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Product Review by James Grover
from Highwire Daze #149
by highwiredaze
Mogami Cables
(All images courtesy of JMGmusic)
When it comes to musicians they are trying to find the best sound possble, they buy expensive guitars, amplifiers, effects, hoping To find the next best tone. However they overlook the simplest part of the problem and that comes down to the guitar cables their using, “That’s Right guitar cable!”
I came across Mogami cables at the 2023 NAMM show and was I impressed at the quality and professionalism of this cable. I had a conversation with Phil Tennison Product manager at Mogami. He explained to me how the cables are high performance with a signature spiral shielding with conductive pyoethelyn to keep handling noise down when amplifiers are turned up.
I actually used these cables with upcoming artist “ILU” in studio using the Gold Series XLR microphone cables and they were superb.
James: “How did you like using Mogami in the studio?`

ILU: “I feel like the quality of the cable as well as the sound that it had through the board was some of the most quality sound that I’ve been able to experience so far in my recording on both of my guitar and my vocals, I have always used Mogami cables and I will continue to do so.”
What I really like about Mogami high performance cables is the quality, it has great conductivity to keep the signal strong with great tone response, Mogami also has great customer service and great quality control, I recommend this cable to any musician for studio or live applications

Dislikes: www.mogamicable.com
No dislikes!!......However Great product and made in U.S.A.
Reach James Grover at: www.facebook.com/james.grover.311