15 Augustus / August 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 32

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15 Augustus / August 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 32 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

Despite being on the radar for many years, illegal mining remains a dangerous, unregulated concern for South Africa's mining industry and the wider economy. Illegal artisanal mining in South Africa is among the most lucrative and most violent in Africa, and the practice is deemed one of the biggest sources of illicit gold on the continent. It is estimated that about 30 000 illegal miners, the so-called zama-zamas, work in and around many of the 6 000 disused and abandoned mines across South Africa. The infiltration of zama-zamas also extends to currently active commercial mines, with the unique phenomenon adding another layer of complexity that is confounding South Africa's law enforcement agencies, mining officials and the industry.. Organised by criminal syndicates, illegal mining is responsible for billions of rands in lost tax

revenue, threatens physical infrastructure and public safety and brings major security headaches to established, publicly listed companies. Unique to South Africa is that illegal miners mostly target underground industrial shafts, as opposed to open pits, as is normally the case, and occurs within large-scale mines, says Martin, who is the author of 'Uncovered: the Dark World of the Zama Zamas', the latest policy brief from Enact, a project of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Interpol and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime. The true cost of illegal mining activity, however, includes damage to public and private infrastructure caused by vandalism or poor mining practices, as well as the costs of security upgrades undertaken by mining companies to address illegal breaches. (Article continues in page 3 - Zama-Zama’s www.engineeringnews.co.za)


15 Augustus / August 2019

A Facebook group “I Love Pilgrims Rest’ has grown to over 2 000 members under the administration of Jenny Chaplin. It is evident that tourists, South Africans and residents are still just as passionate about this historic mining town as ever. Pilgrim's Rest was the second town in South Africa after Kimberley to be electrified. The electricity was generated from a Hydro electrical plant in the Blyde River canyon built in 1911. Much more history than this is also shared on the page. The well known Highwayman’s Garage was granted a new licence and the old petrol pumps were restored. Go check it out and drive the odd 60km from Lydenburg for a brunch or lunch. It is still a historic site and town with so much to explore and experience.

The petrol attendants at the restored petrol pumps in Pilgrims.

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15 Augustus / August 2019

ACCORDING to the Enact report, one mining house surveyed has, since 2013, spent almost R366-million on upgrading its security infrastructure and protocols to make it more difficult for zama-zamas to penetrate the mining precinct and its shafts. The dangers posed by illegal mining include the uncontrolled use of explosives, which compromises support pillars in decommissioned mines. This has resulted in tremors and places the structural integrity of roads and adjacent residential communities and businesses at risk. It also poses a significant public safety threat, as some of the blasting has taken place close to pipelines carrying gas and fuel. Other risks include the temporary closure of commercial mines, the entrapment of illegal miners underground and the death of, or injuries to, illegal miners. In addition to being subjected to unsafe, exploitative and precarious working conditions, zama-zamas also face a plethora of dangers, such as extortion, murder, forced migration, money laundering, corruption, racketeering, drugs and prostitution within a market managed by a fivetier system. Illegal miners constitute the first tier and are responsible for physically mining the coveted minerals underground, while the second tier comprises the buyers, who also organise the first-tier illegal miners and support them with food, protection and equipment. The third tier comprises the regional bulk buyers, many of whom have permits issued in terms of the Precious Metals Act to trade in precious metal, while the fourth tier contains national or international distributors using front companies or legitimate exporters. Within the fifth tier are the top international receivers and distributors that work through international refineries and intermediary companies. The five-tier system shows that the underground workers take the most risks for the least amount of reward. Hundreds of illegal miners die in mining accidents that are not reported or from which bodies are never recovered, or during below-ground shootouts with mine security or competing syndicates. While no official record of zama-zama deaths exists, some estimations place fatalities at well over 300 between 2012 and 2015. About 67% are the result of turf wars, mostly in Gauteng, with the violence in affected areas equated to that of chaotic and conflict-ridden illegal artisanal mine sites in active war zones. Martin further explains that zama-zamas are emblematic of a changing South African mining landscape – and are a direct by-product of persistent, unanswered socioeconomic inequalities. Since 1995, employment within the gold mining sector plunged from about 380 000 to about 119 000 in 2014, with Minerals Council South Africa figures showing further declines to 101 085 in 2018. This has had social ramifications beyond South Africa's borders, as remittances from mining jobs have sustained local economies in countries such as Lesotho and Mozambique, where unemployment often hovers above 30%. This social crisis means that unemployed men with mining experience are willing to take their chances as zama-zamas to earn a living. Further, socioeconomic and political crises in neighbouring countries drive millions of Southern Africans, particularly Zimbabweans, to seek out their fortunes in South Africa. A research report, 'Pulling at Golden Webs', by Marcena Hunter estimates that 70% of zama-zamas are undocumented foreigners. Solving a Social Dilemma With many competing approaches to the growing zamazama infiltration, a paradigm shift is required for South Africa to successfully tackle the challenge. A more holistic, nuanced and multifaceted approach is required from government and industry to address the lack of formalisation and the marginalisation of the illegal mining sector, says Martin. While government takes the hardline stance of intermittently using police to subdue and criminalise artisanal miners, Martin believes that this fails to address the underlying socioeconomic factors or the role played by criminal networks in orchestrating and benefiting from illegal mining.

