High Tide: February 24, 2012 Edition

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TIDE Redondo Beach, CA // Redondo Union High School Feb. 24, 2011 // Vol. XCIV // Edition 9



middle by Logan Collingwood

It hasn’t always been fun and games, but being a middle child has its perks. Although the relationships I have with my older and younger brother are vastly different, both have been extremely rewarding and impacted my life in profound ways. [continued on pg. 10-11]


Clubs dedicate time and effort in their own different ways in the community.


Performers in the musical “dance for their lives” at rehearsal.

p18-19 //


A look back at the highlights of the winter season in pictures.


NEWS // FEB. 24, 2012

The week in photos.

Sophomore Fundraiser


Success. Seniors Alex Niebergall, Olivia Solomon, and McKenna McNair enjoy themselves at the Palos Verdes Ice Chalet. Solomon believes the fundraiser was well-planned, which resulted in high attendance from all classes.

Sadie Hawkins Dance

Bay Math League defeats Palos Verdes High School By Jason Rochlin

With only 4 competitions a year, the students in the Bay Math League are preparing to show off their knowledge and win respect for the school. “It’s for students who enjoy doing difficult math problems to have a place to continue to work on their math skills,” Bay Math League Advisor Traci Hamilton said. Because the team was formed late in the school year, THEteam went to its first competition on last Wednesday at Arcadia High School. “We’re pretty small, because we are just starting out,” sophomore Petra Grutzik said. “A lot of schools have many different teams because they have a lot of people in the program, so I really want to expand our program.” The Bay Math League is a competition between local schools, including South, West, and Arcadia, in which the competitors study different math related subjects, ranging from Geometry to Calculus. “When we go into competitions, we have a lot of skills. Our team has a lot of great brain power,” said Grutzik. The team is looking for students of all

grades and abilities. “You can be in the Bay Math League even if you have not reached the higher levels yet,” said Hamilton. The Bay Math League puts out guidelines of what to cover for the competitions. “It’s up to the students to decide what questions to study [and] up to them to decide how much they want to study,” Hamilton said. “However, we meet two to three times a week, but the few weeks before the competition, we meet many more times. I think they even met over the weekend on their own.” Though the team did not have as much practice as their opponents, Hamilton was proud of how the team performed overall at the first meet. “We didn’t come in last. However, we beat PV, and we were very excited to beat one school,” Hamilton said. With the next competition scheduled for April at South High School in Torrance, the team is trying their best to find more members to help in the competitions. “We would love to have more students join us and get excited about doing some math problems that are not tied to a math class,” Hamilton said.

RUHS will play the host at the opening of new facilities by Cody Williams PHOTO BY BRITNEY ROSS

Just dance. Students dance at the Sadie Hawkins held Feb. 11 in the gym. According to junior Evan Malone-White, the Sadie Hawkins was the best dance he has attended to date.

Senior Barbecue


Last moments. Senior ASB rresident Nia Vidal serves spaghetti to fellow senior Rock Capone. “Despite all the malfunctions that happened, we all worked well together,” senior ASB vice president Nikki Blome said. “It was really simple and everone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

While it seems as though eons have passed since anyone has last set foot in the SeaHawk Pavillion, the new gym will finally be opened again for use next Tuesday. The state-of-the-art gym will feature new wood flooring, a new scoreboard, five new team rooms, a wrestling room, new physical education facilities, new coaches offices, new bleachers, state of the art washers and dryers and much more. “The gym is fantastic,” athletic director Andy Saltsman said. “This is the best gym in the South Bay.” According to Saltsman, the SeaHawk Pavillion will have an RUHS Hall of Fame. “In the main lobby, there are ten beautiful cabinets dedicated to Sea Hawk athletes,” said Saltsman. “It’s my favorite part of the gym.” The gym’s new capacity limit will hold approximately 2,000 persons. “The quality is phenomenal,” Saltsman said, “Students should be grateful for what they have been given in this gym because from head to tow this gym is beautiful.” On Tuesday, there will be an opening ceremony featuring NBA star Metta World Peace and Olympic volleyball player Sean

Rosenthal. “The purpose of having these two athletes come and speak at our school is to put big names out in order to have more people come and see our facility,” Saltsman said. Aside from the profession athletes speaking, there will be a ribbon cutting and speakers from the Board of Education. The purpose of the opening ceremony is not only to let students see the new gym, but also to inform the community. “The opening will give people insight on what the bond money was used for,” Saltsman said. Those who attend the gym opening will have the opportunity to view every new aspect of the gym. “Every door in the gym will be unlocked so people are able to see what exactly is inside,” Saltsman said. The doors of the new gym open at 4:15, the ceremony will be held at 4:45 and following the ceremony will be a volleyball game at 5:30. Although the gym opening is on Feb. 28, the gym will not be open to students right away. “On March seventh, we officially take ownership of the gym,” Saltsman said.

NEWS // FEB. 24, 20112012

District prepares to connect with the public using social media


Food Truck February

By Dylan Biggs

board wishes to implement the program immediately. The school district is considering a new One of the elements the policy would policy to dicatate conduct on social media address is the school boards inability to sites. This policy will determine if schools monitor the sites for inappropriate materican use social media sites like Facebook als or incorrect information. or Twitter to reach various audiences like “I don’t see it as monitoring but more if parents, the public, or students we receive a complaint we will address it,” Schoolboard member Laura Emdee she said. says that the policy is in its earliest stages of Emdee does not believe the policy development and they have to think about will affect students as much as it will the the social media sites they wish to use. district, but if a teacher wants to create a “The policy will address all the sites,” she Facebook page some rules will have to be said. observed. Since they are still reviewing the poli- “If a teacher wants a Facebook page they cy, it will take anywhere from one to three have to have a proper code of conduct on months before it is finalized. The school that page,” she said.



Food for thought. A young girl orders ice cream sandwiches from the Chunk N Chip truck. Food trucks will continue to be on campus for the next two Saturdays.

On the stricter club regulations...

“The service hours and fundraising have always been club requirements. But because there are 60+ clubs on campus, it’s diffifult for only two club commisioners to regulate. We added two club facilitators who solely check for club compliance. This has helped the clubs to meet their requirements and the ASB to ensure that all the active clubs are folling their own constitutions.” -Sheri Gross, Activities Director

Death, danger, driving




Use of wireless devices is the No.1 source of driver inattention. (Nationwide) Distractions from cell phone use, hands held or hands free) impairs a driver’s reactions as much as having a blood alcohol at the legal limit of .08 percent. (University of Utah) Driving while using a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37 percent. (Carnegie Mellon) Every year an average of more than 5,000 young drivers ages16-20 are killed in passenger vehicle crashes. (NHTSA)


OPINION // FEB. 24, 2012


Redondo “Do you wish your parents were more strict? Why?” “No. I don’t get to do what I want to do. My parents try to help me study but I usually ignore them.” —Max



“I wish my parents were more strict because it would give me more motivation to do my homework.”


—Jenna Barrett

“I don’t wish they were more strict because I would lose my opportunities to have fun with friends.”

Although clubs are a fun part of school socializing, they do have a more serious side to them. Club restrictions may be a hassle but they are imporby Savannah Stern tant to follow. Enforcing club restrictions helps clubs stay on track with service hours, fundraising, and effectively giving back to the community. There are two restrictions clubs must follow: they must have ten service hours per quarter and two fundraisers a year. The school provides two opportunities for clubs to fund raise at, the Red and White Carnival and the International Food Fair. These opportunities allow clubs to fill the requirement without having to go outside of school. Along with fundraising, clubs must also

work ten hours each quarter to help the community. Whether it be recycling like the Ecology club or volunteering at animal shelters like the Animal Rescue club, community services hours are important. The service hours requirement forces clubs to get involved in their community and give back. Community service helps students recognize problems in the community and gives them a chance to help out in any way they can. Community service teaches students the value of hard work and helps them see situations from another person’s perspective. It also help students feel good about themselves when they help out others as well as teaches them responsibility and creates a fun safe environment with their peers as they help the community. The second restriction, fundraising, allows presidents the opportunity to raise money for the organization their club is dedicated to. The Red and White Carnival and International Food Fair are great ways for clubs to raise money for their cause. Once the money is raised, ASB collects it and then, if necessary, a check is written and club presidents can donate their money to their cause. It is tough to come up with a school appropriate club, but when one does, these two restric-

tions are easy to follow. Clubs are fun ways to get to know your peers as well as enjoying something you are passionate about and truly believe in. Community service allows students to further enjoy their hobbies, socialize with their peers and give back to the community at the same time. Fundraising gives students the opportunity to get more connected with their cause and donate money to those in need. Overall, club restrictions are a good thing and although there are only two that must be followed they ensure clubs get their hours in along with helping out their cause.


Positive changes. The school provides new opportunities for clubs to fundraise.

Class ads force kids to pay who don’t want to


—Mayu Odaka

“No I don’t. I usually work on my own and I work best by myself.”


