Year 3 bush medicine task (f)

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Section 1: Summary of assessment task

Weaving Together, People, Land and Beliefs History of Aboriginal Bush Medicine - A Cross-curricular Integrated Unit

Title of assessment task

Year level(s)


Links to the Australian Curriculum Achievement standard By the end of Year 3, students explain how communities changed in the past. They describe the experiences of an individual or group. They identify events and aspects of the past that have significance in the present. Students sequence events and people (their lifetime) in chronological order, with reference to key dates. They pose questions about the past and locate information from sources (written, physical, visual, oral) to answer these questions. Students develop texts, including narratives, using terms denoting time.

COMMUNITY AND REMEMBRANCE The Year 3 curriculum provides a study of identity and diversity in both a local and broader context. Using the indigenous heritage of the local area, students explore the historical diversity of their community. This cross-curricular unit provides an opportunity for students to develop historical understanding through the key concepts of sources, perspectives, empathy and significance. Historical Knowledge and Understanding The importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples who belong to a local area. (This is intended to be a local area study with a focus on one Language group; however, if information or sources are not readily available, another representative area may be studied) (ACHHK060) Historical Skills Chronology, terms and concepts  Use historical terms (ACHHS066) Historical questions and research  Pose a range of questions about the past (ACHHS067) Analysis and use of sources  Locate relevant information from sources provided (ACHHS068) Explanation and communication 

Develop texts, particularly narratives (ACHHS070) Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies (ACHHS071 )

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Content strands and key concepts Historical Knowledge and Understanding


Continuity and change

Cause and effect

Historical Skills





General capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities General capabilities


Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures


ICT capability

Critical and creative thinking

Ethical behaviour

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

Personal and social capability

Intercultural understanding


General Capabilities Literacy: Literacy is essential to historical understanding. Read and create texts that present the results of historical understanding clearly and logically with reference to traditional bush medicine practices. Information and Technology Capabilities: Use ICT to locate, process, analyse and communicate historical information. Access digital sources of information to locate and retrieve information. Use ICT to record information about historical bush medicine practices – photo, text, audio. Intercultural Understanding: Recognise the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ histories and cultures. Respect and acknowledge the continuous and enduring contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. Show respect for their knowledge, values and connection to family and the land in relation to traditional bush medicine practices. Cross-curriculum Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities maintain a special connection to and responsibility for Country/Place throughout all of Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ ways of life are uniquely expressed through ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing. Acknowledge the significant contributions of Aboriginal people locally - Nyoongar traditional bush medicine practices. Sustainability: Acknowledge the sustainable patterns of living of the traditional Aboriginal people and their intimate connection to the land with particular reference to Nyoongar traditional bush medicine practices.

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Background information Weaving Together, People, Land and Beliefs History of Aboriginal Bush Medicine - A Cross-curricular Integrated Unit The Integrated Unit, History of Aboriginal Bush Medicine, was developed for a Year 3 class from a single-sex metropolitan school, to be used in the School’s ‘Living Classroom’ – an Indigenous garden. It is a study of identity and diversity in a local context, incorporating the heritage of the local area and diversity of the community. The school Songlines is the scope and sequence which embeds the Aboriginal cross-curricular priority across the school. The Year 3 Songline relates to Aboriginal people’s intimate connection to Country and in particular Women’s Business. This is the basis for the Integrated unit, Weaving Together, People, Land and Beliefs through the history of Aboriginal bush medicine. The school’s Indigenous garden and a guided visit to a local Aboriginal Women’s Trail provides students with firsthand experiences. Requirements for plant selection: The plants chosen for this unit are available in the school garden and commonly used by traditional, local Aboriginal women for bush medicine. [Native Pigface (wen-dar), Melaleuca (bibool) and Eucalyptus (gnarnt)] A framework for developing students’ historical knowledge, understanding and skills is provided by the Australian Curriculum inquiry question: Who lived here first and how do we know? Students: Use evidence to gain an intercultural understanding of, and empathy for Aboriginal culture. Gain an understanding of, and respect and acknowledge the significance of: 

