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HİLAL İMPORT EXPORT Live Animals Meat, Skin, intestine Food and Oil Products, Inc.

Tax No: 60060064435 Trade Register: 110640005966 Address: Puskine 31 / A Kazakhstan / Almaty Phone +77272734973 +903422303799 Fax +903422206252 Internet +908502218290 GSM +77012666846 GSM+905327716295 +905326823349 E-posta Skype: hilalcasing1968

Front Quarter The beef forequarter is the anterior portion of the beef side which is separated from the hind quarter by a cut passing between the 12 and 13th ribs. This is broken into primals: chuck, rib, plate, brisket and foreshank. The front quarter is prepared from a carcass side by the separation of the forequarter and the hindquarter by a cut along the specified rib, at right angles to the vertebral column through the ventral portion of the flank.

Chuck The square cut chuck is separated from the rib, plate, brisket and shank by two straight cuts at right angles to each other. The first cut passes between the 5th and 6th rib and separates the chuck, brisket and shank from the rib and plate. The second cut passes at a point slightly above (dorsal to) the elbow joint and through the cartilaginous juncture of the 1st rib and sternum and separates the chuck from brisket and shank.

Rib The rib portion is separated from the chuck and brisket by a straight cut passing between the 5th and 6th rib and from the plate by a straight cut passing across the ribs at right angles to the first cut at a point slightly ventral to the center of the rib cage.

Plate The plate is separated from the chuck and brisket by a straight cut passing between the 5th and 6th rib and from the rib by a straight cut passing across the ribs at right angles to the first cut at the point slightly below ventral to the center of the rib cage.

Brisket The brisket is separated from the plate by a straight cut passing between the 5th and 6th rib, from the chuck by a cut at right angles to the first cut passing at a point slightly above (dorsal to) the elbow joint (distal extremity of the humerus) and from the shank by a cut which follows the natural contour of the elbow bone (olecranon process of the ulna).

Foreshank The foreshank is separated from the chuck by a cut passing at a point slightly above (dorsal to) the elbow joint (distal extremity of the humerus) from the brisket by a cut which follows the natural seam of the elbow bone (olecranon process of the ulna).


113 Beef Chuck, Square Cut

The portion of the front quarter which is separated from primal rib, plate and brisket by two straight cuts at right angle to each other. It is a bone-in cut that has portions of the blade bone, arm bone and back bone present.

113d Beef Chuck, Neck Bone

This bone is close to the head of the cattle. This cut consists of the 1st to the 5th cervical vertebra (neck bone). Some meat may stay on the bones.

113e Beef Chuck, Chuck Bone

This bone was attached to the neck bone(113D). This cut usually consist of the 6th to 7th cervical vertebra (neck bone) and the 1st to the 5th thoracic vertebra. Purchaser may specify how much lean meat may stay on the bone.

114 Beef Chuck, Long Cut Shoulder Clod

This cut is inclusive of top blade (114D) muscle without being separated. It consists of the outer muscle system of the chuck which lies outside (lateral side) of the blade bone (scapula) and ventral to the ridge of the blade bone extending from the shoulder joint to the tip of the blade bone cartilage. It lies next to the humerus (arm bone) and below the spine of the chuck bone.

114d Beef Chuck, Top Blade Muscle

Generated from the long cut shoulder clod (114) after separation of the shoulder clod (114E). The muscle (Infraspinastus) lies on top of the blade bone (or paddle bone). This is separated from the blade bone and adjacent muscles through natural seams. There is a strand of sinew (connective tissue) inside this muscle.

114e Beef Chuck, Short Cut Shoulder Clod

This cut is generated from the 114 long cut shoulder clod after the removal of top blade muscle (114D). It consists of the large muscle system of the thick end of the shoulder clod.

114f Beef Chuck, Shoulder Tender

This cut is a single muscle (Teres major) which is separated from the shoulder clod (114E). It is also called petit tender or clod tender.

115 Beef Chuck, Square Cut Boneless

This cut has all bones and associated cartilages removed from the chuck (113) square cut. The long cut shoulder clod (114) is not attached. The shoulder clod (114) may be included separately based on specified purchaser options.

115d Beef Chuck, Pectoral Meat

This muscle cut is the Pectoralis profundi. It is separated from the shoulder clod and round bone by cutting through the natural seam.

115e Beef Chuck, Conical Muscle

This cut is a single muscle (Brachialis) that surrounds the humerus. It is removed by following the natural seam along the arm bone.

