Meet Our 2023 Keynote Speakers
For this year’s International Conference, HighScope hosts a lineup of award winning pioneers in the field of early childhood education. This keynote cast will share their experiences and provide inspiration and enlightenment to our conference event audience. Check out the Speaker Center on the Whova app for more information.
Tabatha Rosproy is an early childhood educator with 13 years of experience and, in 2020, was the first preschool teacher to be named National Teacher of the Year. Tabatha is passionate about social-emotional learning, working with families, and empowering educators to be advocates in their field. Well-known for helping to create “Cumbernauld Little Vikes”— a public preschool classroom inside of a nursing home in Winfield, Kansas, Tabatha has now transitioned into a new role training on best practices in Early Childhood Education and Family Engagement with Kansas Parent Information Resource Center.
Dr. Michele Borba is an educational psychologist, best-selling author, and TODAY show contributor who has spoken to over one million participants on five continents and to countless media about child development issues. She is the award-winning author of 25 books translated into 21 languages and has received countless awards and achievements. She blends 40 years of teaching and consulting experience with latest science to offer sound, realistic advice to parents, teachers, and child advocates about helping children thrive.
Vittoria Jimerson owns Five Gems Consulting LLC, where she consults with nonprofit organizations and small businesses on operations, management, board structure, and policies and procedures. Vittoria’s passion and purpose is focused on working with youth and women on personal development, mentoring, and business and financial wellness.
Words to Live By: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou
All keynote sessions are held in the Roy E. Wllbanks Ballroom
8:30 am – 10:00 am
The Basics of HighScope Interactive Read-Alouds
JESSICA LOGAN, Early Childhood Specialist, HighScope
[Conference Room G]
This interactive workshop will focus on the foundation of Highscope read-alouds. During this session, professionals will delve into the basics of reading with young children. We will discuss strategies for engaging with children, incorporating literacy skills, and properly planning experiences to facilitate quality read-aloud experiences for young learners. This handson training will allow educators to collaborate with others while learning the strategies needed to be successful using the Highscope approach to read-alouds.
Hands-On Science During Small-Group Time
DARLENE ZIMNY, Early Childhood Consultant, Oakland Schools
[Conference Room E]
Come learn how to support the HighScope key developmental indicators in science during small-group time. Participants will brainstorm small-group time activities to implement in their preschool classrooms.
Perspective Taking: Challenging Behavior IS Communication
KELLY WINE, Early Childhood Specialist/Consultant, Calhoun Intermediate School District [Conference Room C]
“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not join their chaos,” L.R. Knost. When we, as adults, can regulate our own emotions, co-regulate alongside a child, and become a detective, we finally realize that behavior is more than a nuisance. It is a child’s attempt to communicate a need or want.
The Magic of Empathy-Taking: A Closer Look at Step 2 for Problem-Solving
BETH MELAMPY, Director of Curriculum, Gretchen’s House [Conference Room D]
In our rush to help children solve problems, we often move too quickly through acknowledging children’s feelings and are surprised when they get stuck in an emotional loop. In this workshop, we will explore the importance of allowing time and space for empathetic conversations. We will look at how empathy helps children regain access to their thinking brain and their ability to cope with strong feelings and will talk about how empathetic conversations build relationships.
Planning & Recall With Older Toddlers
DANIELLE GRIMALDO, Early Childhood Specialist, HighScope [Conference Room A]
Not sure what to do with those older twos who have not quite moved out of toddlerhood and into preschool? Want to add planning and recall into your schedule but not sure where to start? In this session, we will look at the signs of readiness for planning and recall, go over the “how tos” of implemention, and share concrete planning and recall strategies.
HighScope Boot Camp 101 LOWLETTE EVANS, Field Consultant, LP Early Childhood Field Consultant, LLC [Conference Room H]
This workshop is designed to provide new teachers with basic information about the HighScope Curriculum that will help them with implementation in their classrooms. The workshop will also provide a refresher on core concepts of the HighScope Curriculum to teachers already using HighScope in their program. Participants will review the ingredients of active learning and identify the type of climate used in their classroom: laissez-faire, supportive, or directive. Participants will also learn how to ensure they are correctly implementing the HighScope Curriculum in their classroom.
In This Together: Strength-Based Conversations With Families
BETH O’CONNOR, Co-director, The Family Connection of St. Joseph County Inc.
[Conference Room F]
Are there conversations you’ve dreaded or even avoided because you were worried about what you might have to say? Sometimes we have concerns or even just small ‘notices’ that we want to talk about with families, but aren’t sure how or where to begin. In this session, we will consider ways to strengthen our expertise in framing language about children’s development that is positive, genuine, and authentic while forming partnerships with families.
Supporting Toddlers During Transition Times
LIZ COLEGROVE, Quality Improvement Coach–Infant-Toddler Specialist, CCN
[Conference Room B]
In this session, participants will identify key strategies for successful transition times with toddlers and discuss ways to keep children actively involved at times when waiting can’t be avoided. Participants will also discover ways of actively planning transitions that incorporate music and movement, language and literacy, singing, games, props, and children’s interests.
