High Tide: June 8, 2012 Edition

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TIDE Redondo Beach, CA // Redondo Union High School June 8, 2012 // Vol. XCII // Edition 15


Kim embraces Hip Hop culture by Hana Ghanim

She’s an artist. She’s an athlete. She’s also class of 2012’s valedictorian. Everyones knows that, but what they don’t know is that senior Charlotte Kim is also an emerging hip hop dancer. “A lot of the times I get embarrassed if I make a lot of mistakes, forget routines, or don’t get moves right,” Kim said. “But most of the time, dancing makes me happier than almost anything else, which is funny because it’s one of the things that I am least experienced in.” Kim began hip hop dancing as a way to express herself and expand her horizons. “I’ve always been into solitary hobbies, like piano and art, but when I started high school, I really wanted to do different things like lacrosse and dance to get new experiences,” she said. “Even though it was difficult finding time to dance, I really enjoy [it] because [it] gives me a break from just being the too-many-AP’s-girl, and keep[s] me active.” Although Kim is academically successful, she doesn’t like to be stereotyped with overly-conscientious students. “A lot of people think that all I care about is school and grades, and in a way that’s true, grades and school are really important to me,” she said. “A lot of people don’t really think that I like to have fun.” According to Kim, when she first began dancing, she was hesitant to admit she was a dancer, because she was afraid of criticism. “I didn’t want to tell most people at first because I was so shy about looking really amateur when so many people our age are so good, but gradually a lot of things came together and today I can say that I’m learning how to [dance],” she said. Kim plans on furthering her talent so she can join groups and perform at Brown University. “Learning as much as I can, through classes and camps, is going to be my main focus this summer,” she said. “I’m not very good right now but I’m optimistic that I can at least move past the beginner phase by the time I get to college.” According to Kim, although she is more comfortable drawing than

[story continues on p.32]



More than academics and more than just sports, search through these pages to find out what these past four years have been all about.


TOP 25 HIGHEST GPA’S Charlotte Kim Brianna Egan Christopher Lew Christopher Farmer

Daniel Garzon Lisa Inoue Juliana Jordan Daniel Maroko Benjamin McLaughlin Haley Miller Perwana Nazif

Theodore Nguyen Alexandria Niebergall Joy Ohiomoba Jovan Orozco Joshua Rosenberg Dylan Scarcliff Sameer Siddiqui

Nancy Silva Olivia Solomon Yoshika Toyama Emily Woods Ciara Diaz Eric Emdee Claire Chiara *in no particular order



Alison Peet-Lukes



The Peet-Lukes household is always brimming with company. Cheese, crackers, and conversation never subside; the house is warmly lit and decorated with photographs and cooking magazines. As her best friend, I can tell you firsthand that Aly reflects this open-minded, comfortable atmosphere—she is, as she describes, a “people person”. She is open to all cultures and perspectives because of her many travels to places like Fiji, Thailand, France, and Italy. Her interests range from SpongeBob (which she can “quote for days”) to Shaquille O’Neal, and she somehow finds ways to pursue all of them. Growing up with her, her family has been like a second family to me. Her parents have fed me countless delicious meals and taken me along on family trips. Her two older sisters are hilarious and their often sarcastic humor transfers to Aly. Even their dog played a large role in my life with helping me conquer my fear of dogs: I now have two of my own. This constantly open and friendly environment and her strong family (from whom Aly has learned more from than “school, books, and the mass media”) have contributed to many of her great qualities. I believe two of Aly’s best traits are loyalty and open-mindedness. She is always first to introduce herself and makes friends with ease without any judgment of a person. She is extremely open to all cultures, which has sparked her interest in Asian cultures and her major, Global Studies. In her travels to Fiji and Thailand, she spent a summer volunteering at underprivileged schools and rebuilding communities. She is resilient in everything that she does as well as maintaining her many close relationships. What is special about Aly, though, is not something that can be expressed through a story. Her personality lights up a room. She claims that she’s “not funny at all”, but I can promise that’s a lie. Actually, that might be a lie by societal standards—our worst fear is that no one will understand our humor, which is probably true. She’ll still keep doing it her way, though, which is what I love about her. I am positive that she will continue to succeed in whatever she pursues while impressing her peers at Sonoma State while at the same time living out her dream of becoming a country girl. I am so looking forward to what she will accomplish in college and beyond. I asked her earlier to describe herself. She answered in one of her classic sarcastic remarks— “I’m not sweet, but I’m the good kind of sour.” NEWS EDITOR


Danny Garzon by Shannon Bowman

Senior Danny Garzon has a resume that seems to go on for miles. There doesn’t seem to be a single award he hasn’t won or challenge he hasn’t accomplished in high school. However, what makes Garzon so special is what he didn’t do. Garzon set his sights high when it came to his college plans. Brown University was his number one choice when he finally sent in his applications.


“The name and recognition of my future school really mattered to me,” he said. “I wanted to get the best education possible.” When admissions decisions were revealed in March, Danny received some bittersweet news. While he was not accepted to Brown, the Ivy of his dreams, Dartmouth offered him a generous scholarship. They weren’t the only ones: college after college offered Danny gratuitous financial aid based both on need and merit. He even won the Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholarship which will cover all of his college expenses. “I was so overwhelmed and excited,” Garzon said. “Money no longer has to be an issue. There’s nothing holding me back.” Garzon had already visited many schools in California and set his sights on the East Coast before making a decision. In April he packed his things for an all-expenses-paid trip to New York City

Biggest Regret


“Stressing out too much over everything and not taking enough time to relax and enjoy high school.”

Greatest Accomplishment Making bank, making newspapers, making memories... senior year.

Future Plans “I am going to LMU in the fall to study public relations. Hopefully, after graduating, I can get a job at a PR firm and be rich and fabulous”

Kimberly Chapman

to visit NYU, the technically lowest-ranked school he had been accepted to. It didn’t take long for Danny to fall in love. “New York is the greatest place,” he said. “When I visited I knew there was nowhere else I’d rather spend the next four years.” His decision was cemented before he even boarded the plane to return to Redondo. While friends and family with the best intentions urged him to consider other, more highly-regarded schools, Danny sent in his acceptance early and is now counting down the days until he moves 3,000 miles away. “In the end, it didn’t matter to me which school was ‘the best’. What matters is which school is the best for me,” Danny said. “NYU is a fantastic school and I can’t wait to be Violet!” Danny plans to study Biology and continue on to become a Cardiologist doctor.


Greatest Accomplishment “Looking like an athlete without being an athlete.”

Advice for freshmen “Treat school like a job. Be on time, work hard, and your “promotion” is getting into your dream university.”

Future Plans “I am going to USC to study International Relations global business. I want to start a social entrepreneurship business to give back to my community.”

Bethany Lauren Kawa





by Camille Duoung

Meglyn Huber doesn’t just have a unique name—she has a unique personality to go with it. She finds joy in making people’s days with her funny personality. “Laughter is the most important thing you can give someone,” Huber said. “It’s always nice to brighten someone’s day.” Meglyn faces the challenges of her life—whether it is a school project, family crisis, or exceptionally late newspaper deadline—with a smile, finding something to laugh at in every situation, even if she’s laughing at herself. “I always try to laugh at myself. I never really take life too seriously,” she said. “As cliché as it sounds, life is too short to worry about the little things. Senior Aly Peet-Lukes counts on Huber in journalism to keep her laughing. “Meglyn keeps me from stressing out on deadline nights because she’ll always say something funny whenever I start to freak out,” Peet-Lukes said. Like Peet-Lukes, senior Maddy Perrault turns to Huber in stressful situations. “Deadlines get pretty stressful so tensions are always pretty high Meglyn somehow always manages to keep the mood light and always cheers everyone up,” Perrault said. Meglyn plans to use her positive outlook on life to help others as a career.

Maddy Perrault


by Camille Duong


Favorite Memory


“Senior excursion was great because when I saw other people from my school who I maybe didn’t really know I felt close to the because when it came down to a bigger social setting, we are all Sea Hawks. Plus Dineyland is cool. .”

Advice for freshmen “Don’t b afraid. High school is not a scary place, everyone is just as afraid as you are.”

Future Plans “I am going to Berkeley but other than that I have no idea.”

Benni McLaughlin


For most seniors going to college means leaving home. For senior Maddy Perrault going to college means going back home to her birthplace in Ontario, Canada. Perrault plans to attend Queen’s University , her number one choice, in Kingston, Ontario this fall. “I’m excited to go back to Canada,” Perrault said. “It’s where I was born so it feels good to go ‘home.’” Perrault is looking forward to things Canada offers that the US does not. “I miss Tim Horton’s and Harvey’s,” she said. Hockey is also something Perrault looks forward to getting back to. “In Canada hockey’s a huge deal unlike here where not a lot of people watch or play,” she said. I’m a big hockey fan so I’m excited to be somewhere where the sport is big.” Perrault also has the chance to root for her hometown team being back in Ontario.

“I was born in Ottawa and I’m going to be fairly close to there,” she said. “I can finally root for the Senators at their arena.” Perrault also has the chance to visit her family more often now that they will be living in the same country and province. “A majority of my family live in Toronto so I’ll be able to visit them more often without too much of a hassle,” she said. While Perrault is happy to be returning to her roots she leaves a lot behind in the US. “My friends and I have been best friends since about first grade so it’s going to be really difficult not seeing them everyday,” she said. “We plan on Skype-ing everyday to keep in touch because we’re all going to different places.” Even though Perrault is sad to leave her friends and immediate family behind she looks forward to her college experience in Canada. “It’s nice to have a change of pace,” she said. “And everyone is so nice in Canada that I think it will be easy to make new friends and have a good experience.”


Favorite Memory “Looking out into a real audience for the first time, instead of a dozen of my stuffed animals.”

Advice for freshmen

“Stay focused! Every year of high school counts.”

Future Plans “I plan on attending Santa Monica College this fall and transferring to a four-year university where I can double major in musical theatre and journalism.”

Jeremy Tyler Porr



Never accept defeat


school year was over. But Lisa continued to go to practices and began giving an effort. By sophomore year, Lisa was running with the team every day and completed her first season of cross country successfully. Her cross country time went from 24:42 to 19:57 over a span of three seasons and she was awarded the sportsmanship award for cross country her junior year. “The whole team knew that she was Editor in Chief and how much work she put into that and the fact that she came to practice every day and did all the work outs is incredible. For me, running is enough but that fact that Lisa also did yearbook and got really good grades is non-human,” Senior Lyndsey Mull said. With Lisa, I can’t choose what to admire more, her talent, dedication, or humility. Her culture plays a role in her discipline, but Lisa’s drive is the primary reason for her immense success. Because of all that she has achieved, she will be attending UC Berkeley in the Fall. “I’m really motivated by what the final product is going to be because of my efforts. I know that all of my hard work is going to pay off in the end and it will always be worth it,” she said.


“I like utilizing [colors] in different ways. I found that I could say anything using colors that I couldn’t say in other ways,” she said. Lisa, being one of few words, found that art became her primary way of expressing ideas and emotions. “I like graphic design because I like expressing an idea through art. It’s really easy to do that through typography and its really interesting to see how everything prints,” she said. When we were younger, Lisa always pushed herself by taking acting, dance, art, gymnastics, and even sewing classes. Even if she wasn’t the best at what she was doing, she would always try her best at every class and would never complain if she failed. Lisa has an impeccable ability to pick up any skill with a little effort. “She makes such a tangible effort. What she brings to the table is just fantastic,” Junior Julia Tang said. “She is always slaving away at exactly what needs to be done. She is always there at the right moment with the right tools at hand.” Freshman year, I begged Lisa to join Track. We were absolutely terrible, we barely improved, and I essentially quit before the


She pulls all nighters working on the yearbook, studies days before the test, and takes extra classes because she is interested in the subject. If you ask her why she puts herself through this pain (which I have done many times) she just simply shrugs. Lisa is the most driven, passionate, and humble person I have ever met. Lisa grew up a baby genius, recognized in the local paper by her ability to read before she could talk. She was a skilled piano player, singer, artist, and scholar. She was always extremely gifted at everything. When I was brought into Lisa’s strange world of effortless passion and dedication, I was confused. I was never exceptionally good at anything, and it was almost impossible for me to stay dedicated to anything that takes more effort than AYSO soccer. But, Lisa grew up in a culture very different from mine. “Japanese culture emphasizes hard work and discipline,” she said. “I’m very dedicated to my work and I put 100% into everything I do.” One of Lisa’s many skills is Art. She began drawing and painting, but slowly moved to photography in middle school, then graphic design after becoming involved in Yearbook her sophomore year.


by Aly Peet-Lukes


Inoue continuously works hard in order to excel

Brancolini hopes for a prosperous future in the sock industry by Kimberly Chapman

Striped polo, cargo shorts, no-show socks, Nike Shox: this is the uniform of a Midwestern teen according to senior Matthew Brancolini. “Everyone dresses the same in Indiana and it was very boring. My friends and I used to have to make sure that we wouldn’t wear the same Hollister polo to school. Out here that would be kind of embarrassing but in Indiana

it’s bound to happen some time,” Brancolini said. Ever since Brancolini moved here in eighth grade his style became more unique, especially after he became interested in socks. “People ignore socks a lot and they are kind of seen as a secondary clothing items, but a good pair of socks can make an outfit pop and really stand out,” Brancolini said. Brancolini’s interests in socks began when he decided to buy a pair of black and teal

Biggest Regret “Not trying and studying hard enough. I didn’t really care about grades.”

Advice for freshmen “Try.”

Future Plans “Maintaining a friendship with Maddy Perrault and go to ELCO and later transfer to LMU.”


plaid socks freshman year. “I wore those socks until they ripped in half from all of the holes in them. Unfortunately I had to throw them away but I’ll never forget my first pair. I got a lot of good feedback from them and it all took off from there. Now I own about 35 pairs,” Brancolini said. Senior Alison Peet-Lukes is a big fan of Brancolini’s socks and believes that they match his personality.

“Matt’s socks really represent him because they are unique and bright. He’s friendly, outgoing and does not care what anybody think of him. He just does him,” Peet-Lukes said. Brancolini believes he has a future in socks and hopes to someday design a line of socks. “I think my socks will have a lot of pizzazz, moxie, and soul. I‘ve seen enough neat socks in my day to have the creative flair it takes to turn a start-up company into a major industry,” Brancolini said.

Biggest Regret “I honestly have none. I’m graduating high school and I got involved in almost everything that I was passionate about.”

Advice for freshmen “So many students think that there’s an exact formula for getting into college but there really isn’t.”

Future Plans “I plan to attend the University of Southern California in the fall as a Global Health major. I hope to serve in the Peace Corps afterwards school.



Style watch. 1 & 2. Nazif has a style all her own and wouldn’t have it any other way. 3. Nazif drew on her shoes in order to make them unique. PHOTOS BY JENNY OETZELL




Nazif has an eye for fashion by Nageena Hamraz

She envisions clothing, sketches it, and has her mom make her vision a reality, senior Perwana Nazif enjoys showing her creativity through clothes and accessories that she designed. “It’s something I pictured in my head, and now its real. It’s tangible, and I can feel it,” she said. “I like the way it looks and it makes me feel confident.” Nazif began blogging, printing items on T-shirts for herself, and bedazzling items with studs when she was in middle school. “I like voicing my opinions,” Nazif said. “I used to be scared, but after being a senior, I’m more confident in voicing my opinions.” One of the reasons she enjoys putting clothes together is because she does not worry about how people think she looks. “I don’t want to stand out from the crowd

but I want to be able to wear things the way I want to,” she said. “I’m not wearing something because people think it looks good, but because I like it and truly think it looks good.” Nazif ’s passion in art comes from her long family history of art. “My mom always tailors [clothes] to fit me, all my aunts and uncles dabbled in paintings, and my brother drew on my shoes,” she said. “It’s pretty cool.” Her inspirations for outfits are designers like Marchesa, Stone Cold Fox, and Rodarte because they are “LA based.” “I can tell what colors or prints look good together. I have a vision of what I want, and even though [my mom] thinks it’s a crazy outfit, she still makes it for me,” she said. “I don’t have her completely imitate something, she always puts some spin on it.” Because of her creativity, Nazif ’s decided

Biggest Regret “Not being that involved until my senior year. I wish I would’ve joined extracurricular activities earlier.”

