High Line Canal Conservancy 2019 Report to the Community

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LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Friends of the High Line Canal, It is our honor to share this 2019 Report to the Community with all of you. The report highlights so much that we, together with you and our partners, have been able to do to preserve, protect, enhance and enjoy the Canal. OVER FIVE YEARS AGO, a committed group of community leaders formed the High Line Canal Conservancy, harnessing commitment from elected leaders and Denver Water to do more for the Canal than any of us could do alone. With thousands of community voices, together, we created and committed to an inspiring vision for the Canal’s future. We love it when a plan comes together and in 2019 much of the Conservancy’s planning and collaboration has come together with meaningful improvements and commitments to ensure the Canal’s vital future. There is much to celebrate! With Conservancy leadership, we completed The Plan for the High Line Canal, now endorsed by Denver Water and all 11 jurisdictions. We are working together to fund and implement the most critical of the 100 recommended projects including signage, trailheads, stormwater projects, bridges and more. Full implementation of this plan requires a structured partnership, and in 2019, after many years of deliberation, we have agreed upon an innovative governance model for the High Line Canal: The Canal Collaborative. With the Conservancy managing the Canal Collaborative we will be able to pool public and private funding and work together toward priority enhancements and improved maintenance that will sustain the Canal into the future. We published the new Map and Guide to the High Line Canal, giving trail users, old and new, an indispensable tool to explore the wonders of our region. We are growing the Conservancy’s capabilities, strengthening partnerships and providing citizens more opportunities than ever to step up for the Canal through stewardship programs. Together, we are transforming the Canal from an old utility into a sustainable world class greenway and green infrastructure system. None of this is possible without you, the Canal Community. Because of our work, and support from all of you, the future of the Canal is brighter than ever. In 2019, we saw an incredible outpouring of support, from the private citizens of the region to national foundations. Our High Line Hero membership program is now over 1,500 members strong and our critical network of collaborators is as expansive as ever. Together, with our deep and collective commitment, we will preserve our region’s most treasured greenway, forever. We will celebrate its history, improve access and create more urban park space for all people. For so many, the Canal is a gift that keeps on giving; day after day, year after year, the Canal is always there, calling for us to travel along its meandering path, soaking in its simple beauty. Thank you for standing up for the Canal. Harriet Crittenden LaMair | Executive Director Dirk McDermott | Board Director 2

Cover photo credit: Evan Anderman

“Together, we are transforming the Canal from an old utility into a sustainable world class greenway and green infrastructure system.” Harriet Crittenden LaMair

Photo credit: Denver Botanic Gardens

MISSION The mission of the High Line Canal Conservancy is to preserve, protect and enhance the 71-mile-long High Line Canal in partnership with the public.

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS REPORT • CONNECTING THE PAST TO THE FUTURE: How the Canal is transforming for a vibrant and sustainable future • CONNECTING COMMUNITIES, COMMITMENT TO ACCESS: How we’re implementing The Plan for the High Line Canal • COMMITMENT TO NATURE: How we’re strengthening the environmental health of the Canal • CONNECTING PEOPLE TO NATURE: How we’re fostering a new generation of stewards 3

COMMITMENT TO PRESERVING THE PAST FOR THE FUTURE You can’t tell the story of Colorado without its canals. The High Line Canal (Canal) is no exception. Built over a century ago to bring irrigation water from the foothills to farmers settling across the region, the Canal was always a promise of a better future. Today, 137 years later, the Canal has outlived its historic purpose, and the High Line Canal Conservancy (Conservancy) is committed to creating new ways to deliver that promise. The 71-mile-long Canal presents an opportunity for a reimagined future – one of ecological, societal and recreational benefits for communities and citizens near and far. Through collaboration, thoughtful planning and commitment, the future of the Canal is in all of our hands.

OUR STORY The Conservancy was formed in 2014 to represent the passionate community dedicated to preserving and enhancing the Canal. The Photo credit: Denver Water Conservancy provides leadership that reflects the public’s commitment to a vibrant, sustainable future for the Canal. Working collaboratively with its partners, including Denver Water, the 11 jurisdictions along the Canal’s reach and Mile High Flood District, the Conservancy’s efforts will lead to a thriving natural corridor that is more connected and provides improved access, amenities and safety for all trail users.



A REIMAGINED FUTURE In 2019, the Conservancy and our partners completed and endorsed the community-driven Plan for The High Line Canal (The Plan). This visionary 15-year plan reclaims the historic waterway for the region and depicts a new life for the Canal. Guided by The Plan, we are embarking on multiple projects in collaboration with local communities, citizens and critical partners to enhance the corridor. There are four objectives that summarize the holistic and ambitious ideas that underpin all of The Plan’s recommendations: • Human Health, Use and Safety • Environmental Health

• Adaptive and Innovative Reuse • Access and Connectivity

The Plan illuminates the opportunities and challenges of the historic Canal corridor, while providing inspiring and practical guidance for improvements that honor and enhance its uniqueness. THE PLAN FOR THE HIGH LINE CANAL Over the next 15 years, The Plan will guide the Conservancy’s work to implement over 100 on-Canal improvement projects as well as increase stewardship in partnership with the local jurisdictions. FOLLOW THE BOOK ICON THROUGHOUT THIS REPORT TO LEARN ABOUT ALL OF THE PROJECTS RECOMMENDED IN THE PLAN.



Rendering: Enhancing the Experience at Broadway

CONNECTING COMMUNITIES, COMMITMENT TO ACCESS Through strong leadership and collaboration, we are committed to ensuring the Canal is permanently protected and a place for everyone to enjoy. With The Plan - the first of its kind - the Conservancy and its partners are taking steps to close trail gaps, create safer street crossings and improve access along the entire 71-mile corridor. The formation of the new Canal Collaborative will ensure strong leadership and collaboration between the varied communities and leaders along the Canal’s reach. Implementation of The Plan is already underway as described in the following pages, highlighting 2019 projects and programs for access and signage, connectivity and neighborhood Canal improvements.



How Colorado’s Canals Came To Be and How They’re Making Themselves Today Featuring the Conservancy’s Harriet LaMair, July 8



ACCESS AND SIGNAGE The Plan lays out clear guidelines that will enhance the trail-user’s experience with improved neighborhood access, safer connections, new trailheads and a navigational and interpretive signage plan for the entire corridor. PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: TRIPLE CREEK TRAILHEAD City of Aurora, Arapahoe County Open Spaces The Triple Creek Trailhead was completed in the summer of 2019 at the junction of the Canal, Sand Creek Greenway and the Triple Creek Greenway. This new trailhead provides critical trail access to the Canal trail on E. Colfax Avenue in Aurora, while connecting Canal users to other regional greenways and open spaces. The project was completed by Aurora Parks, Recreation and Open Space with grant funding from Arapahoe County Open Spaces.

Triple Creek Trailhead, Aurora

PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: LONG’S PINE GROVE OPEN SPACE Arapahoe County Open Spaces Arapahoe County Open Spaces is developing Long’s Pine Grove, a 2.8-acre site that abuts the Canal, located at Uinta Way and Florida Avenue in the Four Square Mile Neighborhood. The new park will preserve sweeping mountain views and stands of mature pine trees while adding a picnic pavilion, nature play area, turf lawn and a parking area. A new bridge has been installed to connect park users to the Canal trail and completion of the park is anticipated in the summer of 2020.



new mile markers


new wayfinding signs


new trail heads


improved access points


Proposed signage projects


Proposed access projects







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Learn more at highlinecanal.org

Sign Type A: Trailhead Monument Sign

Sign Type A.1: Secondary Trailhead Monument Sign

Sign Type B: Large Wayfinding Map Kiosk

Sign Type C: Small Wayfinding Map Kiosk



U N I T IE S - C O N






Mattis sapien erat eu tortor. Donec sit amet justo sem. Morbi augue ipsum, laoreet et lorem pulvinar, efficitur mattis sapien. Pellentesque feugiat tristique interdum. Donec eleifend orci magna, et efficitur metus mollis non.