8:30 am–10:00 am
Una Experiencia de 28 años en el nivel Primaria Inspirado en el Currículo de HighScope
ELSA PORTILLA ORSONO, David P. Weikart School, Veracruz Mexico
Co-presenter: Martha Luv Gómez Sánchez
[Seminar 5]
Durante este taller se presentarán una vuelta a los componentes de la rueda del currículo de HighScope y como logramos su adaptación al nivel primaria, habrá imágenes, videos, trayectoria y testimonios sobre los resultados obtenidos durante 28 años de trabajo, adaptaciones en el arreglo de salón, utilización de las estrategias de interacción adulto- niño, implementación de grupos pequeños, grupos completos y P-T-R a nivel primaria, una propuesta de evaluación basada en el COR ADVANTAGE 1.5.
Lively Learning at Large-Group Time
[Auditorium 2]
Large-group time is a segment of the HighScope daily routine when children and adults come together to engage in active learning experiences that support curriculum content and a sense of community. In this workshop, participants will identify ways and practice strategies to incorporate active learning and support learning at large-group time.
Using a Horizontal Approach to Coaching Teachers
SHANNON LOCKHART, Director of EC Development, HighScope
[Elizabeth Ann Room]
Coaching teachers can be very challenging. However, by using a horizontal approach to coaching and meeting teachers at their level of understanding of child development and curriculum, coaches can scaffold teacher’s learning and partner with them in setting improvement goals. In this session, participants will be introduced to a horizontal approach to coaching and strategies for providing strength-based feedback when setting improvement goals.
Research is the Heart of HighScope: 60 Years of Building Bridges between Research, Evaluation, and Development
[Seminar 1]
This session is an introduction to current research, evaluation, and development projects at HighScope for participants that might be interested in attending a research-based session. Connect and learn with HighScope team members about implementation research, assessment development, and independent evaluations with community-based organizations.
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
TABATHA ROSPROY, Early Childhood Education Trainer, Kansas Parent Information Resource Center
[Roy E. Wilbanks Ballroom]
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Bringing Various Language Bridges Together to Engage in Active Learning
MARTHA RUTHLIN, Field Consultant, HighScope Curacao, SIFMA
[Terrace Dining Room 1]
More and more, teachers are dealing with multiple languages in their classroom. In Curacao, we experience this as a multicultural nation using four basic languages — but teaching goes beyond the mother language. This workshop strengthens the similarities between languages and proves that the enforcement of active learning in your classroom can be done without barriers. Participants will discover ways to engage children in activities whether they speak English, Dutch, Spanish, Papiamentu language, or other languages.
It’s a Family Affair
JANICE HILL, Field Consultant, HighScope
[Conference Room H]
Studies of families show that what a family does with their children is more important to children’s future success than family income or the education level of the parents. Both children and their schools/programs benefit from active family participation in the education process. Parent engagement is more than good attendance or a strong volunteer program. The need for strong family engagement starts by the time children are in preschool.
The Match Game: How to Match Small-Group Time Activities With Children in Your Group
KAREN KAY RUSH, Field Consultant, HighScope
[Conference Room C]
Small-group time activities should be appropriately matched to children’s interests, developmental levels, and curriculum content areas. But how do you keep small-group time fun and exciting for children every day? Come to this session to discover how to match children with activities using the classic TV game show Match Game. 10, 2023 2023
Scaffolding Children: Reality Versus Adult Expectations
NORMA OUELLETE, Director and HighScope Field Consultant, CPE Abracadabra | HighScope Quebec, Canada
[Conference Room D]
This workshop will discuss specific strategies for scaffolding children’s learning, such as observing children in action to discover their strengths. Once we know what children can do, we can offer subtle challenges to further their development, increasing their motivation and passion for learning. Other strategies that will be discussed include breaking down tasks for children into manageable steps and how to use openended questions to encourage self reflection.
“Uno somos todos, soy especial igual que tu” Inclusión educativa desde el Currículum de HighScope”
MARTHA LUV GOMEZ SANCHEZ, Capacitadora Certificada, Secreteria de Educacion Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion de la Ciudad de Mexico [Seminar 1]
In this workshop, participants will share a comprehensive vision of educational inclusion and discuss how the HighScope key developmental indicators in social studies enable educators to build communities with an inclusive perspective.
Inspiring and Connecting Teams
SHELLEY NEMETH, Field Consultant, HighScope [Conference Room E]
Whew! How many deep breaths have we all taken? How much have we been able to accomplish? Now it is time to acknowledge and bring inspiration, connection, and joy into our work. Participants attending this workshop will have the opportunity to explore strategies to reconnect team members and support common program goals. We will discuss how to use clear communication strategies to identify potential challenges that may stand in the way of improvement and how to use shared control to create connections among team members.
Questions or Comments?
DONNA COYNE, Consultant
[Conference Room G]
Participants in this session will think about the components of quality conversations with children. This session will help participants see the importance of comments and acknowledgements rather than questions in conversation with children and understand how this allows children to be in control of a conversation, use more language, and improve their thinking skills.
Tuning In: Interaction Practices That Promote Healthy Attachment
CHRISTINE SNYDER, Director, Child and Family Care, University of Michigan
[Auditorium 2]
This session will explore key ideas about healthy attachment relationships, including responsive care, co-regulation, primary caregiving, trust, and the role of attachment in early childhood development. Participants will explore barriers and distractions to healthy attachment and strategies for developing healthy attachment with infants and toddlers.
