22 Augustus / August 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 33

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22 Augustus / August 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 33 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za

The Longtom Photographic Club members entered some very beautiful photos for the July meeting. In the Set Subject section (fire) Lani Visser was the winner with her photo. In die Open section Des Jacobs won with his beautiful photo of a shipwreck that was taken on a tour in Namibia close to Swakopmund. In the monochrome (Black & White) section the winner was Heather Aspeling with her beautiful heart shaped cup and saucer. The next meeting will be held on the 9th September. People who would like to learn more about photography or their cameras can contact Des Jacobs (chairman) 076 858 6317 or Lize Maritz (secretary) 083 279 7997. The meeting takes place at the Hervormde Church at 18:00.


22 Augustus / August 2019

FeLV is highly contagious, 370 tins of food collected particularly in kittens and for Mandela Day is transmitted by sustained For Mandela Day, River Valley close contact Primary and Genie's pre-

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) - this is a Retrovirus that affects cats. FeLV is highly contagious, particularly in kittens and is transmitted by sustained close contact, which includes mutual grooming, sharing food and water bowls and litter boxes as well as cat-fight bites. It is also transmitted through the placenta. Risk factors for infection include: young age; access to outdoors; contact with FeLV and high cat population densities. There are three primary outcomes of FeLV infection: the cat clears the infection on their own, cats become temporarily ill (viraemic) but eventually clear the infection and don't become ill from FeLV associated diseases and lastly when cats shed the virus and infect other cats. These cats can survive but can also die from FeLV associated diseases. Clinical signs may range from no abnormalities to severe symptoms related to progressive disease. The most common indications of progressive FeLV infection are immune system suppression, anemia and cancer. Due to the fact that infected cats' immune systems are compromised, veterinarians often have difficulty treating the illnesses with 100% success. The vaccine for FeLV is not considered a core vaccine, however, in most circumstances FeLV immunization should be part of the routine vaccination program as it provides good protection against a potentially lifethreatening infection and the benefits outweigh any risk of adverse effects. It is important to note however that 100% protection can never be guaranteed. Rapid tests are available at your veterinarian and you can easily test your cat for FeLV in order to make educated decisions and adjustments. FeLV is not a death sentence for your cat and pet owners can manage FeLV- positive cats quite easily. The best situation for a FeLV-infected cat is to live in an indoor-only environment, be the only cat in the household, be separated from other cats in a multi-

cat household and if this is not possible then the rest of the cats should be adequately vaccinated. If your cat is FeLV-positive but not ill, it should receive a physical examination twice a year in order to maintain optimal health. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): This is a Lentivirus which affects cats. It is one of the most common infectious diseases in cats and it is found in high concentrations in the saliva so the main mode and transmission is therefore by biting. Risk factors for infection include male gender; not being neutered and cats that are allowed to roam freely. Clinical signs vary, and can range from fever, lethargy, severe and painful inflammation of a cat's mouth and gums, enteritis, conjunctivitis and respiratory signs to more severe illnesses secondary to opportunistic infections, various forms of cancer and neurological signs. Once a cat has FIV, it will remain persistently infected for the rest of its life. FIV is easily diagnosed by rapid tests that are available at your veterinarian. Similar to FeLV, FIV is not a death sentence and owners can easily manage a FIVpositive cat with the assistance of their veterinarian. The best situation, as in the case of FeLV, for a FIV-infected cat is to live in an indooronly environment, be the only cat in the household, be separated from other cats in a multi-cat household and if this is not possible then the rest of the cats should be adequately vaccinated. That being said, although a vaccine is available against FIV, prevention of the infection remains the cornerstone to control the spread of the virus. There is no cure for FIV but clinical disease associated with FIV can be medically managed by means of supportive therapy, however, the success of treatment depends on the severity of disease and the individual animal. Article by Dr Debbie English - Longtom Veterinary Clinic

Dr. Karen Kromhout BChD (Pret) Dr. Auke van der Meulen BChD (Pret) Dr. Leanda Meyer BChD (Pret) Dr. Arjen Joubert BChD (Pret) Cnr Church & Viljoen Street (Opposite Medical Centre)

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GUNTECH (Die ou Hunters Boma) het op Saterdag 31 Augustus hulle nuwe opening. Van hulle leweransiers gaan produkte uitstal en daar sal ook stalletjies wees. Kyk uit vir hulle langs die fietswinkel in Voortrekkerstraat en jy loop dalk ’n nuwe produk of ’n winskopie raak.

school celebrated the day by giving back. The learners got to wear pyjamas on this day and each of the learners brought a can of food to school. They managed to collect 370 tins of food and donated it to Pastor Zodwa Hlatshwayo, who runs Uzenelawena orphanage. She provides for orphans who she adopted and many other children who are less fortunate. Local children surrounding the area who do not have food, go to Pastor Zodwa before and after school for a meal. The school would like to thank every parent for making the day a success. Anyone can donate, feel free to contact Pastor Zodwa: 071 386 3355 or WhatsApp: 081 945 5238.

