8 minute read
Betty Moon
Betty Moon and the World of Cosmicoma
Interview by Ken Morton
Southern California based producer and songwriter Betty Moon has released her latest album Cosmicoma and it’s a thoroughly intriguing work of sonic artistry well worth seeking out. Cosmicoma is BettyMoon’s 10th studio endeavor and is the follow-up to her much buzzed and highly praised 2020 release ‘Little Miss Hollywood’. Once signed to A&M Records for her very first release, Betty Moon would declare a state of musical independence, founding Evolver Music in the process.
Highwire Daze recently caught up with Betty Moon to discuss the sonic world of Cosmicoma, life within the dreamscapes of Hollywood, her days at A&M Records, and more!
Is there any overall story or concept behind the album title Cosmicoma?
I think as a world we’re in a bit of a “Cosmicoma”, that area between reality and fiction where we are not certain where things are going. There’s a lot of weird things happening in the world, but also at the same time we are inspired to make positive changes and be creative in new and exciting ways. I don’t like to dive too deep into meanings behind songs or albums though, as I like to let the listener take the song and lyrics, making it their own.
Who is the guest vocalist on Are You Ready For Me and how did that come about? And give me a little background on that song.
Rapper/singer Relevant. We connected to work on a song for Cosmicoma and “Are You Ready For Me” worked out perfectly. We actually collaborated virtually and after figuring out the right song, he tracked his vocals with one of my engineers at my home studio. I wanted to get that male voice to hype up the track a bit and raise the energy/vibe.
Select two other songs from Cosmicoma and what inspired the lyrics.
Both “My Only One” and “Where My Heart Is” are both rooted in nostalgia around my days being single and experiencing the ups and downs of dating and various relationships. There have been moments where I felt certain people were “the one” or even someone that perhaps I was stuck with for one reason or another. It’s going back into the mindset I had back then, and really digging into the emotions that I had during that part of my life.
What has it been like writing and recording new music in the middle of a pandemic and all of the social unrest in the world today?
Well, I try my best to avoid watching the news all the time haha. Most of it is just bad news that keeps us down, and I knew we had to be safe and do the right thing during 2020 so I was selective about the news I chose to believe without all the propaganda. I’m very much in support of making the world a better place, and I do my best in various ways including by making music that I think is valid for what I’m experiencing hence expressing. Last year I used the downtime to spend more time in the studio, outdoors and at the beach (safely) to come up with new ideas for this album and others coming up. Honestly, it was the easiest time I’ve ever had because I was stuck at home often and just did what I loved doing most (making music). So I got deep into it and loved making this album COSMICOMA come to life.
Since I did not interview you for Little Miss Hollywood, I wanted to ask you some Hollywood related questions. A lot of people see Hollywood as this glamorous place filled with movie stars and dreams. How do you see Hollywood as today?
I think Hollywood is iconic around the world as a historical place for the movie industry and for rock n’ roll. These days, I’m sure it’s still amazing to a lot of people but I really consider myself lucky that I got to spend time at some great clubs, venues and places around Hollywood over the past 20 or so years that others may never experience again and to have called it my home for the last twelve. Of course it’s still glamorous and has some great neighborhoods, restaurants, shopping destinations and more but truly I always find interesting new destinations to check out. There are endless possibilities here and I love that. However, It’s just not the same as it used to be, and maybe that’s a good thing. I think Hollywood is going through some big changes, and perhaps after the pandemic settles we’ll see a big transformation over the next few years which should be pretty cool.
Who is your favorite classic Hollywood movie star and movie and why?
Cary Grant is one that immediately comes to mind. I came across a real estate opportunity a year or two back and happened to find out he was a previous owner/occupant decades ago. The stars aligned which pushed me to purchase and update the home for a future owner. It was a bit magical to first step foot inside the home and realize the history that place held. Cary Grant is just one of those icons that will live on forever, and he had such an impact in film, Men’s fashion/ style and more. I’m still in love with Johnny Depp though. His talent as an actor is mesmerizing. I saw him perform with Patti Smith awhile back DTLA and that was sort of surprising.

With your music being so sensual and dramatic, is acting or even musicals something you would ever like to do? Or has that already happened?
I love this question, and honestly I didn’t really think about that until now. So yes, I’d love that opportunity and I think it would be a lot of fun. I’m a huge fan of theatre, acting and I’ve done a lot of dancing as exercise and classes over the years. I believe that understanding theatre, acting and fashion is a huge part of throwing a good show as an artist so a lot of this goes hand in hand.
After severing ties with a major label, artists usually fade out never to be heard from again. What kept you going and inspired after leaving A&M and how did Evolver Music come about?
It was an interesting experience and I’m not going to lie and say “all good” about that time in my life. I can see how that may destroy most artists and rip them of their full confidence and potential. I went through that process, learned what I could and immediately got back to work building my own universe around music and performing. Because of that, I leveraged that experience and created new relationships and income streams to keep going as an artist. I started Evolver Music to avoid the major label train and remove any frus-
trations of being controlled by A&R people or being 3rd fiddle to other artists who come along. I was really inspired by keeping control of my art and figuring out creative ways to get myself out there without being in the red with another company.
Any chance of live Betty Moon shows in the near future and what could one expect from a live Betty Moon show?
I’d really like that, I think once the whole pandemic cools off and things are a bit more safe I’ll explore that option. I haven’t played live in a few years, but have released 3 albums and I get the most satisfaction from being in the studio and doing the business side of things. When I do play live though, expect it loud, some good cover tracks, plenty of Betty Moon originals and dancing the night away. Our shows have energy, groove and they are always a good time. Grab a drink and come hang out next time I play!
Has anyone from Depeche Mode heard or commented on your cover of No Good off the Pantomania album?
Yes! I had a ton of great feedback and praise on that one, which is random because I didn’t think it would get any more love than other tracks on the album. I love me some Depeche Mode and that was just a natural pick to include on the LP. Mick Jagger’s son James Jagger seemed to get a kick of my version of Gimme Shelter which was a nice perk for the version I did which features Owen Barry on guitar. Check out his solo on the track. It’s epic.
What do you hope 2022 brings for you and the worldwide music scene?
I know 2022 will bring another Betty Moon album, that’s one thing for certain haha. For music as a whole, I hope things get back to normal for all those amazing touring artists who earn their living on the road. It’s so important for them and I know once that’s back the industry as a whole will be bigger and better than ever before.
Any final words of wisdom?
Learn what you can about the music industry, business, marketing and social media. The more educated you can be outside of being a musician, the better decisions you will make as an artist and for your career. When in doubt, hire an expert and read about what artists bigger than yourself are doing. People are typically an open book, so keep an eye out for the knowledge you seek. ;)

Includes 6 Track Bonus Download Card
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