Let’s Read! Best New Children’s Books on DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), SEL (Social-Emotional Learning), and More!
AMY VANDAMENT, President, Book Vine for Children [Elizabeth Ann Room]
The relationship between an adult, a child, and a good book creates a safe space and a bond and fuels children’s passion for learning and literacy. This presentation, for all learning levels, will review some of the best new picture books of the year, incorporating read-aloud techniques and strategies. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) titles will receive special emphasis. Other subjects (stories, STEAM, basic concepts) will be covered as well.
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Breaking it Down to Prevent Breakdowns: Taking a Deeper Look at the Six Steps of Conflict Resolution to Support Children With Different Abilities
SARAH BISHOP, Office of the President, HighScope Co-presenter: Alison Mokry [Conference Room F]
This session will reconsider our assumptions about how children develop and learn and will recognize the basic premises behind why conflict mediation works for all children. We will discuss tips and strategies that make the six steps of conflict resolution accessible to all learners and develop a classroom implementation plan utilizing new tips and strategies.
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Using Sensory-Motor Materials Throughout the Day
ERICA HILL, Senior Early Childhood Specialist, HighScope [Conference Room A]
According to Piaget, infants and toddlers are in the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. During this session, we will take a deeper look at what this means and how to support infants’ and toddlers’ cognitive development using materials that appeal to their senses and allow them to freely move about. Using these material ideas, we will intentionally plan for experiences throughout the day while also supporting the Key Developmental Indicators (KDIs).
Anxiety, Stress, and Emotional Dysregulation: How Do We Support Our Children in Distress?
KENNETH SHERMAN, Education and Professional Development Director, HighScope [Terrace Dining Room 3]
In an emotionally supportive classroom, children learn to respect themselves and others, express their thoughts and feelings, and be actively involved in complex human relationships.In this session, participants will be guided through recognizing signs and symptoms of problematic distress, connecting the human stress response to challenging behaviors displayed by children, and understanding how traditional responses to such distress often exasperate the problem. Participants will also learn how to scaffold their students’ social, emotional, and mental learning and take away strategies to counter the adverse effects of children’s anxiety and stress in the classroom.
Using a Cultural Lens to Support Social and Emotional Development
KIMBERLY EARL, Early Learning Coach, Dept. of Education and Early Learning [Seminar 5]
This session will provide participants with thoughtful and guided discussion, in continuing to support children’s social and emotional development, using a cultural lens. Attendees will strengthen their skills with engaging, hands-on activities that support children’s learning in a culturally relevant way!
3:00 pm –
Beyond Counting: Strategies for Active Learning Math Activities
AMY BURNS, Preschool Instructional Coach, Orange Board of Education, HighScope
[Conference Room E]
In this workshop participants will explore meaningful math experiences that can happen throughout the preschool day and practice strategies to connect math learning with non-math related materials.
Using Modifications to Support Children With Exceptionalities in the HighScope Curriculum
DANYA STUMP, Early Childhood Consultant, Oakland Schools
[Conference Room C]
Do you have a student who has an IEP in your program? Did you know that HighScope supports modifications for students who need them? There are many ways that you can make simple modifications within your environment while staying true to the HighScope curriculum. Come learn simple strategies for making learning accessible to all students.
Care is Education
KARIN NOWAK, Center Director, Gretchen’s House Co-presenter: Pam Preston [Seminar 1]
Do you have a student who has an IEP in your program? Did you know that HighScope supports modifications for students who need them? There are many ways that you can make simple modifications within your environment while staying true to the HighScope curriculum. Come learn simple strategies for making learning accessible to all students.
Let’s Train Our Brain for Sensational Small-Group Times
KELLY WINE, Early Childhood Specialist/Consultant, Calhoun Intermediate School District [Conference Room H]
In this session, you will learn the basic principles of HighScope’s small-group time. You will also learn the power of intentionality and will walk away with a system to train your brain to plan and prep sensational small-group times EVERY time!
4:30 pm
What a HighScope Elementary Classroom Looks Like! Come and Share!
MARGARIDA RODRIGUES, Director, HighScope Portugal Institute
Co-presenter: Silveria Rodrigues [Conference Room B]
HighScope’s excellent preschool results and the consistency of its approach feed our hope that a HighScope elementary approach attains similar visibility! HighScope trainers around the world have implemented HighScope in elementary classrooms with an approach based on research from HighScope. I will introduce fundamental elements of active learning, ways to implement HighScope in elementary classrooms, and the need for this approach with current digital and educational challenges. We will explore and celebrate HighScope Elementary around the world.
Beyond the Book: Getting the Most Out of Your Read-Aloud
CYNTHIA PITTS, Early Childhood Specialist
Co-presenter: Pamela Spencer [Terrace Dining Room 1]
In this session, participants will explore HighScope’s Let’s Read It Again! read-aloud kit. We will examine the key literacy components and focus points and design activities that extend children’s learning beyond the book.
