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Getting a Taste of RUHS

RUHS clubs sold culinary goods at the Club Food Fair on March 8

by Elise Haulund

A: “Focus on the parts of yourself that you like most such as your principles, your values and skills. Work on fxating on what you really like about yourself, whether it be a sport that you’re proud of your performance in, your dedication to school, or whatever it is that you already value. Grow and nourish those skills and be- come even more confdent in what you already have."

On only one day a year can students sample vegan cookies, California rolls, homemade macarons and Spam musubi all within 35 minutes and 35 steps. Students stafed a circle of booths in the Student Union at ASB’s Club Food Festival on March 8 to raise funds and share a taste of what their clubs are all about.

Two booths down, French Honors Society, which meets on Fridays in room 808, also used a family recipe to make food items for the larger RUHS family. The club sold raspberry and chocolate macarons at $2 for one and $5 for three. Junior Nadia Hoang, who started taking French in eighth grade, helped run the booth.

Overall, the consensus on the Club Food Fair was resoundingly positive, as evidenced by the customers happily snacking and all of the clubs present selling out within the lunch period.

A: “Don’t worry about what you are doing because people don’t really care as much as you think they do. If people have an issue with how you present yourself, you shouldn’t surround yourself with them in the frst place. The best way to gain confdence is to do things even if you are nervous and em- brace the things that make you unique.”

With the ambience of Rihanna music playing over the sound of students making transactions, eight clubs sold a range of foods.

Asian Cultures Club, which meets on Tuesdays at lunch in room 610, sold the most options, selling egg rolls, pan-fried dumplings and California rolls.

A: “Learn from your mistakes, but don’t put too much weight on them. Don’t become overly concerned with what you do wrong. You’ll bar yourself from what you could do right. Appreci- ate what you can do and expand on your abilities.”

“It feels great, especially with the amount of sales that we got and how many people were at our booth. I thought it was really cool to see people coming to actually buy Asian foods,” co-president and junior Serena Daley said.

All of the foods sold by Asian Cultures Club were homemade by the mothers of the three students running the booth.

“It is important to spread culture, especially with food because food is such a big part of identity in your culture,” co-president and junior Michelle Ngo said. “Spreading that in a school where a lot of people don't really know about [Asian cultures] is cool because you get to see people get interested in a part of your identity.”

“This [Club Food Festival] is a great idea. It's a really good experience to get everyone involved and have everyone enjoy something that everyone likes,” Hoang said. “We are able to express the French culture and show everyone what the club can offer.” Each club plans to use their proceeds to different ends. Animal Rights Club hosts bake sales regularly and donates all profts to local animal sanctuaries and shelters.

“For us, it’s a direct impact, which is really cool. We want to support animals in all of our club’s decisions,” club president and senior Carly McGuinness said.

The impact goes beyond the money: a self-proclaimed “passionate vegan,” McGuinness was “stoked” to have the opportunity to gain support for her club through plant-based baked goods, and on account of junior Caitlyn Cisneros, the vegan cookies were efective in doing so.

“It tastes really good even though it's vegan. You'd think it wouldn't, but it's good,” Cisneros said.

“If we held events like this more often at school, more people would defnitely be interested [in joining clubs]. It's good promotion because I didn't even know the club name until after I made the purchase,” Cisneros said. “It's like, ‘Oh, wow, that's cool that these clubs exist.’”

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