Home school agreement 2013 2014

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As a school we will

As a parent/carer I will

As a pupil I will

Provide a safe and secure environment in which children can be happy and successful; safe from bullying and racism

Get to know about my child’s life at school

Attend school regularly, on time and bring all equipment needed

Provide a variety of teaching and learning experiences, encouraging and nurturing high standards of work and behaviour Give your child equal access to all aspects of school life, and support them in achieving their full potential Set achievable but realistic targets for pupil progress Protect from access to inappropriate materials over the internet Inform parents about what their children are learning and the nature and amount of homework expected

Ensure that my child attends school regularly, on time and properly equipped Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour, child protection, teaching and learning, and their approach to bullying and racism Support my child with their homework providing a quiet place for study and encouraging the completion and return of homework

Contact parents if there are any concerns which affect their child’s work or behaviour Follow up child protection procedures as and when necessary

Always work hard and to my best with class work and homework Be polite, kind and helpful to others at school at all times Be friendly and respectful of others

Attend school meetings, and parents’ evenings to discuss my child’s progress

Walk sensibly around school

Keep school informed about any medical physical or emotional difficulties my child may be experiencing which might affect my child’s work or behaviour

Look after all school property and resources including ICT and use sensibly

Support the school as a Healthy School

Support my friends if they are being bullied by talking to an adult

Send work home regularly Inform parents about their child’s progress at regular Parents’ Evenings and by means of an annual report

Wear the correct school uniform and be tidy in appearance

Contact the school immediately if I have any concerns Inform the school of any absence, and endeavour to take holidays in school holiday time

Never take part in bullying or racism

Let our teachers know of any worries or concerns we may have

Together we will


Ensure the safety of every pupil. Ensure that the needs of all pupils are met regardless of race, ability and gender.


Encourage all pupils to fulfil their potential. Ensure that we treat each other with respect at all times.



Promote effective communication. Provide a supportive but disciplined environment for pupils. Provide extended and extra-curricular opportunities to enrich the pupils’ knowledge, learning, experience and personal development. Provide the necessary personal, social and health education to allow the pupils to develop and to make informed choices.



“Where learning is fun and ALL children succeed” Parents/Carers


________________________________________ Pupil’ name ________________________________________ Date ________________________________________

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