Classroom Coach: Improving Preschool
Classroom Quality
JILL CLAXTON, Director of Evaluation, HighScope
Co-presenter: Beth Hardin [Conference Room D]
HighScope believes that improvement of classroom quality happens with appropriate information, guidance, and support. Quality occurs over time with collaboration and practice. HighScope developed a tool that considers what matters most for young children’s growth and development, regardless of the curriculum implemented. Classroom Coach data supports teachers and their team in striving for best practices and quality education to benefit children and families. This session will include the members of the research foundation supporting the tool and a review of the three sections and available reports.
Assessment Scoring Clinics: How to Maintain Interrater Reliability
JEFF BEAL, Executive Director of Research, Evaluation, and Development, HighScope
Co-presenters: Beth Scholz, Anthony Nielsen
[Conference Room G]
Participants will learn about interrater reliability and its importance to providing valid and fair interpretations of assessment results. They will also learn about interrater reliability drift and ways to minimize drift, including conducting scoring clinics. Scoring clinics provide assessors with opportunities to score items, compare and discuss scores, and come to a consensus around disparate scores. Scoring clinics are the best defense against interrater reliability drift and should become a regular practice among assessors.
Active Learning Makes Your Job Easier
KARALYN HUEY, HighScope [Elizabeth Ann Room]
Teaching young children can be challenging! Join us for a session on Active Participatory Learning - the key to a successful and enjoyable classroom experience. Say goodbye to exhaustion and hello to engagement as we explore the five essential ingredients of this approach. We’ll discuss how to empower your children to take charge of their own learning, leaving you with more time to focus on what you do bestteaching! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your classroom experience and make your job easier.
Fortaleciendo el período de trabajo – estrategias para dar apoyo y extender las ideas de los niños (Making the Most Out of Work Time — Strategies to Support and Extend Children’s Learning) — SESSION IN SPANISH
KAREN MURILLO, Early Childhood Specialist, HighScope [Auditorium 2]
En esta sesión en español, los participantes obtendrán estrategias de apoyo para enriquecer y dar apoyo a los niños y niñas durante el período de trabajo en los escenarios de preescolar y kínder.
In this session, participants will learn strategies to support and nurture preschool and kindergarten children during work time.
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
8:30 am–10:00 am
Using Treasure Baskets With Infants and Toddlers
LIZ COLEGROVE, Quality Improvement Coach-Infant-Toddler Specialist, CCN
[Conference Room F]
Treasure baskets allow babies and toddlers to explore a variety of objects safely and independently in a safe environment and encourage learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving, and creativity. Exploration helps to build nerve connections in the brain and encourages the development of language and motor skills. Participants will learn what treasure baskets are, what can put into a treasure basket, and how to use treasure baskets with infants and toddlers.
Changing Outcomes for Babies Everywhere Through Attachment
[Seminar 1]
Early attachments help determine our lifelong view of the world around us. The brain’s systems that allow us to form and maintain emotional relationships are developed during infancy and the first years of life. Experiences during this early vulnerable period of life are vital to young children’s health, development, well-being, and to society as a whole. In this workshop, we will discuss the importance of attachment and how the policies of HighScope programs promote this in child care settings to change outcomes for babies everywhere.
Family Engagement: Connecting Literacy With Classroom Lending Libraries
KRISTA SHAMBLEAU, Early Childhood Consultant, Oakland Schools
Co-presenter: Chamayne Green, Katie Homant [Terrace Dining Room 1]
Children who have access to books in the home and who are read aloud to regularly have the best chance of becoming successful readers. Classroom lending libraries provide access to a range of reading materials, engage families in language and literacy interactions, and help children develop literacy strategies and skills. This session focuses on collaborating with families to promote literacy at home by: borrowing books from the classroom; and sharing practices for reading aloud and discussing text.
Telling Stories Through Movement
JAMIE SHELL, HighScope Field Consultant, 4C for Children and HighScope
[Terrace Dining Room 3]
Although our inclination is to teach the way we were taught, as times change, so must our strategies. In this fast-paced interactive session, participants will have fun examining how social, emotional, ethical, and cognitive skills can be taught through the use of literature and interactive reading strategies using movement.
A Research-Based Tool to Leverage Best Early Childhood Practices in the Elementary Space: The Ready School Assessment
JEFF BEAL, Executive Director of Research, Evaluation, and Development, HighScope
Co-presenter: Madeline Chimka, Research Associate, HighScope
[Seminar 5]
This session will provide an overview of HighScope’s new Ready School Assessment (RSA), a research-based tool designed to support the school improvement process, particularly helpful for elementary administrators that do not have a background in ECE. School communities use the RSA as a guide when reflecting on current practices and making plans to implement ECE best practices.
Using Open-Ended Math Materials to Support Math in the ECE Classroom
BETH MELAMPY, Director of Curriculum, Gretchen’s House
Co-presenter: Laura Griswold [Conference Room E]
Keeping our shelves stocked with open-ended materials can be a challenge, especially if we aren’t sure what sort of learning they support! In this workshop we will do a little speed dating with HighScope math activities. You will get a chance to use open-ended materials and will see just how supportive they can be of math concept learning. You will leave the workshop ready to bring some of your ‘dates’ back to your classroom!
