03 Oktober / October 2019 Jr/Yr 16 No. 39 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 086 676 2258 P.B. 4418 Lydenburg 1120 info@highlandspanorama.co.za
THE Zondo Commission, which has heard startling evidence of corruption and state capture in state-owned entities, appears to have set its sights on Mpumalanga municipalities, which have a track record of mismanagement, maladministration and general corruption that have strangled service delivery. But the municipalities, most of which are notorious for being cash cows of corrupt politicians, have been dragging their feet to submit financial documents requested by the commission. According to correspondence seen by City Press, the commission’s secretary Brigitte Shabalala has sent a plea to Mpumalanga cooperative governance
and traditional affairs MEC, Mandla Msibi, to urge 12 municipalities to comply with its request. The municipalities are Mkhondo (Piet Retief), Thaba Chweu (Lydenburg), Chief Albert Luthuli (Carolina), Dipaleseng (Balfour), Dr JS Moroka (Siyabuswa), Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme (Volksrust), Gert Sibande District (Ermelo), Lekwa (Standerton), Msukaligwa (Ermelo), Steve Tshwete (Middelburg), Thembisile Hani (KwaMhlanga) and Victor Khanye (Delmas). All these municipalities had, according to the 2017/2018 Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu’s report, raked up about R2 billion in irregular expenditure, R236.2
million of which was fruitless or wasteful. The commission asked the municipalities to submit all forensic reports, audited financial statements, schedules detailing irregular expenditure, records of payments from July 1 2008 to June 30 last year and a list of their top 20 suppliers by value. “While we have mixed success in terms of getting municipalities within your province to respond to us, we are at a stage where we are asking for your assistance in ordering the outstanding municipalities to comply with our request,” Shabalala wrote. Msibi said he had asked all the municipalities to cooperate with the commission but he was not sure if they
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The Longtom Pass and veld around town is especially dry this time of year. Be on the lookout for veldfires, report any fires immediately that you come across. Fires are devastating for the environment. These pictures were taken on Tuesday morning opposite Misty Mountain.
had submitted the required documents. “I have written to them and asked them to respond after the commission asked for my intervention. I have told the municipalities that this is a commission appointed by the president and they ought to cooperate,” Msibi said. Commission spokesperson Mbuyiselo Stemela did not respond to questions emailed to him. The case of two municipalities Of the 12 municipalities that have been known for malfeasance, Mkhondo and Thaba Chweu stand out. Thaba Chweu The story of Thaba Chweu Local Municipality is one of despair. It has received eight consecutive disclaimers. Last year a forensic report by Audit and Risk Management Solutions, which covered five financial years, revealed how officials had milked more than R300 million from the council’s coffers. Forensic auditors found that R201.2 million had been lost for good and only R84.4 million could be recouped. The report also showed that procurement processes were flouted and municipal stands and land were sold but no money was deposited in the municipality’s account. Other findings were that: R95.1 million in irregular expenditure had been written off because documents could not be traced; The municipality incurred a R10.2 million debt from a hydropower station that was unused; Officials paid R3.5 million to law firms despite having a contract with another firm, which was paid a R120 000 monthly retainer. It was also paid another R286 000 without an explanation; Senior managers were irregularly paid R1 million in acting allowances they did not deserve while a retired official received R16 000; R14.2 million paid for shoddily constructed and refurbished roads and R5.6 million was paid for a road that did not exist; and Security companies were fraudulently appointed and paid R42.2 million. City Press
03 Oktober / October 2019
VIR maande het konstruksie by die Longtom SuperSPAR plaasgevind. Die koopruimte binne is nuut beplan, nuwe yskaste, vloere, deli-items en vele meer het gestalte aangeneem. Boonop is die nuwe spyskaart uitgebrei tot nuwe smullekkertes. Al die veranderings is aangebring nadat SPAR Suid Afrika met opnames gevind het dat die winkels meer kliënte-vriendelik moet word. Yskaste se rakke is aangepas vir korter mense. Meer spasie tussen rakke is aangebring en wyer verskeidenheid produkte word aangehou. Welgedaan Longtom SuperSPAR met die nuwe verbeteringe en mag die winkel net van krag-tot-krag gaan.
Die nuwe rakke, yskaste en teëls is maar ’n voorbeeld van onder meer die bestuur se harde werk wat die afgelope tyd ingegaan het.
03 Oktober / October 2019
As community leaders in Lydenburg the co-owners of Longtom SuperSPAR are always trying to help everyone and provide first rate and friendly service. Last Wednesday they held a grand re-opening after all the
renovation and construction of the past few months. Clients are in awe and are enjoying all the new amenities, including a coffee machine and other extras.
But what won’t change is Spar’s ability to provide excellent service to tourists (several busses a day) and residents alike. Congratulations and may there be many more years of profitability and growth.
