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Here we are at Highwire Daze #144, the second to last issue of the year. How fast 2022 seems to be going. I remember back in High School, time went by so slowly. Now you blink, and another year has spun to it’s conclusion. Highlights of the last few months included heading out to Psycho Las Vegas and seeing legendary bands such as Mercyful Fate and Emperor. I also interviewed Mixi of Stitched Up Heart at a Jack Lue photo session, which is in this very edition of Highwire Daze as well. And of course it was an honor to speak with members of iconic bands such as Megadeth and Skid Row.

Down In Wuhan

New original 12 song Hollywood Hard-Rock album Down In Wuhan released world-wide on 8/28/21! Produced by: Tone Raven

Available Now. Everywhere. World-Wide on all major platforms. iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and CD. youtube.com/toneraventunes MANAGEMENT-TONE RAVEN MUSIC


It is an honor to be asked to join The Los Angeles Rock Collective and help promote their shows and bands. With a mission statement consisting of networking and support within our local Los Angeles music scene, LA Rock Collective has a bold vision of what I’ve been hoping would happen within our vast music community. In this very issue, Highwire Daze has covered two of the LA Rock Collective shows at the amazing Black Rose LA venue on Vermont in East Hollywood. Recent bands and solo artists who have played include Hvnted, Against The Sun, Joker’s Hand, Monty Xon, Anson, Carry The Day, TemperMental and more. And it is so wonderful to see musicians who are not performing coming out to support all of the bands who play these shows - there is even a mixer right before each show where everyone can meet each other. They also have guest speakers, including an A&R rep from Fearless Records! And staying for an entire night seeing ALL the bands - what a concept! Check out our coverage of the LA Rock Collective shows in this issue and look for future coverage of the local bands they represent and their shows! You too can join The La Rock Collective by visiting their website here:


Thanks for reading and supporting Highwire Daze. Our next issue is The 32nd Annivesary Edition. 32 is such a weird and wonderful number. See you all at a show soon!

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