Advice for freshmen “Take classes that interest you.”

Future Plans “I’m going to UCSC in the fall and I’m going to be studying computer” engineering. I want to work at a web company after that.

to attend UC Berkeley. “I chose [Berkeley] because it felt more cultural, artistic, and more of where I would be comfortable, and where I could get into my own vibe,” she said. Due to her passion for creativity, Nazif has decided to choose a career in a “creative” field. “Whatever career I choose in my life, it has to be something where I am able to creative, she said. “I don’t want to be a fashion designer, but something else that involves creativity.” Nazif ’s close friend, Senior Jasmine Freeman, supports Nazif ’s creativity. “I think one of the things that makes perwana’s clothes so cute and different is that most of her clothes are made especially for her and are exactly what she wants,” she said. “You can definitely see her creative side come out in her clothing,” Freeman said.


Claridge embraces diversity in her family by Meglyn Huber

“So, what ethnicity are you actually…?” yet another one of her peers asks. Senior Kamryn Claridge sighs and starts to recite the list once again: Filipino, Hawaiian, Chinese, English, Swedish, and Basque. “I’ve stopped trying to attach a label to who I am. I don’t consider myself white or Asian or Pacific Islander; I’m just who I am. I think it’s made me more tolerant, embracing all different cultures at once,” she said. According to Claridge, somewhat “odd” cultural family events she’s attended helps to form her own views. “Last summer I visited my dad’s sister who lives on a farm in Oregon, and then soon after I attended my mom’s nephew’s wedding at a chapel in Vegas. It seems like I’m constantly being thrown between different cultures and beliefs but that’s the way I’ve grown up,” she said. For Claridge, her perspectives on life have been shaped by her various cultures. “I feel that I’ve been exposed to many lifestyles and perspectives outside of the Redondo bubble.” Senior Lisa Inoue, fellow Editor In Chief of the Pilot, believes that Claridge is a crucial part of making the Yearbook staff more of a family this year. “[She] is able to work well as an Editor-inChief because she is flexible and able to work with many different types of people,” she said. The influence of Claridge’s heritage led her to become president of Model United Nations (MUN) her senior year. “Part of the reason why I joined MUN was wanting to be exposed to more cultures and international affairs,” she said. Both being a part of MUN and having so many different cultures has inspired her to pursue International Relations in college at UC Berkeley. Kamryn Claridge and Lisa Inoue explain their unique approach with “R Reality”. Watch the full video at hightideonline.org

Biggest Regret “Not ever actually trying in high school. While I’m excited about the future I wish I could have given these four years my 100% effort.

Advice for freshmen “Anything you do this year will make you wince when you recall it four years from now. Embrace it.

Future Plans “I will attend UC Santa Cruz in the fall and later plan to volunteer for the Peace Corps or a similar organization.”




Vidal keeps in touch with her culture through dance by Lia Quilty

The soft swaying of the grass skirt, light strumming of the ukulele, and the sweet smell of tropical flowers: this is what has made senior Nia Vidal so passionate about hula and Tahitian dancing. Being a full Pacific Islander and dancing the hula and Tahitian makes Senior Nia Vidal feel connected to her roots. “[My father] passed when I was only two years old and I have come to acknowledge that my passion and my love for dance have emerged from my belief that it is the only connection that I have left with my biological father,” Vidal said. By starting dance at a young age, Vidal has grown up with the love of dance ingrained in her. “People tend to associate the islands with tropical flowers, ukuleles, coconuts, and grass skirts. I began to associate these things with my father,” she said. She has participated in several dance groups and competitions. Her close friend, Senior Angeline Lee, supports her dancing and respects her dedication. “Nia would come to school with her legs and calves being in a lot of pain from dancing so much,” Lee said. Vidal and her teammates shared a close bond.

“When she danced on a team, her teammates were like her sisters,” Lee said. Vidal is so dedicated to her dance that she has been asked to compete for one of the best show groups in the nation. “Two years ago I was asked to compete at the Tahiti Fete under Te Hono Ura,” she said. “They’re well known by dancers and are even funded by the Tahiti government.” Vidal began dancing hula at age three and Tahitian at age seven. “Dancing has always been a huge part of my life,” she said. Due to school work and extracurriculars, dancing has not been able to remain a top priority for Vidal. “I used to teach Tahitian at the South Bay Dance Studio to students of all ages, but once junior year came around it became too much to handle, so I stopped,” she said. Vidal struggles with her recent break from dancing because of her heavy load of schoolwork. “Since 2010 I haven’t danced with a group and it is the longest break I have ever taken from dancing,” Vidal said. She has placed several times in her age category as a Tahitian soloist and placed in a dance group as well. She plans to continue with dance


Keepin’ the beat. Senior Nia Vidal shows off her talent in the Dance Showcase.

at UC San Diego. “I definitely miss dancing with a group because it was all I did for a solid 10 years,” she

said. “I definitely am going to join a dance group in San Diego because I miss it so much and I’ll probably have more time on my hands.”

Soloman chooses to leave golf, joins ASB by Ben McLaughlin

With college acceptances getting more and more competitive each year, high school students often have to make tough decisions that could greatly impact their futures. Olivia Solomon had to make one such decision when she had to decide whether or not she should rejoin golf her junior year. Solomon had to choose between the sport that she loved and her academic future, since trying to balance the two wasn’t

working out. “My golf skills were slipping because all I was thinking about on the course was what tests or assignments I had,” she said. “While I was studying, I preoccupied myself with how I could have done better in a match.” Solomon consulted many people about the decision, including senior and close friend Nia Vidal. “Olivia is the type of person that dedicates herself to any and all interests,” Vidal said.

Biggest Regret “No offense Mrs. Dillard, but taking Honors Chem. It was the death of me.”

Advice for freshmen “Take all the opportunities that you are offered.”

Future Plans “Going to UCSB, majoring in Global Studies, and hopefully working for the United Nations. I would like to travel the world.”


Solomon’s dedication led to a difficult decision, and it weighed heavily on her. “It was tough because I was pretty good,” she said. “I wasn’t the next Michelle Wie or anything, but I was decent.” Solomon eventually opted to pursue her academic career and ASB over golf, and she has remained happy with her decision. “I know leaving the golf team heavily affected her,” Vidal said. ”But I also know she’s graduating content with her high school years.”

Solomon also feels that she has become a better person because of what she has learned from the decision she made. “ASB turned me into a totally different person,” she said. “[ASB] is what really taught me the most in high school.” Solomon still occasionally plays, but now plays golf just for fun rather than with a competitive spirit. “It’s nice to not have to worry about missing shots and just have fun with it,” Soloman said.

Biggest Regret “Not participating in more school events. Now that I am in ASB I can see what I missed out on.”

Best memory “My School Relations position in ASB. Being in ASB has been the perfect way to end my high school career.”

Future Plans “I’m going to UC Riverside next fall where I will study criminal law.”




Peak copes with mother’s death by Claire Tisius

Keep calm, paint on. Senior Sarah Song uses art to cope with her anxieties.


Song to pursue career in art by Haley Meyers

She hoped to be a lawyer, taking on a full seven-class schedule including AP’s, avidly volunteering for non-profits, practicing fine arts in her little free time and leading her junior class as Vice President. Senior Sarah Song pushed herself to her limit, at one point even struggling to breathe in agonizing anxiety attacks from extreme emotional stress. “As a concerned friend, I could tell she was too overwhelmed and that her workload was hindering her passion and creativity,” close friend and senior Daniel Garzon said. Song’s toil inspired her to seek a career as a Museum Curator to channel her struggles and emotion into fine art. “Obviously artists don’t make much money in the real world, but it helps me forget about my stress and it comes naturally to me,” Song said. According to Song, her paintings exhibit human fears and anxieties, which helps her cope with personal emotional struggles.

“In my portfolio there is a cohesive element about emotions and how emotions affect people,” she said. Devoting three to five hours a day at Vincent Art Studio, Song practices oil painting, acrylics, computer graphics, watercolor, and drawing with charcoal graphite. “Vincent Art is not a place to hang out. It is a place that helps me challenge myself, and gives me the opportunity to bounce ideas off of fellow artists in a competitive climate,” Song said. In addition to practicing daily at Vincent Art, Song worked as an assistant for Bobbie Rich, a local artist and art teacher, where she worked for non-profits like “Young Story Tellers Foundation” teaching inner city kids how to write short stories and instructing art classes in hopes of sparking their creativity. “I like working with kids because I am helping kids and using creativity, giving me a real sense of fulfillment which is why I like this better as community service because I like doing art and sharing my passion,” Song said. As former Junior Vice President and cur-

Biggest Regret “I wish I’d tried harder at school. It’s not fun having grades that don’t really reflect my intelligence.”

Advice for freshmen “Always do your best in school so when you get to the end of it you aren’t kicking yourself.”

Future Plans “I’m going to Sacramento State in the fall and I want to major in business administration.”


rent Activities Commissioner, Song enjoys utilizing her creativity in ASB. Many of the signs around school are a product of Song’s artistry. “Any time we needed something creative like elaborate signs we look to Sarah. She is a huge asset in that aspect,” ASB Advisor, Sherie Gross said. Gross appreciates Song’s creative side and admires the complexity it adds to her character. “One funny thing is that she is so loud and obnoxious, [her art] is so the antithesis of her personality that she must be an amazing artist and have a natural inclination. So it’s really exciting for me to see that side of her,” Gross said. Song plans on continuing to channel her creative side as a Fine Arts Major at New York University’s Steinhardt School next fall and eventually attending graduate school to study art history and fulfill her ultimate goal of becoming a museum curator. “Don’t worry about the money you make,” Song said, “Instead you should study your passion.”

As he walks down the hospital hallway listening to the distant sobbing from his family, his body tingles and he becomes numb. Senior Spencer Peak’s mother was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, but they were able to get rid of all the cancer cells. However, in 2004 the cancer cells resurfaced and Peak’s mother was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. “When she got cancer the first time, she was in chemo [and] would make jokes about her treatment. When she started to lose her hair we [Peak, mother, brother, and father] all shaved our heads and put temporary tattoos on our heads,” Peak said. The death of Peak’s mother hit his family hard. According to Peak, his brother, Ethan, became angry all the time and Peak himself slipped into a depression. “When she got sick again, I thought she could overcome it [breast cancer], like she did the first time, but finding out she couldn’t, I sunk into a depression. At that age, I didn’t understand and I didn’t want to accept it,” Peak said. To get away from his depression Peak read a lot to get away from the pain, by entering into other worlds. Peak even had help from friend Andrew Sinsheimer, senior, to get away from the pain. “He never really let his mother’s death affect him. He didn’t do well on [his mother’s death] so we would just hang out and read,” Sinsheimer said. Peak’s mother died in January of 2004 and her death motivated Peak to reach his full potential. He believes that if his mother were alive she would be proud of his accomplishments. “People have asked me if I could go back and change anything,” Peak said. “I say no because it helped me change and accomplish more.”

Biggest Regret “I wish I had joined ASB earlier. I’ve learned so much from it and we’ve become a family.”

Advice for freshmen “Stay motivated in your classes and join clubs or organizations that you care about.”

Future Plans “Go to El Camino and join the honors transfer program and then transfer out as soon as possible.”




The Write Stuff by Hana Ghanim

He takes a seat in his AP Calculus BC class as Mr. Baumgartner passes back a test. Another A in math, no surprise there. An hour later, he walks into his AP English Literature class. On his desk face down is a nine— yet another expected grade. Senior Aamil Shaik enjoys not only math and science, but English and creative writing as well. “Most people think I’m a math and science person, and I am, but [writing] has always been one of my interests,” he said. “It’s fun just to be able to express ideas and words. It’s something that we overlook a lot: how odd it is that we can express those ideas.” Shaik admires the works of George Orwell, Joseph Conrad, and Ray Bradbury. However, according to Shaik, his writing is not influenced by those writers in any particular way. “I’m not trying to emulate any writer’s style,” Shaik said. “I’m trying to establish my own style.” Shaik’s family has encouraged him to make writing his hobby. His father and two of his cousins have masters degrees in physics and are authors on the side. “I’m probably going to get a PhD in physics and hopefully write better than they can,” he said. Shaik’s father, Kamran Shaik, supports his son and encourages him to pursue his writing. “He writes well, but he needs more work and experience,” Mr. Shaik said. “I gave him the compass— he is traveling by his own convictions.” Although his major career path will be related to scientific research, he plans on making writing an important part of his life. “My dad told me this: you need to

have a job, and you need to have a hobby, because if the job doesn’t work out, then you have something to fall back on,” Shaik said. Despite his love for writing, Shaik does not plan on ever making a living solely off of his hobby. ”Science is something that I want as a job. [It’s] what I want to be my main focus. Writing is just not something I want my bank account to be dependent on,” he said. Shaik’s friend, senior Patrick Borgerding, believes Shaik is a very talented writer. “Everything Aamil writes is impressive, from English essays to school speeches. He has a skill that is very unique,” Borgerding said. “Seldom do students in Mr. Ammentorp’s AP English Literature class get a perfect nine on their essays, but Aamil regularly receives nines.” According to Borgerding, another reason why Shaik’s writing is impressive is because he has a true “joy for writing.” “Aamil sees the world differently. He thinks in a way that is very unique, and that quality in him lends itself well to creative writing,” he said. “I honestly believe his writing will take him places.” Borgerding and Shaik will be roomates next year at UC Santa Barbara. “I look forward to seeing him continue his writing and learning from him along the way,” he said. He feels that Shaik does not always have enough faith in his own writing ability. “I don’t believe Aamil will ever admit it, but I think he is an even better writer then he is a mathematician,” Borgerding said. “The things he writes are not just a high schooler’s thoughts on paper—

Greatest Accomplishment “[I got accepted] to many amazing schools.”

Advice for Freshmen “Prepare yourself for the rest of high school and get involved as much as you can. For example, take honors classes and join sports, athletics, or activities. ”

Future Plans “Major in biochemistry to be a forensic scientist while dancing on the side.”


Senior Aamil Shaik excels in math and science, but he is passionate about creative writing. they’re literature.” Although Shaik is waiting to get settled into college before beginning any major works, he has a positive outlook on his future in writing. “[Writing] is definitely a way to ex-

press ideas I can’t normally express,” Shaik said. “Writing is a way to explore things in the world, and in my own mind that I don’t normally get a chance to look at. It is definitely more than a hobby.”


Take it to the limit. Senior Aamir Shaik sits in AP Calculus BC. He enjoys creative writing, but hopes to pursue a career in science.

Most Memorable Moment “A hiking adventure at Abalone Cove with my friends.”

Advice for Freshmen “Don’t be as shy as I was through most of high school. You should try to open up a little before senior year.”

Future Plans “I’m going to make the most of my life and enjoy it with people I care about.”




Guzman volunteers in clinics abroad by Alejandro Quevedo

Senior Alex Guzman throws on a pair of scrubs and runs down to the free clinic in the sweltering heat. He and his family prepare for yet another surgery; this time a young child needs to have a growth on his face removed before it gets infected. After an hour of medical treatment the procedure is complete, but there are many more patients to see. Guzman and his family participate in a program, the Flying Doctors of Mercy, in which they fly down to places like El Carrizo, San Blas, and El Fuerte, Mexico and live among locals for a weekend while providing them with medical care. He feels that his experiences with the program have been both challenging and enlightening. “[Seeing the medical conditions there] was an eye-opener,” he said. “One of the things I enjoy most is helping people. I’m hoping I made a difference out there.” According to Guzman, the locals are very appreciative and sometimes even invite the volunteers to their homes to show their gratitude. “They really love what we do and are grateful for it,” he said. He feels that they are grateful because

they cannot get treatment anywhere else. According to his mother, Heidi Guzman, people sometimes spend large amounts of money to travel thousands of miles to bring their loved ones for care. “I think that for them, to be treated well is a big deal. [It] lets them know that someone cares,” Mrs. Guzman said. “They work so hard, yet they have nothing.” Guzman was particularly moved during

his time in El Carrizo, where the group removed a cist from above a young boy’s eye. Guzman needed to hold the boy while he was under general anesthesia during the surgery. “I sat and held the boy for probably 40 minutes throughout the surgery and then moved him over to the recovery room. I just sat there and held his hand,” he said. “I felt a real connection to how I’m making a differ-

ence in this little boy’s life. It felt really justifying for what we were doing down there.” Long-time friend Kristin Discipulo says Alex has been affected by the experience. “It’s inspired him,” Discipulo said. “He’s become a better person because of it.” Alex thinks it was one of the best experiences in his life. “It was a really good experience. For me, it was a good everything,” Alex said.