Rynhardt vlieg hoog met Reach for a Dream Rynhardt Viljoen (8) is in graad twee in die Laerskool Lydenburg is. Hy het 'n baie rare lewersiekte genaamd "Primary Schlerosing Colingitus", wat lewerversaking veroorsaak het. Rynhardt het Portale Hipertensie met Varisse in sy sluk-, maag- en dermkanaal, "Crohn’s Disease", hartprobleme, "Netrophenia Anti-Netrophil Antibodies", "Temporil Lobe Epilepsy", depressie, en om alles te kroon erge ADHD. Die dokters van Wits Donald Gordon se Pediatriese Lewer Oorplantingseenheid, is sy primêre spesialeste en daar word gereeld met die Hart-en Neurospesialiste vergader om hom so gesond as moontlik te hou. Rynhardt is gedurende hierdie jaar geëvalueer vir 'n leweroorplanting. Hy is deur Reach for a Dream Foundation se Oorplantings Organiseerder, me. Mary Duncan Rynhardt, genomineer om sy droom te bewaarheid. Reach for a Dream het die hele gesin in die luukste vyf ster hotel, St Andrews Hotel en Spa in
Germiston ingeboek. Rynhardt het niks vermoed toe hulle op 4 September na Henley Air is, waar Thabo van Reach for a Dream hulle ontvang het saam met Dewalt Kleynhans en Louise Rall van Henley Air nie. Hulle is deur na die vliegsimilator (Henley Air is ook 'n Helikopter opleidingskool) waar hulle vir Rynhardt, 'n kort kursus gegee het van hoe 'n helikopter gevlieg word. Groot was sy verbasing toe hulle hom en ook sy boetie en sussie (Jaco en Inge-Lenice) 'n beurt gee om met die Ware Jakob similator te vlieg. Rynhardt het hulle vir 'n baie interessante ‘kamma vlug’ oor Kaapstad en Robin Eiland geneem. Toe hy gereed was om te gaan aangesien hy gedink het dit is sy droom wat bewaarheid is, het hulle hom ingelig dat dit nie die einde is nie maar dat hulle hom nou vir 'n plesier rit oor Johannesburg gaan neem. Na al die opwinding het Reach For A Dream die gesin met ’n ete by die Spur bederf, het sy ma me. Alice Viljoen vertel. Sy sê ook hulle moet 'n honderd keer 'n dag hoor dat hy eendag 'n ‘chopper pilot’ gaan word en dat hy nog vir Bok van Blerk ook in sy helikopter gaan laat vlieg.
STEELPOORT Rynhardt Viljoen en sy suster by Henley Air en onder, die helikopter waarin hy en sy ma gevlieg het.
•Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort •Tel: 013 230 9738
Geskiedenis van Posduifklub word benodig Die Lydenburg Posduifklub beoog ’n boek van ‘toeka tot nou’. Hulle benodig inligting van die publiek oor die geskiedenis van die klub. Skakel asb. vir Arrie van Zyl, 079 525 4397 vir bydraes.
Die span van Henley Air, Reach for a Dream, Rynhart en sy broer en suster.
03 Oktober / October 2019 Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership of the following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
vir Gemeenskapsjoernaliste of Community Journalists
Dr Christian Frederik Louis Leipoldt is op 28 Desember 1880 in Worcester gebore. Tydens die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog werk hy as verslaggewer vir verskeie koerante, insluitend oorsese koerante en gedurende 1902 - 1907 bestudeer hy medisyne in London, Engeland. Op 12 April 1947 is hy in die ouderdom van 67 jaar oorlede. “Leipoldt is ons veelsydigste kunstenaar en een van ons grootste digters. Deur sy natuurverse ontdek die destydse Afrikaanse volk as't ware vir die eerste keer die SuidAfrikaanse natuurskoon: die struike, blomme, die goggatjies…hierdie natuurverse is vol uiterlike vreugde, maar met droefheid.” - DJ Opperman. Saam met Jan FE Celliers en JD du Toit (Totius), word Leipoldt as een van die leiersfigure van die Tweede Taalbeweging op die gebied van die Afrikaanse digkuns gereken. Benewens gedigte, het Leipoldt ook romans, toneelstukke, kinderverhale, kookboeke en 'n reisjoernaal geskryf.
Member of
Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor / Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Rekeninge / Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi van der Merwe 013 235 2287 Website / Webtuiste: Tienie Steyn Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
Copyright exists on all material published in the Highlands Panorama. Written permission must be obtained to use it in any form. Kopiereg bestaan op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama. Skriftelike toestemming moet vir enige gebruik daarvan bekom word. Owners/Eienaars: Lydenburg Highlands Pty (LTD). (2016/462748/07) Office/Kantoor: 65 ViljoenStr/str 65 (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e); PO Box/Posbus 4418, LYDENBURG, 1120
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit
C. Louis Leipoldt Viooltjies in die voorhuis – Viooltjies blou en rooi! Viooltjies orals op die veld, En orals, ai, so mooi!
'n Bekwame en bekende kunstenaar hier in ons midde Elaine Grobler, of ook bekend as haar kunsenaars naam Elaine Arts altyd bedrewe met model, sang, dans en vermaaklikheid is nou weer aangestel as SAATME Direkteur van Performing Arts Mpumalanga. Sy het in 2014 die toekenning van SAATME ontvang as die Provinsiale Direkteur met die meeste inskrywings onder al die provinsies. Elaine sal met al die skole, Curro skole, musiek, sang, dans, model, gimnastiese, akrobatiese of enige vorm van kuns skole en individue werk wat baie graag hul talente in die industrie sal wil bevorder met goeie groot geleenthede in SACOPA South African Championships of Performing Arts en SAATME South African Arts Talent Modeling And Entertainment. SACOPA is nie net in Suid-Afrika nie maar 'n wêreldwye platvorm WCOPA vir kunstenaars van verskeie ouderdoms groepe en kuns kategorieë. Daar is egter 52 lande wat deelneem en altyd groot haar eie radio stasie, GFM. Jul kan Elaine kontak pryse en kontrakte betrokke. SAATME/SACOPA is vir Performing Arts, Dans, Model, Sang & Revue gestig deur Dr Ellen Roux en staan al 23 jaar sterk Skole Inskrywings, Visual arts is nog ‘n afdeling vir in die platvorm op ‘n Nasionale en internasionale grafiese ontwerpers, beeldhou, skilder, vlak. naelkuns,fotografie en vele meer.... kom skryf in en Elaine is ook die trotse eienaar van Global Artists neem deel aan die groot geleentheid op ‘n And Entertainment wat geleenthede bied vir haar provinsiale, nasionale en internasionale vlak indien agentskap asook dansskool, modelle, sangers en jy of jou skool deurdring na die semi-finale en finale kunstenaars. Sy gaan hul ook nou verder vat saam om dan aan die buiteland deel te kan neem in met die wat graag sal belangstel om hul drome op Hollywood. Kontak Elaine Grobler 066 005 5571 die groot platvorm te bewaarheid. Elaine het ook
Dit is die maand Oktober, die mooiste, mooiste maand! Dan is die dag so helder, so groen is elke aand, So blou en sonder wolke die hemel heerlik bo, So blomtuin-vol van kleure Die asvaal ou Karoo. Ek is nog in Oktober! My tuin is nog so groen, So wit met al wat mooi is, met bloeisels van lemoen, So pragtig in die môre, so heerlik in die aand! Ek is nog in Oktober, die mooiste, mooiste maand! Wat gee ek om die winter? Wat praat jy nou van Mei? Wat skeel dit as ons later weer donker dae kry? Ek is nou in Oktober, die mooiste, mooiste maand, Met elke dag so helder, so pragtig elke aand!
