LYDENBURG: 0861-42-43-44 STEELPOORT: 0861-03-03-03
22 September 2011 Jr / Yr 9 No: 37 Tel / Faks: 013 235 2287 / 013 235 3076 Faks: 086 518 7221 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: info@highlandspanorama.co.za
These young children enjoyed the exhibition of antiques, old farm equipment and memorabilia at the Klopkloppie Pre School in Lydenburg. It was part of the school’s exhibition for Heritage Week. From left (back): Marchelton de Villiers, Monique Otto; (front): Kgaogelo Marodi and Minenhle Ndlozi.
Photo Michelle Boshoff
Nuus / News
22 September 2011
World Rhino Day - September 22 World Rhino Day is September 22nd. Rhino Day have been participating in rhino awareness activities was first organised in South Africa in 2010 by the including the poster designs and fundraising events. private sector and WWF. Internationally there are a number of activities and The aim was to create awareness about the plight of events being organised and supported by various the rhino. They asked people to make some noise. This organisations in North America, Africa, Asia and year Lisa Jane Campbell (Chishakwe Save Valley Australia. Conservancy, Zimbabwe) and Rhishja Larson Some people believe that rhino horn has medicinal or (SavingRhinos.org, USA) met each other online. even magical properties, however many scientific They shared a vision for rhino conservation and a tests have proven this to be a myth. Rhino horn is in desire to bring attention to this important species. fact composed of the same material as fingernails and Being on different sides of the world they realised the toenails. It has NO medicinal properties. Taking rhino need for a truly global effort. Out of this, World Rhino horn powder is no more effective than chewing your Day was born. Adopting the September 22 date fingernails established in South Africa they began to encourage The tragedy is apart from those criminals illegally people of all backgrounds to get involved. Countries trafficking horn nobody benefits from rhino throughout Africa, Asia, North America and Europe poaching. For some it is a case of losing their natural are now participating in World Rhino Day. World heritage, for others it is a case of spending money on a Rhino Day creates an international forum for product which cannot deliver. For rhino as a species it EVERYONE to discuss rhino conservation. It is all is literally a question of life or death, they are now inclusive; from business executives to children. All being brought to the brink of extinction. The end are encouraged to participate regardless of value of rhino horn is hugely inflated by costs being background. It is a day for everyone to share stories, added at each stage of the trafficking chain. The photos and ideas in an effort to encourage the inherent value of the horn itself reaches nowhere near protection of this important species. The main focus these numbers. Nations which hold rhinos conduct for Rhino Day 2011 is: “Rhino horn is NOT hugely intensive and expensive anti-poaching and medicine”. Promote awareness and support for Rhino rhino conservation programmes in order to protect Conservation around the world spread the message their rhinos. that Rhino Horn has no medicinal value. Try to convince horn users that they gain nothing from The unrelenting demand for rhino horn buying and using horn and at the same time are doing means the fight to protect the rhino is enormous damage to a very special species. Only a ever escalating. It is hoped that if this massive effort from everyone who cares can save message is able to filter through to end rhino from extinction. World Rhino Day is a users it will have the power to reduce Lucas Shabangu, toesighouer van die grassroots initiative involving people from all the demand for rhino horn and visproduksie span van die visserye het 'n backgrounds who wish to show their support for the hopefully in the long term stop it all klomp bome aan Lelievlei geskenk. Die continued protection of rhinos. Schools in Zimbabwe together. bome is oorhandig aan Mnr. Frik Rousseau
Visserye skenk bome aan Lelievlei (Direkteur van bemarking en terrein van Lelievlei) Rousseau het genoem dat die bome gebruik gaan word vir die opdatering van die terrein. Die manlike inwoners is bedank vir hulle harde werk op die terrein, die pragtige groente tuine en die netheid van die terrein. Mnr. Rousseau het verder genoem dat die plant van elke boom 'n teken is van vertroue in die toekoms.
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8 22 JulieSeptember 2010 / 8 July 2010 2011
Nuus / News
Sondag-koerant beswadder Hoërskool Lydenburg se naam Terugvoer na artikel in Sondag-koerant skryf die Hoërskool Lydenburg
World Cup Fever Little Taylor Smith’s parents, Karen and Les Smith, couldn’t be more proud of their baby girl. She looked gorgeous in her World Cup supporter outfit. We hope the Boks know that even the youngest South Africans are standing (or sitting) behind them. (ED).
(Na aanleiding van ’n berig in die Sondag-koerant op Sondag 18 September) 'n Graad 9 leerder, tans ’n ingeskrewe dagskolier van Hoërskool Lydenburg, het gedragsprobleme in beide die skool en Keethuis Meisieskoshuis in 2011 gehad. In alle gevalle het die Beheerliggaam, die skoolbestuur en koshuisbestuur volgens die Gedragskode van die skool en die koshuis opgetree. Sy het op 19 Mei 2011 in haar sportdrag saam met 'n skoolmaat by die garage naby Hoërskool Bergvlam in Nelspruit gerook. Mnr. Franken die skoolhoof van Hoërskool Bergvlam het hulle gekonfronteer en die name van die twee leerders aan mnr'e. Loots en McGill deurgegee. Die name was nie korrek nie. Mnr'e. Loots, McGill en Niebuhr moes die dogters van die hele skool bymekaar roep om die skuldige dogters op te spoor. Twee dogters onder meer die dogter, na wie verwys word in die Sondagkoerant, het daarna skuld beken. Sy was baie hartseer. Sy het berou getoon deur briewe aan beide mnr'e. Loots en Franken te skryf. Hierin het sy omverskoning gevra en die twee skoolhoofde het dit so aanvaar. Die dogter het vir hierdie oortreding detensie ontvang en die detensieverpligtinge nagekom. 'n Gesprek is ook met haar ouers gevoer, hulle was egter nie van hierdie oortreding bewus nie. Die ouers voer gesprekke met mnr'e Loots, die skoolhoof en Niebuhr, die adjunkhoof verantwoordelik vir dissipline, en ook met me. Ilse Kuit die Koshuismoeder van Keethuis Meisieskoshuis. Haar gedrag in die koshuis het ook begin probleme skep. Sy was op Dinsdag 14 Junie 2011 in 'n baie onsmaaklike voorval met 2 ander dogters voor die ingang van Keethuis Meisieskoshuis betrokke. Beide partye was skuldig en het na die ondersoek dieselfde straf ontvang. Die leerders is almal vir vyf dae uit die koshuis geskors vir die oortreding. Sy en die ander dogters het 'n finale waarskuwing ontvang dat indien hulle dissipline in die koshuis nie verbeter nie, hulle
permanent uit die koshuis geskors sal word. Die dogters kon steeds skoolopleiding ontvang want daar is 'n bus van Burgersfort wat leerders daagliks heen-en-weer vervoer. Na hierdie uitsetting het almal teruggekeer na Keethuis Meisieskoshuis. Haar ma het die proses skriftelik bevraagteken. Die besluit is steeds gehandhaaf. Sy was in dieselfde tydperk ook in 'n konflik betrokke met me. Y de Villiers een van die toesighoudende personeel van Keethuis Meisieskoshuis. Haar optrede en gedrag in hierdie spesifieke insident het aan disrespek gegrens. Mnr. Loots het met beide die dogter en me. Y de Villers gesprekke gevoer en die saak is besleg. Haar moeder was weereens baie krities teenoor die toesighoudende personeel. Op Woensdag 7 September 2011 het sy die sleutel bekom van een van die diensdoenende personeel, me. Sanet Roos. Sy het die sleutels van me. Roos kom vra om die duplikaatsleutel van haar kamer in die kantoor te gaan plaas ter wille van die 90 Jaar Reünie wat daardie naweek plaasgevind het. Me. Roos het saam met haar na die kantoor gestap. Me. Roos het stadiger as sy gestap vanweë haar voetprobleem. Die dogter het onregmatig die sleutel verwyder wat toegang verleen tot al agt gange se toegangsdeure in Keethuis Meisieskoshuis met haar rug gekeer na me. Roos. Sy het ook 'n plaasvervangende sleutel in die oorspronklike sleutel se plek teruggeplaas. Hierdie aksie was dus 'n vooraf beplande poging deur haar om hierdie sleutel te bekom. Die koshuismoeder van Keethuis Meisieskoshuis, me. Ilse Kuit, het die saak die volgende dag, 8 September 2011 opgevolg toe die oorspronklike sleutel vermis word en het na herhaaldelike gesprekke eers die sleutel in die handsak die dogter gekry. Die bewering dat me. Kuit gevloek het, is van alle waarheid ontbloot. (Brief vervolg op bladsy 4). • Weens die feit dat die dogter minderjarig is, word haar naam weerhou. Michelle Boshoff, Redakteur.
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Rubrieke / Columns
22 September 2011
Brief vanaf Hoërskool Lydenburg vervolg:
Highlands Panorama News holds accredited membership ofthe following bodies / Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkrediteerde lid van die volgende organisasies:
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Kontaknommers / Contact Numbers: Direkteur: Andre Coetzee 083 626 6305 Editor/ Redakteur: Michelle Boshoff Nuus: 082 450 4876 Advertensies / Advertising: Reinet Bell 082 450 4875 Accounts: Jill Du Preez 013 235 2287 Grafies / Graphics: Anandi Boshoff 013 235 2287 Webtuiste: Dewald Visser Email: info@ highlandspanorama.co.za
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Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)
Uitstekende diens by Kruger Slaghuis ‘Oom Johan’ skryf: Net ’n woordjie van dank vir die uitstekende diens wat ek van Kruger Slaghuis ontvang. Ek het weereens van Johan by Kruger Slaghuis se diens gebruik gemaak deur ’n klomp vleis op groot skaal telefonies te bestel, en hy het my aangenaam verras. Johan het my gevra of hy my vleis mag verpak en vir hoeveel mense.