Supporting Active Learners With an Anti-Bias Education Approach
KIMBERLY CRAFTON, Early Childhood Education Consultant, Kimberly Crafton Consulting, LLC [Conference Room H]
Decades of research have confirmed that children, from birth, notice similarities and differences in people and
cultures and can adopt prevailing biases and prejudices from the adults in their lives. Integrating an anti-bias approach into early childhood curricula is vital to provide a strong foundation for children’s development of positive identities, rewarding relationships, and critical thinking skills. This workshop addresses how an anti-bias approach compliments HighScope’s approach to active learning.
Keeping Recall Time Active and Engaging
HOLLY DELGADO, Program Director, University of Michigan, Health System Children’s Center [Conference Room C]
Recall time is often described by teachers as the “hardest” time of day to keep children engaged. This session will review the basic components of recall time and focus on implementation strategies to keep children actively engaged in the reflection process. Participants will consider the interests of children in their own classrooms and use these ideas to design recall time experiences sure to engage active learners.
Using the Message Board to Support Classroom Problem-Solving
ERICA HILL, Senior Early Childhood Specialist, HighScope [Auditorium 2]
Given the opportunity, preschoolers are capable of engaging in conversations as a group about a problem and brainstorming solutions for resolving the problem. During this session, we will practice strategies for using the message board as a tool to initiate conversations with children about specific classroom problems, gather children’s input regarding the problem and how to solve it, and support children with following through with the solution(s).
Let’s Play, Learn, and Grow Together: Using Group Games to Support Executive Function
KENNETH SHERMAN, Education and Professional Development Director, HighScope
[Elizabeth Ann Room]
Executive function skills are crucial building blocks for the early development of both cognitive and social capacities. These cognitive skills lay the foundation for how young children will continue their learning and development in each stage of their life. Simple group games and songs provide a good avenue for developing these skills. In this workshop, we will discuss an overview of the components of executive function, followed by practical classroom activities and strategies that teachers can implement to support the development of executive function in young children.
8:30 am – 11:30 am
Flexible and Responsive Infant-Toddler Group Times With Materials
BETH PIERSON, Field Consultant [Conference Room G]
In this session, participants will actively engage with the basics of group times with materials for infants and toddlers. Participants will view group times in action and learn how to apply strategies in their own classrooms.
Supporting Children With Different Abilities Through Embedding IEP Goals Into the Daily Routine
SHANNON LOCKHART, Director of EC Development, HighScope
[Conference Room D]
Research has shown that embedding intervention strategies directly within a child’s daily routine increases both the frequency of practice and the achievement of targeted skills. In this session, participants will learn strategies for embedding IEP goals and scaffolding on children’s learning throughout the day while staying true to active learning and developmentally appropriate practices.
Pressing the Curriculum Refresh Button
SHELLEY NEMETH, Field Consultant, HighScope
[Conference Room B]
Have you ever had a time in your teaching career when you thought “I just wish I could press the refresh button.” Sometimes we need a fresh perspective, a new song, or a new way of doing the things that we know are important to give us a refresh on our career. Participants in this session will have the opportunity to press the curriculum refresh button. We will examine how to create opportunities for children to connect and socialize during all components of the daily routine. We will look at a curriculum checklist with fresh eyes to brainstorm how to bring life, joy, and fun into the classroom.
Sharing the Calm: How Responsive Relationships Lead to Stronger Self-Regulation Skills
ASHLEY HOY, Research, HighScope
Co-presenters: Karen Murillo, Patty Bruder
[Conference Room A]
Participants will explore current research on executive function and shift their perspectives about children in support of an enhanced approach to classroom management. As a group, we will discuss strategies to support student emotional, behavioral, and cognitive self-regulation skills in an environment of shared control.
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Self-Care 101
JAMIE SHELL, HighScope Field Consultant, 4C for Children and HighScope [Conference Room F]
When work, life, and stress becomes too much to handle, it can effect our job performance and our mental health. Burnout is a serious stress response that affects the majority of professionals s in their career. In this session, learn how to identify, recover from, and prevent burnout with self- care.
An Inch Wide and a Mile Deep: Our Journey To Become
RHONDA MEYERS, CEO, Heartfelt Impressions
Co-presenter: Brittany Kay, Director of Program Quality, Heartfelt Impressions [Seminar 1]
In this workshop, we will discuss the successes and journeys of teachers at all levels who have taken small steps with big gains to become HighScope Certified Teachers. These teachers learned the HighScope Curriculum by breaking it down into bite-size pieces and implementing their knowledge in the classroom. We will reflect together, leaving teachers feeling empowered and inspired.
Do You Feel Like Your Children are Guilty of Resisting a Rest? Strategies to Support Children and Teachers
During Rest Time
EVA MARIE-HATFIELD, HighScope Field Consultant and Director, Gretchen’s House [Conference Room C]
This session will focus on rest time as regular part of the HighScope daily routine which includes the same type of approach that teachers use during the rest of the day. Participants will learn strategies to support individual children as well as explore ideas for discussing rest time routines with parents.
A Literacy Journey From Birth Through Pre-K BESTY SPIKER, Early Childhood Specialist, Heartfelt
Co-presenter: Brittany Kay, Director of Program Quality, Heartfelt Impressions [Conference Room H]
In this workshop, we will discuss building a literacy-rich environment that provides children of all ages with a variety of opportunities. We will discuss the importance of building that foundation so that children naturally seek out language and literacy activities. We will then examine ways to lead
literacy through the ages by looking at classic books and contemporary titles and discussing strategies for scaffolding to meet all children’s needs.
