Raps table

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1. Fill in the table below:

Name of Founder (1)

Religion they founded (1)

Where in the world did they live? (2) When did they live?

Include their date of birth and death if you can. (2)

How did they start this religion? (2)

Why did they start this

religion? (4)

Were they married? If so, to who?


Find 5 interesting facts about this person (e.g. Did they have a job?) (5)

2. Read through your notes and be prepared to feedback to the class what you have

found out.

3. Extension: Find an interesting story about this person and make some notes in your

RAPS book. 4. Extension: Do you think this person was a good role model? Why? Make a note of

your answer in your RAPS book.

5. Extension: Choose another founder to research. Ask your teacher for another hand

out to complete to questions.

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