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Licensure Renewal Documentation

License Renewal Documentation

Name: Date License Expires:

Credit Awarded Activity


This individual is recommended for license renewal


Dean/Director of Teacher Education Date

Methods Faculty Licensure Renewal Guidelines

All methods faculty must renew their licenses every five years. To do this, faculty members must earn a minimum of 15 renewal credits during each five year cycle. Up to five renewal credits each five years can be earned by teaching (1credit is awarded for each year of full-time teaching during the five year cycle). Options for earning additional renewal credit are described below.

Notes: 1. The Director of Teacher Education is responsible for monitoring the licensure of methods faculty, providing opportunities for earning renewal credits, approving proposing renewal activities, and verifying renewal credits to the Department of Public Instruction. A copy of all methods faculty’s licenses should be on file in the office of the Director of Teacher Education (Roberts Hall: 343).

2. Per State Board policy, the renewal activities are to be focused on the individual’s license area(s). The IHE will encourage 3-5 hours focused on technology or literacy training competencies relevant to the license area(s).

3. All renewal activities must be approved in advance.

4. Multi-year professional growth plans and peer review of these plans are encouraged.

5. Renewal activities are to be aligned with State Board and unit strategic priorities. The State

Board strategic priorities are: High Student Performance; Healthy Students in Safe,

Orderly, and Caring Schools; Quality Professionals; Strong Family, Community, and

Business Support; and Effective and Efficient Operations.

Activity Options:

1. Methods faculty may earn renewal credit by successfully completing additional college/university course work related to the license area(s). Each semester hour of course work is the equivalent of 1.5 renewal credits.

2. Methods faculty may earn renewal credit by participating in planned renewal activities.

One renewal credit may be awarded for each 10 contact hours completed. Such activities include workshops or specialized training offered by school systems, community colleges, colleges/universities, and professional associations. Specific activities will be planned by the Director of Teacher Education to meet expressed needs/interests of faculty.

3. Methods faculty may earn up to 8.0 renewal credits during each five year cycle for presentations at regional, state, and national meetings of appropriate professional associations. 2.0 renewal credit(s) may be awarded for each different presentation made.

A written outlined of each presentation must be filed with the Director of Teacher

Education for renewal credit to be awarded.

4. Methods faculty may earn up to 5.0 renewal credits during the five year cycle for attending regional, state, and national conferences of appropriate professional associations. Faculty seeking renewal credit through this option must submit written documentation of attendance and a summary of competencies developed/refined by participation in the conference. Up to 1 renewal credit(s) may be awarded for each conference attended.

5. Methods faculty may earn up to 5.0 renewal credits during each five year cycle for publications (articles accepted for refereed journals, chapters in books, and scholarly activities). The actual number of credits awarded will be negotiated by the faculty member involved and the Director of Teacher Education. A copy of the final publication article, chapter, or book must be filed with the Director of Teacher Education for renewal credit to be awarded.

6. Methods faculty may earn up to 5.0 renewal credits during each five year cycle for planned independent projects and study. Such activities may include the development of community-based projects, formalized public school partnerships, or the writing and direction of grant projects related to the licensure area(s). The actual number of credits for the independent project will be negotiated by the faculty member involved and the Director of Teacher Education. Such study must be approved in advance and must include a statement of competencies to be attained/refined through such study. Before credit is awarded, written documentation that the study has been completed must be on file in the

Director of Teacher Education.

7. Methods faculty may earn up to 4.0 renewal credits during each five year cycle for participation in SDPI Program Approval Training and participation on SDPI Program

Approval Visit. Up to 2.0 renewal credits will be awarded for training and 2.0 credits awarded for program visitation.

8. Methods faculty may earn up to 2.0 renewal credits during each five year cycle for serving as a member of a SACS Accrediting Team, serving as chair of a SACS Accrediting team, or serving as a consultant for SACS during a team visit. Up to 1.0 renewal credits will be awarded for each accrediting team visit

9. Methods faculty may earn renewal credit by participating in Technology training which relates to the licensure area(s). One renewal credit may be awarded for each 10 contact hours completed. Faculty seeking renewal credit through this option must submit written documentation of attendance and a summary of competencies developed/refined by participation in the training.

10. Methods faculty may earn renewal credit by participating in Literacy training which relates to the licensure area(s). One renewal credit may be awarded for each 10 contact hours completed. Faculty seeking renewal credit through this option must submit written documentation of attendance and a summary of competencies developed/refined by participation in the training.

Records of all renewal activities shall be maintained in the office of the Director for Teacher

Education (Roberts Hall 343). The director shall submit documentation to the Licensure

Section by June 1 of the year in which the license expires. This documentation must include a

Form U (Criminal Conviction) and a summary (not curriculum vita) of the renewal activities completed by the individual during the renewal cycle.

Submitted to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction by Dr. Mariann Tillery, Dean of the School of Education/Director of Teacher Education

_____________________________________________________________________________ Signature of the Dean/Director of Teacher Education Date

DPI Approval

Approved by: ______________________________________________Date: _____________


Licensure Renewal Record High Point University



Description of Proposed Activity

Renewal Credits Awarded: ___________________ Date: ______________

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