From the left. Pastor Zodwa, (her assistant), Simphiwe Mogola (Grade 6 learner), Alet Prinsloo (principal), Chairmaine Joubert (gr 4-6 educator), (another two of Zodwa's assistants), Thato Mkhize (Grade 6 learner) and Artwell Zhou (Grade 6 learner)

Genie's pre-school Penguin class

River Valley Grade 5

22 Augustus / August 2019 President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the controversial Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (Aarto) Bill into law. The legislation is perhaps known for its proposed introduction of a demerit system for South African drivers, and it is expected to fundamentally change driving in the country. Some of the biggest changes include: • A new demerit system will be introduced. Depending on the severity of the offence, 1-6 points are allocated for offences. If an infringer has more than 12 points, it will result in the disqualification of the driving licence and three suspensions result in its cancellation; • Failing to pay traffic fines can lead to a block on obtaining driving and vehicle licences and an administrative fee – in addition to other penalties; • Where documents previously had to be delivered by registered mail through the post office, in terms of the amendment, authorities will now also be able to serve documents electronically and can send reminders via WhatsApp and SMS; • The establishment of a new Appeals Tribunal which will preside over issues that are raised under the new bill. It is not yet clear when the new law will officially come into effect, or whether parts of the bill will be introduced retrospectively. Controversy In June, the Automobile Association penned an open letter to new transport minister, Fikile Mbalula, pointing to a number of areas that need urgent attention – including the new demerit system. “The AA believes in a points-based system, and the original concept is good. It will punish the bad, warn the middle, and leave the good,” it said. The association warned however, that the system in its current form – if implemented – will not in any way reshape the country's roads to become safer – one of the original benefits. “Instead, this system seems to have morphed into a better way for revenue collection by authorities, with no regard for safety or proper application of laws. The implementation of Aarto should be prioritised but weighed against a review of its original objectives,” the AA said. The association said that law enforcement on the country's roads remains splintered, uncoordinated, and largely ineffective. “Proper, effective licensing of prospective drivers, a more comprehensive approach to rooting out corruption and bribery at vehicle testing centres, and better application of vehicle roadworthiness is a start,” it said. “Speeding, cellphone usage while driving, reckless and negligent road behaviour, and disregarding other drivers, are among the main problems. “Yet these issues seem secondary and less important than checking for expired discs (a task, we believe, which is better managed through the eNATIS licensing system),” it said. www.bushtech.co.za

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22 Augustus / August 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:



vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists


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Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za

Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120

Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit

Die betowering van ’n Tombola. ’n Regte Tombola by ’n kerk of fees waar mens op allerhande goed afkom wat jy nie nodig het nie. Bygesê op ’n kerkbasaar verlede jaar het ek ’n stel teelepels gekoop wat ek in geen winkel sou kon uitsnuffel nie. Mens moet baie vriendelik met die Tombolamensies wees en vyf kaartjies koop. Dan kan jy partykeer self ietsie kies en nie volgens die nommer-stelsel nie. Saterdag by ons kerkbasaar het ek skoon vergeet om eerste Tombola toe te gaan. Sien ek is een van daardie goedjiesmense. Nog ’n woord is Allegaartjies. Ophoopmal en versamelvrate. Met magnete trek sommiges dingetjies en datjies aan soos trekpleisters. 'n Ander goeie Afrikaanse woord is kaggelk*k. Met permissie gesê natuurlik en met die hoop dat niemand aanstoot met sterretjie sal neem nie. Ai, die Afrikanervolk darem. Ek het al in 'n gastehuis tuisgegaan wat 'karakter' het dat tot akteurs nie hulself sal kan vind nie. Op die advertensie is dit beskryf as 'n karaktervolle ou huis met 'n nostalgiese inslag. Nostalgies beteken seker in hulle woordeboek hekellappies onder elke potjie, lampie (was nege net in die sitkamer) en kosbaarhede. Die gasvryheid en sprankelende bejaarde egpaar het egter hiervoor opgemaak. Terloops, die gastehuis het die vingertrektoets geslaag en geen stof is gevind nie. Daarom respekteer ek hulle smaak. Soos julle weet verskil almal sin. Soos 'n valk bespied ek vlooimarkte met die hoop om op die fonds van die eeu af te kom. Tog besef ek dat koffietafels net só groot is en dat die meubelpolitoer al hoe duurder word… Genoeg is genoeg van een ding. Al is daar hoeveel kosbaarhede in die winkels, dit beteken nie alles moet in jou huis uitgestal word nie. Koop se gat is groot. Hoorhiersô, moenie dat ons mekaar verkeerd verstaan nie. Ek sal nooit van my goedjies wil afskeid neem nie. Ek het pragtige items wat onuitgepak in bokse wag om die lig te aanskou. Sommige het art nouveau-kenmerke of art deco. Opgaar los te veel moeite as dit by oppak kom. Mens kan nie 'n sleepwa saam met jou vat oppad uit nie.