Mattis sapien erat eu tortor. Donec sit amet justo sem. Morbi augue ipsum, laoreet et lorem pulvinar, efficitur mattis sapien. Pellentesque feugiat tristique interdum. Donec eleifend orci magna, et efficitur metus mollis non.



Sign Type E: Medium Interpretive Sign

Sign Type D: Large Interpretive Sign

Sign Type F: Small Interpretive Sign

Rules of the Trail


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Sign Type G.1: Free Standing Wayfinding Sign

Sign Type G.2: Free Standing Wayfinding Sign – Alternate

Sign Type P: Parking Lot ID

Sign Type Q: Placemaking Bollard

Sign Type H: Mile Marker - 1 Mile

Sign Type K: Rules of the Trail


Sign Type N.2: Pole-mounted Wayfinding

A comprehensive signage and wayfinding system will unify the Canal’s identity, providing better user orientation, understanding and appreciation.



High Line Canal Improvements Featuring the Conservancy’s Suzanna Jones, Jan. 22 Photo credit: Arthouse Design



CONNECTIVITY: SAFETY AND CROSSING ENHANCEMENTS The Canal crosses 98 streets, including major thoroughfares and interstates. We are committed to working with the local jurisdictions to increase safety so that trail users can access and use the trail with ease. PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: S. FRANKLIN STREET CROSSING City of Greenwood Village


At the heavily used South Franklin Street crossing, the City of Greenwood Village has installed a raised crossing. This at-grade crossing improvement has slowed vehicular traffic and helped make pedestrians more visible.

The City of Aurora is completing the construction of three miles of trail to close the longest trail gap along the Canal. Construction on the section from just north of I-70 to the border with Denver in the Green Valley Ranch neighborhood started in 2019 and will be complete in 2020. Construction of the I-70 underpass and connection south to Colfax is anticipated in 2021.

PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: UPCOMING UNDERPASSES SCHEDULED TO BEGIN CONSTRUCTION IN 2020 • Santa Fe Highway 85 Underpass, Douglas County • Hampden and Colorado (two), Cherry Hills Village, City and County of Denver and Arapahoe County • Parker and Mississippi, City and County of Denver and Arapahoe County

Rendering: Trail improvements at Tower Road

The Plan promotes a safe, continuous greenway for all people, providing improved access and trailheads.



new underpasses


improved crossings


trail gaps connected


Proposed connectivity projects



NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS: HEALTH, SAFETY AND EXPERIENCE Neighborhood Canal enhancements, co-created by the community, are critical to increasing use and enjoyment of the Canal. As guided by The Plan, the Conservancy is working with local communities to implement highly prioritized projects that will ensure stronger community connections to the Canal and access to nature for all residents. PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: LAREDO HIGHLINE NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS The High Line Canal Conservancy The Conservancy was awarded a $180,000 grant from the Colorado Health Foundation to enhance the Canal with community-desired capital improvements in the Laredo Highline neighborhood of Aurora. Trail improvements, such as seating, shade structures and nature play elements that encourage healthy living, will be installed in early 2021. PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: ORCHARD TRAILHEAD RESTROOMS City of Greenwood Village, Arapahoe County Open Spaces The City of Greenwood Village has installed permanent restrooms at the Orchard Trailhead, funded through a combination of Greenwood Village funds and a grant from Arapahoe County Open Spaces.

EXISTING CONDITIONS – ACCESS TO AMENITIES This graph of basic amenities reveals that parts of the Canal have more access to amenities than others. The Conservancy is committed to equitable access and experience along the Canal trail for all communities.

Number of Access Points Benches Restrooms Playgrounds



# of Access Points



64th Avenue

Interstate 70

Colfax Avenue

Cherry Creek Trail

Interstate 25

Quincy Avenue

University Blvd.

Big Dry Creek Trail



U.S. Highway 85

Titan Road

Waterton Road


Interstate 225



CANAL COLLABORATIVE The Canal Collaborative will formally bring together regional partners to do more for the Canal together than any one entity can do alone, ensuring this treasured resource is preserved, protected and enhanced as a regional legacy for future generations. For years, the Canal has served as a part of Denver Water’s utility infrastructure, but times have changed and the Canal no longer sustainably serves the purposes for which Denver Water historically used the Canal. With partner agreements and endorsement for The Plan, the Canal has a new life as a recreational and ecological resource for the community. This new life demands a new management structure that will support the Canal’s future roles as a 71mile linear park and stormwater management system. Formed after a year-long series of facilitated discussions, this formalized collaborative management model has been endorsed by all of the local governments and partners. The Canal Collaborative will be administered and supported by the Conservancy. CANAL COLLABORATIVE MEMBERS Aurora, Arapahoe County, Douglas County, the City and County of Denver, Cherry Hills Village, Greenwood Village, Littleton, South Suburban Parks and Recreation, Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority, Highlands Ranch Metro District, Denver Water, Mile High Flood District and the High Line Canal Conservancy. NEWS


Front Range Focus: Highline Canal Featuring the Conservancy’s Josh Phillips, July 26



new benches


new community spaces


Proposed neighborhood Canal improvements budget



COMMITMENT TO NATURE It is critical to strengthen the environmental health of the Canal to enable it to continue as a thriving natural corridor. The Canal has evolved into an important ecological corridor, connecting the region’s natural systems, including 32 creeks and gulches and over 72 adjacent open spaces. No longer efficient as a means of delivering irrigation water, the Canal rarely carries the volume of water needed to maintain its unintentional yet significant vegetation and tree canopy. Our commitment to Canal-wide and local efforts to improve the health of the Canal’s ecology and biodiversity are evident through the collaborative work of the Canal Tree Canopy Care Project, the Stormwater Transformation and Enhancement Program (STEP), Conservancy stewardship programs and future re-planting efforts as outlined in The Plan.

EXISTING CONDITIONS – NATURAL SYSTEMS This graph shows areas of dense tree cover and the valleys where the Canal crosses significant natural waterways. Number of Access Points Tree Cover Stream/Creek Crossings Valleys

Tree Cover


# of Access Points


64th Avenue

Interstate 70

Colfax Avenue

Cherry Creek Trail

Interstate 25

Quincy Avenue

University Blvd.

Big Dry Creek Trail



Titan Road

Waterton Road


Interstate 225



CANAL TREE CANOPY CARE PROJECT In 2019, the Canal Tree Canopy Care Project continued with over 500 unhealthy trees trimmed or removed to support the health of the tree canopy and safety of the corridor. Comprehensive tree care maintenance along all 71 miles of the Canal began in June 2018 as a result of the tree inventory and continues today as maintenance crews remove and prune unhealthy trees along the corridor. The work is focused on maintaining a safe environment for trail users, preserving the health of the tree canopy and supporting a healthy ecosystem. The Tree Canopy Care Project is possible because of joint funding from Denver Water and our jurisdictional partners, as well as private citizens. TREE INVENTORY BACKGROUND: In 2016, the Conservancy, Denver Water and leadership from each of the jurisdictions along the Canal’s reach conducted a comprehensive tree inventory in which data was collected on 23,539 trees along the corridor to assess their health. The project identified, mapped and evaluated all trees with a diameter of six inches or greater within the Canal corridor, and the results have been used to assess and prioritize maintenance of the tree canopy. Results indicated that 43 percent of the tree canopy is made up of cottonwood trees, many over 100 years old and nearing the end of their natural lifespan. This, along with a growing human population and limited water resources, reinforces the need to act now and plan for the Canal’s changing landscape. TREE CARE WORK TO DATE*: • 221 trims • 361 removals • $33,000 raised on Colorado Gives Day in 2019 dedicated to the Tree Canopy Care Fund * In 2019, spring snowstorms and other weather events led to a significant number of unplanned tree removals and trims.

