Shane sims
director of people living in recovery/ co-chair of police advisory task force
Walk us through your experience in the criminal justice system? training. However, after completing it, I was offered another job with How did you come about starting People Living in Recovery? People Living in Recovery, a 501 c (3) non-profit that offers recovery support services. This would allow me to work more directly with There were several variables that led me to participating in individuals facing substance use challenges. It also happened to a supposedly harmless armed robbery at the age of eighteen that pay quite a bit more. Within a year, the Board of Directors offered resulted in both the death of a store clerk and me being sentenced me the position of Executive Director. I was immediately faced with to prison for my involvement. Although I had no idea that my co- the challenge of retaining the organization’s primary source of funddefendant would shoot the clerk, under Georgia’s “accessory” law, ing, improving operations, and rebranding the organization. Today, I was equally responsible for his death, and, therefore, could be some 2 years later, PLR offers recovery support services throughout sentenced just as harshly as one who pulled the trigger. It was an Athens and to more than 900 individuals per month. option that the District Attorney chose to pursue. Although I turned myself in and accepted responsibility for my role and pled guilty, What is Modern Pathways to Recovery Housing and how long the DA sought and secured against me a sentence of life plus 15 do citizens reside in a unit? What is a typical day like with years. The fact that I was in my senior year of high school, had residents? What have you learned about them and how have never been in any serious trouble, and had an extensive support you adjusted PLR operations with that information? network--in contrast to my four co-defendants, three of whom had extensive criminal histories--did nothing to mitigate the sentence. When it comes to recovery, one of the things that I quickly realized is that recovery opportunities are greatly under marketed However, my primary concern at the time was not the to minority communities. I believe that its largely due to the fact that draconian sentence or social implications; rather, it was the realiza- recovery can cost money - although not necessarily so - and lack tion that my actions, no matter how indirectly, had contributed to of financial resources and insurance makes minority communities someone's death. I had begun using marijuana heavily and drink- highly unattractive to the “recovery market.” This is a view shared ing alcohol, which was the only thing that I had in common with by a close friend of mine, Edmond Patterson, a white male from my co-defendants. I took full responsibility for putting myself in my Canton, Ga. We also shared a dream of extending affordable recovcircumstances. I entered the Georgia State Prison System in a state ery housing to that demographic. Through prayer, hard work, and of contrition. I had no idea if I would ever walk back out of the prison good fortune, we opened Modern Pathways to Recovery housing gates. However, I determined that if I didn’t, then I would make the for men February 1, 2021. We have 7 beds and the unit is now at best of whatever amount of life God allowed me to live inside of capacity. In addition to recovery support, we offer financial literacy training, communication skill building, jobs, family reunification, them. etc. We want to address more than just the addiction: we want to I quickly learned why the Georgia penal system was no also improve the men’s chances of living prosperous lives. Resilonger called “The Department of Corrections.” In 1995, only months dents of MPR attend recovery support groups daily, engage house prior, then prison commissioner, Wayne Garner, led several busloads mates through group meetings, complete daily chores, complete of tactical squads to different prisons throughout the state. By the any classes, then prepare for work (3rd shift). time they left each prison, many inmates had been beaten bloody with little to no provocation. One guy whom I would grow very close What I have learned through the men of MPR is the power to was actually beaten into paralysis for using the restroom inside of empathic support coupled with opportunities to inspire within a of his cell without being given permission to. In a public statement, person a renewed ambition for an abundant life. I would like to see Gardner opined that most prisoners aren’t worth the bullet it would more recovery support and mental health services offered. My expetake to kill them. He removed all college courses and most reha- rience both within the prison system as well as the Director of PLR bilitative elements from the system, and renamed it simply, “State has made it clear that most criminal activity is related to substance Prison.” He demoralized staff and much of the inmate population. use disorder and/or mental health challenges. The effects would last for years to come. What has made it difficult to have a clear dialogue when it This was the system and environment I entered. I knew comes to the Citizens Advisory Task Force? How can both that I had to fight hard to avoid being victimized by it and make a the community and Police department partner to build trust? life for myself. I became an avid reader, participated in every type of positive event, and dedicated myself to building up those around What has made it difficult is the polarized nature of the me. My “glass half full” attitude and love for people led to the build- current socio-political environment and a tendency for each side to ing of a positive reputation that eventually spread throughout the view the other through lenses that have been tinted by the actions system, among both the inmate population and administration. Three and views of a minority of people. Wardens would petition the Parole Board on my behalf at different times, eventually leading to my release on February 3, after serving For instance, although even one use of excessive force 20 years. My reputation preceded my release and, within months, by law enforcement is too much, the numbers are relatively low I was working, taking care of my family, and fully engaged with the here in Athens. The refusal to recognize this fact on the behalf of community. the community will surely sabotage any efforts to constructively address this moderate, but very real issue. Concomitantly, the PD During my second year of freedom, I began receiving invi- must recognize the fact that they have the goodwill of the majortations to speak at different places and events, including within the ity of the community. If it is assumed that any and every effort to prison system. After speaking at Athens Day Report Center drugs, address the very real issues that exist between law enforcement alcohol and human resilience, I was offered a job there. However, and minority communities across this country is nothing more than I would have to obtain a Certified Addiction Recovery Empower- hatred for the PD veiled by political jargon, then this will sabotage ment Specialist (CARES) certification. I immediately applied for the any hopes of addressing them in a constructive manner as well. HIGHLIGHT