116 Beef Chuck, Chuck Blade Bone-In

Blade is the portion of the chuck which is separated from the neck, short rib and shoulder by two straight cuts at right angles to each other and consists of the large muscle system that lies under and on top of the blade bone.

116a Beef Chuck, Chuck Roll

This cut is generated from the blade portion of square cut chuck. The clod, chuck tender, thin outer muscle, bones and associated cartilages are removed.

116b Beef Chuck, Chuck Tender

This cut is generated from the chuck. It is a single muscle (Supraspinatus) which is located at the lower portion of the scapula spinous processes. It is also called mock tender or Scotch tender.

116d Beef Chuck, Chuck Eye Roll

The chuck eye cut is separated from the chuck roll by cutting through the natural seam.

116e Beef Chuck, Edge Roast Meat

This cut is Serratus ventralis, Rhomboideusand Splenius muscles. It is separated from the chuck eye roll through the natural seam. The dorsal and ventral edges are straight cuts.

116f Beef Chuck, Rope Meat

This cut is the strip-shaped Longus collimuscle that extends from the first thoracic vertebra to the junction between the ribs and the 6th thoracic vertebra. It can also be called neckchain.

116g Beef Chuck, Chuck Flap Tail

The chuck flap tail is generated from chuck roll (116A) by the separation of chuck eye roll (116D). A thicker portion of the Serratus ventralis muscle located near the 2nd-4th ribs is used for merchandizing purposes.

130 Beef Chuck, Short Rib Bone In

This cut is generated from rib bones of the primal chuck. It includes 4 ribs (2nd- 5th ribs).

130a Beef Chuck, Short Rib Boneless

This cut is derived from bone-in short rib (130) by the removal of all bones, excess fat and intercostal meat.


102 Front Quarter

Two matching sides will be produced from a carcass. Sides of beef are produced by splitting the carcass down the back exposing the spinal groove of the length of either side. The beef forequarter is the anterior portion of the beef side which is separated from the hindquarter by a cut passing between the 12th and 13th rib. The diaphragm may be excluded; however, if present, it is firmly attached and the membranous portion is trimmed close to the lean.

103 Beef Rib Primal

This is the portion of the front quarter which is separated from the chuck and 107 brisket by a straight cut passing between the 5th and 6th rib; and from the plate by a straight cut passing across the ribs at right angles to the first cut at a point slightly below (ventral to) the centre of the rib cage.

107 Beef Rib OvenPrepared (QuebĂŠc Spec)

This cut is generated from the primal rib. The short ribs are removed. The chine bones are removed along the spinal canal. Feather bones are attached.

109a Beef Rib Roastready Special-netted

Blade meat and associated muscles are removed. Feather bone, soft bone, backstrap are removed. The fat cover that is separated from the blade meat is replaced and secured by a net.

109b Beef Rib, Blade Meat

This cut consists of the muscle (Latissimus dorsi) that lies below the surface fat cover and surrounding the blade bone cartilage of the ovenprepared rib. This cut is called lifter meat, false lean, wedge meat, or cap meat.

109e Beef Rib, Roastready Cover Off, Exportstyle

This cut is generated from roast ready rib with fat cover removed (Fat Cap Off = FCO). The lip and associated fat remains attached and trimmed to a specified measurement from the ribeye muscle (Longissimus muscle).

112 Beef Rib, Ribeye Roll

This cut is generated from the ovenprepared rib with the chine bones, feather bones, rib bones and blade meat removed. Unlike 112A, this cut is free of the lip and associated fat that lies on the side of the short plate.

112a Beef Rib, Ribeye, Lip On

This boneless cut is generated from the ovenprepared rib with the chine bones, feather bones, rib bones and blade meat removed. The lip should not exceed 5x5 cm (2x2 inch) unless specified by the purchaser.

112c Beef Rib, Ribeye

This is the Longissimus muscle which is separated from ribeye (112) after the removal of ribeye cap (112D) and the associated fat.

112d Beef Rib, Ribeye Cap

This muscle is generated from the ribeye (112) by the separation of Longissimus muscle and the associated fat. The Complexus and Spinalis muscles have been removed through the natural seams.

123 Beef Short Rib (7 Bones)

Short ribs are generated from the primal rib after separation of prime rib. This is the rib end portion of the rib and plate obtained by making a straight cut parallel and adjacent to the cut which separates the rib from the plate.

123 Beef Short Rib - Pso Short Rib Piece Bones 6-9

This cut includes 6th-9th ribs and intercostals only. The blade meat and fat are removed.