Lip-lek-lekker kos. Suid-Afrikaners weet van kook en eet. Saam met die eet kom praat van eet. 'n Luilekker braaivleisvuur. Ek verstom my as mense sê hulle gaan sommer braai. Daar is niks sommer aan die gesis van vleis oor kole nie. Dis Suid-Afrikaans en eie aan ons. Soos 'n braaivleis-reuk. My pa het altyd gesê: “Sonde aan die ou wat my nie nooi nie.” Dit vat nie baie om die smaakpupille in my oë te laat rek met afwagting nie. 'n Feesmaal is lekker om oor te praat, al bly dit net by praat. Jou smaakkliere begin aandag gee aan 'n honger maag. Gunsteling geregte, koeke, terte, watter wyn met watter kos, wenke uit die kombuis, potjiekos, pizza en selfs aartappels. Aartappels word gevrees want almal dink stysel en vet. Dit word egter nie verniet gesondheid uit die grond-uit genoem nie. Die gemiddelde aartappel bevat 45% van ´n mens se daaglikse vitamien C behoeftes en geen vet. Daar is ook bereken dat jy 11kg aartappels sal moet eet om 1kg gewig aan te sit. My ma is lief om die storie te vertel toe ek as klein babatjie gemik het om haar laaste stukkie aartappel uit haar bord te vat. Sy het my hand gepiets waarop my pa baie kwaad was. “Los die kind,” het hy gesê. Maar my ma se aartappels los jy uit, vandag nog. Dink maar aan Simba skyfies, slap tjips, gekook en gebraai. My ouma het brood gebak met aartappelsuurdeeg en gepraat van die aartappelplantjie. Kuiergaste vertel Sondag dat haar niggie altyd 'n bestandeel uitlos as sy 'n resep deel. Eers het sy gedink dis per abuis. Dieselfde resep is egter aan dié se suster ook gegee. Broodnodige eiers is uitgelaat. Cullinêre vaardighede is ook nie altyd nodig nie, want as jy kan lees, kan jy kook. Ek sal elke dag 'n ander Hoorhierô kan skryf net oor kos. Die fassette is eindeloos so ook die genot. Sommige eet om te lewe. Ek lewe om te eet! Geniet die Braaidag Saterdag. Altyd lip-lek-lekker.
1 Corinthians 13: Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
Hy het belowe om op ’n sekere tyd op n sekere dag af te lewer by my huis op n K.B.A. grondslag soos ooreengekom. ’n Uur voor die gegewe tyd het Johan my telefonies gekontak en om verskoning gevra dat hy heel moontlik ’n half uur later as ooreengekom sal moet aflewer as gevolg van ’n vervoer probleem. (hy het nie net laat gekom of aangeneem dat dit my sal pas nie) Hy het op tyd afgelewer soos hy belowe het, my vleis was alles vakuum verpak sonder ’n druppel bloed op die pakke. Al die vleis was van ’n hoë gehalte en net reg verpak. Al wat ek moes doen was om die vleis in die vrieskas te pak, geen moeite, geen gesukkel, geen gemors. Johan het, soos sy gewoonte is, opgevolg om te verseker dat ek tevrede is met die vleis en my uitgenooi om hom te kontak met enige klagtes. Ek weet ook uit ervaring dat hy wel klagtes opvolg en regstel. Dankie Johan en Kruger Slaghuis, dis ’n plesier om met jou besigheid te doen.
Ry stadiger op plotte-pad Ethresia van Staden skryf: Dis in verband met die plot pad na die CVO Skool en Babbelkousies Kleuterskool en verby CVO tot by die aansluiting van die treinspoor te Sterkspruit Plotte. Voertuig bestuurders word asb. versoek om bedagsaam te wees. Daardie pad dra baie verkeer, en word 'n vriendelike versoek gerig dat almal asb binne 'n redelike spoedbeperking sal hou. Die kommer is dat daardie pad ook baie gebruik word deur voetgangers, drawwers, bejaardes wat stap, kinders wat fiets ry en troeteldiere. Ongeag die feit dat twee spoedhobbels alreeds op daardie pad aangebring is, is dit egter nog steeds onrusbarend om te sien hoe sommige voertuie teen 'n baie hoë spoed ry. Kan ons almal se samewerking vra, sodat die pad vir ons almal se onthalwe veiliger gemaak kan wees.
Ons ry bietjie rond op die motorfietse. Plekke om te sien, mense om te ontmoet, stories om te vertel. Sien julle een van die dae!
Ry rond
Volg ons op Facebook - Langpad Huistoe Or go to: http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=723070&highlight=langpad+huistoe
Vanaf bl. 3: Geloofwaardige getuies is beskikbaar om dit te bevestig. Hierdie was 'n doelbewuste poging om uit die koshuis te probeer glip en verseker nie 'n grap soos in die Sondag beweer word nie. Die adjunkhoof van Hoërskool Lydenburg, Me. Chrismari Aucamp het die Me. Kuit bygestaan met die dissiplinêre ondersoek. Haar moeder is geskakel en is volledig ingelig oor die hele insident. Die veiligheid van haar maar ook die van die ander 120 meisies in die koshuis is in gevaar gebring met hierdie optrede want geen slotte kon gesluit word die aand van die 7de September 2011 nie. Vanweë hierdie dissiplinêre oortreding en in ag genome haar vorige dissiplinêre oortredings soos reeds gemeld in hierdie verslag is daar besluit om haar permanent uit Keethuis Meisieskoshuis te skors. Me. Aucamp het die moeder gekontak en haar ingelig dat haar dogter vanaf die 8ste September 2011 uit Keethuis Meisieskoshuis geskors is. Mnr. Karel Jacobs, die voorsitter van die Beheerliggaam was teenwoordig in die kantoor toe hierdie saak hanteer is. Die adjunkhoof, Me. Chrismari Aucamp het dit ook goedgedink om die moeder te kontak en die dogter die skrik op die lyf te jaag deur haar na die plaaslike polisiestasie te neem. Mnr. Jacobs was op hierdie stadium steeds in die kantoor toe die spesifieke besluit geneem is. 'n Poging is dus aangewend om haar te laat besef watter tipe oortreding sy gepleeg het en die straf wat moontlik hieruit kon voortvloei. Sy is in 'n Volkswagen Jetta van die SAP saam met 'n SAP man, Mnr. Werner van Dyk sonder 'n polisiehond, soos beweer word, na die polisiestasie geneem. Die Kohin Jeugwerker by Hoërskool Lydenburg, Mnr. Jan Esterhuizen het saam agterna in 'n ander voertuig gery en daar gebly terwyl die versoek van Me. Aucamp aan die SAP uitgevoer is. Mnr. Jan Esterhuizen het daarna haar veilig terug besorg aan die skool. Me. Aucamp het aan haar moeder bevestig dat sy veilig terug is by die skool. Die kringtelevisie van die SAP bevestig baie duidelik dat die polisie onder geen omstandighede onregmatig met die dogter se regte omgegaan het nie. Hulle ontken dit ten sterkste dat hulle haar gevloek het. Die vier polisiemanne wat hier ter sprake is, is Kaptein Helberg, Charmain Denner, Marcelle Oosthuizen en Werner van Dyk. Vanselfsprekend het die berig in die koerant die SAP beswadder en het die SAP daarom ook 'n verklaring uitgereik om hulle kant van die saak te stel. Die dogter is vanaf 8 September 2011 deur mnr.’e Loots, Jacobs en mee. Kuit en Aucamp uit Keethuis Meisieskoshuis geskors. Haar vorige oortredings het verswarend opgetree toe hierdie besluit geneem is. Haar toelating tot Hoërskool Lydenburg word glad nie hierdeur benadeel nie, want sy maak tans gebruik van die daaglikse busvervoer van en na Burgersfort saam met ander leerders van Hoërskool Lydenburg. Die koerant, Die Sondag het Donderdag 15 September 2011, die skool geskakel en aangevoer dat hulle van 'n betroubare bron verneem het dat sy agter in 'n SAP voertuig met 'n hond na die Polisiestasie geneem is en daar baie sleg behandel is. Mnr. Loots het persoonlik die oproep hanteer en aan me. Keppler bevestig dat slegs die hoof en die voorsitter van die Beheerliggaam skriftelik op sulke aantuigings sal reageer. Die twee persone het toe die verklaring opgestel en per epos aan me. Keppler deurgestuur. Nieteenstaande hierdie verklaring het die koerant nog steeds “die betroubare bron” wat hulle ingelig het, se storie gebruik. Die laaste gedeelte van die artikel sluit wel 'n gedeelte in van die skriftelike verklaring wat aan hulle uitgereik is. As skoolbestuur, personeel, SAP en die plaaslike pers het ons besluit om die positiewe uit hierdie saak te haal deur te bevestig dat ons gedragsprobleme in Hoërskool Lydenburg gaan aanspreek soos in die Gedragskode bepaal word. Die gevoel is dat ons nie met die poniekoerante in 'n regsgeding betrokke raak nie, maar eerder aan die plaaslike gemeenskap moet toon dat ons nie bang is om gedragsprobleme in die skool aan te spreek op 'n Christelike wyse, dog ferm en beslis. Elke skool in Suid Afrika het tans gedragsprobleme. Die verskil is net of die Beheerliggaam en Skoolbestuur die moed van oortuiging het om op te tree teen persone wat die Gedragskode van hulle skool oortree.
