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First of all - HAPPY NEW YEAR, readers!

In 2022 High Profile Magazine will be celebrating 4 years! What a milestone. We start the year with an incredible magazine, great articles and amazing people!


The cover story is the winner of the Best Brazil

Global Awards - ‘The Best Artist in the World’ category - Sandler Graffit - who took the trophy to Japan. Congratulations, Sancler - well deserved.

I want to congratulate all the finalists of the

Best of Brazil Global Awards, as they reached the finals by popular vote and with your efforts, battles, challenges and victories. 2021 was not an easy year for most people so the event was a great way to end 2021 in a high for us, at High Profile Magazine and for all the finalists, of the awards, of course. We are already planning the Best of Brazil in Europe Awards 2022 and Best of Brazil in the Americas Awards, which will include Canada, South America and Central America.

I hope you enjoy this edition as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to life.


Editor-at-large High Profile Magazine UK & Brazil

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