Dié rubriek is uit my argief - net soos die Allegaartjies is dit afgestof vir dié week. - Michelle Boshoff

SPREUKE 30:33 As jy melk karring, kom daar botter; as jy iemand op die neus slaan, kom daar bloed uit; as jy mense kwaad maak, kom daar rusie. Vader waarom verstaan ons nie hierdie feite nie? Help ons om nie mense kwaad te maak nie en help ons almal om meer verdraagsaam te wees - Amen.

Stofsuiers INTERESSANT dat wanneer mens luister na waaroor die dames of mans of huishulp kla, kom mens een of ander tyd by stofsuiers uit. Omdat ons in ’n weggooi samelewing leef, word die masjiene dikwels weggegooi as jy net sukkel om ’n sak of filter of nuwe pyp vir die ding te kry. Onthou, jy het ’n goeie masjien gekoop vir heelwat meer as ’n

IN 2018 het skokkende nuus gewag vir Chris en Laetitia Kriel. 'n Kwaadaardige breingewas is by Laetitia gediagnoseer. Na drie operasies en 'n beroerte is Laetitia in Desember 2018 ontslaan. In Julie 2019 is 'n Germinoon in haar nek en rug gevind en Laetitia se gesondheid verskwak drasties. Chemo behandeling en bestraling is die enigste uitweg. Laetitia wil ook graag in die toekoms mamma genoem word maar met die behandeling moet haar eierselle geoes en gevries word en geen mediese fonds dek dit nie. Met al die bybetalings en verlies aan haar kant van inkomste gaan hulle dit nie kan bybring nie. Sandra Blom, eienaar van Salt & Pepper Restaurant het besluit om te help. 'n Dames tee is op 31 Augustus by Salt & Pepper Restaurant, 9:30 vir 10:00 tot 13h00 teen R150 per persoon wat insluit 'n hoenderpastei, mengelslaai en kontantkroeg.

Daar sal ’n veiling, stalletjies en pryse wees om weg te gee. Die sprekers vir die oggendtee is Antoinette Wilson NG Gemeente, Janeke van Wyk wat gaan gesels oor hare, Petro Opperman oor grimmering, Jeantelle Fourie die fotograaf en musiek Nico, Andre, Johan en Hanre. Ook op 31 Augustus by Salt & Pepper Restaurant is 'n Boere Opskop 18h00 tot laat R50 per persoon KP Music Entertainment DJ Kobus Pretorius Live Music, Nico asook Johan en Hanre met 'n kontant kroeg sowel as 'n veiling en pryse om weg te gee. Mense kom ons staan saam soos net Lydenburg kan en help hierdie mense om hulle droom te verwesenlik. Al hierdie beplanning is ingesit om jou 'n dag of aand weg van die huis te gee en dis vir so 'n goeie doel. Kry jou kaartjies by Salt & Pepper of by K53 Driving School (082 849 8724).

Thousands of doctors do not support new National Health Insurance ALTHOUGH the concept of Universal Health Coverage and access to quality healthcare for all South Africans are supported, the South African Private Practitioners' Forum (SAPPF) says they do not support the National Health Insurance (NHI) model chosen. The forum strongly believes that the proposed NHI model will cause irreparable harm to the entire South African Healthcare industry if implemented and that the NHI will not lead to the progressive realisation of access to healthcare that is demanded by Section 27(2) of the South African Constitution. Dr Chris Archer, SAPPF CEO, said that “by implementing this model in an environment which is not able to afford a very comprehensive NHI service basket, it will lead to the majority of South Africans having less access to comprehensive health services than is currently the case in both the Public and Private Sectors. This would not be the progressive realisation of healthcare that is demanded by our constitution. “The NHI Bill in its current format is still too vague and ambiguous on many aspects pertaining to the NHI. We therefore urge government to reconsider the proposed NHI model until such time as a costing of the system under NHI has been forthcoming and considered in light of the current economic duress in South Africa. It is also of utmost importance that alternative models of universal health coverage, which reflect the practicalities and South African environment, be considered.” Dr Archer points out that Section 33 of the Bill indicates that Medical Schemes will only be allowed to provide complementary cover, for services not reimbursable by the NHI Fund. “Services rendered by an uncontracted private provider will not be reimbursable by the NHI fund and would therefore form part of such “Complementary Cover” which Medical Schemes

