May 1 Issue

Page 1

Striving to maintain balanced coverage for all



(I,ITE . . .

An in-depth look at the arts See Section C

PROM Your guide for this year’s dance See Section P

MAY 1, 2008

520 E. Main Street

Carmel, IN 46032-2299

(317) 846-7721, WWW.HILITE.ORG

Volume 53, Issue 13

Clinton’s visit precursor to primary GO ONLINE For more on the President’s visit, go online to WWW. HILITE.ORG for pictures, video, related stories and more.

BY JACLYN CHEN The pounding beat of country music, the daunting American flag hanging front and center and the roar of the crowd were only appropriate to welcome to school Monday morning former President Bill Clinton. Clinton, here to stump for wife Senator Hillar y Clinton before Indiana’s primary on Tuesday, spoke to over 4,000 students, faculty and community members. Principal John Williams said that he was surprised when he received

the phone call Saturday night but thought it was unique opportunity for this school. Williams said, “Politics aside, what a historical moment this was for all of our students.” During his 40-minute speech, Clinton spoke about the state of the economy and the “critical juncture our country is in.” He also discussed the Senator’s Clinton’s policies on efficient energy, health reform and the War in Iraq. Student Body President Dan Frascella had the chance to meet Clinton after his speech.

Frascella said, “The chance that Indiana will matter (in the primaries) again, let alone having a president come to school, is pretty slim, so this was a great opportunity to meet him.” Andrew Chernoff, who reported live for CHTV during the rally, said that he learned about from the media’s point of view. He said, “It’s so exciting to see him, despite any political affiliations. There’s only ever been 43 presidents and to see one in person is fantastic.” Clinton’s visit and speech will be rebroadcast on CHTV throughout this week and next.


CAMP OBAMA: Beatina Theopold, Clay Township Organizer of the Obama campaign, talks to the members of the Obama Club here. Younger voters are turning out in greater numbers for this year’s primary election than for previous ones.

Tough Choices


As the state primary date nears, political sentiments build in one of the most polarizing elections in recent history BY ROSEMARY BOEGLIN


eniors Stevan Stankovich and Scott Williamson have good timing. They are eligible to vote this year and both are registered. They have sorted through the ideologies of the candidates and decided they want a Democrat in office. Both students are just in time to vote in the first influential Indiana state primary since Nixon and Kennedy. “It is amazing for my first time voting to be involved in such a critical election. I could not have been more lucky to get to start voting this year,” said Stankovich, a moderate Democrat who supports Hillary Clinton. Williamson, also a Democrat, said, “I am a strong supporter of Barack Obama and want to do whatever possible to help him wrap up the Democratic nomination.” This year, the Indiana Democratic primary takes place on Tuesday with Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on the ballot. According to Mary Beth Schneider of The Indianapolis Star, this is the first time in two decades that Indiana has been influential in the Democratic primary. Alicia Smith, U.S. Histor y and U.S. Government teacher, said that Indiana’s newfound importance in the national elections has affected Carmel. “I think it is creating more excitement because people are hearing about presidential candidates campaigning in Indiana and this is helping to generate more interest at the state and local level as well,” she said. Because Indiana’s primary is of consequence this year, Williamson said that it is meaningful for every person to vote. “Especially in Hamilton County, where Democrats are such a minority, every vote counts for the Democratic Primary. As far as support goes, I think that organizing works like the movie ‘Pay it Forward,’ where every person you

MAKING A POINT: Former President Bill Clinton delivers a speech Monday morning. His visit is on behalf of wife Senator Hillary Clinton’s bid to win the Democratic nomination.

bring to your side might reach out to a few more people, creating a strong, grassroots campaign. So everyone can play an important role,” Williamson said. Obama and Clinton know that Indiana is important this year, too. Kip Tew, the chairperson of Obama’s Indiana campaign, told Schneider, “I anticipate an all-out campaign here in Indiana.” Similarly, Clinton’s Hoosier campaign chairperson Joe Hogsett said in an interview with Schneider, “It’s exciting, the voice of Indiana Democrats will be heard.” Williamson echoes Hogsett’s statement, but specifically pertaining to young Hoosiers. “I think Indiana youth will be very excited to have a say in this election,” Williamson said. Williamson said he is enthusiastic about the campaign and elections in general. “I have been following the campaign since the beginning, and knew that I would be supporting a Democrat,” he said. “ Initially I was attracted to Obama for his person life story and the lack of Bush or Clinton in his name.” Stankovich was drawn to Clinton for the exact opposite reason. “Well, what first interested me (in Clinton) was that I was a big fan of Bill Clinton, so I thought I would like Hillary as well,” he said. After Williamson’s initial gravitation toward Obama, he said he dug deeper and said he only found more to support about him. “After doing more research, I found that I agreed with the majority of Obama’s policy ideas. I also believe that his abilities to speak, persuade and build up political coalitions would make him an excellent president who could unite the country and overcome Washington gridlock,” Williamson said. Stankovich was also confir med in his preference for Clinton after further investigation. “The core reason I support Hillary is after researching both candidates, I saw Hillary Clinton had the values that really matter to me,” he said. “She is trying to get

universal health care coverage for Americans, which is long over due. She knows how Washington works and has the experience to fight for what needs to be done in America. She also supports the middle class and wants to decrease taxes for the Americans who make $200,000 dollars or less and roll back the Bush tax cuts for the absurdly wealthy. She is also going to try to make college more affordable. Finally, and most importantly, she has the experience, passion and drive to fight to change America for the better.” Even though Williamson said that he is a strong supporter of a Democratic


QUICK FACTS • 72 delegates to be awarded proportionally from the results of Indiana’s May 6 primary election • 12 super delegates: 5 support Clinton, 3 support Obama, 4 are uncommitted SUPPORT CLINTON: Joe Andrew, former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Evan Bayh, Senator Phoebe Crane, DNC member Dan Parker, Indiana Dem. Party Chairman Bob Pastrick, DNC member SUPPORT OBAMA: Cordelia Lewis-Burks, Indiana Dem. Party vice chairwoman Andre Carson, U.S. representative Connie Thurman, DNC member INDIANAPOLIS STAR / SOURCE


Elections officials enact new policies BY MICHAEL WANG AND LEXI MUIR, For sophomore Adam Burns, his dreams of becoming Junior Class vice president are finally within reach because the elections for class officer and Senate begin next Tuesday and end on May 9. Burns said, “I really just wanted to get more involved in school. I have good leadership skills. I like getting involved and I like to think that I am a good person. I would love to get people to vote for me and win.” Despite the excitement from possible candidates, like Burns, who are eager to begin campaigning, according to Assistant Principal Amy Skeens-Benton, who has been in charge of student elections for two years, there have been several new policies implemented this year, which, including the upcoming class officer and Senate election also applied to last week’s Student Body President and Speaker of the House elections. Skeens-Benton mentioned these new policies to the candidates at a mandatory meeting on April 2. She said candidates running for Student Body President and Speaker of the House could not spend any more than $150 for campaign materials and candidates running for class officer and Senate cannot spend any more than $75. According to her, this budget limit was enforced this year because in past years some candidates have spent lavish amounts of money on campaigning. After the election ends, she said all candidates, including the ones who did not win, will have to turn in a budget form to verify they adhered to the new policy. If a candidate wins but didn’t adhere to this new policy, Skeens-Benton said, “We may have to go with the next candidate.” In addition to the new budget limit, students could only campaign beginning on April 21 if they were running for Student Body President or Speaker of the House and can start this Tuesday if they plan to run for a class officer or Senate position. Ways to campaign include T-shirts, posters, fliers, Internet, candy and freebies. Under the new restrictions, according to SkeensBenton, the Internet would be the best and easiest way to campaign. Though some candidates have already made support groups on Web sites such as Facebook and MySpace, Skeens-Benton said those new groups need to stay inactive until campaigning officially begins, which was agreed upon by all the candidates at the April 2 mandatory meeting. She said, “(Students) have already set up pages. We had to get people to agree that they didn't have to put down the site but it had do be inactive for right now. Then they can reactivate it at the time of campaigning. You cannot be sending (any messages) out.” Despite the new policies this year in regards to elections, Skeens-Benton said the voting process will remain the same. In order to be eligible to run for class officer and Senate, candidates need to turn in their forms by tomorrow. Skeens-Benton said she will tell candidates who the class officers and Senate members are on May 9, and winners will be announced to the school on May 12.

ADDITIONAL CAMPAIGN RULES • 50 8.5 X 11 and five poster board signs in total may be posted by each candidate • No signs or posters may be posted outside of the cafeterias or cafeteria commons area • Campaign materials may not be distributed during class time or SRT






Devotchka May 10, 6 p.m. The Vogue Tantric May 13, 8 p.m. The Vogue The Hives May 17, 7:30 p.m. The Vogue

What’s the cow saying? Submit responses online at HILITE.ORG

OPENING TOMORROW “Iron Man” “Made of Honor” “Fugitive Pieces” “Redbelt” “Mister Lonely” “Son of Rambow”


Level: medium



Administration changes School grieves loss of teacher, marks third death this year

Due to a series of retirements, Assistant Principals Kathy Luessow and Amy Skeens-Benton will take over office vacancies

Despite her few years here, Gina Coleman, American Sign Language (ASL) teacher, is wellremembered and well-loved, according to Avery Hollenback, ASL student and junior. “She always made class fun and energetic,” she said. “It was just easy to learn from her.” Coleman, who started teaching ASL two years ago, died on April 6 in a motorcycle accident, marking the third death from here this school year. Freshman Shaail Abbas and sophomore Michael Schenkel died in motor accidents in December and February, respectively. Principal John Williams said, “We celebrate a lot as a school, but we grieve together as a school as well. It’s everyone’s responsibility to help each other get through the grieving process.” Counselors were available during spring break and in the ASL classes the week students returned. “It was really weird for (Coleman) not to be there,” Hollenback said. “And it just wasn’t the same without her.” Hollenback, who started taking ASL classes this year, said that though she had always been interested in pursuing a career in special education, Coleman introduced her to the deaf community and opportunities to further her interest in ASL. Coleman, who was deaf, taught the class through animation and energy, Hollenback said. Williams said he recalls a teacher truly passionate about her subject. “She was great at not only teaching ASL but connecting her kids to the deaf culture,” Williams said. “She had a tremendous connection with the kids in the program, and her presence will be truly missed.” By Jaclyn Chen


Art Club students prepare for end-of-the-year activities Art Club has two meetings left, according to club president and sophomore Taylor Smith. The t-shirts are done, Smith said, and the club is currently finishing preparations for its Houndstock booth and working on promotional posts to increase club membership for next year. At the remaining meetings, Smith said the club will continue its paper project, which decorates the art hallway for the remaining three weeks of school and into next year. Club sponsor Linda Lutes said, “We’ll also have an end-of the year party. “We’ll walk down to the Carmel Arts District, see the galleries and get some food. This uses up our remaining funds.” By Mallory St. Claire

Entry deadline for badminton tournament on May 12 This year has been a busy one for intramural sports. In addition to the many sports that are traditionally part of the season, the intramural board and sponsors introduced a one-day dodgeball tournament and a championship basketball game during SRT. Before the year draws to a close, one remaining event is the badminton tournament. According to intramural sponsor Kathy Buck, students can now sign up for the tournament. Applications are due May 12, and the tournament is May 14 from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Those students who are interested may pick up applications from Buck or any another intramural sponsor or member of the student board. Each student must pay $2 to play and may sign up either by themselves or with a doubles partner. “It’s just something to do,” Ashley Wiley, president of the intramural board and senior, said. “You get to hang out with your friends, and it’s really fun.” By Maria LaMagna

Rocketry and Aviation Club prepares for national contest Recently, the Rocketry and Aviation Club members have continued to prepare for their next trip. The trip to the National Rocketry Contest takes place on May 17. May is the last month the club will have a chance to make any last minute adjustments to the rocket before the contest. The club will travel to The Plains, VA for the contest, sponsored by the Aerospace International Association. However, club sponsor Tom Maxam said, “We are just getting started.” The contest requires that the club build a onestage rocket, which is the simplest rocket to make. It must lift two raw eggs up in the air, and it must stay in the air for 45 seconds. The rocket must reach at least 750 feet. If the club happens to win the contest, they will win a share of the $60,000 among the other 100 winning teams. This event will be the wrap-up for the club. By Nicole Buchanan

CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS From the 4.3 ISSUE “T.H.E. Club spearheads recycling venture” (Page 1): The correct value of the grant was for $2,500. “In Search of Harmony” (Page B7): Crystal Brim’s quote should have read, “Finally, I have appropriated these movements and breathing patterns in my prayer life as I worship God and Jesus Christ.” The HiLite staff strives for accuracy and regrets any errors. Corrections and clarifications are printed on Page 2 of each issue.

ADMIN SWAP: Assistant Principal Amy Skeens-Benton patrols the senior hallway after SRT. Beginning next year, she will take charge of the Freshman Center instead. As one of several administrative changes taking place next year, she will take over Assistant Principal Kathy Luessow’s position and operate anything related to student activities and the Freshman Center. BY MICHAEL WANG


tar ting on July 1, several administrative changes will occur here because Assistant Principals John Abell and Bob Grenda are retiring. According to Assistant Principal Kathy Luessow, there are eight assistant principals currently. John Abell, John Newton, Ronda Eshleman and Luessow are 12-month assistant principals while Bob Grenda, Amy Skeens-Benton, Doug Bird and Kerry Hoffman are 10-month assistant principals. Luessow said, “The way it is set up, each of the four 12-month assistant principals (has) a 10month assistant principal working with them.” Under the current system, according to Luessow, she works with Grenda, Newton works with Skeens-Benton, Eshleman works with Hoffman and Abell works with Bird. Next year, though, as a result of Abell and Grenda’s retirements, Luessow will move to Abell’s position and Skeens-Benton will transition to Luessow’s position. These moves, however, still leave two vacancies for two 10-month

assistant principal positions. One of those positions is already filled by newly-hired Kevin Gallman, and the other position was scheduled to be announced at Monday’s school board meeting, which occurred after press deadline. According to Skeens-Benton, she, Luessow and the two new administrators were chosen through a process of resumes, applications and inter views. She said that the candidates first went to four separate groups which interviewed them. Then, if they were selected, Principal John Williams interviewed them. After that, they went over to the central office where the central office staff interviewed them and forwarded their names on for school board approval. As a result of the administrative changes, Luessow will now be in charge of buildings and grounds, which is anything that has to do with the facility, and also scheduling, a job she currently does. Eshleman and Hoffman will still be in charge of the school’s curriculum, and Newton will still be in charge of student services. Next year, Skeens-Benton will be in charge of anything related with the Freshman Center as well

as keeping her current job working with student activities, and Bird will still be in charge of attendance. Because there will be a number of administrative changes, there will also be r oom changes to accomodate. According to Luessow, Skeens-Benton will move into Luessow’s office, Luessow will move into Hoffman’s office and Hoffman will then move into Abell’s office. As a result of these changes, Skeens-Benton said the incoming freshmen will be more connected to this school. She said, “I think (by) tying in freshman activities with the Freshman Center, we will hopefully get a lot more freshmen involved and connected with (this school), and that is a big goal and just to

make the transition and connection to (this school) even better. Sophomore Shataakshi Dube said, “I think that all our administrators would be good no matter what position they take, and I am sure that the school has thought a lot about the decisions that they are making. So I think the administration will be in good hands, and it will be an overall positive change for the school. So overall I don’t think we will really notice the change if the transition is smooth.” Luessow said, “There will be some shifting around. I bet it will take a little while for (the administrators) to get accustomed because it is a lot. I love what I do. I really do love my job, (and) it has been a great opportunity for me.”


Amy Skeens-Benton

Ronda Eshleman

Doug Bird

Kathy Luessow

Kerry Hoffman

Kevin Gallman

To be announced

NEW DUTIES Luessow - buildings and ground, scheduling Skeens-Benton - Freshman Center and student activities KATHY LUESSOW / SOURCE

Election to shake up school board, two seats up for vote on Tuesday Only one of two current board members up for re-election running in May 6 event BY GRACE BARANOWSKI AND JOHN SHI, On Tuesday, the names of the seven candidates for the Carmel Clay School Board will appear on the Indiana primary ballot, along with the names of the presidential candidates (though voting-age Carmel Clay residents can opt to vote only for the school board). The school board election is given through the Hamilton County Board, according to Superintendent of schools Barbara Underwood, and they generally know the results that evening. The candidates take their positions on July 1. The seven members seek to fill two seats on the school board in this election held every two years. On alternating elections, according to Underwood, either two or three board seats are elected. According to Joseph Miller, secretary of the board of trustees and school board member, elections are staggered in order to prevent the complications that would arise should the entire school board change hands at once. Underwood said, “The issues may or may not change because three members continue to serve. The majority won’t change.” However, the policies examined on the board are “truly dependent on who is elected and what issues they want to address,” according to Underwood. Miller said he is up for re-election, since it is the end of his four-year term. Campaigning as the experienced candidate, Miller said that although there is always speculation that the election will be easier for an

incumbent, he doesn’t “take (the election) for granted at all.” But according to Underwood, a candidate running for a second time is a “fairly common occurance even though last time it didn’t happen.” As a superintendent in her eighth year, this 2008 school board election is “either the third or fourth” for Underwood. She said she doesn’t involve herself, though. “The school board supervises me; that’s why I don’t get involved,” she said. “I have five bosses, and every two years they change.” Senior J.C. Pankratz’s mother, English teacher Sherri Pankratz, was the campaign manager for the last school board election. According to J.C., her mother managed the campaigns of Bruce Calabrese, Stephen Backer and Greg Philips, all of whom ran together. J.C. said, “I remember when the school board members won. I came home from rehearsal for the musical, and I called my mom because I heard that we had won, and she was hoarse from crying because she was just that happy. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that moment because she had worked so hard, and she was so happy.” Under wood said she also finds significance in the school board elections. She said, “This is pretty important.” She also said that she hopes that the people who vote do so with knowledge of the candidates. But to Underwood, fulfilling community obligations on the school board is also a valuable undertaking. “Serving as a member of a school board is one of the best service contributions someone can make to their school board.”

SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION AT-A-GLANCE When’s the election? May 6 What’s at stake? Both at-large seats, currently held by Jeffry Carter and Joseph Miller Who’s running? Andrea Casper Tricia Hackett Andy Klein Tom Linkmeyer Angela Micheels Joseph Miller Rebecca Swedo Who’s currently on the board? Stephen Backer, president Bruce Calabrese, vice president Joseph Miller, secretary Jeffry Carter, member Greg Phillips, member CARMEL CLAY SCHOOL WEB SITE / SOURCE


Spring concert features senior solo

Come and meet those dancing feet



GLITZ AND GLAMOR: Senior Kathleen LaMagna tries on her costume for the production of “42nd Street” in front of director Lamonte Kuskye. While the productions in the past were more fairy tale-based, this year’s show will be an old-fashioned Broadway musical. BY MARIA LAMAGNA The performing arts department will present its production of “42nd Street” star ting next Thursday. Featuring tap dancing and traditional Broadway style, the show will diverge from the fair y tales presented over the past several years and return to Broadway basics. Director Lamonte Kuskye said, “It is the epitome of what people think of as a Broadway show…the essence of musical comedy, very light-hearted and fun.” This year, the musical differs from recent productions due to its ensemble tap routines and emphasis on dance. Kuskye said that before the show even began,

many prospective per formers signed up for after-school tap classes or participated in studentrun tap workshops during SRT. Senior Taylor Bossung will play Julian Marsh, a leading role in the production. He said that he feels the transition to a traditional show this year was a positive one. “I think it’s just time for a change,” he said. “We kind of moved from Disney to get a better variety of productions.” Bossung said he thinks the show will still engage a younger audience, similar to the fairy tales of the past several years. “It doesn’t have all of the more ‘fantastic’ elements that the other shows had. But it’s a classic story that has held its own since it appeared on Broadway,” he said.

Opening night is May 8, and the show will continue until May 11. As of press deadline on Monday, many seats are still available for each show. Students may buy them in the bookstore for $15, $12, $10 or $8 depending on the location in the auditorium. According to Kuskye, over 100 students auditioned for the musical. Though most were involved in choir, it was not a requirement. They went through an audition process which included singing a selection from the show and performing a dance audition. The directors then invited some students back to read scenes from the show to potentially cast them in leading roles. The result was a talented cast of over 40 students. Senior Katie Mazzini will play

Maggie Jones, a leading role in the show. She said, “It’s probably the best mix of talent we’ve had in a while. All around, the dancing, the singing, everything. The set is going to be really cool too.” Both Kuskye and Bossung said that the cast has been focused during rehearsals. “Now that the Ambassador competition show is all over, we know this is our one goal for the end of the year,” Bossung said. Kuskye said much of his enthusiasm for the show stems from the cast’s dance talent. “There aren’t a lot of tap shows that people can see,” he said. “To see high school kids that can sing and dance at this level, it’s amazing.”

After concluding its competition season at ISSMA, the orchestra will end the year with their annual spring concert. According to Gizele Rubeiz, member of the Camerata orchestra and senior, this concert will feature all of the orchestras and will be held in the Dale E. Auditorium on May 15. This will also be a “senior night” for the orchestra. “The senior line up on stage, they say where they are going, (and) they get their flowers,” Rubeiz said. “It’s just a way of recognizing the seniors.” Orchestra director Rachel Tookolo said that in addition to honoring the seniors, there will also be a banquet on May 19 awarding the individual players with outstanding achievements. Specific numbers for the concert are not yet decided, but Tookolo said that each orchestra will play about two or three songs, one of which will be from their ISSMA competition set. The Symphony orchestra will be playing some of the music they recycled, and in addition they will also feature three senior violinists. “We will be featuring (senior) Erica Ting. She is going to be soloing on a violin concerto, and the whole orchestra will be accompanying her,” Rubeiz said. “It’s going to be amazing; she’s a very talented violinist.” Additionally, Rubeiz said that she and senior Andrew Bloom will be featured in a double violin concerto by Antonio Vivaldi. “I’ve gained so much from (being in orchestra). I’ve met so many new people, made new friends and bonded with them. We’ve had so many great times, and it’s the little moments that I am really going to take away with me.” Rubeiz said. Tookolo said, “This has been a really good year. We tried a lot of new things this year, and this is our first year back at ISSMA. I am looking forward to next year. Trip year!”


PLAYING FURIOUSLY: Sophomore Tessa Wilkerson practices for a playing test in orchestra. Director Soo Han administered these tests to make sure that the students were able to play the repetoire for the spring orchestra concert.

PRIMARY, from page 1 Indiana becomes spot on map as election stays close


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candidate, he said he was not always aligned with the left. “I am a Democrat,” he said. “After living overseas and watching the Bush presidency with disgust and doing a lot of reading on my own about history and politics, I realized that I was liberal.” Due to the magnitude of this election, Williamson said he has taken steps to get other students involved. Smith said the social studies department tries to make the process easier for students so they are more apt to get involved. “The teachers in the social studies department make the forms available to juniors and seniors,” she said. “We also collect and turn them in for students so that they are more likely to register to vote. We also make forms available for students to sign up and work the precincts on election day so that students can be actively involved on election day.” Stankovich said his plight for Clinton is not always easy. “I talk to my friends and tr y to convince them to vote for Hillary. Most of the time it doesn’t work because a lot of them are very conservative and wouldn’t vote for a Democrat in a million years,” he said. Teachers take steps to get students informed about the elections according to Smith. “We encourage them to watch the news, discuss the

topics with their family and friends, incorporate the current election information into the curriculum as well as have student’s complete current events in our government class,” Smith said. Although he is hoping for an Obama victory, Williamson said he is unsure about the results of the primary. “As of now, it’s a toss up. The demographics lean toward Hillary, but I think there is a lot of excitement about Obama in this state, so I could definitely see it going his way,” he said. Despite his enthusiasm for Obama, Williamson said, if it came down to it, he would vote for Clinton. “I do not like how Hillary has run her campaign, and I do not believe that she would be as strong a president as Obama. However, I agree with her policies over those of McCain,” he said. Stankovich said he might take the Republican road if Obama were to receive the nomination, “(I) probably (would not vote for Obama) unless Hillary was the VP of the ticket. Obama is too inexperienced, and so far what I have heard from him has been empty and not with a lot of real solutions.” For Williamson, the long-term effects of this campaign are not entirely in the hands of either Clinton or Obama. “This election has really drawn me into politics,” he said. “And as a result, I think I will stay involved throughout my life.”

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PAGE 4 • THURSDAY, MAY 1 , 2008 • ADS

#!,%.$!2 s THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2008 s 0!'%

DISCUSSING UNDER THE SUN: Senior Megan Mainville discusses her thoughts with F&CS teacher B r o o k e We e k e s i n t h e w a r m spring weather. Weekes’ Human Development and Family Wellness class relocated their discussion to the great outdoors. Many classes are taking advantage of the beautiful weather by working outside.

Warm weather brings many classes outdoors for learning


the first idea. The first idea is more of an art piece.” Meanwhile, Bright said the she hopes the new end-of-the-year senior plans will be well received. The newsletter explaining the senior’s end-of-the-year schedule was sent out last Wednesday during SRT. Bright said she wrote it herself, using information from the Principal Advisory Council (PAC) meetings with Principal John Williams. Bright said, “We would like seniors to do their best to cooperate with the new changes. It stinks that it’s kind of a trial year, but in the end, the seniors are still getting a lot of privileges.” By Jade Luo

Senior Class ponders class gift options, anticipates reactions to new end-of-year traditions The Senior Class officers are still discussing the Senior Class gift. “We’re still looking at the options,” Terri Edwards, senior class sponsor and teacher, said. According to class president Corey Bright, the officers have had two or three meetings brainstorming for the materials, cost, construction and other details for the Senior Class gift. After the class officers had a set idea for the class gift, another student suggested a new idea. Since then, the class officers have been discussing which one to follow through with. “(The new gift idea) is more involved,” Bright said. “We may be resorting back to

Casting Crowns in concert Tomorrow, 6 p.m. Pepsi Coliseum tickets: $16 to $75

Indians vs. Richmond Braves May 13, 7 p.m. Victory Field tickets: $9 or $13

Eddie Izzard in concert May 10, 8 p.m. The Murat Centre tickets: $37 to $57


Drive by Truckers in concert Tomorrow, 9 p.m. The Vogue tickets: $22.50

The Hives in concert May 17, 8 p.m. The Vogue tickets: $18.50


Panic! at the Disco, Hush Sound, Motion City Soundtrack in concert May 18, 7 p.m. Murat Centre tickets: $35

IHSAA State Wrestling Competition Saturday, 8 a.m. Indiana State Fairgrounds Broad Ripple Farmers’ Market opens Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon Broad Ripple High School OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Indianapolis Convention Center *registration required online at


ISSMA Orchestra Performance


ACT registration deadline


Spring musical, 2 and 7:30 p.m.


Prom, 8 p.m. to midnight, the Fountains

SAT Test Date

May Day

Jazz at the Roof, 6:30 p.m., Indiana Roof Ballroom


With the first Saturday of every May comes Churchill Downs’ Kentucky Derby. The very first race was won by a horse named Bonaventure.


did you know?


MAY Flex Day

Key Club meeting, SRT, freshman cafeteria


Student Venture, 7 a.m., freshman cafeteria

IB Exam Week


Spring musical, 7:30 p.m.


SAT Registration deadline


AP Exams begin


PLC Late Start

Houndstock, 4 to 10 p.m.

MAY QUEEN: At traditional May Day festivals, one young woman is elected as the May Queen, or The Maiden. She is chosen based on her ability to represent spring, fairies, and flowers.


MAY POLE: The May Pole Dance has origins in Eastern European countries. Dancers each hold on to colored streamers attached to a central pole. A complicated dance follows as participants first weave in and out of each other then retrace their steps to unwind.

FLOWER GARLANDS: In modern times, flower garlands are a major symbol of May Day. Yet in the fourteenth century, young girls wore garlands of flowers to better their appearance when begging from door to door.

Now that we’ve finally moved past the rainy month of April, kick off the new month with a few traditional May Day customs

Spring or chestra concert, 7:30 p.m.

Both TLC and TVC ar e very active in the planning and functioning of various activities at the librar y, according to Paliza-Carre. TLC activities include book-buying trips and Choice Picks nominations. “I think it’s cool because now we have a lot more people working, so we can get bigger activities organized,” PalizaCarre said. “I really appreciate everyone who volunteers because I k n o w e v e r y b o d y ’ s b u s y, ” Baugh said. “Ever ybody has homework, everybody has other clubs, ever ybody has friends and family, so I just r eally appreciate it whenever someone volunteers.” By Cathy Chen


SAT Late Registration deadline

Spring musical, 7:30 p.m.

Mother’s Day

Student Venture, 7 a.m., freshman cafeteria


Spring musical, 2 p.m.


Spring band concert #1, 7:30 p.m.

Athletic Department Scholar Athlete Night, 6:30 p.m.


Student Venture, 7 a.m., freshman cafeteria

Rotary Interact, 3:15 p.m., Room B101

Baccalaureate Ceremony, 2 p.m.

Spring choir concer t, 7:30 p.m.

available year round, but Baugh said that everyone who would like to be in TVC next year, even current members, need to apply again this month. Applications for TVC summer desk assistants must be turned in by May 16. “Summer desk assistants commit to coming for two hours a week, while the other (TVC) volunteer jobs don’t require that, so there’s a special application for that,” Baugh said. Paliza-Carre said she would encourage others to apply for both TLC and TVC. A major motive is the fact that Baugh has expanded the size of TLC from 25 to 50 members this past year.

Applications for teen groups at CCPL available at YA desk Sophia Paliza-Carre, member of the Teen Librar y Council and Teen Volunteer Corps and junior, said she plans to reapply to both groups for next year. “(TLC) is just an exciting way to be a part of the library activities and to help plan them,” Paliza-Carre said, “and (TVC) is a great way to volunteer and help the library, so I just enjoy that.” According to Hope Baugh, young adult services manager at the Car mel Clay Public Library, applications for TLC will be available starting May 15 and need to be turned in to the young adult services desk by June 15. Applications for TVC are

Thursday, May 15

Wednesday, May 14

Tuesday, May 13

Monday, May 12

Friday, May 9

Thursday, May 8

Wednesday, May 7

Tuesday, May 6

Monday, May 5

Human Geography Spanish Literature

Macroeconomics World History

English Language Italian Language and Culture

Chemistry Environmental Science

Biology Music Theory

U.S. History

English Literature German Language

Calculus AB Calculus BC

Computer Science A Computer Science AB Spanish Language

U.S. Government and Politics


Latin Literature Latin: Virgil


Art History


Physics B Physics C: Mechanics *Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

European History Studio Art (portfolios due)

French Literature Japanese Language and Culture

Chinese Language and Culture


French Language Comparative Government and Politics



Friday, May 16

*Exam will occur at 2 p.m. instead of noon


17 or older, but we are also able to allow 16 year-olds to sign up with parent consent,” Frascella said. Junior Eric Murphy said he is not sure as to whether or not he will sign up for the blood drive yet, but he definitely is considering it. According to him, “The blood drive is a great way to do something a little more than, say, donate money to a cause that could always benefits from people who are willing to give.” By Marc Fishman

Senate prepares for next Thursday’s blood drive

This week, the Senate finishes its preparations for the final blood drive of the school year, which is scheduled for Thursday, May 8. Student Body President Dan Frascella said that the drive will begin in the morning once school starts on May 8, and will be open to anyone who signs up during lunches in the weeks leading up to that date. “This blood drive is open to any students who are

going to be a tie-dye booth and The Branches will have a booth there too,” he said. “We’re looking forward to this as an exciting event to end the year.” The event will occur from 4 to 10 p.m., and after several student bands perform, the faculty band 10 Days Pending will end the night. For question regarding House, students should see Overbeck during SRT in room E116 or find a House member. By Tian Yang

House prepares for Houndstock festivities to end year with music

As the end of the year draws near, House begins to prepare for its final big event, the Houndstock concert. Houndstock is scheduled for May 17, according to House sponsor Katie Overbeck. Stevan Stankovich, senior and House cabinet member, said that House has already gotten its list of bands for the event. “We’re now dividing up into committees,” he said. Stankovich said there will be food and club booths at Houndstock as well. “There is

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May Sports Calendar MONDAY






1 • 5:30 baseball v. Center Grove • 5:30 women’s track HSE JV Invitational (HSE) • 4 p.m. men’s golf v. Brebeuf • 5 p.m. women’s tennis (Noblesville)

2 • 5:30 baseball (Center Grove) • 6:30 softball v. Terre Haute South (Lassie League Complex) • 5 p.m. men’s and women’s track Hamilton County Meet

3/4 • 3 p.m. men’s and women’s track and field Patriot Indoor Invitational (Anderson University) • 11 a.m. men’s golf North Central Invitational (Coffin GC) • 8:30 a.m. women’s tennis MIC Championship (Ben Davis)







• 5 p.m. baseball v. Pike • 4 p.m. men’s golf Hamilton County (TBA)

• 5:30 softball v. Center Grove • 5:30 p.m. men’s track Noblesville Relays • 4 p.m. men’s golf Hamilton County (TBA) • 5:30 p.m. women’s tennis (Columbus N)

• 5 p.m. baseball v. Anderson Highland • 5 p.m. women’s tennis v. Hamilton Southeastern

• 5 p.m. baseball (Noblesville) • 6 p.m. softball v. Lafayette Jeff







• 5:30 p.m. baseball v. West Lafayette • 6 p.m. softball (Harrison) • 4 p.m. men’s golf v. North Central

• 5 p.m. baseball (Lawrence N) • 5:30 p.m. softball v. Anderson Highland • 5 p.m. women’s track Sectional • 4:45 p.m. women’s tennis v. Heritage Christian

• 5 p.m. baseball v. Lawrence North • 5 p.m. softball (Fishers) • 4 p.m. men’s golf v. Kokomo • 4:15 p.m. women’s tennis Sectional

• 5 p.m. men’s track Sectional

• 5 p.m. baseball Greyhound Invitational • 5:30 p.m. softball (Noblesville) • 4:15 p.m. women’s tennis Sectional

• 9 a.m. baseball Greyhound Invitational • 12 p.m. men’s golf MIC Tournament (Hulman Links) • 10 a.m. women’s tennis Sectional




• 5 p.m. baseball (Ben Davis) • 5 p.m. softball Sectional (Noblesville) • 6 p.m. women’s track Regional (West Lafayette) • 4 p.m. women’s tennis Regional (NC)

• 5 p.m. baseball v. Ben Davis • 4 p.m. men’s golf v. Anderson • 4 p.m. women’s tennis Regional (North Central)

• 10 a.m. baseball double header v. Terre Haute North

Note: The location of all away games is indicated in parentheses.