123 Beef Short Rib - Pso End Cut Bones 9-12

This cut looks similar to short ribs (123A) but includes 9th12th ribs. The blade meat and fat remain.

123 Beef Short Rib - Pso Braising Short Rib Bones 6-9

Cutting line is four bones (6th-9th) blade meat attached, outside surface fat removed.

123 Beef Short Rib - Pso Braising Short Rib Bones 9-12

The cutting line of this cut is the same as that of the short rib 9th-12th (123). Blade meat remains and excess surface fat is removed.

123 Beef Short Rib - Pso Braising Short Rib End Cut Bones 10-12

This cut includes the 10th-12th ribs. Blade meat remains and excess surface fat is removed.

123a Beef Short Rib (3 Bones)

This cut is generated from the primal rib and consists of 6th-8th ribs. The blade meat is removed and fat remains. The dimension of the cut is usually based on length of ribs as 15cm, 23cm or 15-23cm (6 inch, 9 inch or 6-9 inch).

123b Beef Short Rib (3 Bones)

This cut is the same cut as the short rib (123A) but the surface fat is removed.

123d Beef Short Rib Boneless

This cut is generated from the short ribs (123A/B) after removal of ribs and intercostals. It is the thickest portion of the Serratus ventralis muscle covering that section of 6th, 7th and 8th ribs.

124 Beef Rib, Back Ribs

This cut is generated from ovenprepared beef rib and consists of seven ribs and associated intercostals meat. Serous membrane (peritoneum) and button bones (cartilage of spinous processes) can be either removed or retained.

124a Beef Rib Rib Finger Meat (Intercostal)

These cuts may be generated from any portion of the carcass that contains rib bones. These cuts consist of the lean tissues that lie between the bones

Plate 121 Beef Plate, Short Plate Bone-In

The cutting line of this cut is the same as that of primal plate. There are seven ribs (6th-12th) present. Diaphragm may or may not be attached.

121a Beef Plate, Short Plate Boneless

This cut is generated from bone-in short plate (121) after removal of all bones and associated cartilage. It is also called the navel.

121b Beef Plate, Pso Super Pastrami (Karubi)

This cut is generated from bone-in short plate (121) after removal of all bones and associated cartilages. Rose meat (Cutaneous trunci), the thin red meat covering the external surface of the plate, is removed. The fat layer on the interior side of carcass is trimmed, exposing lean tissue.

121b Beef Plate, Pso Short Plate Eye (Yakiniku)

This cut is generated from super pastrami after removal of fat layers and other muscles covering the eye of the short plate.

121c Beef Plate, Outside Skirt

This cut is the costal muscular portion of the diaphragm. It is a thin, rectangular, slightly dark, and coarse muscle. It is situated across the ribs which extend from the end of the brisket to the lumbar bone. A thin membrane covers the lean.

121d Beef Plate, Inside Skirt

This cut is the lumbar portion of the diaphragm. It is thick muscle (Transversus abdominis) and looks similar to, but wider and bigger, than the outside skirt. It is usually offered as membrane or skin off and is practically free of fat.

121e Beef Plate Outside Skirt (Skinned)

This cut is generated from 121C outside skirt after removal of the thin membrane covering both sides of this cut.

Brisket 118 Beef Brisket Bone-In This primal cut is separated from the plate by a straight cut passing between the 5th and 6th rib; from the chuck by a cut at a right angle to the first cut passing at a point slightly above the elbow joint; and from the shank by a cut which follows the natural contour of the elbow bone.

120 Beef Brisket Boneless The cutting line of this cut is the same as that of the bone-in brisket. All bones and associated cartilage are removed. The thick layer of fat is removed.

120a Beef Brisket Deckle Removed This cut is generated from the boneless brisket (120) after removal of the brisket deckle. This cut is the deep pectoral muscle and is trimmed practically free of fat.

120b Beef Brisket Point Cut, Deckle This cut is generated from the boneless brisket (120) after removal of the deep pectoral muscle (120A). The deckle is removed along the hard fat and natural contour.

Shank 117 Beef Foreshank Bone-In

This is the portion of the front quarter which is separated from the chuck by a cut passing at a point slightly above (dorsal to) the elbow joint (distal extremity of the humerus); and from the brisket by a cut which follows the natural seams of the elbow bone.

117 Beef Foreshank Boneless

This boneless cut foreshank is a group of muscles that surround the shank bone after removal. The meat is removed through the natural seam around the foreshank bone.