—Luke Stevens

“My mom shows me the benefits from being strict, but I have my own study habits.”


—Debonaire Laws

Club restrictions are now being enforced

Compiled by Allegra Peelor Photos by Andrew Hazeltine

The topic of buying a class ad came up in my literature class a few days ago and someone asked Mr. Ammentorp for his opinion on by Anthony Leong the matter. “I don’t endorse class ads,” Ammentorp said, “because I don’t think students should be pressured to pay for anything.” A number of people groaned, but I was brought back to last year when multiple classes were nagging me for class ad money. I didn’t even know what class ads were last year, much less why I should pay for one or three. But once in a while I would go to class and my teacher would announce the names of those who had not paid yet. Though my name was one of the last remaining on that list, I reluctantly caved and paid my money. It couldn’t be called coercion but it’s not exactly a no pressure situation either. It might be different if having an ad required enough students to agree to pay in advance, and in some classes we did sort of vote, but many times someone just de-


cides to initiate it. I don’t have any gripe with the idea of a class ad and it is particularly suited to tightly-knit classes, but I also believe that students who can’t or don’t want to pay should be able to opt out. The problem is that when students do opt out, the teacher often ends up paying for the difference. This scenario reminds me of when I was in middle school and my friend and I decided to go around asking people for money at lunch. My sister inadvertently revealed our little operation to my father, who promptly scolded me and insisted I wouldn’t be doing it anymore. I never understood why back then: it’s not like anyone was obligated to give us money, and indeed, plenty said no. I couldn’t see that their being obligated was not so much of

an issue as their feeling obligated. It’s no crime to make a person feel something he’d rather not, but it simply isn’t a nice thing to do. Similarly, while I don’t feel the class ad tradition should be eliminated so a few students don’t have to feel the pressure, I do think it’s simple to take the pressure out of the equation. All students who are willing to pay should agree in advance. If there aren’t enough people (35 students willing to pay $10 each), the class could agree to a half-page ad or no ad. This way there is no pressure on those who can’t or don’t want to pay, teachers will never end up paying the difference, and those of us who are boring and frugal won’t have to worry about being asked for money because not enough others are paying up.

OPINION // FEB. 24, 2012



Strict parents are not beneficial to children HIGH TIDE STAFF

Editor-in-Chief: Alison Peet-Lukes Managing Editors: Madeline Perrault; Meglyn Huber News Editors: Daniel Garzon Opinion Editor: Shannon Bowman Features Editors: Taylor Ballard; Kimberly Chapman; Anacristina Gonzalez; Bethany Kawa; Tricia Light; Jeremy Porr; Emma Uriarte Sports Editors: Tatiana Celentano; Julie Tran; Zach Zent Photo Editors: Erinn Middo; Jenny Oetzell Copy Editor: Camille Duong Cartoonist: Cooper Lovano Online Editor: Brianna Egan Staff Writers: Matthew Brancolini; Dylan Biggs; Taylor Brightwell; Torrey Bruger; Claire Chiara, Logan Collingwood; Navea Dasz; Mckenna Duffy; Camille Duong; Brandon Folkman; Dan Furmansky; Shivaani Gandhi; Hana Ghanim; Andrew Hazeltine; Cedric Hyon; Craig Ives; Ilana LaGraff; Vivian Lam; Anthony Leong; Cooper Lovano; Kayla Maanum; LeAnn Maanum; Isaiah Madison; Kylie Martin; Benjamin McLaughlin; Hayley Meyers; Madison Mitchell; Rachael Orford; Cameron Paulson; Alegra Peelor; Alejandro Quevedo; Jason Rochlin; Nancy Silva; Jessica Shipley; Taylor Sorensen; Savannah Stern; Hannah Son; Cody Williams Adviser: Mitch Ziegler The High Tide dedicates itself to producing a high-quality publication that both informs and entertains the entire student body. This newspaper is wholly student managed, designed, and written newspaper that focuses on school and community events. The High Tide is published by the journalism class at Redondo Union High School, One Sea Hawk Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. Advertising is $7.50 per column inch, $6.00 if paid in advance. Call (310)798-8665 ext. 2210. Signed commentaries and editorial cartoons represent the opinions of the staff writer of cartoonist and in no way reflect the opinions of the High Tide staff.

Coddling children, watching them like a hawk to make sure they never make mistakes, never make their own decisions because all are made for them, can actually hurt kids more than it helps them. Many stereotypes–most of them bad– Kids who are always told what to do and surround our generation: “The Lazy Gen- kept on a strict schedule will never know eration”, “The Facebook Generation”, or what to do in the real world. Parents can’t “Generation Me”. go away to college with their children and No doubt improvements and innova- when there is no one to watch over the child tions in technology have contributed to the he will either bask in his new-found freeinstant-gratification era that bred our gener- dom. Like forbidden fruit, lose himself in ation’s stereotypes. We have bad reputations the wild new college experience without as slackers in school, showing restraint, or too busy partying on THE MAJORITY OPINION OF THE he will enter a comathe weekends and livtose, vegetable state ing it up the second HIGH TIDE EDITORIAL BOARD because he is unable school gets out to to make decisions for focus on our educaFOR AGAINST himself. tion. Stricter rules preA 2009 Pew Revent decision-maksearch Center survey found that nearly ing. Earlier curfews prevent independence. three-fourths of the public think our gen- Harsher punishments instigate rebellion. eration lacks the work ethic of our parent’s Parent’s shouldn’t overprotect their chil(http://www.pewsocialtrends.org). The dren, because they are only hurting them in question concerning parents is how to coun- the long run. Sooner or later a kid is going teract this generation’s nonchalant attitude to have to judge for themselves what is right towards life. and what is wrong. In response to this, parents have started If a child is never allowed to make misto crack their whips and locking down on takes, how can they learn? High school is a their children to make sure they succeed; time to experience life, get a tiny taste of ineven when the children have no motiva- dependence, without being completely shut tion to do so. Parents’ beliefs are that when off from our parents’ guidance. If we slip up they make stricter rules, earlier curfews, and now, who cares? Sooner rather than later is harsher punishments for dissension, their always better. children will be forced to put in the time But no parenting at all is just as bad as necessary to do well in school. smothering. There must be boundaries; kids Stricter rules teach discipline. Earlier don’t know everything despite what we tell curfews teach punctuality. Harsher punish- ourselves. Parent’s shouldn’t act like friends ments teach respect. These are the beliefs of because they aren’t. We need someone to strict parents, but are not always so. give guidance, not gossip.




What lacks in this generation is trust between parents and their children. Some parents believe that their children need to be guided every step of the way in these trying times. This generation has been said to be lacking in moral values and interested in only themselves. This generation has been said to not set any long term goals and focus only on the things that will benefit them immediately. The truth is that this generation is simply a victim of a vicious generalization that has caused some parents to step up their game in order to keep up with us. We are not looking to give up and lead lives of simple pleasures and apathy towards success and our futures. If anything, this young generation strives to succeed more than the ones before it. If we have learned anything it is to work towards our dreams and lives of comfort and luxury. This generation has big dreams. To succeed, work and excellent performance in school is a necessity. Getting into college is more competitive than ever. Nowadays kids are as likely to be discussing college and schoolwork than music and celebrities. We don’t need overbearing parents. If anything we need room to breathe and create. This generation is filled with creative thought and the means to follow their passions if only their parents would trust them and let them explore what the world has to offer. Not all parenting is bad: medicine in small doses is helpful. A struggling child can strive with a little push from an adult. Sometimes a student is lost or lacking initiative and only needs some guidance to succeed. Parents need to have faith in their children and stop the mentality that we are “The Lazy Generation.” Just give us a chance to shine, and we won’t disappoint.


FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012

DARE to be


Committed. Devoted. Pledged. Our school is filled with hard-working students who do their personal best every day, whether it be to improve their lives, our school, or our community.