the history of traditional Aboriginal bush medicine practices

traditional Aboriginal women as nurturers

traditional Aboriginal women as providers and knowledge holders

Aboriginal people’s sustainable practices and intimate connection to Country

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Task description Weaving Together, People, Land and Beliefs History of Aboriginal Bush Medicine - A Cross-curricular Integrated Unit Students gain an understanding of Aboriginal culture and the connection to Country through the history of traditional bush medicine practices and recognising the women’s role as nurturers, providers and knowledge holders. The school’s Indigenous garden and video clips provide a starting point for the integrated unit. Tasks are differentiated to allow all students to work at their own level and use multiple intelligences. Formative assessment takes the form of observation and student/teacher conferences during and after tasks. Summative assessment includes writing an historical narrative and using ICT to record information via “Evernote’ – photo, text, audio.

Introduction (Lesson 1 and 2) Visiting the school Indigenous garden, video clips (Appendix 1 – Historical sources) and a teacher created PowerPoint presentation (Appendix 1 – Historical sources), introduces the intercultural nature of the unit. Students are immersed in Aboriginal culture and the connection to Country. Source 1 Video clip Aboriginal women elders instruct a group of Aboriginal children about traditional bush medicine practices. The children are shown how to identify, locate and prepare medicinal plants. Women elders pass on the knowledge to younger generations. Source 2 Video clip A modern day Aboriginal family inform the viewer how to identify and locate medicinal plants to cure common family ailments. The family search for a variety of plants including a plant to cure the baby’s cough. Collection, preparation and use of the plant are shown. A sense of connection to Country is shown. Source 3 Teacher prepared PowerPoint The PowerPoint outlines the lessons and tasks for the students and contains information – compiled using the following websites: Australian Geographic – Top 10 Aboriginal Bush Medicines bush-medicines.htm Alice Springs Desert Park – Desert Bush Medicine Bush Medicine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


Class brainstorm and discussion was conducted to determine and assess student prior knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture and the connection to Country with reference to intercultural understanding. Q: What do you know about Aboriginal Bush Medicine? Q: What would you like to find out about?

 

Teacher models how to pose historical research questions (who, what, when, where, how) ‘Think-pair-share’ a range of historical questions before formulating individual historical questions.

Students collaborate to write questions, write on post-its and stick on board to be sorted, discussed and refined.

Tuning in Students:  develop knowledge and retrieve information about traditional Aboriginal bush medicine practicesthrough discussion arising from the videos, PowerPoint presentation, and examining plant samples from the school Indigenous garden  work in differentiated task groups ( BAV, AV, AAV), to identify and research an allocated plant species from the school Indigenous garden Requirements for plant selection: The plants chosen for this unit are available in the school garden and commonly used by traditional local Aboriginal women for bush medicine. [Native Pigface (wen-dar), Melaleuca (bibool) and Eucalyptus (gnarnt)]

Finding out Students:  visit the school Indigenous garden and bushland area  collaborate in task groups to locate and identify the allocated medicinal plant

Native Pig face (wen-dar)

Melaleuca (bibool)

Eucalypt (gnarnt)

photograph and complete a botanical sketch of the plant

Sit quietly and reflect on their feelings while in the bushland area

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


Write ipods or tablets

reflections and

poetry and make audio recordings using

Sorting out (Lesson 3) Students:  locate and read information from teacher complied information sheets (Appendix 1 - source 4), selected Internet sites (see Appendix 1 for sites) and photographs  use retrieval activity sheet to record findings (see Appendix 2)  recall information through task group discussion  summarise information and as a task group and discuss possible answers to questions Making conclusions (Lesson 4) Students:  review and share knowledge in task groups

share knowledge - form ‘expert’ groups of three students; one student from each task group acting as the expert, reporting information about the history of bush medicine of the the allocated plant

in ‘expert’ groups, discuss Aboriginal culture - the significance of sustainable practices and connection to the land in relation medicinal plants