Lending a helping hand. Senior Alex Guzman (second in from the left) works in San Blas with other Flying Dotors of Mercy volunteers.

Brown plans to pursue a career working with video games by Cole Greenbaum

For some, video games are just a fun hobby. For others, they are a passion. For senior Christian Brown they represent a way of life and a possible future. Brown plays video games nonstop whenever he is not at school. He’s at home playing from three in the afternoon to three in the morning everyday. “It’s just all I do,” Brown said. “It’s beyond a passion. I play them on a ridiculous scale. I don’t play for fun. I play to win and to beat my own scores.” Brown doesn’t only play; he practices.

He plans out his time between each game so he can play as much as possible. “I play everything: first person shooters, racing, puzzle games, real-time strategy, and a lot of Guitar Hero,” he said. Brown plays on a custom-built computer built for gaming. “I bought all the parts, plugged it all together, and did all the wiring. I spent about $1,400 on it,” Brown said. “I use a game manager called Steam, and my account is worth about $900 in games.” He doesn’t feel that any of his friends share his “huge” passion for gaming. “I encourage my friends to play with

Most Memorable Moment “Hearing my protege, teammate, and great friend Guzman’s name announced multiple times at the Academic Decathlon regional competition.

Greatest Accomplishment “Scoring my first nine on my last AP English Lit essay in Mr. Ammentorp’s class. Also, [placing] 2nd in the regional competition with Academic Decathlon and 11th in the state. Placing 5th at the World Yo-Yo contest is also tied with the previous two. Finally, asking my girlfriend out... especially because she said yes a year and a half ago.”

me all the time, but I’m the only one I know who plays as fanatically as I do,” Brown said. “I [spend] twelve hours--half a day--just playing.” But a lot of his friends do enjoy video games and don’t find his passion to be a problem at all. “It’s a hobby. People love things, and he loves video games,” Brown’s friend senior Jake Harris said. “I don’t play them as much, but in my spare time I still play. Video games rule.” Even though he can’t always play with friends, Brown doesn’t get bored by all of the video games he plays.

“If I get bored in the middle of a game, I might drop it and pick up a new one for a little bit,” Brown says. “But I never really get bored because it’s not just playing for fun. There’s always a new goal to beat. There’s always someone out there better than me, which I need to change.” He plans to go to El Camino’s Honors Program for two years and then transfer into Computer Technologies at another school. “I already have some experience with general system managing, programming, and visual design,” Brown says. “That’s my future.”

Most Memorable Moment “Seeing my dog for the first time in the RUHS parking lot.”

Greatest Accomplishment “My acceptance to Stanford because it was so unexpected.”

Biggest Regret “Not studying more in AP Chemistry. ROW quizzes are my kryptonite.”





Lead the way. Senior Ashley Carroll looks forward to keeping up the strong relationships formed in ROTC and creating new friendships at Saint Mary’s College of California.

Carroll forms strong bonds in ROTC by Hannah Son

For senior Ashley Carroll, ROTC has provided her a path for her future, an unbreakable bond with her friends, and a great sense of community. Carroll joined ROTC her freshman year, not expecting to gain anything but college credit. “I joined because my brother pushed me to do it and because I wanted some leadership to put on my college applications. I went in not really expecting anything from it but I gained amazing friend-

ships and it became a second family,” Carroll said. According to friend, senior Ashley Santiago, their friendship is unbreakable and has become even stronger throughout the years. Santiago has known Ashley for six years and has seen the change that ROTC has made in Carroll’s life. “She has grown so much through this program. We have a friendship that’s sort of a series of random events and without her life would be weird,” Santiago said. Ashley plans on attending Saint Mary’s College of California. One of the reasons

is because of its strong sense of community, which is similar to that of ROTC. “[Saint Mary’s College of California] is an extremely close knit community-- everything they do is promoting closer relationships,” said Carroll. Fellow ROTC member and Cadet Sargeant Major senior Adrian Biggs believes that ROTC has shaped his life by instilling in him a similar sense of patriotism for the community and the country. “By joining ROTC in high school it opened up options I never thought of. Because of the principles ROTC has instilled

in me I now have a drive to serve our great country. After getting my commission, I plan to remain an Air Force officer,” Biggs said. Carroll plans on keeping her strong ROTC relationships and creating new ones in college. “Even though most of us grads of 2012 will lose touch, there are some close relationships that will never go away and I look forward to creating more of these relationships next year and for the years to come,” Carroll said.

Lopez enjoys playing guitar by Andrew Czuzak


Just keep stummin’. Senior Joey Lopez will miss playing guitar when he joins the Marine Corps.

After hours of practicing, Joey Lopez finally returns home with thoughts of unwinding in his mind. Shortly after arriving, Lopez enters the solitude of his room, pulls out his guitar, and begins to play. “I like playing guitar. It’s peaceful, relaxing, and it is something fun to do,” Lopez said. Lopez, who has played guitar since 6th grade, started playing after his friend, Jack Collins, bought one. Although Collins does not play guitar as much as he used to, he one day hopes to be

Future Plans “I plan to go to North Arizona University and major in environmental engineering. After University I will be joining the Air force as an officer.

Favorite Memory “At the RUHS art show. It was my first date with my girlfriend, and I tried to show off and ended up ripping my pants all the way down to my ankle.

able to play with Lopez again. “It’s really important to keep playing and supporting the arts because without art, humans become machines,” Collins said. One reason Lopez’s parents supported and continue to support his musical interests is because of their previous work and support of the music industry. In addition, his father plays the drums and his mother plays the piano. “I enjoy when I get play guitar while my dad plays drums,” Lopez said. “It’s a lot different from when I play by myself or with someone else who plays guitar.”

Lopez, however, chiefly views playing guitar as a hobby and has no interest in joining a band. “I have no aspirations to go in the music industry like my parents. It’s just something fun for me to do,” Lopez said. Once Lopez joins the Marine Corps after school, he will have to put down his guitar for nearly three months until he returns from basic training. “I am going to miss playing [guitar], but it’s ultimately not that big of a deal because I know that I will be eventually able to play again,” Lopez said.

Biggest Regrets “Not joining any more clubs and crashing my car the other day.”

Advice for Freshmen “Make the most of high school. Set goals and go for them.”

Greatest Accomplishment “Earning the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross in ROTC.”





Holcombe changes goals after accident by Navikka Dasz


Close call. After a bad bike accident, senior Jessica Holcombe decided to become a paramedic, despite her longtime dream of going into the Marine Corps.

She flew off the dirt bike and tumbled fifteen yards. Her helmet was smashed into her face, she was bleeding from the cuts on her face, and her vision was blurred. Senior Jessica Holcombe crashed her dirt bike two years ago, but the crash gave her some perspective on life. “[When I crashed,] I started to go into shock. When I was able to ride back to camp I had a sudden change of heart in what I wanted to do,” she said. Holcombe had been set on joining the Marine Corps after graduating high school, but the accident made her consider becoming a paramedic. “I guess I just realized the importance of safety and what can happen,” she said. Since Holcombe had been set on the Marine Corps, the decision to become a paramedic was not easy. “It wasn’t [a simple decision] because the decision was based on if I wanted to stay with my boyfriend and be near family

or do what my heart was set on,” she said. Holcombe’s boyfriend, who was in the army, was also an important factor in her decision. “Because [he] was in the army, half of our relationship was long distance and we agreed that we didn’t want to deal with the long distance again,” she said. According to Holcombe, her parents and boyfriend are supportive of her decision, but her friends are a little disappointed because they know she has wanted to be a marine for a long time. “My friends are [supportive] too, but they believe that ‘I was made to be a Marine’ so they’re a little disappointed, I guess,” she said. Holcombe’s friend and ROTC member, Jackie Portillo, supports Holcombe’s decision and feels it will be great for her because it fits her personality. “It’s definitely a great opportunity. I think it was the right decision because she loves being with her family and helping

people,” Portillo said. “Everyone thought that she would be a Marine but times change and we all grow up. I definitely support her and whatever she wants to do.” Holcombe’s other close friend and fellow ROTC member, junior Jarred Bobo, also supports her decision and knows she will be a great paramedic. “I’ll support her in anything she does. I think she would have been a great Marine, but I [also] think she’ll be a great paramedic. She’ll do great in whatever she does,” Bobo said. Although Holcombe feels that ROTC was “definitely a good experience,” she is looking forward to her future as a paramedic. “I’m happy with my decision, but to me either way is the right choice,” she said. “Even though my heart will always be with the Marine Corps my love for medical emergencies is starting to grow.”

Choir acts as different experience for Barela by Dylan Biggs

Senior Chris Barela does not enjoy going to zero period, but feels better as soon as second period begins and he steps through the doors of the choir room. Barela has spent much time as choir member and believes it is a really great experience. “My favorite part of choir was being able to interact with other people who loved music and loved to sing,” Barela said. He thinks that one of the great dynamics of choir is how they all have to work as a unit, not as individual singers. “When the choir is performing, you have to keep in mind that the choir is performing, not you, and you have to work your voice so that the choir sounds good, not just you,” Barela said.

Barela enjoyed choir for not only the chance to sing many different types of music but for all the friends he has made because they like to sing. “[Choir] is a great way to expand your singing ability, experience a myriad of music genres, and meet people from all walks of life who love to sing,” he said. One person who Barela has met through choir is sophomore Sydney Holt, who sits next to Barela in choir. “I’ve gotten to know Chris throughout the year from sitting next to him,” Holt said. Holt has enjoyed her time in choir with Barela because of his personality and overall disposition. “Chris is a very personable guy who is easy to get along with,” She said. Holt not only thinks highly of Barela

Favorite Memory “Sitting in Denny’s at five a.m. after senior excursion with all my friends.”

Greatest Accomplishment “Getting the acceptance letter to my top chioce school, SDSU.”

Advice for Freshmen “Go out and have fun but know when to draw the line. Your social life is important, but so is your GPA.”


for his personality but also for his work ethic. “You will never see him goofing off in class and he is always on task,” she said. Barela was the bass and when required, tenor, in choir but he also had a job as the S5 officer in ROTC. Even though he did enjoy choir he says he would have picked ROTC if he had to. “ROTC is a much more unique experience,” he said. “While with choir there are so many great programs around that if you’re really interested in being in choir you can find one easily.” Barela says that he enjoyed the choir program and will miss the people in it, and Holt will miss him. “Chris will be missed very much and we all love him very much,” Holt said.


Sing your heart out. Senior Chris Barela made new friends in Advanced Choir.

Biggest Regret “Not meeting as many new people.”

Future Plans “I’m going to join the Marine Corps and become an officer.”

Most Memorable Moment “My first day of senior year.”




Schwarze’s Enjoy Making Music by Allegra Peelor

For seniors and twins Justin and Nick Schwarze, music has always played a large role in their lives-- their dad plays thirteen instruments and their sister played flute and piccolo in RUHS’s band. “My dad is my musical mentor,” Justin said. The twins’ dad signed them up for band in sixth grade. Now, Justin plays four instruments, including the didgeridoo, and is in all four bands offered at RUHS. Nick has been saxophone section leader in marching and concert band for the past two years and was in all four bands his freshman, sophomore, and junior year but dropped jazz band this year. “I know they both enjoy music a lot,” their friend sophomore Ty Cetorelli said. “Justin’s a big jazz guy and loves playing jazz.” Justin is “glad” that they stayed in band, but Nick admits that sometimes it was difficult to handle being in all of the bands and taking hard classes, saying that sophomore year was the most challenging. “I’d have a chemistry book studying and then have to jump into formations and play,” Nick said. Justin also composes classical guitar mu-

sic. “The songs he writes are really, really good,” Cetorelli said. Although music is very important to both of the brothers, neither wants to pursue a carreer in it. In college, Justin wants to major in either statistics or business and Nick wants to major in biochemistry or chemical engineering. “I’ll keep playing and having fun,” Justin said. “I want to find some band to play sax and guitar in.” According to Cetorelli, the band will lose good talent when the Schwarzes leave. “We’re losing two really good players,” he said.

Outwiththefamily.1.SeniorJustinSchwarze plays his tenor sax solo. 2. Father Jürgen Schwarze plays his sax at Jazz Under the Stars. 3. Senior Nicolas Schwarze plays his alto sax solo. 4. The whole Schwarze family plays together.



Photo by Jenny Oetzell



Photo by Jenny Oetzell

Photo by Jenny Oetzell

looks we got just because we were different.” One of Gommel’s close friends, Junior Tammy Sique, has seen Sam cross dress before in public. “It was initially to see if he could fit into my shirt. He didn’t give it back and said ‘Hey, let’s see what everyone says,’” Sique said. Gommel has tried spreading his ideals about false prejudice whenever he hears a case of it. “Every time I hear someone judge based on initial reactions, first impressions, or ap-

pearance, I try to help them check themselves. I want people to know if someone reacts, looks, or is different, you can’t judge them. You need to get to know a person before you can isolate their personality,” Gommel said. Gommel’s friend Pheonix Mackley agrees with Gommel’s philosophies. “The sweetest person on earth could look like a hobo or worse, and people take them as a bad person, but they won’t take the time to know what’s under the clothes,” Mackley said. “People judge way too quickly.”

Gommel’sphilosophyandinterestprompthimtotestsociety’sjudgement by Cedric Hyon

Judging someone based on appearance is an act based on the psychological mind. Senior Sam Gommel has learned through his own deliberate appearances about the individual mind’s prejudice. “It’s a psychological thing ever since I was about 12 when I could understand people’s reactions. A couple of friends and I would dress like the typical goth, and go sit at the mall and converse,” Gommel said. “We would watch people’s reactions and it was interesting to see how many disgusted

FavoriteMemory “Beating costa in football this season... Or...Winning state championships in band.”

Advise for freshmen “Takeadvantageofeverygoodopportunityyoucan.You don’t want to miss out on something great.”

GreatestAccomplishment “Leading the Band as Drum Major.”


Gommel wants to go into the Marines and join the Marine band. Since music in the marines is a very tight click, his backup plan is to be a psychological help for armed forces members who, according to Gommel, tend to subjugate people. “I know a lot of people in the armed forces that will see someone and openly defy against him or her. They will put them down and insult them in their face and behind their back just because of the way they look,” Gommel said. “I want to change that within the armed forces and with people in general.”

FavoriteMemory “PlayingBattleoftheBandsandseeingaseaof people watching me.”

Adviseforfreshmen “Keep in mind, it’s only high school! Have fun while it lasts. “

FuturePlans “GraduatefromBerkleeCollegeofMusic,tour the world and be a recognized and respected contributor to the music community.”