ASB works for you by Jessi Shipley

ASB thrives off of student participation and is determined to reach their goals in making the school more exciting and enjoyable for students. According to ASB senior class president Madison Hall, the main goal of ASB has always been student involvement and satisfaction. “ASB strives to make Redondo a fun and interesting place to come to school. ASB is important because without the students in ASB, people would come to school every day, leave and that would be it,” Hall Said. A lot of effort goes into making student satisfaction possible according to Hall. About 99% of the school-sponsored events are planned by ASB. “ASB puts in a massive and inconceivable amount of time and energy into everything they do. All school activities take weeks or months of planning and organizing and every event has a plan b, c, and d to make sure that things go well,” Hall said. According to Hall, a successful event de-

pends on the participation and devotion of every member of ASB. “Each ASB member does something truly remarkable for the school and the combined efforts of all of us make awesome things happen,” Hall said. According to Daniel Maroko, Co-technology Commissioner, everybody gives a lot of effort and time into planning events. “Every small position in ASB is important and is expected to do their part,” Maroko said. Another influence on weather or not ASB events are successful is student participation and feedback. “Every single decision made in ASB takes into consideration the thoughts and desires of our student body, but that’s not enough,” Hall said. “Students have to enjoy coming to our events. When they don’t enjoy events, we rely on them to tell us how we could improve and change events so that they might enjoy them next time.” According to Maroko, ASB is all about what the students want. “When ASB organizes something or has

Student Bodies. 1. ASB poses for group pictures. ASB represents students of Redondo and works to make school enjoyable and interesting with events throughout the year.

to allocate money somewhere, the whole student body is considered. This way we can represent them and their voice in a class of about 35,” Maroko said. According to Hall, ASB still has its own challenges and problems it encounters that take quick thinking and creativity to solve. The largest problem is lack of spirit. “ASB faces a daily struggle against negativity and disinterest, but we don’t let it discourage us. The challenge of planning and

organizing an event is dwarfed by the challenge of finding the perfect event for our student body to enjoy,” she said. With everything ASB does for the school, their goal to provide an enjoyable and exciting school environment for students remains the same. “If we just get students to feel pride in themselves and their school, our job is more than worth all the stress and time and energy we put into it,” Hall said.

after school. “It sounds like I spend much more time on my homework than most people, but that’s because when I do my homework, I don’t just do it to get it done, I use the time to really learn the concepts and understand whatever I didn’t get in class, which really saves me time and stress the night before a test,” Antilla said. Antilla is currently in three AP classes, pre-calculus/trigonometry, as well as French. Along with her busy schedule, she is in varsity tennis, People to People International, and Science Olympiad. She also takes time to help others with chemistry and math tutoring with a simple call from friends the night before a chemistry lab is due. “My friends call me for help a lot and I try to help them as much as I can. Though sometimes it is me who needs their help,” Antilla said. Juniors Audrey Lai and Miin-Jiuan Tsay are a couple of the many friends Antilla helps with schoolwork.

“If she’s not practicing piano or trying to help someone out, then she’s probably working on her homework, reading the textbook for the ninth time, or reworking problems so she can understand them better,” Lai said. Tsay agrees. “Katie is like a second teacher. Whenever I ask her for help in honors chemistry, I know I’ll understand it,” she said. “She works really hard to get straight A’s, but I think she is also a bit of a genius as well.” Antilla remains dedicated to school without the pressure of her parents. She earns her high grades because she works really hard for them. “My parents don’t bother me about my grades at all—I’m totally self-motivated,” Antilla said. “I am the one who’s always pushing myself to do better. If anything, my mom has to stop me from spending too much time on homework and force me to go to bed.” Outside of schoolwork, Antilla makes time to hangout with her family and friends.

“My family spends a lot of time together. We go out to dinner, go to the beach or to a movie, or just hang out together at home,” Antilla said. “And when I get a chance I go out to lunch with my friends, like after school on minimum days, or play tennis with them.” Antilla balances school and her social life by being organized. She uses lists and planners to make sure she gets everything done. “I always keep track of everything I need to do and plan my time accordingly,” Antilla said. “ I try to make time for sleep and fun things so I don’t get too stressed out with [school] work.” Next year Antilla wants to stay in AP classes, but she does not know what she wants to do after high school. “I have no clue what I want to do after high school. Other than graduating from a good college,” Antilla said. “I don’t know what major, what college, what job, or what else I would want to do. I don’t plan that far ahead.”


Antilla goes above and beyond to achieve in school by Madison Mitchell

Her pencil scratches along the paper, answering the last question in her history homework. She sighs, rubbing her eyes and stretching the sleepiness from her bones. It’s after eight, a normal time for a hardworking junior to finish her homework. However, Katie Antilla, junior, has finished her homework hours ago; she is just going over it again to make sure she knows everything and can get the highest grade on the test. Antilla thinks of school as a competition in order to get A’s in all of her classes. “I want to do well in school partly because I like feeling smart and successful, partly because I’m a perfectionist and feel like I have to do my best at everything, and partly because I’m competitive and like competing with my friends,” Antilla said. While most people spend a couple of hours on homework over the weekend and after school, Antilla spends about 8-10 hours on the weekends and about 4-5 hours

FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012

Clubs support causes they strongly believe in


by Shannon Bowman

Redondo has an abundance of clubs. One could even argue we have an overabundance. Students congregate to celebrate everything from henna to Harry Potter, sharing a common interest. For Animal Rescue Club and Ecology Club, it is about more than that. It is about really doing something. Members of Animal Rescue Club strive to help those who can not help themselves: animals. Seniors Josie Miller-Hack, Liz Gallipeau, and Charlotte Kim are the presidents of Animal Rescue club. All devoted animal welfare activists, they decided to start a club their freshman year. “We wanted to bring people together who wanted to volunteer,” Miller-Hack said. Gallipeau also hoped Animal Rescue Club would “bring more attention” to animal issues. “No one really thinks about [animals],” she said. Animal Rescue Club is mostly devoted to fundraising for rescue organizations in the area, such as Noah’s Bark, as well as individual animals when needed. Through fundraisers like dog washes and bake sales, the club has raised over $1,000 since last year. “It’s exciting to have been able to donate so much,” Miller-Hack said. The most exciting and rewarding part of

being involved in a club devoted to animals is being able to directly help those animals who are suffering. Jake, a pitbull mix, is one such animal who owes his safety to MillerHack, Gallipeau, and the other members of Animal Rescue Club. After almost hitting the scared stray with her car, Miller-Hack made Jake the club’s newest project. After dealing with her mother’s refusal to house him and a “crazy” owner who was in and out of jail, the club was finally able to raise the $260 needed to rescue him from the pound and deliver him to a foster home in Big Bear. “It was a complicated story,” she said. “Now he has a home. Finally.” As most of the leaders and members of Animal Rescue Club are seniors, both Gallipeau and Miller-Hack are nervous about the status of their brainchild next year. “I’m hoping [club members next year] will continue to be really active and not die off like a lot of other clubs do,” Miller-Hack said. Junior Cameron Rosenberg, a “devoted” club member by Ecology Club President Cooper Lovano, junior, enjoys being able to participate in a club devoted to “promoting a healthy environment.” “[Ecology club] just feels really dedicated,” Rosenberg said. Junior Paige Metcalfe, Vice President,




3. 2.



Up in the Club. 1. Josie Miller-Hack poses with Jake. 2. Ecology Club Vice-President Paige Metcalfe participates in a beach clean-up. 3. Members of Animal Rescue club with rabbits.

also feels dedicated to a bigger cause. “Everyone is here because we love our beach,” she said. Members of Ecology Club pick up trash at beach clean-ups, as well as testing our local ocean waters for high levels of toxins and pollutants. The club meets weekly to organize such service opportunities. “We have something all the time,” Rosenberg said.

Metcalfe enjoys cleaning the beach, even during a recent clean-up after a pouring rain when trash was everywhere. “I like how good we feel when we pick up so much trash,” she said. While cleaning up our beaches and taking care of our ocean is a dirty job, someone has to do it. “We like helping out our community,” she said.

Nevarez and Logan devoted to Mormon faith by Allegra Peelor





Mormon in the Mornin’. 1. Logan enjoys the lessons Mormonism teaches. 2. Nevarez goes to Seminary every morning.

It’s morning, although the skies are stil dark outside. She climbs out of her comforter and pulls on her clothes as her mother prepares a cup of coffee. She stifles a yawn as the two climb into the car. For freshman Susannah Nevarez, waking up at the crack of dawn is not a hassle. It’s a way to stay dedicated to her Mormon faith. Nevarez goes to Seminary, which is a class that teaches her about the bible and “strengthens her relationship with God”, every morning for 45 minutes before her zero period band class. Waking up this early for Seminary helps Nevarez “get through hard times.” “When someone in the Bible is going through trials or hard times, [the teachers] relate it to everyday situations that happen,” she said. “It teaches me that everyone goes through the same problems.” Seminary not only helps Nevarez get through problems relating to school. According to Nevarez, it just puts her in a good mood and prepares her to start the day with

a smile on her face. “It helps me when I’m having a bad day,” she said. “It teaches me that other people are having trouble too and it just makes me happy.” Nevarez’s mother, Pam Absher, agrees that Seminary has a positive impact on her daughter’s life. “In seminary, the high-schoolers are putting on their coat of armor,” she said. “It prepares them to go out into the nasty world of high school where people aren’t necessarily nice to each other.” According to Absher, Seminary also helps with Nevarez’s self-discipline. “Susannah likes to sleep in, but she has been able to get up at five-thirty every morning and has been able to get her homework done without stressing,” she said. “Through going to seminary, the Lord blesses her and gives her the stamina to do what she needs to do and not be tired.” Junior Sarah Logan, who does not go to Seminary but wishes she could, said the Mormon religion has made a positive impact on her life, despite the many restric-

tions on how she should act. “There’s a lot of guidelines, but many of them are more of what society thinks is right, like you shouldn’t drink and shouldn’t smoke,” she said. “A lot of the restrictions are helpful; at school you have rules and if you obey the rules, it’s easier.” Another obstacle that Nevarez and Logan have learned to deal with is the conflict between school and religion. According to Absher, church lasts for three hours on Sunday and, in addition to Seminary every weekday morning for 40 minutes, there is a “Young Women” class on Wednesdays for an hour and a half. “If I have a big project or something that I need to do I don’t really want to go to church but I know I should, which is hard,” Logan said. Although balancing out schoolwork and church may be difficult at times, Absher believes that it eventually pays off. “Church makes us look outside of ourselves,” she said. “Yes, it’s a commitment, but we believe what we get back in return is worth it.”


FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012


[in-spuh-rey-shuh n] a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.

Haddad learns patience from autistic twin by Mannal Haddad


Gaining strength. Junior Caia Knoles’s little brother Milo who has undergone three heart surgeries.

Knoles draws strength from brother Junior Caia Knoles draws inspiration from her little brother Milo who has undergone multiple heart surgeries by Shivaani Gandhi

What didn’t kill him only made him and his family stronger. Junior Caia Knoles’ 4-year-old brother, Milo, has undergone three surgeries for his heart, and Knoles believes that experience has made her a stronger person and inspired her to live her life to the fullest. “Ever ybody goes through tough and tr ying times in their lives,” Knoles said. “I’m guessing that was one for me. All the procedures [Milo’s] gone through have emotionally strengthened me and I’ve matured a lot.” Her mom, Kim Knoles, feels that Caia had to grow up really fast and learn to be strong. “Since I couldn’t leave until it was safe for the hospital to discharge me, Caia stayed with me the whole time,”

Mrs. Knoles said. “She kept me strong and [helped] me walk.” Milo, born seven weeks premature at four pounds, was rushed to the Children’s Hospital in Hollywood for surger y six hours after he was born. “[His surger y] was a complete surprise to ever yone. It felt surreal to all of us and we were all scared because open heart surger y is life threatening,” Mrs. Knoles said. Even though she had to be strong for her family, Knoles agrees that the experience was frightening. “Ever yone was acting like he wouldn’t sur vive,” Knoles said. “It was so confusing and scar y. I wasn’t sure what to feel.” Despite the hardships Knoles and her family endured during Milo’s surgeries, they pulled through and ended up closer, according to Knoles. “You appreciate family a lot more. When something like that happens, you realize what’s important and not to take things for granted,” Knoles said.

Knoles also believes Milo has shown her that there is a lot more to life than the problems people face. “[Milo] has inspired me to love life despite the odd trials I’m put through,” she said. “ The surreal factors are what make life interesting and allow us to grow as a person.” Without Milo, Knoles said she would not have learned the life lessons he’s taught her. A major part of Knoles’ life is her art. Through all the chaos, Knoles took her emotions and learned to create art with that. “Her feelings, sadness, and happiness are all expressed in her art,” Mrs. Knoles said. Knoles and her mother both feel that they have learned a lot about life’s fragility through Milo’s “tr ying” surgeries. “Life is special. Sometimes it seems so mundane and routine but all of a sudden some unexpected twist comes and smacks you in the face and reminds you that reality is actually incredibly surreal,” Knoles said.

I wake up every morning to the loud creaks of my twin sister’s desk chair as she rocks back and forth to the beat of her random Japanese pop music. She also likes “accidentally” dropping ice cubes down the back of my shirt and has a habit of barging into my room and making animal noises. She’s autistic, but she’s also an endless source of fun and laughter, and my greatest inspiration. Growing up alongside someone with autism has its challenges, but I can’t complain; while other people just give up on her after watching her struggle to express what she’s feeling, I’ve learned how to be patient and understanding. Last week I took Hebah to the bookstore because she wanted some obscure book about German Shepherds that I’m pretty sure doesn’t even actually exist. When she found out that they didn’t have it she started screaming, really loud, right in the middle of Barnes and Noble. She wasn’t screaming because they didn’t have the book. She was screaming because it was the only way she could express her frustration at not being able to explain why she was upset. People don’t understand her so she isolates herself from them. Being social is too hard, so Hebah always ends up alone. At school she sits by herself. She doesn’t go out with friends, or go to any school events. Seeing Hebah’s struggles firsthand inspired me to get involved with The Friendship Circle, which is a safe place for kids and

teens with special needs to make friends without the pressures they’d face when trying to socialize at school. Volunteering with the Friendship Circle is more than that though; it’s my way of giving back. Being surrounded by autism has given me talents that I feel like I need to share with the world. Which is why I’ll always be involved with kids with special needs. I plan on becoming a behavioral therapist and doing everything within my power to change the way the world sees autism. Autistic people are so much more than their diagnosis. Each autistic person I’ve met has been unique and special in their own way, but it takes effort to look past the autism and at the individual. Hebah struggles with tasks that I find simple, like talking on a cell phone or making a hot pocket, but she never complains and she never gives up. If she doesn’t give up, who am I to? She’s also taught me not to judge people based on their looks, or their condition. A lot of people assume that because Hebah is autistic she’s nonresponsive, and so rather than talk to her they ask me what her name is when she’s more than capable of answering that question by herself. In Arabic Hebah means “gift from God” and that’s exactly what Hebah has been in my life; a gift.


Twinspiration. Junior Mannal Haddad poses with her autistic sister.

FEATURES// FEB. 24, 2012

Choi finds unique inspiration for art by Taylor Brightwell

Art is a way or expression and escape for junior Valerie Choi. Her inspiration is difficult to explain, yet her talent is easily seen. “I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember, ever since I was born I have loved drawing,” she said. In her first year of AP Art she received a 5 on a portfolio centered around fetuses. “I think that people were born with their personalities and some babies were born bad and I tried to convey that [in a lot of my fetus drawings],” Choi said, “I wanted to put the baby fetus in some weird environment to give it contrast.” According to Choi, she pulls ideas from every part of life and draws whatever she feels like. “My inspiration is a lot of things but mainly people, sometimes I can find them disgusting or how I find them really lovely, either way they influence me a lot in my work and I try to capture that sort of nastiness inside

my art.” Choi said many do not understand her ideas behind her art but a lot of people also admire her it. “People say its dark but I don’t really take notice because I don’t like to analyze my work, I just go for it,” Choi said, “I don’t want to ponder over my style, I just want to draw what I feel like.” Choi pulls her inspiration from observations and other famous artists. “I think artists themselves think differently then scientists or writers; artists like David Cole and Salvador Dali dedicate themselves to art and that is an inspiration for me”, Choi said, “You just want to know what they’re thinking [when they create a piece] and that inspires me to make my art different.” Currently in her second year in AP art she has changed her theme to suffocation. “Being a junior comes with school work and so much stress, you’re pressured to have a social


1 life, you’re pressured to have good grades and go to a good college, they plan you’re life out for you and that itself is a little suffocating,” Choi said. As she works to finish this year’s portfolio she knows she will always have a love for art. “I don’t think I could do anything other than art, Choi said, “I can’t find anything else I’m interested in, it’s not a passion it’s just a part of me.”


Inspired. 1. Valerie Choi recieved a 5 for a portfolio based around fetuses in her first AP Art class. 2. Choi draws inspiration from her pieces from her observations of people and life. This year, here theme is suffocation.

To listen to an extended interview and see more of Choi’s pieces from her AP Studio Art portfolios, visit hightideonline.org.

athletic I N S P I R AT I O N “My desire to win or compete for cross country inspires me. I want to compete for my team, I’m proud of my school and I want to put our school on the map as an example for the rest of the nation. I feel blessed to have to opportunity to run and that alone inspires me to do my best. I want to give my glory back to God and do his will in someway through his gift to run.” -junior Cara Ulizio, Cross Country

“The people on my team inspire me. If they are willing to push themselves, then I should be willing to push myself. I am also inspired by that dream of playing in college. That’s what I’ve been working for. I tell myself ‘just do it’, which is cliché since it’s Nike’s phrase, but it is true. You just have to push yourself as a competitive athlete knowing that it eventully pay off.” -junior Erin Guernesy, Soccer

“At the beginning of a meet, sometimes I picture specific girls I’m competing against that I really want to beat. Swim is different from most sports because it’s completely individual. It’s completely up to me. I ask myself, ‘do I want it?’ I don’t have a team behind me, only myself.” -freshman Elle Inscore, Swim

“What inspires me to play water polo is my true love for the sport. Most people prefer to play offence, but for me it is just fun to block shots as it is to score. When my body aches and I’ve just given water polo everything I’ve got, I’m inspired to keep going just knowing that it’s going to be that much easier next time and I’m going to be that much better in the pool.” -junior Sarah Logan, Water polo

“I’m inspired by my competitive nature because I don’t like to lose so I do my best every game. Basketball is inspirational to me because it is something I love doing and it’s fun being around my teammates” -senior Brian Frew, Basketball

“I really just enjoy the sport and I don’t need anyone pushing me to do my best. If anything, my own frustration with my performance motivates me to push myself. I use my frustration and anger to my advantage.” -senior Alex Matei, Soccer

“Watching my brother(Cody) play in high school when the Redondo’s lacrosse team first started inspired me to follow in his footsteps and play varsity lacrosse at Redondo.” -freshman Joshua Williamson, Lacrosse


The Mediator

Cover Story

FEB. 24, 2012

Seniors Katie and Kelsey Woodson struggle with the burden of paying for college independently.