117a Beef Foreshank Armbone Attached Bone-In

This cut is arm bone and bone-in foreshank without being separated. The foreshank and arm bone are attached; meat remains on foreshank but removed from the arm bone.

134 Beef Bones – Foreshank Bone

This is the front quarter leg bone. The purchaser may specify how much meat needs to be trimmed from the bone.

Hind Quarter The hindquarter is the posterior portion of the beef side which is separated from the front quarter by a cut passing between the 12th and 13th rib.

The hindquarter is prepared from the carcass side by the separation of the hindquarter and forequarter by a cut along the specified rib at right angles to the vertebral column through to the ventral portion of the flank.


The hip is that portion of the hind quarter which is separated from the loin by a straight cut which passes in front of (anterior to) the rump knuckle bone (head of the femur/acetabulum) thereby cutting the pelvic bone (as coxae) into approximately two equal part.


The short loin is the anterior portion of the loin which is separated from the sirloin by a straight cut which passes at a point immediately in front of (anterior to) the pin bone (ilium or tuber coxae.

The sirloin is the posterior portion of the loin which is separated from the short loin by a straight cut which passes at a point of (anterior to) the pin bone (ilium or tuber coxae.


The flank is that portion of the hind quarter which is separated from the loin by a straight cut passing approximately parallel to the lumbar back bones (lumbar vertebrae) beginning in close proximity to or through the flank lymph node (prefemoral) and from the plate by a cut passing between the 12th and 13th rib and cartilage.

Hip 155 Hindquarter

Sides of beef are produced by splitting the carcass down the back exposing the spinal groove of the length of either side. Each side of beef produces a hindquarter and forequarter. The hindquarter is the posterior portion of the beef side which is separated from the front quarter by a cut passing between the 12th and 13th rib.

134 Beef Bones – Femur Bone

This is the hindquarter hip bone. The purchaser may discuss how much meat needs to be trimmed from the bone.

134 Beef Bones – Hindshank Bone

This is the hindquarter leg bone. The purchaser may discuss how much meat needs to be trimmed from the bone.

158 Beef Round, Primal Hip

This bone in primal cuts is generated from the hindquarter of the carcass after the separation of loin and flank. This item consists of four major sub primal cuts consisting of inside round, outside round, knuckle, and shank.

159 Beef Round, Boneless Hip

This cut is generated the from the primal hip after removal of shank, knuckle and bones such as aitch bone, femur bone and shank bone.

159a Beef Round, Pelvic Bone

This bone consists of aitch bone (rump bone) and pin bone. This bone is connected to the round bone (femur bone) and sacrum.

159b Beef Round, Patella

This bone is generated from the top (caudal) of the knuckle near the shank. The item is removed from the knuckle around the edge of the bone. This bone is also called the knee cap.

160 Beef Round, Primal Hip Shank Off

This cut is generated from the primal hip (158) after the removal of the shank. The shank is removed by a cut through the stifle joint along the natural seam between the heel muscle and hindshank.

160c Beef Round, Baron Of Beef Bone-In

This cut is generated from primal hip that has heel muscle, shank, and knuckle removed. This cut has the femur bone attached.

166b Beef Round, Ponderosa Hip Handle On

This cut is generated from the primal hip. The hindshank and heel muscle are partially removed from the shank bone forming a handle free of lean.

166c Beef Round, Hindshank Bone-In

This cut is the shank meat and shank bone attached. The shank is separated from the primal hip at the stifle joint along the natural seam between the heel and hindshank.

167 Beef Round, Knuckle (Tip)

This cut is separated from the inside round and outside round through the natural seam. The patella, joint capsule and surrounding connective tissue are removed. It is also called sirloin tip or thick flank.

167a Beef Round, Knuckle (Tip) Peeled

This cut is generated from 167 knuckle by the removal of triangular-shaped smaller outer muscle (Tensor fasciae latae), fat and skin tissue. This can be further broken into eye of sirloin tip (Vastus lateralis) and sirloin tip with eye removed.

168 Beef Round, Inside Round

This boneless portion of the round located inside (medial side) of the leg is separated from the outside round by cutting lengthwise along the natural seam. This cut is also called top round or topside.

169a Beef Round, Inside Round Cap Removed

This cut is generated from 168 inside round by the removal of Gracilis muscle and the loose side Pectineus and Sartorius muscles (169B). A small amount of surface fat will remain.

