1904 2011
Opportunities and challenges are a part of the history of our company and of our collective memory. The ever fast and deep changes in the markets are demanding an evolution in the strategies that lead the Company to success.
Cifial has already achieved the main design awards in the world and is, probably, the Portuguese company with more design awards in its history. The Techno 465 tap is the Portuguese product with most awards.
We grew believing in these values and they are clearly reflected in our products. Our successes led us to other continents, to more demanding and sophisticated markets, but we never forgot our roots and our reason for being. The values of today are the same as those of our past and they constitute the basis of our identity. Our values set us apart.
Cifial is a Certified Company ISO 9001. Certification is made by an External Body: APCER which is recognized by IQNET (The international Certification Network).
Ceramics use a CE Mark (Internal verification of conformity according European Standards) The CE marking (also known as CE mark) is a mandatory conformance mark on many products placed on the single market in the European Economic Area (EEA). The CE marking certifies that a product has met EU consumer safety, health or environmental requirements. Originally "CE" stood for ("Communauté Européenne". According to the European Commission today the CE logo has become a symbol for free marketability of industrial goods within the EEA without any literal meaning. By affixing the CE marking to a product, the manufacturer – on his sole responsibility – declares that it meets EU safety, health and environmental requirements. Mixers do not have European Certification (CE Mark) as it is not mandatory. Nevertheless Mixers are according European applicable standards: EN 200 - Single taps and combination taps, EN 816 - Automatic shut-off valves PN10, EN 817 - Mechanical Mixers, NP EN 1111 - Thermostatic mixing valves. Ceramic products certification: Manufacturer’s Name: Cifial - Industria Ceramica S.A Manufacturer’s Address: Zona Industrial das Lameiras, Santa Comba Dão, Portugal Application/Certificate Number: WMKA22175 Scheme Type: WMK Level 1 Standard(s): AS 1172 .1&.2 (the relevant Standard s are AS1172.1 for pans and AS1172.2 for cisterns) Cifial is a WaterSense partner and seeks to protect the future by promoting water efficiency and enhancing the market for water-efficient products, programs and practices. Working towards sustainability is a Cifial commitment. Cifial faucets comply with the applicable sections of the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code for USA and Canada. Our listings are available for consultation at IAPMO website: http://pld.iapmo.org
Cifial faucets have been converted for compliance with California and Vermont legislation in regard to lead content in faucets that convey drinking water. Cifial decided to apply this same specification for all USA and Canada faucets to offer all customers the same quality level. Our Low Lead Listings are available for consultation at IAPMO website: http://pld.iapmo.org
Hotel design Tr贸ia; www.troiadesignhotel.com Portugal; 2008; New Construction Taps: Techno M3; Techno 500
Sheraton Porto; www.sheratonporto.com Portugal; 2003; New Construction Taps: Techno 465
Palacio de Seteais; www.tivolihotels.com Portugal; 2008; Renovation Taps: Edwardian Ceramics: Plaza
Hotel Teatro; http://www.hotelteatro.pt Portugal; 2009; New Construction Taps: Tecnho M3; Techno C3 electronic
Vidago Palace; http://www.vidagopalace.com/ Portugal; 2009; Renovation Taps: Edwardian; Style; Techno M3
Monte Real Palace; http://www.termasdemontereal.pt Portugal; 2009; Renovation Electronic Access Control: EL 200 RF
Nation Towers; http://www.wzmh.com/index.php/drawing_boar d/nation_towers/ United Arab Emirates; 2010; New Construction Ceramics: Techno C1; Portobello; Portofino; Monchique
Ritz-Carlyon Riyadh; http://www.ritzcarlton.com/ Saudi Arabia; 2010; New Construction Taps: Beaumonde; customised Electronic Access Control: EL 200; customised
Ritz-Carlyon Riyadh; http://www.ritzcarlton.com/ Saudi Arabia; 2010; New Construction Taps: Beaumonde; customised Electronic Access Control: EL 200; customised
Hotel Layia Plaza Dubai; http://www.layia.net/ United Arab Emirates; 2010; New Construction Ceramics: Portofino S
Hotel Hilton Vilamoura; http://www.hiltonvilamouraresort.com Portugal; 2007; New Construction Taps: Techno customised
Hotel Four Seasons Jackson Hole; http://www.fourseasons.com/ EUA; 2003; New Construction Taps: Asbury
Hotel Pestana Chelsea; http://www.pestana.com United Kigdom; 2010; New Construction Taps: Techno 465 Electronic Access Control: EL 50
Hotel Waldorf Astoria; http://www.waldorfastoria.com/ United States; 2007; Renovation Taps: Brunswick
Vila Magna Madrid; http://www.villamagna.es/ Spain; 2008; Renovation Taps: Edwardian
Ritz Lisboa; http://www.fourseasons.com/ Portugal; 2003; Renovation Taps: Panda