Getting Funds Faster In A Merchant Service A merchant, whether be small or big, every person in business needs funding. The payment flow or cash flow in an online business is irregular and depends upon various factors before getting into the merchant’s hand. In this article, we have covered a few of the strategies with which a merchant can get his funds quickly.
Documentation of Larger tickets:
Just like any unusual high overall volumes will draw the attention of your merchant account provider, so will an unusual large individual transaction. The third-party processors hold the funds until you provide the documentation, or until the closing of the chargeback window. Most merchant accounts have the policy of holding the amount if the transaction exceeds the specified value. However, it’s usually a good idea for a large transaction (over $500) to have a numbered invoice and signature.
Quicker Funding and Less hold times:
If you have chosen a processor with fast funding commitment then it will only be able to fulfill what’s promised if your business is healthy. Funding directly relates to your transaction timings. Getting funds faster is healthy for business but only when the business is doing well.
Choose a processor with good Customer Service:
In an online business, fast funding also relates to good customer service. Understand and test how the customer service and response time is of the provider you are opting for.
Running a business is an ongoing process. It is difficult to maintain customer service while keeping customers happy and satisfied at all times. So if you are going through a tough time and need to change the processor or want better and quicker funding, give a call to Merchant Stronghold at +1 (888) 622 – 6875
ADDRESS US Head Office 10300 49th Street N Suite 427Clearwater, Florida 33762 UK Head Office 160 City Road Kemp HouseLondon EC1V 2NX +1 (888) 622 - 6875 +1 (844) 465 - 4723