It also fails to acknowledge the economic potential of the zama-zamas and the contribution they make to local economies and those of their home countries. The extent of the violence and criminality requires the South African gold industry to urgently apply a stricter and more robust risk assessment to its supply chain and overhaul legislation to find ways of harnessing the miners' economic potential, besides others. In its current form, despite giving legal recognition to the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector, the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act enables illegal activity and hinders the ability of police to prevent criminality. “Criminalising, demonising and scapegoating illegal, and mostly foreign, miners is an easy deflection away from more difficult discussions of uncomfortable truths about the persistent poverty, poor service delivery in marginalised areas and political instability in neighbouring countries that contribute to men becoming zama-zamas in the first place.” It also ignores the economic significance and contributions of ASMs. He cites a Bench Marks Foundation argument that the 30 000 zama-zamas in South Africa have a dependence ratio of 1:8, which means that 250 000 people depend on them. A small-scale mining board should be re-established, which could provide skills training for ASM miners, particularly in relation to safe mining practices. The Minerals Council believes that there is a need to focus on the supply and demand side of illegal mining and deal with all five levels of the syndicates. “A single designated gold buyer, or a small group, would buy at the daily spot price, offering the miners true market value for their gold, thereby incentivising them to operate within a formalised and legal framework” Martin notes. “We need to identify global weakness in legislation and control systems, analyse strategies and responses to counter illegal mining, illicit trafficking in precious metals, organised crime and possible terrorist financing,” adds Flynn. The combined effect of theft, fraud, conspiracy, an illicit economy, violence, corruption, money laundering and the transnational illicit trafficking in precious metals requires all roleplayers in the value chain to adopt a robust approach to mitigate and neutralise the threat globally. www.engineeringweekly.co.za

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15 Augustus / August 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



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Die Vryheidfront Plus het op Vrydag 9 Augustus by Soli Deo Gloria blomme en vetplante by die dames gaan uitdeel. Die dames word selde net bederf en mnr. Frik Rousseau en sy vriendin Elsa Olivier het seker gemaak hulle word nie op Vrouedag vergeet nie.


