Diamante and the American Dream
Interview by Ken Morton - Photo by Jack Lue Diamante is an artist you’ll be hearing a whole lot more from in these post pandemic days. With expressive vocals and movie star charisma, Diamamte is ready to explode above and beyond the legendary Los Angeles music scene she calls home. American Dream is the name of her brand new album - an independently released project brimming with an epic amount of passion and conviction. Diamante recently participated in a photo shoot with legendary photographer Jack Lue, and is featured as the center poster in this very issue! After the photo shoot, Highwire Daze sat down to chat with Diamante about the making of American Dream, the deeply personal songs found within the album, touring with Breaking Benjamin, her upcoming Larger Than Life Festival appearance, and more! 30
Is there any overall story or concept behind the album title American Dream? Yes, there’s actually a double concept behind the title. So, American Dream was the last song I wrote for the album – and up until that point I had no album title and no idea what it was going to be called. And when I wrote that song American Dream, it clicked for two reasons. The first one is this album is my first independent release – so independence, freedom, American Dream. And the second reason is my mom is Mexican, my dad’s Italian – they came here to America 20 years ago – and if they had never done that, I wouldn’t be here making music, touring, being an artist. So that in itself is the American Dream. So that’s two reasons why. Ghost Myself – tell me a little about that song and the inspiration behind it. Ghost Myself is definitely a personal song for me because it’s about how I don’t always feel 100 percent – I don’t always June/July 2021