Spreuke 1:4: Wie nog nie kennis het nie, sal verstandig word, jongmense sal leer om met kennis en oorleg op te tree. Vader die boek Spreuke is soos die res van U Woord ’n leerboek vir die lewe. Gee dat ons daarop sal ag slaan en daarvolgens sal lewe - Amen.
DAAR is nie so ’n ding soos die drukkersduiwel nie. Dit is ’n lekker verskoning as iets verkeerd loop in ’n koerant. ’n Drukker het in die ou dae met letterperse wel foute begaan wanneer die lood letters foutief op hulle plate geplaas was, maar met moderne digitale tegnologie maak drukkers nie meer foute nie. Hulle ontvang elke koerantbladsy in digitale formaat en die drukproses is gerekenariseer. Hulle druk presies wat vir hulle deur
personeel van hierdie munisipaliteit tot verantwoording te hou en so ver moontlik te veg dat die nodige dienste vir u daar gestel word. Deur aanhoudende druk van die DA, was dit moontlik om 'n forensiese span te kry om hierdie raad te ondersoek wat meegebring het dat amptenare aan die pen gery het met die verdwyning van R350 miljoen en het dan nou ook verseker dat die Zondo kommissie sy fokus gaan skuif na Mpumalanga om hierdie munisipaliteite te ondersoek. Die DA het al deur die jare bewys dat hy 'n ware teenstander is teen die regerende party en waar hy regeer hy dit doen met skoon oudits en verantwoording. In lig van die bogenoemde doen ek dus 'n vriendelike beroep op u om die DA weer te ondersteun met die tussenverkiesing van 9 Oktober 2019. Die kandidaat vir die DA, mnr. Couvares is deur 'n paneel van die DA se hoofkantoor aangewys en het hy sy versekering gegee om toe te sien dat hy sal voortbou op die suksesse van die vorige raadslede wat ware teenstanders was om te verseker dat alle amptenare tot verantwoording gehou sal word.
Elaine, is Performing Arts SA se provinsiale direkteur
Oktobermaand -
Me. Sonja Boshoff, DA MP, skryf: Soos u teen hierdie tyd al waargeneem het, is daar 'n tussenverkiesing wat plaasvind op Woensdag, 9 Oktober 2019 in Lydenburg, Wyk 12. 'n Vakature het ontstaan met die bedanking van die DA raadslid, Nicko Janse Van Vuuren wat 'n ander betrekking bekom het. Die Demokratiese Alliansie is tans die opposisie party in hierdie munisipaliteit met sewe raadslede wat elkeen uit hul pad gaan om die
R. van den Berg skryf: Ek en mnr. Werner Weber, leier van die Vryheidsfront Plus in Mpumalanga, het die afgelope week 'n besoek aan Lydenburg gebring. Die verkiesingsplakkate van die VF Plus en die DA het ons tot die besef gebring dat hier 'n tussenverkiesing gaan plaasvind. Plattelandse politiek het my nog altyd aangetrek en ek het geselsies met sommige inwoners aangeknoop om te hoor hoe hulle oor die verkiesing voel. Daar heers 'n groot opgewondenheid oor die geleentheid en ek is meegedeel dat die VF Plus-kandidaat, me. Venter, Soli-Deo-Gloria, 'n kamp vir behoeftige en werklose mense, bestuur. Ons het 'n besoek aan die kamp gebring en is verwelkom deur 'n netjiese en skoon kamp. Dit was duidelik dat die inwoners se doen en
die koerant gestuur word. Spel- en grammatika foute gebeur deesdae wanneer die koerant se proeflesers “opslip”. By die Highlands Panorama Nuus doen die grafiese kunstenaar die uitleg en plasing van die advertensies en die redakteur doen die uitleg en plasing van nuus. Sodra elke bladsy klaar uitgelê is, word dit op rekenaar noukeurig deur twee personeellede deurgelees en nagegaan vir foute. Een persoon (Engelssprekend) en die uwe (Afrikaans) proeflees elke bladsy. Ons is meestal nogal suksesvol om foute raak te sien en te korrigeer,
late na aan me. Venter se hart lê. Die bestuur gee goeie leiding en die kampinwoners ondersteun mekaar en gee vir mekaar om. Hulle het dit nie altyd maklik nie, maar daar woon van die vriendelikste, mededeelsaamste en hulpvaardigste mense wat ek nog ontmoet het. As ek 'n inwoner van Wyk 12 was, sou ek beslis vir hierdie ruimhartige persoon, me. Venter, gestem het. Sy gee vir haar medemens om, en geen taak is té groot en té moeilik vir haar om die inwoners se lot te verlig nie. Ons wens me. Venter alle voorspoed toe en sal die pers fyn dophou om te sien hoe sy in die verkiesingstryd gevaar het. (Persoonlike assistent van mnr. Weber)
voordat die bladsy afgeteken en na die drukkers gestuur word. Maar ons maak ook foute, dikwels omdat ons teen tyd werk. Ons het ook ’n aantal baie oplettende lesers wat ons weekliks skakel en vertel dat ons ’n spelfout op bladsy sewe of so iets gehad het. Dit is mooi. Ons hou van oplettende lesers. Berigte wat deur regeringsdepartemente vir ons gestuur word is dikwels so vol foute dat ons dit soms grotendeels moet herskryf. Onthou Engels is dikwels nie die outeur se eerste taal nie. So ons probeer. Verlede week was daar verskeie foute wat deurgeglip het, een selfs in ons eie advertensie! Ons kan sê dat die Dinsdag vakansiedag ons een dag minder gebied het om alles reg te kry, maar dit is maar net ’n verskoning! Ons is jammer hieroor, soos hulle sê ons is ook maar net mense. Gelukkig kan ons die drukkersduiwel hiervoor blameer!