ens mag dink wat jy wil maar nie sê wat jy dink nie. Klink dit dalk bekend? Ek is seker dit doen, want baie mense dink dit. Toe Nataniël, befaamde kunstenaar, jare gelede sy rubriek in die Sarie-tydskrif begin het, het hy gepraat van ‘Op Kaalkop’. Dit was vir my so uniek om ’n naam te gee vir jou eie planeet. Dit is tog jou planeet waar jy eet, leef en werk. En jy kan seker self die naam daarvoor gee ook. Op Kaalkop het hy geskryf kan hy niks verkeerd doen nie, want hy is die heerser en span die osse in. Ons almal leef maar so in ons eie gedagtes. Alhoewel die Hoorhierso-rubriek se oorsprong nie ’n planeet-naam is nie, verwys ek tog baie keer self daarna as ‘Op Hoorhierso.” Want op Hoorhierso kraai ek koning. Darem nie ‘kraai op my eie mishoop nie.’ Op Hoorhierso kan ek sê wat ek wil, dink wat ek wil en doen wat ek wil. Ek kan mense in die gemeenskap uitkryt wat net wil hê, hê, hê en nooit gee nie. Dit word partykeer waardeer as party hul beloftes nakom. Maar hulle is vinnig om vinger te wys. Baie vinnig. Op Hoorhierso kan ek dit sê. Maar al die tentakels wat uitstrek om die planeet te kantel gun mens nie daardie voorreg om jou behoeftes te vervul en uit te leef nie. Baie sal sê dis nou maar die lewe. Ongelukkig kan ek dit net Op Hoorhierso sê. As mens van die planeet afklim bly dit op die planeet. Want buite die planeet stel mense net belang in hul eie agendas. Ons almal, glo ek, ken spreekwoorde en / of uitsprake soos ‘Sit ’n wag voor jou mond’, ‘die tong, so klein, kan ’n geweldige vuur aansteek’, `wees stadig om te praat maar vinnig om te luister’, of, ‘God het ons twee ore gegee en een mond, om twee keer meer te luister en die helfte minder te praat. Almal spreekwoorde / spreke wat sê: ons is eenvoudig maar net ’n spesie wat meer daarvan hou om te praat as om te luister. Praat kan ons goed doen, maar luister minder goed. En met vingerwys en mense in die rug steek is party uitstekend. Let wel, net op Hoorhierso. Toemaar ek sal dit maar dink en nie sê nie. Al die bogenoemde spreekwoorde wys my daarop. Een ding waarvoor ek Nataniël altyd sal dankbaar wees is dat hy dit uitleef dis ‘ok om anders te wees.’ Om nie in ’n blik te leef nie. Al pas jy nie in die samelewing se kassies in nie. ’n Vriendin van Nataniël het hierdie geskryf: “En dat daar baie min mense in hierdie wêreld is wat verstaan dat daar enkelinge is wat volgens hul eie reëls moet lewe, om genoeg asem te kan kry om aan te hou sinvol lewe. Mense wat buite die samelewing se kassies lewe, want hulle pas doodeenvoudig nie binne-in nie.” Viva vir plekke soos Kaalkop en plekke soos Hoorhierso. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Vrouedag KOM ons praat oor die mooi dinge. Veels geluk aan al die dames wat vrouedag op 9 Augustus gevier het. Al die mammas wat hul bes probeer om hulle bloedjies ordentlik groot te maak. Wat die huise aan die gang hou, die begroting ballanseer en (meestal) na ’n dag se harde werk nog lekker kos op die tafel sit. Wat elektrisiteit koop, wat hulleself mooimaak, wat hulle mans se nonsens vat en

“The ultimate inspiration is the deadline” ~ Nolan Bushnell

Spreuke 31:10 Waar sal jy ’n knap vrou kry? ’n Goeie vrou is meer werd as edelstene, Vader, dankie vir hierdie deugsame vroue. Ons dra hulle aan U op en bid vir elkeen van hulle - Amen. Ons lesers kan gerus die hele Spreuke 31 aandagtig gaan lees - Red.

wat die bloedjies se huiswerk doen. Vroue wat kos maak vir die armes, die skool en die kerk. Vroue wat vrywillig uithelp om bejaardes se hare en naels te versorg. Hulle is vandag die heldinne van ons tyd. Ons kan met alle eerlikheid boekdele skryf oor die waarde van ’n deugsame vrou en dié dinge wat hulle doen is legio. Om vandag net ’n gesin aan die gang te hou, is ’n reuse taak. Michelle het in haar Hoorhierso van verlede week enkele van die ystervroue

in die geskiedenis beskryf. Daar was baie ander. Amelia Earhart wat die eerste vrou was om alleen oor die Atlantiese oseaan te vlieg en met ’n volgende rekordpoging in 1937 oor die see verdwyn het. Racheltjie De Beer (Niemand) wat in 1843 as 12 jarige haar sesjarige boetie se lewe in die snerpende koue gered het. Wangari Maathai (1940 - 2011) die Keniaanse vrou wat haar landgenote uitgedaag het om bome te plant en ’n Nobelprys vir vrede gewen het. Die talle onderwyseresse wat kinders wat onopgevoed is, maniere moet leer. Ja, daar is ook gesinne wat misluk! So, Baie geluk julle almal met vrouedag. Mag julle vir altyd vrede en geluk ervaar. En vir die manne wat wonder waar is mannedag, bly maar stil kêrels, julle het 364 sulke dae! Groetnis.

15 Augustus / August 2019

Thank you for the brand new bowling mats Longtom SuperSPAR

The Lydenburg Bowling Club has been a staple in the community for decades and is well known for several championship wins and playing for charity. The new bowling mats donated by Longtom SuperSPAR have given the bowlers a new step onto the green. Thank you for this generous donation Longtom SuperSPAR and for always helping the community.

