Bushfire Survival Guide

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What to read if a bushfire is coming your way-

Bush fire survival guide Sophie Gray



Introduction Prepare your house Prepare your family How to act What to wear Evacuation Plan What to do to make sure your house dose not burn Fire rating Flow Chart

This bushfire survival guide includes information on how to prepare for a bushfire. It can help you to get the latest information on bushfires in your area. It will show you a good evacuation plan to escape from a bushfire. It can show how to act in a bushfire. This bushfire survival guide can help everyone who is experiencing a bushfire in their area of land or where they live. Preparing yourself, your family and your property is your responsibility. Serious bushfires can occur in rural and suburban communities. During a major bushfire, fire-fighters will be working to stop the fire. A fire truck and water bombing by aircraft cannot be guaranteed to defend your home during bush fir

The more you prepare your property the better the chance it will survive a bushfire, even if you are not there. The majority of houses can survive most bushfires with planning and effort. Prepare your house • Make sure there is no dry trees or shrubs at least in 20 meters of your house • Make sure you don’t have any fuel near or in your house • Have your house packed up

You need to prepare your family and yourself so neither you or they will get hurt during the fire. If you listen to these rules to prepare yourself either you or them will get hurt.

What to have in a bushfire

Make sure you have a bag packed at the front door with all your valuables • Make sure you have at least 3 litters of water for each person You will need to act around a fire in a calm • Pack a water proof torch way so no way gets armoured or frightened • Make sure to pack plenty of food when a fire coming to them • is Have insect repellent packed or their house. So • Pack blankets if you end up in the forest this will show you how to act around a fire

How to act

You need to act calmly

Don’t get out of control You need to be calm around others •

Be quiet

Where to get the latest information on bushfires

   

TV Internet News newspaper

What to wear if you are in a fire

A wide brimmed hat or hard hat it can

Stop embers from dropping onto your head or down the back of your shirt.

Glasses or goggles Eye coverings can protect your eyes against any smoke, embers and debris that may be in the air.

Gloves Gloves can protect your hands from radiant heat, embers and debris that may be in the air or on anything you pick up around your yard when protecting your property.

A mask or cloth (non-synthetic) Covering your nose and mouth, may protect you from inhaling smoke, ash and embers.

A long-sleeved shirt made from thick cotton or wool is ideal (ego cotton drill work shirt). A shirt can stop embers from burning your skin and help protect you from radiant heat and debris.

A pair of heavy cotton pants, such as denim jeans, oil free drill pants or cotton overalls. Long pants can stop embers from burning your skin and help protect you from radiant heat and debris.

Sturdy leather work boots or shoes along with a pair of woollen or cotton socks. Sturdy leather footwear can stop embers from burning your skin, help protect you from radiant heat and debris.

Evacuation plan

Have a plan Every home should have a fire escape plan. Accidental home fires can catch people unawares. Without an escape plan you are placing the lives of everybody in your home in jeopardy. Plan your actions before a fire happens - draw your escape plan now! You can print out an A4 or an A3 version of the plan using the links available on the right.

Be sure to add a safe meeting place and always discuss your plan with the rest of your household. When complete place your plan somewhere prominent in your home (for example on your fridge) to keep it fresh in your mind. Everyone in your household, including children, should discuss your evacuation plan, agree what actions should be taken in the event of a fire and practise your plan. Remember, the first step to escaping a fire is to plan and practise your escape! If your home catches fire follow your escape plan. CRAWL DOWN LOW, GET OUT and STAY OUT! Close doors as you go to help slow the spread of fire. If your clothes catch fire, STOP, DROP, COVER and ROLL until the flames are extinguished. Tips on home fire escape plans •draw a floor plan of your home

•draw your escape plan and discuss your escape plan with other occupants including children •make sure that windows and screens can be easily opened •provide alternatives for anyone with a disability •decide on a safe outside meeting place e.g. near the letterbox •once you get out, STAY OUT, never go back inside a burning building •practice your plan at least twice a year, making sure that everyone is involved •if you live in an apartment building learn and practice your building's evacuation plan •if you hear the fire alarm, leave immediately •use the stairs – NEVER use a lift/elevator during a fire Smoke alarms can save your life Having working smoke alarms installed on every level of your home dramatically increases

your chances of survival. Smoke alarm batteries need to be tested monthly and replaced yearly. FACT: When fire takes hold, EVERY SECOND COUNTS. In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. Fire safety tips for around the house •Security screens and doors require special precautions. Windows and doors with screens and deadlocks can trap you in a fire. Keys should always be left in the lock or in a safe place near the door when you are at home, to enable a safe and speedy exit. •Never open doors that are hot to the touch. To make sure that fire is not on the other side of the door, use the back of your hand to feel a closed door. If it feels hot, use your alternate escape route.

•Remember; close the doors after you to help slow the spread of fire.

How to prepare your


Preparing your house is very important

Fire danger ratings

These fire danger signs will tell you what the fire will be like you will usually be able to see these signs on the road or

the highway.

Prepare your house

Move away from Bushfire

Prepare your family and yourself

Get out

Organise what to wear during a bushfire

Evacuation Plan

Flow Chart for Bushfires

Thanks for watching

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