03 Oktober / October 2019
André du Plooy van Longtom Superspar en Brigid Ballantyne (aanbieder). LYDENBURG Spar en Tops het besluit om vyf van hul Olive Brook-wyne bekend te stel op 'n unieke manier by die Lydenburg Wyngilde se Septemberproe. Met elkeen van die wyne is een of twee bypassende happies deur Spar onder leiding van Beryl du Plooy voorberei. Die opdrag was om die wyn eers op sy eie te neus, te rol en te proe, dan 'n hap te neem en die hele proses te herhaal. Een keer, twee keer, tot jy seker was jou verhemelte het die boodskap gekry. Dit was moeilik om te kies tussen die maklike-drinktafelwyne (Olive Brook Chenin Blanc met ertjie-enparmesaan- of vishappie en Cabernet Merlot met parmaham of donker sjokolade) en die meer gesofistikeerde
terroir-wyne (Sauvignon Blanc met briekasie of spek quiche en Cabernet Sauvignon met 'n vleisigheidjie). En toe kom die vrugtige, lae alkohol Moscato, saam met 'n dekadente vanielje kolwyntjie - en boul selfs die geharde droëbekke uit. Die Sauvignon Blanc is as witwyn van die aand gekies en die Cabernet Merlot-versnit as sowel rooiwyn. (As dr. Jan Steinberg sy sin kon kry het die borrelende Moscato albei gewen en daar is toe besluit om net vir dié keer 'n wyn op sy eie te laat wen.) Wynliefhebbers wat die Hartenberg-proe op Donderdag 24 Oktober wil bywoon, kan epos na gerda@whitehorn.co.za of 'n whatsapp stuur na 079 515 7799. Op 18 Oktober vanjaar sal die Gilde weet hoe hulle gevaar het in die jaarlikse Blaauwklippen-versnitkompetisie waar hulle vir die tweede jaar in 'n ry as een van die top vier klubs in die land aangewys is. Die wenners word op dié naweek in die Kaap aangekondig.
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03 Oktober / October 2019
Mnr. Nico Cross en beoordelaars by die kompetisies.
Bo, links en regs... kyk die hoede
Deelnemers aan die skoonheidskompetisie saam met die beoordelaars.
Waar sal mens begin dankie sê aan almal wat die Rusoord Tehuis van Lydenburg se Kermis so volhartig en met ywer ondersteun het? Van die optog, waens, stappers, voertuie en die heerlike eetgoed waarvan die stalletjies almal beman is en weke voor die tyd reeds begin proviand bymekaar maak het. Rusoord het weer ‘geblom’. ~ Michelle Boshoff
03 Oktober / October 2019
HIERDIE Lydenburg-musikante (onder afrigting van me. Ria Aucamp) het hierdie jaar opgetree by die 40ste Nelspruit Eisteddfod wat gehou is by die AGS Communio Ouditorium. Hulle het deelgeneem aan vier kategorieë in die Ligte Musiek-afdeling, naamlik Nie-kompeterende Klavier. Altesaam 15 items is gelewer en die volgende sertifikate is ontvang: vier prestige (90%), agt A+ goud (85-89) en drie A goud (80-84). Na afloop van die Eisteddfod, is ’n Jané Maliepaard, uitnodiging gerig aan Liané Hanekom om graad 12 H/S deel te wees van die Prestige Gala-aand wat Lydenburg. Sy speel op 19 September plaasgevind het. Rewrite the Stars Dit was ’n groot voorreg en eer om Lydenburg (uit The Greatest vir die eerste keer in die musiek-afdeling te Showman) op kon verteenwoordig. Die kinders het reeds in klavier en ontvang Maart begin met voorbereidings vir die 83% en ’n AEisteddfod wat einde Augustus plaasvind. sertifikaat. Die harde oefening het vrugte afgewerk toe hulle almal goeie uitvoering kon lewer. Die deelname aan die Eisteddfod ontwikkel selfvertroue en deursettingvermoë.
Johanell Boshoff, graad 3 L/S Lydenburg. Sy speel ‘Hava Nagila’ op klavier en kry ’n A+ toekenning, 84%.
Lyla Robinson, graad 3 L/S Lydenburg. Sy speel ‘Best Day of my Life’ op klavier en ontvang ’n A+ toekenning, 86%. Sy neem ook deel aan die duet-afdeling.
Andrea Hamman, graad 9, H/S Lydenburg. Sy speel ‘Photograph’ van Ed Sheeran op klavier en kry ’n A+ toekenning, 86%.
Van links is (agter) Ria Aucamp, musiekjuffrou agter hierdie pragtige kinders) en beoordelaar van die Eisteddfod musiek-afdeling, Rhona Kriel (voor): Ewan Fritz.
Jewell Paul, graad 4 in L/S Lydenburg. Sy speel ‘Musette’ op klawerbord en ontvang ’n prestige toekenning met 93%.