After a rough start for the junior varsity men’s lacrosse team this season, Zach Brune, JV middle and sophomore, said that the team has improved by leaps and bounds. Tomorrow the freshman team will compete in the beginning of a three-day tournament in St. Louis, and on Tuesday the JV team hopes to put its rapid improvement on display as the Hounds take on Hamilton Southeastern. “We’ve done a lot better than when we started out,” Brune said. “We have a lot more team unity.” Assistant Coach David Schwartz said that the unity that has surfaced over the course of the season has been the biggest difference in the team’s play. “We’ve come together and played more like a team versus less individual,” Schwartz said. Brune said that if the JV team could finish the season with a string of wins, it would be a strong indication of prosperous times to come for future Carmel varsity lacrosse teams. “It’s ver y important (to end the season well),” Brune said. “If the JV is winning that means you have good talent coming up to your varsity program.” By Andrew Browning

JV track members find their season winding down Michael Hartel, long jumper, distance runner, and junior, says this junior varsity track season seemed to fly by. “Overall the season went well,” Hartel said, “I feel much more prepared for next season, which is big because it will be my senior year. Har tel said track provided him many opportunities. He said track helps with workout tolerance and his daily diet and future. “I do little things during the season which I don’t normally do, for instance when I’m running track I look for healthier options at lunch other than fries,” Hartel said. Hartel said while it’s hard at first to change old habits, after about a week it becomes the norm. Hartel said he believes that running track makes him feel apart of the CHS tradition and will provide him with more opportunity, when it’s time for college. The team has finished its regular season, and is fast approaching the County meet at Carmel Stadium tomorrow at 5 p.m. “While the season is coming to a close, I hope to maintain some of the habits I’ve picked up along the way,” Hartel said. By Jon Haslam



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• 5 p.m. softball Sectional (Noblesville) • 3:30 p.m. men’s golf v. Lawrence Central and Warren Central

• 5:15 p.m. women’s tennis v. Terre Haute North

JV team’s improvement hints at success for varsity in future

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Men’s golf faces tough competition with Brebeuf and NC Invitational BY DANIYAL HABIB


Coming off last year’s early post-season loss, Carmel’s baseball team is taking the field with a vengeance this year. As the team finishes up the first leg of the regular season, it boasts an 11-2 record overall and a 4-2 record in the Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference (MIC). The team’s only losses thus far have been to North Central on April 18 and Terre Haute South last weekend. Though the team won’t head into Sectional play for a few weeks, on May 26, Steven Esbin, varsity baseball player and senior, said it’s something the team is already thinking about. Last year the Hounds, who finished 18-8 and have yet to clinch a State title, were knocked out of the tournament in the first round of Sectional by Noblesville. Noblesville Center Grove went on to make it to the Today final four. Carmel will not face this year’s Noblesville team in at 5:30 p.m. the regular season until next at Hartman Field Thursday. Head Coach Eric Lentz Center Grove said that the Carmel baseball Tomorrow program is optimistic about the 2008 season. Speaking of at 5:30 p.m. the great pitching the team has at Center Grove seen throughout the season, Lentz said “the Greyhounds got a solid pitching effort” from Brooks Fiala, starting pitcher and junior, and Drew Kirages, Kyle Lloyd and Alex Gordan, relief pitchers and juniors. Juniors Ryan Rogers and Austin Jackson, as well as sophomores Jesse Taylor and Conrad Gregor, will see time on the mound this season. According to Lentz, the team has had a strong showing offensively from a variety of players. In last week’s 14-8 triumph over Terre Haute South in the first game, the team saw five home runs from five different players. The team’s win over Terre Haute South on April 26th was not the first game the Hounds took by a considerable margin; Carmel defeated Hamilton Heights, Westfield, Warren Central and Hamilton Southeastern by margins of eight or more. The Hounds fell to the Braves in game two last weekend, losing 8-7. The team overcame a six run deficit before coming up short in the final inning. Carmel’s team has 15 juniors this year, an age breakdown that Esbin said will leave the team in good shape for next season. Other seniors include Jordan Sheperd, Greg Vogt and Matt Tucker. Last year’s team graduated seven seniors. Carmel will play away tonight at Center Grove at 5:30 p.m., and will then host back-to-back home games on Monday and Wednesday, facing Pike and Anderson Highland. The team will finish out the week by heading off with Noblesville on Thursday at 6 p.m.. at Noblesville.




PRACTICING HIS SWING: Justin Isenthal, varsity golfer and senior, golfs against Hamilton Southeastern on April 1. The Hounds went on to win the match 163 - 171. The team faces Brebeuf tonight at 4:00 p.m. at Prairie View Golf Club.

Men’s lacrosse looks to end season strong Hounds beat to beat topranked Cathedral tomorrow With only four games remaining in its regular season, the Carmel men’s lacrosse team looks to finish well in order to ensure a low seed in the State tournament. The Hounds take on Cathedral at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in an away game. Their final home game is on Tuesday against Hamilton Southeastern at 7:30 p.m. Zach Miller, defender, captain and senior, said the Hounds need to play well in their remaining games so that they are prepared for a long run in the State playoffs. “We’ve got to get a good record so that we can get a good seed in the tournament,” Miller said. “There’s more competition after spring break, so we have to know we are able to play against the top teams and compete with them.” Miller said that one factor that has helped the team remain focused throughout the season is the Hounds’ motto, “Play like a senior.” “One of the coaches’ philosophies is to ‘play like a senior,’ so everyone plays like it’s their last year and everyone has that mindset,” Miller said. Assistant Coach David Schwartz said that he believes the phrase has caught on with the team, and he said that all the players have started approaching each game with a better attitude. “In the past kids felt that it’s a pecking order, and seniors play the hardest and the other kids didn’t think they were expected to do quite as much,” Schwartz said. “But this year we’ve talked about how everyone needs to stand up and

Team focuses on finishing season strong BY STEPHANIE WALSTROM

he men’s golf team will play two of its biggest matches of the season tonight and Saturday, against Brebeuf and in the North Central Invitational, respectively. The Brebeuf match will be at Prairie View Country Club, and the North Central Invitational will be at Coffin Golf Course. Mike Zervic, varsity golfer and junior, said he thinks Brebeuf does not pose a big threat to a very solid team. “When it comes to matches, Brebeuf, at least from my experience, does not pose much of a threat. Other than consistently playing alright in matches, they’re just like every other team. “Their team did decent last year when we played them. We ended up winning by a lot, but they put up a good fight,” Zervic said. Zervic also said that playing at their home course, Prairie View, gives them a strong advantage. “It is always an advantage when you play at a course you seemingly have played a million times, you know the feel of the course, specific yardages, and where the easy putts are,” Zervic said. The Hounds will play Brebeuf twice in a row, because Brebeuf will also be at the North Central Invitational on Saturday. Brebeuf Jesuit Along with the Braves will at Prairie View Golf be many other Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Club (MIC) teams at the Today at 4 p.m. invitational, according to Zervic. North Central “I do know that in most Invitational of the invitationals, most of the MIC teams show up, at Coffin Golf Club like Warren Central, Fishers, Saturday at 11 Noblesville, Lawrence North, a.m. etc.,” Zervic said. Ben Davis will also be at the tournament, along with others. According to Zer vic, winning an invitational can be uplifting. “It gives the mentality that we can beat any team we’re put up against. If we can beat multiple teams at once, we can beat a single team one on one,” Zervic said. When playing with many other teams, it would be a natural instinct to be curious about the other teams’ scores. Zervic, however, said that this is not a good thing. “I cannot recall any instance where I have checked during play. As I said, I choose to play my own game,” Zervic said. He also said it is better to not worry about what the other teams are doing and worry about your own game. “Play your own game. I try to take that into every match, regardless the competition. It’s better to play within yourself, and not matching up one to one with the competition,” Zervic said. “Besides,” he said, “most scores are not in the clubhouse when passing through to the back nine.”


Hounds look ahead to Sectional

contribute. We’ve got freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors playing, and we don’t have younger players who are afraid to step up anymore. It’s really just a great bunch of kids to coach.” Schwartz said that as the regular season winds down for the Hounds, he hopes they can continue to improve with each game. “It’s very important to look at each game as a building block and focus on different aspects of the team to make us better,” Schwartz said. “You want to go in with a lot of momentum, but if (wins) come too easy then that’s a concern too because each game needs to be a building block so we can continue to improve ourselves.” Miller said that the goal for the remainder of the regular season is to knock off some of Indiana’s better teams, and have everyone playing with 100 percent intensity when they do it. As far as the postseason goes, that goal is an obvious one. “We want to get some wins in bigger in-state games, and want everyone to play their hardest,” Miller said. “And of course to win State is the biggest goal right there. It’ll be a lot of fun too.” Schwartz said that the team’s unity has been the key to its success this season. “I think we have a great group of kids with a lot of camaraderie, and I think that’s really what leads to us being a great team,” Schwartz said. “This team really stands out and every game is a real group effort.”

Women’s tennis season starts, team hoping for breakthrough year BY LILY ZHAO Practicing hard in this new spring weather, Megan Renninger, a number two singles women’s varsity tennis player and junior, prepares for the team’s next match against Noblesville today. Having played in a couple of matches already, Renninger said that she feels confident with the team’s 8-0 start, as of print deadline. “We have a deeper team than last year with a lot of combined experience and team unity,” Renninger said. Having a perfect start to the season has led Renninger to believe that the Hounds can make it to State and do well. Also, according to Head Coach Sharon Rosenburgh, because the team only graduated one varsity player last year, most of all the players have returned for another season. Thus, the women’s varsity team will have had a season under their belts and can compete for a strong finish at the State meet, which is their ultimate goal every year, said Rosenburgh. “Our schedule is very favorable this year because everyone we play against is ranked except for one (team),” Rosenburgh said. The team’s push for a State title has been favorable. During the April 24 match against North Central, Carmel made history because it was the first time in the program that Carmel had defeated North Central three straight years, with a 4-1 score. Also, during the April 26 match, Carmel won and became the team champions at the Merrillville Tennis Tournament, with a score of 50—Carmel won over runner-ups Terre Haute North and Chesterton, with scores of 35 and 24, respectively, Rosenburgh said. Rosenburgh said that the team has had the upper hand in their many matches against Noblesville; Noblesville has never won. She also said that this is a different year with different players, so she wants to prepare for Noblesville as usual, but she said that she will not take the team lightly. “Usually before the matches, I give them information about the opposing team and we evaluate them,” Rosenburgh said. “I just give them some general information to look at.” Renninger said that after the match against Noblesville, the team would be focused to do well in the Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference (MIC) Championship at Ben Davis on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. She also said that because Carmel is the reigning champion, she wants to prove to all the other teams in the state that they can repeat their championship run.


APPROACHING THE SHOT: Jenn Makio, varsity tennis player and junior, warms up before the team’s tournament on April 19th. The Hounds tied for first with Munster at the Carmel Invitational out of eight teams. “Our team is always excited for the MIC (championship) because there is some great competition there against some of the best schools in the state,” Renninger said. “Making it to state is definitely always on everyone’s mind, but we have to keep taking one state at a time.”

TENNIS COACH EARNS HONOR Over spring break in Florida, Head Coach Sharon Rosenburgh was a recipient of the 2007 Tennis Educational Merit Awards by the International Tennis Hall of Fame. She received the award, which is given to those who have made a difference in the tennis educational field at a national level, on April 12. Rosenburgh has coached for 29 years here and has won three State Championships. SOURCE: INDYSTAR.COM


3POT,ITE MAY 1, 2008


A Litt le

2008 E



Prom night raises questions about themes, necessities; individuality of theme allows for a different kind of dance experience


t can be a night to remember, and people like junior Mikayla Mandell hope that this year’s prom will be spectacular. “I want to see the whole room lit up and decorated, and I want to see a fun atmosphere,” Mandell said. “Last year’s theme was really great with flowers and the huge fountain and the grand entrance. It will be hard to top last year’s (prom).”

The prom committee is made up of about 15 juniors, and they are hard at work

to make Mandell’s and the rest of the school’s hopes and expectations come true. The committee is using profits from the magazine fund-raiser the Class of 2008 raised during their freshman year. This year’s theme is Arabian Nights, and, according to Maureen Borto, sponsor of the prom committee and AP Block and American


ssue: i s i h t e d i s n I




THEME, from page 1 Literature teacher, a theme is extremely imporant. “A theme really sets the stage for a dance,” Borto said. “A theme makes sure that every year is different and gives a distinctive feeling to prom. Without a theme, it’s just random. Having a theme gives it a little something extra.” Elizabeth “Izzy” Landis, member of the prom committee and junior, also thinks that having a theme is an essential to prom. “(A theme) doesn’t really ever make or break a prom,” she said, “but it adds a unique aspect to (the dance). Otherwise, it’d be like Homecoming with school colors (for decorations), and that’s not what prom is about.” As far as students who are planing to attend prom are concer ned, Bor to said that they don’t need to do anything dif ferently to prepare for an Arabian night. “There will be a song that the king and queen will dance to and decorations that go with the theme, but otherwise, it’s still same old prom,” she said. Last year’s prom king and queen song was Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight,” but according to Borto, there wasn’t another similar sounding song played again. Landis said that the committee has played around with a lot of ideas for this year’s theme, including a Las Vegas theme and a masquerade theme. The theme is one of the first things decided on, since it determines most, if not all, of aesthetic aspects, such as decorations, tickets, prom court, and some songs that will be played at the dance. “(The committee) decides on the theme, decorations, party favors, and we sell tickets too,” Landis said. “We decided on (Arabina Nights) during a brainstorming session. We were looking through magazines and catalogs that had decorations we could order from, and we based possible themes around what kind of decorations we could get and how far we could take (the theme).” The committee is still discussing which decorations will go where and what songs will be played. Although the committee is still putting the finishing touches on the event, Mandell said that the one thing she would have changed would be to anounce or post what the theme was to the school, since not a lot of people knew what this year’s theme was. “I think (the Arabian Nights theme) is really great, and it’s one of the more distinctive themes that we’ve had,” she said, “but I feel like (the theme) should have been better stated.” According to Landis, the committee does not publically announce or advertise the theme to the school, not because it is supposed to be a surprise, but because the theme is for the design of the dance floor, decorations and a few song choices; the theme should not influence in any way students attending should prepare for prom. She said that students should be more concerned with having a good time, not changing their dr esses and suits in order to match the theme. “Besides,” Landis said, “eventually (the theme) gets around to most everyone.” Because so many students were not aware of what this year’s theme was, Borto said that it is sometimes hard to tell just how much students acknowledge or even care about the aesthetic part of prom. “Kids will hear (about the theme) and create their own opinions, but I imagine that most of the kids will go just to have a good time and hope that (the dance floor) looks nice.” As for Landis, she said that the prom will be special no matter the theme. “I’m excited for prom,” she said, “and hopefully it will turn out the way we want it to, and we will have done a good job.” “We have had a lot of very different themes,” Borto said. “In the past, there have been themes such as Twilight in Central Park, Jazz Quartet, and Red Carpet.” She said that each pr om theme gives an elegant, but distinctly different, feeling to pr om. “When you compar e those themes to something like Mardi Gras, you see why a theme is necessary.”

Second time’s the charm

Mormon prom gives religious opportunity

Students who attend proms at numerous schools strive to create a new atmosphere for each BY ERIN LOWE

PROM(S) 2007 For some, like senior Kara Palmer, prom isn’t just a one time occasion. Here’s a look at how it went down:


CARMEL PROM: Senior Kara Palmer and Peter Bender, a freshman at Purdue, attend the prom here last year.