Visit highlinecanal.org/tree-care for more information.

Photo credit: Evan Anderman



drought-tolerant trees planted per mile

Continuing care for the existing tree canopy

Natural resources management plan


Proposed landscape enhancement budget COMMITMENT TO NATURE 13

STORMWATER TRANSFORMATION AND ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (STEP) The Conservancy, with the support and expertise of its partners, Denver Water and Mile High Flood District, is working with local jurisdictions to advance stormwater management in the Canal. Transitioning the Canal’s utility function to stormwater management will result in a cleaner, healthier and more vibrant Canal corridor providing benefits to the environment and communities of our region. The Conservancy was honored to receive a Pisces Foundation grant of $70,000 for a second year to advance the stormwater transformation and develop a system-wide One Water management plan for the High Line Canal. The Pisces Foundation seeks ways to accelerate to a world where people and nature thrive together. The project also has been generously supported with a $55,000 grant from The JPB Foundation through the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, an administrative partner in issuing and managing this grant. With these critical funds, The Conservancy achieved the following successes in 2019: • Four stormwater projects were permitted in 2019, covering 8 miles of Canal located in Douglas County, Littleton, Greenwood Village, and Denver. • Addressed jurisdiction-specific flood mitigation and water quality needs through the identification and analysis of stormwater project opportunities. • Completed the Pathway Guide, an online tool for jurisdictions and developers to use for identifying and advancing stormwater projects. • Educated stakeholders and community members about the benefits of the Canal’s transformation.

Follow along with STEP’s progress on highlinecanal.org/stormwater. 14


STORMWATER MANAGEMENT As many as 62 of the Canal’s 71 miles can be transformed for stormwater management and conveyance. The Plan proposes the installation of berms to improve water quality as well as constructed overflows (spillways) and formalized channels to address localized flooding.

HIGH LINE CANAL BIOBLITZES WITH DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS In partnership with Denver Botanic Gardens, the Conservancy took a deeper look into the botanicals that are found along the Canal through on-the-ground research and community-science-based bioblitzes. Three trainings and seven bioblitzes took place in 2019 following on the heels of a 2018 botanical survey, in which the Denver Botanic Gardens recorded over 450 species of plants. These community-science events focused on better understanding the Canal’s biodiversity while connecting people to nature with the use of the popular nature app, iNaturalist. BIOBLITZES • 125 total participants • 2,295 observations • 226 unique species identified by community scientists* * 14 new species were identified by community scientists that weren’t found in the Denver Botanic Garden’s 2018 Botanical Survey.

“A core aspect of the trail’s identity arises, in a literal sense, from the ground up. The vegetation growing along the Canal represents an increasingly rare tract of uninterrupted green.” – Denver Botanic Gardens High Line Canal 2018 Botanical Survey

Photo credit: Denver Botanic Gardens



water quality berms


constructed overflows


formalized channels

$12.5M Proposed stormwater enhancement budget



CONNECTING PEOPLE TO NATURE We believe that a deep connection to nature will foster a new generation of stewards to protect and preserve our treasured High Line Canal. In 2019, the Conservancy significantly increased opportunities for community members to connect with nature in meaningful ways through a variety of new stewardship and recreational programs, engaging with over 2,500 people including more than 450 youth. 2019 ENGAGEMENT • 2,512 community members engaged • 33 conservancy events • 23 community events • 29 presentations • 422 volunteers • 450 youth engaged



9 NEWS KUSA Volunteers Rally for the High Line Canal September 19

CBS 4 DENVER Volunteers Needed to Pull Invasive Weeds Interview with Harriet LaMair, August 14 Caring for the Canal: Brush Removal



STEWARDSHIP OF THE CANAL As an ecological and recreational greenway, the Canal provides important habitat for plants and wildlife, while enhancing the lives of people throughout the region. The Conservancy hosts an array of stewardship programs that allow community members to directly and actively care for the Canal. With the launch of our Caring for the Canal programs in 2019, our volunteer participation grew exponentially to over 400 active volunteers. Our stewardship events are designed to bring citizens together to help improve the environmental health of the corridor by removing trash that collects along the Canal; noxious weeds that pose a threat to native vegetation, wildlife and public health; and brush to mitigate fire risk. Our deep commitment to stewardship of the Canal is only possible through the support of our volunteers, committed citizens and partners. STEWARDSHIP • 8 community cleanups • 281 cleanup participants (770 volunteer hours) • 2,545 lbs. of trash removed • 17.3 miles of the Canal cleaned • 3 noxious weed removal events • 51 noxious weed removal participants (106 volunteer hours)

Caring for the Canal: Noxious Weed Removal

• 761 lbs. of weeds removed

Caring for the Canal: Community Cleanup CONNECTING PEOPLE TO NATURE


RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION The Canal is one of the longest continuous urban trails in the country and a recreational asset to more than 350,000 residents within one mile of its banks. Through our events and programs on the Canal, we are activating citizens both near and far to use and discover all 71 miles of the trail, creating a healthier, stronger community. In 2019, the Conservancy partnered with local organizations including Walk2Connect and Environmental Learning for Kids to lead walks along the Canal highlighting its history, wildlife and plant life. In addition, the Conservancy led a bike tour with 30 participants from Greater and Greener, a City Parks Alliance conference. Along with the new Guide to the High Line Canal, these programs encourage citizens to explore and celebrate the varied segments of the trail. RECREATION AND EDUCATION • 30+ guided walks • 173 registered walkers • 45 walkers completed all 71 miles of the High Line Canal • 30 bicyclists for Greater and Greener tour • 450 youth engaged To learn about programs and volunteer opportunities, email volunteer@highlinecanal.org. To explore the Canal with the new map and guide, visit highlinecanal.org/guide.

Thank you to Elsie and Billy Humes who volunteered at our office weekly throughout 2019. Thursdays would not be the same without their smiling faces and immeasurable support.



Photo Credit: Schomp Subaru



The Conservancy led a bike tour along the Canal through Greenwood Village, Cherry Hills Village and into Denver with 30 participants from around the country. Thank you to our partners, the City and County of Denver and B-Cycle for helping to show this group our invaluable ecological and recreational resource.

The Conservancy celebrated the launch of The Plan for the High Line Canal along with Denver Water, the adjacent jurisdictions and the public at Rally for the Canal-ly 2019 in Aurora. At the event, over 100 community leaders and citizens came together, celebrate and clean a portion of the Canal. The celebration also included a generous gift of $56,000 from Subaru’s Share the Love Event.

CANAL MAP + GUIDE The new and improved Guide to the High Line Canal is an indispensable tool for discovering the wonders of the historic trail. It breaks down the 71-mile linear park into 27 walkable, bike- and equestrian-friendly trail segments and adventures. The guide and map include navigational tips and highlights of the Canal’s history and natural wonders, highlighting access points, landmarks and adjacent trails.



