6 minute read

Wild Women In Hiking: Sonia Velez

Meet Sonia Velez, Founder of Take A F'N Hike by Jaime Purinton


I adore Sonia. I have adored Sonia since the first time I met her on an early morning hiking up our local slog, Monserate Mountain. At the time, my car was completely wrapped with Hike It Off marketing so people would put two and two together from seeing it at the trailhead and then seeing my hat or shirt on the trail. Sonia was no exception. As soon as she saw me, she yelled "Hike It Off"!

She exuded the friendliest, most positive vibe ever and we have been friends ever since. Sonia is one of the most fun, authentic, and caring people I know, and I am in awe of all that she does. When she sets her mind to something she does it and makes it happen. Like founding Take A F'N Hike her own company that is apparel, a podcast, group hikes, and women's retreats mixed with a little swearing and a lot of drinking beer on tops of mountains.

Like I said, Sonia is so much fun!

One of my favorite memories is a hike we did together up to Tahquitz Peak (8,846' elevation) where when we stopped for our break, Sonia broke our Michelada's and homemade chips and salsa for everyone on the hike. Not only did she carry it all up the mountain, but it was also iced! That was by far the best trail food I have had to date.

So, crack a cold beer and get ready to read all about Sonia and Take A F'N Hike!

Jaime: What was the inspiration for starting Take A F’N Hike?

Sonia: The F word and drinking beer at the top is the inspiration behind Take A F'N Hike! I needed to take a hike but in a fun way and reward myself at the same time. This is also something I definitely want to share with everyone. Hike it Off was also an inspiration! You're an inspiration! Your motivation and positive words have always kept me going! I will never forget the day I met you at the top of Monserate Mountain! Right then I knew what my calling was!

Jaime: I’ve celebrated with a cocktail (my favorite was a yummy michelada) at the top of the trail a few hikes with you. What motivates you to carry such a heavy load for everyone?

Sonia: I love the look on everyone’s faces when I open my hiking bag and everyone saying, “you carried all that”! And then breaking out the michelada mix! They are so excited and grateful! What a better way to celebrate an accomplishment at the top!

Jaime: Tell us a bit about your podcast! How do you pick your guests?

Sonia: I started Takeafnhike podcast during COVID-19 when it was pretty bad. I became a little depressed being indoors and I asked myself, "I wonder who else is feeling this way and not being able to travel and hike"? I decided, why not talk about and share my hiking adventures to keep everyone engaged and things, eventually, would get better. I was just going to tell my hiking stories. But then I saw so many other hiking groups and doing fun things. I was Interested in knowing more about them. Sometimes it’s random on how I pick my guests. Other times it maybe a backpacking trip someone just did, and it’s been on my list, so I reach out to them. Some are more interested than others. So, I don’t always get the guests I want to interview. But I know everyone has a F’N hiking story to tell!

Jaime: Who was your most memorable guest and why?

Sonia: Nancy. She goes by love the life you live on IG. It was something she said and has been stuck in my head since then. “If you don’t love what you're doing, then what are you doing? It doesn’t matter what it is that you're doing, as long as you're doing it and living, that’s what counts.”

Jaime: What is your all-time favorite trail?

Sonia: West Vista loop located in Santa Ysabel Preserve.

Jaime: You just got back from your first solo backpacking trip on the Trans-Catalina trail. What is your best piece of advice for anyone wanting to backpack solo?

Sonia: Well, you will need to listen to this episode. But I can give you one, you should practice with all your gear you are planning on taking ahead of time.

Jaime: Many women are afraid to hike solo, let alone backpack solo. What is something you would tell them to help get over their fears?

Sonia: First, what are your fears? What are you most afraid of? Once you know what your fears are, then go out and conquer those fears! Mine was sleeping alone in a tent, being afraid of the dark and weird noises at night I didn’t recognize. So, I went and I camped alone in well-known areas and local campgrounds. I did it often to get used to noises that come at night, especially the wind! The wind makes everything scarier for me.

Jaime: What is one piece of gear you always carry with you hiking?

Sonia: Definitely a whistle. Does beer count? Lol

Jaime: What does “Hike It Off” mean to you?

Sonia: It means that you can always Hike off your worries, your anger or that bottle of wine you had the night before.

Jaime: How can we support you? Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Sonia: Your magazine has been a great exposure for the outdoor community. Your positive attitude keeps me going! Hike it Off is very inspirational and your love for the outdoors keeps me going! Your presence at my hiking events has been very rewarding to many including myself!

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