ZIONSVILLE PROM: Also in May of last year, Palmer and Bender attend the prom hosted by Bender’s high school in Zionsville


t’s prom season again which means it’s time to make hair appointments and find a date. But, like senior Kara Palmer, think people sometimes go too far. “People sometimes make it get out of hand when they go all out,” she said. If they keep it simple it’s okay. I think it’s become a big deal. The biggest deal isn’t even the dance itself.” Palmer has more experience than others with proms since last year as a junior she went to two. Her first prom was at Zionsville with her boyfriend Peter and then she went to this school’s prom. She plans to attend this year’s prom here. “To make the prom’s different we went to different places and had completely different plans for each,” Palmer said. Palmer said that each prom is different, but she said that she enjoyed Zionsville’s prom more than the one held by this school “For Zionsville’s we went to the Eagle’s Nest downtown for dinner. The prom was at the Marriott Hotel downtown and there was even an after party at the school. They had decorated the school and it was awesome,” Palmer said. This school’s prom is coming up on Saturday at The Fountains. It lasts from 8 p.m. to midnight. Some other proms on Saturday are Hamilton Heights and Fishers. To prepare for her prom here, Palmer went with the norm and had her hair done and nails done, but to change things up she used a different method when preparing for Zionsville’s prom. “I did my own hair and nails when I went to Zionsville. I didn’t want to spend so much money since I was going to two proms,” Palmer said. This year for prom, planning will be about the same. Many people have already made appointments for hair and nails, and some have already made dinner reservations. “I think planning ahead is good and helps people to feel less stressed about anything,” Palmer said. For people who have never been to prom before, the event can be quite exciting. “The most exciting part of prom for me was probably the day of, just getting ready with my friends. When Peter and I first saw each other was pretty exciting too,” Palmer said. One of the biggest parts of prom


for a girl is getting the dress. Palmer can empathize with the girls who want to look like a princess for a night but doesn’t think they should go overboard. “I wore two different dresses. For Zionsville I wore a dress that I bought for Homecoming but didn’t end up wearing and for Carmel I wore a new dress that I had just gotten. The Zionsville dress was bright green with a criss-cross in the back and beading down the front with a train in the back. The Carmel dress was hot pink and strapless with a skirt that swirled out at the bottom. I loved both of them,” Palmer said. As for ideas for an after party Palmer said there are better ways to celebrate than having a party or going to a party right after the dance ends. “I think it’s fun to do something the next day. This year I’m actually going to King’s Island with my friends the next day. I think it’s better to do something fun, relaxing and simple the next day rather than have a really late night,” Palmer said. As some people may not know the prom theme this year is Arabian Nights. Palmer said that the fi rst thing that comes to mind when approached with this theme may be Aladdin, and planning an outfit to go along with this theme could be hard. “I don’t really go with themes, I just enjoy myself and wear what I like.” When asked if she had any advice for first time prom goers Palmer said, “Enjoy ever y minute of it because you won’t ever get to do it again. Also, don’t get so caught up in planning it.”

Junior and Mormon Anne Moyes’s prom dress is long and made of red silk. However, it needs some adjustments: sleeves. To go to the prom she’s planning on attending this year, the dress must have at least capped sleeves in order meet dress code requirements. It also covers her shoulders, chest and back. “So it’s different from other prom dresses,” Moyes said. Senior and Mormon Evan Crowder said, “We try to uphold a high standard of dress at our church, and obviously that isn’t quite met by everyone at school, and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. So they end up not going, and we started noticing that and started our own.” Along with attending prom here, Moyes and Crowder will be going to a separate Mormon prom with their church due to values upheld by their religion. Mormon prom, also known as Latter-Day Saints (LDS) prom, started three years ago. It’s being held May 24 in the gym of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints in Fishers and is open to the 16 to 18-year-old age group. Crowder said it’s always been a great success. According to Christian Hanselmann, who’s in charge of planning Mormon prom, the event varyingly gets a turn-out of about 200 people. But that number includes all of Indiana, not just Carmel. Crowder said, “It’s really cool because we got people coming from three and a half hours away.” Mormon prom’s values extend past simple dress code into other matters. Hanselmann, said, “School proms are great, but our religion doesn’t put as much emphasis on singles dating, but typically society does. So we started Mormon prom to help members of the church still have a prom in high school, yet it’s still a wholesome religious experience.” Moyes said that the music is also different from normal proms. “We don’t play Christian tunes, but good songs that don’t have any swearing or anything like that, and it’s music that you have fun dancing to,” she said. Hanselmann said people go on group dates instead and hasn’t heard of someone going on a single date for prom. He said they generally go out to eat before or after, then go back to someone’s house for an after-party. Other rules include limits on proximity while dancing. “The joke the church has is, ‘You have to leave room for the spirit.’” Crowder said. “As long as you have a few inches between you, you’re good.” Both Crowder and Moyes said they will still be going to prom here despite possible discomforts. “I like going to school proms because I get to see all my friends and stuff,” Crowder said. “While the whole nasty dancing kind of bothers me, I don’t really let it get to me, and I just go off and do my own thing.” Moyes said, “You just go to have fun and not worry about dirty dancing and feeling uncomfortable around other people.”

PROM SEASON SCHEDULE Westfield High School April 26 Fishers High School May 3 Carmel High School May 3 Brebuef Jesuit High School May 3 Bishop Chatard High School May 17 SCHOOL WEBSITES / SOURCES

How-to: throw a quick and easy after party Last minute guests expected at your house after the big night? Look no further; here’s some quick and easy ways to make it work MOVIES: HOLLYWOOD VIDEO


12561 N. Meridian Street

Rent: CDs

Rental for new movies: $4

Cost: Free with library card

Rental for old movies: $2.99

CDs: check-out for three weeks

New Releases:

New Releases:

“27 Dresses” “Diamond Dogs” “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” “The Golden Compass”

Duran Duran: “Seven and the Ragged Tiger” Willie Nelson: “Moments of Forever” Mary J. Blige: “Growing Pains”





1421 W. Carmel Drive

2160 E. 116th Street

Party Platters:

Table Settings:

Bakery cookies $4.99 Veggies $8.49 Fruit $7.09

Plates Napkins Cutlery Cups

Other Snacks:



Streamers Table covers Balloons BRITTANI WHEELER / PHOTO


Be ready from head to pedicured toe With prom approaching, even the smallest details count. HiLite’s Meher Ahmad and Beth Brookie visited the following three salons to find the best mani’s and pedi’s CLAY NAILS



12534 N. GRAY RD.



ATMOSPHERE The small salon reflected the casualness of a neighborhood salon. The décor was chic yet homey, and they achieved an openness despite the size. A-

ATMOSPHERE Luxe had little decorations or wall paintings, and the atmosphere was somewhat lacking. However, Luxe Nails didn’t reek of chemicals; it has special ceiling vents to prevent the smell of nail polish remover from lingering. B

ATMOSPHERE Located within Clay Terrace, the nail salon offers a friendly atmosphere with interesting decoration. The arched ceiling is an interesting touch. A

SERVICE Though several of the technicians spoke almost no English, their smiling faces and dedication did not go unnoticed. The women worked meticulously and caringly to give me one of the most thorough pedicures I have ever received. A CLEANLINESS The salon seemed reasonably clean, though no cleaner than most, and the technicians cleaned their tools directly after finishing the manicures. AQUALITY The quality of the polish job was not the best I have received, yet the woman painting my nails did add adorable flowers to my toes and refused to charge me the extra $5. B+ PRICE Though the price of a manicure is reasonable, pedicures at Clay Nails are more expensive than other salons of similar quality. Manicure: $15. Pedicure: $27. Combination: $40. BOVERALL The friendly, attractive salon had a great atmosphere, and the technicians were hardworking and dedicated. A-

SERVICE Although not quite as talkative as most manicurists, the nail technicians were very friendly. A-

SERVICE The nail technicians were charming and helpful. A CLEANLINESS Usually nail salons have questionable cleaning standards, but Luxe seemed to have completely sanitized materials that were pulled out of cleaning solution in front of the customer. A+

CLEANLINESS The sanitary aspect of this nail salon was not quite up to par. The utensils didn’t appear to be dirty, but upon further observation, it was noted that they were washed by hand with a brush and soap. The countertops were not completely spotless either, but nothing stood out to be exceptionally unclean. B-

QUALITY The manicure itself was well done and lasted a full week without chipping. A

PRICE Starting at $17 for a manicure, Glacé has reasonable but not outstandingly inexpensive prices. B+

OVERALL Luxe Nails is the biggest bang for your buck. At the low price, it’s definitely worth skimping on the atmosphere for a great manicure. A


DC TUX (622 Station Dr., Carmel) Last day: Day of the prom Availability: It doesn’t make a difference if you come early or late. Same options, same variety, same fitting. Price: $90 to $110 for tuxedo, vest/tie are $15, shoes are $15 to $18. Source: Manager Don Corbett KING’S IMAGE (8520 Castleton Square Dr., Indianapolis) Latest: Today Availability: Most style and sizing options should still be available, but not necessarily the most popular styles. However, they cannot guarantee a perfect fit due to the lateness of the order. Price: $85 to $150 for tuxedo, including vest, tie and shoes. Source: Manager Ashley O’Bryan SAM’S TUX (6056 E. 82nd St., Indianapolis) Latest: Day of the prom Availability: Sometimes some tuxedos are not available if you come late, so if you come as soon as possible, it would be better. On the day of prom, some styles, vest colors, etc. may be out for that date already, though most of the time it should be fine. Price: $130 to $140 for tuxedo, including vest,tie and shoes. Source: Manager Sam ARIEL AISEN / PHOTO ILLUSTRATION

MEDIOCRE MANICURE: Glacé Nails in Clay Terrace has an interesting interior, but the service was less than extraordinary. For $17, the quality of a manicure did not meet up to expectation.

QUALITY This manicure was nothing above the average, but did hold up well to the wear and tear of high school life. B+

PRICE With a regular manicure for $15, Luxe is by far the least expensive option. French manicure: $20 Pedicure: $25. French pedicure: $30. Regular manicure: $15. A+

Last-minute tuxes can be easy, affordable


LOOK ONLINE Want to see more? To complete your evaluation, check out photos of each salon online at our Web site.

OVERALL With reasonable prices and reasonable results, Glacé Nails falls into the mediocre category of nail salons in Carmel. B+


Local florists offer prom flower advice MARSH


2140 E. 116TH ST.

MCNAMARA 3969 E. 82ND ST. According to manager Kelli Lockwood... • To match the “Arabian Nights” theme, she said students could use a metallic color for the ribbon and accents and a neutral flower. • They have over 100 different types of flowers to choose from, but Lockwood recommends the basic three—rose, orchid and calla lilies—because they have longevity. According to employee Samantha Rose... • Gardenias are good flowers to use because they smell good, but they don’t last as long as the basic three. • Corsages: $17 to $30. Boutonnieres: $10 to $12. Accents cost more if you add them.

According to employee Megan Davis... • Since it is already so late, they can’t guarantee a large selection of flowers, but some people won’t pick up their orders, so others can

buy those pre-made ones. • If customers are willing to wait 20 minutes, florists can make corsages or boutonnieres on the spot. • Corsages: $8.50 to $26. Boutonnieres: $6.50 to $15.



PRETTY PRETTY PRINCESS: McNamara offers a variety of wristlets, including ones with jewels and beads, for students to choose from.

LOVELY LILIES: Sweet said calla lilies are one of their most popular flowers for corsages and boutonnieres.

According to manager Alice Sweet... • They have no roses or carnations because they’re a high-end florist. • If you want something for your corsage that’s much different from the average rose corsage, get it at Palmer Kelley, she said. • Most people use dendrobium orchids, posies and calla lilies. • “Because we are so different and so unique, we have very unusual greens, fillers and flowers for the corsages/ boutonnieres.” • Sweet said all their flowers are delivered fresh every day. • Order today to make sure it’s ready by Saturday. •Corsages: $22 to $35. Boutonnieres: $10.

‘Prom Night’ disappoints, proves predictable BY MEHER AHMAD Walking into the theatre to watch “Prom Night,” I was not expecting much. After hearing mixed reviews of the movie in school, it seemed that “Prom Night” could possibly be scary, or perhaps even enjoyable. If this is the opinion you have in your mind, let me clarify any misconceptions: “Prom Night” is one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. I was literally in pain as I sat in my seat for two hours of generic horror movie babble. The opening scene of the movie begins with Donna, played by subpar actress Brittany Snow, looking dramatically through the window of her car. As she comes home, she

witnesses the death of her mother and the brutal attacks of the rest of her family. While this situation may seem extremely frightening, when it was played out by the less-thanmoving acting skills of Snow, it was dull and even boring. The rest of the movie was a blur of generic horror movie situations, with empty dark rooms and a deranged killer. The worst part of the movie was not the generic factor, however, but the horrendous acting. It was difficult to believe anything that was happening as the fake look of shock and horror washed over Snow’s face. It is unfair to pick only on the acting of Snow, so I will move on to say that the entire cast did an unbearable job of portraying

whatever emotion was intended. Although Snow does take the crown with her beyond fake gasps of horror, her on-screen boyfriend Bobby, played by Scott Porter, is a close second. He had an awkward grin on his face throughout the whole movie, even when he discovered his girlfriend was alone with a killer. The final problem on the long list of problems with “Prom Night” was the sheer predictability of the whole thing. In every dramatic scene throughout the movie, it was clear exactly what was going to happen. The only frightening thing about “Prom Night” is the fact that viewers can never have those two hours of their life back. To save yourself some cash, avoid watching “Prom Night” at all costs.

‘PROM NIGHT’ STARRING: Brittany Snow, Idris Elba DIRECTOR: Nelson McCormick RELEASE DATE: April 11, 2008 GRADE: D-


BASICS The background looks NATURAL and is NONDISTRACTING.

EVEN AND NATURAL SKIN TONES often set apart an outstanding from mediocre photograph.

BLURRED BACKGROUND gives photo depth and perspective.

$40,000 The FOCAL POINT of the photo is on the subjects’ faces, not the background.

FACE THE SUN and don’t use the flash; the most natural lighting happens to also be the most flattering.

spent on the 2007 prom; roughly the same amount is projected for 2008 event.

1,500 tickets available for sale. Students can still buy tickets today and tomorrow during all lunch periods.

Woodland Bowl STAND SLIGHTLY SIDEWAYS for the most flattering pose.

When adjusting the photo, whites look PURELY WHITE and blacks look SOLIDLY BLACK.

where after-prom is held from 12:30 to 3 a.m. Admission is included in ticket price.

flip-flops party favors to be distributed at the actual dance.


14 students on the prom committee, including junior class officers. NICK COOPER / SOURCE

How to: take the best photos Follow these tips from managing editor John Shi to ensure your prom photos capture you and your date in the best light

PROM COURT Voting is open until tomorrow afternoon at 3:05 p.m. Winners will be announced at the dance.

Anita Betbadal and Matt Morris Paige Coapstick and Stuart Douglass Sarah Harbison and Adam Twer Ali Jacobsen and Trevor Fischer Bri White and Jason Moore

lighting WRONG: Even though it’s easier on your eyes, facing away from the light can create an unfortunate silhouette. RIGHT: Take photo with the light facing the front of the group, even if it means you will have to force open your eyes for a couple of seconds. It’s better to avoid using the flash because natural light is softer and creates more even skin tones.


RIGHT: Up the shutter speed or find a position with better lighting in order to take a sharp photo. It’s preferable to use a tripod, but if you don’t have one, you can always set the camera on a tall object. Tip: the more light available, the less chance of blur due to low lighting. If you must hold the camera, keep your elbows to your sides and snap the photo after you breathe out—this helps stabilize your body so you don’t take a blurry photo.

The inspiration for prom comes from debutante balls of high society, in which the girls would “come out” into the dating scene.

RIGHT: Make sure that the object you would like to be in focus is clearly in the foreground. Press the shutter half-way to prefocus and make sure it looks right before pressing it down all the way to snap the photograph. ADVANCED: Set your camera’s autofocus mechanism to the center autofocus point. Then, you can prefocus on the subject and recompose the frame.

RIGHT: Choose a background that’s not busy or distracting. Look around to make sure objects like trash cans and cars are not in the frame. Instead, position yourselves next to simple and natural shapes, like the stairs if inside, or a column if outside. ADVANCED: Open up the aperture and have the group stand at a distance from the background. Focus on the group to blur the background and create a cool focusing effect.


WRONG: Focus on the background instead of the people in front.

“Promenade” means the march of dance guests at the beginning of formal events. The name change came in the 1890s. High school proms began in the 1900s as simple events with students in their Sunday best, drinking tea, chatting and dancing.

1980s 1970s 1950s 1930s 1920s

focus continued

WRONG: Have a distracting setting or a cluttered background.

The elite colleges of the Northeast began the tradition of formal student dances. An Amherst College student recorded his prom experience at Smith College in his journal in 1894—the first reference of prom. Other formal dances, closely chaperoned and closed to the senior class, were a way to instill social skills in the students.

WRONG: Holding the camera in low-light situations creates blur.


Explore the history from past to present


ADVANCED: Use an external flash unit.


The proms of the 1920s and 30s evolved into a yearly class banquet. High school yearbooks first mentioned proms in the 1930s and 40s. The 1950s prom became increasingly more commercial and socially signifcant. Prom court was the apex of one’s social career. 1976’s “Carrie” spooked the world with the vision of a social outcast bent on bloody revenge at prom. The 1980s culture glorified prom, making the race for prom queen more competitive than ever.