Naledi Nkgudi, graad 5 Entheos. Sy Jada Hamman, speel ‘Oh Susanne’ graad 6 in L/S op klawerbord Lydenburg. Sy speel en ontvang A+ ‘Can you feel the sertifikaat, 84%. love tonight’ van The Lion King op klavier. Sy ontvang ’n prestige toekenning A++ met 91%.
Elzané Smith, graad ses L/S Lydenburg. Sy speel ‘Boogie on the Blues’ op klavier en ontvang ’n A+ sertifikaat, 88%.
Lyla Robinson (links) en Abigail Brink (regs) is graad 3 in L/S Lydenburg. Hulle neem aan die klavier duet-afdeling en speel ‘The Siamese Cat Song’ (uit Lady and the Tramp. Hulle kry 92% en ontvang ’n prestige sertifikaat.
Zanri Hanekom, Liané Hanekom, graad 10 H/S graad 9 H/S Lydenburg. Sy neem Lydenburg. Sy deel aan drie neem deel aan twee afdelings. Sy speel afdelings. Sy speel Bach & Roll op ‘You Say’ op klavier klawerbord. ’n en ontvang ’n A+ Verwerking van Ria toekenning met 85%. Sy neem ook Aucamp van Bach 86%. Sy neem ook sertifikaat met 97%. deel aan die se Toccata in D, Air Haar uitstekende deel aan klawerbord kompeterende on G-string en Jesu vertolking hiervan afdeling en speel I klavier-afdeling Joy of Man’s lei daartoe dat sy Love Beethoven, ’n waarin sy liedjies Desiring waarvoor uitgenooi word om klavierverwerking uit 2 genres moes sy ’n A+ deel te neem aan van Beethoven se speel. Sy speel toekennning die gala-aand van 5de Simfonie, Fur YMCA asook ’n ontvang, 89%. Sy die Eisteddfod Elize, Sonata klassieke jazzspeel ‘All of Me’ in verwerking van Fur Pathetique en Ode (enigste Lydenburgdie ligte klaviermusikant asook To Joy. Sy ontvang Elize, waarvoor Sy afdeling waarvoor klawerbordspeler op ’n prestige A+ 86% ontvang. sy ook A+ ontvang, die gala-aand).
To join Mpumalanga Heritage: Contact Linda Grimbeek at Kruger Lowveld Tourism at linda@klcbt.co.za or 013 755 1988. October 4/5/6 Heritage Association of South Africa Annual Symposium in Tulbagh. Final programme details are available should anyone be interested. Kindly contact Duncan Ballantyne at 082 329 7105. October 12 Elmswood Beer and Music Fest. Not exactly an historical outing but the organisers are currently arranging a talk on the history of beer, with some Lowveld connections. November 8/9/10 Cullinan Heritage Weekend. Currently being arranged, with details to follow. Please verify these dates with them. It is a dynamic organisation that loves history and interesting places in this area.
Dorp word uitgenooi na VF+ vergadering voor Wyksverkiesing ’n Openbare vergadering vind op 3 Oktober. Die Mpumalanga leier, mnr. Werner Weber, gaan met die Lydenburg-mense kom gesels oor belangrik kwessies. Dit vind om 18:00 plaas by die Lydenburg Rolbalklub. Vir navrae skakel Gerda 072 402 6595.
Ewan Fritz, graad 6 L/S Lydenburg. Hy speel ‘Cheerleader’ op klawerbord en ontvang ’n A+ toekenning met 87%.
Mnr. Werner Weber, Mpumalanga leier.
03 Oktober / October 2019
This prime advertising space is available. Contact us on 013 235 2287 for a special deal that will help you grow your business.
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Avoid these bad driving habits New Nissan Patrol HOW’s your driving? Break these bad habits to stay safe on the road. If you want to be a more considerate driver, here are a few habits to avoid at all costs There are plenty of scenarios that may grind a driver’s gear: potholes, faulty traffic lights and bumper-to-bumper traffic. While some drivers might navigate these situations with surprising calmness, there’s one thing all motorists can’t stand: bad driving. No matter how proficient you are at driving, you may land up in an accident if you or the drivers around you don’t follow certain rules of the road. Bad driving habits aren’t like pet peeves — they’re serious acts that have the potential to damage cars and cause bodily harm. If you want to be a more considerate driver, here are a few habits to avoid at all costs. Tailgating It’s one of the first things you learn when you prepare to write your learner’s licence: always leave a safe following distance between you and the car in front of you. According to Arrive Alive, “most rear-end collisions are caused when drivers do not obey sufficient following distances”. It’s also pretty aggressive. If you’ve ever driven in front of someone who insists 5mm is a sufficient following distance, you’ll know how stressful it is. Studies have found that the driver of a vehicle travelling at or above 100km/h needs 1.5 seconds to react if someone suddenly stops in front of them. Think about that the next time you find your car edging a bit too close for comfort. Dangerous overtaking No-one wants to drive behind someone who’s cruising at 60km/h in a 100km/h zone. It seems like some motorists either don’t see or don’t care about the long line of traffic they cause by moving at a snail’s pace. Overtaking is a relatively simple process, but some drivers throw caution to the wind when they try to drive past another vehicle. It’s important not to overtake at bends and corners, when the car in front of you has stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing, or when someone is slowing down to yield. Texting while driving How does the idea of driving blindfolded sound? Well, that’s essentially what you’re doing when you peep at your phone while you’re driving. According to the World Health Organisation, the average motorist takes his or her eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds to send or receive messages. That’s way more than enough time to cause an accident. If you receive a WhatsApp message while you’re driving, the sensible thing to do is to ignore it. You can respond once you’ve reached your destination. Yo u n e v e r k n o w when you’re going to be involved in an accident. Avoiding bad driving habits will swing the odds in y o u r f a v o u r, b u t sometimes it’s out of your hands. If a driver behind jumps a traffic light and slams into your car and they don’t have insurance, you need to have comprehensive car insurance to be able to claim from your insurer. You shouldn’t have to stress about insurance. Original article published by MyWay in the Sowetan.
