History Matrix Ideas

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Australia as a Nation Complete Worksheet 1 on the Different Forms of Government that exist. Once completed create/select political cartoons to represent each of their characteristics.

Outline responsibilities of the 3 tiers of Australian Government using a Venn diagram Worksheet 3

Read the words to ‘Advance Australia Fair’ This is described as a patriotic song. What does this mean? Discuss how ‘Advance Australia Fair’ reflects an Australian identity. Represent your understanding of a particular stanza in pictures. Highlight and explain any unusual words eg,girt

Read the poems “Our Own Flag” by Banjo Patterson , “Our Flag” anonymous and “Flag” by Stephen Herrick. and discuss the writers’ views of the flag and what it means to them.

Complete a PMI on Australia’s form of Government. Research an Australian Prime Minister. Then create a rhyming bioriddle outlining significant events and achievements of this PM’s life. Present your bio-riddle and then draw a caricature reflecting their achievements.

Watch a Parliamentary debate and complete a “Y chart”. Visualise yourself sitting in Parliament, what it would feel like, sounds like and look like.

Complete the General Knowledge questionnaire on Parliament members Worksheet 2

Write a formal letter to a member of parliament on an issue/concern to you. Remember your aim is to persuade or support their stance.

Complete the floor plan of Who’s who & who’s where in chambers. Worksheet 4 House of Reps Senate

Construct a table to Watch http://www.ausflag.com.au/ W show the history of You are to create a new Australian flag. fl the Australian flag, You must write an accompanying D including; The Herald brochure to explain the it federal flag, the significance/symbolism of each element y Aboriginal flag, the of your flag and design an advertising P Eureka flag,the campaign/ slogan to promote it. p National Colonial vi flag,the Federal in flag,the Torres n Strait islander flag, the Union jack The “Stolen Generation “ is a tragic part of our Australian history. View the following http://stolengenerationstestimonies.co m/index.php/about_stolen_generations .htmlhttps:// and Using your understanding www.youtube.com/watch? Differently and others C v=br83o_JpIFw on the White Australia p Create 2 diary entries explaining your be tolera feelings as a mother, and a child. Create your own song or rap from an Indigenous Point of view or from your point of view today. Sharing events, feelings etc including the introduction and outcome of “Sorry Day”. Australia a Republic? Predict what will happen i Australia becomes a republic . http://ahha.asn.au/conten t/election-word-clouds Construct a “ Pros” and “Cons” Table stating the benefits, disadvantages. The following link and other may assist you http://www.independenta stralia.net/australia/aust alia-display/the-case-for an-australianrepublic,3989


Name ____________________ Outcomes (TS3.1) (WS3.9) (ENS3.6)

Different Forms of Government

Worksheet 1

Research the various forms of Government from internet resources - such as World Parliaments or Forms of Government From the information gained: • list in point form the main basis of that Government style • list an example country. • Add an illustration or image


Name _____________________________ Date ________________

Australia has considered becoming a republic. What is your opinion ? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3


Name ___________________ Outcomes: (SSS3.8) (RS3.5) (RS3.6) WS3.9)

Worksheet 2

Australia Constitution Read and discuss our Constitution in a classroom situation then attempt the following questions.

Q: Why do we have a constitution? ____________________________________________________ Q: Can the Constitution be changed? ___________________________________________________ Q: What are the Main Provisions of the Australian Constitution?

____________________________________________________ Q: What is the responsibility and role of The Governor-General? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Q: How does a representative Government work? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


Part 2 Q: What are the two houses of Parliament? ____________________________________________________ Q: What is the role of the High Court? ____________________________________________________ Q: What does the Constitution require us to do? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


Name ____________ Outcomes (TS3.2) (RS3.6) SSS3.8) (WM3.1) (W.M3.2)

3 Tiers of Government

Worksheet 3

Determine those responsibilities that are uniquely Federal Government State and Local Governments. Write in the relevant circle. Any responsibilities that overlap – list in the ‘overlapping’ sections.

