11 Julie / July 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 27

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11 Julie / July 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 27 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

NATURAL resources giant Glencore has signed a deal with a Swedish clean-tech company to build a powergeneration facility that will reduce emissions and cut power costs at its Lydenburg ferrochrome smelter. The rising cost of power is a key concern of the SA smelting industry, which is taking significant strain over escalating electricity prices. With an effective tariff hike of 13.81% granted to Eskom in 2019 alone — and more scheduled in the next two years — the pressure is on for energy-intensive businesses to adapt or die. In a statement issued by Swedish Stirling, the company said the facility will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from the smelter by more than 80,000 tons a year. Though it has not disclosed the price at which the power generated will be sold back to Glencore, according to Swedish Sterling SA's GM, David de Mattos, it will significantly undercut the price of Eskom's power. Swedish Stirling's offering, the PWR BLOK 400-F, makes use of Stirling engines — an external combustion engine as opposed to internal combustion and which is it better suited to the volatile nature of industrial waste gas. It was successfully piloted at Afarak SA's Mogale Alloys plant in Krugersdorp, where a fully developed power project converts the

To be built at the Lydenburg Smelter ferrochrome smelter's very own waste gas into electricity for the plant. In May this year Lloyd's Register, a UK classification and certification group, certified PWR BLOK as the cheapest way in existence to generate electricity with greater carbon dioxide savings in SA than any other applicable type of energy source. Swedish Stirling's agreement with Glencore's alloys division grants it exclusivity to negotiate an installation of a 9.9MW power generation facility at

the Lydenburg smelter — enough to power almost 2,000 households. The power generation facility will be owned and operated through a special purpose entity established and controlled by Swedish Stirling. At completion, it is estimated it will generate annual revenue of €3.75m for the company. The project will also generate carbon credits during its lifetime. Swedish Stirling said it intends to secure finance for the facility in its entirety. For one of the world's largest commodity companies to

invest in such a large commercial project is a true quality rating for the Swedish environmental technology industry, Gunnar Larsson, CEO of Swedish Stirling, said in a statement. SA has the highest concentration of ferrochrome producers in the world with an estimated 200MW of unused furnace off-gas. “The implementation of PWR BLOK 400-F technology will provide relief from energy pricing as well as carbon emission displacement,” he said.


11 Julie / July 2019

E N V I R O N M E N TA L r i g h t s groups filed papers against the government on Friday over air pollution in Mpumalanga, saying the air quality has contributed to hundreds of premature deaths. The so-called Highveld Priority Area, which includes much of Mpumalanga province and part of Gauteng, is the site of 12 coal-fired Eskom power plants, a Sasol oil refinery and coal-to-fuel plant owned by the company. It’s also where almost all of South Africa’s coal is mined. A Greenpeace study for the third quarter of 2018 showed that Mpumalanga had the worst nitrogen dioxide emissions from power plants of any area in the world. Mpumalanga is also where Eskom has been building its Kusile coal-fired power station near Witbank. GroundWork and Mpumalanga community organisation Vukani Environmental Justice Movement

in Action, represented by the Centre for Environmental Rights, filed the case in the Pretoria High Court. "The area has been plagued with deadly air quality for decades, with

the high concentration of coal-fired power plants in the province, Sasol’s coal-to-liquids plant located in Secunda, and the NatRef refinery, contributing large amounts of pollution," the groups

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said in a statement. The organisations said a new independent study attached to the court papers, by air health risk export Andy Gray, found 14 facilities were responsible for the lion’s share of air pollution in 2016, causing between 305 and 650 early deaths. In supporting documents, Head of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Illinois Professor Peter Orris said the pollution by the coal industry of Mpumalanga left populations there vulnerable to serious diseases. "The high levels of air pollution in and around the Highveld Priority Area constitute an immediate and significant public health hazard that should be remedied to save lives and allow current and future generations of South Africans to live longer and healthier," said Orris. The environmental justice groups are asking the court to declare the current levels of air pollution on the Highveld a violation of people’s Constitutional rights, and to force government to take meaningful action to implement and enforce the Highveld Property Area. The groups said they were forced to launch this case because of the repeated failure of government to enforce air quality laws. fin24.co.za