DE GRAAF UNDER-CAR 8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg
013 235 1086 / 013 492 1871 degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za
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NISSAN has whipped the covers off an updated version of its Patrol, handing the flagship SUV a bold new face and “enhanced luxury features”. Up front, you’ll immediately notice the new interpretation of the Japanese firm’s so-called “V-motion” grille, positioned between redesigned boomerang-shaped LED headlamps. Round back, the latest version of the sixth-generation Patrol gains new taillights also featuring a boomerang-type signature, along with sequential indicators (a first for Nissan) and a large chrome nameplate. Inside, you’ll find a new centre console incorporating a dual-display infotainment system, complete with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto functionality. Also new are the diamond-stitched quilted leather seats (with “added padding”) and the new hand-stitched steering wheel. Nissan says climate control and powered lumbar adjustment are furthermore optionally available for the front pews. Nissan claims “significant reductions” in noise and vibration have resulted in a “quieter, more pleasant cabin”, while also saying improved cooling and air-flow distribution systems now lead to quicker cooling. The company says the bouquet of Nissan Intelligent Mobility technologies has been expanded to include intelligent emergency braking (complete with pedestrian detection) and intelligent forward collision warning. Under the bonnet, nothing has changed, with Nissan still offering what it describes as “the strongest V6 and V8 engines in the segment”. Some markets get a 4,0-litre V6, but the flagship powerplant is still the naturally aspirated 5,6litre V8 offered here in South Africa, generating an unchanged 298 kW and 560 N.m. "The Patrol is one of our longest-standing and most cherished models, with a long and proud heritage,” said Joni Paiva, regional vice president of the Africa, Middle East and India region at Nissan. “The new Nissan Patrol represents the peak of luxury and ultimate capability and will continue to provide authentic experiences to its loyal customers in the Middle East and around the world.” carmag.co.za
03 Oktober / October 2019
“Long Life” Isuzu GERHARD du Toit of Oudtshoorn in the Western Cape says his KB bakkie has clocked more than 1,7 million kilometres. The 74-year-old says he has used the bakkie (which he's dubbed “Roadrunner”) for his courier business for the past 15 years. His brother bought the vehicle in 1997 as a demo with 7 000 km on the clock. “You have to understand that I treat my bakkie very well and talk to my bakkie every day. I ask the bakkie to drive nicely and tell the bakkie that I rely on it, to get me where I need to be,” said Du Toit. Du Toit uses the vehicle to travel between Oudtshoorn and George twice a day. “I stop and start the bakkie between 80 to 100 times per day. This is as I drop off the parcels or pick up parcels at my various clients in the two towns. I have had to replace my front seat covers twice already, but I think Roadrunner may still outlive me one day,” he said. Du Toit added he has never missed a service. “You do not miss that 10 000 km service for anything. Other than the oil and filter changes, wheel alignment and so on, there are never any major problems when I take the bakkie for its service,” he said. carmag.co.za
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Coffee anyone? THIS could become the brand's budget crossover despite already having multiple budget cars in its lineup. With many of Suzuki’s South African market cars similar to those delivered to India, any new reveal in the world’s second-most populous country is important. Suzuki’s latest product initiative is a production version of the Future S concept car, which was first shown in last year. This new crossover will broaden Suzuki’s gravel travel vehicle offering and it has been renamed S-Presso. For loyal followers of the brand, the coffee naming association will not be new, as Suzuki’s once marketed a two-seater compact sportscar, named the Cappuccino. In terms of size, the S-Presso measures 3.67m bumper-to-bumper, 1.52m across and stands 1.55m high. Those numbers class it as very slightly smaller than the current Suzuki Ignis. The styling features a faux grille with hexagonally shaped detailing and some interesting headlamp design, but the overall shape features a collection of quite simple stampings. S-Presso also rolls a choice of two wheel sizes, 13- or 14-inches in diameter, but there is no alloy option. True to its purpose as a budget vehicle for markets with underdeveloped road infrastructure, S-Presso has ample ground clearance, rated at 180mm, which enables it to roll through potholes. The higher-trim version of this SPresso will feature a 7 - i n c h infotainment screen two airbags, ABS and rear park sensors. SPresso’s cabin layout has a pseudo-round centre stack, attempting to mimic what Mini has been doing for years. There is no instrumentation binnacle behind the steering wheel, either. Powering the SPresso is a naturally-aspirated 1-litre engine, with three cylinders, which is good for 50 k W. S u z u k i i s positioning the SPresso as a rival to Renault’s Kwid. cars.co.za
03 Oktober / October 2019
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Kennisgewing: die ondergenoemde voertuig sal deur GS Auto verkoop word na 30 dae vanaf eerste plasing van die advertensie om die besigheid se kostes te dek sowel as stoorgelde vir die voortuig as die eienaars nie die rekening kom betaal nie: Nissan Np200 Reg: JBR 923 MP Kontak GS Auto by 013 235 3086 vir verdere inligting. N O T I C E O F E N V I R O N M E N TA L A U T H O R I Z AT I O N 12/1/9/2-GS58 The proposed clearance of 60 hectares of indigenous vegetation on the remainder of portion 11 of Wildebeestkraal 354KT and portion 27 o f t h e f a r m Wildebeestkraal 354KT within Fetakgomo - Tubatse Municipality of Sekhukhune District Please take note that