duisend Rand. Nou het jou huishulp die pyp in ’n kinkel gebuig of gebreek, of behoede my die voorpunt ketoeter waarmee jy in nou plekkies kan suig laat wegraak. Hulle noem dit ’n “crevasse tool” Of die dekselse hond het die borsel punt opgevreet. Die masjien werk nog soos nuut, en jy kry sakke en alles is piekfyn, maar soek nou daardie pyp of koppeling. Jy kry. Baie. Hulle is volop. Maar o tog, niemand se koppeling pas reg nie. Die nuwe koppeling is ’n millimeter te dik of te dun. Nooit presies reg nie. Nou koop jy ’n hele nuwe masjien. Ses

may provide. Section 3(3) of the Bill indicates that the NHI Bill supersedes almost all other legislation. This would imply that the Medical Schemes Act and the Registrar of Medical Schemes will not be able to limit the ability of scheme options to pay for such uncontracted services, which are not reimbursable by the NHI Fund. This is seen as a positive step for Private Practitioners to be able make the choice of whether they want to contract with the NHI fund or not and still being able to render services to South African patients, even if not contracting with NHI.” The South African Private Practitioners Forum (SAPPF) is a voluntary association of private practitioners working in the South African private health sector. The organisation has a membership base of approximately 3 000 specialists representing most specialist disciplines, as well as 3 500 other practitioners, including General practitioners and ancillary healthcare practitioners.

Mense trek en los katte sonder kos agter in Kantoorstraatwoonstel Me. Theresa Fuchs van Lydenburg skryf: Ek bly in ‘n woonstel net bokant ‘n klerewinkel in Kantoorstraat. Ek wil net vir julle laat weet van ’n insident van dieremishandeling. Mense het Saterdag getrek en hulle twee katte agtergelos in hul leë woonstel sonder kos-en-water. Gelukkig kon ek Maandag by ’n kantoor onder toeganging kry om die twee katjies te voer. Maar dit is gruwelike dieremishandeling want ek sal nooit so wreed kan wees nie.

maande later (as jy gelukkig is) sit jy met presies dieselfde probleem. Onthou julle destyds se Betamax en VHS videobande? Dit was ’n gemors. Jy het ’n VHS masjien, maar die fliek wat jy wil kyk is net op Beta beskikbaar. Totdat hulle die industrie op VHS gestandardiseer het. Die jonges sal nie weet waarvan ek praat nie, maar toe ons jonk was, was dit kwaai tegnologie! Hoekom kan ’n eenvoudige ding soos ’n stofsuierpyp waar hy teen die masjien koppel en waar die toebehore op die punt koppel, nie gestandardiseer word nie?

22 Augustus / August 2019

THE P.R.I.D.E. cleaning project plans to have a GREEN DAY on 29 August. The Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber plans to clean various unsightly illegal dumping spots in town. Lydenburg HoĂŤrskool Landsdiens pupils are going to pick up rubbish. Tombfu Stones will give a telecom bucket to put the bags in at that spot. GHH is supplying a Dyna truck. Wenakker's people are also going to assist by picking rubbish up in Buhrmann Street. Various donations of refuse bags have already been received. Mrs Etli van der Merwe, chairperson of the chamber said, they are challenging all the businesses and residents of Lydenburg Mashishing to give a helping hand even if it is

to clean up your OWN street. To be able to have a successful day we need help with donations, lots of hands and refuse bags. The PRIDE PROJECT has been active for a year. During this time the LMBC has sweeped streets, picked up rubbish in town centre when the municipality was unable to and also cleared some dumping sites. Businsesss can adopt-a-bin and rent it for R350 a year. To be able to continue the Chamber also needs the following: money for wages, overalls for the 4 Pride workers that cleans the streets on a weekly basis, gloves and raincoats. Please contact Etli van der Merwe 082 371 6449 or at The Local Choice Pharmacy Lydenburg

22 Augustus / August 2019

New stop street after months of complaints MOTORISTE word daarop gewys dat na maande se vertoë deur besighede en inwoners langs Viljoenstraat, die Thaba Chweu Munisipaliteit (TCM) uiteindelik besluit het om ’n stopstraat in Viljoen met die kruising van Brugstraat (Oorkant Postnet en Hyundai) op te rig. Wees asb waaksaam en stop hier sodra die tekens op is. Gehoorsaam asb ook die stopstraat op die hoek van Viljoen en Jansenstraat (Oorkant die Highlands Panorama Nuus en Pam Golding). U samewerking om die gejaag in Viljoenstraat te help bekamp, sal op prys gestel word. MOTORISTS are advised that following months of complaints from local residents and businesses about speeding in Viljoen Street, the Thaba Chweu Municipality (TCM) agreed to convert the crossing of Viljoen and Brug Streets (opposite Postnet and Hyundai) to a four-way stop street. Please obey this stop street as soon as the signs have been put up and please also obey the stop signs on the corner of Viljoen and Jansen streets (opposite the Highlands Panorama News and Pam Golding). Your assistance in helping combat speeding in Viljoen street will be appreciated.

