Health & safety policy

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STATEMENT OF INTENT The local governing body acknowledges its responsibilities as an Academy as laid down by the Department for Education. The local governing body notes the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 2), which states that it is the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons in his or her employment are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. The local governing body also notes the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (section 3), which states that it is the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons who are not in his or her employment but who may be affected by it are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. The local governing body at Hill West accepts that, as the employer on behalf of the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership, it has the responsibility to take all reasonably practicable steps to secure the health and safety of pupils, staff and others using the school premises or participating in school-sponsored activities. It believes that the prevention of accidents, injury or loss is essential to the efficient operation of the school and is part of the good education of its pupils. The local governing body is committed to; a) Providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment for staff, pupils and visitors. b) Providing adequate resources for the school to meet its health and safety responsibilities. c) Providing adequate and competent supervision of all school activities. d) Providing suitable and sufficient health and safety training for personnel to carry out their health and safety responsibilities as assigned in the organisation section of this policy. Policies/Health & Safety 15.10.13


e) Achieving continuous health and safety improvement through effective; • • • • • •

Policies Organisation Planning and implementation Measuring and monitoring Reviewing on a regular basis Auditing

of the school’s health and safety management systems and performance. f) Responding to internal and external changes that may affect the school’s health and safety arrangements. The local governing body believes that only the adoption of safe methods of work and good practice by every individual can ensure everyone's personal health and safety. The governing body will take all reasonable steps to identify and reduce hazards to a minimum but all staff and pupils must appreciate that their own safety and that of others also depends on their individual conduct and vigilance.

ORGANISATION All staff have responsibilities under Health and Safety legislation. These include:•

Respecting the school as a smoke-free environment.

Taking reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what they do or do not do.

Co-operating with their employer and following school policy and procedure at all times.

Not interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare.

Using all equipment safely.

Reporting hazards or emergencies which may present a serious and imminent danger.

Reporting shortcomings in health and safety arrangements.

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Keeping floors and traffic routes clear of obstruction.

Keeping fire-doors clear of obstruction at all times.

Knowing the procedure for evacuating the school in case of fire or other emergency.

Knowing the location of First Aid equipment and what to do in an emergency.

Encouraging children to follow hygienic procedures in toilets.

Seeing that spillages and unexpected soiling are cleared up as necessary.

Seeing that hazardous substances are stored appropriately and locked away to avoid access by children.

Seeing that cutting tools and equipment used are appropriate to the age and ability of the children.

Being aware of visual or hearing impairments when placing children in classrooms.

Staff at Hill West Primary are expected to carry out these responsibilities at all times.

The following members of staff have particular duties regarding Health and Safety:Andrew Staples

Chair of the Local Governing Body

Beth Clarke

Head Teacher

Karen Balla

Appointed Health and Safety Representative and Administration Officer

Tony Botterill

Building Site Supervisor

Eileen Sivertsen

Senior Midday Supervisor

Sonia Scandrett Gurpreet Patter

Appointed First Aiders

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Strategic responsibility for health and safety within all areas of the school’s undertakings.

To ensure that health and safety performance is monitored regularly.

To ensure that advice from competent health and safety advisers is available on health and safety matters in order to comply with regulatory controls.


To pursue the objectives of Birmingham City Council in respect of Health, Safety and Security.

To ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is understood and carried out by everyone.

To review and update the policy as necessary.

To work alongside the Health and Safety Representatives and co-operate with them as far as is reasonable in their efforts to carry out their functions.

To report to the relevant body any hazard which she is unable to neutralise, whilst at the same time taking emergency measures to ensure safety.

To note all Health, Safety and Security advice issued by Birmingham City Council and The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership to bring them to the attention of all staff, and to keep such advice and instructions on file.

To ensure an annual inspection of the school by the Head Teacher and the Health and Safety Representative and Building Services Supervisor each Autumn and to make regular risk assessments.

To ensure the correct reporting, recording and investigation of accidents and fire safety drills.

To provide easy and constant access of first aid equipment and accident book to all staff. Policies/Health & Safety 4


To ensure that effective arrangements are in force to facilitate ready evacuation of the building in case of fire or other emergency, and that firefighting equipment is available and maintained.


To investigate accidents, hazards and dangerous occurrences.

To investigate issues raised by children, staff, parents and visitors about matters relating to their health and safety.

To report to the Head Teacher matters arising from such investigations.

To ensure that all areas of the school are inspected on a regular basis, together with the Head Teacher.

To attend Health and Safety courses and conferences where necessary.


To maintain health and safety standards during non-teaching hours, with special regard for himself and cleaning staff.

To check the boilers and to keep the boiler house clear of combustible materials.

To keep cleaning materials and other chemicals locked away from the children and to ensure that the BSS room is kept locked when children are on the premises.

To ensure COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) is kept up to date.

To report potential dangers or hazards immediately to the Head Teacher.

To maintain regulations and complete appropriate recording.

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To ensure the fire reports are taken out when the fire bell is rung.

