DEBATE DEBUT (RIGHT): Austin, third from the right, smiles with fellow members of the debate team at 2020 state competition. On her experience as a member of debate, she said, “I don’t want to say it changed my life, but it definitely made me realize a lot of things about myself and what I want to do.” AWARD-WINNING (BELOW): Austin speaks at the National History Day National Contest in Washington D.C. She won First Place State Winner and Outstanding State Entry Senior Division.
CALLED OUT Take a look at information for clubs at CHS that can improve your law and policy skills Mock Trial Work on real legal cases and perform them in front of real judges and attorneys. Events: Mock Trial competitions Meetings: Wednesdays in Room F102.
What’s something about the courtroom that most people might not know about? We get to go to court hearings and sit on mediations with the attorneys. I think a lot of people have the mindset that it’s this really scary environment (but) it’s definitely very civil. Even in criminal cases, everyone keeps their cool—there’s not a ton of yelling.
How much time do you dedicate to your internship and these areas of interest? This year, it’s kind of crazy. (I dedicate) maybe 10 to 15 hours a week for the internship, maybe five to 10 for other clubs. Time management has become a very crucial skill. Everything I’m in, I love it. When I’m there, I get to be with people who are pretty like-minded, and they’re showing up too for a reason, so it’s super energizing. But then I come home and I still have homework, and I’m like, ‘Oh, it’s gonna be a long night.’ This Q&A was originally published online on Sept. 24, 2020
Model U.N. Simulates the U.N. General Assembly and teaches students how to debate and resolve international, national, and historical issues. Events: Model U.N. conferences Meetings: Thursdays, text @carmelmun2 to 81010 for updated meeting locations Debate Helps students become informed, articulate, and logical speakers in various debate subjects like policy. Events: in-person and virtual tournaments Meetings: Weekly in E137, email jamehta72@gmail. for more information CHLOE SUN GRAPHIC CHS SOURCE