11 Julie / July 2019

THE CEO of one of the biggest skills training companies in South Africa, fell to his death while paragliding in Mpumalanga three weeks ago. While the South African Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (SAHPA) is gathering details on what happened as part of its investigation, Chris Hersov's death has shocked the fraternity. His wife, Bianca, shared on Facebook that her soulmate had died "in a fluke paragliding accident" on Tuesday at God's Window. "I was truly blessed to be married to the most honourable man I ever met and look forward to celebrate and honour his life with you all," she said. Hersov headed up Arc Skills in Johannesburg. The father of two died just days before his 56th birthday while in Mpumalanga for the 2019 Barberton Paragliding Nationals. A day before the incident, he had shared a photo of competitors and blue skies, saying how excited he was to compete in that competition for the first time. "Daunting, but there is much to learn here from these guys," he wrote on Facebook. O n t h e F r i d a y, S A H PA spokesperson Ronnie Beukes said the competition was cancelled on the day of the incident and the group wanted to fly from God's Window. However, Hersov and another man ended up being the

only ones to do so. The Lowvelder reported that according to preliminary investigations, a portion of Hersov's glider folded inward, leading him into a spin. Beukes said it was too early to speculate. "We are taking this very seriously and the committee will be meeting." They were in the process of speaking with eyewitnesses and inspecting the equipment. Beukes said they wanted to figure out what went wrong and how they could avoid similar incidents in the future. Friends, colleagues and relatives shared their fondest memories of Hersov on social media, describing him as an enthusiastic athlete who lived life to the fullest. Mpumalanga police spokesperson, Colonel Mtsholi Bhembe, confirmed they had an opened an inquest. Hersov's life was celebrated at St Andrews School, on what would have been his birthday. His wife shared: "Because Chris' standard reply to my question 'What do you want for your birthday?' always was 'Something that flies', please bring a few helium-filled balloons to the service to be released after the service to wish him on his way to the place where flying is forever possible.” News24.co.za

A photo from Hersov’s Facebook account, captioned “Paragliding Nationals for the first time.

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11 Julie / July 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



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Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

HOORHIERSO vorm julle eie opinie hieroor. Ons is al gewoond aan mense wat hul nasionale platform gebruik om hul opinies te lig. Maar hierdie van Antjie Krog is vir my nogal ‘n tirade wat lelik gedraai het. Dit is aan my gestuur - so sonder om plagiaat te pleeg dankie aan die skrywer vir die deel tussen aanhalingstekens: “Die digteres Antjie Krog het Saterdagaand in 'n tirade teen Suid-Afrikaanse blankes uitgebars toe sy die Sunday Times-prys vir Engelse poësie ontvang het. Krog het voorgestel dat “blankes toilette in die lokasies moet gaan skrop, geboue moet oppas, onderwys gee en vraestelle merk”, alles sonder betaling as straf vir “apartheid en kolonialisme”. Sy meen verder dat alle middelklaswoonbuurte vrylik deur plakkers beset behoort te word om van SuidAfrika 'n “roereier” te maak en sodoende die gevolge van “apartheid en kolonialisme” ongedaan te maak. “Bevryding bly onvoltooid as die apartheids- en koloniale stad nie geherorganiseer word nie…” het Krog gesê. Vir 'n tydperk van twee jaar moet eiendomswette opgeskort word sodat plakkers vrylik plase, voorstede en selfs parke kan beset en oor die ruimtes met eienaars kan “onderhandel”. Dit sal Krog se droom van 'n “roereier”-Suid-Afrika bespoedig. Die twee jaar van revolusie wat aan Pol Pot se Kambodja of Mao se “kulturele revolusie” in Rooi China herinner, noem Krog die “Tydvak van Radikale Heropbou”. Tydens “Radikale Heropbou” moet “alle energie, hulpbronne, asook elke Suid-Afrikaner, gebruik word om massiewe strukturele verandering te bewerkstellig”. In die praktyk sou dit beteken dat inwoners op die klassieke kommunistiese manier van die twintigste eeu as “slawe van die revolusie” gratis dienste aan die staat en sy revolusionêre leierskap moet lewer. Volgens Krog het blankes “drie eeue lank skade aan die land aangerig” waarvoor “niks ooit sal vergoed nie”. Sy meen dat dit nou “die tyd vir woede is” en dat swartes rede het om blankes te wil doodmaak. Daar moet meer begrip wees vir waarom swartes blankes doodmaak, verklaar sy. Ons kan egter nie die toilette gaan skrop nie, want die hele klomp wat die DA laasjaar met belastingbetalersgeld opgerig het, is klaar weer afgebreek. Die mense het toe die produk wat in die toilet moes wees, in die stad gaan rondgooi. Hoe is Antjie se geheue dan tog so kort? Of is die probleem dalk dat die toilet tussen haar ore sit? (Bron: PRAAG)” - Deur Michelle Boshoff

Me. Ingrid Beeslaar skryf: Ek wil net vir Stephan van Hi Q bedank vir sy hulp om orals vir my te bel vir ‘n kinderstootkarretjie se wiel met

binneband. Toe laat weet hy my ons kan dit by Valencia in Nelspruit kry en my ou Downsindroom seuntjie is baie bly oor sy karretjie.