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Local parks offer beautiful scenery and open space for many activities that take advantage of the warm spring weather

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MAY 1, 2008

520 E. Main Street


Carmel, IN 46032-2299


(317) 846-7721, Extension 7143


Volume 53, Issue 13


’Stock Student bands to play at annual school music festival, Houndstock, on May 17 at the Stadium Compiled by Stephanie Hodgin and Renny Logan, with additional reporting by Meher Ahmad, Tim Chai and Mitch Ringenberg

SHENANIGANS MEMBERS David Smyth, 11 Micky Leonard, 11 Harrison Hines, 12 Kyle Borcherding, 11 Kevin Wang, 11 Jon Schumm, 11 Drew Paramore, 11 Danny Piedmonte, 11 GENRE Bluesy rock SIMILAR TO The Blues Brothers INTERESTINGLY, they’re the most ethnically diverse group in Houndstock BAND NAME ORIGIN “We were running out of time, plus we are always getting into shenanigans,” Leonard said.

GOLLY AND THE GEE WILLICKERS MEMBERS Johnny Hourmozdi, 11 Mike Gospel, 11 Phil Kirk, 11 Westin Wolfcale, 12 David Smyth, 11 Michael Peterson, 12 GENRE Acappella SIMILAR TO not much, will sing some Beatles covers INTERESTINGLY, they’d only met twice before auditioning BAND NAME IS completely random.

QUAKING SANITY AND THE TREMORS OF TREPIDATION MEMBERS Andrew Bloom, 12; Patrick Miller, 12; Alex Prichodko, 12; Charles Kaneko, 11 GENRE heavy metal string quartet SIMILAR TO Apocalyptica INTERESTINGLY, the group got a perfect score at the ISSMA ensemble contest BAND NAME “basically came from Patrick’s extensive useless vocabulary,” Bloom said.

CAPTAIN TUESDAY MEMBERS Julia Bonnett, 11; Weston Wolfcale, 12 GENRE Acoustic SIMILAR TO Damien Rice and Nickel Creek INTERESTINGLY, Both are in Ambassadors and “42nd Street” BAND NAME comes from the video game, “Rock Band.”

MEMBERS Clayton Collins, 9; Mitch Ginder, 9; Keegan Horner, 9; J.C. Boles, 10 GENRE Rock SIMILAR TO Taking Back Sunday INTERESTINGLY, the band formed two weeks before Houndstock try-outs BAND NAME is due to not knowing what to call themselves.

R.I.P. JOHNSON MEMBERS Sean Wroble, 10; Chris Wood, 10; Charlie Glanders, 10; Chris Kauffman, 10 GENRE Rock SIMILAR TO The Strokes and Arctic Monkeys INTERESTINGLY, only one member goes to this school.

Members Dan Frascella, 12; Austin Lugar, 12; Kevin Timmons, 12; David Pison, 12; Mike Gospel, 11; Johnny Hourmozdi, 11 GENRE Rock with hip hop flair SIMILAR TO The Darkness, Jimmy Eat World and Rihanna INTERESTINGLY, all members are senators BAND NAME IS a reference to the Senate, which is known as the “upper house” in government, according to Pison.

KHIP MEMBERS Reed Longstreth, 12; Charlie Painchaud, 12; Michael Heck, 12; Ben Hughey, 12 GENRE Blues, classic rock SIMILAR TO Led Zeppelin and Red Hot Chili Peppers INTERESTINGLY, the band never plays with a set list and hasn’t played together for two years. Houndstock will be a reunion. BAND NAME IS made up by Heck’s coworker.

ALL OF THE ABOVE MEMBERS Joel Barker, 12; Alex Pantos, 11; Joey Christianson, IUPUI ’10, Jackson Elliot, 10; Austin Gordi, 12 GENRE Rock SIMILAR TO Dave Matthews Band INTERESTINGLY, only one band member, Elliot, is a Carmel student BAND NAME refers to God.

ZIN-CARLA MEMBERS Mike Pyron, 12; Cam Witt, 12; Dustin Shoe, 12; Kyle Lowe, 12; Buddy Adkin, 12 GENRE metal SIMILAR TO Killswitch Engage and K.C. and the Sunshine Band INTERESTINGLY, Only one member, Pyron, attends Carmel BAND NAME is Biblical

THE GNASHERS MEMBERS Eric Van Scoik, 10; Harrison Straton, 10; Will Sharaya, 10; Hayden Urbanus, 10 GENRE Alternative rock SIMILAR TO The Ramones and Nirvana INTERESTINGLY, the band just made up their name a few weeks ago.

4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00

The Gnashers The B-Sides Moose Quaking Sanity and the Tremors of Trepidation 5:00-5:15 R.I.P. Johnson 5:15-5:30 N/A 5:30-5:45 Meshuga 5:45-6:05 Trick Shot 6:05-6:25 MaJak 6:25-6:40 Acts of Romans 6:40-7:05 The Upper House 7:05-7:30 David Smyth Acoustic/ Shenanigans 7:30-7:50 Zin-Carla 7:50-8:10 KHIP 8:10-8:25 Captain Tuesday 8:25-8:50 Amplified Allegiance of the Schwank Gypsy 8:50 Golly and the Gee Willickers (will sing while next group is setting up) 8:50-9:15 The Branches 9:15 Golly and the Gee Willickers 9:15-9:45 All of the Above 9:45-10:15 10 Days Pending (staff band)

AMPLIFIED ALLEGIANCE OF THE SCHWANK GYPSY MEMBERS Kush Govani, 12; Lou Fenoglio, 12; Bob Corpus, 12; Ryan Quinlan, 12; Phil Hollander, 12 GENRE Metal, funk, hard rock SIMILAR TO Metallica INTERESTINGLY, they all listen to a mix of Metallica, My Chemical Romance, Sum 41 and Red Hot Chili Peppers BAND NAME is generated from a Web site and has no meaning, Hollander said.

MAJAK MEMBERS Jack Boeglin, 12; Matt Inman, 12; Dan Frascella, 12; Grace Baranowski, 12; Meagan McNulty, 12; Ali Rader, 12 GENRE Boogie, funk SIMILAR TO Parliment, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Michael Jackson INTERESTINGLY, the band started with Boeglin and Inman on acoustic but has since grown to include drummer Frascella and back-up singers Baranowski, McNulty and Rader. BAND NAME is a combination of the first names of the founding members.





MEMBERS David Boyer, 12; Keenan Rowe, 12; J.T. Smith,12; Ryan Sapp, 12; Caleb Wild, 12 GENRE Acoustic rock SIMILAR TO Oasis and John Mayer INTERESTINGLY, they’ve been together since 6th grade BAND NAME refers to the worship they lead at an inner-city church called Brookside on Sundays.

MESHUGA MEMBERS Marc Fishman, 12; Andrew Bloom, 12; David Chiasson, 12; David Boyer, 12; John Blomquist, 12 GENRE bat mitzvah/wedding music SIMILAR TO the real Meshuggah band INTERESTINGLY, the band went without a bass player for six months because Blomquist was in Japan OF THE BAND NAME, Bloom said, “I don’t know where the name came from; We play this type of music because Marc and I are both Jewish and have been to many bat mitzvahs and Jewish weddings.”

TRICK SHOT MEMBERS Charlie Painchaud, 12; Michael Fellows, 12; Weston Wolfcale, 12; Brian Vanneman, 12 GENRE Metal, funk, hard rock SIMILAR TO John Mayer and Jimi Hendrix INTERESTINGLY, their music incorporates older classic blues sounds BAND NAME came to one of the members in a dream.

MOOSE MEMBERS Andy Painchaud, 10; Owen Yonce, 10; Brian McGowen, 10; Zach Mellencamp, 10 GENRE Alternative rock SIMILAR TO The Strokes, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jimi Hendrix INTERESTINGLY, they came up with the name the day the Hounstock form was due BAND NAME is completely random.

MEMBERS Collin Rainey, 12; David Pison, 12; Kevin Timmons, 12; Jesse Mentz, 12 GENRE Rock, blues SIMILAR TO Goo Goo Dolls, John Mayer and Counting Crows INTERESTINGLY, they just recorded their first CD, which they are selling for $8, along with T-shirts for $12. BAND NAME can be found in the Bible verse John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches.”

ACTS OF ROMANS MEMBERS Bethany Stewart, 12; Peyton Rodeffer, Ball State ‘11 GENRE Indie, folk SIMILAR TO Bob Dylan and Bright Eyes INTERESTINGLY, Stewart and Rodeffer have been dating since Stewart’s freshman year. BAND NAME came from Rodeffer’s two favorite books of the Bible, Acts and Romans.



Story of the Year generates original tunes BY REID CONNER “The Black Swan” is the third studio album from alternative-metal band Story of the Year. Combining the catchy, sing-a-long choruses characteristic of their debut album “Page Avenue” with the heavier sound of “In The Wake of Determination,” the band’s third effort is a surprising success. For fans of Story of the Year who enjoyed “Page Avenue” more than “In The Wake of Determination,” you’re part of the majority. The good news is that for “The Black Swan,” Story of the Year went back to work with John Feldmann, the producer of “Page Avenue.” This album seems to mix elements from both their previous works to create a somewhat new sound for the band, which isn’t bad. After all, who wants to listen to the something they’ve heard twice before? The opening track, “Choose Your Fate,” is a hard hitter, bordering on the post-hard core genre. Filled with chunky power chords, fast riffs and being one of only two tracks on the album with screamed verses, this was one of my personal favorites. In between the opening track and the equally intense “Welcome To Our New War,” fans will find a variety of cookie-cutter songs intermixed with stand-out, thought provoking tracks. The value of human life, anti-war feelings and a “live your life to the fullest” attitude are themes that are present in a lot of the songs on this album. It’s nice to listen to uplifting lyrics rather than the immature garbage a lot of musicians spew out. Other especially notable tracks include “Angel in the Swamp,” “Tell Me (P.A.C.)” and “We’re Not Gonna Make It.” “We’re Not Gonna Make

It” tells the story of an interracial couple trying to overcome racial boundaries and seeking their parents’ approval. The band decided to slow it down on the track “Terrified.” Think semi-acoustic rock ballad without any heavy instruments or vocals. For anyone familiar with “Page Avenue,” this track is comparable to the song “Sidewalks.” The song explores the emotions felt by a soldier and his pregnant wife as he leaves her to fight in a war. “The Black Swan” is good, but not the band’s best. It’s hard to compare “Page Avenue” to their second and third albums since it is such a different sound, but in my opinion it remains their best work to date. By no means does that mean that “In the Wake of Determination” and “The Black Swan” aren’t great albums. If you’re thinking of checking this Artist: Story of the Year band out, all three of their albums Number of tracks: 13 deserve to be listened to. If you’re Release date: April 22, 2008 more into alternative rock and radio friendly music, check out “Page Best tracks: “Angel in the Avenue” first. If you’re into heavier Swamp” “metal” type music, check out “In and “Choose Your Fate” the Wake of Determination.” If you Worst track: “Apathy is a don’t care either way, “The Black Deathwish” Swan” is the album for you, with a balance of each.


Cool River delivers quirky environment, questionable cuisine BY BENNETT FUSON Throwing a stone in any direction has the possibility of hitting a Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, Dominos or even Little Caesars. Throw a larger stone and lesserknown venues like Bella’s Pizzeria and (until recently) Datollo’s will fall in range. While the level of quality differs for each, the fact remains that the availability factor remains large. With this in mind, the problem of setting one’s parlor apart from the rest creates both crises and failures for emerging restaurants. Cool River Pizza (CRP) falls under this dilemma, struggling to remain above the radar instead of remaining with its stratospherically-challenged friends. Perhaps the most distinguishing feature about CRP is its lack of actual dining space. Yes, CRP is carry-out only, a blessing/curse whose influence did not go unnoticed. For an unprepared diner planning to enjoy a nice evening out, no blessing was present. Yet, as an optimist, it should be noted that not having diners present allowed the staff (all three of them) to focus solely on the pizza. Not quite a blessing, but at least it’s something. CRP designs itself almost out of a Coleman catalog: canoe oars, lanterns and fishing poles adorned the walls, while the menu looked like it was etched out of driftwood. It was like ordering a pizza on the second floor of Dick’s Sporting Goods, and I was almost surprised to find that my pizza was not, in fact, cooked over a fire. It was certainly a

unique experience, but quirky atmospheres don’t guarantee great dining. Newton’s Third Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. CRP possibly took this idea to heart, because for everything that could have been good about the meal there was something that canceled out the enjoyment. The price is reasonable: two pizzas and breadsticks only set me back $20 (good). An order of breadsticks is about the size of a medium pizza (good). The breadsticks have no flavor at all (bad), and the cheese sauce included was absolutely frigid: no car trip length could have chilled cheese like that, leading me to believe that someone forgot to cook it (bad). The sauce of the pizza was somewhat sweet, yet had a bit of a kick to it that accented the provolone and mozzarella (very good). But the crust was the same as the breadsticks, which meant no flavor (bad). On the meat lover’s pizza, CRP was liberal on their amount of meat (good). Unfortunately, the meat was not high quality: the Italian sausage, which dominated the meat ratio, was burned to the point of almost being charcoal, a taste that no (smaller) amount of mediocre pepperoni or ham could fix (very bad). Do the math: everything cancels out. It’s apparent that CRP really tries hard to be on top of its game. But it is almost like Inspector Clousseau from “The Pink Panther:” although its intentions are good, every effort ends up in disappointment. Perhaps with time, CRP will create a stand-out reputation. But for now, CRP is doomed to lie in limbo with every other wannabe pizza pro.

COOL RIVER PIZZA 14931 Greyhound Ct. Atmosphere: B Food: C Service: BPrice: $15 to $30 Overall: C+

GO ONLINE For photos of Cool River, head online to our Web site


Roof bands expect smaller crowd tonight BY RENNY LOGAN In previous years, Jazz at the Roof has been a stunning performance that has attracted a more than sufficient audience. This year, however, it is scheduled on a weeknight. Alex Metz, Jazz 2 trombonist and senior, said this might affect the crowd the event will attract this year. “(Last year) we had a really nice turnout,“ Metz said. “Less people might come this year because (Jazz at the Roof) is on a weeknight and also because it’s (scheduled) so close to prom.” “We expect (the crowd) to be a little less, because (Jazz at the Roof) is on a weeknight,” Jazz 4 director Richard Saucedo said. “The performance will be the same, but attendance may be affected.” Saucedo explained that the reason they scheduled Jazz at the Roof for a weeknight this year was to help alleviate pressure from the entire performing arts department. Between contests, performances and the upcoming play, band directors thought it would be easier on the department to have Jazz at the Roof on a weeknight. In addition, the event, which used to occur in March, had to be pushed back this year. According to Metz, the entire jazz band season itself was moved back. This year, instead of jazz band beginning at the end of first semester and finishing at the beginning of second semester, it has been moved to just second semester. Saucedo said he thought this would overall be a positive change, though he said it’s too soon to know for sure. He also said the jazz bands have done a great job adjusting to the change. “I think we’re better off, actually; the bands are stronger,” Saucedo said. He said the transition was smooth. Metz, who has been involved in jazz band since middle school, said tonight will be his second time LOCATION: performing in Jazz at the Roof. Indiana Roof Metz said he has been to Jazz at the Ballroom Roof once not to perform but to 140 W. watch, and he encourages students Washington St. to come, despite the event being on Indianapolis, IN a school night. “It’s great music, a great venue 46204 and a chance to swing dance,” Metz said. DATE: Today “(Jazz at the Roof) is going to be another really great experience TIME: 8 p.m. to attend and good experience for the players,” Saucedo said. He said the Indiana Roof Ballroom TICKETS: has a noteworthy history of jazz $15 at the performances from the 1920s and bookstore 1930s and is a good opportunity for students.



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PAGE B4 • THURSDAY, MAY 1 , 2008 • ADS


Students start summer plans early

A HiLite guide: Carmel’s

Tour de Parks


With springtime finally here, it’s time to get outside. Here are some places around the town to consider: BY JADE LUO Coxhall Gardens is a new, innovative and fresh park to visit. The feel of the park is simply beautiful, and it is a good place to take pictures in, whether for prom or for fun. Coxhall Gardens also serves as a great location for running, as the scenery is gorgeous. Features of Coxhall include a well-paved trail for running, lots of open space, a beautiful bridge and gazebo, a mini-town playground, bells that chime a song every hour and a lake. The great aspect about Coxhall is its classy feel. The different architecture and gates make it civilized, yet it is pretty much isolated during the weekdays. The gazebo is stunning with a feel of old architecture combined with new. The grass is leveled off, like that of River Heritage Park’s amphitheater. The playground is like a miniature town, and everything just looks so neat. Coxhall is picture-perfect in so many ways, and its designers did a great job making the park look great. The only criticism is that Coxhall seems a little man-made. There are no woods, and the bushes and grass are trimmed to perfection. I definitely recommend checking Coxhall out on a nice day, however, Its beauty will relax you any day.

A GRAND ENTRANCE: Upon reaching Coxhall Gardens, a bell tower can be seen. Throughout the day the bells toll various songs. TOP: An archway leads the way into the stadium seating surrounded by a waterfall. BOTTOM: The bell tower can be seen through a field of daffodils across a small lake. Coxhall boasts numerous scenic flower beds. The park is located at 2000 West 116th Street.


