19 September 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 37 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za
SEPTEMBER is the month when our heritage is celebrated on Heritage Day. On 24 September every year South Africans celebrate the occasion with activities ranging from traditional dress and dance to enjoying a typical braai. Museums, which are our cultural centres and custodians of our h e r i t a g e , o f t e n o ff e r special exhibitions during heritage month in order to create awareness among young and old. Our local museum offers a special exhibition during September of items which are not on permanent display. These include traditional copper armbands worn by Ndebele women, enamel tea service items dating to the late nineteenth c e n t u r y, s t o n e a g e implements, traditional Pedi pottery and more. There are also a few posters on display which cover heritage topics such as local rock art and museum research projects. The public are welcome to experience this exhibition at the museum. Museum times are 07:30-16:00 weekdays and 08:00-14:00 weekends. The museum will be open from 08:0014:00 on Heritage Day.
Mrss Lenda Mlimi and Elsie Mhlanga, employees at the museum, are enthusiastic about heritage month. Here they pose in traditional dress, respectively Pedi and Swazi, with one of the special exhibitions currently on display.
19 September 2019
ONTHOU om vir jou gunsteling besigheid te bied soos gebruiklik hierdie kompetisie aan en sal die wenner tydens sy gala aand in November stem. Die Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer aankondig. Please vote for the local business in Kyk na aspekte soos sakekamer lidmaatskap, Lydenburg which you think ticks all the goeie en flink diens, beskikbaarheid van boxes for friendly, excellent service, p r o d u k t e o f d i e n s t e , g e m e e n s k a p s product range and involvement in the betrokkenheid, netheid om die besigheid, wat local community and town affairs. SMS die besigheid vir die dorp beteken, the business name to 33789 and it will vriendelikheid ens. Dit moet verkieslik ’n besigheid wees waarmee of waarby die cost you only R 1.50 There is a lucky draw prize for the person algemene publiek sake kan doen, of as dit ’n who votes on the system. spesialisbesigheid is met een kliënt in die Come on, this is a positive, fun mynbedryf of elders, dan moet ons kyk na wat competition, which aims to recognize daardie besigheid op sosiaal maatskaplike of excellent customer service and to inspire infrastruktuur gebied vir die hele dorp en sy local business to strive for optimal mense doen. Maak jou keuse en SMS die customer satisfaction. besigheid se naam na 33789. SMS kos R 1.50
Dr. Karen Kromhout BChD (Pret) Dr. Auke van der Meulen BChD (Pret) Dr. Leanda Meyer BChD (Pret) Dr. Arjen Joubert BChD (Pret) Cnr Church & Viljoen Street (Opposite Medical Centre)
O N F r i d a y, 2 0 September, Pastor Thinus and A n n a t j i e Rademeyer will be on their way to Malawi. After their 4000 km j o u r n e y, P a s t o r Thinus and Annatjie will stay at one of the two Bible Colleges in Malawi. They will be staying at the Bible College in Nkhorakota where Pastor
Pastor Thinus and Annatjie will stay at one of the two Bible Colleges in Malawi
Thinus will be giving lectures. During their outreach they will also hand over 51 Bibles. The Bibles will be given to the graduates of 2019 - who will graduate in October 2019. The Bible College is a five-hour drive from the frontier. 35 of the 51 graduates are studying at the college that the Rademeyers are going to visit. The people in Malawi are not all able to buy their own Bibles and the donated Bibles will help the new pastors on their journey to spread the Word of God. Pastor Thinus (administrator at Entheos) and Annatjie (teacher at Entheos) are able to supply the Bibles
with the help of funds raised by Entheos School. The outreach couple will also visit the self-sustaining Church Farm that supports the community. In 2018 Pastor and Annatjie donated a water tank and they do their best to support the communities during their annual outreach to Malawi. On their way back, Thinus and Annatjie will stop at Goma Village to attend a conference. Pastor will also be leading sermons at this conference and Annatjie will give a short course to the Pastoral wives. Entheos is proud of Pastor Thinus and Annatjie for the work that they will be doing in Malawi and are glad they could supply the funds for the Bibles. Entheos School would also like to thank all their students and parents for their support and contributions. Pastor Thinus and Annatjie Rademeyer will be back in South Africa on 5 October. Everyone wishes them a safe and blessed trip.