Help om spraakdata op te neem vir taalprojek 'n Projek deur die CSIR se MerakaInstituut nooi lede van die publiek om deel te neem om spraakdata deur telefoonopnames in te samel. Die doel van die projek is om by wyse van 'n algoritme 'n masjien te leer om 'n taal outomaties te herken wanneer dit oor 'n telefoon gepraat word. Die 11 amptelike tale, asook Gujarati, Hindi en Suid-Afrikaanse Engels met 'n Indiese aksent word opgeneem. Oproepers ontvang lugtyd om die oproepe te maak, asook 1 gigagreep se data vir elke 10 suksesvolle oproepe. ‘n Oproep duur 10 minute en die deelnemer mag enigiemand wat dieselfde taal praat een keer skakel. Daarna word 'n volgende persoon geskakel. Deelnemers moet ouers as 18 jaar

wees en gesprekke word vertroulik hanteer. Om data te ontvang moet die deelnemers 'n selfoonpakket hê wat opgetop kan word. Die projekspan bestaan uit lede van die CSIR (die Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidnavorsingsraad) in Pretoria en van SADiLaR (Suid-Afrikaanse Sentrum vir Digitale Taalhulpbronne) op Potchefstroom. Etiese aspekte is deur die Universiteit van Pennsylvania nagegaan. Lesers wat graag wil deelneem kan Carmen Moors e-pos by carmen.moors@csir.co.za of 'n sms tydens kantoorure stuur na 079 377 6585. Afrikaans- en Noord-Sothosprekers word veral benodig voor 12 Julie; Engels- en Swati-sprekers voor 26 Julie.

GENESIS 11:9: Daarom het hulle die stad Babel genoem, want daar het die Here in die taal van die aarde verwarring gebring, en van daar af het Hy die mense oor die hele aarde verstrooi. Vader, dankie dat U geleenthede soos hierdie gebruik om die mens tereg te wys as hy fouteer - Amen.

Afrikaans EK het die volgende via Sosiale Media van James Hart ontvang. Ek weet nie wie die outeurs is nie, maar gee onvoorwaardelik erkenning aan hom / haar / hulle. Ek moet eenvoudig die volgende Afrikaanse juweeltjies met julle deel. Ons het dit altyd in die verlede ’n wilde woordeboek genoem. Hier volg ’n klompie en daar is nog veel meer:

Aftree - kierieverlof. Alkohol slingersous. Bleeksiel fooskoos. Fiets - draadkameel (ek onthou dié een uit my kinderdae). Eet - tandslaan. Aap sitbok. Blonde oomblik - brein pouse. E-pos - vonkpos (ons ken hom ook). Grimering - jeugdeeg. Toilet - porseleinskoeter. Mooi meisie - asemdief. Omgekrapte maag - barsblerts. Oorgewig duidelik sigbaar (Ja nê). Sakrekenaar - sompompie. Lyftaal - skeletklets. Ski-pants -

sellulietsokkies. Snelweg - boeteroete. Springmielies - kitskoring. Tippex - flater water. Tissue - snoetsponsie (hierdie tyd van die jaar in groot aanvraag). Burp - keelknal. Graanvlokkies - Olifantskilfers (ook ’n ou een). Slaap - lappetrap. Ouetehuis kieriekoshuis. - Pragtig. Hierdie paar woorde bewys dat Afrikaans as relatiewe jong taal voortdurend ontwikkel en pragtig beskrywend is. Kom ons gebruik hierdie terme om kleur en humor aan ons alledaagse gesprekke te gee. Ons kan almal doen met ’n glimlag - of is dit ’n lippeplooi? Hou op baklei en wees vriendelik met egtheid. Mooi loop.

11 Julie / July 2019

FOR the past seven years, the Lydenburg/Mashishing Business Chamber has served as a forum for the area's schools, churches and places of worship and community services. “It has always been our aim to gather all our community institutions under one umbrella,” says Chamber admin officer Past André Hanekom. In the annual Business Directory a double page spread is dedicated to churches and places of worship, schools, preschools and day care centres, support networks and social services. The telephone numbers and addresses, where available, are published free of charge as a service to the community. However, every year the editorial team are faced with a substantial challenge to ensure that the information is correct and updated. Production manager of the Directory, Marietjie Bezuidenhout, pleads with all institutions in Lydenburg, Mashishing, Steelpoort and Burgersfort to verify their contact details in the book (normally on pages 8 and 9 in the Directory). To facilitate communication with institutions, a telephone number and email address where possible, would make it easier for both Chamber and the editorial team. “For the past seven years we have been dialling the numbers – if after three attempts there is no reply, we have to remove the details of the school, church or body. This is time consuming and costly, and we have therefore decided to opt for a more economical approach,” says Bezuidenhout.