COMMITMENT TO THE CAUSE None of the Conservancy’s work for the Canal would be possible without the financial support of dedicated private citizens, foundations and partners. Thank you to our Founding Partners! In 2019, we celebrated the completion of the Founding Partners Program, a critical fundraising campaign initiated when the Conservancy was newly formed. These visionary, philanthropic leaders, families, neighbors and friends each symbolically adopted one of the Canal’s 71 miles to raise $1.78 million of catalytic funds. Thank you, Founding Partners – your support allows the Conservancy to lead, steward and advocate for this cherished, regional resource. In 2020, a portion of Founding Partners’ donations will be dedicated to implementing signage in all of the communities along the Canal. The High Line Canal Conservancy Board of Directors, development committee and staff recognize the following Founding Partners for their leadership and commitment to the Canal:

FOUNDING PARTNERS Anonymous Donors The Addy Family Albion and Birch Street Neighbors Bailey-Stanford Family Foundation Pamela Beardsley and the Beardsley Family Carol W. Bieging Trust Dessa Bokides and William Fay Family Bolt Family Virginia Brown and Cody Smith Laura Christman and Bill Rothacker Family Foundation Conservancy Board of Directors Fast Enterprises Kathie and Keith Finger Joe and Jennifer Freeman (3 miles)



Karl and Barbara Friedman Family Foundation Al Galperin The Garnett Family Marjorie and Thomas Gart MacDonald Hardwoods Michelle and Larry Harmsen David Herbaly (2 miles) Zack and Melissa Holland Graham and Cathy Hollis Jennifer and Mark Hopkins The Humes Family Mike and Joan Iseman Nina and Tim Itin The Jornayvaz Family and the LARRK Foundation Chris and Alisa Kennedy Kareen and Jim Kimsey Bill and Georgeanna Klingensmith Sherri and Buz Koelbel

Harriet and Michael LaMair Family Shari Leigh and Martin Greer John and Polly Loewy Sharon and Greg Maffei Dirk and Carol McDermott Katherine and Steve Meier and Raymond and Suzanne Satter Heather and James Mulvihill (2 miles) Robert and Judi Newman Denise O’Leary and Kent Thiry (3 miles) Tami Paumier and Glen Warren Mike, Keren, Kevin, and Wil Rosser (2 miles) Roundup Riders of the Rockies Heritage and Trails Foundation, Inc Kathryn and Tim Ryan and Martha Records and Rich Rainaldi

Peter and Julie Savoie The Schovee Family Scott-Kearney Family Southgate Water and Sanitation Districts Mary Laird and Russell Stewart Mrs. Thomas Taplin Moses Taylor Family Seth and Jennifer Terry Jeanne and Glenn Tubb Debra and Ken Tuchman (2 miles) Klasina VanderWerf and Tom Thomas The Walking Group Cille and Ron Williams, In honor of Pam and George Beardsley Amy Halperin Wood The Marcus Foundation

THANK YOU! The High Line Canal Conservancy Board of Directors, development committee and staff are grateful for the generous support from all of the High Line Heroes who contributed this year. With over 1,500 members representing every community along the Canal from Douglas County to Green Valley Ranch, your support makes our work to preserve, protect and enhance the High Line Canal possible. Thank you - we couldn’t do it without you!

$50,000+ Arapahoe County The Colorado Health Foundation Denver Water David Herbaly JPB Foundation through the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities Pisces Foundation Schomp Subaru and Subaru of America, Inc


Kareen and Jim Kimsey Bill and Georgeanna Klingensmith Shari Leigh and Martin Greer John and Polly Loewy Peter and Julie Savoie Allison and Steve Schovee Scott-Kearney Family Glenn and Jeanne Tubb Klasina VanderWerf and Tom Thomas


City of Aurora City of Centennial Fast Enterprises Joe and Jennifer Freeman The Gateway Fund II of the Denver Foundation Michelle and Larry Harmsen

Anonymous Donors Jock and Sue Bickert James and Kim Bolt Richard and Peggy Giebelhausen, In honor of Nicholas Giebelhausen PDC Energy Raymond and Suzanne Satter The Laura Jane Musser Fund Tom and Virginia Waymire



Anonymous Donors Anonymous, In honor of Benjamin Harrison Eaton Dessa Bokides and Will Fay Family Laura Christman and Bill Rothacker Family Foundation City of Cherry Hills Village City of Greenwood Village City of Littleton The Garnett Family Highlands Ranch Metro District Sharon and Greg Maffei Courtney and Steve Marsters Dirk and Carol McDermott Jimmy and Heather Mulvihill Mike and Keren Rosser South Suburban Parks and Recreation

$5,000+ Anonymous Donors Kathie and Keith Finger Al Galperin Mary Laird and Russell Stewart Zack and Melissa Holland The Humes Family Chris and Alisa Kennedy

Anonymous Donors Rick and Kathy Ambrose The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, made possible from the Community Fund of the PGA Tour Superstore Westminster, CO Bob and Carolyn Barnett Rob and Ginny Bayless Nina and Tim Itin Becky and Dick Benes Kate Bermingham Daniel Brogan Dale Campau Castaways Foundation Peter Cobb and Andrea Howland Collins Cockrel & Cole Colorado Advocates, Inc. ColoradoGives Community First Foundation Deedee and Peter Decker Carol Fey Sonja Forgo Monica Grannis Greg and Peggy Hanson Debi Hunter Holen and Bill Holen Romi and Milton Karavites Harriet and Michael LaMair Family Bob and Teresa LeGare Bill and Cathy Marlin

Jim and Karla Marlow Peggy and Max Martin Rod N. McDonald Family Foundation Kent and Janet Moore Gary Moore Linda and Peter Niederman Les and Jean Pedicord Carl Polhemus Power Design Inc. RLC Foundation Theresa and James Rolls Wil Rosser, In honor of Michael Rosser The Sadler Family Katie and Scott Schoelzel Shell Oil Company Foundation Lawrence Smallen Carol J. Smith George and Carol Solich State Farm Companies Foundation Kathy and Tom Tyree Ed and Jane Wasson Suzanne and Lee White Lise Woodard and John Reilly Whitney and Kevin Zimmerman

$500+ Anonymous Donors Mike Abell Joseph Abell Allen Adinoff and Mary Klinnert Tom and KK Barsch Vicki and Dick Bourret Jon Brause and Judith Ackerman Marilyn L. Brown Helen Buck Peyton and Suzanne Bucy CoBank Margaret and Thomas Colbert Allison and Bruce Dodge Phil and Corry Doty Evan and Kim Ela Melissa Eliot Environmental Affinity Group Fund James Evans Marilyn Fay Newell and Judy Grant Suzanne Hamilton Austin and Rob Holland Thomas and Meg Humes Kemper and Rachelle Isely Patti Jansen

Tom and Sue Jenkins Flora Jewell-Stern Mary Jo Johnson Jim Mohle and J.M. Jones Amy Kennedy and Steve Miller The Langley-Hawthorne Family Toni and Chetter Latcham Paul E. Rumler Evan and Evi Makovsky Richard and Audrey Mandell Janet and Bob Manning Joseph and Celeste O’Dea Charles S. Peck Fay Plummer Ted and Cathy Pomeroy Caroline and Joe Rassenfoss Jonathan Reinemund Robert and Barbara Tucker Family Fund Kristine Robertson Tom and Stacy Roode Kevin Rosser Jerra and Mike Ryan Tom Saurey Linda and Bob Schenkein Rich and Linda Schierburg Bill Schwab and Catherine Vankerckhove Scott Family Foundation II Dan and Cady Sheldon Scot Smith and Susan Blake-Smith Lori Szczukowski and Lee Newman Jennifer and Seth Terry Scott VanEyk Hunt and Ann Walker Todd and Meredith Wenskoski