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Praying for a blessed outreach in Malawi
Solar Rooftop Power Systems Battery Backup Inverter Systems, Solar Geysers, Airconditioners, Generators, Calore Fireplaces, Tesla Power Wall, Solar Pumps, Kamadojan, LED Lighting Solutions
Ondersteun Rusoord se kermis ONTHOU Rusoord se kermis op 27 en 28 September. Rusoord se jaarlikse kermis vind weer op bogenoemde datums plaas. Vrydag se optog met ou waens en besonderse voertuie begin omstreeks 11 uur en beweeg gewoonlik langs Kerk, Lange, Voortrekker, Viljoen, Rensburg, en Kantoorstrate. Saterdag is die groot kermis waar jy heerlike kos, wit olifant en allerhande dinge kan eet, sien en doen. Dit beloof om soos altyd ’n pretdag vir almal te wees. Ondersteun gerus hierdie kermis aangesien alle winste ten bate van die Rusoord aangewend sal word. Skakel gerus met Jeanetta Kruger by 013 235 2146. Andre Coetzee
Nasionale Braaidag KOOP gerus betyds jou dop en tjop vir Dinsdag 24 September se vakansiedag, waarop die meeste van ons net gaan ontspan en ’n ietsie op die kole gaan gooi. Onthou as jy ook ’n ietsie-met-’n-pietsie gaan drink, om van die paaie af weg te bly! Andre Coetzee
19 September 2019
NEW SHOP IN TOWN C5 Computers & Gifts at the Heads Shopping Centre opened its doors on Monday. This shop has something for everyone. From the normal office services such as printing, scanning, copying, mailing and internet services to fun things for the kids (small and adult) and the proper hobbiest out there! They stock computer parts as well as gaming headsets, mouse and keyboards, printers, ink, memory sticks, speakers, Toshiba batteries, external hard drives and offer repairs to computers & laptops. Educational toys and DIY toys abound.
There is something for everyone here: remote cars and hobby cars, Lego from basic to robotic, Scalextric sets and individual Scalextric cars and parts. 3D puzzles – build your own dolls house, Meccano, remote controlled dinosaurs, magic sets, laboratory sets for scientific minded and the Woodzeez range is also available. There are also a host of novelty gifts and gadgets for those who are difficult to buy for.
STEELPOORT •Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738
Armed Reaction • Alarm Systems • Camera Systems • Alarm Monitoring • Gaurding For all your security needs. Households • Plots • Businesses • Farms
19 September 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Member of
Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit
DIE braai begin met maak van die vuur, nie wanneer die vleis opgesit word nie. Vir Suid-Afrikaners is 'braai' 'n soort van geloof (met 'n klein 'g'). Geloof in die kole, vuur, aanpak van vuur, hoe lank die vuur moet brand en hoe lank die vleis moet braai. En boonop is braai baie terapeuties. Jy kan 'n stukkie kaas op 'n oop vuur smelt en jy sal beter voel oor jou dag se probleme, nadat jy vir 'n uur in die vlamme gestaar het. En daar gee Erfenisdag toe vir ons die gulde geleentheid om een van SuidAfrika se lekkerste erfenis-aktiwiteite te geniet. Braai. En omdat ons SuidAfrikaners is, noem ons die 24ste nou Braaidag. Almal is vol braaidag idees, wat gaan hulle braai, saam met wie gaan hulle braai en waar gaan hulle braai? Eintlik maak die bogenoemde nie so saak nie. Braai net! Suid-Afrikaners weet van braai. 'n Luilekker braaivleisvuur. Ek verstom my as mense sê hulle gaan sommer braai. Daar is niks sommer aan die gesis van vleis oor kole nie. Dis SuidAfrikaans en eie aan ons. Soos 'n braaivleis-reuk. My pa het altyd gesê: “Sonde aan die ou wat my nie nooi nie.” 'n Braaier mag glad nie alleen by die braai wees nie, onder geen omstandighede nie. Gaan tik die woord 'braai' in op die www.google.com bladsy. 'n Volle 14 700 000 resultate word gegee. Dit bevestig dit net weer aan my dat 'braai' in almal se smaak val . Braai het ook nou al uitgekring na ander lande... nie as 'barbeque' nie maar Engelstalige-lande wat die woord 'braai' gebruik. Onthou ten alle tye braai is 'n eeue lange tradisie, en die hoeksteen van Afrikaner kultuur, hoe meer jy braai hoe sterker word ons kultuur. En onthou, ons is NIE Amerikaners nie, ons braai NIE viennas of hamburger patties nie. Ons mors nie met bosveld braaihout nie. ~ Michelle Boshoff Uit Die Uwe se argief.
JOB 22:21 “Onderwerp jou aan God, dan sal jy in vrede leef, en so sal jy voorspoed hê. Vader, vrede is die grootste versugting van ons tyd, maar sonder U sal ons dit nie beleef nie. Help ons om ons aan U Heerskappy te onderwerp, sodat ons vrede kan geniet - Amen.
Mr Alfred Nkosi
A productive meeting was held for the Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber last week. A lot of issues were on the agenda including the success of the recent PRIDE cleaning day. Mrs Etli van der Merwe, Chairperson, also gave feedback on discussions with TCM and projects about town maintenance. Mr Alfred Nkosi, from Absa Nelspruit, shared facts about economical
development and how members of the Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber can work together with ABSA to create growth. He also spoke to the members about government businesses and SMME’s. Read other articles about the upcoming annual Chamber gala and how to vote for the best businesses according to the consumers in Lydenburg.