15 Augustus / August 2019

Everyone went all out for Womens Day Race

15 Augustus / August 2019

DIT was Vrydag die derde Vrouedag Resies in die Gustav Klingbiël Reservaat net buite Lydenburg. Wat deels as ’n breinkind gebore is deur Charlene Coetzee, Terra Events en mede-eienaar van Aqua Terra Gastehuis saam met haar man Ernest Coetzee, nadat die Heritage MTB Race in April so ’n sukses was, het elke jaar net met rasse skrede gegroei. Met haar ‘weermag’ van vriende en gawe borge het daar Vrydag meer as 200 mense reggestaan om te stap of hardloop. Wat opmerklik is, is hoe tradisionele klere-rolle uit die venster gegooi word en die mans ook met tutu’s en veelkleurige pruike opdaag. Dit het nou al ’n instelling in die dorp se kalender geword en kan slegs soveel hoogtes bereik met volgehoue ondersteuning. Dankie aan almal wat hul pond vleis vir die dag gegee het. Winste en skenkings word aan jong dames in die gemeenskap uitgedeel en sal binne die volgende week of drie in die koerant wees. Charlene en haar span bedank graag: Rietfontein Verpakking, Pilates Place, the Local Choice Pharmacy, C-Kreative Sabie, Talisman Steelpoort, PostNet Lydenburg, Duet Spa, Beauty Box, JJ’s Gym, Sleek Scizzors, Longtom Cycle & Sport, Terra Events—Charlene Coetzee, Anette Kruger, Mammarias Beskuit, Spendid Shortbread, Aqua Terra Guest House, Jocks Liquor, Spur, Bebels Coffee Express, Ernest Coetzee, Almari Jansen van Vuuren, Sindy Nagel, Stephane Celliers, JP Celliers, Stephanie Reinecke, Jacobus Pretorius, Heather Aspeling, Tanya & Rudie van Niekerk, Thaba Chweu Municipality en die Highlands Panorama News.

15 Augustus / August 2019


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Pajero will still be available in SA Ford’s mighty new V8 DESPITE a decision to discontinue the Mitsubishi Pajero in both its domestic market and in Europe, the Japanese firm says sales will continue in many countries (including South Africa) for the “foreseeable future”. In April 2019, Mitsubishi announced the Pajero nameplate would be discontinued in Japan, launching a “Final Edition” model to see off the 37-year-old badge. And now the automaker is set to follow suit in Europe and the United Kingdom, according to Autocar. But the fourth-generation model will soldier on in a handful of markets, says Mitsubishi Australia spokesperson Karl Gehling, who was speaking to motoring.com.au. “The Pajero continues to be sold in many markets, including the Middle East, South Africa, Philippines, Brazil, Chile, Russia and, of course, Australia,” he said. Gehling added the decision taken in Europe would “not impact the lifecycle planning for Pajero”. A report from late in 2018 suggested the future of the model was up in the air with no direct replacement in sight. In South Africa, the Pajero range currently comprises a threedoor GLS derivative and a five-door GLS Exceed variant, priced at R699 995 and R799 995 respectively. carmag.co.za

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FORD has revealed details of its new 7,3-litre V8 petrol engine, which will do duty in the F-Series range in the United States. The new naturally aspirated unit will power the Super Duty pick-up, cranking out what the Blue Oval brand claims is a “best-in-class” V8 petrol output of 320 kW at 5 500 r/min and peak torque of 645 N.m at 4 000 r/min. The V8 features an overhead valve architecture that Ford claims generates power “low in the rev range to help get heavier loads moving sooner and with greater confidence”. It also boasts a variable-displacement oil pump, extralarge main bearings, forged steel crankshaft for durability, and piston cooling jets to help manage temperatures under heavy load. Set to be available first in Super Duty F-250 and F-350 variants, the new engine joins the existing 6,2-litre V8 in the Super Duty line-up, along with a 6,7-litre diesel V8. A slightly detuned version of the new 7,3-litre mill will be standard on F-450 chassis cab, F-550, F-600, F-650 and F-750 Medium Duty trucks, and F-53 and F-59 stripped chassis models. The upgraded E-Series will also feature the new engine. For F-250 through F-600 models, the new powerplant will be paired with a tenspeed heavy-duty TorqShift automatic transmission. All other commercial models retain the heavy-duty six-speed automatic transmission. “The 7,3-litre is designed for maximum durability in the harshest environments given that our customers live and work in these conditions every day,” said Joel Beltramo, Ford manager for petrol V8 engines. “This engine has the largest displacement in its class and is designed to provide benefits in key areas like power, durability, ease of maintenance and total operating costs,” Beltramo added. carmag.co.za