Reflecting and Taking Action (Lesson 5) Students:  as a whole class, review and discuss the history of Aboriginal bush medicine, the women’s role as knowledge holders, nurturers and providers, and the significance of sustainability, connection to Country  create an audio ‘Voice Thread’ using historical knowledge of bush medicine, reflections and photographs (see Appendix 3)  visit local Aboriginal Women’s Trail, guided by a local Nynoogar woman (Appendix 1 source 5), to consolidate and strengthen historical knowledge, and gain a deeper intercultural understanding Aboriginal people’s intimate connection to Country and the role of women

Assessment Task – Historical Narrative / ICT Task (Lesson 6 and 7) Students:  revise features of an historical narrative emphasising authenticity and empathy for Aboriginal people D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


research the time period for Aboriginal women before European settlement, to ensure authenticity of the historical narrative

a) identify traditional Aboriginal names for people, seasons, body parts, names of plants, clothing, shelter and natural features and view selected (see Appendix 1 source 6) Nyoongar Dictionary Australian Society for Indigenous Languages b) view selected episodes from My Place series for television (see Appendix 1 source 7) My place for Teachers – episode 23, 25, 26 

write an historical narrative, using terms denoting time. (see hand written work samples)

Task: Imagine you are a member of a traditional Aboriginal family. Tell an authentic story about the Aboriginal women in the family locating, preparing and administering traditional bush medicine to cure a family member’s ailment. (see Appendix 5 for Historical marking rubric) 

use ICT – ‘Evernote’ software to record historical knowledge of bush medicine practices through photography, text and an audio recording of their knowledge.

Task: Use a tablet with Evernote to: Identify and photograph the bush medicine plant you have studied Use the audio link to record what you now know about the traditional way Aboriginal women used this plant as bush medicine. Use the keyboard to write about the history of traditional Aboriginal bush medicine. (See Appendix 6 for URLs with work samples) This task ensures all students have an opportunity to show and share their knowledge through photography, text and an audio link. (see Appendix 4)

(see Appendix 5 for Marking rubric for the historical narrative and the unit D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s



Name: _________________

WALT: identify plants used for medicine by Aboriginal women, and discover how they were used when caring for the family. Bush medicine is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to know ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________

My plant is _________________________ scientific name __________________________________________ After visiting the garden, use sources such as reading the information text, accessing the internet, viewing photographs and sketches, and talking with your group, to note what you have discovered. Plant name and description: ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain how the plant is used for bush medicine and why it is important: _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

An interesting fact about the plant is: ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Clearly explain the answer to your question: _____________________________________________ D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


Appendix 2: AAV -Retrieval activity sheet


WALT: identify plants used for medicine by Aboriginal women, and discover how they were used when caring for the family. Bush medicine is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to know ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My plant is _________________________ scientific name __________________________________________ After visiting the garden, use sources such as reading the information text, accessing the internet, viewing photographs and sketches, and talking with your group, to note what you have discovered. *Use lined paper to write about your discoveries using the following sub- headings. *Remember to rule up write a title and include the sub-titles and a botanical sketch. Plant name and description: Explanation of plant use and importance: Interesting facts about the plant: What I have learnt:

(Clearly explain the answer to your question :)

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Appendix 1 - Source 4 - Teacher compiled information sheets for student research task.


Native Pig Face Carpobrotus rossii

Native Pig face has fleshy, drought-resistant leaves with bright magenta- pink flowers. Another pig face species has yellow flowers. Pig face was a valuable food plant. Its scientific name comes from Greek words meaning ‘edible fruit’ – a fact well-known to Aboriginal people. They would camp close to this plant which they called wend-dar. The sweet centre of the red or purple berry is a tasty wild fruit with a flavour compared to strawberries, figs, kiwi fruit and raspberries. The leaves were cooked and eaten. Aboriginal women used the juice from the leaves to soothe blisters, burns and pain from insect bites. It was also used to help clean scratches. Aboriginal women also used leaf juice to cure stings from sea creatures such as jellyfish. Birak is the Nyoongar season when it is hot and dry. Aboriginal people would camp by the sea and fish. D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Appendix 1 - Source 4 - Teacher compiled information sheets for student research task.