NGO's, churches, schools and charities are also encouraged to join Chamber by visiting www.lydenburgbusiness.co.za – for an admin fee of a mere R150 per year, membership will bring these organisations into the bigger picture of the towns. This is vital for particularly charity organisations who are dependant on sponsorships. “Chamber aims at assisting community organisations to follow the correct procedures, get registered and to work together by not all targeting the same sponsors at the same time,” says Past Hanekom. Chamber's website features Lydenburg's Events Calendar which is regularly updated by Hanekom. He advises businesses and organisations to visit the calendar before finalising dates for events – and likewise, to inform him of all happenings in the area. He also emphasises that Chamber cannot be held responsible for clashing dates. “We offer a service and a forum for the town's events - the more people use it, the better our events calendar will function.,”says Past André. To update your information, contact Chamber's Admin officer Past André Hanekom on 081 778 5904 or admin@lydenburgbusiness.co.za. For more info contact production manager Marietjie Bezuidenhout on 082 789 8317 or marietjie@gm-web.com or editor Gerda Whitehorn on 079 515 7799 or gerda@whitehorn.co.za. Deadline for updates are 20 July 2019.

27 Kerk Street, Shop nr 3, Lydenburg

11 Julie / July 2019 Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag op 27 Julie 2019 Die Wildevy manne is 'n nie-winsgewende organsasie wat daargestel is deur manne uit die gemeenskap om fondse vir minderbevoorregtes in die gemeenskap in te samel. Die 4x4 gesinsdag is slegs een van die projekte wat jaarliks aangebied word. Graag wil hulle alle 4x4 entoesiaste, asook die publiek, nooi om deel te kom wees van die welbekende dag is. Dit vind plaas op 27Julie 2019 by PLM boerderye, 10km buite Burgersfort, op die Lydenburg-R37 pad. Die hele gemeenskap, wat besighede en mynbedrywe insluit is betrokke by hierdie dag om dit so lekker as moontlik vir die hele familie te maak. Hierdie 4X4 dag groei elke jaar geweldig baie. In 2018 het 100 4X4 voertuie deelgeneem en ongeveer 5000 tot 7 000 besoekers het die dag saam geniet. Die baan is baie uitdagend en interessant, dit is egter nie so opgestel om normale viertrek voertuie te beskadig nie. Die roete is uiteengesit sodat die hele gesin kan deelneem aan pret uitdagings soos lemoene gooi, windbuks skiet en ander 4x4 verwante uitdagings. Inskrywingsgelde vir die dag is R950 per voertuig wat deelneem. Dit sluit ook 'n spesiale hemp vir die bestuurder en sy assistent bestuurder in. Ons het ook die Morone Berg Roete teen R1100 per voertuig, slegs voertuie met laebestek word toegelaat om hieraan deel te neem en word beperk tot 20 voertuie, dit word gedoen om die area te beskerm waar gery word oor die berg. Opgeleide gidse vergesel die voertuie. Dit sluit ook 'n spesiale hemp vir die bestuurder en sy assistent bestuurder in en ook 'n heerlike middagete en verversings bo-op die Morone Berg. Na die sukses van Die Wildevy MTB bergfiets wedren in 2018 gaan ons groter en beter! Ons bied 'n 50km (R170.00), 20km (R150.00), 10km (R60.00) en 2.5km (R30.00) pret trap vir kinders onder 12 jaar aan. Hierdie bergfiets wedren het ook tans gesetelde status waar fietsryers kan punte bymekaar maak op die bergfietsry punte leer te tel. Pieter Heyns kan by 082 806 5622 gekontak word vir meer inligting oor die fietsry! Besoek ook gerus www.wildevymtb.co.za Hierdie jaar het die Wildevy 'n nuwe opwindende toevoeging vir die sport liefhebbers. Die Wildevy Trail Run is n 10km (R100.00) of 5km (R50.00) land loop resies wat op goed gemerkte bospaaie gaan plaasvind. So as jy nie n 4x4 of n fiets het nie maar jy het ’n paar hardloop skoene en lus is vir avontuur, moet jy kom inskryf aan die nuutjie by die groot dag. Vanjaar bied ons ook uitstekende vermaak met bekende sangers wat gaan optree op die hoof verhoog, bekende sterre soos Appel – Boer loop deur my are, Ampie en Zak Steyn en wel bekende DJ Robbie – The Event Maker. Die manne gaan besoekers en deelnemers betower met hul treffers! Wawiel wyntuin waar jy kan rustig sit weg van die lawaai en jou bene rus met uitgesoekte wyne en ander heerlike versnapperinge. Die dag het altyd 'n heerlike feestelike atmosfeer met verskeie stalletjies wat tuisgemaakte kos en verversings bedien deur plaaslike gemeentes en skole. Daar is ook weer die jaar uitstallers wat bydra tot die kleurvolle dag. Vir die jongspan is daar ook baie pret beplan soos springkastele, trapkarre en 'n pretpark. Daar is ook weer helikopter vlugte oor die baan die jaar, wat baie gewild is met die besoekers. Vir die mense wat nie deelneem aan die uitdagings nie, is daar 'n trekker en sleepwa om hulle tussen punte te vervoer om sodoende niks van die aksie mis te loop nie. Hierdie is 'n gratis diens aan die publiek. Daar sal ook kampgeriewe beskikbaar wees vir die mense wat van ver af kom kuier. Die tradisionele SHOW STOPPER, vind plaas in die middag. Dis nou waar 'n paar uitsoek voetuie hul passies deur die modderbad sal neem. Hierdie is 'n moet en sorg elke jaar vir hope pret. Moet dit nie misloop nie! Dit spyt ons egter dat geen 4x4 motorfietse toegelaat sal word op die baan en op die plaas nie. Geen koel houers word op die terrein toegelaat nie. 'n Biertuin met baie billike pryse is beskikbaar. Kontak gerus vir Frieda Beetge as jy belangstel om ’n stalletjie te bespreek om uit te stal en of handgemaakte en ander produkte wil kom vertoon en verkoop. Vir meer inligtig besoek gerus ons webwerf by www.wildevy4x4.co.za of skakel Frieda Beetge by 013 231 7498/9 of 013 231 7462 of epos by TL1@burbande.co.za of admin2@burbande.co.za . Ons is ook as “Die Wildevy 4x4 gesinsdag” op Facebook beskikbaar. Besoekers toegangsfooie is R 20 per persoon en R 50 per voertuig. Ingang op Morone pad.