The Wonderful World of Wordless Books
AMY BURNS, Preschool Instructional Coach, Orange Board of Education, HighScope [Conference Room G]
In this workshop, participants will be introduced to many popular wordless picture books, explore the many literacy benefits to using wordless books, and practice strategies for reading with children.
Setting Limits With Shared Control in the ECE Classroom
KIMBERLY TIEMANN, Director, Gretchen’s House [Conference Room E]
It is shocking, but true: you can set limits in a preschool classroom while sharing control with the children. In this session, you will gain an understanding of the “why” and “how to” of setting limits and sharing control with the children.
Large-Group Time: Going Beyond Singing to Plan With Intention
NORMA OUELLETTE, Director and Field Consultant, CPE Abracadabra HighScope Quebec, Canada [Elizabeth Ann Room]
This workshop discusses the importance of moving to rhythm and beat while reinforcing the development of executive function, specifically through stop/go movements. The workshop will discuss how we can plan with intention using the HighScope key developmental indicators and will end our time together by creating a toolbox full of large-group time ideals.
“Drawing” Children in for Message Board Time
BRANDY GINGELL, Early Childhood Specialist, Northville Public Schools Early Childhood Program [Auditorium 2]
In this hands-on workshop, participants will “draw” and write messages that are meaningful to children and keep them engaged as they learn early math and literacy skills. Participants will learn that you don’t have to be an artist to create purposeful messages that children can’t wait to read.
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
MICHELE BORBA, Ph.D. Educational Psychologist
Best-Selling Author and Today Show Contributor [Roy E. Wilbanks Ballroom]
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
You Did It! Conflict Resolution for Preschoolers
JESSICA LOGAN, Early Childhood Specialist, HighScope [Conference Room C]
This workshop will provide participants with a basic overview of conflict resolution in a preschool classroom. Participants will receive hands-on experience as we delve into the principles on conflict resolution. Through this workshop, educators will gain foundational knowledge and implementation strategies, empowering them to implement effective conflict resolution in their classrooms.
Scaffolding During Small-Group Time
SUE MCDONALD, St. Joseph County ISD
Co-presenter: Kathy Moore [Conference Room E]
In the HighScope Curriculum, scaffolding means both supporting children at their current developmental and ability level AND gently extending their learning as they move to the next level. Giving children the same materials, same instructions, and expecting all the same results at small-group time encourages a sense of defeat. Using the four steps of scaffolding, teachers can create small-group lesson plans that support active learning and set children up for success.
Social Competence in the Preschool Classroom
EVA-MARIE HATFIELD, HighScope Field Consultant and Director, Gretchen’s House [Conference Room F]
Helping or Hurting? An Exploration of Microaggressions and Exclusive vs. Inclusive Language in Professional ECE Settings
CHRISTINE SNYDER, Director, Child and Family Care, University of Michigan
Co-presenter: Holly Delgado [Terrace Dining Room 3]
It is more important than ever for our early childhood educators to adopt an anti-bias approach to teaching and learning. Microaggressions stemming from implicit bias build on one another, leading to continued marginalization of groups of people. Microagressions have been defined as “a million tiny papercuts.” This session will focus on understanding the potentially damaging impact of small actions and messages and will provide strategies to ensure that the language and actions in your classroom are inclusive rather than exclusive.
Singing, Moving, Games, and More at Large-Group Time
BRANDY GINGELL, Early Childhood Specialist, Northville Public Schools Early Childhood Program [Confernece Room D]
This session invites participants to think about the interests of the children in their classroom and apply those interests when planning large-group-time activities. Participants will apply the five ingredients of active learning and learn about the five different types of large-group-time experiences to use at the beginning, middle, and end of large-group time.
MAGIC is the Next Developmental Stage of Plan-DoReview in the Elementary Program That Supports Children With 21st Century Skills
ANTARINA S.F. AMIR, Founder, HighScope Indonesia
Co-presenters: Ilsa Nurina, Wahyuni Ratna Lingga
[Confernece Room H]
Children’s favorite time of the day is Plan-Do-Review, where they can make their plans, carry them out and review them based on their personal interests and choices. We love choices! The question is, how do you teach kids to make GOOD choices that are developmentally appropriate? The answer is MAGIC (Making Good Choices), thus helping them to build the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century. Join us in this session to see how we extend the implementation of PDR in the elementary program to teach kids how to Make Good Choices.
How Do You Continue HighScope When Your HighScope Mentor Passes Away?
SARAH FEWSON, Former HighScope Consultant, Elementary Teacher, Educational Consultant, Fewson Consulting, Inc.
[Conference Room B]
Moya Fewson, my mom, had an immense impact on the HighScope community throughout North America and beyond. When she passed away a few months ago, I heard from many people about their challenges after losing my mom and their desire to continue with HighScope despite not knowing how to navigate in this field without their mentor. This workshop will validate feelings that accompany losing a mentor and will leave participants feeling supported and motivated to continue with the good work they began in partnership with my mom.