15 Augustus / August 2019


Watch out for the Hyunday Grand i10 Nios The Opel Combo Life is here HYUNDAI has taken the wraps off its new Grand i10 Nios in India just a day after the Korean firm released a sketch of the upcoming European-spec i10. We’ve asked Hyundai Automotive South Africa for clarification on which version is destined for local shores (and will update this article once we hear back), but it seems very likely this Indian-built model will be offered in SA. So, let’s take a closer look at the newcomer. The automaker’s Indian arm released an image of the front of the new hatchback, showing a little more detail. The headlamps feature an outline similar to those of the teased Euro-spec model, but the Grand i10 Nios employs boomerang-shaped daytime running lights (rather than the circular items featured in the aforementioned sketch). It also gains front foglamps, a different interpretation of the signature grille and (predictably) smaller alloy wheels. Inside, you'll notice the touchscreen-based infotainment system. The firm also confirmed the model’s updated name. So, what's the reason for the addition of the “Nios” suffix? Well, Hyundai says it means “more”, claiming the third-generation model offers “more value, more features, more space and more excitement”. While Hyundai has provided little in terms of technical details, it is interesting to note the new Grand i10 Nios will be offered alongside the existing Grand i10 in the Indian market. carmag.co.za

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THE Opel Combo Life has officially arrived in South Africa, with the larger Zafira Life scheduled to join the range in the first quarter of 2020. So, how much are we looking at for the Combo Life? Well, pricing starts at R369 900, a figure that includes a three-year/120 000 km warranty and a three-year/60 000 km service plan (with intervals of 15 000 km). The five-seat people-mover ships standard with six airbags, ABS with EBD, an electronic stability programme, traction control, hill-start assist and automatic headlamps. As with the Combo cargo van, power comes from a 1,6-litre turbodiesel engine offering 68 kW (at 4 000 r/min) and 230 N.m (at a pleasingly low 1 700 r/min), with a claimed fuel economy figure of 5,0 L/100 km. Fitted with a five-speed manual gearbox as standard, braked towing capacity comes in at 1 100 kg (with the unbraked figure standing at 720 kg). Inside, you’ll find a seven-inch touchscreen infotainment system, a heightadjustable driver’s seat, rake and reach adjustment on the steering column, and cruise control. There are sliding doors on both sides of the vehicle, while the rear seats split 60/40 to offer a load area capable of handling 690 kg. Opel SA has furthermore confirmed the Vivaro and Movano cargo models will join the firm’s growing light commercial vehicles range in 2020, along with the aforementioned Zafira Life passenger vehicle. carmag.co.za

15 Augustus / August 2019

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Gereformeerdekerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg: Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moederg e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangeliekerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • R e h o b o t Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinder-kerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00, English service Sundays at 1 1 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou

DIEETKUNDIGE, DOGGY IN THE Lydenburg. 084 708 WINDOW parlour. 53 Viljoen St. 4263 Rowena 083 326 0941 ART/ FRAMING TE KOOP/ FOR SALE JADE ART & FRAMING 013 235 E N 1241/ 082 337 6927 M E E L SUPERWORMS Keys (cut) Remotes 082 403 1786 Locks Safes SKOONMAAK/ Gate Motors (Centurion) CLEANING 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg EIENDOM TE Tel: 013 235 3976 Faks: 086 511 0521 KOOP / Navrae: Noemie,Tinkie, Dolla SKOONMAAK VAN PROPERTY FOR MATTE, meubels, SALE motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 LAND FOR SALE Herstelwerk op alle 569m², Second huishoudlike toestelle, 951 7494 soos yskaste, stowe, Street. 083 576 KERKE/ ketels, jy noem dit. 2068 C.O. inspeksies op CHURCHES instalasies van REKENAARS/ persele. Verkope van COMPUTERS TE HUUR/ TO elektriese goedere. RENT Anglican Church 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg. Sun. Lydenburg I.T.@Large - for all 08:30. Tel. 013 235 Gerrie PC repairs, 082 898 0563 1 9 1 9 . • maintenance, 3 BEDROOM u p d a t i n g o r TOWNHOUSE Would you like to grow your business? p u r c h a s i n g n e w Burgersfort. R8000 Contact BNI President h a r d w a r e a n d p/m 082 803 9291 Brian Coetsee software, virus on 079 976 9112 3 SLK HUIS R5000 removals, networks, Wil jy graag jou besigheid laat groei? c a l l o u t s e t c . p/m. Krugerspost, Kontak die plaaslike BNI President Jacques 071 268 2 0 k m b u i t e Lydenburg op Brian Coetsee by 079 976 9112 9211 / Pierre 079

langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 837 4508 jacovanwyk@ronelc o.co.za English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse d i e n s Sondagoggend om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. S e r v i c e s Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. # Ly d e n b u r g

Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS B e t h e s d a Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas G o u d m y n , Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r B e d i e n i n g . Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 4 4 8 2 6 5 8 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.

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VAKANTE BETREKKING Winkel assistent word benodig in ‘n nuwe rekenaar, hobby en gadget winkel by The Heads Shopping Centre Lydenburg. E-pos CV na tombfu@vodamail.co.za Vir enige navra skakel gerus 082 826 1502 Sluitingsdatum is 20 Augustus 2019

VACANCIES 1 x INTERNAL SALES REP 1 X FIELD SALES REP Amangoma Resources (PTY) Ltd, a dynamic engineering supplies and field services company based in Lydenburg is looking for mature, experienced and hardworking individuals to do engineering products' sales and promote field services teams in the Steelpoort, Lydenburg and surrounding areas. Requirements: • Matric • Strong engineering sales experience • Professional business and people skills • Outgoing personality and fluent communicator in both Afrikaans & English • Basic computer skills especially in Microsoft Excel and Outlook • Valid driver’s licence • Trade test, knowledge of the Steelpoort / Lydenburg mining and smelting environment will be advantageous. • Must have high standards of company values, ethics, integrity and morals. Apply to join our dynamic team by emailing your CV to: hr@amangoma.co.za Closing Date: 23 August 2019.

Start a new garden or revamp an old one

SPRING is the best time to start a new garden or revamp an old one and if you're a novice gardener there are a few things to consider before you start planting all your favourite flowers 1. Examine your garden Each garden has its own unique conditions that determine which plants will thrive in it. It's worth paying attention to these, as while some of them can be altered or improved, it's always best to work with nature rather than against it. A few considerations: Climate and microclimate: Do you live in a warm or cold climate? Each garden also has its own microclimate and sometimes a few microclimates. Some plants are more adapted to cold conditions and will tolerate frost, while others prefer a warm climate. Rainfall: How much rainfall do you receive in a year and does it fall in winter or summer? By selecting plants that are adapted to your rainfall patterns, you'll reduce your watering time. Soil type: Examine the soil in your garden to determine if it's clay, sandy or loam. Some plants grow in all types of soil, but others will only flourish if planted in their preferred soil. For more on testing soil click here 2. Choose a design This is the fun part; let your imagination run loose and choose a design that suits you and complements the style of your house. An abundant cottage garden with flowing borders and colourful flowers is ideal for a traditional house, a gravel and succulent garden will suit a modern home, while a formal garden with symmetrical beds and topiary is perfect for a Tuscan or Provençal home. 3. Choose a colour scheme Try not to include more than three colours in a border (apart from the obvious green), and think about adding white to give the scheme a lift. The texture of foliage also plays an important role as it forms the backbone of the garden and looks good even when nothing is in flower. Choose plants with a variety of foliage shapes and sizes and in different shades of green. 4. Make a plan Put your ideas on paper. Your plan doesn't need to be to scale, just draw the beds and borders as well as the hard landscaping elements like pathways and water features. Water features make great focal points, and

No fighting for space and privacy in this spacious home. Newly renovated, it is situated in a quiet part of town. It offers a spacious open plan lounge / dining room with a built-in fireplace. The kitchen is well designed and has a separate scullery and laundry. A guest cloak room downstairs. The two bedrooms are extra

pathways add a sense of mystery and encourage further exploration. 5. Go shopping After all your careful planning, it's time to visit the nursery. Before you go, consider these pointers. Look for plants with healthy green leaves. Choose plants with lots of unopened buds rather than those that are already flowering. Avoid plants with yellow leaves and spindly growth. Look for shrubs with a good shape and many branches. Avoid plants with exposed roots or roots that are matted and growing out of the bag or container. Make sure there are no weeds growing in the container or bag. 6. Prep and planting Soil preparation is key to the success of

voluminous with built- in cupboards. The main has extra built- in cupboards / walk in closet, and a balcony. A full bathroom upstairs. An alarm system, a lock up garage and separate fully fenced garden. R820 000. Contact Henry at Deo Volente Properties at 074 589 0204 or 013 235 1102.

