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After 18 years at home, students bring a set of established values to college. Isn’t it important for students to attend a school that honors and reinforces their family’s values? Here are questions to help you make that determination during your visits:


WHAT ARE THE CORE VALUES AND VIRTUES your campus celebrates for students?

Q HOW ARE FAITH AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT acknowledged and supported on your campus?

Q How does your campus PROMOTE THE PURSUIT OF THE AMERICAN DREAM, patriotism and respect for this nation?

Q WHICH STAFF MEMBERS ARE DEDICATED to helping students during their freshman year transition to college and beyond?

Q Does your campus have a FULL-TIME MEDICAL DOCTOR AND FACILITIES to accommodate unexpected health events like pandemics?

Q Which staff members are dedicated to helping parents and students BEYOND STANDARD BUSINESS HOURS?


AA national reporter wrote that college is about “having your brain stripped bare and then rebuilt.” While many colleges believe this, HPU instead strives to model the values your family holds dear. At successful campuses, you can clearly see and feel their values and virtues when visiting. If the school’s values and virtues aren’t apparent, ask why, and what are those values and virtues? It’s clear that HPU’s culture is one filled with positivity, and we proudly celebrate gratitude, patriotism, generosity and civility.

A Your family’s values and faith are the most important aspects of your lives! Look for visual indicators and resources that support students in fostering their faith. HPU honors our Christian roots and is a God, family and country school. Our campus includes a chapel, a full-time minister and abundant opportunities to practice one’s faith. At the same time, HPU welcomes and supports students of all faiths.

A American flags and patriotic tributes are abundant on HPU’s campus. Our university strives to model the principles on which our nation was founded, including personal initiative, the entrepreneurial spirit and free enterprise. Students learn from industry titans and develop business ventures. In addition, HPU’s Annual Veterans Day Celebration honors 1,500 veterans and their family members.

A HPU provides every freshman a Success Coach, a professional staff member whose sole responsibility is to guide students in their transition to college and connect them with other campus resources like the Office of Career and Professional Development. From their professors, to their career advisor, to their peer mentor — an upperclassman who mentors new students — students are supported in numerous ways at HPU.


Yes! A full-time doctor leads HPU’s Student Health Services along with a staff of physician assistants, nurse practitioners and more. Students have access to quality care on our campus. HPU’s new, 6,500-square-foot student health facility provides a separate entrance for students with respiratory symptoms. And, in the case of a global pandemic like COVID-19, the university also has plans to relocate any student at risk of having the virus to a comfortable, quarantine environment.

A HPU’s Campus Concierge is available 14 hours per day both in-person and online to assist not just students but their parents with any question or need that may arise. The Concierge serves as a one-stop source for all things students and their parents need to know about HPU even before arriving to campus freshman year.

Values are one of the most critical aspects of a student’s success, but often the most overlooked concern when picking a college. Do you feel your values will be upheld at this school? BIG PICTURE:

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