11 Julie / July 2019

Pick n Pay and Food Forward SA for Mandela Day Contribute in Pick n Pay stores MANDELA DAY FOOD DRIVE TARGETS 2 MILLION MEALS THIS YEAR Pick n Pay and FoodForward SA have launched their third annual Mandela Day Food Drive and invite all South Africans to contribute towards the ambitious goal of collecting 500 tonnes of food – enough to produce two million meals. The FoodForward SA Mandela Day Food Drive in partnership with Pick n Pay is one of the largest national food drives in South Africa, providing much-needed basic food items to vulnerable communities. Last year 151 tonnes of food was collected and 130 tonnes was collected in its inaugural campaign in 2017 – together, this equates to more than 1.1 million meals donated to beneficiaries in need. Almost 20% of households in South Africa have inadequate or severely inadequate access to food. The latest figures by Stats SA1 also showed that 6.8 million South Africans experienced hunger in 2017. The food collected in the Mandela Day Food Drive supports the 530 beneficiary organisations in FoodForward SA's national distribution network. These donations won't only help with immediate needs but will also assist in stocking FoodForward SA's warehouses with staple food reserves for months when supply is low. To reach its target of two million meals this year, the Mandela Day Food Drive will run over a three-week period compared to one Collection Weekend in previous years. Pick n Pay will open over 550 of its stores across the country and mobilise its staff from 24 June to 14 July 2019 to provide a much-needed platform and support to collect tonnes of food that will help feed people in need this year and even beyond 2019. Shoppers are encouraged to donate from a list of 15 discounted non-perishable items displayed in participating Pick n Pay stores or online, make a small cash donation at the till points; or volunteer their time. Collection trolleys will be available in all participating stores for non-perishable food item donations during the drive. These trolleys will be collected daily and the donated food will then be sorted on Mandela Day by volunteers at packing events across the country. FoodForward SA will then distribute the packed food to its beneficiary organisations nationally. Food donations made at more remote Pick n Pay stores will be distributed directly to surrounding beneficiaries on Mandela Day. “By adding more stores and extending the collection period this year, we hope to increase the positive impact we have on the country's hunger levels,” says Suzanne Ackerman-