Central Park 1195 Central Park Drive Also known as the Monon Center, Central Park redefines what we think of as a park. It has many attractions, both outside and inside. The park is a whopping 161 acres, with four miles of trail linked to the Monon Trail as well as an outdoor aqua park, skate park and a fishing area. The inside of the Monon Center is filled with wellnessboosting activities. There is an aquatics center, dancing studio, fitness center, basketball courts, gymnasium, the skate park and a running track. The free part of Central Park is the outdoor trail, lake and fishing area. It is not nearly as glamorous, and at this time of the year it is still filled with dead prairie grass. The park around the lake is not too appealing and not yet worth the walk. However, the Monon Trail next to the building is a beautiful and relaxing way to walk off the stress. Free versus cost is an issue for Central Park. While the Monon Center is a superb recreation center, it costs. The free parts of Central Park, like the lake and grasslands, are rather dull. Central Park is half park, half recreation center. If the park is the focal point, try someplace else, but if the fitness is the important thing, Central Park is the place.

West Park 2700 W. 116th Street West Park is big and spacious, donning a carefree atmosphere. It is 120 acres, with woodland, the infamous Jill’s Hill, a lake, playground, picnic shelter and, most importantly, a lot of open space. The woodland is not too spectacular, and at this time of the year, the trees are mostly dead. However, there is a paved running trail through the woods that will definitely be a calming and interesting experience. Meanwhile, Jill’s Hill is close by. It is a big hill overlooking the whole park, good for sledding down in the winter and rolling down in the summer. Open space

surrounds the hill, beckoning for lots of outdoor games. The lake is nearby and is available for fishing and feeding wild ducks. A bridge crosses through the lake and serves as both a platform for fishers and a running track. The picnic shelter and playground really add to the sense of community in West Park. The playground is small but enjoyable, with two tire swings and two swing sets. The park has a family atmosphere, and while there are lots of people, because there is so much space, the park never feels crowded or obnoxious.

Senior Anna Wendt has searched throughout Carmel for a job at any location that might be hiring. Filling out a number of applications, Wendt said she hopes to beat the college students who will be coming home for summer and taking jobs. “The college students will be coming home soon and applying for jobs, so I have to beat them to it,” Wendt said. “I want to get the best job for me. I’m looking for something that is flexible with hours and pays better than my last job.” Wendt is not alone in her search for a summer job and her struggle to make a summer plan. Many students have found themselves planning for summer much earlier now than they have in the past. According to counselor Becky Stuelpe, summer seems to have “gone away” because people are just busier now. Students today are forced to plan their summer earlier because of their sports, jobs, summer school and everything else that happens throughout the summer. “Students today don’t get summer like it used to be,” Stuelpe said. “They are just doing more. If (students) wait until summer (to plan), it will be over before they know it. If (they) want to take advantage of their summer break, they need to start planning early.” Along with searching for a job, Wendt said that she also is planning for a vacation to North Carolina. She plans to go with friends some time in the summer, and she has been planning and saving money for her vacation since August when she found out that she could in fact go. “(My friends and I) usually go for one week in the summer, depending on when we get the beach house,” Wendt said. “We will probably start to really plan after spring break, buying plane tickets and all that, but I have been saving money and planning for it all year.” According to, airline tickets should be bought as early as possible because the cheapest fares are snatched up first. They say that most seats go on sale 11 months in advance, and getting a ticket last-minute will most likely be either impossible or extremely expensive. When interviewing and applying for jobs, Wendt said that she will need to keep her vacation into consideration and make sure the job is flexible enough to allow her to leave for a week. Some students, however, like junior Kayla Vaughn, have a different view of how to spend their summer. Vaughn said she has no time for a job, let alone a summer vacation. She has no need to plan for her summer because she already has a pretty good idea of what it will entail: softball, softball and more softball. “I have tournaments every weekend and practice is usually once or twice a week,” Vaughn said. “I don’t really get to hang out with my friends that much because I am always at softball, especially on the weekends.” When it comes to planning for summer, Vaughn said that the most important thing is that she pays attention to her softball schedule. “I don’t ever go on vacations because there is no way I can miss a softball tournament,” Vaughn said. “When it comes to planning for stuff, it’s basically just hanging out with friends, going to lunch or hanging by the pool. I have to check my softball schedule every time I plan something to make sure it will not be getting in the way of practice or a tournament.” According to, the most popular activities to do in the summer in Indiana are Indianapolis Indians minor league baseball games, RibAmerica festival, the Indianapolis Air Show, Indiana Fever basketball games, Concerts on the Lawn (The Lawn at White River State Park), and Symphony on the Prairie. All of these events will need to be planned for, and many of them require purchasing tickets in advance. advises those interested in attending any of the listed activities to begin looking into them now in order to beat the rush of people. The most popular event, according to, is the Indiana State Fair. This year it will include concerts from Carrie Underwood, Daughtry and Sugarland. Students will not need to plan for the fair until the summer, closer to when it will actually be coming. Although many students have begun looking at jobs for the summer, many of them are just waiting to see what the summer brings. For most, like Wendt, the summer means a break from school and a time to lay back, make some money and spend time with friends. For others like Vaughn, however, summer means a shift from a hectic school schedule to a hectic sports schedule. “I would tell students to prioritize what they want to accomplish over the summer,” Stuelpe said. “Take things off the list that they don’t want to get done, and do only what they want to do.” “This summer I plan to be working, hanging out with my friends, and maybe doing a little volunteer work but I don’t have anything really planned yet,” Wendt said. “I’m looking into a few concerts but I haven’t really started planning for that yet. I really just want to relax and enjoy my last summer here before I go off to college.”

WEBSITES FOR AIRFARE Book now for better fares

NOT JUST FOR KIDS: Along with plenty of greenspace, West Park allows for other means of recreation with its spider-like jungle gym and slides. TOP: At West Park, swings provide a fun way to pass a spring afternoon outdoors.

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SPEAK UP What do you wish you knew about driving beforee you started? Compiled by Lexi Muir and Harrison Lin



Flying High with senior Justin Lowe, who is working toward his pilot’s license

“Every car is different, like the fact that things are located in different places on different cars. I’ve driven multiple cars and I always feel dumb not knowing where anything is.” KAITLYN LAMPE / PHOTO

AVIATION ASPIRATIONS: Senior Justin Lowe scans the horizon as he plans to lift off in his Diamond 20 airplane. He began learning to fly freshman year and is only weeks away from officially cially becoming a llicensed icensed pilot. Lowe will be attending flight school at the Purdue School of Technology. BY MALLORY ST. CLAIRE JUNIOR EMILY TAYLOR

“How bad some of the other drivers are. I have had close calls with a lot of them.”

How long have you been flying? I have been flying for a long time, but I really got into it about three years ago. What got you started? I loved flying to vacations and thought it was always a thrill. That always made me happy. One day my mom and my sister went on a cruise, and my dad asked me what I wanted to do and I said, “let’s go flying”. It was kind of like a discovery flight. I was 14 years old. For my 16th birthday party, we rented three planes that day and just flew around. When do you get your pilot’s license? I am an hour or two away of getting it. I will need to do seven more landings at night and do a cross-country and I am done. The average amount of time is 60 hours. I have about 40, so I’ll be doing it really quickly compared to most people.

KAITLYN LAMPE / PHOTO At what age can you get a pilot’s license? Seventeen is the youngest. That is the age that is recommended.


“I wish I read the driver education manual more before I took the driving test. I barely passed the test because I missed five questions and you can only miss six questions to pass.”

Where do you fly? I take lessons at Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport. Indianapolis Aviation is the company. The airstrip is on 96th and Allisonville. What kind of planes do you fly? The plane I am currently flying in is a Diamond 20, and it is one of the newer airplanes. They are really enjoyable to fly. What is your favorite part about flying? Once you get out of the air spaces, you pretty much have free reign in the air. The speed limit is around 280 miles per hour. You can see great views. I like to fly over Geist or Morse Reservoirs; those are pretty in the summer. Night flying is also fun because it is great to see all the lights from above. What is your least favorite part about flying? You have to know all the rules by heart. You have to make sure the plane is ready to fly. In driving school, you are supposed to check the mirrors and tires but in an airplane you actually have to do it. It is just a hassle to get to the airport early just to get the plane ready. There is also sometimes crummy weather that keeps you on the ground. Where have you flown? I fly over the South Bend area. I fly to Purdue all the time. One of my favorite flights was a night flight over Richmond and then over to the international airport.


“A lot of younger people, like sophomores and freshmen, would be asking for rides. I didn’t know that I would always be asked to drive them places all the time.”

What is a cross-country flight? A cross-country flight is just to fly 50 miles from your take-off point. For example, from here to Lafayette. To get your license, you have to do two: one with one leg and then one with two legs. Do you have any tips for students interested in flying? It’s a rather expensive hobby, and obviously if you are going to get into it,

“Driving on ice is slippery. If I would have known that, then I would not have had my car sliding into other cars.”


you want to make sure you have a lot of money put aside. The average price to get a pilot’s license is about $6000 to $7000. It is pretty expensive. Another big thing I’d say is get it done as quickly as possible because I have spread it out over two years, and I have been through three flight instructors. Each flight instructor teaches differently, so you’ll learn something with one and then another one will ask you to do something different. Do you plan to fly in the future? When I am older, I’d love to fly for FedEx and UPS. With FedEx and UPS, you see places around the world. I hope I can fly internationally, not just within the U.S. With commercial pilots, they will stick with a route.


AVIATION LINGO Bat Decoder: A sheet of paper carried on all flight operations that is the key to current airborne communication codes. Brave Zulu: Praise for a good job. Charlie: The planned landing time aboard a carrier. Hop: A mission or flight. Indian Night Noises: The ominous creaks, pops and shudders of an aircraft in flight. Top Off: To fill up with gas.


Driving from a racer’s perspective Students who grew up driving race cars feel more prepared to get license but still have to adjust to the rules of the road BY MARY QUEISSER


TECHNICAL FLIGHT: Lowe adjusts the various instruments in the airplane in the pre-flight procedures. As a pilot, he has to not only know how to fly the plane but understand the mechanics of flight.

Chris Wilner, race car driver and sophomore, has been driving on the road for one year. But before that he had five years of race car driving experience. “(Race car driving) really helps a bunch (with driving),” Wilner said. “Especially when you first get behind the wheel, because you know how to control a moving thing.” According to Mike Slabaugh, AA driver education teacher, recreational driving experiences, such as gocarting and race car driving may or may not help prepare students for driving on the road because it provides them with prior experience. “Anything that you can do that is related to driving is good. Even if you’re just learning to ride a bike, you’re learning how to negotiate traffic and things of that nature. Riding a bike, driving a boat, driving a lawn mower, anything like that is beneficial for learning how to drive,” he said. For example, Wilner said he felt he had an edge over other students in driver education due to his experience as a race car driver. “My instructor even skipped me a couple steps because it was so easy for me but I passed with flying colors,” he said. Though Slabaugh has never had any race car or go-cart drivers in his classes, he has had students who drive jet-skis and motorcycles. He said that they have done well in class, like Wilner. “As much experience that you can get will help,” Slabaugh said. Colin Swingler, go-cart driver and junior, said driving

go-carts helped him as well. “It teaches you to be more aware of your surroundings,” he said. Swingler said that recreational driving does not fully prepare students. “It teaches you what not to do on the road,” he said. For safety’s sake, Swingler said he tries to avoid driving a car like he would a go-cart. “You’re more reckless (when you’re driving a go-cart) because you’re competing on the track,” he said. “When you’re driving in a car your main goal is to be safe and not have an accident. You try to do that on the track too, but you’re also trying to go as fast as you can go. You’re pushing it a lot more.” Slabaugh said if a student wants to get anything out of go-carting, in terms of driving on the road, they need to do it in a controlled way. “I don’t recommend anyone get in a go-cart and tear up someone’s backyard,” he said. Though Swingler said he also performed well in driver education, he said he felt driving go-carts did not give him an advantage like Wilner. “It’s pretty different,” he said. “I felt comfortable driving a car but it’s really not the same if you think about it.” He said go-carts have more responsive steer and are more light-weight, while cars are heavier. The rest he said he couldn’t describe. “It just feels different,” Swingler said. Whether or not, driving go-carts or race cars prepare students on the road, it can provide a necessary sense of confidence. Though new drivers need experience,

coordination, patience and an understanding of the rules, Slabaugh said that the ability to remain calm is the most important quality a student can have. “They have to be relaxed. That’s probably the most important thing: being relaxed,” he said. Wilner said, “I know a lot of people who’ve never driven before and think it’s really scary.”


FINISH LINE: Sophomore Chris Wilner makes a loop around the racetrack in a Quarter Midget, a type of race car. Although he only got his license last year, he learned how to drive in a race car over five years ago.


One wins out, right? SAVING GRACE

BY GRACE BARANOWSKI “Indecision may or may not be my problem.” —Jimmy Buffett They tell me that it’s not a big deal. That no matter what I choose, I’ll be fine wherever I go. But I can’t help but be slightly apprehensive about signing my name to a document that will determine the course of the next four years and possibly the trajectory of my career and adult life. Today is that day, my most crucial deadline yet—May 1. Today is the deadline for the deposit binding me to my final choice of the universities. After so many years of waiting, wondering and wishing, it’s hard to believe that I’ve reached the end of the college application process. As a naïve freshman and sophomore, I spent hours clicking first on Harvard and then Yale and then random Google searches with “best American colleges” and Campus Dirt reports. My future had become a common topic of conversation among friendly adults I met, and it worried me that I didn’t know the answer. Somehow, I thought that looking at so many college Web sites would provide the answers I needed. I eventually specified a few, and the ensuing college trips narrowed the list down to a more realistic number of six. Then, it seemed to me that college admissions officers had engaged me in an addictively toxic relationship, perfected after years of ambitious parents and equally eager students. The tour guides enamored us with stories of collegiate bonding and engaging classroom discussions. They led us down a euphoric path of daydreams at each school. After all, the months of receiving friendly letters, combined with the promises of the tour guides and the appeal of brick-walled quads put each family in a dreamy glow. A dad might proudly prod his daughter in the back, asking jokingly (yet hopefully, somehow) if she liked the university’s campus. The daughter might shyly hope too. But the romance hit a major roadblock when lists of academic requirements, average test scores and ridiculously selective admissions statistics greeted prospective students on PowerPoint presentations at every school. It was roses crushed under rocket fire; it was a thousand expectations ignited by the marginal possibility of acceptance. I fell just as hard as the others. My love, though, wasn’t meant for just one school. Several had charmed me into seeing myself there. In hindsight, it would have been easier in the long run if I had just mentally committed to one, or at least made a clearly prioritized list. But I didn’t. I applied to the set of six, waited and hoped. Oddly enough, I wasn’t that nervous about applying to the schools, once I had specified my targets. I had done everything I could in the years prior. All I had to do was report it accurately and click “send.” Even the period of waiting didn’t seem stressful. I had already applied; any extra stress on my part was pointless. But the earliest stab of palpable anxiety struck as I logged onto my individual application page for the first university. As the page loaded, my breathing accelerated and then stopped for a split-second, to be replaced with yelps of joy. This situation repeated another time, and then another, and then another, and then another. Five of my six universities granted me admission. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. Thoughtless euphoria caught me in a wave of emotion as I imagined myself attending each of the five simultaneously. But pretty soon it became obvious that I couldn’t be in five places at once. I easily knocked out three, leaving me with two universities. Now, I suppose it was a good problem to have—to have to decide between two universities, both tied as my first-choice. But on the other hand, I wished there was some sort of litmus test I could have given. I compared each university’s programs side by side. The individual advantages added up in maddeningly miniscule piles. One grain of sand compared to another made two very similar dunes, leaving me grasping for a solid decision. I floundered in mental anguish, going back and forth between the two in my mind, like a possessed seesaw bent on torturing its occupant. My frustration came to its climax during a Saturday night dinner. I had been comparing details via the Internet all day because my parents had told me that I needed to decide by the end of that weekend. With Dad looking pensively out the window on my right, Mom looking concerned on my left, I poked angrily at my rice and peas in the center. Dad brought it up first: “So… what are you thinking?” I let out an angsty sigh. Two or three rice grains stuck between the tines of my fork. I mashed them into a white pulp and wiped the utensil on a nearby napkin. “I… don’t… know!” Near tears, I rested my hands on my forehead and sighed again. The decision wasn’t getting any easier. But I didn’t expect it to. For a decision that had required so much thought, it was inevitable that the resolution would be painfully drawn-out. It was, after all, the first big life decision I’d faced. This deadline is probably the first big life decision for most of the seniors here, too. So many others are faced with choices equally as tough, or even more so. So I know that the frustration, uncertainty and angst I experienced isn’t unique to me. And I know it isn’t uncalled for, either. Each college offers different opportunities that could affect our lives in so many ways. One class or one professor or one friend could set the course of life, like a rogue asteroid colliding with another and both following a foreveraltered path. In college we define ourselves, and the school itself becomes a sort of self-definition too. So the college I’ll attend next year is…Grace Baranowski is a managing editor for the HiLite. Contact her at


Election hype extends to non-voting students As the competition heats up with this year’s presidential elections, citizens across the country are getting more involved than ever in the election process especially the first-time voters. This Tuesday, Hoosiers will get their say in the May 6th elections, and for the first time in many years—with former President Bill Clinton’s visit on Monday as testament to this—Indiana has prominence in the primary elections. As such, students here should take advantage of the political opportunities available to them this year with the hope that that involvement will begin a lifetime of political awareness and participation. The most obvious way to get involved is to vote. Of course, this is not a viable option for everyone here who is interested in the elections. Indeed, there has been much dissatisfaction across the nation among the younger kids who are interested in politics but do not have the right to vote. In fact, there have already been movements in several states to lower the voting age and allow younger kids to be more involved in politics. But involvement in the elections is not limited to people 18 and over. Certainly, a common misconception is the if- I- can’t- vote-, Idon’t- have- any- say mentality. For those students not lucky enough to vote, they haven’t exactly missed the boat. Besides voting, students can help promote elections in several ways. Organization like the Students for Barack Obama Club and Political Discussion Club are prime examples of an alternative way to be involved in the elections process. By facilitating discussions on politics, these clubs can also inform and educate students more on the elections and the current political scene, despite their

political affiliation. This way, the students who can vote can use that information to make better decisions. In addition, Students for Barack Obama Cub also works to promote an interest in the elections and encourage students who can vote to vote. The method of involvement is a great way incite interest in politics and get wider voting demographics. Other methods of involvement include going door-to-door, to promote interest in the elections or support for a certain candidate. While all of these methods of involvement in the elections may seem insignificant without voting, students should keep in mind that, eventually, we will all get the chance to vote. Getting involved earlier and following the campaign trails will allow younger students to be more knowledgeable. Rather than having to cram in all the information right before voting, involvement in the elections early on will result in a more informed vote. To those who can vote, a word of caution: don’t get discouraged by the results. In the election, there will only be one president and the supporters of the candidates that do not win should keep that in mind. Choosing to vote means that one is choosing to have a voice in the political scene. While this does not guarantee that that voice will decided the results of the election, it is still important to have that voice. Therefore, students should continue to exercise the right to vote despite undesirable results. The lack of voting rights does not equate to lack of participation in the elections. Students who are interested in politics should not be limited by their age and get involved through alternative methods. And to the students who can vote, we encourage you to do just that.