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
¿Cómo saber si estamos haciendo bien nuestro trabajo? Conoce cómo el Classroom Coach te puede ayudar a mejorar tu práctica docente a nivel preescolar|
GRACIELA BORJA, HighScope Preschool Certified Trainer, HighScope Institute Mexico
Co-presenter: Karen Murillo [Seminar 1]
Durante este taller los participantes lograrán conocer la herramienta Classroom Coach para mejorar su práctica educativa al revisar la herramienta, la lista de verificación de materiales y algunos ítems relevantes. Además se llevarán a cabo prácticas que permitan profundizar en su uso y aclaración de dudas. Tanto la sesión, como los materiales, se presentarán en español.
Supporting Dual Language Learners
HEIDI MCFADDEN, Executive Director, Gretchen’s House
[Conference Room A]
Welcoming and supporting Dual Language Learners is the basis of an inclusive program. This session will help teachers and administrators meet the needs of Dual Language Learners and their families, with an overview of research and practical ideas.
Sensory-Motor Intelligence
MARIE DIANE TROTTIER, HighScope Consultant, HighScope Canada [Elizabeth Ann Room]
This workshop will support teachers in understanding sensorimotor intelligence for infants and toddlers using Piaget’s research and approach. We will be looking at the first of four steps for 0–2-year-olds and what we should consider in this phase of infant cognitive development. We will plan activities according to the structures of sensorimotor intelligence in an encouraged sensory environment and based on the HighScope infant and toddler key developmental indicators.
“What??? You Don’t Eat Turkey for Thanksgiving! Everyone Does!” Recognizing Your Biases and Building More Cultural Competence, Awareness, and Sensitivity
TIFFANY WRIGHT, Field Consultant, Oakland Community Schools
[Auditorium 2]
Are you looking to create a learning environment that respects and honors cultural diversity? ECE professionals have a responsibility to do so. This workshop addresses how educators must be culturally responsive to their children, families, and colleagues. It examines unconscious biases and how they interfere with respectful and responsible behavior. Helpful strategies and resources to create a safe and welcoming environment that respects the unique backgrounds and cultural norms of everyone will be shared.
Research, Evaluation, and Development Poster Session
JEFF BEAL, Executive Director of Research, Evaluation, and Development, HighScope
Co-presenter: Fernando Andrade [Conference Room G]
During the research poster session connect with current researchers in the early childhood space, including members of the HighScope Research, Evaluation, and Development (RED) team and student researchers from local colleges and universities. Poster topics include child assessments, family engagement, the HighScope Perry Preschool Study, literacy, self-regulation development, and more!
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023 2023 SESSION SCHEDULE Research, Evaluation, and Development Poster Session
Beal Executive Director of Research, Evaluation, and Development, HighScope
May 11, 2023 2:30
– 4:00 pm in Conference Room G
8:30 am – 10:00 am
Cómo HighScope promueve las funciones ejecutivas del cerebro en los niños
MONICA INESTA, Director, HighScope Mexico
[Seminar 1]
In this workshop, participants will learn what executive functions are and how they show up in children. Understanding executive function is essential for supporting children’s brain development. Participants will discuss factors that put children at risk and what adults can do to promote cognitive development. Participants will learn how the HighScope daily routine is an ideal structure to develop young children’s executive function skills to the fullest.
This is Your Child’s Brain on Praise: The Negative Impact of Praise on the Preschool Brain
RACHEL ELLEN BURNS, Early Childhood Consultant, Wayne RESA
[Conference Room E]
This session will define praise and encouragement, explore their differences, and discuss the negative impact of using praise rather than encouragement on preschool age children’s confidence and intrinsic motivation. We will also explore the long-lasting negative impact that using praise can have on the brain.
Adult Support at Small-Group Time: Are you Helping or Hindering Your Small-Group Time Success?
DANIELLE WIENER, Director, Gretchen’s House
Co-presenter: Shannon Peitz
[Conference Room H]
Explore what adult support best practice is for creating engaging and fun small group times. Explore the HighScope® small group time checklist; why the 5 ingredients for active learning are important to small groups; and how to plan for active small group times.
I Can Problem-Solve!
BETH O’CONNOR, Co-director, The Family Connection of St. Joseph County Inc.
[Conference Room F]
Using an active learning, strengths-based approach, we can scaffold older infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds as they learn to resolve social conflict. HighScope’s six-step process of social conflict resolution offers a clear roadmap. Come reflect on, practice, and share strategies to move ourselves and our children forward in becoming effective problem solvers who can grow in the community and see themselves as the capable human beings they are.
Building Reiationships and Engaging Families With COR Advantage
ALICIA OLDHAM, Education Specialist, Starfish Family Services
[Conference Room C]
Engaging families in a child care setting can be among the most rewarding actions that a teacher takes. Partnering with families can make a positive difference in a child’s life. We know how to use COR to create activities to engage children and foster relationships in the classroom. Can it be done with families? In this workshop, we will explore ways to utilize the HighScope Curriculum to engage and build partnerships with families.
My Home Visit Tool Box
LOWLETTE EVANS, Field Consultant, LP Early Childhood Field Consultant, LLC [Conference Room D]
This workshop is designed to provide teachers with the basic tools needed to conduct a successful home visit. In all Head Start programs, teachers are required to conduct two home visits per year for each child enrolled in their classroom. Home visits can be very challenging — some teachers are afraid of their surroundings or are not sure what information to share with parents, while some parents don’t want teachers in homes, among other concerns. This workshop will share techniques and strategies to help your home visits go a little smoother whether you are conducting the home visit in person or over Zoom.