ABORIGINAL BUSH MEDICINE Melaleucas (Melaleuca alternifolia),

Paperbark trees get their name from their bark, which can be pulled off the tree trunk like paper. It was very useful for Aboriginal people who used it as bandages, cradles, sleeping mats and wrapping food when cooking. Other Melaleucas were used as bush medicine, particularly the famous Ti Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), which is still used for its essential oil which is an antibiotic. The Aboriginal women used the oil for many remedies. They crushed the leaves to use to rub on the skin and even bathed in the water that had collected under the trees. Melaleucas have got evergreen leaves and flowers that can be red, pink, yellow or greenish. Their height can vary between 2 and 30 metres. They are related to Bottle Brush Plants (Callistemon), and the main difference between the two is how the stamens are grouped on the flowers. Melaleucas are mostly found in open forest, scrubland and woodland, and they often grow near the water, along swamps and riverbanks. Broad-leaved Paperbark (Melaleuca quinquenervia) is mostly a small or medium-sized tree with creamy or greenish flowers, lightcoloured bark and broad leaves. Long-leaved Paperbark (Melaleuca leucadendra) is a tall tree with white to creamy flowers, white bark and up to 20cm long leaves. D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Appendix 1 - Source 4 - Teacher compiled information sheets for student research task.

ABORIGINAL BUSH MEDICINE Eucalypt (Eucalyptus calophylla)

Native to Australia, the Eucalyptus is a traditional Aboriginal remedy for a variety of ailments. Today, it is used worldwide in pills, liquids, inhalers, and ointments for many common problems. Aboriginal women used Eucalyptus leaves to help relieve symptoms of colds, flu, chest congestion, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, and respiratory infections. During the Nyoongar season Makuru when it is cold and wet, women would gather eucalyptus leaves to use for bush medicine. Eucalyptus can be made into a tea. Teas can also be used as a gargle for relief of sore throat. To make a tincture, place 200 grams of dried or 300 grams of fresh Eucalyptus leaves in a large sterilized jar. Cover completely with rum or vodka, seal, and let sit 10-14 days, shaking the jar every few days. After two weeks, place a cheesecloth or muslin cloth over the mouth of the jar and strain the contents into a new sterilized jar. Squeeze the soaked herb to get as much of the mixture as possible. Store in a dark place and take 1 teaspoon mixed with juice or water 2-3 times per day. Externally, the antiseptic, and warming properties of Eucalyptus make it a valuable resource treatment of burns, sores, ulcers, scrapes, boils, and wounds. Applied as an oil or ointment it also helps relieve the pain of rheumatism, aching, pains and stiffness. For outdoor enthusiasts, Eucalyptus rubbed into the skin seems to work well as an insect repellent, especially for mosquitoes and fleas. Rubbed into the chest, it relieves congestion and cough. For relief of congestion, asthma, and respiratory problems, boil Eucalyptus leaves in water in a tightly covered pot, and then remove from heat and inhale the vapours. For an antiseptic bath, place Eucalyptus leaves in a mesh bag and hang under the bath tap as you run a hot bath. An infusion made from the bark is drunk and used as a cure for diarrhoea. Leaves crushed and the vapour inhaled relieves congestion.

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


Appendix 1 – Historical Sources Source 1- Video clip Aboriginal women elders instruct a group of Aboriginal children about traditional bush medicine practices. The children are shown how to identify and locate medicinal plants then how to prepare them for use. Women pas on this knowledge to younger generations. Source 2 - Video clip A modern day Aboriginal family inform the viewer how to identify and locate medicinal plants to cure common family ailments. The viewer is shown how the family search for Bush Medicine to cure the baby’s cough Bush Medicine and how to prepare a cleansing bath for the baby.