Why we should attend teacher barbecues CAN YOU DO THE KORKZAN?

BY SHIREEN KORKZAN “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” —Edith Ann About a month ago, my U.S. Histor y teacher, Peter O’Hara, told the class that he owns a Dance Dance Revolution set, a Playstation 3 and an Xbox gaming system. The whole class called him a “cool guy” since most teachers – let alone older teachers – probably don’t even know what Facebook is, let alone “Halo.” Since I really like Mr. O’Hara, I decided to try and further his “coolness” by asking him how big his barbecue grill is, barbecue grills being, in my opinion, the epitome of cool. Let’s just say it’s big enough that he only uses half of what it’s capable of. Since I confirmed how cool Mr. O’Hara really is, I jokingly suggested that he should host a barbecue for the class. I’ve had teachers in the past who have hosted barbecues for their students; even my middle school bus

driver hosted a cookout at one point. My mother used to be a Spanish teacher at Park Tudor School and she’d have a Nicaraguan (her native country) fiesta at our house every year, despite complaints from my father who always ended up having to clean up afterwards. Obviously I expected my fellow peers to agree with me and try to convince our teacher to host said barbecue. But the answer I got was less than I expected. Across my desk, a girl kept blurting out, “That’s creepy!” I started explaining my views on why it’s not creepy for teachers to host such fun events until Mr. O’Hara interrupted, and then the class was back to learning U.S. history. But since I am stubborn and always have to have the last word, I am going to use to power of the press to

explain exactly why it is not creepy for students to enjoy a barbecue at their teachers’ houses: It’s great for socializing. I would have agreed with my classmate that having a barbecue at a teacher’s house is creepy but only if it were just one or two students. But if an entire class were to go then it would not only be fun but it would be a great way for students to get to know their fellow peers, which can lead to study groups and possibly even long lasting friendships. But another positive of said social event is you’ll get to know your teacher. Teachers are people, too; they have a home and they have a family just like everyone else. They don’t just sit at their desk all hours of the day. Teachers have interests and emotions, things they love and hate. They have stories to tell and qualities about them that make them unique. John Love, speech and group discussion teacher, was in the movie “Hoosiers,” for example. Choir teacher Diana Gillespie sat right in the area where former IU basketball coach Bob Knight lost his temper and threw a chair. Did these events affect the way Love became a fan of basketball or why Gillespie detests it? How else would you know but by spending a little bit of time with them? It’s a lot easier to approach a teacher than it seems (unless he or she is undoubtedly evil). My first impression of Mr. O’Hara was when I interviewed him for HiLite last year. He never smiled and seemed like he would grunt at me if he could. When we were finished he

left for lunch and I followed behind since the communications area is on the way to the main cafeteria. At one point he turned around and asked, “Are you following me?” Obviously I had some nice things to say about him once I went back to the HiLite room to type up my story. And of course I was irked when I got my schedule and found out that he was going to be my U.S. history teacher. I kept thinking, “This is going to be hell;” and it was for the first month. We had nothing in common politically and we kept debating our sides after class. It wasn’t until I insulted IU’s football team during class that we started bonding as teacher and student (Mr. O’Hara is a huge Ohio State fan). By now I’m comfortable enough to ask Mr. O’Hara to host a barbecue for his classes, even if he politely declines. I would not have been able to do this if I knew nothing about him. It’s too bad that Mr. O’Hara rejected my idea. His barbecues are for football coaches only, he said. But, the barbecue notwithstanding, I’m glad I had a chance to meet Mr. O’Hara, not only as a teacher but also as a person. Chances are, if you were to ask most teachers why they do what they do for a living, they’d mention some influential teacher – like a Mr. O’Hara – that they had. It’s having these kinds of connections that make school worthwhile. And even without the barbecue, I’m glad I’ve made those connections. Shireen Korkzan is a reporter for the HiLite. Contact her at


A review of reviews CRANK THAT?

Hard work in the real world Contact information


Mailing Address: 520 E. Main St., Carmel, IN 46032

“Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it has not changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I’m just wearing better shoes.” —Oprah Winfrey

BY STEPHANIE WALSTROM “Belief is a beautiful armor, but makes for the heaviest sword. Like punching underwater, you never can hit who you’re trying for.” —John Mayer For a movie that received a meager one star from The Chicago Tribune, the newly released film “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” has made quite the stir. Not only did the film rake in enough to boast the third-best opening ever for a documentary, the movie has generated conversation across all fronts. “Expelled” takes a look into the persecution faced by scientists who are from the school of thought that there may be evidence of intelligent design. The movie interviews scientists who, upon expressing support for the intelligent design theory, claim they were ridiculed, blacklisted, denied tenure or even outright fired. And the film reaches beyond just the scientific community. Pamela Winnick, one of the movie’s interviewees and a former reporter for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, claims that an article she wrote on the merits of intelligent design ended her career. “If you give any credence to (the intelligent design theory) whatsoever... you’re just finished as a journalist,” Winnick said. The movie also argues that intelligent “What struck me design deserves a place in academia. It as interesting... asserts that the intelligent design theory is was that the not one propped up by religion, but that it has scientific merit. reviewers But if you leave the film asking, “So seemed to which origin-of-life theory is correct?” completely miss then you’re asking the wrong question. What struck me as interesting about the movie’s many of the reviews I read that totally point.” trashed the movie was that the reviewers seemed to completely miss the movie’s point. A review of the movie by the New York Times offered the following comments: “Positing the theory of intelligent design as a valid scientific hypothesis, the film frames the refusal of ‘big science’ to agree as nothing less than an assault on free speech.” Roger Moore of the Orlando Sentinel claimed that the goal of the film was to create a sliver of doubt about evolution. I was also struck by the Evangelical Christian communities that are championing “Expelled” as some sort of breakthrough for the Creationist theory. Both of these conclusions fall hopelessly short of the film’s intended message. “Expelled” seeks only to show that the scientific community is no longer allowing peers to test theories about how the earth came into existence. The movie’s point is not to cast doubt on evolution or sway people to creationism; it merely raises issue with the fact that many scientific communities have closed the door on a question that is far from answered. How well the movie fared with critics or viewers should not have had anything to do with intelligent design or evolution, because the reality is, the movie isn’t trying to make a case for either. It is trying to make a case for freedom of speech. In a country that protects a person’s right to burn flags or participate in a Nazi parade if they so wish, the freedom to openly discuss scientific theories must certainly be a protected one. I skimmed through dozens of reviews, and came across few that I thought accurately portrayed the movie’s message. One, The Florida Baptist Witness, contained a review by William A. Dembski that insightfully commented that “Expelled” documented the “institutionalized intolerance” of anyone critical of Darwin’s theory. Dembski said that the film “unmasks the hypocrisy of an intellectual class that pretends to value freedom of thought and expression, but undercuts it whenever it conflicts with their deeply held secular ideas.” Regardless of how anyone feels about Dembski’s opinions about “Expelled”, or about origin-of-life theories in general, you have got to hand it to the guy for at least correctly interpreting the movie. Though several reviewers labeled “Expelled” a weak attempt at taking down evolution, I see only weakness in the reviewers themselves. Simply put, go see the film yourself. Because with a movie like “Expelled”, it is impossible to gain much from simply scanning reviews that may or may not have grasped the intended message of the film. Stephanie is a reporter for the HiLite. Contact her at

Phone: (317) 846-7721, Ext. 7143 Web site: E-mail: Staff members of the HiLite may be contacted by using their first initial and their last name appending For example, Jaclyn Chen will receive mail sent to

Responding to the HiLite

BY JACLYN CHEN The aroma of Romano cheese emanating from the brick oven and the texture of spices and tomatoes from the stovetop normally stirs a fiery appetite, but tonight Trey Colangelo cannot think of anything but escaping this Italian food hell. After leaving Carrabba’s, Trey will sink into bed after 12 to 13 hours of menial work only to start it yet again tomorrow. This lifestyle is not one many teens, especially in Carmel, are privy to, but it is one that is the unfortunate reality for Trey. Trey, 18 years old, is part of the, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 40 percent of the teenage population aged 16 to 19 that is currently employed. However, his employment means something completely different all together than that of most teens. “I wish I had a family who’d pay for my college (tuition) next year,” he says. “But I’m living basically on my own, and I have to pay for everything right now: car payments, car insurance, gas, doctor’s visits, everything.” Trey would have been a senior here at Carmel had life panned out the way he expected, but nothing, he says, has ever worked out quite so easily. He says he manages eight to nine hours at McDonalds and then hosts another four to five hours at Carrabba’s. And since his dad asked him to move out a few months ago, he is currently living with a friend’s family and trying to scrounge up enough money between now and September so that he can afford to go to community college, where he plans to spend two years before transferring to another university. “I used to not care about doing well in school. I would skip and think that it was no big deal,” Trey says. “But that changed when I moved and figured out I couldn’t keep doing that.” Even though the family he stays with charges a generously small sum for rent, Trey still has trouble keeping up financially. “I don’t understand how some adults go through it all,” he says. “I have minimum expenses, and I’m barely making it paycheck to paycheck.” As his story unravels, his worries become apparent. Other than which semblance of a major he plans to pursue in college, he, as an 18-year-old, should ideally have little to stress over. But his situation hardly yields that luxury, so instead he has on his shoulders an immeasurable burden. Trey moved from Carmel to Salt Spring, FL two years ago with his mother. He transferred to the local high school—commuting 50 miles roundtrip each day—and enrolled in day and night school in order to graduate a semester early. “Carmel is a big city compared to Salt Spring. There was a grocery store, the campgrounds where my mom worked, a

post office and that was basically it,” Trey recalls. And because he lived so far from school, making friends was difficult, so he chose to take computer classes at night to expedite his graduation. A variety of circumstances moved him from Florida to Georgia to Indiana, from his mom’s full employment to Medicaid and food stamps, and in the midst of all these changes, working was always a constant. “I guess I had to grow up a lot faster than most people,” Trey says, as he proceeds to list all the different states he’s lived in. “Working so much has really opened my eyes to how some of America lives. “And I’m not bashing anyone who’s been there, but I don’t want to be a manager at McDonalds for the rest of my life. That’s just not how I see myself.” Most teens in Carmel should be grateful to go to college at all, let alone some of the outstanding institutions that students matriculate to. Many put in hours at a minimum wage job, but few depend on work shifts for survival. And most of all, most are blessed with parents who have instilled in them the importance of education. Trey says he’s learned the value of an education the hard way. “It’s definitely worth it to get a degree. I want a decent job, so I don’t have to work 12 to 13 hours a day, so I don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck,” Trey says. “It’s definitely opened my eyes to how some of America lives.” Despite his realization of the importance of a college degree, Trey says he still needs to face the reality of his situation. He says he’s always wanted to be a veterinarian, but since getting admitted to vet school can be challenging, he can’t take the chance due to the financial risk. He says, “I’m still so confused about where I’m headed. I’ve tried to plan for the future before, but it’s never worked out for me. What is clear though is that I’m for sure going to school and graduating with a college degree.” Trey is looking into business majors and hopefully something in restaurant or hotel management. And when Trey graduates college in four years like most seniors here, his will perhaps be the greater accomplishment. Everyone else will have worked hard in school, yes, but it would have been a true waste not to tap into the luxury and support most parents had afforded them. What students at Carmel have achieved seems easy considering the resources granted them, by both their families and this school. And as Trey says, despite the uncertainty about the future, one thing is clear: a degree is the most important thing. Everything else is a blessing. Jaclyn is editor in chief of the HiLite. Contact her at

Letters to the editor will be accepted for the May 22 issue no later than May 10. Letters may be submitted in Room C147, placed in the mailbox of Jim Streisel, e-mailed to or mailed to school. All letters must be signed. Names will be published. (Letters sent via e-mail will be taken to a student’s SRT for him to sign.) Letters must not contain personal attacks against an individual and may be edited.

Purpose The HiLite is a student publication distributed to students, faculty and staff of Carmel High School, with a press run of 4,500. Copies are distributed to every school in the Carmel Clay district as well as the Chamber of Commerce, city hall and the Carmel Clay Public Library. The paper serves as a public forum and two-way communication for both the school and the community. Opinions expressed in the newspaper are not necessarily those of CHS nor the Carmel Clay system faculty, staff or administration.

Credentials The HiLite belongs to the Indiana High School Press Association, Quill & Scroll and the National Scholastic Press Association.

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Mary Queisser Mitch Ringenberg Sarah Sheafer Tommy Sneider Mallory St. Claire

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Shireen Korkzan

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. . .

n. quickness, accuracy and keenness of judgement or insight CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL


Art i de: Pho Stu de t n Orc o Essa t h Ret estra y - C5 ur n ISS s to MA IIF F R - C2 evie w C7

The Arts



MAY 1, 2008


The Return

Purpose Acumen is an occasional publication serving to supplement the HiLite. Acumen is distributed to the students, faculty and staff of Carmel High School. This publication operates as a public forum for the school and community. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily representative of those held by CHS, the Carmel Clay system faculty, staff or administration.

Orchestra returns to ISSMA contest after five-year hiatus; expectations of reputation loom large

Responding to Acumen Letters in response to this issue of Acumen will be considered for publication in the HiLite. All letters must be submitted to Room C147, placed in the mailbox of Jim Streisel, e-mailed to or mailed to the school. Letters must be signed; names will be published. (Letters submitted through e-mail will be taken to a student’s SRT for him to sign.) Letters must not include personal attacks against an individual and may be subject to editing.

Staff Tian Yang Ashley Elson Hera Ashraf Corey Bright Tim Chai Brittney Chen Reid Conner Evelyn Forbes Michelle Hu Harrison Lin Min Qiao Sarah Sheafer Tommy Sneider Sam Watermeier Jinny Zhang HiLite Editor in chief Jaclyn Chen HiLite Managing editors Grace Baranowski John Shi Adviser Jim Streisel Principal John Williams Superintendent Barbara Underwood

Editor Photo Editor Writers / Photographers

In This Issue Dear readers, This issue of Acumen showcases the finer things in life, the arts. From fashion to music, CHS is filled with many talented artists. This issue hopes to draw attention to those pursuits. The stories range from small delights to major events. For example, the orchestra program’s return to ISSMA has been long awaited throughout the music community. On the other hand, this issue of Acumen also features the ballroom dancing club and those who love it. Thanks for reading!