Photo credit: Schomp Subaru COMMITMENT TO THE CAUSE


$250+ Anonymous Donors Eric and Cynthia Allred Pam and Dutch Bansbach Mr. and Mrs. William C. Barber Donna and Ken Barrow John and Mary Bayard Dawn Biniek Lynn Bishop Mike and Heather Blois David Brewster Steve and Linda Cantrill Sue Cluff / Gavlin Family Foundation Joan Cohen Suzanne and Andrew Cooper Mark and Lori Cornetta The Dando Family Richard and Florence DeCesare Mark Dennis Ken and Annie Foster Marcia Frensley Karl and Barbara Friedman Ashley Friedman John and Laura Gabriel Garden Club of Denver The Gilman Family Foundation Graland Country Day School Rhondda Grant Daniel Greenleaf Jim and Laura Hahn Steven and Susan Halstedt M. Anders Halverson and Ginna Halverson Don Hamilton Fran and Barry Hansen Jacqueline Hea Paula Herzmark John and Debby Hoesterey Margie Hunter Janie and Buck Hutchinson Cliff and Carol Johnson Seymour Katz Rob and Tracy Kesselman Richard P. and Lucy L. Kissinger Gary Kleiman and Elisa Moran Steve Kugler Sue and Paul Lengen Lori and Andrew Tyrie Charitable Fund Ronald Lundquist Brook and Kelly Mahoney Steve and Kathy McConahey Robin McGehee Lynn Hornbrook and Lynda McNeive Edward and Linda Moery Keith and Lisa Mullineaux Mary Jean and Jim Nussbaum Larry O’Donnell and Kermit Cain Christopher and Sandy Olson Bonnie Orkow Wilson and Carol Pace Joseph Payne Gregory and Julia Peay



Jeffrey and Cathy Phillips, In honor of Josh Phillips Mr. Tony and Cheryl Pickett Platte Canyon Water and Sanitation District QVC Kathryn and Tim Ryan Steve and Susan Rector Susan and Eddie Robinson Randy and Kathy Sanders Jeff and Joanne Schwartz Rick and Nancy Shanks Mark and Paulla Shira Michael and Pamela Smith Anita and Kevin Smith Erik Sonnenberg and Karen Gebhardt Diane and William Steen Chris Steuri Josh Stewart Dianne and Dale Dawson Ronald Thomas Andrea and Robert Van Gundy Ethan and Laurel Watel Eddie Wedelstedt Beth Whaley

$125+ Anonymous Donors Tom Abood and Mary Jo Martin Julie Anderies Jeff Andersen Carl Andrews Laurie and Gary Arthur Bill and Sandi Barnard Kandy Barry Bruce Baskette Rabbi Eliot Baskin and Dr. Hilary Baskin Janice Baucum William and Carol Bauman Andrew Baumbusch David Beach Tami and Duke Beardsley Dennis and Earlene Becker Ruth and Jeff Bennis Sally E. Berga Mary Bernuth Robert Bers Caroline Bliss-Kandel David and Jackie Booker Martin and Kristen Boublik Ross Bown Betsy and Steve Brainerd Kathleen Brennan Neil Broome and Diane Timothy Daniel and Jill Brugioni Sue Bruner Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Burchenal Doris E. Burd Wayne and Susan Cady Jennifer Campbell Jay and Nancy Carlson David and Kristin Carlson

H H and Mary Chandler Pamela and Craig Chernick Janet Chu Nina Churchman Classic Restoration Sheila M. Cleworth Cochran Family Charitable Fund Dale and Beverly Cochran Suzanne Collins Larry and Jan Conner Elizabeth Conover Leigh Conover-Harris Bill and Nancy Cook Mary A. Cooprider Matthew Coyle Terry Cozard Nancy Cronan Cudahy Family Beth Cygan Margaret Danuser Richard Dart Martha H. Davis Susan Davis and Chuck Bartholomew Stuart Davis Mike and Kristen Day David and Sandra Debner Michelle Deguire David DeLine Steve and Jane Dertinger Lori Dietrich-Sayler and Mike Salyer William DiGuiseppi Lynn Donaldson Susan Drumm Dawn Duhamel Michael Dweck Nancy Edmunds Eide Bailly LLP Linda Eikenberry Mike and Pam Eller John Elliot Jennifer Elliott Charles Elmer Renee Y. Entin Wayne and Ruth Evans Jay and Wendy Farley Nancy Felker and Don Heppermann Steven and Debra Fendrich Diane and Thomas Finley Roberta and Bill Fishman Mike and Jonna Fitzgerald Robert and Nancy Follett Buck and Marie Frederickson Ford C. Frick Ashlee Gagstetter Ann and Mike Gallagher Douglas Garrett Brian and Meg Garrett Kenneth and Robyn Glassman Carol Goldburg Marjorie and Seth Goldstein Thomas Gougeon and Donna Middlebrooks Kelly Greene

John and Dianna Greene Rhonda Greve Cathy and Greg Groene Hugh Hallmark and Carol Spies Laura Hamilton Randall and Janice Hansen Linda and Peter Hantman Beth and Elvin Heiberg Charlie Henry Tamara Hertz and Douglas Johnson The Herz Family Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld John Hirshman Stephen and Carol Ho Darrow Hodges Marjorie and Preston Hofer Ken and Doni Holloman Isabella Horsky Shirley Huber Matt Huebschmann William Imig Ms. Nancy Jackson Merrill and Beryl Jacobson Bruce and Jennifer Bendell John Hancock Joan A Johnson Reynold and Janet Kalstrom Anna Belle and Robert Kapelke The Katskees Richard A. Kirk Fredrik Klaveness Clayton Korgel Ken and Wendy Kowynia, On behalf of Mike and Keren Rosser Family Mark Kozlowski Neil and Valerie Krohn Paul Krummen Geoff Landry Steve and Cathy Langer Terry and Melinda Larrington Robert and Carole Leher Cynthia and Roger Leitner Barry Levene Shauna Levinson Helen Linger David A. Lorenz Ruthanne Lundquist Zueger Nicole Luskey Jamie and Megan Lynch Matt Mahoney William and Ellen Mangione George and Mary Mansfield Carole and Rob Mason Pam Mathews Christopher McAlpine Cathy McCague Molly McCaskill Adria McCool Gail and Gary McDaniel Joanne McGee and Bill Gorham Robert and Jacque McIntyre Carolyn Melphy and John Krumholz

Meara Melton Vin and Cathy Melvin Andy Mengshol Jane Michaels Bill Miller Dick and Margaret Mills Megan Mistler Deb and Carol Mitchum Tudor Moscalu Sara and Craig Murray Jack and Ruth Gallagher Alida Near and Brian Pesch Steve Nelson Dave Nii Kristen Nordenholz David A. Norris, M.D. Gretchen Orosz April Pacotti Ms. Joan Palmer Erik and Anne Palmer Mary and Dan Palmquist Ian and Amy Paton Shannon Patterson Scott and Kristin Paulson Bob and Michele Perchonok Bruce Peterson Ruth and Peter Philpott Ann Pollack & Danny Spoonts LB and AH Powell The Quattromani Family Toby and Natalie Ralston Tim and Madelyn Ratterman David Reaser Bonnie Reedy Jim Reeves Jan Reid and Bill Beuthel Joe and Margaret Rettig Myra and Robert Rich Rebecca Richardson and Larry Kueter Patti and Joe Rizzo Allan Robertson Beth Robinson Nancy and Gordon Rockafellow

