Survival Guide

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Survival Guide By Siobhan Collins

The book that tells you everything you need to know

Contents Prepare a bushfire survival plan before the bushfire season starts 1 Prepare your house and family 2 Fire Danger Ratings 3 What to pack 4 How to act 5 Get ready for evacuation 6 What to wear 7 Important contacts 7



Survival Guide

Prepare a Bushfire Survival Plan before the bushfire season starts

Prepare your house and family Prepare your house: ❏ Rake

up dry leaves to one area and then dispose of

them ❏ Mow long, dry grass ❏ Remove petrol cans ❏ Store lot’s of water ❏ Remove litter from gutters and lawn ❏ Store wood far away from your house

Prepare your family: ❏ If

there are small children or elderly people in your house be sure to leave early ❏ Pack a suitcase with essential things and place it near the door so if you need to evacuate at the last minute you are prepared.

Fire Danger Ratings

When the fire rating is catastrophic, for your survival you MUST evacuate straight away

If the fire rating is

extreme you should leave ASAP If the fire rating is severe the safest option is to evacuate.

If the fire rating is very high, high or low moderate you should go over your Bushfire Survival Plan

Make sure your family know of what could happen. Make checking the Bushfire Risk Fire Gauge a game and listening to the weather exciting. Most of all, even if worst comes to worst and you have to evacuate ,don’t panic.

What to pack                

Portable battery-operated radio Waterproof torch Spare batteries First aid kit Candles Matches (waterproof) Blankets Emergency contact numbers Waterproof bag for valuables Cash, ATM cards, credit cards Medications and toiletries Mobile phone and charger Pocket knife Valuables and photos (in waterproof bag) Clothes Drinking water

How to act     

Whatever you do, DON’T panic Stay calm Believe you will make it through Find the nearest safe area If somebody gets hurt try and find a hospital

If you decide to stay: Only think about staying if you are prepared. Your home must be specially designed or specially built, and ready to withstand a fire. If you do not have a prepared house you have to leave.

Get ready for evacuation Check your Survival Plan and Survival Kit. Look at the Bushfire Danger Rating. Check your contacts; tell them that you may be coming. If you can smell smoke in the air you must leave for a safe area.

Important Contacts 000- Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade 1300 657 209- for emergency information 132 500- SES assistance

What to wear

Wear a long sleeved top

Wear long jeans

Wear a hat to stop embers from going down your shirt Wear gloves Wear a cloth over your mouth so you don’t breathe in smoke.

Wear goggles to protect your eyes

Wear boots to

protect your feet.

Flowchart Prepare a bushfire survival plan before the bushfire season starts Important Contacts

What to wear

Prepare your house and family

Fire Danger Ratings

Get ready for evacuation

What to pack How to act

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