Federal Government

State Government


Local Government

Name: ________________ Outcomes; (RS3.6) (WM3.2)

Worksheet 4

Who’s Who and Who’s Where in Chambers

Task: Below is an outline of both the House of Representative and the Senate seating arrangements or Floor plan. Using information from readings and research locate the position of members of Parliament and Senators as well as office and administrative personnel When you are done check your work against the 2 websites listed below

Websites: House of Representatives: http://www.aph.gov.au/house/work/chamber.htm Senate: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/general/chamber.htm


Name: ________________ Outcomes (SSS3.8) (RS3.6) (UTS3.9)

Worksheet 5

General Knowledge Questionnaire After all the work we have done in this Unit you should be familiar with the names of these people. Have a go and see how well you can remember the important names of out Politicians and Government officials !


Name of Person

Governor-General Prime Minister Party/coalition in Government Leader of the opposition Name of Opposition party/ies Premier of NSW Our Commonwealth Electoral Division name/s The Federal Member of Parliament The Chief Justice of the High Court High Court Judge


Name: _______________ Outcomes:(CCS3.2) (UTS3.9) (WS3.9)


Worksheet 6

We all have a number of basic Human Rights. However in some countries these rights are denied. Fortunately, as Australians we do live in a ‘lucky’ country in many ways. Look at our ‘Rights and Freedoms’ under Australian Law and discuss what they mean: • A right to vote • Freedom of worship • A right to feel safe

• Freedom of speech

• A right to trial by jury

• Freedom of movement

• A right to own property

• Freedom of association

• A right to an education

• Freedom from discrimination

Then determine what would happen if that right was removed – what would be the consequences? Who would be affected? How would it make you feel ? Unsafe, insecure, considered unequal amongst other people in the community/state/country? What if these rights were removed ... What is your opinion. A right to vote: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ A right to feel safe: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ A right to trial by jury: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


Part 2 A right to own property: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ A right to an education: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Freedom of worship: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Freedom of speech: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Freedom of movement: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Freedom of association: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Freedom from discrimination: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Name __________








Mind Map List the things that you have learnt about State and Federal Government

Australian Government

OUR FLAG - THE POEM Our Flag wears the stars that blaze at night, In our Southern skies of blue, And a little old flag in the corner, That's part of our heritage too. It's for the English, the Scots and the Irish, Who were sent to the ends of the earth, The rogues and schemers, the doers and dreamers, Who gave modern Australia its birth. And you, who are shouting to change it, You don't seem to understand, It's the flag of our laws and our language, Not the flag of a faraway land. Though there are plenty of people who'll tell you, How when Europe was plunged into night, That little old flag in the corner, Was their symbol of freedom and light. It doesn't mean we owe allegiance, To a forgotten imperial dream, We've the stars to show where we're going, And the old flag to show where we've been. It's only an old piece of bunting, It's only an old piece of rag,

But there are thousands who've died for its honour, And shed of their blood for OUR FLAG.

Flag Granpa said he fought for it Dad says that some of it is not ours My sister likes the blue colour My brother says he wants to play cricket for it My Mum is sick of all the talk about it Sam got in trouble for putting upside down on the flagpole. We sing songs at school to it Rebecca thinks it would be better red not blue., Me, I like the stars best. What about you? Stephen Herrick

Our Own Flag by Banjo Paterson (1864-1941) Australian writer


hey mustered us up with a royal din,

In wearisome weeks of drought. Ere ever half of the crops were in, Or the half of the sheds cut out. 'Twas down with the saddle and spurs and whip The swagman dropped his swag. And we hurried us off to the outbound ship To fight for the English flag. The English flag – it is ours in sooth We stand by it wrong or right. But deep in our hearts is the honest truth We fought for the sake of a fight. And the English flag may flutter and wave Where the World-wide Oceans toss, But the flag the Australian dies to save Is the flag of the Southern Cross. If ever they want us to stand the brunt Of a hard-fought, grim campaign, We will carry our own flag up to the front When we go to the wars again.

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