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B.A. to M.Ed. in Educational Leadership

he B.A. to M.Ed. Program in Educational Leadership focuses on preparing graduates for extraordinary leadership roles T To be eligible, students must be enrolled in their final year of undergraduate study and have demonstrated academic as well as positions centered on educational policy, practices, success in the first three years of coursework. Students acand educational research in the field of teacher education, cepted to the B.A. to M.Ed. Program in Educational Leaderteacher leadership, and educational reform efforts directed ship will be permitted to enroll in nine credit hours of advantoward P–12 schools, the community, and higher education. ced coursework that may be applied toward the degree reAs a practitioner’s degree, the B.A. to M.Ed. program takes quirements of the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership. Upon into consideration the student expectations for future employ- completion of all graduate coursework and when students ment in various leadership roles and prepares them to be suc- submit the application for graduation, the specified credits cessful in developing appropriate career pathways. completed during the senior undergraduate year will be transferred onto students’ graduate academic record.


Admission into the Program

Admission Terms

Students are eligible for enrollment only in the fall of their senior year. Students may apply for conditional admission to the graduate portion of the program at the same time that they apply to the B.A. to M.Ed. program. Application is to join the B.A. to M.Ed. program during the final year of undergraduate study and for conditional admission to the graduate program following completion of their bachelor’s degree and satisfactory review of student teaching internship.

Application Requirements

To be considered for admission, applicants must submit the following: 1. online application ($50 application fee is waived); 2. an official transcript from all colleges attended other than High Point University*; 3. resume;

4. essay about interest in the program and goals for the degree; 5. three letters of recommendation (up to two may be waived by the School of Education).

*If you have attended High Point University you do not need to include your HPU transcript with your application. The Office of Graduate Admissions will request that transcript for you once application is submitted.

Admission Enrollment Classification

Admission enrollment classification refers to the total number of students that can matriculate into a program in any given academic term.

The admission enrollment classification for the M.Ed. program in Educational Leadership is unrestricted. This means that the program can enroll as many students as can be accommodated by available resources.

A program’s admission enrollment classification has implications for the timing and extent of tuition refunds. For additional information please see the Refunds section of this Bulletin.

Transfer of Credit

The B.A. to M.Ed. program does not accept transfer of credit. All credit toward the degree must be earned at High Point University.

Tuition and Fees

Payment of tuition and fees is due at the beginning of each term of enrollment. Tuition and fees are in effect from June 1st, 2020 through May 31st, 2021.

Tuition and Fees



$1,188 per credit

Technology Fee, Parking Permit*, Graduate Student Association $778 per year

Graduation Fee $100**

*For first permit only. Replacement parking permits incur additional costs. **Charged to graduating students only.

Program of Study

B.A. to M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (37 credits)

Senior Year Courses (9 credits)

EDU 4510. Advanced Instructional Technology for the 21st Century (3) EDU 4540. Diversity in Education: Societal and Organizational Perspectives (3) EDU 4566. Using Data for School Improvement (3)

Core Courses (9 credits)

EDU 5030. Methods of Educational Research (3) EDU 5060. Developing Leaders in 21st Century Systems (3) EDU 5070. Trends and Issues in Education (3)

Specialty Courses (12 credits) EDU 5171. Strategies for Student Learning and Development (3) EDU 5172. Implementing Distributed Leadership for Teacher Empowerment (3) EDU 5174. Organizational Management and Legal Issues for 21st Century Schools (3) EDU 5271. Creating a Culture of School Success (3)

Internship Courses (7 credits) EDU 5400. School Executive Internship I (2) EDU 5500. School Executive Internship II (2) EDU 5700. Leadership Development: Internship I (3)

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