Angulo Pursues Interests in Arts by Justin Lee

Charles Angulo can only be described as a talented performer and a mench at heart who aims high and achieves his goals through experience in school and enjoying life to the fullest. 'You learn a lot from being in high school. If you’re in a club or a sport, it really helps you become who you really are for the rest of your life,” Angulo said. One of Angulo’s most prized achievements was when the marching band became the state champions for the Southern California Judging Association marching competition. It was the first time the marching band ever became the state champions in their division. “[Winning] felt great,” Charles said, “and it was great to know that we are the best at something that is very prestigious and competitive to receive.” Angulo played the snare drum that year. He had always been interested in playing the drums and other percussion instruments since he was in the eighth grade. He is in drum line during marching season, percussion during concert season, and takes percussion class both semesters. Angulo also has an interest in Latin Percussion, which involves a series of nontraditional percussion instruments. “It’s a talent that I’ve developed throughout the years, and it really brings out the best of me,” he said, “and for 5 years, it’s really gotten to be a great tool for not only music, but everyday life.” Angulo’s life also includes art. When Angulo is not practicing the drums, he is out making art and expressing his emotions through spray-painting. “When I would spray-paint, it would help me come up with the most radical ideas that sometimes work and sometimes don’t, but it still helps me be more creative with my mind,” Angulo said. AP Art teacher Debrah Smith feels that Angulo’s artwork has done good things for him. Smith said that Angulo has a good

work ethic and he approaches his work in a serious way, one that will lead him to success should he choose to pursue art. “[Charles] is a good artist. He sometimes approaches it in an another worldly type of way, but the technique is grounded in reality. He has all sorts of different approaches and each one is uniquely his own,” Smith said. Fellow AP art student Cooper Lovano agrees that Angulo’s work his own. “Charles’ art is extremely expressive and he has developed a style that is very unique and consistently interesting,” Lovano said. But most of all, Angulo is the proudest in being a Sea Hawk. He says that his favorite part of high school is representing it because of the amount of pride and prestige Redondo Union has. “If you put one hundred percent effort into everything and try your hardest, you are going to be satisfied with your achievements and accomplishments,” Angulo said.

Photo by Chris Nguyen

Last minute touches. Senior Charles Angulo finishes the last marks on his work.

Favorite Memory “Winningstatechampionshipswithbandanddance guard my junior year.”

Advise for freshmen “Don’t limit yourself to just one small group of friends. Branch out!

Biggest Regret “Iregretlettingother’sopinionsaffectmesomuch for the first few years of high school. I’ve learned that as long as you are content with who you are, those negative opinions won’t bother you.


Photo by Jenny Oetzell

Out into the crowd. Senior Chris Bowen plays his solo for Jazz Under the Stars.

Bowen overcomes insecurities by Jessica Shipley

Senior Chris Bowen has made the most of his high school years. Through all his activities; football, wrestling, band, and volleyball, Bowen has overcome his insecurities and opened up. “My overall experience at high school was remarkable. I have gained and developed so many great memories and friendships in my four years in high school,” Bowen said, “I have always found high school thrilling, exciting and life changing ever since my very first day of school.” According to Bowen his biggest struggle was overcoming his shy personality. His first two years of high school were when he was the most shy. Bowen believes, however, that his marching band experiences contributed greatly to him opening up. “Marching band made me less shy. The environment requires constant communication and cooperation, and I realized my sophomore year that if I ever wanted to become a good leader, I would have to be more social,” Bowen said. Bowen’s determination and drive to become a good leader and example pushed him to achieve his goal of becoming more outgoing.

Photo by Jenny Oetzell

Plunge in the music. Senior Chris Bowen uses a plunger to add color to his tone.

“Overcoming my shyness did not happen overnight but it happened quickly. My junior year I became band sergeant and I had to teach dozens of freshmen how to march. And when you are a timid and reserved individual, the idea can be petrifying,” Bowen said, “However I knew I had to give a strike of confidence and comfort into my band members, and giving confidence strengthened my self confidence.” Even Bowen’s peers have noticed a change in him. “When I met Chris, he was new and so shy, but throughout the years of our friendship, and our high school years he’s really opened up. It’s great to see him become a social light,” senior Clay Attig said. Senior Ryan Browne has also seen Bowen changing. “I think different musical performances have helped him come out of his shell,” Browne said. According to Bowen, he really appreciates his high school years for what they have given him, and how they have changed his life. “I have gained many things at Redondo such as athleticism, friendships, and musical talent,” Bowen said, “I have experienced great happiness and endured many hardships, but looking back in retrospect, I have no regrets.”

FavoriteMemory ThispastMarchwhenDanceguardPlaced1stforour Intermediate dance routine.We were all so proud of ourselvesandagreatwaytoremembermysenioryear.

Adviseforfreshmen “Don’tbeafraidtotrynewthingsandtogetinvolved.”

FuturePlans I will be touring the country, performing with Pacific CrestDrumandBugleCorpsthissummer,andI’mattending Santa Monica College in the fall.”




Shodall defies opera stereotype

by Logan Collingwood


Not backing down. Shodall plans to pursue an opera career.

One pictures an opera singer as a powerful, commanding woman with a confident roar. For senior Laura Shodall, matching up to this image has been a constant battle, one which has only recently been won because of her determination, passion, and commitment. In the fall, Shodall will be attending Oklahoma Christian University, where she intends to earn her Bachelors in Music Education and Vocal Music. She wants to use her education to possibly get a job in a professional opera or to become a music teacher. “It’s a really competitive environment, so if my plans fall through, I’ll probably end up teaching”, she said. Shodall’s music teacher, Katie Campbell, also believes in Shodall’s ability to turn her love for music into a career. “I have no doubt that she will succeed and grow into a wonderful singer and educator,” Campbell said. Campbell believes that Shodall’s natural talent and hard work ethic will help her succeed. “She is very focused and committed to being an excellent singer, prepares well, and has a positive attitude about

and approach to her musicianship and work,”Campbell said. After attending her friend’s senior recital at Biola University, Shodall become captivated with classical singing. “I heard her sing and I came to the realization that I wanted to be her and I wanted to do what she did,” she said. “The way that music and words came together moved me. I fell in love with opera that night and I don’t think I’ll fall out of it,” she said. Shodall enjoys singing because it allows her to convey her beliefs and ideas to other people. “I wanted to make people feel what I felt through song,” she said. Shodall believes that because of her commitment and determination to singing, she has developed and grown as a person. Preparing herself for college level music was a “struggle,” according to Shodall. “All the struggles I went through in order to perform at the caliber I do today taught me not to be so hard on myself all the time and to keep pushing through. You can’t quit on something that makes you feel like somebody,” she said.

Vavrek finds passion in cinema by Cameron Paulson

From the lights and stage to a dark room with a big screen, Emily Vavrek is both involved in drama and is an avid movie goer. Vavrek is constantly waiting to see her next most sought after movie. “I go to the movies as many times as I can,” Vavrek said. “If it’s a movie I really like I’ll probably go see it two or three more times.” Vavrek first got her interest in movies from her best friend, senior Alessandra Ragusa. “She was the one who was really into film and movies.” Vavrek said, “For as long as I remember that was her thing.” When they first met freshman year, Ragusa and Vavrek always “clicked” and had a “special bond” from the beginning. “[Her interest in movies started] freshman year when we realized we liked a lot of the same kind of films,” Ragusa

said. “So after that we tried to watch as many as possible.” Vavrek also found a deeper respect for movies after taking a class at Redondo. “I took study of film and it actually opened a lot of doors for me,” Vavrek said. “I took much more of an interest and a had a different outlook on the movies I was watching.” Going to the movies multiple times a month can be expensive but Vavrek’s mom, Lynn, fully supports her hobby. “Emily has been really into movies since the beginning of high school,” Lynn said. “Even though it can get expensive, with her allowance she pays for almost every movie she goes to.” Vavrek now hopes to get a job at AMC Del Amo and be in a place she would love work and get paid for something she has a great interest in. “AMC Del Amo is like my second home,” Vavrek said. “It would be the best to work at a place where I’m already there all the time.” Now soon to attend Johnson and Wales University Denver, Emily will always continue to have a love for movies.

Biggest regret “Not staying on top of my academics and limiting my opportunities.”

Advice for freshmen “Get involved wherever you feel most comfortable. Being involved in your school is a rewarding experience.”

Favorite Memory “Being in the spring musical because it pushed me towards my love of theatre and being in drama because the people in it have become my second family.”



Pricey passion. Vavrek visits the movies several times a month.

Biggest Regret “Joining the drama program so late and having to say goodbye to all the friends I made in the class after just one year of being such great friends with all of them.”

Advice for freshmen “Start planning for college as soon as possible so you don’t have to rush into deciding and applying Fall of your senior year.”

Favorite Memory “Getting the second loudest applause at the spring musical ‘How to Succeed’ opening night. It was an amazing feeling.”




Goodman discovers interest in theatre and production by Jeremy Porr

Senior Christie Goodman has been a part of the tennis team for the past four years, but after two she decided she wanted to try something different. “I’ve always had a great passion for tennis and I love my team but something always felt like it was missing,” Goodman said. It was after two years that she decided she would audition for the spring musical last year, “Anything Goes”. “I wasn’t expecting much since I had auditioned late when a lot of people had already been cast but I ended up getting cast in the ensemble and it was an unforgettable experience,” she said. For Goodman, being on stage brings her an entirely different rush than she gets on the court during a match. “When I’m on stage I’m not really thinking about anything else. I’m completely focused but still

completely hyper-aware of what I’m doing. It’s an odd feeling to explain,” she said. According to Goodman, being in the school productions has taught her a lot about herself and her peers. “Theatre is so great because it just brings people together, not only in the cast but for the audience as well. If I could make someone smile by being on that stage, even if I’m just lurking in the background, that alone makes me happy,” she said. Goodman will be pursuing an alternate major when she attends Loyola Marymount University this fall, something she believes is more “practical”. “Although Im majoring in communications I would still like to do local theatre around the community. I couldn’t just get rid of it completely because it’s become such a huge part of my life,” she said.

Nicholson balances music and theatre by Mannal Haddad

After months of putting together a song senior Jordan Nicholson gets on stage at his band mate’s church. The twisted feeling in his gut disappears as he begins to play the song he spent months writing and then, as the adrenaline kicks in, he becomes completely absorbed in the music. “When I’m really feeling it, I’m in the moment and it’s all I’m thinking about and for a second it’s just [me] and the song,” Nicholson said. According to Nicholson the difference between performing a song he wrote and covering a song is that he feels more exposed. “But when I do an original I feel like throwing up

because I’m putting myself out there. I’m not just being judged as a performer, [but also] as a writer,” he said. The drummer in the band, junior Paolo Ragusa, believes that Nicholson gets his inspiration from whatever kind of music he’s listening to at the moment and Ragusa feels the “messing around aspect” is what makes the music good. “It’s different. It’s a combination of whatever he’s listening to and it’s all about his influence,” Ragusa said. “Stone Temple Pilots is his favorite band and biggest influence.” The emphasis on feelings and emotion in his music makes it difficult for Nicholson to control his writing. “My writing happens at midnight when I can’t sleep.

Biggest regret “Not realizing who my true friends were and trusting the wrong people.”

Advice for freshmen “Let the small things go, and you’ll realize that they weren’t a big deal.”

Future Plans “Going to Marymount College, majoring in Psychology, and continuing in theatre.”


[I’ll] start noodling on the guitar and I’ll get an instrumental piece and a melody will come and then lyrics will come either right then or after a month,” he said. “I can’t control it. It’s compulsive.” Despite his love of music, screenwriting remains Nicholson’s passion, as he believes keeping music a hobby will allow him to use it as a stress reliever. He chooses to pursue a career in film rather than music. “It’s a hobby and I want to keep it that way. I don’t want to pervert it by trying to make a career out of it. “With something as pure as music, you don’t want to end up hating the thing you once loved. It’s better than real life,” Nicholson said.

Favorite Memory “Having to sing and dance for six whole periods with all my friends during the How To Succeed preview this year.”

Advice for freshmen

“Get involved and support our school as much as you can because of how much it provides for you.”

Future Plans “Go to UC San Diego, become a digital animator and eventually have my name in the credits of a movie.”



College Map

JUNE 8, 2012 University of California, Berkeley Kamryn Claridge Chris Farmer Lisa Inoue Ben McLaughlin Edwin Myers Perwana Nazif Alex Niebergall Sameer Siddiqui Olivia Solomon Samantha Witteman

Sonoma State University Alyssa Galvan Erin Hardy Daniel Rivera Aly Peet Lukes’ Cal State Chico Nikki Blome Sydney Hedgecock Jillian Mattor Ariel Mistuloff Erika Salazar Butte College Michael Ruiz

Humboldt State Wyatt Bettis Dante Hamm


Cuesta College Brooke Huntley

Santa Barbara

CSU Dominguez Hills Jeffrey Brandon Kevin Daley Ruben Pereida Stewart Castro

Universty of California, Santa Cruz Shannon Bowman Logan Collingwood Bryce Paine Justin Schwarze Jesse Connor

CSU Northridge Kalia Perdue Savanna Metzger Vivian Nguyen

Long Beach City College Leilani Davis Claire Wright

LA Valley College Jasmine Freeman

Los Angeles Harbor College Andrew Baer Dylan Hatch Jake Jimenez Erin Keady Alex Maldonado Mt. San Antonio College Kalee Smallman

Cal State Monterey Bay Spencer Peak Bram O’Bell

Marymount College Victoria Ivons Kira Legg Abraham Medellin

San Francisco State Brandion Kim Alexander Matei Alina Mistuloff Kendal Ten-Have Kurata Stanford University Daniel Maroko Dylan Scarcliff

Laguna College of Art Timothy Scerra Loyola Marymount University Matthew Brancolini Kimberlly Chapman Tyler Clinton Christie Goodman Brooke O’Neal

Rio Hondo College Victoria Carpio The American Musical and Dramatic Academy Megan Cormier

Mount St. Mary’s College Katelynn Collins Vanessa Gonzalez

Rock Capone Max Niebergall

UC Irivne Maria Bangash Mitchell Wong Christopher Paulingas Rodrigro Ramos Nancy Silva Otis College of Art Isabella Castaldi Pepperdine University Erinn Middo Santa Monica College Ashley Valencia Kaylen Achong Alex Almaraz Julie D’Eath Micheal Ortega Hector Echavarria Kristina Gamboa Corrina Garnier Megan Guerra Danielle Hazeltine

Nicholas Holt Laura Leyba Alaina Maldonado Alaina McKinney Kacie McNulty Arianna Nolasco Jeremy Porr Miguel Pulido Tyler Randall Kelly Rodriguez Chelse Russell Mackenzie Sanchez Jared Sweatman Korena Veliz Allison Whalen Andrew Hazeltine Kimberly DeLeon Malia Yandall Jaden Braunwarth

San Diego Christian College Conor Beatty Alessandra Ragusa San Diego State Oliver Callaghan Makenna McNair Malcolm Bender UC San Diego Edward Choi David Jamgochian Juliana Jordan

Nia Vidal Brainna Egan Hannah Son

Long Beach San Diego

University of Oregon Clayton Attig Alyssa Galvan Micayla Kotzbach Ryann Ree Lily Lauzon Meglyn Huber



FIDM Makenna Mastin

DePaul University Mario Celloto








Sioux Falls



Cheyenne Boulder


Colorado Springs

Omaha Lincoln

Des Moines








Las Vegas

Kansas City

W ichita



Oklahoma City





Little Rock

W ichita Falls





Ft. W orth

Shrevepor t

El Paso San Angelo



TX Austin






Nor folk

College of Charleston Brandon Folkman




Clark Atlanta University Camera Carter Kirah Storey





Dover Annapolis


Knoxville Nashville


W ashington DC


University of Pennsylvania Alex Orozco


Philadelphia Harrisburg







New York City






AL Montgomery


Baton Rouge




Duke University Haley Miller



New Orleans

San Antonio

University of Wyoming Lindsey Bowman


Corpus Christi


Arizona State U. William Allagoa Eric Brown Ashley Greenberg Ryan Spiwak

Matthew Siewierski

Northern Arizona U. Adrian Biggs Jesse Gillette

Estrella Mountain College Miles Watkins

University of Kansas Brian Frew

University of Arizona Aidan Donnelly Kayla Patterson

Eddie Clites Stephanie Correia Austin Cronkrite Patrick Cruz James Curwood Huyen Dang Joshua DeLucia Ashton De Rojas Camille Duong Baruch Elias Brandi Ellena Zack Elliott Amanda Engeberg Meagan Forseth Daniel Gomez Jasmine Hernandez Omar Hildalgo Nathan Hierlihy Jessica Holcombe