VLU se bobaas dames vier verjaardag

Foto: Voor: Stella Sephton en Elzebe Brits. Middel: Annatjie Stoltz, Lorraine Myburgh, Christie Havenga, Heather Aspeling en Rita v Wyk. Agter: Marne van Greunen, Erica J v Vuuren, Ansie Botes, Karen Smit, Nora Myburg en Petro Botha.

Hibiscus vier Stella Sephton se 88ste verjaarsdag. Stella Sephton is 59 jaar al lid van die VLU. Sy het gedien as Voorsitter van die TVLU Lydenburgstreek, asook streekvoorsitter van Suikerbosstreek. As bobaas bakster het sy deur die jare haar vaardighede oorgedra aan lede. Sy is voorwaar 'n voorbeeld en inspirasie vir ons. Hibiscus tak se volgende vergadering is op 11 September by die NG Kerk Lydenburg Suid om 09.30.

Helping sport and children Charity drive for God’s Home

WITH the annual Lydenburg Heritage MTB Race and Trail Run, Terra Events uses the funds to help children and sport in the community. It is an ongoing project to assist where there is a need. Lydenburg High school needed their MTB Bikes serviced and Terra Events stepped in. With the support of Glencore, TRP, DwarsRivier and Booysendal, this was possible. Their sponsorships give Terra Events the opportunity to help. In the photo is: Ntiyiso Nkanyani, Alex Fourie, Vusi Masinga, Anelda van Deventer, Thabang Mahlangu, Umpho Mokole, Ntokozo Nyaka, Sibisiso Mashaba and Charlene Coetzee. Come support next year's event on 14 March 2020 and follow Terra Events on Facebook for more updates.

22 Augustus / August 2019




AFTER IT is almost Spring and along with it a time of renewal. With a tiny budget you can breathe new life into a tired space in your home. This living room was painted completely white with lovely wooden flooring but the antique bureau and floor went unnoticed with the overpowering white backdrop. The owners took photo's of the room and then went to Megapaints for colour palette advice. The two different shades of grey didn't just liven up the room but also complimented the floor and furniture. Photo's were taken to Amelia at Amajaybee and she printed them onto canvas at very reasonable prices. From there the owners took an old frame and the new canvas to Rina at Jade Art & Framing and she made sure the new canvas was expertly fitted into the frame. This project did take a few days to complete, but with good planning and help from our local businesses, the owners are in their element with the “new� space. The details of the businesses they used are in the adverts to the right of this article, so that you can contact them to help you.

Let our Professional team of painters do the job for you. Call for a quote.

22 Augustus / August 2019

This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.

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Who remembers the Chrysler Valiant? Here is some nostalgia THE Chrysler Valiant proved to be a welcome American invasion. Such was the pace of styling changes in the 1960s and ‘70s that one of predemocracy South Africa’s favourite cars, the Chrysler Valiant, can be split into several re-styles over just a few years. In this feature, we’re looking at the models that were on sale from 1970 to 1977. At CAR, we tested a total of 27 models of the Valiant. Even more confusing than today’s multiple model ranges, there were two versions of the Valiant from 1968 to ‘72. The smaller car was the Rebel/Regal, while the VIP used the slightly larger body from the Dodge Dart. The VIP name was borrowed from the Plymouth Fury, an American model. Clear? Then, from 1973 to ‘77, the styling went from sharp edges to curves, and the vehicle was dubbed the Fastbody. Back to that smaller car. The names changed from V-100 and V-200 to Rebel and Regal. In keeping with the modern style of the time, instrumentation was converted from circular dials to rectangular but then reverted to circular in the 1973 models. The headlamps received the same treatment; from circular to rectangular for two years before changing back. Boot space was a capacious 25 cubic feet, or 707 litres. The (now rare) station wagon had a utility space of 1 934 litres with a floor length of 2 130 mm when the rear seat was folded. The VIP sported unique styling with features such as power steering, armrests, vinyl roof, electric windscreen washers, reversing lamps, front wing indicators and optional air-conditioning. The introduction of power-assisted front-disc braking replaced the drums in 1969. To accommodate these, wheel sizes increased from 13 to 14 inches. Power steering was largely optional, reducing the steering wheel turns from 4,6 to 3,6 lock to lock. While the styling kept morphing, the mechanicals were unaltered save for power output tweaks. The highest output of the 3,7-litre straight-six was found under the “hood” of the Charger: 121 kW using a dual-barrel Holley carburettor. If you can find a Charger 190 Coupé, you’ll be fortunate. We tested one in January 1973 but sales lasted from 1970 to ‘75. All models are now increasing in value. As mentioned, powertrains are very reliable for the time. Spare parts might be an issue but there were so many sold that locally sourced second-hand spares should be available with some searching. There are always a few Valiants available, so look around for your preferred body style. Many may have been neglected in the last few decades so it could take time to find a respectable car. The last sedan we tested in 1974 was a (rare) three-speed manual Rebel VJ. The price tag was R3 695. After this, sales of the Rustler bakkie continued until 1976. The Safari (station wagon) is also rare and our last test was in July 1974. It would be an interesting find since it used the Charger Power 190 engine with a higher compression ratio and 114 kW. As we relayed in a 1965 road test, the devaluation of the sterling after the Second

