5.21 Issue

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Working (Out) From Home Students, sports med teacher describe benefits, challenges of at-home workouts during stay-at-home order OLIVIA MCKEE Q&A


Q&A sophomore audrey hussain

What motivates you to keep working out over break? Since we are quarantined, I have been watching a lot of Netflix and eating a lot of food. Exercise makes my day more productive and makes me feel better about what I accomplished in my day.

How are you exercising over break? I have been exercising a lot more over break because there is more free time in my day. I have mostly been running and doing ab workouts.

Where are you working out since you can’t do so at CHS? I have been working out in my basement. It is harder because I don’t have all the equipment that CHS does, but I can still do the basic exercises.

Are you experiencing any mental challenges while training on your own? I would say it is challenging mentally because I don’t have my teammates here to encourage me to workout. Their uplifting words and cheers always push me to do my best at every practice, and without them it has been hard.

DOING YOGA: Sophomore Audrey Hussain practices yoga at her house in order to use up the extra time and stay fit during break. Other than yoga, Hussain said she also follows Chloe Ting’s online workouts and runs outside or on the treadmill..

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