Totsiens brief Jackie Cross van Lydenburg skryf: UIT elke stukke goed en rein in my sê ek vandag opreg dankie vir elke engelki in die klein dorpie iewers in Mpumalanga wat my gedra beskerm en bewaar het. Diep le my wortels in Lydenburg gevestig vir ewig en nog daarna. Saam het ons almal gegroei gehuil en gelag en elke persoon wat die lees weet wat jou aandeel was in ek wat vandag na als hier staan reg om my vlerkies te sprei en te vlieg ander se harte te gaan raak. Woorde wat my altyd sal by bly is die van Koos du Plessis: “Uit die stof is ek gebore, ek laat my donker spore oral waar ek stap, lê my roeping dalk daarin,dat ek die stof moet word waarin ’n ander voet kan trap? e n d a n o o k w e e r . ” WIE EK IS IS NET GENADE,WAT EK HET NET GELEEN. Hier los ek nou my spore en ’n deeltjie van my harki en pak die nuwe met ope arms aan. Daar is soveel om te sê maar 1 miljoen woorde sal nie eers genoeg wees nie so ek los julle engelkies met n mooie (Woorde deur Yolanda Botha.)
Nuus / News
22 September 2011
Guardian Angels maak harte bly
Die Guardian Angels Lydenburg-tak het onlangs pensioenarisse vir ’n uitstappie geneem na Mike’s Kitchen. Hulle het onder meer lekker sop geniet. Die Guardian Angels bedank almal wat hierdie dag ’n sukses gemaak het en borge was vir die eetgoed.
Rekenaaropleiding ontvang
Van links na regs is: Valerie Shole, Matshediso Mampoke, Demi Smit, Johanna Pretorius, Bessie Phiri en Antoinette Mohlala. Die CMR Rekenaar Projek het in 2009 begin en bied vir minderbevoorregte studente die geleentheid vir rekenaargeletterdheid. Hierdie klas het vier weke opleiding ontvang. Borge is nodig om die studente hierdie geleentheid te bied. Drie klasse word per dag aangebied. Kontak die CMR by 013 235 2407 of besoek hulle by Burgerstraat 15 te Lydenburg.
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Nuus / News
22 September 2011
Events • Gebeure • Events
Kermis by Rusoord hierdie naweek AANGESIEN die wynfees op die normale Rusoord kermis datums plaasvind, het Rusoord besluit om die kermisdatums te vervroeg na 23 en 24 September. Op die Vrydag (23) sal die gebruiklike optog van ou waens en motors deur die dorp plaasving. Steun dit gerus. Op Saterdag die 24 ste sal die kermis dan by Rusoord plaasvind met al die lekkernye en mooi goedjies waaraan ons deur die jare gewoond geraak het.
Shooting Fun Day / Gholfdag by Pret Skiet Dag Tubatse Klub Saterdag 24 September Kom skiet saam met geweer, pistol en haelgeweer te Lydenburg Geweer & Pistool Klub (skietbaan by Naas Du Preez op Boomplaaspad) 5 skote, lang geweer 50m, 15 skote pistool, 10m, 15 skote haelgeweer (kluiduif) Pryse om te wen! Ons begin 8:00 vir 08:30. Daar sal 'n Bring & Braai en drankies daarna wees. Inskryf Koste: R225 - indien nie eie wapens en patrone R75 eie wapens en patrone Kontak Paul Zorn op 083 641 7275 vir verdere inligting.
24 September
Laerskool Burgersfort bied ’n Golfdag aan die 24 September 2011 Plek: Tubatse Golf Club Tyd: 08h30, R1200 per bof, halfweghuis ingesluit. Kontak kantoor vir enige navrae: 013 231 7609.
Plan your dates and events and we will ad vertise it free of charg community diary. The diary of the Highlands e Panorama News has alw in our comprehensive datab ays been a ase for everything tha t happens in this are highlandspanorama@ a. Email yahoo.com, or michell eboshoff@yahoo.com, info to 013 235 3076 or fax the event write it down on a pie ce of paper and hand offices. Remember the it in at our golden rule of where , when, what and wh Include all the relevant o applies. information and a conta ct person. ~ Thank you Michelle Boshoff, editor. Beplan jul datums en funksies. Ons sal dit gratis in die gemeenska adverteer. Die dagboe psdagboek k van die Highlands Panorama Nuus was volledige databasis van nog altyd ’n alles wat in die gemeen skap gebeur. Epos of faks die fun ksies se inligting na highlandspanorama @y michelleboshoff@yah ahoo.com, oo.com of faks na 013 235 3076. Dit kan ook papier geskryf word en op ’n stukkie by ons kantore ingehan dig word. Onthou die go van toepassing... wie, wat, waar en wanneer ue reël is . Verskaf asseblief al inligting en ’n kontakp die relevante ersoon. ~ Baie dankie Mi chelle Boshoff, redakteu r.
’n Kuns-, Juwele- en Persiesetapyt uitstalling word een van d i e d a e aangebied. Dit word aangebied op 28 September deur Acacia Kuns om 17:00 by die AGS Kerk te Voortrekkers t r a a t . Vi r meer inligting skakel Dries Strydom by 083 656 8310.
Charity Golf Day 8 October DL Makelaars Charity Golf Day 8 October 2011 - In aid of Duncia Childrens Home and Wenakker. The options for the golf day are as follows: • Sponsorship of a tee or green: Tee R500, Green R1000, may advertise on the golf course at the tee or green of your choice. Course regulations apply (1st come - first served) • Enter a fourball for R500 (dinner included): Enjoy the day with us. • Enter as an individual for R150: you will be allocated a fourball. • Donations of prizes and/or cash: All donations will be acknowledged on the day. Your support with this worthy event will be greatly appreciated. For more information contact Mindi on 082 375 4746
Nuus / News
22 September 2011
Win one of two LCD 42 inch Full HD Flat Screen TV’s Gert & Andrè Electrical and Blue Chip Technical have combined forces to hold a fantastic Rugby World Cup promotion. Customers have a chance of winning one of two LCD 42 inch Full HD Flat screen TV’s in their lucky draw. All you have to do is visit Gert & Andrè Electrical at 24 Kantoor Street or Blue Chip Technical (located at The Heads Shopping Centre) and spend R350.00 or more to automatically
qualify for the draw. Alternatively you can also just visit either of the businesses and buy a ticket to the value of R10 to enter into the draw. You may enter as many times as you wish to increase your chances of winning. Terms and conditions do apply and are available to view at either business. Enter this competition and you could be watching the Rugby World Cup Final on your new television if you are one of the lucky winners.
TEDDY BEAR CLOCK Elize Geer het 'n nuwe klerewinkel geopen naamlik Zesra Clothing. Die winkel spog met modieuse klere in alle groottes. Die klerasie is nie net stylvol nie maar bekostigbaar ook! Hierdie winkel het iets vir elkeen se smaak. Kontak haar gerus by 084 689 5611.
Sandra Gregory from African Art opened a new store for art supplies, photography on canvas, safari pictures, oil paintings, khaki gear, African carpets, skins eg: Blesbok, Kudu, Blue Wildebeest and Springbok. Mrs Gregory also gives art classes and can be contacted at 071 539 1183.
The Heads: 013 235 1276 The Heads Centre, Lydenburg, Tel: (013) 235 1276
New Crafts Available!
Paint SCRAP-A-TEAPOT CLOCK with arcrylic or stain when SHOE CLOCK dry, scrap it!
Nuus / News
22 September 2011
What you never knew about South African Heritage!
No excuse not to braai From small towns to big cities millions of South Africans are preparing to braai for their country on Braai Day which is held annually on 24 September (National Heritage Day) under the Braai4Heritage banner and the patronage of Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Braai Day is a celebration of our great country and its unique national pastime. It aims to unite all South Africans on 24 September by encouraging them to partake in a fun and tangible activity shared by all demographic groups, religious denominations and body types. Braai4Heritage is a non-profit organisation solely committed to uniting South Africans all over the world through means of an activity enjoyed by all and for which we are world famous. There’s really no excuse not to gather your family and friends and whip up feast - it’s the start of summer and a public holiday.
What Heritage Day truly represents is an opportunity to pay respect to the many cultures, languages, traditions and d i v e r s i t y o f h e r i t a g e s t h a t m a k e u p o u r n a t i o n a l i d e n t i t y. “As Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, and our imagination, our creativity and rich and varied cultures, will support us in continuing to realise our dreams.