World War made British cars cheaper and North American much too expensive. Chrysler dropped its prices by over 10% to retain competitiveness with other sixcylinder makes. It worked and sales of the Valiant rose. In the first five years of the ‘60s, its position in the sales chart jumped from 19th to 15th and then fourth. In 1966, it hit the top and was only toppled in ‘69 by the VW Beetle. In 1974, the Valiant was still in seventh spot. At first manufactured in the Atkinson/Oates plant in Cape Town, thanks to the popularity of the models, production was shifted to a Silverton, Pretoria, factory. This facility is today owned and used by Ford. Back in the 1970s and ‘80s, used Valiants were highly sought after by taxi drivers who knew the value of the two bench seats, as well as its strength and reliability. carmag.co.za

22 Augustus / August 2019

Wat jy moet weet oor jou motor se verkoelingstelsel EK het hierdie week gaan kers opsteek by Westvaal Mashishing / Lydenburg se Isuzu en Opel handelaar. Hulle beskik oor al die toerusting om na jou voertuig se verkoelingstelsel om te sien. Die grootste fout wat motoriste kan maak is om by ’n vulstasie hulle voertuie se koelmiddel met “water” te laat aanvul, aldus Mnr Brian Coetsee en sy tegniese span by Westvaal. Doen mens dit, verdun jy die teenvriesmiddel (anti freeze) in die verkoelingstelsel en werk dit nie meer soos bedoel nie. Die span het dit aan my gedemonstreer met drie botteltjies koelmiddel wat ’n paar dae in die vrieskas was (sien foto onder). Die botteltjie links is verdun en het gevries. Die ander twee botteltjies se verhouding was reg en het nie gevries nie. Wat min mense weet is dat “anti freeze” nie net die vriespunt verlaag nie, maar dat dit terselfdertyd die verkoelingswater se kookpunt verhoog. Jy kan ook nie jou voertuig se verkoeler met skoon antivries volmaak nie. Dit moet in ’n baie presiese verhouding met gedistileerde water gemeng word. Volgens die span is die mees algemene vriesweermiddels blou, groen/geel en pienk. Die blou tipe word gewoonlik in Europese en Jappanese voertuie aangetref en het ’n laer vriespunt vir uiters koue toestande. Die kookpunt is egter ook laer. Die span beveel die pienk of groen/geel middels aan vir plaaslike warmer toestande, waar die kookpunt hoër is en die vriespunt steeds laag genoeg is. ’n Mens moet egter ook daarop let dat indien jy teenvriesmiddels by ’n onderdele winkel koop almal nie dieselfde konsentrasie het nie. Kraanwater moet ook nie gebruik word nie, omdat dit lei tot kalkneerslae in jou enjin. Spoel die sisteem uit en vul met die korrekte verhouding van die regte teenvriesmiddel en gedistileerde of gebottelde water. Meeste koelstelsels hou tussen ses en 12 liter vloeistof, so dit is nie ’n duur oefening nie. Met vewagte hoë somertemperature wat kom, is dit aan te beveel dat jy jou motor na Isuzu neem om die koelmiddel met ’n spesiale instrument te laat toets, of beter nog, laat hulle die sisteem vir jou skoon spoel en dit “herlaai” met die regte verhouding van die “moetie”. Op die foto regs bo is deel van Westvaal se plaaslike tegniese span v.l.n.r. Clement Rampisa, Jonny Hyde, Emmanuel Mokoena, Meester Tegikus Wicus Van Heerden en Werkwinkelbestuurder Brian Coetsee. Op die ander foto’s is die toetsapparaat en hoe dit gebruik word om die koelmiddel te toets. Besoek gerus hierdie kundige span om jou uit te sorteer. Andre Coetzee