Junior Senna De La Cruz often finds himself in the middle of arguments between his friends.

ck t u S Middle in


by Navikka Dasz


The third party. Senna De La Cruz speaks to his friend, Matt Ferradas, during snack. De La Cruz tries to remain impartial in arguments between his friends.

Whether in sports, finances, or arguments, being in the middle comes with both advantages and disadvantages.

Bench warmers seek the spotlight by Chris Nguyen

To be on varsity is any athlete’s dream. However, the excitement of making the team is often followed by the disappointing realization that they will be on the bench. While freshman Kristina Williamson felt that making the varsity soccer team was a huge accomplishment, she was disappointed by her lack of playing time in games. “Playing on the varsity level is a big leap from what I’m used to playing. I wasn’t expecting to be playing a lot,” Williamson said. However, not getting much time on the field encouraged her to improve her skills. She found that practices were the perfect place for her to work harder and get the chance to play in games. “Every time I step on the field it’s a chance to get better, and I don’t take that for granted. I use every minute I can to not only improve my strengths but also my weaknesses,”


Middle of the Road

by Kylie Martin

Between school, athletics, and extracurriculars, high school can sometimes seem like a balancing act. On top of all of the typical stresses, junior Senna De La Cruz also needs to balance spending his time with two of his best friends. With his good friends junior Matt Ferradas and junior Jake Carrico constantly bickering, De La Cruz admits that it can be hard to keep the peace. “Having two of your best friends fighting its hard,” De La Cruz said. “Not only is it an inconvenience having to plan to hangout with them separately, but it is also a shame knowing that a great friendship is not what it used to be.” However, Carrico believes that his friendship with Ferradas will return over time. “Our friendship won’t go back to the way it used to be right away, but if we work at it I know it will,” Carrico said. Carrico admits that it was hard for him to accept the fact that he is no longer friends with someone he used to be so close to, and that it is hard to deal with the difficult circumstances of losing a best friend. Ferradas also recognizes the difficulties of losing a friendship that was once an important part of his life. “It is difficult not being on speaking terms with someone that used to be one of your best friends, especially when you have so many mutual friends with that person,” Ferradas said. De La Cruz feels that being the mutual friend of two people fighting is challenging, particularly when both people want to hangout or talk about their fight. However, De La Cruz tries to stay out of their fight by not choosing sides. “When two of your best friends are not speaking to each other it can sometimes bring down the whole group, but when everyone is friends with each other and hanging out together, it makes you appreciate the good times,” De La Cruz said.

FEB. 24, 2012

Williamson said. Senior Johnny Albi found being on varsity basketball without substantial minutes disappointing as well. However, he did not let the situation bother him. “[Not getting minutes] was disappointing at times, but I wouldn’t let it get to me. I kept on cheering on my team,” Albi said. Albi tried to use practices not only to make personal improvements, but to help his teammates improve as well. “My practice efforts were always 100%. By practicing against my teammates with a lot of intensity, I helped them get better as individuals,” Albi said. Williamson believed that her coach had faith in her as well, or she would not have made varsity in the first place. Williamson is aware that she would probably have gotten more minutes on junior varsity, but she felt that it was important to be on varsity instead. “I believe it’s better for me to play on varsity with fewer

minutes because playing down to junior varsity wouldn’t make me better. I try to put myself in the most difficult environments I can because that pushes me to bring out my mental and physical toughness,” Williamson said. As a senior, Albi’s motivation for being on varsity was quite different. He wanted to be on the basketball team one last time regardless of the minimal playing time he would receive. “I felt like it was important to stay on the team because it’s a commitment. I had some times during the season where I was angry and wanted to quit, but I wasn’t going to let frustration get to me and make me throw away the thing I love. I think the experience [of being on the basketball team for four years] has humbled me and taught me many life skills that I will use many years to come,” Albi said. Williamson also feels that she learned a lot this year. “I stepped on the field playing with girls as old as seniors, and it really woke me up. I can’t wait to carry my knowledge of the game into next soccer season,” Williamson said.


Many students rely on either family contributions or financial aid to pay for college. However, for Kelsey and Katie Woodson neither of these options are viable. Instead they are stuck in between with a family income too high to qualify for financial aid, but not high enough to pay for both tuitions out of pocket. Their mother has been out of work for a year because of an injury. Due to their reduced income, the sisters feel that receiving scholarships is more important than ever. “Her reduced income has made finances harder,” Kelsey said. “This has put a lot of stress on my family. We are all worried about how it will all work out. It’s really stressful right now, especially since I haven’t received any scholarships.” Stuck in this “awkward middle-ground,” both sisters are relying on scholarship money, loans, and a job to pay for college. Kelsey works at Maui Wowie and tries to always put half her paycheck aside for college. Despite the stress of high tuitions, both sisters believe it is important to go to the school of your dreams. “I’ve always wanted to go to a Christian college. I decided to go for it [despite the costs]. Azusa Pacific University was my first choice and it was the only college I applied to,” Katie said. They feel that money should not be the deciding factor in choosing which colleges to apply to. “My advice for others is to not settle for just any college,” Katie said. “If you get in [to the college of your dreams] do what you can to go there. Everyone has their own obstacles in life. But if you feel very passionately about a certain dream or goal, nothing should ever stop you. Go for it one hundred percent, obstacles and all. If it is meant to happen, it will.” With three older siblings, Katie and Kelsey are not the first in the family faced with the issue of paying for college. Their sister Megan attends college while holding a full time job. “[Megan] inspires me because she is the first person in my immediate family that will graduate college. She was in the same financial situation [we are in], but she found a way to go to college,” Kelsey said. Megan understands the position her sisters are in since she went through the same thing. “I’ve learned that you need to be smart, plan ahead and look at all of your available options. College is very expensive, but there are a lot of tools available if you seek them out,” Megan said. Megan’s experiences gives Kelsey and Katie hope in their future. “From [Megan], I have learned that it’ll all work out. I just have to have faith and patience,” Kelsey said. Although their situation worries them, Kelsey and Katie understand that many other students face the same issues as they do. “I’m worried but a lot of people are in the same kind of situation as us where you’re not poor enough to qualify for financial aid or rich enough to pay for college,” Katie said. PHOTOS BY JULIE D’EATH

Somewhere in between. 1. Katie Woodson worries about the high tuition at her school of choice, Azusa Pacific University. 2. Her sister, Kelsey Woodson, is also concerned about paying for college without scholarships.


Pros, cons of being a middle child

[Continued from front page] According to many psychoanalysts, middle children often don’t receive the same amount of attention that is given to the oldest child, nor the same amount of adoration as the youngest child. These circumstances are colloquially referred to as the “middle child syndrome.” Despite having to pick my brother up after school, I really do not suffer from the middle child syndrome. In fact, I feel as though being the middle child has proven highly beneficial in developing my character. For example, a middle child has an older sibling to look up to. When I am in need of advice, I often find myself having extremely candid conversations with my older brother. His advice has been extremely helpful in many situations,

and the occasional “Dude, it’ll all work out in the long run,” has been more than appreciated. When I’m talking with my older brother, I generally ask him questions to get his opinions on certain issues. On the other hand, when having conversations with my younger brother I more often have to answer the tough questions myself. I can only hope to answer his questions and inspire him as much as my older brother has inspired me. However, being a middle child has a few downsides. For instance, since my brothers and I are almost exactly three years apart, I will be starting my first year of college while my older brother will be finishing his last year of college. This will be rather difficult, since my parents will have to financially support two students. Also, when my older brother moved away to go to col-

lege, I was forced to step up and be the prominent role model for my younger brother. I sometimes find it difficult to provide him with good advice. In a way, I have had to assume some of the general responsibilities of being the oldest child. Despite these few problems, I think the pros of being a middle child greatly outweigh the cons. In a way, being a middle child has provided me with a way to both learn and teach. I am constantly learning new things from my older brother, and doing my best to teach them to my little brother. I am essentially playing the role of a older sibling and a younger sibling at the same time. I can only hope that I will be able to pass on the great amount of insight that my older brother gave me. I am glad to have an older brother who is willing to offer his advice, and a younger brother which I can (hopefully) inspire.


FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012



Long hours of extracurricular studying and reading does not sound all that appealing, especially to students in many tough classes already. However, the Academic Decathalon team, or AcaDec, team is dedicated and works hard despite rigorous schedules and extracurriculars, and they fell much pressure, especially as the state competition looms in the near future. Team member Patrick Borgerding spends at least 30 minutes studying every day for Acadec. “A lot of AcaDec is specific information so if you haven’t read the material it’s impossible to be successful [without studying a lot],” Borgerding said. However, the team does not get as stressed about learning

the material because a lot of the leaning is a fun and interesting collaborative effort. “Each decathlete,” Borgerding said, “specialized in their favorite subject and lectured the rest of the team, so it’s a break from just reading and taking notes.” The collaboration among team members also pushed them to work harder, adding to the workload and pressure. “If I don’t do what’s expected of me I’m letting my teammates down but I’m also letting myself down,” Borgerding said. Despite the lightheartedness, team members still fell the pressure, according to team member Chris Lew. “We certainly felt the intense pressure leading up to the competition,” Lew said, “but we use

that energy to push ourselves and our teammates to be ready for game day.” At competition the team feels the stress too because of time pressure and the importance of every moment. “All our work for the past year has led up to that one specific moment when only one question can make the difference,” Lew said. Lew, Borgerding, and their fellow “decahtletes” will be competing at the state competition on March 17, and despite the stress, they are thankful for his time with the team. “I honestly can’t picture a better experience I could have possibly had in any other program in high school, and I’ve loved every minute of it,” Lew said.


Time’s up. Senior Alex Guzman looks over papers in the Acadec classroom.

The pressure to succeed by Emma Uriarte


It’s three a.m. and Junior Kristen Currie wakes up: no time to sleep when there is Physiology homework to do. “I’ve gotten used to waking up so early,” Currie said. “I’m so tired from [soccer] practice at night that I fall asleep and do all of my homework later.” Currie juggles school, sports, and youth group, and her parents, Grace and Keith Currie, make sure she stays on top of her commitments. They make sure she keeps up with her schoolwork, participates in sports, and attends youth group regularly. “We give her the guide to be more successful and become aware in this world,” Mr. Currie said. Mr. Currie and his wife pay special attention to their daugh-

ter’s education, making sure she ends up with a better life than they have. “We have to make sure that we’re on top of her grades,” Mrs. Currie said. “We care enough to be watchful of [Kristen].” Currie appreciates her parents’ involvement in her life, but sometimes feels the pressure of her busy schedule. “They push me a lot and want me to do my best, but sometimes the pressure gets intense. Thankfully they realize when they’re pushing me too far, and ease up on me,” Currie said. According to her parents, they push Currie to succeed so she can be accomplished in life. “We don’t have a lot to give her, but we can give her our love and give her tools to be successful and happy,” Mrs. Currie said.

FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012



Senior Nancy Silva is the first in her family to attend college by Alejandro Quevedo

As students start down the path towards college they look to siblings, relatives, and family members who have gone before them for advice and insight. But, if they’re like Senior Nancy Silva and are the first in their family with the opportunity to go to college, they need to blaze that trail all on their own. Since freshman year Silva has practiced being a well rounded student; she plays soccer, volunteers with Richstone, Heal the Bay, and Adventureplex, has taken eleven AP’s, and has become the president of two clubs: The Richstone club and CSF. What pushes her to do so much for college is the fact that she is the first person in her family who has the chance to attend. “Being the first person in my family with the opportunity to go to college motivated me to try harder to become more successful and to gain the opportunities that the rest of my family did not have,” Silva said. However, utilizing these opportunities has been difficult without

insight from a family member who has gone through it before, putting her at a disadvantage to students with relatives that have gone. “Students with siblings and family who have gone to college get advice and support from people who have been through it before,” Silva said. “Since I didn’t have that, I didn’t know how or when to do certain things, like filling out the paperwork for each college, doing my SAT’s, and applying for financial aid.” The fact that she is the first in her family with this opportunity has caused the rise of some selfdoubt. “It makes me insecure knowing that no one else in my family has been able to go on to college, and makes me wonder what makes me different,” Silva said. According to mother Mellisa Silva, she and her husband lacked the money and support to go to college themselves, but encourage their daughter in her pursuit. “I’m very excited and proud of all of Nancy’s accomplishments and I’m happy she has the opportunity that I never did,” Mrs. Silva

said. Silva has been an inspiration for her brother, who hopes to attend college as well. “I’ve always had a competition with my sister,” freshman Branden Silva said. “I didn’t really care before, but seeing my sister doing so well and being rewarded through it has gotten me to improve and strive for the same thing.” According to Silva, the good foundations she set for herself helped her out a lot and set the tone for the remainder of her high school career. But she believes that one of the most important elements to her success was the information about applying to college that was available through her councilor, teachers, and the college and career center. “For any students, whether it be incoming freshmen or soonto-be seniors, I recommend that they utilize the resources available to them while they still have them and while there’s still time,” Silva said. “What made my application so strong was information that was available to me that I wouldn’t have come up with on my own.”


Down to business. Silva has strived to achieve throughout high school. She gets up early every morning for zero period AP Macroeconomics. “Iv’e been trying my hardest because my first choice school is UCLA,” she said.

Senioritis:What it feels like to forget the pressure


“It is a big feeling of relief. It’s like I’m not treading water anymore, and I am actually going somewhere.” –Adrian Benoit

“I don’t have to try hard anymore so I get the chance to kick back , relax and actually enjoy the rest of the year.” –Johnny Rosario

“It’s nice because now I can enjoy my senior year. I don’t even want to go to class anymore.”

“I actually have to work harder now because I didn’t work as hard earlier on in High school.”

– Danielle Smith

– Alex Guzman

“I feel excited because having my applications done just means that college is fast approaching and I will be leaving high school soon.” – Sarah Garnica


FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2011


UP CALL Rodriguez starts an intensive weight loss plan and loses 70lbs after a wake up call from his scale by Hannah Son


Weighing In

“I didn’t know that I had gained so much weight until I stepped on the scale.” Eating Right “[My diet] consists of six small meals throughout the day of around 200 calories each.” For the future “ I did not want to be a person who constantly worries about death because of weight.”

maintaining a HEALTHY


a look into Rodriguez’s journey to a healthier life

After just over a month visiting Spain, junior Julian Rodriguez came home to a 45 pound weight gain. “I basically ate my way through Spain and although it was fun and delicious, it came at a price of 45 pounds,” Rodriguez said “When I got home I did not see myself as fat, so I continued eating. I did not know that I had gained so much weight until I stepped on the scale.” For Rodriguez starting junior year off with this weight gain elicited a dramatic change in attitude about his body. “When I saw those numbers, I was enraged that I let my weight get so out of hand. This is where I made the change to lose weight. I did not want to be a person who constantly worries about death because of weight,” Rodriguez said. Because of his quick weight gain, Rodriguez was prompted to lose even more weight than what he gained during the trip. “In the beginning, I started the diet because I turned into something that I never wanted to be, I just was not myself,” Rodriguez said. Finding the right diet was the first step to his weight loss goal of 90 pounds. “I experimented with a couple of differ-

ent diets before I found the perfect one, my diet is not for the weak hearted, it consists of six small meals throughout the day of around 200 calories each,” Rodriguez said. In starting this diet, Rodriguez told himself. “It is now or never but once you start this, it is not going to be easy.” Along with the regimented diet of six small meals every two hours Rodriguez has also found wrestling to help motivate him to continue losing weight. “Wrestling is not just some sport you go and do, you dedicate your heart and soul to it, if you do wrestle, you will become a more disciplined individual and that is what it did for me,” Rodriguez said. According to friend and teammate Junior Brent Bowles, Rodriguez’s accomplishments are beneficial to the team as a whole. “Julian is really motivated and he is a major inspiration to everyone on the team,” Bowles said. In a few months, Rodriguez has already lost 70 pounds leaving him 20 more pounds to lose in order to accomplish his goal weight. “With wrestling on top of an intense diet I have gone from about 265 to 195 pounds, my goal is to lose 90 pounds altogether so I am almost there.” Rodriguez said.

Bowles applauds Rodriguez’s accomplishments. “Everyone on the wrestling team is so proud of everything he has overcome,” Bowles said. Rodriguez’s accomplishment has helped improve himself both physically and mentally. “My weight loss made my life easier in wrestling and in that now I can perform everyday tasks better like walking up and down he stairs without feeling out of breath. I also gained a lot of self confidence to do things like going to the beach and taking my shirt off,” Rodriguez said. For Rodriguez losing weight is only half the job. “I also have to gain muscle I plan to come back to school as a senior and have people not even recognize me,” He said, “I plan to come back to school next year and have people not even notice me because of my weight loss.” Gaining muscle will make it easier for Rodriguez to wrestle in lower weight classes. “I never wanted to see the day where I looked like the people in the beginning of the weight loss show Biggest Loser. Now with more confidence, I hope to help my family and others to get motivated to lose weight,” Rodriguez said.