Heather Ronsse Denise and Michael Rose The Ross R and Candy L Bhappu Family Foundation Brian Rothkopf Russell Family Michael Sanders and Michaela McDonnell Jessie Sato David Schmidt Susan Schmitz Susan Schnick John Schufreider Carolyn Shames Martha Solis-Turner and James Turner Chris Souther Adam Stapen Paul and Tina Stewart Cindy Stewart Gary and Leslie Stiefler Douglas Stinson Arthur and Stephanie Strasburger Kenneth Stuart Barry and Vaun Swanson Swartz Family Dick and Sonnie Talley Beth Tamm Kevin Tarrant Vince and Diane Tate Tina Taylor and Ronald Winsor Marian Taylor Josh Tenneson Robert and Elizabeth Terry Margaret Tezak and Larry Tezak Ken and Lee Thielen Nina and Paul Thomas Mike Thomas Rick and Wendy Thornton Leigh Truitt William and Debbi Tryon Van Kirk Family Carol Coe and Gilbert Verbit Tony and Deanne Vizurraga

Everett Volk Judy Holmes Bill and Midge Wallace Tobi Watson Nan Waugh Graig Weisbart Gail Wells Judy Wiese Kathy and Gene Wiggs John and Sandy Wilkinson Larry and Katherine Willette Family Doug and Jean Willey S and LA Winegrad Cap and Suzy Witzler Bob and Pam Wolper Suzanne Woodard Bill Woodman Anne and Paul Wormley Tracy Young and Thatch VandenBergh John, Kathy and Ian Zaffore Mark and Carol Zaitz Marty and Laurie Zeller Cheryl P. Zuber Phyllis P. Zumwinkel

$35+ Anonymous Donors Alan Aboaf Lattina Adams Lauren Adamson Diane Alder Ann Andersen Thomas Anderson Kathi Anderson Holly Anderson Tia Andrews Max and E.R. Appel Diana Arendrup Martha A. Arner Barbara Arnold Kyle Axner Charlotte Aycrigg Arlyn Baak LaDonna and Joel Baertlein Bonnie Bailey Sarah Balasky Orval Baldwin Cheyne Bamford Antonia L. Banducci Thomas Barbour Kent Barker Mary A. Barta Robert Basse Carolyn Bauer Marie Baum

“Everyone is working together for the good of the Canal, for the Canal trail, the users and the community surrounding it. I’m proud to support the Conservancy and I’m proud to be a High Line Hero.” Carol Smith



Dan Beattie Ruth Beckley Dr. and Mrs. Henry Beckwitt James and Susy Beerer Anne Bell Andrew Benedik and Nancy Jennings Patricia Benhmida Jamie E. Benmimoun Barb Bens Jane Berdie Steven and Jan Berger Jerome Bill Karen Billings Dave Binkley Ryal Bird Pat Bissing Diana Black Taylor Bladow Sandy Blaha Holly Blair Wendy Block Dave Bohlin

Dale and Susan Boller Theresa Bolte Susan Bookman Sandra Boots Roger and Susan Bowles Bret Bowser Dr. Michael Boyd Bruce Boyd David Braun Michael Breen Tushka Breen Brehm Charitable Susan Brennan Barbara Breslin Jill Brinig Ms. Cindy L. Brinker Michael and Karyn Bristow Michael Brittan Herb and Enid Brodsky Marta Brooks David Brosnahan Bobby Brown

Fletcher Brown Connie and Bob Brown Laurie A. Brown Douglas Brown Charles Brown Brown Residential Margaret Brownlie Calista Bruce Glenn and Judith Bruckhart Dennis Bruner Howard Buchalter Julia Bucher Philip Buksa George and Jackie Bullen Randy Bullock Davd and Alice Bullwinkle Janet Burnham Marcia and Patrick Burns, In honor of Diane and Jon Turner Buzz Burrell Phoebe W. Busch, Ph.D. Jane Cady

Ethan Callaway Diane Callison Mike and Pam Camp Richard and Virginia Camp Daniel J. Campbell Cheryl Campbell Theresa Campbell Caron Alexandra Iulia Carabelea Mihai Lisa Carlson Garrett J. Carr Catherine Carr Jack and Martha Carter Gina Carter Lynne Carvalho Marty and John Chamberlin Joan Chambers Blake Chambliss Kelley Chandler Karen L. Chapman Chevron Caryn Cheyfitz Gini Chrisco

“The High Line Canal provides an extraordinary opportunity. There is no other project happening in the country right now that’s of this scale in importance within such a growing and thriving city and county as we see here in Denver.” Meredith Wenskoski Pete Christos Craig Ciarlelli Julie D. Cicak Heidi Cies Donald Clark Robert and Nancy Clark Mary Clark Janet Clarke Mike Clem Lynn and John Cleveland Mary Close Rhonda L. Cobb Emily Cobb Rob and Jude Coffee Judith Cole Kathleen Collier Jan Collyer Theresa Meier Conley Tracy Contreras Craig Coombs David Corkill Ted Couch Ellyn Crago Rebecca Crawford



Photo credit: Denver Water Bill Crick Karen Crossen and Jeff May Donna L. Crown Doris Cruze Margaret Cunningham Judy Bea Daggett Lisa Dahl and Lee Sale Pearl Dailey Allen Daniel Susan G. Darigo Stephanie Darling Linda J. Davis Peter DeBlois Lisa Decker Denver Master Gardener’s Association Theresa Dickey Jane Dickinson Nancy Dilatush Diana Dills, M.D. Victoria DiPaolo Scott Dissel Mary Dixon Judy Donaldson Jim Donaldson

Susanna Donato Anne Doty John and Alice Douthit James and Carol Dowdell DTC Metro Group / Keller Williams Realty DTC Diane and Wayne DuBois James Duke Jon Dukeman Samuel D. Dye Kathy Dyer Betty Dysart Theresa Dytri Michael Eber Marilyn and Wayne Eckerling Cynthia Ehrnstein Mike Eichers Coralee Eisner Alan Eliasen Dale and Carol Ann Elliott Ashley Ellison Cathy and Patrick Emery David Engel Brian Erickson and Jo Solonika

Martha Eskesen Susan Evans Brian Evans Marty Everill Charles Everill C.K. Fancher Erik Ferguson Michael Fernandez Tom and Linda Fiock Rebekah Fisher Michael Flanagan Donald E. Fleischman Kathleen Fleming Ray Flesher Marvin Flom Christine Flug Cathy Fonk Norman and Fran Fox Carolyn Francisco Michael Frand Sarah Franklin George Franklin Bill Freeling Ronald Freeman

Alice Freeman Alison Friedman Phillips Karin Friese John and Lynn Fritschel Dorothea Frohner Katelin Gaeth R. Craig Gallun Jim and Terri Garofalo F. Terry Garrison Laura Lee and George Gastis Chris Gattegno Deborah Gauchat Adele and Erwin Gelfand Diane and Victor Germain Graham Gibbard Garrett Gibbons Nick Giebelhausen David Giere Kay Gilchrist, In honor of Phyllis McGuire Dick Gillet Thomas Giordano Cody Goebel Nicole Goetzl Barbara Goldburg Stephen and Sandra Goodman Mary Beth Goodspeed Suzanne Gordon Jan Gorski Ray Gottesfeld MD Richard Grabarits Bradley Graham Anita Graham Liza Grant John Grant Ned and Barb Grauel Green Valley Ranch Citizens Advisory Board Jay and Wendy Greenwald Karen Guerra Ted Gum Julia Gumper Ted Gundlach Bruce and Laura Guthals Pamia Guttenberg Sally Haas Edward Hackstaff Jayne Hackworth James Hagerty Merikay Haggerty Tom Hall Barbara S. Hall Naomi Halperin - Wisott Roland Halpern Roy Hanschke Lola Happel Ronald Harbeck Allen W. and Vicki L. Harimon Joanne Hart Georgia Hart Larry Harvey Kitty Hasche Carol Hayes