169b Beef Round, Inside Round Cap

This cut is generated from the inside round (168). This cut is the muscle (Gracilis) that was separated along the natural seam from the top inside round.

170 Beef Round, Outside Round Gooseneck

This cut is the boneless portion of the round located outside (lateral side) of the leg (femur bone), which is separated from 168 inside round. Achilles tendon can be either retained or removed.

170a Beef Round, Outside Round (Heel Out)

This cut is generated from 170 outside round by the removal of heel muscle (Gastrocnemius). Outside flat and eye of round are attached.

171b Beef Round, Outside Round Flat

This is the single muscle (Biceps femoris) which can be generated from 170A outside round by the removal of 171C eye of round. Silver skin and connective tissues can be removed or retained. It is also called bottom round or bottom flat.

171c Beef Round, Eye Of Round

This cut can be generated from 170A outside round by the removal of 171B outside flat. This is a cylindrical-shaped, single muscle (Semitendinosus) inside the hind leg. Exterior fat and membrane can be either removed or retained.

171f Beef Round, Outside Round Heel

This is the muscle (Gastrocnemius) that surrounds the knee joint at the lower part of the femur. The Superficial digital flexor is attached.

171g Beef Round, Super Digital Flexor Muscle

This is the single muscle (Superficial digital flexor) which is located inside 171F heel muscle. A cut is made from the lower portion to the upper portion of the heel along the muscle that extends to the Achilles tendon. It is also called the rat tail.

171h Beef Round, Shin Shank (Bubble Meat)

This cut is generated by the separation of shank bone. This cut is the muscle that is positioned along the fibula of the hind leg.

Loin 172 Beef Loin, Full Loin

This is a portion of hindquarter which is separated from the primal flank, the knuckle and the primal round by a cut which passes in front of (anterior to) the rump knuckle bone (head of the femur/acetabulum) thereby cutting the pelvic bone (os coxae) into approximately two equal parts.

174 Beef Loin, Pso Short Loin 0x1

This cut is the anterior portion of the loin which is separated from the top sirloin butt by a straight cut which passes at a point immediately in front of (anterior to) the pin bone (ilium or tuber coxae). Two major sub-primal cuts from this cut are tenderloin and strip loin.

175 Beef Loin, Pso Strip Loin Bone In 2x2

This is the portion of short loin from which the tenderloin is removed. It contains the 13th rib and 1st-5th lumbar bones.

176 Beef Loin, Steak Tail (Loin Tail)

This cut may include both the Obliquus abdominis internus and Obliquus abdominis externi muscles that are adjacent to the flap meat.

180 Beef Loin, Pso Strip Loin Boneless 2x2

This cut is generated from 175 strip loin. The tail is trimmed at a predetermined point that extends from the eye of the strip loin. Rib finger meat and chain meat are either removed or retained.

180 Beef Loin, Pso Strip Loin Boneless Steak Ready (Backstrap Off)

This cut is generated from 180 strip loin after the removal of backstrap (supraspinous ligament). The tail is trimmed at a predetermined point that extends from the eye of the strip loin.

181 Beef Loin, Full Sirloin (Tenderloin Attached)

This cut is the posterior portion of the loin which is separated from the short loin by a straight cut which passes at a point immediately in front of (anterior to) the pin bone (ilium or tuber coxae). This cut is inclusive of the butt tenderloin.

184 Beef Loin, Top Sirloin Butt, Boneless

This cut is generated from 181A top sirloin after the removal of bones and the associated cartilages. This is the muscle located at 6th lumbar bone – 5th sacrum bone. Heavy connective tissue is removed.

184b Beef Loin, Top Sirloin Butt Boneless, Cap Off (Top Butt)

This cut is generated from 184 top sirloin butt after the removal of cap and all other muscles except the Gluteus medius. Chicken muscle (Gluteus accessorius), which is small sinewy muscle located on the underside of the sirloin, is removed. Wedge fat is removed.

184d Beef Loin, Top Sirloin Cap (Bottom Butt)

This is the culotte muscle (Biceps femoris) from 184 top sirloin butt produced by the removal of the main muscle, following the natural seam. Silver skin is removed. Exterior fat and membrane can be either removed or retained.

185a Beef Loin, Bottom Sirloin Butt, Flap Meat, Boneless

This cut is the single muscle on the inner surface of the bottom sirloin butt. It extends into the loin wing. Surface fat and sinew are completely removed. Small pieces of flake fat and some connective tissue may remain.