Posbus P.O Box 5036 LYDENBURG 1120 rezak@lbwisp.com Tel: 013 231 1462 Fax: 086 699 6471 Cel: 079 032 7433
1. FROM CHINESE TO FRENCH - EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS SOUTH AFRICAN: All the worlds people are “twice South African” because it was here that mans descendants and modern man both evolved 2. THE FIRST EVIDENCE OF LIFE ON EARTH — YES — FROM SA: In eastern South Africa, scientists have found traces of blue-green algae dating back 3 500 million years. This is some of the earliest evidence of life on Earth. 3. METEORS HIT PRETORIA 220 000 YEARS AGO!: 220 000 years ago a meteorite struck South Africa, forming the Tswaing Crater northwest of Pretoria. This is one of the most accessible and best-preserved meteorite impact craters in the world. 4. IF ALIENS LANDED THEY WOULD BE THE PROPERTY OF THE STATE! According to the National Heritage Resources Act, all meteorites are considered protected property of the nation and there are rules regarding what can be done with them. Interestingly, because a meteorite is defined as “any naturally-occurring object of extraterrestrial origin”, this means that if an alien landed in SA he/she/it would become the property of the State. Should an alien arrive and find that SA did not suit its disposition, it would not need a passport to leave but it would have to acquire an export permit from the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA). 5. SA HAS THE WORLD'S OLDEST REMAINS: The oldest remains of modern humans were found in Klasies River Cave in the Eastern Cape. They are well over 100 000 years old. 6. SOUTH AFRICA HAS OVER 2000 SHIPWRECKS: There are more than 2 000 shipwrecks, dating back at least 500 years, off the SA coast and more than one, including the Waratah, simply vanished without a trace. 7. TRANCE WAS HERE OVER 25 000 YEARS AGO: Trance is nothing new to South Africa. In fact, bushman cave paintings in the Drakensburg are thought to be the work of Shamans operating in a 'trance' state. Some of these are up to 25 000 years old. 8. THE SAYING "WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST" COMES FROM SA: The practice of “women and children first” originated off the coast of Hermanus when the British ship, the Birkenhead, sank in 1852. Of the approximately 600 people on board, all 200 women and children survived. Unfortunately, almost 400 men went
down with the ship. 9. SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE: Detailed documentation from travelers and researchers in the Cape in the 1600s shows that more than 350 years later the traditional “maatjieshut” residence of Namaqualand is still being built in precisely the same manner and proportions as those of the KhoeKhoe people of the past. 10. SOUTH AFRICA THINKS AHEAD OF THE WORLD: South Africa is one of the first countries in the world to formally protect places associated with “Living Heritage” that is based on stories passed down from generation to generation by for e.g. Grandmothers telling children stories about the places in which they live. One of the first projects in South Africa that looked at how we can protect such sites took place in Dukuza (formerly Stanger) in KwaZulu-Natal. The town was the site of King Shaka's royal residence and interviews with old people in the community revealed an amazing store of information passed down over nearly 180 years concerning things like from which spring the royal water was drawn, where the King swam, under which trees particular events and councils occurred. 11. THREE MILLION!: South Africa's history and pre-history goes back more than three million years. 12. KAROO BOASTS THE BEST DINOSAUR FOSSILS: The Karoo region is home to some of the best fossils of early dinosaurs. ABOUT SAHRA On 1 April 2000, the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) replaced the National Monuments Council as the official governing body overseeing the protection of South Africa's cultural heritage. SAHRA is a statutory organisation established under the National Heritage Resources Act. Central to the SAHRA mission are mandates to encourage public understanding and enjoyment of the national estate and to promote public interest and involvement in the identification, assessment, recording and management of heritage resources. (www. sahra.org.za
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Spreekure/ Consulting Hours: Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 13h00/ 14h00 - 17h00 Sat: 09h00 - 12h00 Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment Kantoorure: 08h00 - 17h00
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TRY ME! OUR NEW LAMB SAUSAGE TO CELEBRATE THE RUGBY DOWN UNDER! A Delicious Lamb Sausage. cut in half, Egg, 2 Rashers of Bacon, Grilled Tomato, 1/2 portion of Chips and Toast.
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22 September 2011
Promosie / Promotion
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22 September 2011
We buy & sell new or used vehicles for CASH
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(Top prices paid) 083 778 6430/ 083 778 6499
Ons toetsbestuur ’n nabootser - en dop die toets EK het my kode EC (kode 14) toets in 1973 gedoen en my militere lisensies (alles behalwe tenks) in 1974. TPA toetse in 1975. Die term K53 was vreemder as die ruimte. Na 38 jaar en ’n paar miljoen ongeluksvrye kilos, maak ek bietjie uit. Tot John Roos my uitnooi om die merk 1 VW Golf in sy besigheid te kom ry. Toe dop ek die toets. Hierdie is naamlik ’n K53 opleidingsnabootser, wat presies lyk (en amper voel) soos ’n ou City Golf. Nou kyk, K53 is ’n ander storie. Jy bestuur nie. Jy observeer. In my motor klim ek in, trap die rem en koppelaar, sit aan die gang, maak my gordel vas kyk na my spieëls, haak ’n rat en ry. Gou. Binne sekondes. Nie in K53 nie. In die nabootser klim jy in ’n lewensgetroue Golf en kry jou sit. Dan trek jy die handrem op. Dan sit jy die rathefboom in neutraal. Dan maak jy jou veiligheidsgordel vas. Dan observeer jy in al drie spieëls. Dan trap jy rem en skakel jy die motor met sy sleutel aan. Dan observeer jy. Dan trap jy die koppelaar en kies die regte rat. Dan observeer jy. Dan trap jy die rem en maak die handrem los. Dan observeer jy. Dan ry jy - na vyf minute se streng volgorde van kontroles gebruik en observasie. Die punt wat ek hier wil maak is dat die nabootser uiters akkuraat en gesofistikeerd is. Elke ding, die handrem, veiligheidsgordel, rathefboom, pedale en stuurwiel is gekoppel aan sensors. Die kontroles voel soos die ware jakob. Die nabootser laat jou nie toe om kanse te vat of kortpaaie te loop nie. Maak ’n fout en ’n alarm gaan aan en jy begin voor. Uit ’n opleidingsoogpunt is hierdie ’n fantastiese stelsel. Geen risiko. Geen gebrande koppelaar. Geen vermorsde petrol nie. Die koste van ’n uur se les op die nabootser is minder as wat jy sou betaal aan slytasie op die gesin se motor. Vir die jongmens wat K53 moet slaag en nie slegte gewoontes soos ek aangeleer het nie, is hierdie nabootser beslis die ware jakob. Ek is seker dat iemand wat die masjien bemeester, baie 5 Year / 150 000km manufacture’s maklik sal oorskakel na ’n regte Warranty & Roadside Assistance. motor en sy toets makliker sal slaag. 5 Year / 90 000km Service Plan Die nabootser kan ’n menigte padtoestande, weerstoestande, verkeersdruk, gevaarsones en elke toets wat jy moet slaag, nadoen. Daar is voetgangers wat voor jou inhardloop, en elke toets wat jy in die prakties moet slaag, soos parralel parkering, gang parkering, driepunt draai, wegtrek teen ’n helling en elke ding. Net sodra jy dink jy is oulik, dan gooi John Roos vanaf sy rekenaar ’n nuwe hindernis in jou pad en jy moet vinnig plan maak. Ek kan dié sisteem regtig aanbeveel. My kinders is al op die pad, maar ek sou hulle deur hierdie kursus wou stuur. Kontak gerus vir John Roos by 082 692 3471of gaan besoek hom by die Versekeringsforum gebou. Andre Coetzee.
5 Year / 150 000km manufacture’s Warranty & Roadside Assistance. 5 Year / 90 000km Service Plan
From: R279 000
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VILJOEN STREET, TEL: 082 329 0795 / 013 235 2141 / 013 235 4745 / 013 235 4802 Johan Lubbe: 082 908 9113
22 September 2011
BMW introduces the e-scooter Wetstoepassing op paaie verskerp BMW has successfully managed to translate the “i-car” styling of its i3 and i8 concept car models, to its two-wheel brand with a cracking new concept dubbed the Concept e.
According to the German automaker, the new e-scooter is another step towards establishing a new “Urban Mobility” division, which will be home to two models within the maxi scooter segment before the end of 2011.
MEER as 18 000 dronkbestuurders is die afgelope jaar in hegtenis geneem en 50 000 onpadwaardige voertuie is van Suid-Afrika se paaie verwyder. Só het mnr. Logan Maistry, woordvoerder van die Departement van Vervoer, in ’n verklaring gesê. Altesame 71 985 voertuie wat openbare vervoer verskaf, is van 31 Augustus tot 11 September voorgekeer en nagegaan. Verkeersbeamptes het 230 bestuurders van dié voertuie in hegtenis geneem – onder wie die meeste – 171 – vir oorlading was. Altesame 210 voertuie wat leerlinge vervoer; 47 busse, 108 minibus-taxi’s en 41 swaar passasiersvoertuie is van die paaie verwyder.– Jani Meyer BEELD
This new division will be specifically tasked with addressing the issues of urban commuting like clogged-up city streets and parking. The two models which the company will be launching under the new umbrella brand will aim to combine the pleasure of motorcycling with the functionality of a scooter. Both will be powered by two-cylinder internal combustion engines. The Concept e on the other hand, as its name suggests, is purely powered by electrical power. Sadly, any hopes of seeing that in production in the near future is unlikely to be realised. What makes it exciting though is the promise of impressive performance equalling that of a maxi scooter boasting a combustion engine, combined with a range around the 100km mark. “What is more, BMW Motorrad developers are aiming to achieve a continuous output and maximum speed which will enable safe overtaking on urban motorways when carrying a passenger,” said BMW. The German automaker says the battery can be charged from regular household power sockets without the need for a special power station. From a completely flat state the battery charges in less than three hours. BMW opting to take the wraps off its Concept e may be a less than subtle hint that this model is primarily aimed at converting motorists rather than targeting current riders. wheels24.co.za
2.2 Steed 3 Series Workhorse available from R139
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* Prices includes VAT & Environmental Levy. Offer valid while stocks last. E&OE
22 September 2011
US brand Indian is back
Motoring Key features of the bikes are front and rear suspension, disc brakes and chrome exhaust pipes.
