing in initial markets in the second half of 2019. The newcomer is expected to launch in South Africa early in 2020, with local specifications (including engine options) and pricing to be confirmed closer to the time. Article written by Ryan Bubear carmag.co.za

04 Julie / July 2019

The 2019 Kinsey Report THE 2019 version of the respected Kinsey Report (now technically rebranded as the AA-Kinsey Report) has been released, and it reveals exactly which new vehicles boast the cheapest “parts baskets” in South Africa. As a reminder, the report is compiled by journalist Malcolm Kinsey and compares popular vehicles across nine categories, in terms of the prices of their spare parts. This is further split according to the cost of parts needed for servicing, repairs and crashes. Take note Kinsey selects what he terms "relevant vehicles" in each category, so not all cars on the market appear in the report (in fact, 72 derivatives have been included). Average dealer prices for the three sub-sections (service, repair and crash) are combined to create an overall basket price, with each vehicle ranked against its competitors based on this figure. Kinsey says all prices are collected in a single calendar month, mainly from dealerships in the Durban/Umhlanga/Pinetown area. Where possible, a VIN is supplied to avoid confusion. Quotes are all written, and if a price seems out of kilter it is checked, either telephonically or by another visit, and often to a different dealership. Results: City cars and entry level: The Datsun Go is the overall winner here, with a parts basket total of R63 310. The Renault Kwid 1,0 Expression and Ford Figo 1,5 Trend hatchback place second and third respectively, separated by just over R1 000. Superminis: The Renault Sandero Expression heads this category, boasting the most affordable parts basket at R92 891. The Toyota Yaris 1,5 Xs is second at R100 943 and third is the Ford Fiesta 1,0 Trend hatchback at R108 594. Family favourites: The overall winner in this segment is the Toyota Corolla 1,6 Quest, with a parts total of R65 341, just pipping the Toyota Corolla 1,6 Prestige sedan, which pushes the Nissan Almera 1,5 Acenta into third. Compact crossovers: The Mahindra KUV100 Nxt is the clear winner here, with a full parts basket of R68 638. The Indian crossover places ahead of the Suzuki Jimny 1,5 GA (with a total of R86 897) and the Toyota Rush 1,5 S (at R97 387). SUVs/crossovers: The Toyota Fortuner 2,8 GD-6 auto takes the crown in this category (although we’re not sure we’d class it a “crossover”) with a parts basket of R80 171. The Haval H6 1,5T Premium places second (with R91 071) and the Subaru Forester 2,0i third (on R113 362). Executive SUVs/crossovers: Interestingly, the Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2,0T Super Q4 wins this segment with a basket total of R135 029, knocking the Toyota Prado 3,0DT VX (with a parts total of R199 428) into second. The Jaguar E-Pace D180 HSE places third with a basket of R212 968. Executive saloons: The Volvo S60 Polestar takes the win in this segment, with its total basket cost being R214 362. The Audi A4 40TFSI grabs third with a total of R227 503, just ahead of the Lexus ES250 EX (at R230 263).


Double-cab bakkies: The Toyota Hilux 2,8 GD-6 auto takes the title here with a combined parts basket total of R79 660, ahead of the Isuzu D-Max 3,0 TD LX auto (at R88 191) and the GWM Steed 6 2,0 VGT Xscape (at R94 372). Single-cab bakkies: The Nissan NP200 (the only half-tonne bakkie offered in South Africa) bears a parts basket total of R49 823, which makes it the least expensive of all vehicles in this year’s survey. The one-tonne bakkies are led by the Nissan NP300 2,5 TDi, with a total parts basket price of R61 334. Next is the Isuzu D-Max 2,5C TD at R65 326 and the Toyota Hilux 2,4 GD-6 at R73 696. carmag.co.za

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04 Julie / July 2019

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08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerdekerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist C h u r c h Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moederg e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-

kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00, English service Sundays at 11:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 837 4 5 0 8 jacovanwyk@ron elco.co.za English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse diens Sondagoggend om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00.

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Wil jy graag jou besigheid laat groei? Kontak die plaaslike BNI President Brian Coetsee by 079 976 9112

Termiete Kokkerotte Miere Rotte

Nuus / News

27 Junie / June 2019

Family home situated in a popular secure estate. Modern and stylish with high end finishes, this home is more spacious than the norm. Generous open plan lounge and dining room plus study. The kitchen has abundant storage space and the separate scullery is large. Three bedrooms with built-in cupboards. The main bedroom has walk through cupboards plus a built-in vanity. Two full bathrooms, main en-suite. Private entertainment area with a built-in braai. Double automated garage with direct access to the home. Bargain price of R1 495 000. Contact Henry at Deo Volente Properties on 074 589 0204 or 011 235 1102.