185b Beef Loin, Bottom Sirloin Butt, Ball Tip, Boneless

This cut is a single dome-shaped muscle that is generated from bottom sirloin butt from which 185A flap meat and 185C tri tip are separated. It consists of the muscle system continuing from the knuckle. This cut is lean with almost no outside fat.

185c Beef Loin, Bottom Sirloin Butt Tri-Tip Boneless

This cut is a muscle portion (Tensor fasciae latae) of bottom sirloin butt. The boneless tip is separated from the ball tip and the flap meat through the natural seam. All connective tissue and cartilage is removed. Fat cover is left on the underside.

185d Beef Loin, Bottom Sirloin Butt, Tri-Tip Boneless Trimmed

This is described as 185C (Tensor fasciae latae) of the bottom sirloin butt exc

ept it is trimmed practically free of fat.

189 Beef Loin, Tenderloin, Full

This cut is a cylindrically-shaped muscle located on the inside (ventral side) of the lumbar vertebrae and the lateral surface of the ilium. The side muscle (Psoas minor) remains attached.

189a Beef Loin, Tenderloin, Side Muscle On

This cut is similar to 189 full tenderloin except that most surface fat is removed. The side muscle (side seam) that lies adjacent to the main tenderloin muscle is attached. This cut is often referred to as PSMO (Peeled, side muscle-on).

190 Beef Loin, Tenderloin, Side Muscle Off

This cut is similar to 189A tenderloin except that the side muscle (side seam) Psoas minor is removed.

190a Beef Loin, Tenderloin, Skinned Denuded

This cut is generated from 189A or 190 tenderloin except that the side muscle, fat and silver skin is removed.

191a Beef Loin, Tenderloin Butt, Defatted

This cut is the portion of the tenderloin remaining on the lateral surface of the ilium after the separation of the short loin. The surface and wing fat is almost completely trimmed out.

Flank Beef Flank, Flank Steak

This cut is generated from the primal flank. It is the oval plate-shaped muscle (Rectus abdominis) located toward the abdominal incision line from the 3rd to 6th lumbar vertebra.

2080 Rose Meat

The Cutaneous trunci or rose meat is a thin muscle on the outside of the carcass that spans the shoulder to the flank. The meat has a pale light-red colour.

Portion Controls Cuts RIB 1100 Cubed Steak Pso

Cube steaks can be prepared from any portion of the carcass excluding the shank and heel meat. Knitting of two or more pieces and folding the meat when cubing is permissible. The steaks are free of heavy connective tissue, bones, cartilages, and lymph glands.

1102 Braising Steak (Swiss) Pso

This steak cut is harvested from any combination of lean from the round, loin, rib or chuck sections of the carcass excluding the shank and heel meat. The steaks are free of heavy connective tissue, bones, cartilages, and lymph glands.

1103 Beef Rib, Pso Rib Steak, Bone-In

Rib steaks bone-in are prepared from any bone-in rib item. TheLatissimus dorsi, Infraspinatus, and Trapezius muscles above the blade bone and the subscapularis and Rhomboideus muscles below it – including the blade bone, related cartilage, feather bones, chine bones, and backstrap – are removed.

1103b Beef Rib, Pso Rib Steak Bone-In, Frenched

Frenched rib steak is prepared the same as 1103 except that each steak must be cut between the bones. The rib bone is completely trimmed of the intercostal meat, lean and fat so that the bone is exposed from the ventral edge of the Longissimus dorsi to the end of the rib bone. Also called the cowboy steak.

1112a Beef Rib, Pso Ribeye Steak Lip On Boneless

Lip on boneless ribeye steaks are prepared from a rib item meeting the end requirements of the 112A. The lip is cut on the short rib side with a straight cut that is ventral to, but no more than 5.0 cm (2 inches) from, the Longissimus dorsi, leaving the lip attached.

1112 Beef Rib, Pso Ribeye Roll Steak Boneless

Ribeye boneless steaks can be prepared from any boneless ribeye item. Any lip, if present, is excluded so as to expose the natural seam immediately ventral to the Longissimus dorsi muscle.

1112c Beef Rib, Pso Ribeye, Eye Steaks

Boneless ribeye steaks prepared from theLongissimusmuscle of any ribeye roll item. The ribeye cap (Complexus and Spinalis muscles) have been removed.

1112d Beef Rib, Pso Ribeye, Cap Steaks

PSO RIBEYE, CAP STEAKS Boneless ribeye cap steaks are prepared from theComplexus and Spinalis muscles of any ribeye roll item. The Longissimus muscle is removed.