Lee Hayward Becki A. Healy Heard Family Whitney Heffelfinger Roger and Eliza Hein T&C Heinemann Nam Henderson Marilyn Henderson Brett and Teresa Henley John Henry JoAnn Henson Tom C. Herbst John Hermon and Family Andrea Heshmati Jill Hesser Jessie Hickam Claudelle Hiebert Stefanie Higby-Baker Lesa Higgins Don Hildebrandt Julie A. Hill Jill Hill The Hilltop-Crestmoor Gardeners

Mary Hoagland Mark and Sandra Hogan Boomer Hogoboom Nancy Hoing Nicole Hola Shawn Holladay Katherine Holland Michael Holleran Sally Holloway John R. Holmes Jeff Honke Ronald V. Horn Deborah Houser Katherine Houston Beverly and Charles Howard David Howell Kathy Hoy-Gipe Marcia Hughes Cate Humby-Hoff S. F. Huntington Paul Hurlbut Karen Hurley Hutchison Family

William Hyatt Icon Foundation Frederick W. Ingraham Peter Ingram David Irish Frank R. Isenhart, Jr. Dane Jackins Tina Jackson Laura Jacob Keith Jacober Kent Jacobs Ralph and Deborah James Reese and Diane Jameson Diane Jameson Howard Janzen Brian A. Jaquette Steve Johnson Ann Johnson Jeffrey T. Johnson and Monique A. Tuttle Janet Johnston Kathleen Jones Stanley C. Jones Jerome Jong

Tony Kaempfer Elaine Kallos Dr. Leslie Kane Don Kane Doris and Dr. David Kaplan Cathie Katz Helen Kaupang Don Kearns Kurt Keeley Anna and Michael Keeton Lynn Kelly Vonda Kelly Vonelle Kelly Bernadette Kelly Robert and Nancy Kenyon Patricia R. Kerr Gordon and Beth Kieft Karl Kiester Kathleen Kindblade Marnie King Stephen Kinsky John and Lynne Kitchens Pat and Philip Klass Michael P. Klee Bobby Kleman Kipp Klupacs Carl Koecher Martha Komm Gertrude Kriese Kathy Krusnik and Jim Ciccarelli Melvin Kuethe Jess Kugler Barbara and Darwin Kuhlmann Irene Kuoni Larry Kyle Linda Lake Katherine LaMair Edwin LaMair Davis LaMair George Lamontagne Midge Lange Phyllis Larison Sally Lavine Amy Lease Megan Leeds Nicholas Lefferts Mark Lehrner Howard Lenderink Jody Lengen John Leuthold Patricia Levi Debby and Rick Levinson Hannah and Allen Levy Fred Lewis and Liz Herr Keith Lewis Karen Lewis Jennifer and Douglas Leyden Bob Lind Ingrid Lindemann Ronald Lloyd Stanley Loftness Jennifer Long David B. Longbrake Lynda Love

Ann Ludwig Chris Lukesic Lunsford Family Claire Lynn Linda Mack Sydney Shafroth Macy Cornelia Maes Jennifer Mahaney Janet Malabarba Ron Malik Brad Mallon, In honor of Audrey Reece Cheri Mallory Marilyn Manco-Johnson Nancy Flinn Mangen Rebecca Manning Mary Mapes Stacey Mark Diana Marrama Sara Martin Christopher Martin Mark Maslyn Ralph L. and Mary Rita Mason Emil Matthews Martine Matzke Katherine McAtee Andrew McCallen Robert McCullough Rob and Gerda McGilvray Suzy McKeever Elizabeth McKeever Julie McKemy Jill McMahon C. Mead Bob Mehlhoff Sharon Mehrtens Jack Meltzer Melissa Menard Amy Messerich Janet Metzenbaum Jim Meyer Margaret Middelraad Carl and Sue Miller Bart Miller Jane C. Miller Debby Miller

Julie and Kenneth Mirr Robbin Mitchell Paula Mitchell Colin Mitchell Diane Mochizuki Michael Monahan Margaret Montana Mr. Marvin Montgomery Kim H. Moore John Moore John Moore Jim Morahan J. Cameron Morgan Claudia Morlan The Mosteller Family Mary Mouton Steve and Sharon Mowbray Linda Mueller Eugene and Kathleen Murret Sandra Myers Cynthia Nagel Ned Nagle Sandra Nance Susan Nash Carol Nation Charlene and Lorren Nauman Betty Neely Henri Nelson Lon Nestrud Skip Netzorg The Neureiter Family Erin Nevers Hans and Peggy Neville Dorian Nichols Barbara Nielsen John Novak Janice Nyman Kent Elizabeth O’Connor Brian O’Malley Sidney R. Okes, Jr. Nancy N. Orcutt Grace and William Ormsby Susan E. Otto Kenneth Overbeck Mark and Amy Overland Deb Overn Bradly Page Robert Palmer Donald H. Palmer Thomas Pardue Paul Parish and Linda Diekvoss Eve Park Bennett Parnes CJ Parry Andy Parsons James R. Parsons Mary Passantino Jennifer Patterson Lois Paul and Barry Sharcot Jan Paul Theresa Paul Susan Paulsen Beth Paur Carolyn Perna

Holly Perry Debra Persico Janet Peters Randy Peterson Carol S. Peterson Christine Petty Peter and Betty Pfister Anne Phelps Josh Phillips Kit Phillips Robb Pickard Jay Pierson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Pigman, Jr. Karen Pinkham Linda Pohle Martha Poland Cynthia Pollard James Powell Sharon Powers Joyce Pratt Doyle Preheim Vince Price Susan E. Pryor Mike Pula Queen of Spades Garden Club James Quin Cindy Quinn Gustave Radcliffe Nicholas Radovich Larry Ramsdell Kitty Rapalyea Kay Rautio and Warren May Alexander Read Christine Reder Phillip Reeves Vic Reichman Kristin E. Reif Robert and Louann Reilly Kathleen Reilly Mary Reiter Jeanette Renfro Kathleen Reynard Aubrey Chip Rhodes Ann Richards Randy Richardson Grace Roberts Greg and Jean Robinson Christine Robinson Renee Rockford Alice Rogers Krista Rogman Marjorie and Peter Roosevelt Alan and Vicki Rosenberg Kathleen Roth Mike Rudolph Dixie Lee Ruland Judi Rumbaugh Kathleen Ryan Sharon Saar Patricia and George Sabados John and Vivian Sabel Glenda Sadler Kathleen Safford Elise Sage

Thomas and Debra Sanders Carol A. Sass Bruce Savage Melissa Sayouthasad Christy and Daniel Schaack Mimi Schaefer David Schanin Alice Schiel Michael and Laura Schiff Howard and Leslie Schirmer Erik and Sheila Schmidt Durwin and Lois Schmitt Martin Schmitz Mary Schneider Terry Schroder Katie Schroeder Joanne E. Schroeder Jeffrey Schwartz Jeffrey and Gail Scott Tristan Sedbrook Richard and Cheryl Shafron Jeannine Shaw Jeannette and Tim Shea Debbie Shearer Dick Shelton Roger and Kathleen Sherman Marc Shulgold Thomas L. Siekmeier Douglas and Lorinda Sikes Glen Simmons Hal Simpson Hall Skeen Rudy Skubal Gordon P. Smith Steve Smith SE Smith Sandra Smith Randy Smith Lisa Smith LeRoi Smith Christine Smith Bill Smyth Elizabeth Snow Corinne Snyder Sandra Snyder Bonnie Snyder