~ Michelle Boshoff
Captured on camera
Heather Aspeling winning photo in the Set subject section.
THE Longtom Photographic Club members wrote in beautiful photos for the August 19 meeting. In the Set Subject section (Reflection) Heather Aspeling was the winner with her spoonbill visitor at the dam photo. In die Open section Des Jacobs won with his beautiful sea scape photo of the Swakopmund jetty that was taken on a tour in Namibia. In the monochrome (Black & White) section the winner was Heather Aspeling. The next meeting will be held on 14 October. Persons who would like to learn more about photography or their cameras can contact Des Jacobs (chairman) 076 858 6317 or Lize Maritz (secretary) 083 Heather Aspeling was 279 7997. The meeting takes place at the the winner in the Hervormde Church at 18:00.
Monochrome section.
Me. Sonja Boshoff, DA Lid van Parlement, skryf: Na aanleiding van Mnr Andre Marais se skrywe in die Highlands Panorama van 3 September 2019, "VF+ MAAN DIE DA KIESERS", die volgende kommentaar: In die een asem val hy die DA aan en in die selfde asem se hy dat die VF+ 'n betroubare koalisievennoot sal wees. Die vraag hier is "Met wie anders as die DA", synde sy negatiewe uitlatings op die DA. Dit is inderdaad so dat koalisieregerings die politiek van die toekoms is, veral waar hierdie tipe regerings die ANC kan uitstem en die inwoners van hierdie munisipaliteite kan ondervind wat dit is om goeie diens te kan ervaar.
Die oorlog EK verwys hier na die Anglo-Boere oorlog wat sowat 120 jaar gelede plaasgevind het. Party noem dit die Boere oorlog en ander noem dit die Engelse oorlog. Hang af van wie jy wil blameer. Die korrekte term is die Anglo-Boere oorlog. Die geskiedenis van die oorlog en die beweegredes hiervoor en gevolge daarvan is wel deeglik aangeteken en nagevors. Die vrede van Vereeniging het ’n einde daaraan gebring. Soos in enige oorlog was die verliese swaar en die hartseer en ellende baie diep. Ek ken die ding. Ek was in 1975/79 in die bosoorlog.
Ons het gat geskop, maar kyk waar is ons vandag? Ons het die veldslae gewen, maar ons het die oorlog verloor a.g.v. liberale politiek. My punt is dat ek in ons hedendaagse beneukte samelewing al hoe meer waarneem dat die Anglo-Boere oorlog nie verby is nie. Die blaam spel duur voort op hoofsaaklik taalverskille en plaas Afrikaans en Engels teenoor mekaar. Wat die bosoorlog betref het ons saam baklei en ons generaals meestal baie hoog geag. Vandag is hulle skielik almal verraaiers. Van my goeie Engelse vriende steun nie of wil nie betrokke raak by Afriforum of Solidariteit nie, omdat dié organisasies glo net vir Afrikaans-sprekendes is. En so gaan dit. Boere vertrou nie Engelse nie a.g.v. wat 120 jaar gelede gebeur het. Ek dink
Dit is 'n feit dat die DA dan ook in die meeste koalisieregerings die meerderheidsregeringvennoot is en derhalwe maak die aanval van mnr. Marais op die DA nie sin nie. Ter afsluiting wil ek die lesers herinner dat waar die DA op plaaslike vlak regeer, die Ouditeur Generaal bevind het dat skoon ouditverslae, werkskepping en dienslewering aan die orde van die dag is. Hierdie word bereik deur seker te maak dat persone met die nodige kundigheid, ervaring en bekwaamheid aangestel word. Hou u Wyk DA op 9 Oktober 2019 en stem vir 'n party wat na u belange sal omsien. Stem DA.
ons moet bietjie meer objektief en durf ek se “volwasse” daarna kyk. Afrikaners is halstarrig en het min geduld. Hulle is egter ook planmakers en hanteer risiko’s maklik. Hulle oplossings werk nogal dikwels. Gaan kyk hoe het die Voortrekkers wilde gebiede makgemaak en hoe hulle na die depressie uit die as opgestaan het. Die “kan doen” ding is iets waarmee hulle geneties opgesaal is. Dis so. Ons as Boere moet ophou om Engelssprekendes te blameer oor destyds se gebeure en ons as Engelse moet ophou om op Afrikaners neer te sien. Ons soek almal vrede en ’n misdaadvrye gemeenskap met infrastruktuur wat werk. Dit is ’n gemeenskaplike doel wat veel groter en belangriker is as taalverskille. So, kom ons word groot en fokus op oplossings. Vergeet verskille en sluit aan by Solidariteit en stem vir die partye naaste aan jou beginsels en norme, wat ons deel. Die tyd vir saamwerk is gebiedend noodsaaklik. Terloops, hierdie is nie ’n oproep tot liberalisme nie, dit is ’n soeke na praktiese werkbare oplossings tot almal se voordeel.