Source 3 - Teacher prepared PowerPoint Source 4 – Teacher prepared Information sheets (See previous pages) Websites used for teacher prepared PPT, information sheets, and student web-based research: Australian National Botanic Gardens Education Service Australian Geographic – Top 10 Aboriginal Bush Medicines Bush Medicine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Healing Secrets of Aboriginal Bush Medicine Fact Sheet 15 Bush Medicine Alice Springs Desert Park – Desert Bush Medicine Bush Medicine knowledge © Commonwealth of Australia 2012

Department of Environment and Conservation Flora base D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Pig Face, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus Kleenex Eucalyptus Oil Aboriginal use of native plants Source 5 – Local Aboriginal women’s Trail A local Aboriginal woman guided the students along the trail delivering information and answering questions about traditional bush medicine practices.

Source 6 - Traditional Aboriginal names Nyoongar Dictionary Australian Society for Indigenous Languages Source 7 – My Place – TV series My place for Teachers – episode 23, 25, 26 Source 7 – Local Aboriginal Women’s Trail A local Aboriginal woman guided the students along the trail delivering information and answering questions about traditional bush medicine practices.

Appendix 3 Voice Thread Link – Appendix 4 Evernote – used as an android app and as an assessment and reporting tool. Evernote enables the student to save field notes, audio, web clips, files and images for use on their mobile device for later access by any computer and from any platform with an internet connection. The audio functionality gives students with lower literacy levels a chance to express themselves without fear of failure. Information can be gathered from anywhere ie web docs and clippings, and saved into the one document.

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


Appendix 5 – Marking rubric Weaving Together, People, Land and Beliefs History of Aboriginal Bush Medicine - A Cross-curricular Integrated Unit

Rubric for Bush Medicine Unit

Historical Knowledge Understand and show empathy for Aboriginal culture: -women as providers -medicinal plant use -sustainable practices

Excelling Detailed knowledge of, and empathy for Aboriginal medicinal plant use

Historical Skills

Excelling Contributes thoughtful ideas and questions to indicate empathy and an understanding of the importance of the land for Aboriginal people Independently formulates an appropriate question about Aboriginal medicinal plant use Uses visual, auditory, written and digital sources to locate detailed information about an Aboriginal medicinal plant use Includes detailed facts to explain location, use and sustainable practices. Narrative flows and is logical. Transition words skilfully connect ideas. Clear empathy for Aboriginal people

Discuss and question the significance of the land and connection to it for Aboriginal people

Formulate a question about traditional Aboriginal culture

Use sources to locate information about Aboriginal medicinal plant use

Write a narrative from an Aboriginal perspective about women as providers and sustainable use of medicinal plants

Good Some knowledge of, and empathy for Aboriginal medicinal plant use

Fair Limited knowledge of, and empathy for Aboriginal medicinal plant use

Good Fair Contributes some Contributes limited ideas and questions to ideas and questions to indicate some indicate a degree of empathy and an understanding of the understanding of the importance of the land importance of the land for Aboriginal people for Aboriginal people Some teacher guidance Teacher modelling and required to formulate assistance required to a question about formulate a question Aboriginal medicinal about Aboriginal plant use medicinal plant use Uses auditory, written Uses auditory and and some visual written sources to sources to locate locate limited adequate information information about an about an Aboriginal Aboriginal medicinal medicinal plant use plant use Includes adequate Includes limited facts facts to explain to explain location, use location, use and and sustainable sustainable practices. practices. Narrative sequence Narrative sequence can be followed. not easy to follow. Transition words used Transition words to connect ideas. missing or do not Some empathy for connect ideas. Aboriginal people. Limited empathy for Aboriginal people.


D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


Appendix 5 – Marking rubric

Rubric for Assessment Historical Narrative

Title Characters




Resolution and Conclusion Aboriginal traditional use of medicinal plants

Aboriginal women’s role as nurturers and providers

Aboriginal culture – sustainable practices - connection to the land Comments:

Excelling Creative and sparks interest in story/topic Uses Aboriginal names and developed with authentic detailed description Elaboration used to establish an authentic scene and lifestyle Skilful use of historical, vivid descriptive and temporal words/phrases to enhance an authentic, logical sequence and action Intriguing historically accurate dilemma developed and enhanced with characters authentic thoughts and feelings Satisfying sense of closure with some character development Details reflect in-depth knowledge and understanding of the traditional use of medicinal plants by Aboriginal women Details reflect in-depth knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal women as carers of the family in relation to health and and knowledge of medicine Details reflect in-depth knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal sustainable use of medicinal plants