Debbie Woodward Caroline Wool Nancy Working Eleanor Wright Doris Wright Dan Wright Robert Wyatt Xcel Energy Foundation Cliff Yeckes Loren Yoshinaga Leslie Young Elizabeth Yount Philip Zacharczyk Jack Zilis

IN KIND DONORS Gayla Solomon Gail Sonnesyn Alejandro Soria Melissa Sphatt Richard Spong Ella Spradley Byron and Marion Springer Jane Staller G.W. Standerfer Patrick Stanton David Stark Judith D. Steadman Karen A. Steighner Terri and Eric Steiner Paul Steinhauer James and Beverly Stenson Shawna and William Stephan Nancy Stephenson William Stevenson Nancy Stevenson Robert and Tabatha Stewart Walt and Mary Stinson Chase Stockon Jane Stoddart Margaret Stookesberry Molly Moyer and Ronnie Storey-Ewoldt, In honor of Liam Avery Linda Jean Strand Henry Strauss The Strazza Family Robert Strenski David Michael Stretchberry Jane Stroebel The Stroh Family Linda Sullivan Kerry and Sharon Sullivan Conor and Grace Sullivan Ron Sullivan John Sullivan Frances Summerhill



Alex Svensen Cyndee Swanson Luella Swisher Dottie Tarvestad Katie Tate Lisa Taussig Marion Taylor Jim Taylor Pat Taylor James Taylor James Tegart Mona Tell Victoria Temple David B. Temple Andrea Tenenbaum Terry and Chuck Terry Martin Tessmer Richard Thomas II Ellen and Lewis Thompson Ann Thompson Carol Tobiassen Rod Tomkins Kristen and Paul Tourangeau Patrick W. Tracy Mary Tracy Jason Trow Art Troyer Dana Tur Jodi Jaccarino Turk Mark Twite Liz Twomey Cheryl Tyson Mark Ugale Jean and Charles Vail Bunnie Busch VanderArk Foundation Mark Vappi Maureen Venzara Thomas Vernon Ron Villiotti

Tom Virtue Visa, Inc. Jan Vittum Pilcher VMware Rebecca VonVihl Vivian Vos Jon Wachter Colin and Firth Waldon James Walker Brian D. Ward Sandy Wardell Carrie Warren-Gully K&B Wasmundt Trust Katherine Waters R. B. Watt Brian Weberg Lynn Webster Angela Wehrle Laurie Weiss Adla West Carrie Wheeler Michael Whitby Bill and Kay Whitmore Joan and Brad Whittlesey John Wiberg Rod Wicklund Chris Wiley Peter Wilhelm Virginia Wilkins Sheri Willan Sean Willette Susan Williams Ron Williams Dian H. Wilson David B. Wilson Gerald and Sandra Wischmeyer Marj Wise Sherri Wolin Janet Wood Bill and Margie Wood

5280 Magazine Evan Anderman Einstein Bros. Bagels Marjorie and Thomas Gart Kaplan Kirsch and Rockwell Denise O’Leary and Kent Thiry S&D Marketing | Advertising Starbucks Coffee 915 S. Pearl St Management, LLC


USE OF FUNDS individual donations $533,527 • 36% government $485,000 • 33% foundation grants $351,727 • 24% special events & other $99,830 • 7% $1,470,084

Capital improvement and program reserve

$ 1,078,181

management $144,650 • 12% fundraising $160,981 • 14% programs & planning $883,687 • 74% $1,189,318

Pledges receivable at year end




PARTNERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dirk McDermott – Chair Mike Rosser – Vice Chair Marty Zeller – Vice Chair Karl Friedman – Treasurer Nina Beardsley Itin – Secretary Jock Bickert James Bolt Daniel Brogan Paula Herzmark Graham Hollis Kathy Tyree Tom Waymire Suzanne White Tracy Young Kendra Black – Ex Officio Nancy Sharpe – Ex Officio Harriet Crittenden LaMair – Ex Officio



Mayor Michael B. Hancock* – Honorary Chair Elaine Asarch Pam Beardsley Bruce Beckman Susan Beckman Laura Christman Peter Decker Deedee Decker John Fielder Stacie Gilmore* Tom Gougeon Judy Grant Newell Grant Kathy Green Happy Haynes Kate Kramer Bob LeGare Jim Lochhead Bill Mosher Andy Nielsen Betsy Oudenhoven Jim Petterson Sarah Rockwell Trey Rogers Tom Roode Lorie Sadler Jeff Shoemaker Harold Smethills Linda Strand Kathy Turley* Klasina VanderWerf Dean Winstanley

Harriet Crittenden LaMair – Executive Director Suzanna Fry Jones – Director of Marketing and Community Outreach Lindsay Moery – Director of Development Josh Phillips – Director of Planning and Implementation Connie Brown, part-time – Community Relations and Development Coordinator Chip Brunk, part-time – Finance Manager Michelle Freeman – Community Outreach and Programs Coordinator Cathy McCague, part-time – STEP Program Manager Breana Winters – Operations and Programs Associate

*elected official



The Conservancy acknowledges the significant contributions from the following interns: Shannon Bauman Alyssa Martin Elise Martinez


The High Line Canal Working Group was formed in 2014 with funding and leadership from Arapahoe County Open Spaces. Since its formation, the group has collectively helped fund and lead implementation of over $25 million in onthe-ground improvements. We extend immense gratitude to every member of the Working Group over the past nine years who have given their time and expertise to help preserve, protect and enhance the Canal. The newly formed Canal Collaborative will encompass the High Line Canal Working Group in 2020. Kendra Black*, City and County of Denver Dave Bullock*, Greenwood Village Randy Burkhardt, Douglas County Shannon Carter, Arapahoe County Brett Collins, South Suburban Parks and Recreation Harriet Crittenden LaMair, High Line Canal Conservancy Pat Cronenberger, South Metro Land Conservancy Allen Dreher*, Highlands Ranch Metro District Carol Fey*, City of Littleton Scott Gilmore, City and County of Denver Jay Goldie, Cherry Hills Village Steven Greer, City of Centennial

Rob Hanna, South Suburban Parks and Recreation Nancy Jackson*, Arapahoe County Steve Koster, Douglas County Angela Lawson*, City of Aurora Scott Melin, South Metro Land Conservancy Suzanne Moore, Greenwood Village Josh Phillips, High Line Canal Conservancy Sharon Powers, Arapahoe County Open Space and Trails Advisory Board (OSTAB) Susan Pye*, South Suburban Parks and Recreation Brandon Ransom, Denver Water Keith Reester, City of Littleton Tom Repp, Douglas County Carolyn Roan, City of Littleton Mike Rosser, High Line Canal Conservancy Nancy Sharpe*, Arapahoe County Jeannine Shaw, Denver Water Dan Sheldon*, Cherry Hills Village Russell Stewart*, Cherry Hills Village Mark Tabor, City and County of Denver Josh Tenneson, Arapahoe County Open Spaces Lora Thomas*, Douglas County Kathy Turley*, City of Centennial Carrie Ward, Highlands Ranch Metro District Johnny Watson*, City of Aurora Tom Waymire, High Line Canal Preservation Association Tracy Young, City of Aurora *elected official



governmental jurisdictions






schools within 1/4 mile





























350,000 residents within one mile

500,000+ trail users per year



Our mission is to preserve, protect and enhance the 71-mile-long High Line Canal in partnership with the public.

915 South Pearl Street, Denver, CO 80209 hello@highlinecanal.org | 720-767-2452 highlinecanal.org

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