19 September 2019
Vaccinations are free and mandatory Should a business not comply, TCM will remove the sign
I N S e p t e m b e r, p r i v a t e veterinary clinics across South Africa in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture provide free rabies vaccination to cats and dogs to raise awareness and understanding about the importance of rabies prevention. Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic will again support this initiative against the oldest and deadliest disease known to mankind. • Rabies is a preventable disease that worldwide still kills about 55,000 people needlessly each year • Rabies is a viral disease that can be transmitted to animals and humans. The disease is usually transmitted by a bite but exposure may also occur through contamination of broken skin or mucous membranes with saliva
of health management of domestic animals, and is the single most important factor in rabies prevention. Rabies prevention starts with the animal owner. Protect yourself, your pet and your community by taking animals to be vaccinated. This is compulsory for all dogs and cats in South Africa in terms of the Animal Diseases Act. • Vaccinating your own dog at home is not considered to be a valid vaccination. This can have sad repercussions for both dog and owner. • Moving your dog or cat across a national or provincial boundary in South Africa without it being accompanied by a valid certificate of rabies vaccination is illegal. • In a recent South African study, it was found that nearly three quarters of all dog bite wounds were caused by a dog which was known to the victim, but not owned by the victim. The message is clear. If your neighbours dog is regularly loose on the streets, it would be prudent to insist that your neighbour proves that his (or her) wandering dogs are vaccinated. • In 2012, there were 834 confirmed cases of rabies in animals in South Africa, and it is certain that every year thousands of suspect dogs are needlessly sacrificed for testing because their owners failed to have them vaccinated. • Avoid contact with strange dogs, and don’t be tempted to approach and touch wild animals which appear to be tame. • If your pet is bitten, consult your veterinarian immediately. Prompt and appropriate treatment after being bitten and before the disease develops can stop rabies infection and/or prevent the disease in humans and animals. In support of rabies awareness, Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic is offering free rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats from 2 September to 30 September. Call 013 235 4132 for further details. More information on World Rabies Day can be found at http://www.rabiesalliance.org
Dates at State Vet’s: Please note that September is Rabies Awareness Month and that there are free Rabies vaccinations at the State Veterinary Offices and most of the private veterinary clinics. The State Vet in Graskop will be administering injections on September 10, Sabie on 11 and 12 September, Lydenburg on 18, 19 and 20 September. The vaccinations are free and mandatory. For any information please phone 013 235 2071/2
from an infected animal. It is possible that virus shedding in the saliva of infected animals could take place before the symptoms of rabies are seen. Following infection, there is an extremely variable incubation period ranging from weeks to years prior to onset of symptoms. • Rabies is primarily a disease of children, who are particularly at risk from this terrible disease, due to their close contact with dogs- the major global source of rabies. Children are more likely to suffer multiple bites and scratches to the face and head, both of which carry a higher risk of contracting rabies. Children are often unaware of the danger that dogs transmit rabies and may not tell their parents when a bite, lick, or scratch has occurred. • Once nervous symptoms of the disease develop, rabies is fatal to both animals and humans. • The good news is that rabies is easily preventable. • Vaccination prior to possible exposure is a crucial part
BUSINESSES are reminded that certain rules pertain to the erection of signage on pavements in front of such premises. The Highlands Panorama News was alerted by a business owner to a sign that was taken down by TCM in Lange Street. According to our research a business may erect such a sign under specific conditions. These include the specifications of the sign (size, placement, height and whether the sign might be in the way of pedestrian or vehicle traffic etc.). The premises must of course be zoned for business and a fee is also payable to TCM. Should a business not comply with these municipal regulations, TCM will remove the sign. The alternative would be for the correctly zoned business to erect the sign inside its property, and not on the pavement, in which case the rules do not apply. Business owners should therefore familiarise themselves with the specifications, rules and tariffs that may be applicable before spending a lot of money on a sign that might be taken down. Andre Coetzee.
19 September 2019
Klopkloppie betower die verhoog
Klopkloppie Kleuterskool, die oudste in Lydenburg, het reeds vir dekades die kleuters van die dorp in hul harte. Met hul onlangse konsert en ook gradeplegtigheid vir die kleingoed, het hulle weer gepronk met hoe fluks die kleinspan hul passies geleer het. Me. Ada le Grange, skoolhoof, bedank al die personeel vir die inleer van die roetines, die ouers en helpers met die kostuums en die gehoor wat die kinders so spesiaal laat voel het. Dit is een van die uithaler kleuterkonserte elke jaar.
Miss & Mr Spring took place at Tingeling during school hours on 13 September. All the children and teachers had lots of fun and they received prizes.