The bikes doesn’t come cheap with prices hovering around R200 000. INDIAN Motorcycles will roll out three new bike models in 2012 after Founded in 1901, Indian was America’s first motorcycle company, the company was acquired by Polaris early in 2011. producing models like the Scout and the Chief and it was said to be the The 2012 Indian line-up will consists of three variants of the Chief model. world’s largest motorcycle manufacturer. The 2012 Indian Chief Vintage is based on the 1948 Chief while the Chief In 1953, Indian Motorcycles went bankrupt and despite several revival Dark Horse sports a "Thunder Black Smoke" paintjob. attempts, the company never achieved success. The Chief Classic completes the trio and will be powered by a chromed The company will focus on the American market and with a limited version of the company’s 45-degree, single-cam pushrod Power Plus international footprint, there is no indication whether the company will Engine. come to South Africa. wheels24.co.za
Husqvarna showcases electric bike MOTOCYCLE maker Husqvarna takes on green-friendly mobility with its new electric bike concept unveiled in Frankfurt. Earlier in September we reported on Husqvarna’s plans to unveil a punchy new electric concept at the Frankfurt auto sShow. Now the wraps have been taken off the new electric bike revealed as the Concept E-go. To say this is a fresh approach for the BMW subsidiary is an understatement. In fact, it is hard to believe this is even a motorcycle at all, considering its delicate supermoto wheels. Still, we think it looks pretty darn neat, especially its single-sided front fork. For the time being BMW hasn’t released much in terms of technical specs other than the bike weighs in at a very dainty 80kg. To put it into perspective, that’s 4kg lighter than the already ridiculously lightweight Zero X and a mighty 55kg leaner than the Zero S supermoto. The Zero X packs 2kWh worth of lithium-ion batteries which is good for a maximum range of 42 km or between 30mins and 60mins on the track. Husqy’s electric bike is likely to boast similar specifications. “The Concept E-go is Husqvarna’s solution to electric motorcycling and how to enthuse the young generation to the spirit of riding and freedom,” said the company in a press release. “Change is inevitable, and Husqvarna is ready, with an advanced technological concept and a highly personal design.” The single-sided double leg fork with 35mm of inner tubing along with the aluminium single side swing arm are two of the clever technical innovations featured on the Concept E-go. The battery support is also constructed from aluminium, the frame and oval piping is made from steel, while the seat is self-supporting.
Why did Husqvarna opt for a single-seat? The company commented, “Because that is the Husqvarna way. Undiluted fun, dynamism and an ecologically-friendly philosophy combined for the first time in an electric powered two-wheeler.” wheels24.co.za
2010 Low km for only R149 900 Pictures for illustration purpose only
• Hercules Coetzee: 082 225 8090 • Henry Moyo 083 237 5171 • Adelene le Roux: 076 416 8644 • Shakes Shabalala: 073 933 8715
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22 September 2011
What do women really want in a car WHAT do women really want from a car? More than half of the population are women and there are more women drivers and owners and as three quarters of the salesmen will tell you – they (the women) do have a big say in the decision of buying a new car. Ford, USA did a survey and came to the conclusion that women want the same things as men, but they want more (how the men will be smiling now!). “They want performance, an attractive design, efficient packaging, safety and more features. We take all of the above in consideration with all of our new products.” Volvo, Volkswagen and GM also did a survey and GM concluded that they are paying more attention to the fabric, details in trim, colours, components, shapes and positioning of controls. For me (a working mom) it all starts with the exterior. I want a great design and all must be in proportion. Nobody wants to chip a nail while opening the door, bonnet or boot! With our roads being the way they are – how much ground clearance do I have and then the tyres: if they are low profile it's a no go because then I'll have to repair a tyre and mag. I prefer petrol to diesel only because when a diesel gets older there's a rumble noise going with it! I know that I compromise here with fuel efficiency and power but when it comes to service – I make up for it! With the interior, the kids are first on my mind. Are the seats durable, stain resistant and enough for the whole family plus one or two friends? Then I move to the boot – size is very important! How much can I fit into it and how accessible is the spare tyre? Does the spare tyre take a manual to change, or will it be easy peasy? Before I put my butt in the vehicle I want to know the price and if it comes with a service plan? Then I get in and look at the dashboard (clean lines), radio, cd, mp3, aircon, airbags, positioning of controls and last but not least cup holders. I then move the seat forward and place my hands on the steering wheel. During all these observations, I'm multitasking because with the price and service plan I'm also calculating affordability. I will try then to get a better price (maybe with a demo model) and if I don't succeed I'll try to get a better rate with the different banks and lastly a better deal from my short term insurance too. With the test drive I want power, power steering and ABS. Yes, in that order! When I do sign the contract then I'll know I did everything in my power to save and get a good deal! Treat me right with the service intervals and I'll spread the word amongst the other ladies too! ~ Reinet Bell
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22 September 2011
Get your Will in order The National Wills week will be held from the 17th to 21st of October 2011 throughout the country. This initiative by the Law Society of South Africa will allow the public to consult participating attorneys with regards to their Estate planning and have a basic Will be drafted for them free of charge. Please note that only participating attorneys can be contacted for the free consultation and drafting of the will and only during this week. Why must you have a will? By making a will you ensure that your assets are disposed/distributed of in accordance with your wishes after your death. This privilege is called "freedom of testation". One of the most important decisions made in a will is the appointment of an Executor, which is a person who will be "executing" you wishes from your will. This can be a family member but can (and should be) assisted by an Attorney to assist with the legal requirements. You don't want a nameless person in a city somewhere pulling the strings and dragging out the finalisation of the Estate. Another issue is Estate Duty which is a tax that is payable on the value of the Estate of the deceased. This can end up being quite an amount and leave the spouse in financial difficulties to come up with the money. When must you draft a will? A good "rule of thumb" is to get or update your will when: You get married or divorced · Buy or sell a house · One of your children is born or dies · Start a new business · A family member (like a parent or spouse) dies that was previously mentioned in your will Why should an attorney draft your will? Attorneys are professionals qualified in law. An attorney can advise you on any problem which may arise with regard to your will. An attorney has the necessary knowledge and expertise to ensure that your will is valid and complies with your wishes. Often a will is not valid because the person who drafts it does not have the necessary legal knowledge to ensure that the requirements of the law are met. What happens to your estate if you die without a valid will? If you die without leaving a valid will, your assets will be distributed according to the provisions of the Intestate Succession Act. The provisions of this Act are generally fair and ensure that your possessions are transferred to your spouse and children. BUT, the following problems may arise if you die without leaving a will: · Your assets may not be left to the person of your choice. ·It can take a long time to have an executor appointed. The executor who is appointed may be somebody you may not have chosen yourself. ·There can be extra and unnecessary costs. · There can be unhappiness and conflict among members of your family because there are no clear instructions on how to distribute your assets. For more info see: http://www.lssa.org.za/?q=con,228,National%2 0Wills%20Week%202011 or contact: Madeleen Willers Attorneys (Burgersfort) - 013 231 8497 Derek Heroldt Attorneys (Lydenburg) - 013 235 1048 Van Reenen Heyns (Lydenburg) - 013 235 1625
News / Nuus
Namakwa-blomme uit 'n ander hoek
Hiermee 'n foto uit die Du Toit’s se onlangse besoek aan Namakwaland. (Dis baie moeilik om net een foto te kies uit die glorie wat ons aanskou het!) Dis ’n inskrywing vir die Highlands Panorama Nuus Foto van die Maand Kompetisie. (Foto: Annatjie du Toit van Lydenburg).
Celebrating Arbor Month
Hendrik Crause and Gert Mare at Doornbosch
Aubrey Nhlabathi from ECM planting trees at Dithamaga Christi en Francois Blom is onlangs getroud by Laske Nakke buite Lydenburg. (Foto verskaf Laske Nakke).
Dwarsrivier Mine Suppor ts the Springboks!
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) showed their commitment to Arbor Month by planting indigenous trees at their respective sites; Lannex, Tweefontein and Doornbosch, as well as at Makgekantshe School and Dithamaga School.