University of Louisiana Jazzolynn Kelly

Lisa Hosley Jordan Ichiyama Kyle Ihde Michael Johnson Seven Jordan Erika Joseph Jonathan Kingham Cole Lawler Francisco Leyva Kevin Lofgren Andrew Lopez Rachel Lovelace Isabella Mantini Kris Martin Alex Martinez Hannah Mayorga Elias McArthur Matthew Menker Gianina Moyano

Cal Poly Pomona Madison Mitchell Armando Estrada Tyler Smith Mandi Parsons


Oklahoma Christian University Laura Shodall

Central Community College Brenda Martinez

Jordan Nicholson Tyler O’Brien Cosme Padilla Daniel Padilla Wesley Pate Devan Pedraza Michael Pippard Jacqueline Portillo James Portillo Neha Qureashi Jordan Ramirez Alberto Rodriguez Adam Rudow Amber Ruiz Tiffany Sanchez Lauren Scheuber Michelle Serrano Chelsea Sewell Ashley Smith

Purdue University Josie Miller Hack

Danielle Smith Brenna Sopp Paul Stacey Gabrielle Swain Jacob Swanney Brett Tellez Anthony Temprano Mateo Tenzera Jennifer Toral Evan Van Amburgh Katherine Varela Anique Villegas Devon Voigtsberger Emmett Werner-Longo Jeffery Williams Sean Wilson Kelsey Woodson Hannah Yoon Victor Yuen

Cal State University, Channel Islands Kelly Chow Andrea Martinez Brittany DeSeriere Ashley Santiago Samantha Goldberg Michelle Slater Mercedes Larios Sean Machen

Brown University Charlotte Kim



Har tford


Frankfort Louisville

Springfield Santa Fe




East St. Louis

St. Louis



Gar y Ft. W ayne



Lansing Detroit

Chicago Davenpor t

Denver Pueblo




Madison Milwaukee

W aterloo

Salt Lake City Provo

UNLV Amanda Johnson

St. Paul





Rapid City

WY Reno

University of Michigan Zach Zent Tiffany Morales Montpelier




University of California, Los Angeles Ciara Diaz Lyndsey Mull Theodore Nguyen Josephine Nwokedi

Cerritos College Derrick Duran



CSU Fullerton Chris Bowen Raymond Gandara Jacob Melendez Melissa Nolte Annie Park

University of LaVerne Tony Smith




Irvine Valley College Tiffany Truong

Vangaurd University Mele Tuuholoaki

College of the Holy Corss Matthew Esparza



Idaho Falls

University of Utah Nicolette Barba


Berklee College of Music Ryan Browne Chelsey Sanchez

New York University Danny Garzon Sarah Song

Brigham Young U. Trenton Owens

Seattle Tacoma

El Camino College Hiam Achour Jared Adam Elliott Aguilar Rachelle Alarcon Charles Angulo Aroosa Ansari Marimar Arango Alexandra Barrow Chantal Bedikian Samuel Ben-Amor Saad Bholat Tucker Bissaillon Sidney Bongiovanni Ronald Cagigal Diana Carrasco Benjamin Castro Christian Castro

USC Bethany Kawa Joy Ohiomoba

CSU San Marcos Michael Springman

Los Angeles

University of Montana Allyson Berry

CU Boulder Hunter Bradshaw Dan Furmansky Brittany Ross Anneliese Wilson

National University Lucas Brown

University of Great Falls Devon Bogart

Boise State University Johnny Albi


UC Santa Barbara Alex Furmansky Patrick Borgerding Angeline Lee Ashley Nakamura Jocelyne Valcarcel Nick Schwarze

The Art Institute of California Zabrina Nash

University of Washington Austin Bowen

University of Puget Sound Anna Toyama

San Francisco Art Institute Amanda Shields

CSU East Bay David Perez

Sacramento State Madison Hall Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Rachel Bush Ethan Dinetz Emily Woods

Saint Mary’s College of California Ashley Carroll

University of California, Davis Eric Emdee Jazmin Jordan Evan Sepmeyer

San Francisco

CSU Fresno Jessica Baker

CSU Monterey Bay Bram O’Bell

JUNE 8, 2012

Alabama State Davion Goodall Erik Walton Deon Williams Community College of the Air Force Kye Pirrie University of Alabama Emmy Bensing

International Canada U of British Columbia Liz Gallipeau Queens University Maddy Perrault New Zealand Auckland University of Technology Declan Andrew US Air Force Kamri Whitehead US Navy Nicholas Choulet Max Christy

UC Riverside Kelly Chow Greg Contreras Brittany DeSeriere Samantha Goldberg Kenneth Cole

US Marines Michael Elwood US Army Tyler Mills Jabari Nichols

Thomas Stevens Tess Wainwright



Cormier gains confidence in choir by Katie Hill

1. 2.


Choir is my life. 1.Senior Megan Cormier sings with fellow choir member Tiffany Truong. Choir has helped Cormier develop a sense of self confidence. 2. Cormier and Truong review a setlist. “Choir has helped my range and confidence,”she said

Since her freshman year, Megan Cormier has learned a lot about who she is and who she wants to become. Cormier plans on taking the skills she’s learned from the years she has spent in the school Choir and Golf team with her as she embarks on her journey as an adult after high school. Cormier, who has been in the choir since her freshman year, says one of the most important thing choir has taught her is the power of teamwork. “You definitely have to work as a team and look out for each other.” Cormier said. But the importance of teamwork was not the only thing that choir has taught Cormier. Since she joined, choir has made her more confident about both her voice and herself. “[Choir] has helped my range and confidence.” Cormier said. Cormier also became more confident in her experience in outside drama productions. Through her experience in one production, she met the one person who has helped her confidence the most. “He’s helped my voice and confidence

more than anything,” She said. Voice and confidence are two very important things to Cormier, who plans on going to New York in the fall to study musical theatre. “My program is really intense,” Cormier said, “I’m so excited to just be doing what I love, learning more about it, and being able to grow.” Cormier plans on taking the skills she learned from her experiences that exclude performing with her as well. One of the most influential experiences being her time spent on the Redondo Union golf team. “I’ve been addicted [to golfing] since I was nine,” Cormier said, “It’s an amazing sport.” Cormier loved the sport so much that she almost went on to pursue it in college. But because of the even stronger love Cormier has for musical theatre, she had to make a compromise. “I got my first lead role in a musical and I realized that it was one or the other,“ She said, “I couldn’t excel in both.” Cormier chose to focus more on her skills in performing on stage. This choice made her even further realize how strongly

she felt about her future in musical theatre. “Looking back on it the choice should have been simple,” Cormier said, “But back then it was hard for me.” It may have been difficult to choose between the two at the time, but Cormier is now confident in her choice. “I think its lead me on a more unconventional road,” She said, “But it’s totally worth it.” Not to say that that she regrets her time on the golf team, Cormier has values her experience with her teammates as well. “It taught me a lot about integrity,” Cormier said. In golf, there are no penalties so it is up to the members of the team to make sure everyone is following the rules. “You have to have integrity otherwise it all falls apart,” She said. Whether it was from singing on a stage or golfing on a field, Cormier has grown tremendously since she’s first started high school. But just because it’s ending doesn’t mean she has any plan to stop. “I’ve learned to embrace who I am and just have fun,” Cormier said, “I’m looking forward to what has yet to come.”

Portis expresses himself through art and music by Taylor Ballard

He walks through the bustling hall with his head held high— confident in who he is, ready to tackle his dreams. Senior John Portis now expresses himself freely thanks to his time at Redondo. “My whole middle school life was me trying to fit in so I could never express how I really am— my creativity and passions,” Portis said. Portis attended four different middle schools, which he says made it harder for him to show people who he really was. “I went to four different middle schools and when I came to Redondo I finally had

friends and I got to focus on things that made me happy instead of trying to find friends,” Portis said. Portis attributes his ability to express himself freely to the many cultures and personalities Redondo harbors. “Redondo’s diversity has made it way easier to fit in because everyone is so chill and it seems as though almost everyone gets along,” Portis said. According to Portis, finding his group of friends also helped him become more comfortable with who he is as an artist and individual and expressing it freely. “Letting go of all the insecurities allowed

Favorite Memory “My favorite memory was meeting my best friend Chelsey Sanchez.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice to freshmen is never compare yourself to others and stay focused on your own improvements.”

Future Plans “I will be attending Xavier University for the pre- med programs ito become a neurologist.”


me to be more comfortable in my skin and help boost my confidence in music,” Portis said. According to his close friends seniors Ryan Monreal and Zane Corey Portis become much more confident in music over time. “He’s a great guy and great artist and he’s only gotten better. He used to be good at music but now he’s awesome,” Corey said. Monreal believes Portis always had the ability to become his own distinct artist. “You can tell he has a real passion for music and he’d do it no matter what,” Monreal said.


Sing it. Senior John Portis sings in a recording studio.

Favorite Memory “My favorite memory in high school was being apart of the Anything Goes Cast in 2011.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice for freshmen is balance your social life and studies so you can fuly enjoy high school.”

Future Plans “Next year I plan to work and attend community college.”



Truong cares for others by Anacristina Gonzalez

As the stress begins to overbear her, she closes her eyes and lets the melodies flow. For senior Tiffany Truong, singing is not just a hobby; it is a way to heal. “[Singing] is a good way to express myself. When I’m stressing out, it helps me relax and feel better. It’s a good coping technique,” Troung said. According to Truong’s cousin, senior Vivian Nguyen, her passion for singing was greatly influenced by her younger sister who would sing to her when they were young. “She always loved singing. After watching her sister sing, she knew that she wanted to do it too,” Nguyen said. Truong also values her passion of singing for its ability to help her bond with her sister who has down-syndrome. “My singing has helped [my sister and me] to connect and to be able to communicate. It‘s played a big role in our relationship, and through it we‘ve bonded,” Troung said. In addition to singing, Truong has developed a love for taking care of others through her experiences with her sister. “Taking care of my little sister helped me grow as a person and made me realize that I like taking care of people and helping them grow themselves,” Troung said. Truong’s mother has witnessed firsthand Truong’s growth through her sense of responsibility and her devotion to helping

others. “[Tiffany’s] always there to help and I appreciate her for that. I’m extremely proud of her and everything she‘s accomplished,” Mrs. Truong said. According to Nguyen, Truong’s compassion for others has led her to want to purse a career in nursing. “[Tiffany] has taken care of her sister for so many years and she has grown to love it so much. She learned how to deal with children in a gentle way and so that made her come to the realization that she should become a nurse,” Nguyen said. Truong plans on attending college close to home in order to remain an integral part in her sister’s care-taking. “I want to stay nearby so that I can help my mom out with my sister. They’re an important part of my life and I want to be able to spend time with them on a regular basis,” Troung said.



Belt it out. 1. Senior Tiffany Truong sings with fellow choir member senior Chris Barela at the Christmas concert.Choir has been a big part of Truong’s high school expierence and she has no regrets. 2. Truong and fellow senior choir member Megan Cormier practice a song during second period.


A Scouts Honor. 1.Senior Chris Bruno saluts in his Eagle Scout uniform. Bruno is proud of all his boy scout accomplishments. He was able to achieve this honor in only four years. “I was pretty excited when I got this position,” he said. 2. Bruno sings with choir during the Spring Concert.


Bruno becomes Eagle Scout by Cedric Hyon


Once an Eagle, always an Eagle. Senior Chris Bruno has recently accomplished all the preparations needed for the Eagle Scout position and has passed the final test to become one. “There’s a lot of preparation needed. You need to be in a leadership position for a couple of years and do some community service projects,” Bruno said. “You also need different merit badges to qualify.” Bruno’s mother, Karen Dutcher, is extremely proud of his accomplishments in the short amount of time he was in boy scouts. “I am extremely proud of Chris. He joined in ninth grade, so not only he became Eagle Scout, he got it in four years. He is so dedicated and I am incredibly proud of him,” Dutcher said. Bruno has done many service projects for his community, both at his church and at different parks. “I’ve worked about 14-18 hours in a place called Madrona Marsh clearing weeds. It preserves native plants to California,” Bruno said. “I also worked about 61 hours making recycling bins for my church.” As a leader, Bruno was the head of his troop in the Boy Scouts. “One of my leadership positions was be-

ing the senior patrol,” Bruno said. “I made a Facebook page for my troop and I generally help around and help teach skills to my fellow scouts.” Although Bruno has not been inaugurated for the position of Eagle Scout, he has already passed the exam needed to become one. “The day I’m presented the award hasn’t arrived yet, but I already passed the test for Eagle Scout. I was pretty excited when I got this position,” Bruno said. Bruno has taken what he has learned from his experience in the troop and has applied it to every day life. “It taught me to be more responsible and to help around more in the house. When I was a boy scout I would always volunteer to watch my siblings whenever my parents had to leave the house to work.” Friend Sydney Holt says that his positive personality is reflected in choir. “Chris is the happiest person I’ve ever met. His good vibe will be missed greatly,” Holt said. Bruno has learned a lot from his years of being a leader and community service. “I’ve learned that a person should always be helpful. It doesn’t matter if people are watching; just be helpful whenever you can.”


Favorite Memory “My favorite memory was starting high school and learning the ropes of how it works.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice for freshmen is to stay who you are and don’t change yourself to be accepted.”

Future Plans “I plan to start college and hopefully find a major I’m interested in.”


Favorite Memory “My favorite memory was being with my friends and seeing them everyday.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice for freshmen is don’t fail classes and make as many friends as you can.”

Future Plans “I plan to attend El Camino and work.”




Currie conveys confidence through carefree style by Sophia Ritchie

He gets up in the morning, looks into his closet, and thinks of a way he can separate himself from his peers. “I do not think it is any fun looking like your typical teenager. I would rather look different,” senior Currie Ritchie said. According to Ritchie, he wears styles ranging from a typical surfer beach boy look to a fashionable city look. “My style is very plain and simple,” Ritchie said. Ritchie’s typical outfit is a pair of black Levi jeans, an Undefeated button up, and black vans or Levi dark blue jeans, a sweatshirt with a flannel buttoned over it, and Clark dessert boots. “I hate going out and feeling underdressed. I like to feel that I am appropriately dressed for the day,” he said. Ritchie likes to look “well styled” anywhere he goes, whether it is lounging around or going out to a formal event. “My style is not just one style in particular. I like to be able to dress according to how I feel, whether that’s casual or dressy,” Ritchie said.

Many online stores and blogs like Karmaloop.com, UrbanOutfitters.com, and Obey.com inspire Ritchie’s outfit ideas. “I do not like to completely copy someone else’s outfit, but I do like to use different peoples’ distinct pieces for inspiration,” Ritchie said. Ritchie’s favorite stores include Urban Outfitters, Undefeated, and a variety of thrift stores like Goodwill and the Salvation Army. “I do not like to limit myself to shopping at only few stores. I like to go everywhere,” Ritchie said. According to Ritchie, he likes to impress people with his sense of style. However he does not base what he is going to wear off of whether or not other people will approve of his style. “Other people are inspired by his style and have trouble mocking it. Unlike many other kids, Currie has a distinct style,” senior Wesley Pate said. Ritchie does not mind people taking ideas from his style. When people use his ideas, he takes it as a compliment, but he does mind if they “take it too far”.

“When I see people wearing the same clothes as me it kind of bugs me because I like to be the only one with that special article of clothing even though I know that does not really seem reasonable.” Ritchie said. Ritchie is undecided about whether or not he wants to go into fashion design and start his own clothing line. However, he does know that he will always have a passion for clothing. “I really like how people express themselves through their clothing and I think it is amazing how someone’s style can say a lot about them.” Ritchie said. Ritchie doesn’t care if people think what he wears is weird. “Currie’s style inspires a lot of people to dress however they want and to not about others’ opinions. People should dress for themselves,” Senior Danielle Smith said. According to Ritchie, he simply dresses in what he thinks will best suit his character. “Clothing lets me express myself in a way other things cannot and that is what I love about it,” Ritchie said.