Berman, transformation director at Pick n Pay. She adds, “The Mandela Day Food Drive would not have grown into the success it is today without the great generosity and true ubuntu spirit from our customers and suppliers. It demonstrates the positive impact we can create by working together,” says Ackerman-Berman. Andy Du Plessis, Managing Director at FoodForward SA says, “The partnership between Pick n Pay and FoodForward SA ensures that those who are hungry receive nourishing meals through our network of beneficiary organisations across the country, especially over the cold winter months. The FoodForward SA Mandela Day Food Drive gives everyone an opportunity to join the fight against hunger by buying basic food ingredients at any PnP store or by joining our packing events on Mandela Day. It's not only a good cause, it is also fun and builds unity across South Africa.” In the last seven years, Pick n Pay has donated over 10 tonnes of surplus food to FoodForward SA, accounting for almost half of the total tonnage donated to the organisation. This has made a significant difference to the many beneficiaries that FoodForward SA serves, but much more is needed to improve food security for all South Africans. Everyone can participate in the FoodForward SA Mandela Day Food Drive – be it through the donation of time or food, says Ackerman-Berman. “Every effort – no matter how big or small – will play a role in helping to feed those who go hungry every day. Together we can feed the nation.” How SA can get involved in the 2019 Mandela Day Food Drive in partnership with Pick N Pay & Foodforward SA Take part in the National 2019 Mandela Day Food Drive from 24 June – 14 July 2019 in any participating Pick n Pay store: Purchase a non-perishable item and drop it into the branded collection trolley; Make a cash donation at the till point; Volunteer 67 minutes ahead of Mandela Day to help with the Collection Weekend efforts in-store from 12 – 14 July. Contact your nearest store for more information. Donate your Smart Shopper points to FoodForward SA by selecting "Donate points to charity" on the app or at the kiosk in-store and selecting FoodForward SA as the beneficiary.

11 Julie / July 2019

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Porsche Cayman 718 GT 4 New Renault Captur THIS is the new Porsche Cayman 718 GT4. Of course, it’s now got 718 in its name, because when Porsche facelifted its mid-engined two-seater and dropped in a controversial fourcylinder turbo engine, it added the ‘718’ bit to pay homage to a classic four-pot Porsche of ye olden days. But fear not. The turbo engine has been banished from the 718 GT4. This thing’s packing a 4.0-litre, 8,000rpm, 308kW flat-six. That ought to make a jolly nice noise. Power is up 26kW from the last GT4, which never really wanted for poke. We loved it. Won our 2016 Sports Car of the Year Award, in fact. But we’ll take the extra horses. Torque matches the old 3.8-litre version’s 420Nm. And it’s actually no quicker: the 718 GT4 does 0-100kph in 4.4sec. Just like before. Top speed is up a smidge from 293kph to beyond 300kph. The engine is cleverer, though. Kinder to the environment. Not only does it produce more power while breathing out through a heftier exhaust filter (which adds about 12kg in weight), it can also shut down a bank of cylinders when you’re cruising. And the bigger engine now has a wider torque band. Porsche GT boss Andreas Preuninger is confident this erases one of the only problems with the old 718 GT4 – that the gearing was too long. The gearing is the same this time around, but the car might punch through each ratio a bit harder. Besides plumbing in a bigger engine, Porsche has also been hard at work in the wind tunnel. Yes, yes, we know it looks the same. Of course it does. It’s a new Porsche. What were you expecting? Anyway, the headline is a 50 per cent jump in overall downforce. How? Well, the split exhaust opens up space for a more useful – if perhaps uglier – rear diffuser, sucking the car’s backside onto the road. The rear wing’s been redrawn to conjure more downforce without adding drag (so, with the extra power the top speed goes up). Now, we’re not talking about an Aston Valkyrie AMR nutter here, so the 718 GT4 isn’t a drive-iton-the-ceiling kinda car. Apparently, even with the tweaked front splitter and so on, the extra downforce amounts to 12kg at 125mph. Still, next time you’re pinned over Flugplatz at the Nürburgring, you’d be very glad about every extra kilo pushing you back down to Earth… Speaking of which, the 718 GT4 is reportedly ten seconds a lap faster around said German racetrack. But Preuninger says the GT4 isn’t a humourless grip machine. “The tyres are not ultra-rated super track day tyres – more like an ultra-high performance all-rounder – so it can live with the horrid conditions as well,” he tells TG. “This is a car for the back roads. You would rather dance with the car than drive it, that is how I would describe it.” topgear.co.za