22 Augustus / August 2019

Dr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VSc De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966 Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00 Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment

268 9211 / Pierre 3 S L K H U I S 079 881 1932 KERKE/ R5000 p/m. DIENSTE/ CHURCHES Krugerspost, 20km SERVICES buite Lydenburg op MOTOR Ohrigstadpad+ 2 DIENSTE/ s l k w o o n s t e l Anglican Church A1 LOCK & KEY. AUTO SERVICES R3500 p/m Skakel Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 Centurion gate 082 253 4525 1 9 1 9 . • motors & remotes & security - 013 235 ATLAS PANEEL- 3 B E D R O O M Gereformeerde3976 K L O P P E R S - APARTMENT with kerk Lydenburg. G e a k k r e d i t e e r. 2 bathrooms and Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. G.A PIENAAR & Kontak: 013 235 garage in secure •Hervormde-kerk KIE Boekhouers en 3423/ 082 454 c o m p l e x . Lydenburg. Son. Pastel agent 013 8382 L y d e n b u r g . 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 235 4774 Contact 082 460 013 235 3554 • AUTOHAUSEN Methodist Church 3000 AK JEWELS 013 SMART 013 235 Lydenburg: Sunday 235 1075 2721/ 082 554 SHOP TO LET 70 s e r v i c e 0 8 : 3 0 , 8293 Kantoor street Sunday School ROX INTERIORS L y d e n b u r g . 08:30 Tel. 013 235 Upholstery, Contact 082 460 2936 • NG Moedercarpets, curtaining, MOTORS TE g e m e e n t e 3000 Blinds & Gifts. 072 KOOP/ CARS Lydenburg. Sondae 222 5566 FOR SALE AKKOMODASIE/ 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk ACCOMMOJOVEL AUTOLydenburg Suid. DATION M A T I S E R I N G I BUY VEHICLES Sondag 09:00. Tel. Accessories for for cash. 082 646 013 235 3329. • gates & garage 6735 Volle EvangelieK L I T Z - G R A S kerk. Sondae: d o o r s . 3 9 Rensburg street. C H A L E T S - Oggenddiens met MOTORHUUR/ 079 490 9183 Accommodation, k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , CAR HIRE chapel & Venue Aanddiens 18:00. f a c i l i t i e s , Woensdae 19:00 GESONDHEID/ LY D E N B U R G b o m a / b r a a i - midweekdiens, HEALTH VEHICLE HIRE- Spitbraai for hire J e u g d i e n s Saterdae 18:00. car & van rentals. 013 235 2758 Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. DIEETKUNDIGE, 013 235 1780 Past. Andre Lydenburg. 084 KENNISHanekom. • New 708 4263 GEWINGS/ Apostolic Church. TROETELDIERE/ NOTICES Sun. 09:00 Wed. PETS 19:30. Grant Roode ART/ FRAMING KENNISGEWING: 082 886 2934 • DOGGY IN THE I N D I E N D I E R e h o b o t J A D E A R T & WINDOW parlour. EIENAARS van Gemeente (AGS FRAMING 013 235 5 3 V i l j o e n S t . die volgende twee van SA). Sondae 1241/ 082 337 Rowena 083 326 voertuie binne 21 09:00 (kinder-kerk), dae van eerste Dinsdag Biduur 0941 6927 plasing van die 19:00 Woens. sel advertensie nie die 19:00, Vry. Jeug TE KOOP/ FOR voertuie kom 1 8 : 3 0 . SKOONMAAK/ SALE afhaal en betaal Kerkkantoor: 013 CLEANING 235 4905. • nie sal dit Lewende Woord M E E L E N voetstoets verkoop Lydenburg. Sondae S K O O N M A A K S U P E R W O R M S word: 1998 Toyota 0 9 : 0 0 , E n g l i s h V A N M A T T E , 082 403 1786 H i l u x V I N service Sundays at meubels, motors AHT31RN670000 1 1 : 0 0 . EIENDOM TE en droogsuig van 3524 en 2012 Nuwekerkgebou oorstroomde KOOP / BMW 320i VIN langs Laske Nakke matte. Martie 082 PROPERTY FOR WBAPG560202N 013 235 2463. • 951 7494 M 4 3 6 5 3 . Mooi Hawens SALE L y d e n b u r g Evangelisasie LAND FOR SALE M e c h a n i c a l Sentrum (PPK). REKENAARS/ 5 6 9 m², Se co n d Services Kontak: COMPUTERS Street. 083 576 072 613 2630, Kerkstraat 8. 2068 I.T.@Large - for all PC repairs, maintenance, updating or purchasing new hardware and software, virus r e m o v a l s , networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071