Teachers partake in a weight loss competition we try and get together once a week to run and walk together,” said Robinson. Although there is a prize that comes with winning the competition is meant for self-improvement. “I’ve been trying to get healthier and this just gives me another incentive, and it really helps that I can partner with some of my coworkers,“ Robinson said. To see a list of competetors and read more, visit hightideonline.org


In an effort to create a “Blue Zone” with BCHD RBUSD is sponsoring a weight loss competition between staff members from different schools. The teams are seperated into groups of four and there are 92 teams in the district. One of the teams at Redondo Union include Sarah Robinson, Diana Muñoz, Rosa Flores, and Cynthia Graffio they are each trying something different. “We’re all doing different stuff, but


by Isaiah Madison



“[My goal is to] generally to try and eat more healthy.”

“[I’m] controlling my portions and exercising [to lose weight].”


Making weight FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012

Wrestlers struggle to find diets that work for them to stay within their weight bracket and bring home a win

by Matthew Brancolini

The opponent on the mat is only half the battle for a wrestler. Outside matches, wrestlers also fight the scale as they consistently struggle to “make weight.” “Making weight” means that a wrestler weighs less than or equal to the designated weight class they will be competing in. “Usually, you stick to a weight class that you naturally fit into or you gradually work up or down to a weight class during off-season,” senior Jake Harris said. “That way you only have to lose a little bit of weight before matches.” If a wrestler has not been dieting or conditioning well enough throughout the season, rapidly cutting excess weight before matches can be a “nightmare,” and can hinder performance, according to senior Alexanthony Maldonado. “Before Bay League Finals last year, I cut thirteen pounds in four days by eating under 500 calories and working out constantly to sweat off extra weight. It was awful,” Maldonado said. “I was sluggish, slow and tired. It made me wrestle badly.” Head coach Arond Schoenberg believes that a strict diet that maintains an active metabolism is the best way to maintain or lose


Wrestlers give insight on their WEIGHT GAME

Fighting inactivity in teens

The most important rules of F.I.T club? Raise more money than Costa and fight inactivity by Andrew Czuzak

JAKE HARRIS “When you lose a lot of weight before a match, you feel crappy and are mentally out of it. You’re worried about making weight and not focused on the wrestling.” Club F.I.T. continues to work to improve the health of the South Bay. “I started the club last year because of my passion for health,” co-president Jessica Baker said. Baker got involved in health and physical fitness after seeing how many of her sister’s friends were not physically active. “I saw how childhood obesity is becoming a problem. I’ve always loved doing sports so I wanted to spread that and show them it is fun to play sports and be active,” Baker said. Baker started Club F.I.T., or Fighting Inactivity in Teens, in response to the lack of healthiness last year and soon began work with senior Maggie Gonzalez, co-president. Gonzalez introduced Baker to Relay for Life’s South Bay committee and Club F.I.T. has been working closely with them since. Working with the American Cancer Society, Club F.I.T. raised over $1,500 for Relay for Life, a program of the American Cancer

weight. “Ideally, the wrestlers would eat six small meals that are between 200 and 300 calories each every two hours,” Schoenberg said. “If you eat six smaller meals per day, your metabolism is always high and you are always burning up fat. When the kids only eat three times a day, they overeat and gain weight because they have a slowed down metabolism.” To avoid having to fast and sweat away excess weight, Harris maintains a fairly constant weight by watching what and how much he eats. “I don’t eat anything too fatty or too greasy,” Harris said. “I eat a lot of lean meats and foods that take a while to digest so I stay full longer. It’s all about eating until you’re satisfied and then stopping.” Since the team loses points if a wrestler fails to “make weight” and cannot wrestle in his usual weight class, the team supports each other and helps each other stay on track, according to Maldonado. “Knowing that the whole team has your back helps you make weight because you don’t want to be the one that lets the team down,” Maldonado said.

ALEXANTHONY MALDONADO “Trying to lose weight fast really takes a toll. You’re just really stressed out and exhausted. You’re better off just keeping an eye on your weight during the season and eating well.”

Society dedicated to honoring survivors and fighting cancer.“I saw how childhood obesity is becoming a problem. I’ve always loved doing sports so I wanted to spread that and show them it is fun to play sports and be active,” Baker said. “One motivator, besides the health aspect, is our competition with Costa. We really want to raise more money than them, especially since we’re the only team representing Redondo,” Baker said. Despite being the only Redondo team, they sported the biggest team last year with 26 members. In addition, Gonzalez hopes to see some faculty participate in the future. “We want to show the rest of the South Bay that Redondo really cares and that we are doing our best to fight cancer,” Gonzalez said. This year to raise cancer awareness club members wear their club t-shirt with the motto, “Cancer Sucks”, a motto they adopted from the American Cancer society.

“We want people to actively fight cancer and get involved. The more people that get involved the better,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez, who began participating in Relay for Life last year initially started the program as something fun to do, but after her friend’s mom got cancer she became fully dedicated to Relay for Life. “After seeing how it affected my mom’s friend, it really made want to fight and do everything I could to fight it,” Gonzalez said. Baker and Gonzalez plan to continue their work with Relay for Life after they graduate. Baker wishes to implement the program at Fresno State and Parras Middle School and Gonzalez will continue working for Redondo’s committee. “I really hope that this club will spread to middle schools and stay strong at Redondo [after we leave]. Health is a really important issue and it shouldn’t rely solely on our club,” Baker said.


FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012




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5. How To Succeed. 1. Students are required to check the “call board” everyday to check up on revisions to the rehearsal schedule. 2. Assistant Stage Manager Leanna Lincoln takes roll 3.The curtain ropes are all left of the stage. “The heaviest one to lift is the midstage traveler, it takes a lot of practice but you get a really great arm workout.” said Junior Trevor Biggs. 4. Male members of the cast perform a portion of “A Secretary Is Not A Toy”. “This number was the toughest for me in the beginning timing-wise, but with a lot more practice I feel I’ve really improved. I’m happy I get to lead such a comedic song.” 5. Before rehearsal, Director Justin Baldridge reviews the daily rehearsal schedule before everyone in the cast splits up.



FEATURES // FEB. 24, 2012



The driving force behind ‘How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying’ Muscial Director Matt Capurro, Costumer Kirk Stefferud, Choreographer Valerie Casey, and Assistant Director Paul Collette all work to bring the play together.


As costumer Steffurd is in charge of putting together all of the clothing for the show. Character development in the show will be reflected in the costume choices. When the show begins, the costumes start out much simpler in contrast to when the show ends when the costumes will evolve into something much more outrageous to reflect the absurdity of the situation in the show.




As musical director, Capurro is in charge of reviewing and teaching all of the songs and melodies of the show. This musical carries everything from three to five part harmonies. Capurro also helps students with breathing techniques and has been a musical director for many shows in the past.

As Assistant Director, Collette assists Baldridge in working scenes with cast and helping them with acting technique. “I’m really proud to be a part of this, these kids work really hard and I’m positive they will put on a great show.” Collette was a drama teacher and has directed this show in the past, he hopes to make a positive contribution to the musical.

Choreographer Valerie Casey is in charge of putting together every dance number of the show. She starred in How to Succeed with Baldridge in college, as “Miss Jones.” Her inspirations for the musical came from Bob Fosse, who choreographed the movie. “The most rewarding part is when they all click,” Casey said. “When they get it [right].”

Director Justin Baldridge prepares for his second musical production by Cole Greenbaum

This March, drama teacher and director Justin Baldridge will be putting on a production of “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”. Mr. Baldridge has been researching and working on the musical since the past summer along with getting ready for the fall play. “I planned the Ninth Guest out mostly in the summer researching some of the musical, but the planning for it really started in November.” Baldridge researches his concept of the musical thoroughly, and then en-

visions what approach he will take to make the meaning of the play really stand out. For How to Succeed Baldridge is using the ideas of Roy Lichtenstein. Roy Lichtenstein was an artist who specialized in a modern form of pop art in the 1960’s. Lichtenstein used a basic color palette of black, white, red, cream, yellow and blue with a very pixilated look in his paintings “ What we are doing is the set will have a very pixilated look to it, and all the costumes, set and everything is going to be in that color palette. As if we are the Lichtenstein drawings.” Baldridge says. “Pop art commented on

everything that was going on in society at the time, so we are using it to make fun corporate America, showing how the higher you rise in corporate America the less intelligent you get and the more ridiculous it gets.” Baldridge isn’t alone in coming up with this take on the Broadway musical. He has hired a costumer to create these pixilated Lichtenstein costumes, a choreographer, Valerie Casie, a parent who designs the set, musical director, Matt Caparro, to help with the singers and multiple other people that help bring the musical together. “I have a specific vision for the show that my choreographer, and musical di-

rector also have the same concept for. We went to school together and we all have the same mindset.” Baldridge said. According to Baldridge he is very “strict” with his actors. “I really want to make sure my students are serious about these shows.” Baldridge says the musical is “so far so good” and he knows that pushing the kids to do well will make the final product be a success. “Kids know when they are in these shows that they can’t just get up on stage and do whatever they want.” Baldridge says “I push them. I’m very stern and I have a specific vision for the show.”