RENAULT has announced the arrival of an all-new Captur and it's confirmed for a South African market introduction. With over 1.2 million units sold globally since its launch back in 2013, the Renault Captur has proven immensely popular. The all-new Renault Captur is underpinned by the new CMF-B platform, shared with the allnew Renault Clio, itself due for market introduction in SA in 2020. The main benefit of this CMF-B platform is it makes provision for electrification. Speaking of, Renault is ambitious with its electrification strategy. There will be 12 electric models in its range and this new Captur will be the first recipient of the all-new E-Tech plug-in hybrid engine. As for this new Captur, it's 110 mm longer and boasts a higher waistline in comparison to the outgoing model. Inside, the leg room has been extended by 17 mm and boot space has grown by 81 litres. It also features front and rear protection skid plates, chunky cladding and wheel arch extensions, giving it some visual SUV credentials. The cabin focuses on space and connectivity. The Smart Cockpit layout is based on the Clio and there's a choice of infotainment screen sizes. Renault's Easy Link multimedia system adds Apple CarPlay and Android Auto to the mix. Standard levels of tech appear generous with LED headlights across the range, the option of a sunroof, BOSE premium audio system and a whole host of safety features like 360-degree camera, active emergency braking with cyclist and pedestrian detection to name but a few. Under the bonnet are a selection of petrol and diesel engines, but the motor that has us interested the most is the E-Tech Plug-in. Combining a compact 1.6 petrol motor with an electric assist, the Captur can drive up to 45 km at speeds of up to 135 kph. The vehicle also features Mode 2 and Mode 3 compatible plugs for charging. As for the rest of the range, the Renault Captur features the new 1.0-litre 3cylinder turbocharged petrol engine, which produces 73 kW and 160 Nm. There's also the option of a 1.3-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder motor with 95 kW and 240 Nm. This 1.3-litre motor is also available in a higher state of tune and can pack a 114 kW and 270 Nm punch at the top of the petrol range. In terms of gearboxes, the Captur is available with a 6-speed manual and a new 7-speed dual clutch transmission. For those wanting diesel power, the 1.5-litre 4-cylinder motor is available in 2 states of tune. The first version has 70 kW and 240 Nm, and is mated to a 6-speed manual gearbox, while the second has 115 kW and 260 Nm, with the option of a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission. When's it coming? We reached out to Renault South Africa who confirmed that this model is coming to our market in the 2nd half of 2020. Cars.co.za

11 Julie / July 2019


Suzuki sales doing well Hyundai Grand i10 Cargo SUZUKI South Africa says June 2019 was its best sales month yet, with 1 479 new vehicles registered during the sixth month of the year. This represents the best month for sales in the company’s ten-year history in South Africa, allowing the local arm of the Japanese automaker to grab a claimed overall market share of 3,22 percent (its highest on record). Indeed, in June 2019, Suzuki SA outsold the likes of the BMW Group, Kia and Mazda. “In the first quarter of our 2019/20 financial year, our dealers managed to sell 2 984 vehicles, which is a whopping improvement of 31 percent compared to the same period last year,” said André Venter, Suzuki SA’s divisional manager for sales and marketing. “The dealer network has, on average, now sold more than 900 units a month for the last three months in a row, and in June sales broke through the 1 000 barrier for only the second time since we established the company in South Africa in 2009,” he added. As we pointed out in an earlier story, the Swift was the top seller for the brand in June with 548 units, while the Celerio added 249 and the Ignis a further 204. The new Ertiga managed 143 units, while the Dzire (98), Vitara (64), Baleno (59), Jimny (29) and Ciaz (19) all ended up in double figures. The ageing Grand Vitara added three units (and found itself on the worst-selling list), while 63 more registrations came in the commercial segment. “With a growing dealer network and with our focus on good sales- and aftersales service, affordable and stylish vehicles and new products on the horizon, we believe that we can continue to grow in the second half of 2019,” says Venter. Suzuki confirmed it planned to launch both the new Swift Sport and the Suzuki Vitara Turbo in “early August”, each featuring the firm’s turbocharged 1,4-litre petrol engine. carmag.co.za

Lydenburg,CNR Voortrekker & Viljoen Str, 013 235 2381

New Car Sales Executive Vusi - 065 039 3281 l Emmanual - 073 779 5060 Prince - 076 520 7259 l Werner - 067 348 2354

Used Car Sales Executive Henry - 083 237 5171 Emmanual - 076 606 9371


Sales Manager Luan 079 492 0311

HYUNDAI Automotive South Africa has quietly added the new Grand i10 Cargo to its commercial vehicle range, offering the tiny load-lugger in two trim levels. Targeting small businesses, the local arm of the Korean automaker says the Grand i10 Cargo boasts a load capacity of 1 202 litres (the rear bench has, of course, been binned), complete with “security barriers” on the rear and back windows. The load area features a luggage net with hooks and a cargo barrier separating it from the front seats. Payload, though, is unclear at this stage. Priced at R184 900, the Grand i10 1,0 Motion Cargo is powered by Hyundai’s familiar naturally aspirated three-cylinder petrol engine, offering 48 kW and 94 N.m to the front wheels. Meanwhile, the Grand i10 1,25 Fluid Cargo comes in at R221 900, and draws its urge from the firm’s four-cylinder petrol unit (worth 64 kW and 120 N.m). Both derivatives feature driver and passenger airbags, ABS with EBD, manual air-conditioning and Hyundai’s five-year/150 000 km warranty (plus an additional two-year/50 000 km powertrain warranty). While the Motion specification level makes do with a basic audio system (though still offering Bluetooth), manual side-mirror adjustment, electric windows up front and wheel covers over steelies, the Fluid model adds remote central locking, an upgraded infotainment system (with the optional of navigation), poweradjustment side mirrors, one-touch indicators, electric windows at the rear (although we’re not entirely sure why) and 14-inch alloy wheels. carmag.co.za