From left are: Inam Mathye as first princess, Miss Tingeling Spring Ndaloenhle Sibanyani and Bohlale Ranto as the second princess. Leenderd Lenfant as first prince, the winner Mr Tingeling Spring Glide Serage and (right) the second prince Ditheto Segafa
Angel (Miss Personality), Inam Mathye ( 1st princess), Ndaloenhle Sibanyani (Miss Spring), Bohlale Ranto (2nd princess), Oefentse (Miss personality)
OP 14 September het Lirie Mellet (12 jaar oud) aan Leandra Uithourit Klub se jaarlikse Mpumalanga Kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Sy en haar perd, Arabesque Silver Sun, het vir die 80 km Kinder Ruiter-afdeling ingeskryf en die rit in 3h44 min voltooi.
Lirie het as wenner uit die stryd getree en die titel as Mpumalanga Kinder Ruiter 2019 verwerf. Dit is voorwaar ’n besonderse prestasie vir Platorand Uithourit Klub sowel as vir Mpumalanga.
19 September 2019
Hugh Hall with his new model T Ford in 1933. In the background is Mataffin seen from the Sabie road. Photo: Courtesy H L Hall & Sons & Hans Bornman
Interesting facts around the history of this great area Duncan Ballantyne writes: IN response to the article by Duncan Ballantyne in newsletter No. 231, regarding the Vlakfontein engagement near Dullstroom, Terry Clack gave the following information. Firstly, there were two Vlakfontien Battles during the war. There is the famous one near Naauwpoort on 29th May 1901, which was a far more important action, and then there is this one on 3rd July 1901. It is well described in an excellent article by J D Harris of The South African Military History Society, Military History Journal, Vol 9 – 6 December 1994, entitled 'The Other Vlakfontein'. It resulted from an operation begun on 9th June 1901 by Sir Bindon Blood to clear the triangle of Machadodorp-LydenburgNelspruit with four columns. On 2nd July, in Machadodorp, Colonel Benson commanded the British who were about 1,600 soldiers, including cavalry and artillery. On the Boer side, with General Viljoen present in the area, a mere 205 men were camped up at Mareskop (where the Farrefontein FM tower is) watching Benson.
Although the British forces left camp at 01:30 in the morning, serious action was only joined after noon. In the ensuing running battles three Brits were killed and eleven wounded. Lieutenant English received a Victoria Cross for carrying water to the wounded. Five Boers were killed. In the article is a map reconstructing the battle at Vlakfontein. Mpumalanga Heritage is planning a trip to Dullstroom next year and this battle site will be visited. UPCOMING EVENTS FOR 2019: September 24 Heritage Day lunchtime bring and braai at Elmswood with a talk on the Gold Pioneers and social get together October 4/5/6 Heritage Association of South Africa Annual Symposium in Tulbagh. Final programme to be announced soon. October 12 Beer festival at Elmswood and talk on history of beer. November 8/9/10 Cullinan Heritage Weekend To join Mpumalanga Heritage: Contact Linda Grimbeek at Kruger Lowveld Tourism at linda@klcbt.co.za or 013 755 1988. Membership is R175.00 per year.
19 September 2019
This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.
(Motoring) andrec@intekom.co.za 083 626 6305
This is now officially the fastest car in the world BUGATTI says it has “withdrawn” from the so-called speed wars after it became the first manufacturer to break the 300 mph barrier, with a "nearproduction" prototype of the Chiron recently clocking 490,484 km/h. In a statement detailing the speed record, the French firm said it will “withdraw from the competition to produce the fastest serial production cars”. “We have shown several times that we build the fastest cars in the world. In future we will focus on other areas,” explained Stephan Winkelmann, president of Bugatti. “Bugatti has once again shown what it’s capable of. With this new record of the Chiron we enter again uncharted territory. Never before has a series manufacturer reached this high speed,” he said. “Our goal was to be the first manufacturer ever to reach the magic 300-mile-per-hour mark. We have now achieved this – making ourselves, the entire team and myself, incredibly proud.” Bugatti test driver Andy Wallace was the man behind the wheel when the record was set on 2 August 2019 on the test track at Ehra-Lessien in Lower Saxony. “An incredible speed. It’s inconceivable that a car would be capable of this. But the Chiron was well prepared and I felt very safe – even in these high-speed ranges,” said Wallace. So, what about the pre-production Chiron derivative? Well, in addition to “aerodynamic improvements” (the prototype is longer than a standard Chiron and features a unique rear end, sans wing and featuring a different tailpipe arrangement), Bugatti said it attached “great importance to safety”, with Wallace held in place by six-point belts and protected by an additional safety cell. And the tyres? These came from Michelin, with the high-speed Pilot Sport Cup 2 rubber already used on the Chiron further “reinforced” to handle 5300 G while still being “street legal”. Bugatti says the tyres were subjected to “extensive test bench trials” at speeds of up to 511 km/h in the United States. carmag.co.za