SPORTS // FEB. 24, 2012








Coming to a close. 1. Senior Jordan Ichiyama dribbles down the court in home game against Palos Verdes. The team had two close games with Palos Verdes and won both. “The games were both very close, but we were able to pull through with both a strong defense and aggressive offensive line,” Ichiyama said. 2. Junior Ethan Pezzolo practices his floater trick, in order to move into the next section of the wave. Pezzolo didn’t gain many points for this trick in the competitions but enjoys them. “It feels cool to drop back down into the wave and it’s a good way to move down the wave once it begins to close,” Pezzolo said. 3. Senior Conor Beatty drops in on a wave in competition against Mira Costa. Beatty reflects on the season as a success and overall is happy with the team’s performance. “We fought well and finished third behind our rivals Palos Verdes and Mira Costa. I couldn’t be more stoked to finish my senior year with such an elite group of teammates,” Beatty said. 4. Senior David Travieso flips his opponent in match against West. Sophomore Kevin James reflect on victory against Peninsula as the highlight of the season.”It was a close match Tommie Thompson was on his back and we won in the last ten seconds and from there we all knew we were going to win. Everyone was ecstatic,” James said. 5. Junior Kris Cubie takes the ball into the goal in game against Peninsula. Senior Ethan Dinetz believes that Cubie’s skill helped the team numerous times this past season. “When Cubie gets on the field he plays very aggressively and it’s unexpected because he is so shy,” Dinetz said.

SPORTS // FEB. 24, 2012


The wolfpack legacy lives on

Girls’ basketball continues on in CIF and will go up against Ventura for the quarter finals. by Brandon Folkman

In a hard-fought game last Wednesday the Lady Sea Hawks pulled out a victory over Whittier which will move them into the next round of the CIF playoffs. The Lady Hawks took an early lead of 14 points that they held on to closely edge out Whittier 55 to 52. According to senior Brittany Stafford the team’s early intensity was a major factor in the team’s early lead. “The game was intense from the tip off. Our team came out focused and ready to play,” said Stafford. However Stafford felt that the team lost focus and allowed Whittier to come back. “We failed to maintain our focus after our lead which let them back into the game,” said Stafford. Even though they were the away team, according to junior Leah Langford Whittier seemed to have more fans than Redondo which was a major disadvantage for the team. “It was a very exciting game because they had a very large crowd, which made it feel like we were the away team,” said Langford, “But we ignored them and kept playing the game we play. Our bench was more alive than ever and cheered like there was no tomorrow to help us


ignore Whittier’s fans.” The team was down by five points with five minutes left, but fought back for the win according to coach Marcelo Enriquez. “We regrouped and regained our composure,” said Enriquez. “We just had to regain their focus because they are a very good team. They played hard until the bitter end.” As the tenth seed in the CIF tournament, Redondo will go on to face second seed Ventura at home on Saturday. Langford feels that although the team was able to win this week, they need to work on a bit harder in order to keep winning. “We don’t need to improve a lot, just need to work on our defense by staying light on our feet and our communication,” said Langford. Stafford agrees that the team will need to improve, but feels the team needs to focus more on their mental game as opposed to physical improvements. “We are normally able to get what we want on offense, but we need to focus and play hard for all four quarters,” said Stafford “In our next round we can play well enough to win we just need to get our heads in the right place to do it.”


Shooting for success. Junior Taylor Smith shoots in game against Whitter last Tuesday. According to junior Leah Langford, the team continues in CIF with much confidence.

Girls’ basketball faces off in the third round of CIF against ventura.

Victorious. The girls cheers on their team to their second victory in CIF. They were anticipating a tough game but knew they would be able to take the win. “We were confident because we had been working hard enough and long enough to perform strongly together,” junior Leah Langford said.


WHERE: Redondo WHEN: Saturday 7pm


The unlucky draw

Girls’ soccer lost their second game of CIF, ending their season.

by Kylie Martin and Colin Welch

After making it to the second round in CIF, girls’ soccer lost in overtime 2-1 Wednesday to West Lake. According to senior Michelle Epp, the team played well together and fought hard until the very end. “We put our hearts into the game and we had the right mind set. We really wanted to move on, so we played our best, but sometimes it just comes down to luck,” Epp said. According to junior Brittany Oldham, the game was tied 0-0 until the last four minutes when a West Lake player scored. “Right after we were scored on, we were all frustrated and disappointed but we didn’t give up and we worked together as a team,” Oldham said. “Luckily Samantha scored in the last two minutes and sent us into overtime.”

Epp believes that senior Samantha Witteman really stepped it up when the team needed her the most. “Samantha is always really determined and aggressive,” Epp said. “She’s always someone we can rely on during crucial moments in the game and she really proved that Wednesday.” According to Witteman, Middo was also there when the team needed her. “Erinn always has the most heart out of anyone on the field,” Witteman said, “She gives everything her all and is constantly saving us when we make mistakes.” Although they did not advance to CIF finals, the girls feel that they played well this season overall. “We grew a lot as a team this season and gradually got

better,” Witteman said, “We had really good team chemistry from the back to the front line.” Oldham attributes part of the team’s success this season to the team’s aggressiveness and willingness to fight for every ball. “Everyone on the team puts everything they have into every second of every game and I am really proud of everything that we have accomplished this year,” Oldham said. Middo also acknowledges the team’s talent and dedication. “This season was extremely successful and this team was truly amazing and filled with so much skill, heart, and determination,” Middo said, “I could not have asked for a better team to play with my senior year and I am sad knowing that I won’t play with everyone altogether again.”


SPORTS // Feb. 24, 2011

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by Cedric Hyon

He gears up for his big game. He listens to rap to get him in the mood and thinks of nothing but focusing when going to the game. Freshman Jake Dinetz plays defense for the Los Angeles Junior Kings from El Segundo. “I just love the sport itself. I just really love hockey; it’s a great sport,” Dinetz said. Dinetz started playing when he was six years old. His biggest inspiration to him was his older brother who played hockey as well and was a role model to Dinetz. “My brother played hockey when he was little too. I always just looked up to him and since he played I wanted to play with him too,” Dinetz said. Jake’s brother Ethan quit after two seasons of hockey, but he

still gives Jake advice on what to do whenever he sees him play. “I quit after a couple of seasons so the only time we play hockey together is maybe in the garage, but mainly he does it alone in the rink. Whenever I go and watch him play I definitely give him advice on what to do and what to improve on,” Ethan said. Jake initially had trouble playing hockey, but with enough hard work it began to come naturally to him. “Now [hockey] comes naturally to me but I had to work a lot at it. Learning everything like how to skate when I was younger

was tough but I practiced a lot so it got really easy,” Jake said. According to Jake, one of the best things about playing hockey competitively is being able to travel all across the world. “We travel all around the world. I’ve been to Canada, Czech Republic, and a lot of the states. I go to different places every two years,” Jake said. Jake’s mother Patee sometimes has to sacrifice “nice things” in life so that Jake can keep himself busy with hockey.


3. What the puck. 1. Freshman Jake Dinetz plays for the Junior Kings. 2. Dinetz scores a goal. 3. “I just try to focus on what I’m trying to do,” for his pregame routine.

“It definitely is a sacrifice we make and we do go without some things that aren’t necessities like family vacations and certain remodels of the house are put on hold. But if it keeps him busy and productive then it’s a good investment for him to be a successful individual,”Patee said. According to Dinetz, there’s nothing particular about the sport that he enjoys. “It’s just the whole thing in general that’s really fun,” Dinetz said.

Haddad joins boys’ lacrosse coaching staff by Camille Duong

Bringing his world championship lacrosse experience from “down under” Mark Haddad is a new consultant for the boy’s team. “At the age of 14 I started my lacrosse career and have loved every minute of it so far,” he said. Haddad has been coaching for the past 35 years and was more recently a consultant and scout for the ‘06 Australian National team and the ‘08 U19 Australian National team. “I have been involved in coaching more often than not,” he said. Haddad came to Redondo as a

consultant for the boys team after an encounter with head coach Phil Comito. “We started talking about high school coaching philosophies and strategy,” Comito said. “After an hour or two we started to talk about applying that philosophy to our young and athletic team.” According to Haddad he helps develop new drills and philosophies. “I bring new ideas and a new approach to the game and work under the guidance of coach Comito,” Haddad said. According to senior Max Christy he has enjoyed working with Had-

dad. “He’s a good defensive coach,” Christy said. “I like what he’s teaching us.” The new drills are really helping the team to improve their game according to Christy. “He’s essentially teaching us to play strong defense,” Christy said. According to Haddad he believes the boys will take full advantage of what they have learned so far and their season be a successful. “I think that Redondo lacrosse will become a legit contender for the championship title in the not so distant future,” Haddad said.


New kid on the block. Though Haddad is new to Redondo, he is not to lacrosse. He has coached for the past 35 years.

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