Properties / Eiendomme
22 September 2011
News/ Nuus Kopie van die maand! Ruim 3 Slaapkamers 3 Badkamers (MES) Motorhuis, Afdak Groot kombuis, Alarmstelsel, tuin, Braaiarea. Voltitel. Netjiese klinkersteen Sekuriteitskompleks 170 m2
(BTW / Hereregte kostes ingesluit!) Skakel Ailt by 083 288 6834
‘n Handelsmerk in die eiendomsmark sedert 1962
Huis van die week House of the Week 3 Slaapkamer woonhuis met 2 vol badkamers. Ingangsportaal , sit en eetkamer. Groot kombuis met opwas. Onthaalarea met kroeg en jacuzzi. Stoep met ingeboude braai. Buitekamer met stort en tiolet. Motorhuis vir 4 motors en afdak vir 2 motors. Studeerkamer. Besproeiing in tuin. Huis 365 m². Erf 1300 m². Prys 1,680 000.00 Vir meer inligting kontak Marula Eiendomme by: Werner 0827769347 of Minnaar 0827769347
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R840 000 Leefhuis vir gesin. Die huis bestaan uit 3 slaapkamers en 2 badkamers. Lekker groot kombuis met aparte opwas en tv kamer en eetkamer is oopplan. Dubbel motorhuis met buitekamer + eie kombuisie, stort en toilet. 2 Erf ± 1500m
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HUURBESTUUR/RENTALS 013 235 1102 Charmaine 082 475 9850
082 904 8587
R305 000 Pragtige hoek erf in The Heads R890 000 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers 2 leefareas rustige buurt Verskeie beleggings geleenthede Met inkomstes. Vanaf R3 000 000 Die ERA agente het Saterdag by die Klopkloppie Gholfdag gedeel in die pret en ook bemarking gedoen vir die eiendomsagentskap. Almal het hulle gate uit geniet. Van links is Ronel Breedt, Sonia Jooste en Wilma Viljoen.
R 5 100 000 Plot teenaan Lydenburg 2.79ha met goeie huurinkomste
R 1 160 000 3 slaapkamer woonhuis, goed geprys In Sterkspruit. 2 badkamers, 2 motorhuise Te huur: 170m2 sentraal kantoor - R10 800 p/m 2 slaapkamer meenthuis - R4 800 p/m 5 x 3 slaapkamer meenthuis - R5 900 p/m 3 slaapkamer huis - R8 500 p/m
Tel: (013) 235-1102, Faks 0866 941 431, deovolprops@lantic.net,
www.deovolprops.co.za Www.facebook.com/deovolprops twitter: @deovolprops
Properties / Eiendomme
22 September 2011
News/ Nuus
Verbruikerswet pas beskerming toe Die nuwe Verbruikersbeskermings Wet wat op 1 Aprl 2011 in werking getree het is een van die beste verbruikerswette ter wêreld en daargestel om die SuidAfrikaanse verbruikers te beskerm. Waaroor gaan hierdie Wet soseer? Kortliks beskerm hierdie wet die verbruiker teen skelm, onregverdige, onwettige, onetiese en immorele sakepraktyke en ook
VIR ALLE EIENDOMSBEHOEFTES TE KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHURINGS Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 Minnaar: 082 775 6370 Verhurings - Ina: 082 775 6369 013 235 4890 E-pos: marulaproperties@lantic.net
Heleen 082 492 8412
Mariëtta 082 213 0380
013 235 1986 Bemarking en verhuring van eiendomme. Besoek ons webwerf www.lydenburgprop.co.za vir inligting oor al ons eiendomme.
teen produkte wat nie volgens standard is nie, wat verkeerdelik geadverteer word of wat nie werk nie. Verbruikers kan dus nou vir die eerste keer optree teen besighede en selfs munisipaliteite wat swak produkte of dienste verskaf. In die verlede het 'n gimnasium of selfoonmaatskappy jou kontrak vanselfsprekend vir 'n ekstra jaar verleng omdat jy hulle nie laat weet het om dit te kanselleer nie. Dit kan nou nie meer gebeur nie. Direkte bemarkers of deur-tot-deur verkopers gaan ook hulle moses teëkom indien hulle nie jou gelde aan jou terugbetaal indien jy binne 5 dae besluit dat jy nie meer die goedere wil hê wat jy impulsief aangekoop het nie. Hulle is verplig om enige gelde binne 15 dae terug te betaal. Indien jy 'n deposito betaal het vir 'n diens of 'n bespreking, kan die onderneming nie
Tel: 013 235 4512, 57 Kantoor Street, Lydenburg, Fax: 086 695 5516
Sole and Exclusive Mandate. Residential Development. Situated in Goud Street, Lydenburg. Full title, DRINGEND OPSOEK NA HUURHUISE! three bed, Verkope: Fanie du Toit - 072 317 3959 two bathroom, Verhurings: Christa - 073 987 0718 double automated garage. Only two units available. Priced at R960 000. Save thousands on transfer duty. 100% bonds available (T&C Apply), Phone Fanie du Toit: 072 317 3959/ 013 235 4512.
Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg BESOEK ONS KANTORE VIR DIE BESTE DIENS EN ADVIES.
TE KOOP: • 2 Slk. Woonstel met ruim sit/eetk, badk, mot. Sekuriteitskompleks. R565, 000 • 2 Slk w/stel met sit/eetk, badk, mot, tuin in sekuriteitskompleks. R690, 000 • 3 Slk. Meenthuise met ruim oopplan sit/eetk/komb. Aparte opwas/wask, 2 mot, tuintjie sekuriteitskompleks, btw en oordragskoste ing. R920, 000 • Groot erf met drie wooneenhede; totale oppervlakte van geboue 450m2, 1 x 2slk woning met erf, 1 x 2slk woonstel, 1 x 3slk huis met erf. Baie goeie verhuringsinkomste. R1,680 milj. • 50 Ha onontwikkelde grond met slegs boorgat ± 20 km - Badfonteinpad. Mooi uitsig. R700, 000
• Wood Products • Stevensons • Cemcrete • Prominent Paints • O’Grady’s • Dulux • Nova
Formulated for Specific Applications A unique collection of project specific paints • Metallics for Decorating • Frosted Glass for Windows & Mirrors • High Heat for Grills • Appliance Epoxy for Refrigerators
And more!
weier om jou deposito aan jou terug te betaal nie. 'n Redelike administrasiefooi kan verhaal word, afhangende van die tydperk van kansellasie. Indien dood of hospitalisasie 'n rol sou speel, is die volle deposito verhaalbaar. Word 'n R5 hamburger geadverteer en jy word ingelig dat daardie hamburgers uitverkoop is, word die verskaffer verplig om aan jou 'n hamburger teen R5 te verkoop. Dat voorraad uitverkoop is, is nie meer die verbruiker se probleem nie. Sommige firmas het lojaliteitsprogramme waarmee jy punte verdien met aankope wat geruil kan word vir goedere of dienste. Soms besluit die onderneming skielik om dit wat jy gewoonlik met jou punte koop te beperk. Voortaan sal hulle jou minstens 40 werkdae skriftelik in kennis moet stel van so 'n beperking. Ondernemings mag ook nie meer kompetisies aanbied teen bedrae van R5 of R10 per sms nie. Gewone sms tariewe sal geld. 'n 1978 skedonk kan ook nie meer as voetstoots verkoop word nie. Geen voertuig mag meer op sigwaarde geadverteer of verkoop word nie. Die verkoper word verplig om alle foute waarvan hy bewus is aan die koper uit te wys – al lê die probleem diep binne in die enjin. Indien 'n persoon 'n deposito betaal vir 'n huurhuis en een maand se huur soos dit gewoonlik geadverteer word en hy word byvoorbeeld na 'n ander dorp verplaas, is hy geregtig om die volle huur en deposito te verhaal alhoewel 'n redelike administrasiefooi van die deposito teruggehou kan word. Dit geld ook vir gelde wat aan agente betaal word om krag oor te plaas of aan te laat skakel. Verbruikers kan ook aandring dat hulle nie gesteur word deur telebemarking nie. Name word op 'n band geplaas wat enige firma verhoed om oproepe na daardie persoon te maak. Navrae hieroor en enige ander wetlike aspekte kan gerig word aan: contactus@thedi.gov.za of skakel 0861843384.
22 September 2011
Duiwe Uitslae Hier is die volgende wedvlugduiwe uitslae van die laaste 3 naweke: 3 September: Trompsburg 723 km: Ope 1: Wenspoed: 1612 meter per minuut. 1. C Slabbert 2. M & A Venter 3. 4 en 5 G Marai 6. Allo Lofts 7. C Slabbert 8. Frans en Danelle Hokke 9. Allo Lofts 10. Frans en Danelle Hokke Trompsburg 723 km : Ope 2 : Wenspoed 1614 meter per minuut. 1. en 2 Allo Lofts
Marathon by Mashishing Marathon Club - 24 Sept Four in One Race The Mashishing Marathon Club is very excited to invite runners to attend one of the first ever marathon’s to be held in Mashishing of this size. It will take place on 24 September. Registration is from 14:00 till 19:00 on Friday 23 September at Lesodi Primary School. The race will start at 06:00 at Mashishing Stadium and end there too. Runners can register on race day, before the race. The categories include 21,2km (entry fee R40), 10km (entry fee R35), walkers (entry fee R20) and 5km fun run (entry fee R10). For more information phone Sipho Mnisi: 073 121 8890/ 072 894 1958, Jecson Fenyane: 073 544 5914, Amos Mogaone 083 770 9576, Shabnam Arbee: 082 867 8679 or Queen Hlongwa: 073 315 5354.
3. M & A Venter 4. en 5 P Mans 6. H Geldenhuys 7. G Roets 8. Allo Lofts
The Thanda Bantu Creché (near Coromandel) visited the Highlands Panorama News. The children sang a beautiful song before they walked away with money for ice cream and a donation to the school. Who can say no to such beautiful children?