TE HUUR/ TO RENT 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Burgersfort. R8000 p/m 082 803 9291

For all your washing & dry cleaning needs Tel : 013 235 3976 Fax : 086 511 0521 29 Lange Street, Lydenburg


W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 837 4508 jacovanwyk@ronel co.co.za English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse d i e n s Sondagoggend om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. S e r v i c e s Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 4 2 0 7 9 5 4 . •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724

4499/ 076 533 7836 • AGS Bethesda S t e e l p o o r t dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r B e d i e n i n g . Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 4 4 8 2 6 5 8 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.

JMP KONSTRUKSIE BK lektriese Kontrakteurs

071 402 9279 082 895 9970

• Alle loodgieter werk • Solar Geysers • Water-suiwering sisteme • Bou, verf, teël, instandhouding

Tiaan Dippenaar 076 629 7605 tiaandippenaar1@gmail.com Would you like to grow your business? Contact BNI President Brian Coetsee on 079 976 9112

Wil jy graag jou besigheid laat groei? Kontak die plaaslike BNI President Brian Coetsee by 079 976 9112

Nuus / News

22 Augustus / August 2019

Yvette Labuschagne Property Management. Exclusive Double Story Set In Ideal Location SOLE MANDATE This beautiful home is situated in a quiet street and it offers flowing, open plan living areas, security and a comfortable outdoor entertainment area. There are three spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms (one en suite), a guest toilet, spacious family room with separate dining area, a study, beautiful kitchen and scullery, Built-in braai and a swimming pool, as well as a double garage. There is also an outside toilet and two storage rooms. The upstairs bedrooms all lead onto a balcony. The main bedroom has ample cupboard space with en suite bathroom. Study / Gym upstairs - but it can also be perfect as a guest bedroom. The garden is well-established, various trees in the back yard and ample space for the kids to play. Swimming pool redone. Stephanie 0721550761 / 013 235 4575.

VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop 4 bdr family house in Secure Complex. 3 bathr 2 Garages and 2 Carports. Sufficient living space R12 500 4 bdr family house in School areas. 2 bathr 2 Garages. Spacious living area R11 800 5 bdr family house in town with pool. 4 bathr 2 Garages and 2 Carports. Spacious living area R13 500

Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

22 Augustus / August 2019

Provinsie se MTB fietsryers trek op Lydenburg saam 'n Fantastiese groot groep van 68 ryers het aan die Mpumalanga Spur MTB league by die HoĂŤrskool Lydenburg deelgeneem Saterdag. Daar is agt podium plekke behaal. *Top 10 plekke:* *Junior female* SimonĂŠ van Wyk 2de Rochelle Woest 7de Tiana Buitendag 9de Marita-Sune Ackerman 10de *Junior Male* Rikus Booyens 1ste Reinhart Viljoen 2de Devin Dicks 6de Bastian Holtzhausen 7de Blessing Mokofane 9de *Youth Female* Bernice van Wyk 1ste Zanri Hanekom 3de Jolize Botha 5de Zanke Louw 8ste *Youth Boys* Ru-Han Dreyer 1ste Neo Sibiya 3de DJ Knoesen 4de Shana Taylor 7de Estohan Swanepoel 8ste Darren Dicks 9de *Sub Junior Girls* Mikayla Delport 6de *Sub Junior Boys* James Floyd 3de Baie dankie aan elke ryer, spesiale welkom aan al ons nuwe ryers. Baie dankie aan elke ondersteuner, VLR lid, ou en nuwe Jeugraad, fotograwe en onderwysers wat iewers 'n werkie gedoen het en ons ondersteun het. 'n Spesiale dankie aan ons ouers wat so hard gewerk het om van hierdie dag 'n reuse sukses te maak. Daar is nog 3 wedrenne vir die seisoen: 31 Augustus - Secunda 7 September - Penryn 14 September - Finaal at Mankele Dit is nog nie te laat om by die fietsry aan te sluit nie.

Isabella Denysschen Isabella Denysschen Kata silver Kumite gold Rayhan Suliman Kata gold Kumite gold Shotokan Karate International South Africa

Rayhan Suliman (SKISA) annual awards 2019 Juanita van Dyk award most promising Blake Schoeman most outstanding Isabella Denysschen most promising

Rayhan Suliman best all rounder Jaden Naicker most promising Seniors Most promising Nadia Jamadar Tshepeso Dawta Mkhize Jenna Lynn Schoeman

Akitsu Shotokan Karate Dojo winners at the tournament.

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