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Will we see a Hyundai bakkie? PERFORMANCE bakkies. Yes, it’s a thing, and if reports are to be believed, Hyundai might be keen to get in on the action. Remember the Hyundai Santa Cruz Concept that set the internet alight back in 2015? As you may know, it was given the green light for production in 2017 and you can expect to see the production version in 2020 or perhaps even in 2021 or 2022. Who knows? Hyundai is taking its time with this one. What we do know is that it will feature Hyundai’s latest design language which means it’s won’t look like the 2015 concept. It gets more interesting though, reports are suggesting that Hyundai might be considering a high-performance N version of its new bakkie which will go headto-head with the recently-introduced Ford Ranger Raptor. To rival the Raptor effectively, Hyundai will have to create a stylish bakkie while also beefing up offroad credentials with a long-travel suspension and a capable powertrain. Reports are pointing to the possibility of the i30N’s turbocharged 2.0-litre petrol engine being uprated to 225 kW and being called to duty. This, however, is just speculation, for now. The Ford Ranger Raptor was the first high-performance offroad bakkie to come to market and other manufacturers are introducing beefed-up offroad products to claim a share of this niche segment of the bakkie market. For example, Toyota recently launched the Hilux GR Sport and even Isuzu is getting stuck in by offering its large-and-in-charge D-Max Arctic AT 35. As for the forthcoming Hyundai bakkie, it better be good. The pics below show different images of how such a bakkie might look in the flesh. cars.co.za
19 September 2019
More details on next year’s Suzuki sales booming in South Africa new GWM bakkie GWM has released more information about its new P Series Pickup, revealing details such as load-bin dimensions and engine specifications. Running on the new P71 platform, GWM says the Chongqing-built bakkie measures 5 410 mm long, 1 934 mm wide and 1 886 mm tall, with a wheelbase of 3 230 mm. Eagle-eyed readers will notice those dimensions are slightly down on the figures originally provided at the bakkie's reveal in Shanghai in April 2019. The load-bin, meanwhile, measures 1 520 mm by 1 520 mm by 538 mm. In China, the double-cab bakkie is equipped with a damped tailgate, a retractable step and a ladder slot, while GWM further says it will offer a canopy as an option. The Chinese-spec P Series Pickup is fitted as standard with daytime running lights, LED headlamps and taillamps, and front and rear fog lights. Other interesting features offered in the bakkie’s domestic market include a nine-inch touchscreen, a voice control function, leather (heated) front seats, a
panoramic sunroof and even an in-car fragrance dispenser. Items such as an electronic stability programme, autonomous emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, a lane keeping aid and 360-degree cameras, meanwhile, are listed under available safety features. The company has also confirmed power will come from a turbocharged 2,0-litre petrol engine, delivering 140 kW (between 4 000 and 5 500 r/min) and 360 N.m (on tap from 1 800 to 3 600 r/min). The ZF-sourced eight-speed automatic transmission, meanwhile, features four driving modes (standard, eco, sport and low range) and directs grunt to all four corners. A centre differential lock and an electronic item at the rear are also included, along with multi-link rear suspension. And what about buyers keen on diesel power? Well, while GWM makes no mention of an oil-burning option for the standard P Series Pickup, the Chinese firm also took the wraps off a “commercial” variant (bearing a completely different front-end design), positioned as a workhorse and offered with a choice of petrol and diesel engines, 4x2 and 4x4 configurations, and six-speed manual and eight-speed automatic transmissions. It seems likely the turbodiesel engine (also in a 2,0-litre, four-cylinder configuration) will be employed by the standard model in some markets. GWM earlier told CARmag.co.za the new bakkie range was scheduled to arrive in South Africa before the end of 2020. carmag.co.za