Good Appropriate and to story/topic Uses Aboriginal names and developed with some authentic description Some elaboration used to indicate a realistic scene and lifestyle Some use of historical, descriptive and temporal words/phrases to indicate an authentic, logical sequence and action Historically accurate dilemma developed with some reference to characters authentic thoughts and feelings

Fair Some relation to story/topic Uses some Aboriginal names and limited authentic development or description Limited elaboration used to show a realistic scene and lifestyle Limited use of historical, descriptive and temporal words/phrases to show some authentic sequencing and action Historically accurate dilemma has limited development with limited/no reference to characters limited authentic thoughts and feelings A sense of closure and Some sense of closure some sense the with limited/no character development character development Details reflect Details reflect some adequate knowledge knowledge and and understanding of understanding of the the traditional use of traditional use of medicinal plants by medicinal plants by Aboriginal women Aboriginal women Details reflect Details reflect adequate knowledge adequate knowledge and understanding of and understanding of Aboriginal women as Aboriginal women as carers of the family in carers of the family in relation to health and relation to health and and knowledge of and knowledge of medicine medicine Details reflect in-depth Details reflect in-depth knowledge and knowledge and understanding of understanding of Aboriginal sustainable Aboriginal sustainable use of medicinal plants use of medicinal plants

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM: HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASK TEMPLATE Appendix 6 Assessment work samples using Evernote software Lower ability GB SR IC AHS Middle ability AL EL LS Higher ability EL OG HA LP

MK D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


Weaving Together, People, Land and Beliefs History of Aboriginal Bush Medicine - A Cross-curricular Integrated Unit Differentiation The unit is differentiated by expectations, vocabulary, texts provided for research, Internet sites provided and detail required for research. Two activity sheets were provided. One caters for the lower and middle ability students and one for the higher ability students. All students are able to participate at their own level. Formative assessments take the form of student conferences during and after task completion. Students were able to gain knowledge through a range of task using several multiple intelligences. The summative assessment takes the form of a narrative and ICT use to enable students show their understanding through photography, text construction, and oral recording of information using Evernote software.

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s


To what extent did the task provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their skills and understandings from the curriculum content?

Students demonstrated their knowledge by completing a botanical sketch, writing about their personal experience in the bush and relating this to Aboriginal people’s connection to the land. When researching the students extended their research by locating information from several sources and accessing websites to gain further knowledge. The student’s knowledge was then demonstrated in the narrative they write at the conclusion of the unit. The illustrations also provided an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge.

What range of achievement was demonstrated by students?

As the task is differentiated it caters for a wide range of abilities, achievements and pace of learning.

Was any additional support required for some students to complete the task?

Some less confident students were supported using peer support and teacher support.

What misconceptions were revealed from students’ responses to the task? How could this activity be used to inform the planning of future teaching and learning? How has this task been a useful tool to scaffold a future activity? How could this activity relate to other learning areas? How could this activity be adapted to embed the Cross Curriculum Priorities? How could this activity be adapted to embed a wider scope of General Capabilities?

Students thought that the bush medicine plants would be difficult to find and difficult to turn into medicine such as tablets.

Future teaching and learning will revolve around the Nyoongar six seasons and so enable a re-visit of bush medicine and the role of women in Aboriginal culture Will be used to prior to a visit to Piney Lakes Aboriginal Women’s Trail and an in-depth study of the Nyoongar six seasons Incorporated links to English, Art, ICT. Cross curricular priorities include Aboriginal histories and culture and a sustainable way of living.

General capabilities included literacy, ICT, creative thinking, ethical behaviour, personal and social competence and intercultural understanding.

D12/XXX: Australian Curriculum – History Assessment Task - Year 3 - Bush Medicine - Beth Stubbs –St Hilda’s

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