9. J Venter 10. H Geldenhuys 10 September: Springfontein: 744 km: Ope 1: Wenspoed 1127 meter per minuut 1. P en M Venter 2. Frans en Danelle Hokke 3. H Geldenhuys 4. C Slabbert 5. P Mans 6. J Venter 7. C Slabbert 8. H Geldenhuys 9. P en M Venter 10. G Roets Springfontein: 744 km: Ope 2: Wenspoed was 1163 meter per minuut 1. en 2 Frans en Danelle Hokke 3. G Marais 4 en 5 H Geldenhuys 6. J Venter 7. G Marais 8. G Roets 9. P en M Venter
Sipho Mnisi from Lydenburg won a gold medal at the City to City challenge this past weekend in Johannesburg. He is very excited about the Mashishing Marathon this weekend.
“Laduma” at soccer
10. Allo Lofts 17 September: Gariep: 784 km: Ope 1: Wenspoed was 1121 meter per minuut 1. G Marais 2. Frans en Danelle Hokke 3. G Roets 4 en 5. P Mans 6. Frans en Danelle Hokke 7. H Geldenhuys 8. G Marais 9. Allo Lofts 10. H Geldenhuys Gariep 784 km: Ope 2: Wenspoed was 1155 meter per minuut. 1. P en M Venter 2. G Roets 3. G Marais 4. G Roets 5. C Slabbert 6. G Marais 7. P Mans 8. en 9 Frans en Danelle Hokke 10 Allo Lotfs Daar is nog slegs twee wedvlugte oor hier jaar. Sterkte aan al die duiweboere!
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) hosted a soccer tournament between some of the Samancor Chrome, Business Units at the Winterveld Club on 17 September2011. The participating teams represented Tubatse Ferrochrome, Eastern Chrome Mines, Middelburg Ferrochrome and Ferrometals and took each other head on. Ferrometals was the overall winner with a score of 3-0! Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines took the second place. Congratulations! Photos – light blue – Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines. Navy - Ferrometals
22 September 2011
KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424. A1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS & wassery. 013 235 3976. A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security 013 235 3976. AK JEWELS - 013 235 1075 V R O U T J I E S KOFFIEHUIS en teetuin - Langs Sparsentrum. 013 235 3016 R O N I Q U E UPHOLSTERERS Custom designs, canvas blinds, bakkie canvas. 013 235 1109 H U U R K O O P PROBLEME Het jou terugbetaling op jou voertuig 'n nagmerrie geword, of is jou aflos te hoog. Skakel ons gerus vir 'n oplossing. 073 830 8637 HANDYMAN • carports • paving • palisades • renovations • painting • tiling. Deon 071 474 4071/ 013 235 3363
A L L G A R A G E DOORS, Centurion gate motors, electric fencing. Fanie Grobler. Preferred, Accredited Installer. 072 774 4339/ 013 235 4521
TREASURE TIME digitale fotografie. Studio, troues en alle geleenthede. Willie/ Tania: 082 331 4814/ 0 8 2 7 8 6 3 4 5 8 www.treasuretime.co.z a SKOONMAAK/ CLEANING
C R E AT I V E N A I L S TRAINING 084 860 7714 NAILS, LASHES, Makeup 076 677 6002/ 013 235 4947 S4 SLIMMING Tablets 076 677 6002 SALON HAIR & IETSIE NICE LINGERIE 074 887 6950
L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON - 072 320 9203. . PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658
6ha PLOT met boorgat op Finsburypad, R450 000. 084 629 2167
AT L A S PA N E E L K L O P P E R S - EIENDOM TE HUUR/ Geakkrediteer. Kontak: PROPERTY TO RENT 013 235 3423/ 082 454 2 SLAAPKAMER 8382 (100m²) oopplan nuutgeboude woonstel op plaas, Mosterdhoek. MOTORS TE KOOP/ R5000pm plus R2500 CARS FOR SALE deposito. Skakel Eugene 084 922 4444 EK KOOP BYNA ALLE tweedehandse motors, 3SLK, 2 BADK, 1 bakkies, combi’s en motorhuis. Groot erf dubbel cabs vir kontant. verhuring vanaf 1 Okt Ek is bereid om op te tel. 31 Des 2011 @ R8500 Skakel Unis 082 959 p/m. Kontak 083 288 6834 9120/ 072 203 1614 LOSIES/ LODGING
L O S I E S , LY D E N H A M B A N A T H I BURG. 073 555 4840 VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780 GESOEK/ WANTED VERVOER/ TRANSPORT
BENODIG ’n nanny. Skakel 073 130 7770
VRAGMOTOR TE SLEEPWAHUUR/ HUUR: alle tipe vervoer, TRAILER HIRE bestuurder word voorsien. Langafstande CJ’S TRAILER HIRE: R4/km + diesel. Jan 078 284 5174/ Kobus 082 321 7054
KROEGPERSOON/ BESTUURDER by lodge. Salaris onderhandelbaar & verblyf beskikbaar. Kontak Wickus 076 649 3051 KERKE/ CHURCHES •Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. • Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist C h u r c h Ly d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • El Shaddai Gemeente Evangelie van Christus Netwerk. Rensburgstr. 41, Lydenburg. Woe. 19:00 Vry. 19:00 jeug. Sondagskool 09:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 1 8 : 0 0 . • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00. Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934. • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk), 18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. jeugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, j e u g b y kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Burgersentrum. Liana Esterhuysen: 013 235 2463.• Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo.
Touch of Class
ANNIQUE - Beauty La Femme / Skoonheid Salon Larrisa Thomas 083 291 0372
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. new trailers avail. 076 775 3245/ 076 775 3255
SKOONMAAK VAN M AT T E , m e u b e l s , motors en droogsuig T A F E L D O E K E van oorstroomde matte. Overlays, glase en Martie 082 951 7494 eetgerei. Skakel Rina: 082 751 0432 REKENAARS/ COMPUTERS EIENDOM TE KOOP/ PROPERTY TO BUY I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and STAND IN THE HEADS 770m², no agents software, virus involved. 082 255 2503 removals, networks, printers , callouts etc. MEENTHUIS: 3 slk, 2 Jacques 071 268 9211 / b a d k , d u b b e l Pierre 079 881 1932 motorhuis, stoep. R1.4 milj. 082 406 7830
BEAUTY BOX - sonbed 013 235 4986 SLENDER YOU firming and toning beds. Amazing inch reduction. Carmen 082 378 6426
player, bullbar, rollbar, 1250 videos + videomasjien.. 079 255 3004
Slimkopies / Classifieds
HONDA TWISTER 250CC R20 000. 082 904 8587/ 013 235 1102
Ondermatverhitting Skirting Los Matte Teëls Logo Matte
200CC QUAD BIKE. R6000 084 629 2167 PIONEER met CD
083 600 4231
10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Ly d e n b u r g B a p t i s t Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 a n d c h u r c h service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggende 09:00, a a n d e 1 8 : 0 0 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 291 8005/ k e r k k a n t o o r : 087 808 5604. • Sewedag Adventiste K e r k . Saterdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, B u r g e r s t r a a t Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. • Volle Evangelie Kerk Burgersfort (Laerskool Burgersfort) oggend: Sondag 9 am aand: Sondag 5 pm. Woensdag: 7 pm Bid l y d e n b u r g baptiste@isat.co.za Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Vergadering. Pastoor Antonie Nortje - 084 818 0920. • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604.
KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES NEEM ASSEBLIEF KENNIS dat DL Makelaars vanaf 15 September 2011 geen verantwoordelikheid neem vir enige besigheids transaksies, polise of verseking wat deur Louis Fourie, I.D. nr: 850929 5054 086 verkoop of verskaf word nie.
Secure Storage Available Rezak Storage Now Open Dirk
076 660 1389
Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe, ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere. 39 Rensburgstr Lydenburg Gerrie 082 898 0563
MATRIX COMPUTER WAREHOUSE het van perseël verander na Kantoorstraat 57. Tel: 013 235 4669
67 De Clerq street, Lydenburg 013 235 2432 / 084 587 5666
Worthy Funerals Dawid Peyper 084 587 5666
BECP BETON PRODUKTE •Sement Boustene; •Interlock en Bevel plaveistene; •Vloer- en Muurteëls; •Tuinsirkels; •Klippies; •Steppingstones en vele meer!! Vertoonlokaal by Kuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg op Dullstroompad.