Simple Style. Ritchie sports his typical outfit: a Doger hat, a Herschel backpack, an Undefeated button-up, “501” Levi jeans, and “Chuckka Low” Vans.

Son pursues art for her personal enjoyment by Madison Mitchell


Mache Masterpiece. Son holds her sculpture she created at age seven she calls, “The Golfer”.

Art is an activity that can forever be in a person’s life. Senior Hannah Son started doing art projects as a child and has continued her love of art throughout high school, hoping to continue as she starts her journey at University of California, San Diego. “Ever since we were little, my mom signed us up for art classes. I always admired her artwork because it seemed so perfect and creative,” Son’s brother, Matthew said. “I never understood how art came so easily to her, but she has continued to inspire me to draw as well as her.” Son likes to create art with whatever she

Favorite Memory “Being with all my friends and having food fights.”

Advice for freshmen “Enjoy themselves, but focus on grades because if you screw up, you’ll end up barely graduating like me.”

Future Plans “Making memories with my teamates and playing in so many matches with them.”


has. For instance, she uses dried markers to create different textures in her artwork. Her life experiences often inspire her to make figurines with clay, stamps, paper-mache, or pottery. “I never liked to draw or do fine art,” Son said. “It is too time consuming, and frankly kind of boring to me.” Even though Son does not like to draw, when she does, “it comes out gorgeous”, according to Son’s friend, Angeline Lee. “Hannah is so talented. Even when she is just doodling, they end up amazing,” Lee said. She has has won in many contests, but

she prefers to just draw for leisure despite the fact that she has won some impressive prizes. “I won two MacBook Pros for a contest but there were a lot of guidelines that I did not like,” Son said. “I just don’t like being restricted.” Son wants to pursue a career that involves creativity. Friend Makenna McNair cannot wait to see what she does in the future with her art, hopefully going beyond the typical desk job. “I hope she doesn’t stop drawing. Even if she doesn’t have a career in art, it’ll always be a hobby,” McNair said.

Favorite Memory “When we swept costa volleyball by junior year to gain the bay league title.”

Advice for freshmen “Be your best in school and to truly enjoy your time here at Redondo. Work hard and play hard, it’s highschool!”

Future Plans “My future plans are to attend the University of Great Falls next fall on a full volleyball scholarship.”




Pate is driven by love for basketball by Collin Welch

Some may know senior Wesley Pate for his sense of style in Ray Bans, Polo socks, and a button up, but they might not know him for his passion for basketball. Pate played one year of basketball at RUHS during his freshman year, and has continued to play any chance he can get. “Basketball was the first sport I played and I was instantly in love with it,” Pate said Pate’s close friend, senior Thomas Stevens, characterizes Pate’s passion as an addiction. “[Pate] is a gym rat. Every time I ask him to go to the gym he is ready to go or is already playing pickup games,” Stevens said. Pate just loves being in a “basketball environment”. “When I’m on the court I instantly forget any of the stress I may be feeling and I just get to enjoy basketball,” Pate said. Pate believes his passion for basketball has helped him on and off the court. “I have learned life skills like dedication, determination, and persistency through basketball,” Pate said.


Power shot. Pate warming up his shot before playing a pick-up game with friends.


Manning the front desk. Alarcon works her typical shift after school at 6:30pm as a hostess at Cozymel’s Mexican Grill.

Alarcon is all work and no play by Kayla Maanum

For some seniors, growing up begins when high school ends. However, senior Rachelle Alarcon’s longing for independence has only heightened since she started working last year. Alarcon has worked as a hostess at Cozymel’s Mexican Grill since junior year. Since her employment at the restaurant, Alarcon feels that she has outgrown high school. “After I started working I was really ‘over’ high school. I just really wanted to go to college. When I started working there I completely felt like an adult,” she said. According to Alarcon, part of the adult experience was earning her own income. “I started getting more money and I could kind of take care of myself if I wanted to,” Rachelle said. Though Rachelle’s job helped her become more self-sufficient, her mother Myra Alarcon did not initially agree with Rachelle’s decision to find work. “I didn’t encourage Rachelle to start working because there were articles on how working disturbs the studies,” Mrs. Alarcon said. “However, I did support her on her decision to find work and I am proud of her.” Mrs. Alarcon believes that Rachelle’s work

at the restaurant has been a positive experience. “She was successful in balancing family life, work, school and her social life. She has learned very valuable skills to allow her to become more assertive.This experience has most definitely increased both her independence

“After I started working I was really ‘over’ high school.

-Rachelle Alarcon, 12

Favorite Memory “Fake falling in front of people.”

Advice for freshmen “Freshman should all attend class.”

Future Plans “I just plan on enjoying my summer for now. Then eventually become famous.”


and maturity.” Mrs. Alarcon said. In addition to increasing her maturity, Rachelle’s sister-in-law Christina Alarcon has seen other positive changes in Rachelle’s character. “I’ve seen [Rachelle’s] responses to conflict and her reasoning skills sharpen. She has shown growth in her ability to transition and adapt fast to new environments,” Christina said. Rachelle believes her social skills have improved as well. “At first I was shy and now I’m really open to talking to people because I’m really into the

customer service of the restaurant,” Rachelle said. Among the people that she talks to are the newfound friends she has made through work. Because Rachelle spends her weekends working, she sometimes regrets missing out on some high school experiences. “I don’t have much time to go to parties or anything like that because I work all weekend. Sometimes I do really wish I could just get a day off and go and hang out with my friends,” Rachelle said. “But in the end I think it’s all for the best because I’m already getting introduced to the real world.” One of the benefits entering the “real world” early is learning valuable life lessons. “I think [working helped me] build character and it showed me responsibility,” Rachelle said. Though graduating is “exciting and scary,” Rachelle plans to attend El Camino and then transfer to a university. Her “valuable” work experience has undoubtedly helped her make her decisions for the future. “[Working at a restaurant] showed me more people skills, but made me realize that I don’t want to end up working in this kind of job. I want a career; I don’t want this for my entire life,” Rachelle said.

Favorite Memory “Taking 5th period lunch breaks at Western Bagel and Apfel with friends.”

Advice for freshmen “Leave your issues from middle school at your respective school and enjoy the new opportunity at RUHS.”

Future Plans “I plan to major in Cultural Anthropology at Univ. Colorado Boulder.”




Bongiovanni pursues career in artistic field by Navea Dasz

Picture perfect. Senior Sidney Bongiovanni focuses on combining inner and outer human anatomy for her AP Studio Art portfolio.

Senior Sidney Bongiovanni has always been interested in drawing and using her talent as a form of self-expression. However, because her parents have always emphasized that hard work leads to success, Bongiovanni began to pursue a future with art. “Art is kind of my own thing,” she said. “Whenever I have free time I draw or sketch, for myself.” Bongiovanni has had an interest in art since elementary school, but only started to pursue her talent in high school by taking art classes and AP Studio Art. “I never really took it seriously. It was just for fun,” she said. “I never thought that I would make something of it.” She believes that art is a way for her to express herself and her thoughts. “Art is a way to show people who I am and what I do,” she said.

“It’s easier to draw [my thoughts] out.” During AP Studio Art, Bongiovanni and her friend senior Corinna Garnier give each other constant advice to help improve each others’ artwork. “We have two completely different styles, so we get a completely different view on our art,” Garnier said. “We open each other’s mind.” With her talent for drawing, Bongiovanni hopes to pursue it professionally in the future and plans to attend art school to improve her artistic skills and her knowledge about the subject. “I want to take some art classes in El Camino, and then maybe transfer to an institute,” Bongiovanni said. Bongiovanni draws most of her inspiration from her parents because of everything that they have done for her and her family. According to Bongiovanni,

her mother used to live differently than her. “My childhood was really difficult,” Mrs. Bongiovanni said. “People don’t realize all the things they take for granted.” Knowing that Mrs. Bongiovanni had a tougher childhood than hers makes Bongiovanni appreciate the lifestyle her parents have provided for her. “I’m really lucky to not have to go through what she did. Im grateful that she woked hard to make things are a lot easier for me,” Bongiovanni said. According to Bongiovanni, her parents motivate her to always do her best in whatever she does so she can become successful in life. “My parents did not push me in the [art] direction. I went there myself,” she said. “However, their support has helped me to pursue it even further and I am thankful to have parents that believe in my talent.”

Castaldi looks forward to her future in fashion at Otis College by Taylor Brightwell

Isabella Castaldi is known for her involvement in ASB and cheer but is also a talented artist. Her artistic perspective is visible through her sense of style and her bubbly personality. “Art has always been a big part of my life and it was something that came easily to me so I just stuck with it,” she said. At a young age Castaldi was put into art classes and with her mother’s support, she continued to pursue her artistic talent. “Isabella’s fashion dream will soon come true as she starts a new chapter of her life,” her mother, Ms. Castaldi, said. “Her life has

just begun and I wish her much success in following her dreams.” Growing up, Castaldi was always surrounded by art and design because her mom is a fashion designer. According to Castadali, her mother could not be happier that she is striving to become a fashion desginer just like she is. “Isabella has an artistic approach to life and her talent could take her in any direction,” Ms. Castaldi said. “But I couldn’t be more flattered that she is following in my footsteps.” After two years of AP Studio Art, Castal-

Future plans “Graduate with a degree in Psychology, attain a PhD and work in either clinical or organizational psychology. And if that fails, I’ll open a brothel.”

Advice for freshmen “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

Biggest regret “Worrying about the big things and not taking time to appreciating and enjoying the little things. That, and taking honors Chem.”


di will attend Otis College of Art and Design to study fashion design. According to AP Art teacher Debrah Smith, the two portfolios she created in AP show her overall versatility. “During her two years in AP Studio Art, Isabella has shown she can do just about anything 2-D art wise,” Smith said, “She is just as good at observational realism as she is at conceptual design, and I love her fashion designs especially.” Castaldi’s dream is to create a line that fits everyone’s body. She feels that because there are so many body types and that wom-

en need a line that caters to everyone. “I want to create a collection that anyone can wear and I think its important to not limit clothes to the size 2, tall women,” she said. As Castaldi leaves Redondo for Otis she will leave her artistic mark with a mural that will be along alumni walk and her class will always remember the senior sweatshirt design she created. “Art is a way for me to express myself and relieve stress and I couldn’t be happier that I can finally start my fashion journey,” she said.

Biggest regret “Not trying freshman year. That set the trend for my entire high school career.”

Greatest accomplishment “Freediving, I dove 184 feet during junior year. I felt unbeatable.”

Favorite memory “My first varsity 800 in track season of junior year. I finally felt like I could make a difference for the team.”




Farr shows creativity through art by LeAnn Maanuum

Draw something. Senior Amanda Shields puts the finishing touches on the final concentration piece in her AP Studio Art drawing portfolio.

Shields uses artwork to express personality by Brianna Egan

At first it’s a blank canvas. The hours whizz by and the pencil skips around. Now, it’s a woman applying mascara. Now, dozens of roving eyes spill out from neurons at her head. “My inspiration came from people that present themselves as perfect but cake on makeup and gossip to put others down. Though they have physical beauty, their heart is bitter and nasty,” senior Amanda Shields said. Shields draws in a sort of stream-of-consciousness, building on an element here, extending a line there, creating meaning in her works as she goes. She has created most of her AP Studio Art portfolio on bursts of inspiration. “I’m a high-energy person and I get lost in thoughts constantly so insight will come anywhere from taking a test to at 4 a.m. in the morning,” Shields said. “When I’m inspired I can’t stop thinking about the idea until I communicate it somehow. Even while I’m drawing, more things come to mind that I want to add.” This year she has added depth to her “delightfully deranged” style. For her AP concentration on the human psyche, Shields has put to paper a hidden side of her normally perky personality.

“A lot of [my portfolio] has organs and things ripping and pulling at each other. That reflects sides of me that are full of anxiety or built-up emotions,” Shields said. “Instead of yelling at people it feels better to draw about it so I have a nifty piece of art afterwards and people don’t unrightfully get hurt.” Despite the darkness of her subject, Shields likes to bring an element of fun or

“I don’t

care what others have to say about me or my art because in the end it’s personal. -Amanda Shields, 12

silliness to her work by including jokes, puns, and references into a piece. Shields also enjoys writing poetry and silkscreen printing her own t-shirts, a technique she applied this year in a SROC course. “I learned how to make and use the

Advice for freshmen “Listen to advise the upperclassmen have to give because they have been through it all and know what teachers are the best.”

Favorite memory “Winning a video contest for a long boarding and getting a sponsorship for it.”

Future plans “Joining the air force, getting my graphics degree, opening a skate and board shop, and starting a graphics company.”


screens for screen printing and how the overall process of t-shirts are made. I’ve been able to render my art so it will be tshirt ready,” she said. She will attend the San Francisco Art Institute, amd hopes to later work in game or graphic design, or to enter the marketing or t-shirt businesses. “Art and writing always came naturally to me,” Shields said. “I just keep on getting better the more hours I put into developing those skills, but the creativity that sparks these projects has always been with me.” Shields uses her creativity in her artwork and isn’t afraid to show that off. “I’m very open with sharing my art--it’s part of who I am and I’ve got nothing really to hide,” she said. “I love hearing other people’s interpretations because it reinforces the idea that life isn’t just black and white.” In the end however, Shields doesn’t take other people’s interpretations as a form of criticism. “I don’t care what others have to say about me or my art because in the end it’s personal,” Shields said. “I express myself by showing different aspects of me in the clothes I buy and the art I create. I am not striving to be different or stand out but I definitely stand for being myself.”

Many artists incorporate other artists’ style in their art. However, senior Alex Farr tries to create his own style and get inspiration from his personal interests. “I try not to look at too many artists or people to influence me because I end up stealing their style,” he said. Farr’s friend, senior Sam Hattab, believes Farr’s artwork showcases people who have personally influenced him. “It seems like he is interested in drawing famous people or artists that have left an impact on him,” Hattab said. Farr is taking both sculpture and AP Studio Art this year, and enjoys being able to express his thoughts and ideas in each class. “We get assigned specific assignments in the beginning of AP Art, but I don’t like it because it’s someone else’s ideas,” Farr said. “I like how there’s a point when we can create whatever we want to.” Farr’s family and friends support his passion for art. Senior Eli McArthur believes art has been beneficial to Farr and that it has made him more creative. “It has definitely affected him in a positive way,” McArthur said. “I feel like art gave him more to do and it’s for sure something he is good at.”

Hand of time. In his artwork, senior Alex Farr expresses human desire to control time.

Future plans “Attend the University of Colorado at Boulder and major in English and Creative Writing.”

Advice for freshmen “Enjoy everything Redondo has to offer and be thankful for how beautiful and advanced our campus is.”

Biggest regret “Getting involved in extra curricular activities a little later than I would have liked to.”




Davis balances martial arts and dance by Taylor Brightwell

She adjusts her pigtails, takes a deep breath, and gets ready to fight her opponent. Many know Leilani Davis as team captain of the salsa team, but when she’s not dancing, you may find her studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. “I do jiu jitsu because it’s a great stress reliever and I fell in love with it,” Davis said. At the age of four Davis began karate classes to learn self defense, but after a few years she began to box and do mixed martial arts. “We are so very proud of our daughter as she has accomplished so much with her talents. Leilani has always persevered in martial arts and dance,” mother Linda Davis said. Her parents have participated in some of the martial arts classes with her as well as attended every practice and competition. “The guidance we have given her and the support and love from our family has helped her become who she is today. There is nothing we would have done differently to raise our daughter; Leilani is ready to conquer the world!” Linda said. According to Davis jiu jitsu has given her

a sense of security because she knows that if she ever needed to defend herself she would be able to. “My parents are really supportive of my training because they like that I can protect myself,” she said, “I think it’s important for people to learn how to defend themselves and jiu jitsu is a way to learn self defense in a controlled environment.” Although Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a male dominated sport, Davis feels comfortable training and fighting with men.