the above application for authorization of activities as listed in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) have been authorized by the Limpopo Department o f E c o n o m i c Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET). The Environmental Authorization (EA) was issued on 2019-09-17 and is available at the municipal offices and library for review. LEDET list the reasons for the decision to issue the authorization are in section 3 (page 8) of the authorization. The EAP will provide the authorization documents to interested and affected parties on request. If any party has intention to lodge an appeal a g a i n s t t h e authorization, we advise that the appeal procedures are followed as provided in the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. The intention to appeal must be directed to the MEC and be submitted by either one of the f o l l o w i n g manners:Registered mail: Limpopo Department of E c o n o m i c Development, Environment and Tourism PO Box 55464 Polokwane 0700 By hand: Environmental Affairs Offices Eviridiki Towers 20 Hans van Rensburg Street Polokwane 0699 The EAP is Afrika Enviro & Biology with the following contact details: Practitioner: Danie van der Walt E m a i l : danie.aeb@gmail.co.z a N O T I C E O F E N V I R O N M E N TA L A U T H O R I Z AT I O N 12/1/9/2-GS59 Clearing of indigenous vegetation on portion 1
o f t h e f a r m Haakdoringdraai 439KT and portion 2 of the farm Doornhoek 451KT within Fetakgomo - Tubatse Municipality of Sekhukhune District Fetakgomo-Greater Tubatse Local Municipality of Sekhukhune District Please take note that the above application for authorization of activities as listed in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) have been authorized by the Limpopo Department o f E c o n o m i c Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET). The Environmental Authorization (EA) was issued on 2019-09-17 and is available at the municipal offices and library for review. LEDET list the reasons for the decision to issue the authorization are in section 3 (page 8) of the authorization. The EAP will provide the authorization documents to interested and affected parties on request. If any party has intention to lodge an appeal a g a i n s t t h e authorization, we advise that the appeal procedures are followed as provided in the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. The intention to appeal must be directed to the MEC and be submitted by either one of the following manners: Registered mail: Limpopo Department o f E c o n o m i c Development, Environment and Tourism PO Box 55464 Polokwane 0700 By hand: Environmental Affairs Offices Eviridiki Towers 20 Hans van Rensburg Street Polokwane 0699 The EAP is Afrika Enviro & Biology with the following contact details: Practitioner: Danie van der Walt
E m a i l : Registered mail: danie.aeb@gmail.co.z Limpopo Department o f E c o n o m i c a Development, N O T I C E O F Environment and E N V I R O N M E N TA L Tourism PO Box 55464 A U T H O R I Z AT I O N Polokwane 0700 By 1 2 / 1 / 9 / S 2 4 G - G S 1 8 hand: Environmental The unlawful clearance Affairs Offices Eviridiki o f i n d i g e n o u s Towers 20 Hans van v e g e t a t i o n f o r Rensburg Street cultivation of citrus on Polokwane 0699 The portion 4 of the farm EAP is Afrika Enviro & Nooitgedacht 437KT, B i o l o g y w i t h t h e portion 8 of the farm f o l l o w i n g c o n t a c t Roodepoort 448KT details: Practitioner: and portion 2 of the Danie van der Walt farm Doornhoek E m a i l : 4 5 1 K T i n t h e danie.aeb@gmail.co.z Kaspersnek Valley, a Ohrigstad, FetakgomoGreater Tubatse Local M u n i c i p a l i t y o f KERKE/ CHURCHES Sekhukhune District Please take note that the above application A n g l i c a n C h u r c h for authorization of L y d e n b u r g . S u n . activities as listed in 08:30. Tel. 013 235 terms of the National 1 9 1 9 . • E n v i r o n m e n t a l Gereformeerde-kerk Management Act, 1998 Lydenburg. Sondae (Act No. 107 of 1998) 09:30. Tel. 013 235 have been authorized 4391. •Hervormdeb y t h e L i m p o p o kerk Lydenburg. Son. D e p a r t m e n t o f 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. E c o n o m i c 013 235 3554 • D e v e l o p m e n t , Methodist Church Environment and Lydenburg: Sunday Tourism (LEDET). The service 08:30, Sunday Environmental School 08:30 Tel. 013 Authorization (EA) was 235 2936 • NG issued on 2019-09-17 and is available at the M o e d e r - g e m e e n t e municipal offices and Lydenburg. Sondae library for review. 09:30. Tel. 013 235 LEDET list the reasons 3 1 0 1 . • N G - k e r k for the decision to issue Ly d e n b u r g S u i d . the authorization are in Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 section 3 (page 8) of 235 3329. • Volle the authorization. The E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . EAP will provide the Sondae: Oggenddiens a u t h o r i z a t i o n met kinders 10:00, d o c u m e n t s t o Aanddiens 18:00. interested and affected W o e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 parties on request. If m i d w e e k d i e n s , any party has intention Jeugdiens Saterdae to lodge an appeal 18:00. Tel. 013 235 a g a i n s t t h e 2711/ 084 688 5007. a u t h o r i z a t i o n , w e Past. Andre Hanekom. advise that the appeal • N e w A p o s t o l i c procedures are followed as provided in the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. The For all intention to appeal must be directed to the your washing & MEC and be submitted dry cleaning needs by either one of the Tel : 013 235 3976 Fax : 086 511 0521 following manners:
10:00 - Lesstudie (Bespreking); 11:00 E r e d i e n s . #Lydenburg Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk Kontak Leraar de Nysschen 084 554 5899 / Pieter Briel 082 904 3748 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens in Engels - 18:00/ Evening service in English at 18:00 Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 788 7641 • AGS B e t h e s d a Steelpoort dienstye Sondag 09:00 en 18:00. Kerk str 1 Gedeelte 14 Plaas G o u d m y n , Steelpoort. Kontak 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Ly d e n b u r g , P a s t Skeen 083 294 3878. • H a r v e s t e r Reformational Church Lydenburg, Sundays: 10h00. Chris Cordier 082 448 2658 • EvangeliesGereformeerde Kerk: Sondae om 1 0 h 3 0 b y Burgerstraat 29. C.S Linde 083 302 4926.