Ben: 082 408 2798 Maria: 082 446 2277
Verwydering van tuinvullis 1 keer per week teen R50 p.m Lorrie vragte kan gereël word teen R150/vrag Dromme word voorsien Francois 082 826 1502 Maryna 082 568 6695
Flat Glass, Safety Glass, Showers, Patio Doors, Windscreens, House Glass, Insurance Claims, Shatterproof
Phone us for a free quotation Kantoor Str. Lydenburg Tel: 013 235 2245 Fax: 013 235 2242
SANMOS DRAWINGS & ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES LYDENBURG Professional Architectural Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops, warehouses, alterations. All drawings done on CAD, prints are available at all hours
Tel: 082 454 6555 Fax: 013 235 4268
Besigheids Geleentheid
(Lydenburg) Plastiek dakplaat vervaardiging masjien + gebou te huur R6000 p/m. (Opsie om te koop) Alleenreg vir vervaardiging en verskafing in Mpumalanga. Produk 8 jaar in bedryf. Eienaar ander belange 082 826 1502
LDRKONTANT PAWNNODIG? SHOP Ons koop en verkoop enige werkende elektriese toerusting en handgereedskap, juweliersware & huishoudelike items teen die beste pryse. Tel:013 235 4843 Cel:078 467 0954 Cel:082 872 4334 Cel:076 483 1234
DR. KING OF STARS LYDENBURG Consultation fee R50 - People of 55yrs and older get free consultation! Your dream has come true. The big herbalist you have been looking for so many years. Now he is around with fresh and powerful Muthi that has proven 100% good. As he never fails in any problem in his life. It’s Muthi from Majuni mountain. Recover stolen properties. Courtcases; unsettled marriages; bring back lost lover; pregnancy problems; thicker and penis enlargement permanently. Selling properties quickly; promotion at work; financial problems; win lotto & casino. Claiming money? 5 days to get it; high blood pressure & diabetes; business empowerment; early ejaculation in men & women; customer attraction; job opportunities; women & men who want children; remove bad luck. Find doctor at 37 De Clerq Street, next to Autozone “Be happy for the rest of your life” 072 087 2386
Notices & Vacancies
22 September 2011
LYDENBURG Tel: KENNISGEWINGS/ 013 235 1625 Faks: 013 235 4528 Verw: NOTICES RH/yg/AL3129
LYDENBURG Tel: 013 235 1625 Faks: 013 235 4528 Verw: RH/yg/AL3585
KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING IN EKSEKUSIE Saaknr: C01217/11 U R N : 6142011CIV001217 In die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Lydenburg gehou te Lydenburg In die saak tussen: TIM TRADING (EDMS) BPK h/a HANA’S H A R D W A R E Eksekusieskuldeise r en SEVEN MILE TRADING 51 BK h/a F S D VERSKAFFERS E e r s t e Eksekusieskuldena a r D O U W G E R B R A N D G R O B L E R (7502145023089) T w e e d e Eksekusieskuldnea ar. IN OPVOLGING van ’n vonnis in die Landdroshof van Lydenburg en ’n lasbrief van eksekusie gedateer 12/07/2011 sal die goedere hieronder uiteengesit in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder op 12 OKTOBER 2011 om 14:15 te Balju Kantoor Lydenburg, Kantoorstraat 80, Lydenburg naamlik: 1 X VELDFIETS. Gedateer te LYDENBURG op 12 SEPTEMBER 2011. Prokureurs vir A p p l i k a n t VA N RENEN HEYNS ING. LEO FORUM KANTOORSTRAAT 72 LYDENBURG POSBUS 261 LYDENBURG DX 5
I N T H E M A G I S T R AT E ’ S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NELSPRUIT HELD AT N E L S P R U I T C a s e N o : 5129/2009 In the matter between FIRSTRAND BANK LTD EXECUTION C R E D I TO R a n d D I R K J J M Y B U R G H EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION. PURSUANT to a judgement by the Magistrate’s Court NELSPRUIT on 7th of December 2009 t h e u n d e r mentioned goods will be sold at 09h00 on 12 OCTOBER 2 0 11 b y p u b l i c auction to be held at the SHERIFF O F F I C E LY D E N B U R G , K A N T O O R S T R E E T , LYDENBURG, by the Sheriff of the Magistrate’s Court Lydenburg to the highest bidder for cash: 1 x MAROON TOYOTA TAZZ REG: DFX 873 MP D A T E D a t VACANCY NELSPRUIT on this SEWERAGE the 13th day of TRUCK DRIVER SEPTEMBER 2011. (sgd) THOMAS H A Y L E T T Valid Code 10 licence SIEBRITS HACK and PDP STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS P/A Salary negotiable S WA N E P O E L & PARTNERS INC Fax CV to Suite 601, Pinnacle 013 235 3952 Building, 1 Parkin
KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING IN EKSEKUSIE S a a k n r : C01097/2011 URN: 6142011CIV001097 In die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Lydenburg gehou te Lydenburg In die saak tussen: N A T I O N A L SOCKET SCREWS Eksekusieskuldeise r en MM BERGH h/a RICHTRANS ENGINEERING Eksekusieskuldena ar IN OPVOLGING van ’n vonnis in die Landdroshof van Lydenburg en ’n lasbrief van eksekusie gedateer 08/07/2011 sal die goedere hieronder uiteengesit in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder op 13 OKTOBER 2011 o m 1 0 : 0 0 BREYTENBACHST R A A T 2 3 , LYDENBURG naamlik: 1 X 100KVA M A R E L L I A LT GENERATOR, 1 X TRM HYDRAULIC SWING BEAM, 1 X Wa67 K 100 X 2500 PRESS BRAKE, 1 X ASIA BUS REG NR RHJ 210 GP (NIE LOPEND) Gedateer te LYDENBURG op 12 SEPTEMBER 2011. Prokureurs vir A p p l i k a n t VA N RENEN HEYNS ING. LEO FORUM KANTOORSTRAAT 72 LYDENBURG POSBUS 261 LYDENBURG DX 5
VACANCY Auto Electrical Assistant for wiring work in the Burgersfort / Steelpoort area. Applicant to do a theoretical and practical test on site. Fax or E-mail CV: 013 231 8142 / talrad@talrad.co.za Qualified Artisans Needed Red Seal an advantage • Boilermaker • Diesel Mechanic • Mechnical Fitter • Pipe Fitter • Welder • Electricians Send CV to:
Street, NELSPRUIT Tel: 013 753 2401 M R SIEBRITS/ANEL/D EB2574
Vakante Betrekking Verkoopspersoon SUPA QUICK - Lydenburg • Rekenaarvaardig • Goeie menseverhoudings • Salaris onderhandelbaar Faks CV na: 013 235 3497 of handig in by Supa Quick Sluitingsdatum: 28 September 2011
Mechanical Engineer Permanent Position Offered Highly Qualified Person Needed Experience in Machinery Track list – Yellow Metals Registration as PR Engineer Advantageous Competitive Package Offered: R1-1.2M per annum Please forward comprehensive cv to: info@mandlamanpower.co.za
Laerskool Burgersfort se Gr 6 leerders het besoek gaan afle by Standard Bank as deel van hul Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe leerarea. Mnr Holtzhauzen van Standard Bank het die belangrikheid van spaar aan die leerders verduidelik asook verwys na rekeninge vir hul ouderdomsgroep. Hy het ook vrae van rente, bankkostes ens, beantwoord. Die leerders het veral toe ’n R100 000.00 aan hulle gewys is, gesnak na hul asems. Elke leerder het ’n inligtingspamflet asook ’n selfoonsakkie gekry.
22 September 2011
Die beste geklede span by Klopkloppie se Gholfdag was van links na regs: Herman Adendorf, Jaco Coetser, Frans Labuschagne en Coenie du Preez.
Stokke ‘Klop’ op baan Die langste dryfhou vir die dag, Rudi Conrad.
Wayne Lesch wens Hennie Alberts geluk. Hennie was die algehele wenner van die dag.
DIE Klopkloppie Kleuterskool se Gholfdag op Saterdag 17 September was weereens ’n groot sukses. Hulle bedank al die deelnemers, personeel en borge was die dag ’n groot sukses gemaak het. Dankie aan die volgende instansies: Spekboom Boerdery, Lido Electrical Steelpoort, Sasko Bakkery, Deans Skryfbehoeftes, Ferreira, Venter Law & Nel Ouditeur, Bearing Man, Westvaal Motors, Bearing Services, Otees, PG Glass, Kraaines, Stimuzone, House of Linen, 4U Computers, Mototolo Myn, Lydenburg Gholfklub, Zizwe, McGee’s Garage, Trout Inn, St. Pie, Highlands Volkswagen, Khumbulani Mining, Legends, ERA Eiendomme, Hyundai Motors, Van Renen Heyns Prokureurs, Hendrien Landsberg, Jaco Boshoff, Kosmos Skryfbehoeftes, Hanas Hardeware, BLC Solutions, Kiddy Beat, Pieter de Jonge, Vroutjies Koffiewinkel, Hi-Q Lydenburg, Supa Quick, Marulaneng Drankwinkel, Cathlene Barnard, Erika Hamman, R&P Paneelkloppers, Laramie Spur, Obaro Lydenburg, Die Grasdak Bottelstoor, Nathan Rodgers (kleuter), Jenny McDougall, Seven Miles, Jessica Jurasic Park, MMS Mining, Coenie du Preez, Bulknech, DL Makelaars, Kallie Erasmus, Megapaints, Xstrata, Tyre Boyz, Joubert Apteek, Twee Riviere Platinum Myn, Neil Engelbrecht - Makobulaan, Willie & Jackey Theron, Lydenburg Reaksie, Sterkspruit Dierekliniek, Hairy Fairy Salon, Kenchington’s, BVK & Gawie Grobler Makelaars, Cathy Helberg en Catherina Coetzee.
Lede van die Triton Karate klub wat deelgeneem aan die FSKA Karate Kompetisie aangebied deur Shihan Albert Venter in Rustenburg. Baie geluk aan al die karatekas met hulle puik prestasies. Van links na regs : Gareth Smith, Aran Smith, Clayton Westcott, William Stoltz, Jared Smith en Wian van der Merwe
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