CHUCK 1114d Beef Chuck, Shoulder Pso Top Blade Steak

This steak is generated from the top blade muscle 114D. The tissue or tendon may be removed based on PSO. This item is also called the flat iron steak.

1114e Beef Chuck, Shoulder Pso Shoulder Steak

This boneless shoulder clod steak is prepared from the 114E. The steak is sliced across the grain of the Triceps brachii long head. Also called ranch steak.

1114f Beef Chuck, Pso Shoulder Tender, Terres Major

Beef shoulder tender portion is prepared from item 114F beef chuck shoulder tender. The individual steaks are prepared by a straight cut across the grain in accordance with the purchasers specification with respect to thickness or weight. This cut is also called “petite tender medallions.�

1116a Beef Chuck, Pso Chuck Roll Sliced

These sliced boneless chuck steaks are prepared from the 116A chuck roll. The individual steaks are cut straight across the grain in accordance with purchaser specifications.

1116d Beef Chuck, Pso Chuck Eye Roll Steak

Chuck roll steaks are prepared from the 116D chuck. Individual steaks are prepared to purchaser specifications with respect to thickness, size and weight.

PLATE 1121d Beef Plate, Pso Inside Skirt Steak

The boneless steaks are prepared from the product to meet the end requirements from inside skirt item 121D.

1121e Beef Plate, Outside Skirt Steak (Skinned)

These steaks are prepared from the outside skirt diaphragm muscle to meet the end requirements for item 121E.

1123 Beef Plate, Pso Short Rib, Bone In

These bone-in portion cuts are prepared from any beef chuck, rib, or plate short rib item described as item 123. The portion consists of the ribs, intercostal meat and the intact Serratus ventralis muscle. Purchaser specifies both the width and the number of ribs in each portion.

1123 Beef Plate, Pso Short Rib, Boneless

These boneless portion cuts are prepared from any beef chuck, rib, plate or short rib item. All ribs and intercostals are removed. Steaks are cut straight across the grain in accordance with purchaser specifications.

HIP 1167 Beef Round, Pso Knuckle (Tip) Steak

Sirloin tip steaks may be prepared from any beef knuckle item, provided the product used meets the end-item requirements. The knuckle can be separated lengthwise into sections to accommodate the cutting of specified portion-sized steaks.

1169 Beef Round, Pso Inside Round Steaks

These steaks are prepared from item 168 inside round. The inside round may be separated lengthwise into sections to accommodate the cutting of specified portion-size steaks.

1 170a Beef Round, Pso Bottom Outside Round Steaks

The steaks are prepared from any outside round item meeting the end requirements of item 170. The outside round may be separated lengthwise into sections to accommodate the cutting of specified portion-size steaks.

GROUND 1136 Beef Patties

The ground patties are mechanically formed into patties of the shape and size specified by the purchaser. Patties are separated from each other by means which prevent them from sticking together when packaged. Patties are frozen unless fresh is specified.

135 Beef Diced

These may be produced from any portion of the carcass. All bones and cartilages are removed. Consistency in cutting is required.

LOIN 1173 Beef Loin, Porterhouse Steak

This steak is prepared from the beef short loin item 174. The minimum width of the tenderloin is at least 3.2 cm (1.25 inches) when measured parallel to the length of the back bone. The purchaser may specify weight and tail length.

1174 Beef Loin, T-Bone Steak

This steak is prepared from the beef short loin item 174. The minimum width of the tenderloin is at least 13 mm (0.5 inches) when measured parallel to the length of the back bone. The purchaser may specify weight and tail length.

1179 Beef Loin, Strip Loin Steak Bone-In

This steak is prepared from the beef short loin item 174. The purchaser may specify weight and tail length. This item may not contain any tenderloin. This is also called the club steak or wing steak.

1180 Beef Loin, Strip Loin Steak Boneless

This boneless steak is prepared from any short loin, bone-in strip loin or boneless strip loin provided the item meets the end requirements for item 180. All bones and cartilage are removed. Purchaser may specify weight and tail length.

1184 Beef Loin, Top Sirloin Butt Steak

These boneless steaks are prepared from the top sirloin butt, provided the item meets the end requirements of the item specification 184.

1184a Beef Loin, Top Sirloin Butt Steak (Semi Centre Cut)

These boneless top sirloin steaks are prepared from the Gluteus medius and thebiceps femoris muscles of the top butt. If present, the Longissimus dorsi muscle may also be included in these steaks.