your garden. Compost is an essential component of healthy soil, and well-rotted kraal manure is a good option if you want to give your plants a head start. Work these organic materials into the soil with a garden fork, remove any unwanted plants, rocks and stones and dig the soil over to a depth of at least 30cm. 7. Caring for your plants New plants need regular watering, but once established this can be reduced to two to three times a week, depending on your climate, rainfall and plant choices. Deep infrequent watering is better than light frequent. Top tip: Replenish your beds with compost at the beginning of each planting season and incorporate some fertiliser if you want to give your plants a boost.

O VOLENTE DE The Property Shop Lovely Family House to Rent – R12 500pm This modern 4 bedroom house in a Secured Estate is now available. With 3 bathrooms, 2 Garages and 2 Carports. It has sufficient living space for the bigger families.

Nuus / News

15 Augustus / August 2019

15 Augustus / August 2019

Lowveld Mpumalanga Interschools Mountain Bike is this weekend at the high school

The Lowveld Mpumalanga Interschools Mountain Bike League Facebook page is the information page for the Mpumalanga leg of the National Spur Schools XCO mountain biking championship

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Pam Golding, BNI en Rusoord vat hande Request for sponsorship: This will be a fun day as this is not your ordinary Jaarliks in die verlede het Pam Golding by golf day. name Pieter Pieterse en die prinsipaal 'n We have a few different types of games at each hole gholfdag gereël waar hulle bietjie fondse ingesamel het ten bate van Rusoord. Hierdie to be played. BNI / LYDENBURG RUSOORD would like to jaar vat Pam Golding, BNI en Rusoord hande. hereby invite your business to kindly assist with Ons hou net een gholfdag. Die rede is daar is so 'n sponsorship for our BNI / LYDENBURG RUSOORD groot aantal gholfdae reeds aan die gang. Spelers se sakke raak al hoe leër. In ons mooi Networking Golf Day. samewerking om die een gholfdag te hou kan ons These Golf Players each come with the mission to help meer en beter network doen en uit die netwerk uit raise funds for BNI LONGTOM CHAPTER / kan ons Rusoord meer bekendstel aan almal. LYDENBURG RUSOORD. We are humbly BNI-lede doen netwerk om Rusoord en hulle organisasies te bevorder en Pam Golding bring requesting a sponsorship in the form of: soos gewoonlik hulle kant sodat daar fondse 1) Monetary donations, ingesamel word en op die einde van dag kan ons 2)Sponsorship of Auction items, dalk die voordeel na almal toe kanaliseer. 3)Sponsorship of Prize items, Beheerraadslede word gevra om skouer aan die Your branding is surely welcome to be displayed on wiel te sit en die borgvorm te benut om vir ons die the day of the event. Thank you for your timely nodige te doen. Verder vra ons ook elke assistance and contribution. Beheerradslid om saam te span met die BNI-lede. Contact the organisers for the banking details and Die BNI-lede gaan twee/twee 'n putjie beman. So ons vra dat die Beheerraddslede van Rusoord ways to contribute to our old age home. hulle self indeel om saam met die BNI-lede ook 'n Business Visitors putjie te beman. Byvoorbeeld : Nico en Rusoord Sponsor a tee off for R1 500.00 is by Putjie nommer 1. Dit is die putjie by die A 4 ball will be R1 000.00 per team gholfklub se huis sodat hy kan musiek maak, A “Blesbok” is one of the lucky draw prizes to be afkondigings kan doen. Alle Rusoord bejaardes won. wat nog beweeglik is word versoek om deel te Kontak huur 31 eiendomme For more info contact : weesons van gerus die dagvir vannog Saterdag Augustus. Al VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 Nico Cross : 082 470 3070 kom sitwww.deovolenteproperties.co.za hulle net en drink 'n koppie koffie of kom page :vir Deo bringFacebook net 'n besoek 'n Volente foto. Properties Pieter Pieterse : 083 274 1986 Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net Date Saturday 31 August 2019 Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

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