Buy-to-let property: These expenses are tax deductible THERE is particular interest and questions concerning the aspects of a property investment that are tax deductible. The first point to be grasped is that there are two distinct types of taxation on property investments. The first, Capital Gains Tax (CGT), which was introduced in the early 2000s, is not a separate tax but is included in the owner's income tax. It comes into play only when a property which was bought for investment is disposed of/sold. It is tax on the investor's profit, which is calculated by subtracting the purchase price and associated costs from the selling price and disposal costs, such as the estate agent's fees. The rate at which the tax is levied depends on what type of entity, e.g. trust, company or individual owner - the property is held in and will relate to the entity's current tax level. Individuals are taxed lower than trusts and companies. Any additions or upgrades to the property can also be taken into account for deductions. It is therefore essential to keep a clear record, not just of the original purchase price, but also of

all capital improvements. Receipts for expenses must be kept as this can make a substantial difference to the tax eventually paid. Second, investment property taxation is the income tax payable on the rental income. Here operating expenses are deductible. A quick test to determine whether an expense is one of an operating nature and therefore tax deductible, is that the owner will probably continue to pay this expense while paying off the investment and providing a satisfactory service to the tenant. Tax deductible expenses include: 1. Interest paid on the home loan or the loan incurred to buy the property. 2. Repair and maintenance costs, such as structural, plumbing, roofing, floor, window or paintwork. Alexander says a good buy-to-let investor will spend about 10% of their rental income on keeping the property in a good state. 3. Costs related to ownership, e.g. insurance, levies, property taxes and security.

The Property Shop Kantoor Spasie te huur 2 leef areas ontvangs area 1 badkamer R6 800 • 3 slk huis 2 badk kombuis leef area met braai dubbel motorh met tuin R10 800 • 2 slk woonstel in Kompleks 1 bdk kombuis leef area en motor afdak geen erf R5 400 • 2 slk dupleks in kompleks 1 badkamer kombuis leef area kaggel gaste badk 1 motorh met yard R6 800

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

27 Junie / June 2019

Gophers Charity Golf Day on 7 July in Sabie The next Gophers Charity Golf Day will take place on 7 July. It is an IPS format and will be hosted by the Sabie Golf Club. The fee is R170 per player and registration starts at 08:00. All players are welcome including non-handicap players, beginner and school learners. Contact Piet: 082 454 8382.

Winners of golf day As deel van die Mpumalanga Kiwi’s u. 12 dogterspan het hokkiespelers van die Laerskool Lydenburg uitstekend gevaar in die o. 12 Noord Liga by Hoërskool Ben Vorster op Tzaneen.

Kinders samel kos en meer in vir minder bevoorregtes Winners at Chrome Golf Club. Left to right; Second Place Andre van der Veen, First Place - Jaco Elst, third place - Jan Mlangeni and Bruce James – Nearest the Pin.

’n Groot gemeenskapsaksie is van stapel gestuur en die leerders van die Laerskool Lydenburg en hul ouers het gehelp om broodnodige items aan welsynsorganisasies in Lydenburg te skenk. Dankie aan die NG Moedergemeente vir die toiletware pakkies, borge vir mieliemeel en kool. Remax Winners Lydenburg vir die hulp met die bemarking van die projek asook die pak van die pakkies. 32 gesinne het kos ontvang, sowel as Thulare Missions Sentrum en Soli Deo Gloria Sentrum het voorrade ontvang wat verder versprei kan word! Die wenklas was van Juf Karien by die Laerskool Lydenburg met totaal van 481 produkte!

BESIDES monthly fixtures, the Gophers Committee have planned a golf tour to the Kruger National Park for their members. This tour will take place over the weekend of 17 and 18 August with five to six Gophers teams competing against the Sanparks game rangers on their home course at Skukuza. Accommodation, meals and two rounds of golf have been arranged with prizes available for the top winners of each day as well as an overall prize for the weekend champion. Gophers membership is free but does require that the player must play at least one game in the Gophers League, which is arranged generally for the first Sunday of each month. Should one wish to join us on the Skukuza Tour, there is two qualifying games left, 7 July and 4 August. This tour, league games and company sponsorship are the main source of income to boost the Gophers Charity Fund, which is used annually to purchase the requirement (no cash given) for a local deserving recipient who has a specific need (medical or otherwise) outside of their reach. In September of each year, Gophers members nominate their choice for a recipient for the year. These nominations are ratified by the Committee,the year's recipient is then selected and all the funds raised in that year are donated. Please feel free to contact Bruce by a SMS message on 0828016821 or e-mailjamesfamily@lantic.net should you wish to contribute to our worthy cause or become members and enjoy golf while contributing to charity.

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