1184b Beef Loin, Top Sirloin Butt Steak (Centre Cut)

These boneless top sirloin butt steaks are prepared only from the Gluteus mediusmuscle.

1184d Beef Loin, Top Sirloin Cap Steak Boneless

These steaks are prepared from the sirloin cap or biceps femoris muscle. The product is generated from item 184D. The steaks are made into specified portion size by slicing the sirloin cap at an approximate right angle to the grain direction of the muscle fibers. This item is also called the “coulotte steak�.

1185c Beef Loin, Bottom Sirloin Butt, Tri Tip Steak

The tri tip steak is prepared from theTensor fasciae latae muscle of the bottom sirloin butt generated from item 185C or 185D tri tips. The steak can be made into specified portions by slicing the tri tip at an approximate right angle to the grain direction of the muscle fibers.

1189a Beef Loin, Tenderloin Steak, Side Muscle On

This steak is prepared from the item 189A tenderloin. The side muscle is on and attached to the main tenderloin musclePsoas major. The steaks are made into specified portion size by slicing against the grain of the Psoas major.

1190 Beef Loin, Tenderloin Steak, Side Muscle Off

This steak is prepared from the item 190 tenderloin. The side muscle is off and not attached to the main tenderloin muscle Psoas major. The steaks are made into specified portion size by slicing against the grain of the Psoas major.

Boneless Trimmings

Trimmings are portions of meat remaining after the preparation of primal cuts from the carcass. Trimmings must not include any portion of the head meat, internal organs, major tendons or ligaments.

Points Requiring Specification:

Visual lean (VL) or chemical lean (CL) lean point determination

Primal cuts and/or associated pieces to be included

Inclusion of flank or brisket meats

Inclusion of fore/hind shank meats

Inclusion of diaphragm or intercostals meats

Minimum/maximum piece size requirements

Meat block type, origin and composition;


OTM (beef derived from cattle over thirty months of age),


UTM (beef derived from cattle under thirty months of age),

Packaging/box size requirements

Boneless Round Trimmings

Prepared from hip primal cuts and/or associated trimming pieces.

Hip Group Includes:

Inside round,

outside round,

eye of round,

sirloin tip,

and heel of round.

Points Requiring Specification:

Lean point requirement

Visual lean (VL) or chemical lean (CL) lean point determination

Primal cuts to be included

Min./max. piece size requirements

Packaging requirements

Boneless Sirloin Trimmings

Prepared from sirloin primal cuts and/or associated trimming pieces.

Sirloin Group Includes:

Top sirloin butt,

bottom sirloin,


bottom sirloin ball tip,

and bottom sirloin flap.

Points Requiring Specification:

Lean point requirement

Visual lean (VL) or chemical lean (CL) lean point determination

Primal cuts to be included

Min./max. piece size requirements

Packaging requirements

Boneless Rib Trimmings

Prepared from rib primal cuts and/or associated trimming pieces.

Rib Group Includes:


blade meat,

rib finger meat (intercostals),

and short rib.

Points Requiring Specification:

Lean point requirement

Visual lean (VL) or chemical lean (CL) lean point determination

Primal cuts to be included

Inclusion of Cutaneous trunci, diaphragm and/or Serous membrane (Peritoneum)

Min./max. piece size requirements

Packaging requirements

Boneless Chuck Trimmings

Prepared from chuck primal cuts and/or associated trimming pieces.

Chuck Group Includes:





and chuck ribs.

Points Requiring Specification:

Lean point requirement

Visual lean (VL) or chemical lean (CL) lean point determination

Primal cuts to be included

Inclusion of Cutaneous trunci, diaphragm and/or Serous membrane (Peritoneum)

Min./max. piece size requirements

Packaging requirements

Boneless Shank Trimmings

Prepared from shin shank and/or associated trimming pieces.

Shank Group Includes:

Front shank,

hind shank,

heel muscle (Gastrocnemius),

conical muscle (Biceps brachii),

and associated muscles from the humerus.

Points Requiring Specification:

Lean point requirement

Visual lean (VL) or chemical lean (CL) lean point determination

Removal or retention of connective tissue and/or skin

Removal or retention of sinews and/or tendons

Packaging requirements

Caul Fat

Originates from the fat lining of the abdomen.

Caul Fat Group Includes:

Heart fat,

caul fat,

and kidney fat.

Common Names:

Cod fat

kidney fat

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