Tian Yang Acumen Editor


MAMBO: Sophomore Tessa Wilkerson and junior Kevin Carlson attend a mambo party. Orchestra director Soo Han invited guest teacher LeAnn Haggard to teach various Latin dances in honor of “Mambo!” by Leonard Bernstein.


or the first time since 2003, the symphony orchestra will be performing at the State ISSMA contest at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday at Warren Central High School. The group has been preparing relentlessly for the contest since its last concert in late February. ISSMA, short for the Indiana State School Music Association, organizes music events throughout the year, including marching band competitions in the fall, solo and ensemble contest in the winter, and band, choir and orchestra contests at the end of the school year. “ISSMA brings schools across the state together to showcase the musical talent of band, orchestra and choir,” orchestra teacher Rachel Tookolo said. There are five orchestras at this school this year. Camerata is a small chamber orchestra that didn’t go to contest this year. The other four orchestras, Symphony, Philharmonic, Concert and Sinfonia all played at ISSMA. Some of this years pieces include “Mambo! From Symphonic Dances from West Side Story” by Leonard Bernstein, “Irish Tune from County Derry” by Percy Aldridge Grainger and “Symphony Number Five (Movement V)” by Tchaikovsky. “The symphony orchestra is playing at the professional level. It’s an extremely difficult level of playing and the students have dedicated countless hours after school and at home,” orchestra director Soo Han said. On top of preparing during class time, the orchestras have been meeting after school and during SRT to practice. Yifan “Peter” Hua, orchestra member and junior, and the other musicians are no strangers to this level of competition. Although it is Hua’s first time playing with an orchestra at ISSMA, he has participated in the solo and ensemble competition for five years.


“Most of (the students here) who play at solo and ensemble get gold, with a few silvers,” Hua said. Hua said this type of competitive environment benefits him and the other students musically. “I get a better understanding of how other musicians perform and play together,” he said. The top eight orchestras from the qualifying rounds that took place in April will play at the state level on Saturday. Qualifiers took place last Friday and Saturday. According to Hua, all four orchestras that competed got a gold medal and gold plaque, which is the highest placement at qualifiers. According to Tookolo, the last time this school played in State, it got third place overall. “We don’t have to win,” Han said. “What we do have to do is give an amazing performance.” According to Tookolo, the students are prepared and are in it to give the best performance they are capable of. “If we do that, rankings won’t be as important in the long run,” she said. On the other hand, Hua said the orchestra is capable of getting first, and hopes to take home another State title for this school’s performing arts program. “We’ve been adding a lot of rehearsals. We’ve added time to Thursday practices and rehearse in SRT. The directors have been preparing us well,” he said. The actual performance will be evaluated in many ways. According to Han, playing in tune, playing cleanly and together, dynamics, rhythm, playing musically and emotionally and being into the music are all factors that could affect the group’s score. The judging isn’t limited to objective criteria, and judge opinions will affect the outcome. This performance will be a first time experience for the students in orchestra. “We would appreciate all the support we can get at these performances. It’s going to be a fun concert to attend,” Han said. Reid Conner


Student finds place in performing arts programs


unior Miranda Cascione watched Peter and the Wolf in her third grade music class. One of the characters she saw in it was a duck. As the animal waddled its way onto the screen, she was immediately drawn to it and the instrument it represented, the oboe. When Cascione returned home from school, she asked her parents if she could learn how to play the instrument. Her parents granted her this wish by giving her private lessons with the oboe in fourth grade. MIRANDA From then on, Cascione has enjoyed music and what CASCIONE she receives from it. She is currently in Wind Symphony I, Symphony Orchestra and Accents. Even though being in band, orchestra and choir takes up a large amount of her time, she still continues to participate in them. “I’ve debated whether or not to drop one of them, but I would really miss it, and I get too much out of it to quit,” Cascione said. Rachel Tookolo, Associate Director of Orchestras, said, “If anything, the performing arts classes act as a creative expression outlet for students. Students know the schedule, rigor and amount of outside time it will take before they take the class. Sometimes (taking several performing arts classes) involves making sacrifices with other aspects, but ultimately making it work is very achievable.” Even though Cascione wishes she had more time to study for her other classes and to do other things besides just music, Cascione said she sees benefits of being in so many music groups. “I really like music. It helps with social activities and even leadership,” she said. However, she said she realizes that not every student is capable of being in so many music groups. Some might have other interests that they could not explore because they were either practicing their instrument or performing in a concert. A normal week for Cascione, if she had to perform in choir over the weekend, would consist of many hours after school. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, she attends choir practice. She takes private lessons for oboe and participates in orchestra practice on Tuesdays. On Thursday she also practices with orchestra after school. She even has to rehearse on Saturdays for choir occasionally. Along with practicing her oboe and singing, Cascione plays the piano. She started the instrument when she was five-years-old. However she has quit lessons. Cascione will continue band, orchestra and choir in her senior year. She said, “(Music) is just my passion.” By Sarah Sheafer


IN THE MUSIC: Juniors Miranda Cascione and Sophia Paliza-Carre study choir music. Cascione has taken choir since her freshman year.

IB gives students chance to make own feature films Junior Sarah Donaldson is a student of a new course started here, called IB Film. Donaldson decided to take the course because she said she wanted to go more into film than theater. “I am normally in drama, but I didn’t want to do theater acting; I wanted to do film acting. So, I thought that I should learn about the industry,” Donaldson said. According to IB Film teacher Jim Peterson, this school was chosen as a pilot to try the course this year. Next year, it will be offered in all schools. The IB diploma was offered last year, and all teachers received training the year before 2006 for teaching the IB classes. Peterson said he missed that year of training, so he had to start training for IB Theater last year when he said he found out about IB Film. “I thought (IB Film) was a nice course to offer, and this year was the last year for piloting. So I put in the application, and I wrote up my biography, talked about what we had as far as equipment in the school and how many people I thought might take it,” Peterson said. “I put up the proposal, and we got accepted.” The course has three parts. Peterson said, “(IB Film) really concentrates on three main areas: production, film theory and history and textual analysis.” Donaldson said that IB Film was a great course to learn about all aspects of film. “We get to watch a few films, and we study about them and learn about all the angles. We learn why things are used, and we get projects

throughout the year,” Donaldson said. The current project the students of IB Film are working on is movie trailers for the Elliot Rosewater books. “It used to be done by the theater students, but they passed that over to the film students,” Donaldson said. These trailers will be shown in the library for previews for books. Peterson said that the students in this class work on many different kinds of projects from short movies to written reports. One project the students are working on is the IB Film Festival at the end of the year. Peterson said that they will be showcasing all the work of the students in the class throughout the year in the auditorium. Peterson said that he recommends the class to all students, even those who aren’t even going for the IB Diploma. “I think film is fantastic, and it is a great medium. It is very popular today and can be very expensive. But the cool thing now is that the equipment is accessible with video cameras and editing on computers. Having the program on every computer is a big step, so kids can actually be film makers,” Peterson said. Donaldson said, “You will never watch a movie the same way ever again because you will know what lighting does what and what angle does what for a viewer. It really helps you understand like why certain things happen in films and what the process is. And it is a wonderful process.” By Hera Ashraf

Performing Arts groups prepare for end of year spring shows in late May After a season full of show choir competitions and performances, all of the different choirs prepare for one last show. “The spring concert is our last chance to show off our choirs and what they’ve done all year,” ERICA RICHTER Ann Conrad, choir teacher said. According to Conrad, each group will perform four numbers and one with all of the choirs performing. “The spring concerts are really fun, it’s just a way for us to show people one last time what we did this year,” Erica Richter, member of Accents and junior, said. Although it is only a one night performance, it still provides all of the choirs a chance to show what they have

achieved throughout the year. The choir spring concert is scheduled for Tuesday, May 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dale E. Graham Auditorium. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for senior citizens and students according to Conrad. In addition, other performing arts programs are planning their concerts as well. The orchestra spring concert is planned for May 15, and the band concert for May 21. “It gives students a chance to see all of the different performing arts groups in less than a week,” Richter said. While the school year winds down, the performing arts department still has a last kick in it before winding down. “This has really been a great year for the choirs,” Richter said. “It’s going to be really great to see what all the other choirs did, and it’s just going to be a great show.” By Tommy Sneider



Ballroom dancing the time away ‘Stars’ and other shows return ‘Cool’ factor to classic dances, increasing demand for instruction that allows students to learn variety of steps


ith the increasing popularity of shows like “Dancing with the Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance,” ballroom dancing is on the rise as well. For Amanda Finin, president of Ballroom Dancing Club and sophomore, “Dancing with the Stars” is exactly why she got into this genre of dance. “When ‘Dancing with the Stars’ first started I thought the way the professionals moved was amazing. So in May of 2006 I started taking lessons over at Arthur Murray,” Finin said. “(In) freshman year, I was really into ballroom dancing and had thought about starting a club. I was in Swing Club at the time, so I had met some other people who have become my close friends, and we kind of tossed around the idea. I then found a sponsor and figured out what I had to do and in October 2007 things got started.” Brent Blackwell, dance instructor of the Ballroom Dancing Club, said that he began taking ballroom dancing lessons so that he could dance well at wedding receptions. He also agrees that ballroom dancing’s popularity is rising and that dancing, in general, has become more popular in recent years. Finin said, “The professional dancers can be doing a move and in a split second they can just stop and hit this really outrageous and cool pose. I think that’s what people look at and go ‘wow’.” This increasing interest in dancing is reflected in the Ballroom Dancing Club, which aims to teach people these dances. In addition, Finin said this club also wants teach students to dance so that it can benefit them in social events. “Being in high school, there are a lot of dances that go on, so knowing how to dance socially and having friends that know how to dance is a big benefit.” Finin said. “It may not seem like the cool thing to do, but I know that knowing how to socially dance will help when it comes to social events for my future. I would like to show more people this, and show them that in the long run knowing how to ballroom dance is a huge benefit to possible future careers.” In the Ballroom Dancing Club, students can learn a variety of dances from the waltz to the samba. Blackwell said that he basically teaches the members whatever dance they request to learn. For the most part, they have been learning major dances that are popular internationally. Blackwell said that he usually teaches the members a couple of steps that tie together and can be danced in a pattern. “Ballroom dancing may not seem cool, but it comes in handy when it comes to social outings. This one is especially true for guys,” Finin said. “They may think that ballroom dancing is not very masculine, but the thing I find most attractive is when a guy knows how to handle a girl. So if a guy can dance and lead me through things and make me look good while still making himself look good is very attractive.” By Min Qiao



SHALL WE DANCE: Brent Blackwell instructs Amanda Finin, club president and sophomore, and sophomore Jonathan Pierce at Ballroom Dancing Club. Club members learned proper stances and steps. TRICKY STEPS: Blackwell demonstrates new steps to the Foxtrot with sophomore Crystal Wespestad. Blackwell has taught the foxtrot, tango and other various dances at club meetings

BALLROOM DANCING CLUB MEETS: Wednesdays COSTS: $40 membership fee or $5 per class until membership fee is reached TIME: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR: Brent Blackwell CRYSTAL WESPESTAD / SOURCE




By Corey Bright “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” - Scott Adams


t’s a 100 percent necessar y part of my schedule. It’s my release. It’s my relaxation. It’s my own time of reflection. In other words, I love my art classes. And yes, I don’t know what I would do without them. The following is the journey I began as a freshman art student. Like pretty much every other fine arts student here, I began in drawing classes. These classes definitely have a focus on technique. Most projects begin with finding a visual, such as a photo, and then choosing a crop of that picture. Then, using a variety of media, the artist does his or her best to duplicate the image on a piece of paper. It’s honestly that simple. We practiced using pencils, pen and ink, pastels, paint and watercolors. I would always try to pick a visual that had some sort of meaning to me, such as a picture from a vacation or of a family member. If I cared more about the subject matter it would usually translate to me caring more about the finished product. I considered the rest of the project a test of my patience. How many times can you redraw an eye until it looks exactly right? How long will you take

shading every section until it has the perfect effect? How long can you look at one small, square of a visual before you get bored? The artist with the most endurance usually wins in those drawing classes. Most of the work I used to do in there turned out decent. This piece (bottom) is a great example of that whole endurance bit. It’s done with colored pencil and it took me over a month to finish. It’s a great artwork, because it depicts a beautiful part of nature, but generally, when I look at it all I can think of are the hours I spent slaving over it. It was still enjoyable to work on a piece and develop a technique for rendering it, but I don’t think the whole project involved much of my own creativity. That is why, this year, I was so excited to begin working in Independent Study Art. This upper-level class assumes you know the basics. It showcases the utmost creativity as students come up with their own projects from proposals to the finished work. It’s also a great opportunity for me to develop my own style. I’m learning what my strengths are and what I like most, and combining them into pieces that send a personal message. The work is so me. It utilizes everything that I love working with, and sends a message to the viewer about the idea of peace and how it can be attained. As much as I enjoy my opportunities now in Independent Study, the years I spent in drawing classes were necessary to my development as an artist. I’m so thankful that I’ve had time at school to develop my art skills and create some neat finished products. Also, I’ve been completely surrounded by some ridiculously talented art students. The skill and creativity of the kids in my class will never cease to amaze me. Next week, the annual art show will be set up in the commons area of the school. As you walk through the rows of finished works, take time to appreciate the endurance and creativity of each artist.


IN HER ELEMENT: Bright regularly submits artwork to the annual Scholastic Art competition. This colored pencil piece, titled “Awakening,” won a silver key at last year’s competition.

International Film Festival previews lesser know reels

MICHELLE HU / PHOTO ILLUSTRATION Film buffs beware: The Indianapolis International Film Festival at the Keystone Art Cinema is ending two days from now. If you really rush, you can catch today’s 3:30 showing of “May the Best Man Win” after school. In “May the Best Man Win,” a man hires a director to document his wedding. Then things go awry when the man cannot decide on his best man. So the director devises an intense, no-holds-barred contest between the man’s friends to determine the best man and the comedy ensues. The big film in the festival however is “Mongol,” an Academy Award nominee for Best Foreign Language Film. This is not the only film directed by Russian filmmaker Sergei Bodrov that was nominated for an Academy Award. His 1996 film “Prisoner of the Mountains” was also nominated. “Mongol” tells the story of Genghis Khan, the famous conqueror of Mongolia. According to Variety magazine, this film is “Russia’s largest-scale co-production with Asia to date.” More importantly, the film has garnered controversy over its depiction of Khan. The same Variety magazine article states that Mongolians are offended by the lack of historical accuracy in “Mongol” and feel that it is humiliating to their national pride. Bodrov explains, “For us, Genghis Khan lived 800 years ago, and he’s an extraordinary historical figure. For Mongolians, he is a living person -- even today, he’s important and critical. They see him as the father of their nation.” Bodrov said he is not interested in offending anyone. He is just concerned with telling this story the best way he possibly can. Bodrov said, “We have found an extraordinary story -- about love, about Genghis Khan, about a boy who was an orphan and then went on to conquer half the world, more than Alexander and all the other conquerors.” The article states that he is hoping the film will match the success of other Asian films like Jet Li’s “Hero” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” “Mongol” is playing tomorrow at 7 p.m. The closing night party and awards ceremony are after the film at 9. Tickets to these ceremonies are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. For the fi lms before these events, individual tickets are $10 per show but are limited due to All-Access Passports and 10 ticket bundles. 10 ticket bundles allow you to get 10 tickets for $75, saving 25 percent off the standard price. Unlike All-Access Passports, bundles are transferable. If you have not purchased tickets yet, you are behind the eight ball and are basically out of luck. Also, as the web site for the festival warns, “You MUST arrive 10 minutes before the show time to guarantee a seat.” On Sunday, award-winning short films from Indiana high school and college students are showing. They will start at noon and end in the evening at 8:45. Some of the highlights are the “Grand Jury Prize” winners for Documentary, World Cinema and American Spectrum. The last film shown is the Audience Award winner for Best Narrative Feature. By Sam Watermeier



From the Contributors Staff members share what they think should be considered art









Anything that inspires you should be considered art because that’s what art is. For me, nature is an inspiration. It is as if Mother Nature has created her form of selfexpression for us to enjoy. By Sarah Sheafer

Action figures never seem to be considered as art, and they really should be. A lot of work is put into these lifelike toys, and they are attention-grabbing and appealing to the eye. They have a magical quality about them. If that’s not art, I don’t know what is. By Sam Watermeier

Under current U.S. laws, fashion is considered a strictly utilitarian object, which is ridiculous since fashion is definitely wearable art. Find a season when even 10 percent of the designs presented at Fashion Week(s) are remotely wearable on a day-to-day basis. I challenge you. By Tim Chai

Insulting people should be considered an art form because you can be really creative with it. In “Romeo and Juliet,” biting your thumb is the equivalent of flicking them off. “Your mom” jokes are pretty old, so next time you insult someone, come up with a truly unique way of doing so. By Evelyn Forbes









I think that writing and language should be considered art. It is so interesting to see how one word can look and sound so different in different languages. By Hera Ashraf

I think that scientific research should be considered art. Experiments consist of a lot of detailed work. Also, research requires many graphics and pictures to illustrate the concepts and results. By Brittney Chen

I think art is almost anything. I’m not a big fan of art, but I really respect the people who can do ceramic, like the (person who made the) pot in the picture above. By Tommy Sneider

Art is in the eye of the beholder. This is a table-cloth from the acrylic paint table in Mr. (Jonathan) Kane’s room. It was completely unintentionally made. When I look at it, it speaks to me. Thus, it’s art. By Corey Bright

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