SUZUKI Auto South Africa registered its best month for sales yet in August 2019, while also welcoming its 75 000th local customer. In August, the local arm of the Japanese firm sold 1 581 new vehicles (comprising 1 552 passenger vehicles and 29 commercial vehicles), which saw it ranked eighth on the list of best-selling automakers. As we pointed out in our earlier report on SA’s best-selling vehicles, the Swift again led the way for Suzuki, selling 663 units and placing ninth. The Ignis (188), Celerio (141), Dzire (140), Ertiga (138) and Jimny (115) also contributed gamely, while the Baleno, Vitara and Ciaz each ended in double figures. Only the Grand Vitara failed to make it out of single figures, again placing on our list of worst-selling vehicles. Suzuki’s new sales record follows exactly two years after it first broke through the 1 000-unit barrier. In June 2019, the brand sold 1 489 units, before breaking its record the following month (1 578) and now again in August. “We are most excited about our dealer sales. They sold 1 057 Suzuki models last month, the highest ever for our dealer network. Each of these sales represents a fellow South African who chose to trust our brand with his or her hard-earned money,” said André Venter, divisional manager for sales and marketing. carmag.co.za
19 September 2019
STERKSPRUIT Veterinary Clinic • Dierekliniek
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DIEETKUNDIGE, Lydenburg. 084 708 4263 RYOBI Rm2010 460mm elektriese gras-snyer R2500 en TrimAll 900ti ART/ FRAMING elektriese weed eater R1000. 073 JADE ART & 189 6831 FRAMING 013 235 1241/ 082 337 6927 TROETELDIERE/ PETS SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING
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T O W N H O U S E stoorgelde vir die 19:30. Grant Roode Burgersfort. R8000 voortuig as die 082 886 2934 • p/m 082 803 9291 eienaars nie die R e h o b o t r e k e n i n g k o m Gemeente (AGS 3 SLK HUIS R5000 betaal nie: Nissan van SA). Sondae p/m. Krugerspost, Np200 Reg: JBR 09:00 (kinder-kerk), 2 0 k m b u i t e 923 MP Kontak GS Dinsdag Biduur L y d e n b u r g o p Auto by 013 235 19:00 Woens. sel Ohrigstadpad+ 2 3086 vir verdere 19:00, Vry. Jeug 1 8 : 3 0 . slk woonstel R3500 inligting. Kerkkantoor: 013 p/m Skakel 082 253 235 4905. • 4525 Lewende Woord KERKE/ Ly d e n b u r g . 240m² HUIS in CHURCHES S ondae 09:00, s e k u r i t e i t s Nuwe kerkgebou kompleks, dubbel m o t o r h u i s , 2 . 5 Anglican Church langs Laske Nakke badk, 3 slk, sit, eet Lydenburg. Sun. 013 235 2463. • e n t v k a m e r s , 08:30. Tel. 013 235 M o o i H a w e n s kombuis & opwas. 1 9 1 9 . • E v a n g e l i s a s i e R9000 p/m. Kontak Gereformeerde- Sentrum (PPK). vir Hannerie 082 kerk Lydenburg. W o . 1 0 : 0 0 Sondae 09:30. Tel. vrouediens, biduur 464 6348 013 235 4391. 1 9 : 0 0 . 2 SLAAPKAMER 2 •Hervormde-kerk S o n d a g s k o o l badkamer cottage Lydenburg. Son. 08:45, diens So. te huur. Prepaid 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter k r a g , w a t e r 013 235 3554 • Deysel: 072 183 ingesluit. R5500 Methodist Church 0004 en past. Jaco L y d e n b u r g : p/m. 079 546 4303 Sunday service Deysel: 082 338 0 8 : 3 0 , S u n d a y 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / AKKOMODASIE/ School 08:30 Tel. Baptiste Kerk co / 013 235 2936 • NG ACCOMMOM o e d e r - hv Simmond en De DATION g e m e e n t e Souzastrate Pastor L y d e n b u r g . / Ds Jaco van Wyk Sondae 09:30. Tel. 0 8 2 8 3 7 4 5 0 8 jacovanwyk@ronel K L I T Z - G R A S 013 235 3101.• co.co.za English C H A L E T S - N G - k e r k Service: Sunday at Accommodation, Lydenburg Suid. 08:00 Afrikaanse chapel & Venue Sondag 09:00. Tel. d i e n s 013 235 3329. • f a c i l i t i e s , Volle Evangelie- Sondagoggend om boma/braai k e r k . S o n d a e : 10:00 • Shalom Spitbraai for hire Oggenddiens met Church Centre. 013 235 2758 kinders 10:00, S e r v i c e s Aanddiens 18:00. C o r o m a n d e l . Woensdae 19:00 S u n d a y S c h o o l KENNISGEWINGS m i d w e e k d i e n s , 1 0 : 0 0 , c h u r c h / NOTICES J e u g d i e n s s e r v i c e 11 : 0 0 . Saterdae 18:00. S k h i l a S u n d a y Tel. 013 235 2711/ School 10:00 and Kennisgewing: die 0 8 4 6 8 8 5 0 0 7 . c h u r c h s e r v i c e ondergenoemde P a s t . A n d r e 11 : 0 0 . P a s t o r voertuig sal deur Hanekom. • New J o h a n n e s GS Auto verkoop Apostolic Church. Ramashala: 073 word na 30 dae Sun. 09:00 Wed. 569 0635 or 073 vanaf eerste Become part of a business plasing van die Network. advertensie om die Contact BNI President besigheid se kostes Gerda Whitehorn te dek sowel as on 079 515 7799
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4 2 0 7 9 5 4 . •Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. Elke Sabbat (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program; 10:00 L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens in Engels - 18:00/ Evening service in English at 18:00 Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 788 7641 • AGS Bethesda S t e e l p o o r t dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas Goudmyn, Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 1 0 : 0 0 Oggenddiens, ou k e r k i e b y W e n a k k e r , K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878. • Harvester Reformational
C h u r c h Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.