“In a positive way jiu jitsu has helped me focus a lot; I have found that I can handle things in a better way when I have an outlet like this to relieve my stress,” Davis said. Apart from jiu jitsu, dance is Davis’ other passion and without it she feels like she wouldn’t have the same temperament. “For six years this sport has helped me become a much less stressed person and I think that if I didn’t have that in my life I probably wouldn’t be as easy going,” she

“ It’s definitely different being one of the girls at competitions, but fighting men doesn’t intimidate me. -Leilani Davis, 12

“It’s definitely different being one of the only girls at competitions but fighting men doesn’t intimidate me,” she said, “When my hair is in pig tails they don’t take me seriously, but when I beat them it’s gratifying.” In addition to self-defense, jiu jitsu helped Davis develop a disciplined mind set that motivated her throughout high school.

Biggest Regret “My biggest regret was not participating in the senior homecoming float.”

Favorite Memory “My favorite memory is every moment not spent doing homework, tests, and essays was was memorable.”

Greatest Accomplishment “My greatest accopmlishment was officially adding a new dance environment to the school.”

VICTOR YUEN Advice for freshmen “My advice for freshmen is to not slack off, every year really matters.”

Greatest Accomplishment “My greatest accomplishment was graduating and not going crazy.”

Favorite Memory “My favorite memory was getting to meet such amazing people I’ll keep in touch with.”






Fight to the finish. 1. Starting at a young age, Davis has continued to practice jiu jitsu for over 14 years. 2. Davis balances her dancing with her martial arts in order to remain relaxed and easy going.

Greatest Accomplishment “My greatest accomplishment in high school is finding myself and gaining my family’s trust.”

Biggest Regret “My biggest regret is not doing all the things that I really wanted to do and letting my friends influence what I did.”

Future Plans “My future plan is to go to college and study to be a dance therapist and own my own business.”

KELLY RODRIGUEZ Favorite Memory “My most memorable moment is junior year going to Knotts Berry Farm with my AVID family.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice is to stay true to yourself and dont sweat the small stuff!”

Future Plans “My future plans are going to CSU Channel Islands and pursuing a career in nursing.”


25 SENIOR EDITION // JUNE 8, 2012 25

Almarez leads through dance by Vivian Lam

When Senior Alex Almaraz is stressed, he dances to feel “mentally, physically, and spiritually” better and has been doing so for four years. “I feel like I am home,” he said. “This is my time to lay [out] anything I feel, whether it’s being mad, sad, happy. I express that through my dance.” Besides personal expression, Almaraz’s other reason for dancing is to impact another person’s life. “I dance because I want to make changes in peoples’ lives,” he said. “When I am up there on that stage, I always try to inspire one person in the crowd.” He is proud and happy of himself when he accomplishes a new dance routine. His belief in hard work and determination has led him to his success. “If you keep trying something, you will soon be successful in it, but you have to work for it,” Almaraz said. “Practicing your moves as if it was a test coming up.” Almaraz’s “strong work ethic” as head of Salsa and Hip Hop club inspires his AVID teacher Dawn Hunter. “It is tremendously inspiring to watch him choreograph and teach the dance routines that he creates for the Hip Hop Club,” she said. “His professionalism and attention to detail are remarkable, as he repeatedly demonstrates dance moves and coaches.” Hunter feels that the Almaraz that she knows now is “remarkably” different from when he was a freshman. “A young boy who used to blame others at times transformed into a young man who [walks] with pride and confidence,” Hunter said. In addition, Hunter believes that “failure is never an option” for Almaraz. “He works extremely hard to achieve


Survival of the fittest. Otto (left) and Abraham (right) Medellin’s brush with death caused them to reexamine their lives and to give thanks for the people in it.

Medellin twins beat the odds by Cooper Lovano


Dancing to the music. 1. Alex Almaraz focused his life after joining Salsa and Hip Hop club. Almaraz hopes to inspire others with dance as well.

the goals that he sets for himself, whether they are academic, personal, or dance related,” she said. Almaraz desires to use his talent for dancing in his future and to inspire others. “I will use dance as a tool to help people within my community to make dance something that will benefit them in their life,” he said. “Dance is my life. I will be teaching it as I get older.”

Biggest Regret “My biggest regret not planning for college earlier in my high school years.”

Greatest Accomplishment “My greatest accomplishment is graduating from high school.”

Favorite Memory “My favorite memory at Redondo was my first salsa performance.”

Walking through campus, dancing on stage, or in class, it can be very easy to confuse their identities at first glance, but identical twins Otto and Abraham Medellin were not supposed to be alive. Born nine weeks premature, Otto and Abraham shocked the doctors by surviving despite a bleak prediction from the doctor. “At four months the doctor told me he had good and bad news: the good news was that I was going to be having twins, the bad news was that they probably won’t survive,” said mother Patricia Medellin. With this frightening news from the doctor, Patricia was scared yet hopeful for her son’s survival despite compliations with Abraham’s health. “The doctors suspected Abraham to have a heart condition that needed surgery, but after they were born they only had to stay in the hospital for twenty days,” Patricia said. The lack of extensive medical procedures needed further shocked their parents and doctors. Despite their amazing recovery,

the twins still suffer from some physical setbacks, like asthma, they have to cope with. “A couple of years ago I started thinking about if I had a purpose in life and I wondered why I survived, and I knew God put me here for a purpose,” Abraham said. While Abraham restored his faith in God through their unlikely survival, Otto has developed a new mindset that he applies to his daily life. “I’ve learned to appreciate life more and that I shouldn’t get caught up in small things that don’t really matter,” Otto said. While the boys’ mother has a similarly affected mindset in her appreciation of their lives, she feels that it is different because she has also become more protective over her sons. Avoiding death has played an additional role in the Medellin’s life, as about three months ago they got into a car accident that prompted them to further examine their purpose in life and be thankful for the lives they have. “I’ve learned to appreciate the fact that we survived,” Abraham said. “I’m grateful to be alive.”

Biggest Regret “My biggest regret is not getting more involved with clubs or going to more sportings events.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice is to be involved and make the best of the four years, because it goes really fast.

Favorite Memory “My favorite memory was Senior Excursion because I made friends and had a lot of fun.”




Surfing inspires Nathan to pursue career in engineering by Brandon Folkman

It’s a beautiful, sunny day. He grabs his surfboard and heads to the beach. He arrives and wastes no time paddling out to his favorite break and joins the lineup. A smile emerges on his face as he sits on his board and takes in the beauty of his aquatic surroundings. This is the place that he loves. For senior Devin Nathan, surfing is not only is a hobby, but has also helped him discover both a love for the ocean, and his future career path of becoming a marine engineer in the Navy or on private vessels. According to Nathan, surfing has always been a big part of his life. Surfing since the age of eight, Nathan spent a majority of his summers at the beach with his family. “Every summer my family would go down to the beach almost every day, and so my dad got me into surfing as soon as I was old enough,” Nathan said. After a few lessons from his dad, he fell in love with the sport. According to Nathan, it stands out from any other sport. “I always have fun when I go surfing,” Nathan said. “Surfing is so different from any other sport because you can’t replicate

it. Every wave is different.” According to Nathan, his love for surfing over time developed into a strong love for the ocean. Nathan began to care more for the ocean and began to think of it as his second home. “Surfing definitely developed my love for the ocean,” Nathan said. “Because of [surfing], I worry more about the ocean since any pollution affects where I surf.” Nathan’s long time friend senior Cameron Karbassioun agrees that Nathan’s family life and love for surfing has embellished his love for the ocean. “I think Devin is centering his life around the ocean because he loves it, and surfing is a passion of his,” Karbassioun said. “As long as I have known him he has always been active at the beach and goes to the Colorado River with his family.” Between surfing on his own time and working at Perfect Day Surf Camp on Knob Hill, Nathan has spend almost every moment of his past four summers at the beach. “I can’t stay away from the beach,” Nathan said. “I work at the beach, play at the beach, and pretty much live at the beach.” Friend and fellow surfer senior Conor

Beatty agrees that Nathan’s love for the water is what keeps him at the beach almost every moment of every summer. “Devin Nathan is the single most amazing person at Redondo High School,” Beatty said. “Devin is more than just a surfer. He embodies the traits of a true waterman with his gung-ho approach to big waves, uber steezy style, and positive attitude.” As Nathan grew older , this love for the beach the ocean caused Nathan to pursue a future career on the water. By the end of his junior year, Nathan had decided that he wanted to study Marine Engineering in college. “I really enjoy math and science, so I knew from freshman year that I wanted to be some sort of engineer,” Nathan said. “Also I decided that I wanted to do something with the ocean. I love the ocean so why not have a job on it.” Once Nathan had decided that Maritime engineering was the job for him, he began to talk to navy servicemen and people in the maritime industry to see what the best college for him to attend is. Nathan decided to apply to the US Naval Academy; however, he did not get in.

“I applied to the Naval Academy, but unfortunately did not get an appointment for the class of 2016,” Nathan said. “I am still going to apply to the class of 2017 because getting into the naval academy is my ultimate goal.” In the mean time, Nathan plans to attend California Maritime Academy (CMA) in northern California next fall to study marine engineering and learn to be an engineer on a ship. However, he will reapply to the Naval Academy one more time next year. “If I don’t get into the Naval Academy next year I will remain at CMA for four years and after get a job as an engineer on a ship for a private company,” Nathan said. Nathan looks forward to studying Marine Engineering, and no matter where he ends up spending his four years of college, is excited to be studying and learning about the thing he loves most. “Being out to sea has always been my dream. I love the ocean, and I love everything that has to do with it,” Nathan said. “It really wasn’t difficult for me to choose schools because I get to graduate from a place where I am doing something that I love.”

Friends, Laughs, and Laffy Taffy Wong entertains his friends and shows his generousity by giving them candy. by Ilana LaGraff



Soul surfing. 1. Surfing is a big part of senior Devin Nathan life. He spends a lot of his time, especially during the summer, at the beach. 2. Surfing helped Nathan decide he wanted to become a marine engineer.

As senior Mitchell Wong stands in the hallway, people passing by call out to him smiling and waving. Wong’s funny personality draws people to him and makes him fun to be around. “I like being funny and making people laugh,” Wong said. “It’s entertaining for me as well.” He continuously finds ways to brighten people’s days, even if it’s just with a small joke. “I give candy away to friends--Laffy Taffy--and they all have these really cheesy jokes on them, so it’s fun,” he said. Senior Megan Guerra believes that Wong doesn’t have to try; he is just naturally funny. “He’s hilarious because he’s himself. He doesn’t hold anything back,” Guerra said. “I met him freshman year, and I don’t think he’s changed at all. He’s always clowning around.” Although Wong views himself as a “jokester”, he is “not a class clown.” “I’m not that bad in class; I can be serious

Favorite Memory

Favorite Memory

“When our golf team won bay league senior year.”

“Being the first girl pole vaulter to make it to CIF in Redondo history.”

Biggest Regret

Biggest Regret “Not getting involved enough in school activities.”

“Not taking academics as seriously as I should have.”

Advice for freshmen

Future Plans “Going to UC Riverside, finishing college and becoming rich through gold.”


when I need to be--I am versatile,” Wong said. “It’s more outside of class when I joke around...except for when I have a class with Benni.” Senior Benni McLaughlin considers Wong “one of his best friends.” According to McLaughlin, they always have a good time because Wong is such a nice person. “If he knows you and he likes you, he’ll do anything for you--he’d walk through fire for you. He’s just a really generous person. He always makes your day with his Laffy Taffy’s and other things,” said McLaughlin. McLaughlin attributes Wong’s “bright personality” to his ability to be himself. “Every one’s a little weird, but I guess he is a little weirder than normal. But that’s what makes him such a cool person; he’s unique,” McLaughlin said. Wong likes to have fun, and according to him, he finds that the best way to do that is to be his usual comedic and strange self. “I’m fun and weird. I’m a people person,” Wong said. “I like being around people and having a good time. Other than that, I’m pretty boring.”


“Take advantage of every oppurtunity you can. High school is over before you know it, so you don’t want to leave with any regrets.”




Barry plays volleyball by Dan Furmansky




Dedicated runner. 1.Villegas devotes a lot of her time to running. 2. Villegas is a team player and likes to build team moral.

Villegas has unique personality

by Joy Ohiomoba

She’s an athlete and has earned numerous awards for her success in running. However, she does not like the limelight: she prefers to excel behind the scenes. Described by her friends as enthusiastic, determined and hilarious, senior Anique Villegas finds strength from her traditional Mexican upbringing not just to excel as an athlete, but also to inspire her team. “My dad was raised in Mexico so the culture is still fresh in our traditions. I learned to be dedicated and hardworking from my Mexican family specifically,” she said. “He is my greatest inspiration when it comes to dedication and working hard because, like many immigrants, he had to struggle a lot.” Head cross country and track coach Julie Ferron also believes that Villegas’s family serves as her support system and source of strength. “Anique goes down to Mexico every summer,” Ferron said. “[Her family is] very supportive of her and come to cheer her on at every meet. They have allowed her to have running as one of her priorities.”

Villegas is the oldest of five siblings and has learned to balance her home life and still make time for her athletic and academic career. “It’s really hard to balance everything a lot of the time. Sometimes, my mom has to remind me to be part of the family. Her wake up calls make really sad because I realize I’m missing out on a lot of things,” she said. “I am just so dedicated to running that my priorities get messed up. Luckily I have my mom to help me balance.” Head cross-country coach, Bob Leetch, also remarks on Villegas’ dedication as an athlete and a scholar. “She is immensely talented,” Leetch said. “She’s a wonderful person to deal with and a pleasure to coach. She’s extremely talented physically and has a bright future.” However, friends and coaches say that Villegas’s strengths lie in her compassion and kind-heartedness. “She brings a warmth and tenderness to the group. The varsity group can be very critical to themselves but she’s a calming force. She’s very positive and always steps in to remind the girls they are doing great,” Leetch said.

Junior and Villegas’s best friend Kayla Ferron mentions how much Villegas’s compassionate shines through. “Anique is hilarious,” Ferron said. “She always knows what to say to cheer me up. She always asks me how I’m feeling and always put her friends’ interests above hers.” Freshmen Amber Gore believes that Villegas’s warmth allows her to be an effective leader to a lot of the underclassmen. “She definitely has a good heart. She’s really fun to be around. She always stays positive and has a great spirit. She’s always available when a freshman needs help and just has an overall great presence,” Gore said. Kayla Ferron believes that while she looks forward to summer and a new school year, it is very bittersweet to not have Villegas with her during her senior year. “She is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and most amazing people I know. I have absolutely no doubt that she will go very far with running and will excel at El Camino and at whatever four year school she transfers to,” Ferron said. “ I honestly don’t think I could have gotten through track and cross country this year without her.”

Biggest Accomplishment “Being named captain of both the football and lacrosse teams.”

Advice for freshmen “Work hard but try to enjoy yourself along the way. “

Future Plans “I plan on attending the university of Michigan and eventually becoming a lawyer. “


Senior Allyson Barry has her regrets, as far as her high school career goes, but when it comes to the future she is not letting anything stop her. “If I could go back to freshman year, I would have put in much more effort during my time at Redondo, but I am happy I’m going somewhere where I can continue to play volleyball,” she said. Barry’s roots stretch deep with volleyball, a sport she has been playing since the 4th grade. “Volleyball has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I really wasn’t ready to give that up yet,” she said. Barry’s advice to others is to work as hard as you possibly can in school, “pulling all- nighters if you have to,” in order to achieve your full potential. “People don’t realize sometimes that all your hard work will be worth it in four years when you go off to the college you’ve always wanted to go to,” she said. The greatest memory Barry has of high school is when she participated in her team’s victory against

Mira Costa at a home game this season. “We were down two sets in a game of best three out of five, and all [Mira Costa] had to do to beat us was win one more set,” Barry said. According to Barry, when a team is down two sets they rarely win the match; however, her team beat the odds. She will always remember it as the unbelievable end to her high school volleyball career. “That whole match no one ever really thought we were going to lose. I never considered the fact that we really should have lost,” she said. Barry had previously never considered college because it was so far off, and she knew it would come around eventually. “[College] was always off in the distant future, and now it’s finally here, there really is no turning back,” Barry said. “Setting a date and buying a plane ticket made it all feel so real.” With her future put into perspective, Barry plans on attending the University of Montana where she says she will continue to play the sport she has grown so passionate about.