Sales: Andrew 071 183 4088 l Bianca 063 964 0966 Christian 066 256 6047 l Goodness 072 277 3349 DP: Danie 081 040 3607

11 Julie / July 2019

Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

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G.A PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers MOTOR 2 S L K en Pastel agent DIENSTE/ 013 235 4774 AUTO SERVICES W O O N S T E L R4600 p/m + deposito. 082 924 AK JEWELS 013 235 1075 ATLAS PANEEL- 3532 KLOPPERSROX INTERIORS G e a k k r e d i t e e r. 2 S L K - U p h o l s t e r y , Kontak: 013 235 WOONSTEL te c a r p e t s , 3423/ 082 454 h u u r. To e s l u i t curtaining, Blinds 8382 motorhuis, geen & Gifts. 072 222 troeteldiere. 5566 A U T O H A U S E N R4500 p/m 083 SMART 013 235 327 3003 J O V E L A U TO - 2721/ 082 554 M A T I S E R I N G 8293 Accessories for AKKOMODASIE/ gates & garage ACCOMd o o r s . 3 9 MOTORS TE MODATION Rensburg street. KOOP/ CARS 079 490 9183 FOR SALE D I E BOOMDOKTOR - I BUY VEHICLES Sny van bome, for cash. 082 646 mulching (chips), 6735 firewood. Roll-onlawn. 082 702 MOTORHUUR/ 1420 CAR HIRE

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LY D E N B U R G VEHICLE HIRE- WERK GESOEK/ car & van rentals. WORK WANTED DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 013 235 1780 I AM LOOKING 708 4263 TE KOOP/ FOR FOR WORK. I have a valid SALE drivers license. ART/ FRAMING 060 918 2384 2 BROEI PARE J A D E A R T & P e n t a g o n i a n s LOOKING FOR F R A M I N G 0 1 3 R800 per paar, te kitchen/ cooking 235 1241/ 082 337 koop. 063 779 work. 079 845 7531 6927 6277 SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING SKOONMAAK VA N M AT T E , meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS I.T.@Large - for all

CANOPY TE KERKE/ KOOP : FORD CHURCHES RANGER DC 2012 model upwards, R7000. A n g l i c a n Whatsapp 079 513 C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 9815


08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerdekerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . •Hervormdekerk Lydenburg.

235 3554 • Methodist C h u r c h Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moederg e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, J e u g d i e n s Saterdae 18:00. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinderkerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00, English service Sundays at 11:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co

Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 837 4 5 0 8 jacovanwyk@ron elco.co.za English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse diens So n d a g o g g e n d om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 4 2 0 7 9 5 4 . •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 - Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3 7 4 8 • Vo l l e Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS B e t h e s d a Steelpoort d i e n s t y e Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 1 0 : 0 0 Oggenddiens, ou k e r k i e b y

Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational C h u r c h Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.

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Nuus / News

Golden oldie with potential and lots of space! This spacious family home offers five bedrooms, three bathrooms, large living & dining areas, eat-in kitchen and flatlet. This highly visible property could also be ideal to run a business from!! Don't delay!! Phone Fanie du Toit 072 317 3959 QuickSell Realty

11 Julie / July 2019

VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop Kommersiele kantoor spasie sentraal gelee R13 000 2slk woonstel 1bdk oop plan kombuis en leef area geen yard R5200 3slk huis 2bdk kombuis en leef areas. Binne braai, dubbel garage en yard R10 800

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

11 Julie / July 2019

LHS en LSL het ‘n lekker oefensessie op Hoërskool Lydenburg se splinternuwe MTB baan gehad. Baie dankie aan elke ouer en borg wat die baan moontlik gemaak het. Baie ure se werk en sweet het in die baan ingegaan. Baie sterkte aan elke fietsryer vir al die wedrenne wat voorlê. Dankie aan Juf van Deventer en Mnr Dorfling vir die voorloop, julle en al die fietsryers plaas LHS elke seisoen weer op die "map".

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