To call the emergency services as and when necessary.

To inform visiting staff/volunteers of any fire drills or other emergency evacuation.

To ensure that the necessary information, ie (correct address, post code and location of the school) is clearly on display for the use of anyone who might need to call the emergency services.


To maintain health and safety standards during midday break with special regard to herself and other dining room assistants.

To assess any injury and either provide simple first aid or seek a Qualified First Aider.

To complete the accident book for children injured during lunch-time and to report relevant information to the appropriate Class Teacher/Head Teacher.


To follow all school policies and procedures in regard to the administration of first aid.

To give first aid to any pupil or member of staff in need.

To complete all relevant accident/injury forms and procedures.

To check and maintain agreed contents of first aid boxes as and when necessary.

To re-qualify within the expiry time of the qualification ie, every three years.

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To report all head injuries to the Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher or their representative.

To report all serious injury to the Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher of their representative.


Fire precautions and procedures are set out in the Fire Drill Policy. In an emergency the fire-bell should be rung, the school evacuated and the Fire Service summoned using 999.

First Aid boxes are located in the staff room, in the reception class and in the kitchens. All boxes are clearly marked.

The seriousness of any accident or injury must be quickly assessed by staff. If in doubt send for a Qualified First Aider, but do not move the patient.

All injuries of more than the most minor nature should be reported and logged in the accident book. Details must include the date, time and place of the accident, personal details of those involved, a brief description of the circumstances and including the names of witnesses.

Parents must be informed of any head injury, no matter how minor, at the earliest possible convenience via a phone call; and any other injury that causes concern, using the Accident Slip.

For serious injury parents must be informed immediately. In the event of a child needing to visit hospital where a parent cannot be contacted, then a member of staff designated by the Head Teacher or her representative will act “In loco parentis” until they can be contacted. There should be no delay in sending a child to hospital if hospital treatment is thought to be necessary.

Staff should wash their hands before and after treating open wounds and wear disposable gloves, and when necessary plastic aprons. When bleeding has stopped the area immediately surrounding the wound should be cleaned with antiseptic cleaning wipes and the area covered with a suitable sterile dressing. No lotions or potions should be used.

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Dirty dressings must be placed in a plastic bag and disposed of in the outside bins.

All body spillages on the floor must be cleaned up quickly and carefully using an agreed cleaning material. Suitable materials are kept in the BSS’s cupboard. If the BSS is on the premises he will be responsible for cleaning up such spillages.

“Urgent Help Needed” cards are available in each classroom and should be used to summon help in an emergency.

In the event of a major accident or fatality it is imperative that Education Safety and Security and Schools Support are notified of the details by telephone immediately.

In relation to a serious injury to a member of staff a family member will be contacted.

MEDICINES IN SCHOOL Medicines are given in school only when they are really necessary. All medicines must be taken to the main office, who will normally be the only persons responsible for giving medicine to children. Medicines other than inhalers must not be kept in the classroom and must not be given by anyone other than a person designated by the Head Teacher. Asthma inhalers will normally be kept in the drawer of the teacher’s desk where they are immediately available if they are needed. Children who are asthmatic must be allowed access to their inhalers at all times. Epi-pens for the treatment of anaphylaxis are kept in the KS1 and KS2 Offices. They are for emergency use only and their administration must be backed up by a simultaneous 999 call.


Staff should always encourage pupils to be aware of health and safety in the classroom such as pushing in chairs and hanging up coats and bags correctly.

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Cooking is best done only when there are two adults in the classroom so that the cooker is never left unsupervised. A fire blanket should be available in cooking areas. Staff and children must wash their hands before cooking. Children should wear special aprons and headwear provided by the school (not painting aprons). Long hair should be tied back and jewellery removed before cooking.

Food or cooking ingredients must be stored in suitable containers in clean cupboards. Staff who bring food to school are responsible for seeing that it is removed before it becomes a health hazard.

Children should not carry hot liquids.

Kettles should be used in the classroom only as part of a lesson. Children must in no way be able to touch or get to a kettle while the lesson is in progress. Kettles must be removed from the classroom as soon as possible.

Electrical equipment should be checked once a year by a qualified electrician. Anything considered unsafe must be labelled unsafe, and the plug removed. Staff must not bring electrical equipment from home as this has not been professionally checked.

Children may not plug in or switch on electrical equipment.

Computers, televisions, lights should be switched off immediately if they are flickering and not used again until they have been mended. Flickering lights can bring on epilepsy or migraine in susceptible people.

Animals can be brought to school only after consultation with the Head Teacher. Strict hygiene rules should be adhered to, and animals should never be placed on tables which are used for eating or for food preparation.

The governing body will review this policy statement if there is any significant change or at least annually and update, modify or amend it as it considers necessary, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of staff and pupils.


A. Staples


15th October 2013

Policies/Health & Safety 15.10.13

(For the Local Governing Body)



B.M. Clarke


15th October 2013

Policies/Health & Safety 15.10.13

(Head Teacher)


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