Team player. [right] Senior Allyson Barry celebrates victory with her team in the game against Mira Costa. Barry plans to continue playing volleyball at the University of Montana in the fall.

Favorite Memory “When my sailing team qualified for a race in Auckland, New Zealand my sophomore year. It was really cool to compete in a different country.”

Advice for Freshmen “Make the most of your high school experience....Go to all the events and make as many friends as possible because it ends a lot quicker than you think.”

Future Plans “I plan to go to college of Charleston in South Carolina and sail for their team and study international relations.”




Middo to continue playing soccer in college by Maddy Perrault

Soccer isn’t just a sport for Erinn Middo. It is her past, her present, and her future. “I couldn’t imagine my life without soccer,” she said. Middo is the youngest member of AJAX, a semi-professional team and credits her experience with her team for making her the player she is today. “They are smarter on the field and it requires me to pick my next move quicker than usual,” she said. “It allows me grow as a player and it is preparing me to play college soccer.” This growth is apparent to teammates on her school and club teams. “I loved training with Erinn because not only is she my best friend, but watching how hard she worked at every practice was also really inspiring and make me step up my own game,” senior Alyssa Galvan said. Playing for the varsity soccer team is a memory that Middo will forever cherish. “I will never forget my four years on varsity. Our team was practically a fam-

ily. No matter how the game went we always supported each other. I hope I get this same kind of connection and experience next year,” she said. Next year, Middo will play soccer for the Pepperdine Waves in Malibu, California, an honor that will require even more commitment to her favorite sport. “I am going to work harder than I ever have before,” she said. “I will be in the best shape of my life.” While she is looking forward to next year Middo can’t help but miss Redondo. “Closing out my high school career is bittersweet. I’ll miss the great friends I’ve made both on and off the field but I can’t wait to meet new people at Pepperdine,” she said. “Plus I scored my first goal in eight years so I will never forget that.” Without her years on the field, Middo would not be who she is today. “Soccer taught me valuable leadership and comradery skills that I look forward to implement in my studies and my future career as an international businesswoman.”


Just for kicks. Senior Erinn Middo takes a goal kick while playing for AJAX.

Conner motivated to pursue career in mathematics by Andrew Czuzak

Jesse Conner could easily pass for just another typical high school jock. Tall, athletic, and outgoing, he walks on the volleyball court with the confidence of a veteran. What sets Conner apart from other athletes is his dedication and appreciation for math. “Over the years, I have continued to excel in math. In fact, I do not really mind doing math homework, because the selfgratification of being able to solve problems that others cannot is what keeps me going,” Conner said. Debbie Johnson, Conner girlfriend, agrees that his self-motivation and drive to

succeed is what has led him to his love for math. “Ever since I met Jesse he has always liked to solve problems; big or small he likes working through them. He will work for hours on one problem until he finally gets it,” Johnson said. Conner’s interest in math began in Algebra in 8th grade due to it multitude of ways to find the answer. “Algebra is such a great subject because everyone can find the answer in the way they are comfortable with. There is not a lot of memorization or formulas involved like in calculus,” Conner said. Although Conner has had difficulty in AP Calculus AB this year, he is determined

Biggest regret “My biggest regret is not participating in more school events.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice to freshmen is to enjoy everyday, because high school goes fast.”

Future plans “I plan on attending Marymount College and majoring in business.”


to push on and major in Actuarial Science, a form of math used in insurance and finances. “I really struggled this year, but [Mr. Baumgartner] was really helpful and helped me not feel discouraged or lose my motivation to study math,” Connor said. According to Connor, most of his struggles did not stem from a lack of comprehension of the problems, but rather a simple lack of time. “I feel that if I had just found a way to designate more time towards checking over problems that I struggled with and memorizing formulas, then I would have been more successful,” Conner said. Despite his struggles, Conner is still

able to use his skill in mathematics to help other students. “I am horrible at math, but since I have met Jesse he has worked so hard at teaching me and working with me until I understand. Jesse is a great tutor and my math grades have definitely improved,” Johnson said. Johnson continues to support Conner’ study of mathematics and believes he will find success no matter what type of math he studies. “I think it would be a waste of his abilities if he did not go into the math field. Jesse is extremely talented at problem solving and has a lot to offer the math world,” Johnson said.

Biggest regret “I should have taken school seriously from the beginning and not have waited until my last year to be concerned about my grades.”

Advice for freshmen “Have fun while you’re still a kid but know that school comes first, because in the end, you just have yourself.”

Future plans “I’m going to El Camino and then transferring to a 4-year university and majoring in graphic design.”




Frew prepares for first move without his family by Jason Rochlin


Computer geek. Senior Lucas Brown’s interest in and skill with computers has led him to pursue computer engineering. He hopes to eventually become a systems administrator.

Brown plans to study computer engineering by Savannah Stern

Four long, hardworking years and now they’re coming to a close. For Senior Lucas Brown, the wait to get out of California is just one more year as he finishes his general education classes. Brown has been working hard to get his general education out of the way so he can make his way to the University of Tennessee. He has been concurrently enrolled in Calculus classes at National University and has almost completed a full year of his general education requirements while still holding a job and taking six classes at Redondo. “I’m doing the full package, work and school, and I’m focused on leaving [California] as fast as I can so I can go to Tennessee,” he said. Brown’s long term goal is to become a systems administrator, a person employed to maintain and operate a computer system or network,

and plans to major in computer engineering at the University of Tennessee. “I want to be that guy who’s in charge of the guys that fix computer networks,” he said. “I’ve always been into computers and I’m really good with them.” Brown’s interest in computers started when he was young, wondering how his play station worked. His mother, Antonia Brown, supports him in his decision and feels that computer engineering is the right career for him. “He was always interested in computers growing up and wanted to make a career out of it,” she said. “I always told him I would support him in what he did and I’m just so proud of him.” Brown hopes to be in Tennessee soon cheering for his team and working towards his goal to become a systems administrator. “I can’t wait to be in Tennessee, repping my Tennessee Titans. It’s my favorite state and I’ll get to do what I love where I love to be,” he said.

Biggest regret “My biggest regret was not getting involved in any clubs or school activities. There are a lot that seem like fun but I never took the time to go to them.”

Advice for freshmen “Take the time to look through and apply for as many scholarships as you can; they are worth the time and effort.”

Future plans “I will be doing the honors transfer program at El Camino and then [transferring] to UCLA to major in computer science engineering.”


The end of high school is a great time for seniors to have more responsibility and live life the way they really want to. However, it is also a troublesome experience and the first time many will be fending for themselves in the unknown setting of the college of their choosing. For senior Brian Frew, the transitional “moving and adapting” period will be nothing more than another experience he has had throughout his life. While he is getting ready to go to Kansas University, his family is once again planning their next military move to Virginia. “It will be a little different since I’ve always been with my family whenever I’ve moved. It is really the one thing that never changes,” said Brian. With his dad a 21-year veteran of the Air Force, Brian has lived in seven different states, including Washington D.C., Kansas, and New Mexico. “Washington D.C. has to have been my favorite place to live because there was so much to do there and it was a lot of fun,” said Brian. According to Brian’s mom, Missy Frew, Brian has always adapted well to the many moves. “Brian always seemed to embrace our moves. He never liked leaving friends but always looked toward the new adventures in a new place,” said Missy. While Brian’s family prepares once again to move to Virginia, Brian is subsequently preparing himself to go to Kansas University, where his parents are alumni and his family still lives. “He will be able to spend time with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, who will be fairly close. He has always been a Jayhawk, even coming home from the hospital,” said Missy. Brian feels that leaving his immediate family behind will definitely be the hardest part. “My two brothers and I are pretty close, espe-

cially since whenever you move, you don’t know anybody. They’re really the only friends I have in a new place,” said Brian. Brian’s brother, freshman Kevin Frew knows his life at home will be harder without Brian around. “Having Brian going to college next year is definitely going to be different because he has always been in my life. I’m going to miss him while he’s at Kansas,” said Kevin. To Kevin, Brian’s leaving will definitely be a give and take experience. “Brian not being there next year is going to put more responsibility on me, because I will be the oldest child in the house,” said Kevin, “However, at school it will be better, as I won’t be ‘Brian’s little brother’ like I am now.” It is difficult for Brian to have to say goodbye to both his California friends and his family. “It’s hard to leave your friends behind, especially in high school, since I’ve made really good friends, and I do want to keep contact afterwards,” said Brian. Missy tries to give the boys advice that will help them cope with the consistent change in their lives. “We have always told Brian and his brothers to look for the positives, make the most of it, and think about how lucky they are with all they have seen, the people they have met, and the experiences they have had, that kids who have lived in one place never had the chance to do,” said Missy. Even with this hard time ahead of him, Brian looks toward the future in front of him with his head held high. “The one thing I’ve learned from moving around so much is that you have to be outgoing,” said Brian, “If you move around and don’t talk to a lot of people, it will be hard to make friends. It really helps me appreciate what I have, and be thankful that I’m a likeable person.”

Favorite memory “My favorite memory was Prom.”

Advice for freshmen “My advice for freshmen is to join a sport.”

Future plans “I’m looking forward to having a great summer and finishing off a great year of high school.”



FEATURES // JUNE 8, 2012


These are the seniors who deserve recognition but have already been written about in the High Tide or The Pilot.


“My favorite thing about high

“My favorite thing about high

school was meeting new people and overtaking new obstacles.

school wasn’t a thing, but a group of people. All the amazing friends I made through the past 4 years is by far my fondest memory and one I will surely never forget.“

Connor Beatty

Nelson Adams “My favorite moment about

“My absolute favorite things

high school was beating Costa in football our senior year since we hadn’t defeated them for 5 years so it was really a big deal for seniors to go out with a bang.”

about high school were growing close with the lacrosse team and getting to see my friends every day.“

Jaden Braunwarth

Hunter Bradshaw “My favorite thing about high

“My favorite part of high school

school is just the whole experience you get and watching everyone grow up.”

was helping out at the Redondo Beach 10K. It gave me a feeeling of euphoria.”

Rachel Bush

Theodore Nguyen “My high school experience was

a slow progression from a kid who didn’t know anybody and looked like he was 12 to a slightly older looking kid who knows about half his graduating class. But Redondo feels like home now and I’m going to miss it a lot.”

“My favorite memory would be

senior excursion because all of the seniors came together and really hung out and bonded together for our last year.“

Eric Brown

Matthew Esparza

FEATURES // JUNE 8, 2012


These are the seniors who deserve recognition but have already been written about in the High Tide or The Pilot.


“My favorite memory was in our

“ My favorite memory would be

last CIF game. We had injury time and we were down 1-0 with two minutes left and I scored to tie it up and go into overtime.”

the span of three days at senior excursion and prom because I spent all the time with my friends and we all hung out.”

Samantha Witteman

Haley Miller “My favorite part of high school

“My favorite part of high school

was meeting my current friends that I will have close relationships with for the rest of my life. But I will miss my underclass friends such as Tatiana Celentano.”

was probably senior excursion because I got to be around all of my friends and dance around and have a good time. And I really liked joining the wresting team.”

Brandon Kim

Ryan Monreal “My favorite part of high school

“My favorite part of high school

was the life long memories and connections I made with the people I care about.

was meeting all of my great friends and being on the lacrosse team. ”

Ryan Spiwak

Declan Andrew


Tyler Clinton “I’d have to say meeting people

“My favorite senior moment was

that you will always remember and finding that one small group of friends that you will most likely have for the rest of your life.”

when we beat Costa for team senior night becasue we came back from behind and our whole audience was very excited. ”

Tiffany Morales





by Shivanni Gandi

Faith is intangible and invisible. For senior Brianna Egan, faith has played a significant role in her life over the past four years. Despite the stress of applying to colleges, receiving acceptances and rejections, and making final decisions, she felt relaxed because she believed God had a plan for her. She was accepted to UC Berkeley with regents, UCLA, UC Davis, UCSD, USC, Pomona College, and Washington University in St. Louis. “I chose UCSD out of all the colleges because I was most excited when I got my acceptance letter from SD. I felt like God was leading me there and I really feel like this is something that’s meant to happen,” she said. Egan plans on joining the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in order to be able to serve the community while still making connections. “It’s important to be a part of a lot of organizations because there are so many different things that you can be involved in, and it’s a very rewarding experience to build relationships with different kinds of people,”

Senior Brianna Egan lives the word of the Lord through every event she experiences and every new skill she aquires. she said. “Don’t be afraid to talk to someone.” As co-president of Fellowship of Christian Athletes at RUHS, Egan strengthened her faith and befriended underclassmen she would not normally interact with. She changed from shy and timid to conversational. “[FCA] is a safe place where we share things that we’ve learned throughout the week. I like to be a part of their lives and encourage them and see them grow,” she said. Besides participating in clubs at school, she also goes to church every Sunday, often playing piano after the service. “Music is one of my hobbies. It’s really relaxing,” she said. “As soon as I sit on that piano bench, it’s just me and the keys.” Love for music led Egan and best friend, senior Charlotte Kim to make two instruments entirely from scratch for the Science Olympiad this year. “I made a ukelele out of wood, clay, chopsticks, strings, and other materials, and Charlotte made a wooden xylophone,” Egan said. “It was something that we chose to do, to try it out and see what the experience would be like.” Although they did not have experience making instru-

ments, Kim believes that Egan’s dedication and perseverance made them successful. According to Kim, Egan keeps a positive attitude no matter what happens. “She loves life and wants to try out new things for fun instead of for competition,” Kim said. “She’s not ashamed of looking like a beginner.” In fact, Egan dedicated herself to revamping the High Tide’s website her junior and senior years, teaching herself how to design web pages and working to recruit an online staff. “It’s been a learning experience,” she said. “I still really want to see it grow, so it isn’t something I’m just going to let die after I graduate. I’m really making sure that the things I teach [the online staff] are things they can use and pass on.” She believes all of these skills-- designing a website, creating instruments, and more-- will be useful one day and she lets herself enjoy the present and not stress too much about what will happen in the future. “I’ve learned a lot about trusting God [throughout high school],” Egan said. “We can waste so much time worrying about what will happen tomorrow, but I know that once I surrender everything to Him and ask him to put me in the right place to help people everything will work out. I’ve really learned that I have to focus on giving way to God. Even when things are going wrong, I know that it’s all going to be okay.”

Best Friends Forever. “She is one of the most caring people I have ever met. She thinks a lot about how she can be the best friend she can be. -Charlotte Kim “Charlotte has been a constant source of support and someone who I turn to with any concerns. ” -Briana Egan


[story continued from p. 1]

anything else, she believes she has a special relationship with dance. “There’s an emotional connection I have with dance,” Kim said. “It would really inspire me watching other people dance, such as Mary, or my cousin, and seeing them have so much energy and freedom.” Kim’s friend senior Mary Lopez encouraged Kim to join hip hop club. According to Lopez, she began dancing when a friend of hers encouraged her to join the club, just like Kim. “My friend was telling me how she dances and stuff, and

I was practically in the same boat as Charlotte—I don’t have much time and my parents didn’t let me [dance] because they thought it was going to interfere with my grades, but my friend kept forcing me and forcing me,” Lopez said. According to Kim, hip hop club has helped her become more confident and secure. “Dancers tend to be really understanding of beginners,” she said. “Even though about everybody in the club is really good, what the teachers always emphasize is that nobody’s perfect. It makes me feel more confident in my mistakes and keeps me grounded at the same time.” Kim believes she has learned some valuable lessons through


dancing. “Seeing all these people who have already been [dancing] for at least a couple years, sometimes it’s just really embarrassing…but you just have to suck it up and learn from your mistakes and just have fun and not be scared of what everyone thinks,” Kim said. “It’s all about just being confidant.”

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