How Was My Child’s Day? Using Empathy to Improve Communication
HEIDI MCFADDEN, Executive Director, Gretchen’s House
Co-presenter: Brad Guoan [Conference Room A]
Children benefit from positive relationships between families and school, and we know that positive communication builds strong relationships. When teachers use empathy as the basis for their interactions, relationships improve and flourish. This session will provide practical strategies to incorporate empathy into their everyday conversations with families and coworkers.
Parent Readers Make Children Leaders
KAREN KAY RUSH, Field Consultant, HighScope [Conference Room B]
Parents are chidren’s first teachers. This session will provide participants with activities to help parents engage with their children while learning and loving the gift of reading.
What’s That Feeling: Recognizing and Acknowledging Infants’ and Toddlers’ Big Emotions
DANIELLE GRIMALDO, Early Childhood Specialist, HighScope [Auditorium 2]
Happy, sad, tired, angry. Infants and toddlers experience many emotions throughout the day. In this session, we will examine some of the reasons behind children’s big emotions and discuss why it is important to acknowledge children’s feelings. Participants will learn strategies for acknowledging emotions that can be used in the classroom.
The Conversation Matters: Building Executive Functioning Skills During Planning and Recall Time
HOLLY DELGADO, Program Director, University of Michigan, Health System Children’s Center [Elizabeth Ann Room]
Like other parts of the HighScope daily routine, planning and recall time should be individualized to meet the developmental needs of children. We often focus on engagement strategies when lesson planning for these times of day; however, conversation matters more when using planning and recall time as a springboard for executive function skill development. This session will help teachers implement support strategies to individualize planning and recall time conversations based on children’s developmental levels.
Leveraging Practitioner Experience as a Researcher: Experiences From Implementation Research During the Pandemic
MADELINE CHIMKA, Research Associate, HighScope
Co-presenters: Karen Murillo, Ashley Hoy, Kenneth Sherman [Conference Room G]
In 2016, HighScope was awarded a five-year Investing in Innovation grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support self-regulation development for preschool and kindergarten children in underfunded communities. During this session, HighScope research team members will discuss their experience conducting this research during the pandemic, including how the team adapted to continue supporting teachers and children, what was learned from teachers’ experiences during the pandemic, and policy recommendations that support both research and practice.
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Gems of Jackson Child Care & Education Center [Roy E. Wilbanks Ballroom]
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 2023
Trauma-Informed Teaching in Early Childhood Classrooms
DENA-ANN FEBUS, Franklin Township Public Schools
Take the Bubble Out of Your Mouth: How to be an Advocate for Your Children, Your Colleagues, and Yourself
COLLEEN SCHMIT, Four Monkeys Press
Building Equitable Behavior Guidance Policies: One Coaching Team’s Approach to Policy Development
POLLY SCHMITT, HighScope Field Consultant
Creativity and Expressive Arts With Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers at Metropolitan State University of Denver
BRANDON GILBERT, Metropolitan State University of Denver
SEL for Early Childhood Education: A Priority for Preschools Post-Pandemic
SHRUTI NAGAR, Active Learners Community
Intentional Interactions With Adults in Early Childhood
ANNETTE JACKSON, LINDSAY THURMOND, Northside Independent School District
Visual Supports in the Early Childhood Classroom
ANNETTE JACKSON, Northside Independent School District
Literature for Littles: Accommodating for All Learners
LINDSAY THURMOND, NICOLE GREEN, Northside Independent School District
Plan-Do-Review®… Outside!
RACHEL FRANZ, Twig & Thread Consulting
Creating a Community of Problem Solvers
Finding the Math in Art
JACQUI GROSS, Jersey City Public Schools
Strengthening Connections to the Outdoors!
LISA SHORTALL, Family Day Care Services
You Shouldn’t Do That! Help Preschoolers Understand and Participate in the Process of Creating and Following Rules
KRISHNA MURILLO, HighScope Mexico/ Kansai Gaidai University
¡No hagas eso! Ayudar a los niños en edad preescolar a comprender y participar en el proceso de creación y cumplimiento de normas. ESPAÑOL
KRISHNA MURILLO, HighScope Mexico/ Kansai Gaidai University
Preschool Children’s use of Screens Before and After the Pandemic: Informing Practice, Setting Limits, and Offering Alternatives
CHRISTINA MIRTES, Eastern Michigan University
Involving Preschool Educators in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process for Young Children With Exceptionalities
JESSICA GRIMONE-HOPKINS, Eastern Michigan University
Supporting the HighScope Goals for Young Children: A Partnership Journey of the Implementation of the HighScope Pedagogy Between Adults and Young Children
Supportive Climates in Preschool Classrooms
Divergent Thinking in the Preschool Classroom: Using Play Materials in New Ways to Bridge Gaps in Child Development Since the Pandemic
Plan-Do-Review® With Older Toddlers
Meaningful and Messy Activities with Infants and Toddlers
Treasure Baskets
KRISHNA MURILLO, HighScope Mexico/ Kansai Gaidai University
Benefits of Being Outside with Infants and Toddlers
JAMIE SHELL, 4C for Children and HighScope