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Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:00 (kinderkerk), Dinsdag Biduur 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 0 9 : 0 0 , N u w e kerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Jaco van Wyk 082 837 4508 jacovanwyk@ronelco. co.za English Service: Sunday at 08:00 Afrikaanse diens Sondagoggend om 10:00 • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • L y d e n b u r g Sewende Dag Adventiste Kerk. E l k e S a b b a t (Saterdag) by die Baptiste Kerk, De Souza straat. Diensorde: 09:30 Sabbatskool Program;
Tiaan Dippenaar 076 629 7605 tiaandippenaar1@gmail.com
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Nuus / News
03 Oktober / October 2019
Investment opportunity R550 000 Good value for your money. Do not miss out on this sectional title unit. This property is in a secure complex and just a stone throw from Lydenburg CBD. A quick walk to shopping centres, banks and doctors. Very neat three bedroom two bathroom apartment with spacious open plan dining, living room and kitchen. Small garden / courtyard. One lock up garage. Rental contract in place. Contact Stephanie on 072 155 0761 / 013 235 4575 Like us on Facebook: Yvette Labuschagne Attorneys Conveyancers Property Management
VOLENTE DEO The Property Shop 3 slk woonstel 2 bdk big living area 1 garage in CBD area R6 300 3 slk meenthuis 2 bdk en 1 garage met klein erf R7 200 3 slk huis 2 bdk 1 garage met buite kamer R9 400 loop afstand vanaf skool. Kontak ons gerus vir nog huur eiendomme VERHURINGS: RENE 082 898 5272 VERKOPE: HENRY 074 589 0204 www.deovolenteproperties.co.za Facebook page : Deo Volente Properties Tel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.net
Erich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5
03 Oktober / October 2019
Rudolph de Wet en CherylAnne by die SA Kampioenskappe 10km in Middelburg. Kyk net die groot medaljes. Hulle het ook onlangs aan die Dulstroom Altitude Challenge trail run deelgeneem. Rudolph het ook al hierdie jaar sy 19de Comrades voltooi. Xander (links en bo) se toekennings word Xander in aksie by die nasionale kompetisie. aan hom oorhandig. Xander van Eck 'n leerling aan Lydenburg Hoërskool het die en 'n tweede plek in die randslag afdeling, 'n tweede plek in die afgelope week aan die SA Jagters se Nasionale Junior veerluggeweer-afdeling en 'n eerste plek in die drukluggeweerafdeling los geskiet. Hy is ook die algehele wenner in die groep. Skietkampioenskappe in Welkom deelgeneem. Alhoewel hy 15 jaar oud is het hy in die o.18 groep deelgeneem Welgedaan Xander!
Hoërskool Lydenburg het hul Bergfietsseisoen afgesluit op ’n hoë noot. 12 Fietsryers het op 27 en 28 September deelgeneem aan die Spur Interskool en Interprovinsiale Finale wat gehou is by die Hoërskool Wagpos. Die meisies eindig as die vyfde beste dogtersspan in die land, die seuns agtste en die gemengde span eindig sesde in die land. Bernice van Wyk (16) het ’n tweede plek behaal in die Youth A-afdeling. LHS is ongelooflik trots op die fietsryers wat die skool en provinsie verteenwoordig het.
The finals of the Spur Schools Mountain Bike League (SSMTBL), one of the most anticipated events on the South African mountain biking calendar, took place in the North West Province this past weekend. The fiercely contested 2019 season saw a record-breaking 18 757 entries during the regional trials and concluded during the league finals at Wagpos High School outside Brits from 27-28 September. Wagpos is no stranger to competitive mountain biking and has hosted numerous regional legs in the league in previous seasons. According to league co-ordinator Meurant Botha, the new track at Wagpos has been totally redesigned from the North West events in past years. The track measures at 4,2km and features 85m of elevation per
lap. “Firstly, a figure-of-8 design means that riders return to the finish area which is great for spectators. A start loop of 700m and a wide first climb will ensure that the field is well spread out before the first tight sections. The first half of the course is tight and technical with two climbs while the second half and finish area is flat. A flow line section with jumps will ensure that it's not all hard work. All in all the track is much more undulating and technical than previous years, in keeping with the progression of rider quality that the League has experienced,” explains Botha. According to Khakhi Diala, Spur Group Sponsorship & Events Manager, the current season has exceeded all their expectations.
“The league was established to get more kids on bikes and this year's turn-out has definitely validated our goal. We are excited to see the culmination of a super exciting season consisting of 57 regional Spur MTB events with the best teams showcasing their talents and representing their schools next weekend.” The finals saw over 500 riders from the top performing schools from all nine provinces going head to head to battle it out for the coveted title of Spur MTB champions in the various categories. Following the second successful Soweto MTB Challenge, which saw 14 schools taking part on Mandela Day in July this year, qualifying riders from several Soweto High Schools were part of the pack as proof of the positive impact of cycling development. They were joined by the
Bernice van Wyk, tweede in “Youth A” (16)
Exxaro backed Tililo High School from Limpopo and the Tshwane Urban Riders. League ambassadors Ariane Luthi and Alan Hatherly attended the national finals to further inspire learners participating in the event. Candice Lill, the reigning South African champion, who has had an exceptional international campaign in 2019 where there this past weekend. “Our ambassadors engage directly with the learners to share their wealth of knowledge and experience from an advisory perspective, which takes the attention off the competitive nature of the event and contributes more to social skills. Candice attended the finals for the first time, this is a perfect platform for her career achievements to inspire girls in the league,” mentioned Diala.