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Nuus / News
19 September 2019
House of the week HOLIDAY PROPERTY AT ONLY R795 000. Enjoy the tranquillity of Kudu Private Nature Reserve of 5000ha with an abundance of game. The cottage consisting of 3 bedrooms, with cosy open plan living area and modern kitchen. The outside open braai area is laid out in the bush for the special family braai’’s around the open fire. Walk down to the communal swimming pool with views on the waterfall. Play games on cooler days around the fire in living area or relax with
a book. The game viewer vehicle is included in this special price and will ensure that you have access to all the special picnic spots on the property. Please contact Pieter on 083 274 1986 at Pam Golding to visit this very special property. Please also view the following exclusive properties on www.pamgolding.co.za 1LY1448912 - 1LY1340251 1LY1451193 - 1LY1423277 1LY1422406 1LY1441042 - 1LY1438347
VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop 3 slk meenthuis 2 bdk en 1 garage met klein erf R7 200. 3 slk huis 2 bdk 1 garage met buite kamer R9 400 loop afstand vanaf skool. Kommersiele perseel te huur R11 000 Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: INA 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net
Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5
19 September 2019
Gophers successful golf tour to Skukuza GOPHERS CHARITY GOLF members have recently enjoyed their first weekend tour, which was played at the Skukuza Golf Club over 17 and 18 August and competed against Skukuza players. The results on Saturday, with 30 players participating, showed that the Skukuza players out played the Gophers as they were awarded all seven prizes on offer except for the “Most Golf” award. Tobie Horak took first place on 36 points followed by Danie Brummer and Frans Skukuza overall winner Grobler. Ben Smit and Eileen Horak took and winner on Sunday 18 August, on the left Tobie fourth and fifth place. Nearest to the Pin was Horak being presented the won by Pieter van Vuuren and Louis Carstens. Scores were tallied for both days for the overall prize from our main tour winner. This prize of R1000 went to Tobie sponsor, Pieter Van Horak who had a combined score of 63 points. Vuuren. Tobie was kind enough to re-donate the prize
back to Gophers towards their charity drive. Well done Tobie and thank you for your generosity. We would also like to thank all our sponsors, in particular Atlas Panelbeaters, Longtom Superspar, Nomakanjani, Ben Smit and Lydenburg Toyota for their kind donations. 83 balls were lost by 14 players! The success of this tour, in raising close to R17 000 for charity. Gophers' members are reminded to submit their nomination to a committee member by 3 November , for a local recipient to receive our annual charity award, which will take place in December. Gophers will be holding their next monthly, social
game at Sabie Golf Course on Sunday 6 October'19, meeting at 8:00 and playing the IPS scoring system. We invite anyone who wishes to play to join us on the day with prizes in excess of R1 000 on offer for a green fee of R170. Those who do not have an official SAGA handicap will play off the maximum allowed in Gophers competitions, 24 for men and 30 for women. This will also apply to those who hold handicaps above this level. Should further information be required, please contact Piet on 082 454 8382 or Bruce on 082 801 6821.
Lydenburg winners on 8 September, from the left, Paul Kruger committee member, Marga Kirten “Most Golf”, Danie Brummer second place, Bruce James committee member, Jan Grundling third place, Eileen Horak first place and George Korb “Nearest the Pin”.
Hoërskool wen MTB liga BY die Spur Mpumalanga MTB Liga finaal het die Hoërskool Lydenburg die seisoen met 57 ryers afgesluit. Dit was vir baie hul eerste Mankele en die skool is gekroon as Mpumalanga ligawenner. Top 10 posisies Junior mans: Rikus Booyens eerste, Reinhart Viljoen tweede, Bastian Holtzhausen 10de. Junior meisies: Simoné van Wyk vierde, Rochelle Woest sewende. Jeug mans: Ru-Han Dreyer eerste,
Baie geluk Zanri en Liane Hanekom met jul puik prestasies tydens die 10de Nasionale Tritech Science Fair wat plaasgevind het by Hoërskool Merensky in Tzaneen. Zanri won the prize for Best Overall Junior Project. She took part under the Engineering and Design category. Liane got First Junior Place in her category: Maths, Science and Technology.
Neo Sibiya tweede, DJ Knoesen vierde Estohan Swanepoel sesde Shana Taylor, sewende, Calvin-Lee Hughes negende, Darren Dicks 10de. Jeug meisies: Bernice van Wyk eerste, Zanri Hanekom vierde, Jolize Botha 9de, Zanke Louw 10de. Sub-junior seuns James Floyd vierde. Sub-junior meisies: Mikaela Broekman vierde, Mikayla Delport sesde, Lianette Terblanche 10de.