Smsc policy

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SMSC POLICY SMSC Policy July 2013

INTRODUCTION At Hill West Primary School we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. Our Aims: •


To provide an education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour and a positive, caring attitude towards others. To help children achieve an understanding of social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of their cultures.

The school curriculum aims to promote pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and prepare all pupils for opportunities, responsibilities and expectations in life. Moral values, principles and spirituality will be explored throughout the curriculum and especially in R.E. and collective worship in assemblies. The integrity and spirituality of all faiths will be respected and explored. Pupils are given access to alternative views and a diversity of spiritual traditions. All staff model and promote the highest expectations of behaviour, treating all people as valuable individuals and showing respect for pupils and their families. Children are encouraged to differentiate between right and wrong and look at how their actions affect others. They are encouraged to value themselves and others. Children are encouraged to understand the need for rules for the good of everyone. Classroom and school rules reflect and reward acceptable behaviour and celebrate work and achievements. All curriculum areas should seek to use illustrations and examples drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible. This is reflected in planning and provision of learning resources.

SMSC Policy July 2013


To ensure that everyone in school is aware of our values.

To ensure a consistent approach to SMSC issues.

To ensure that a pupil’s education is within a meaningful context an appropriate to their age, aptitude and background.

To ensure that pupils know what is expected of them.

To give each child a range of opportunities.

To enable each child to develop an understanding of their own identity.

To enable children to develop an understanding of their cultural and social environment and an appreciation of the many cultures in our society.

To give each child an opportunity to explore social and moral issues and develop a sense of social and moral responsibility.

Spiritual Development This area relates to the beliefs, feelings and emotions through which pupils acquire worthwhile insights into their own lives and all areas of the curriculum may contribute to the pupils’ spiritual development. Although education and spiritual development are not synonymous, religious education can make a significant contribution to spiritual development.

At Hill West Primary School the pupils will be provided with opportunities to develop their spiritual understanding by experiencing a curriculum which will: •

Allow them to develop a range of personal values, which may include a religious belief

Allow them to consider the deeper meanings in familiar features of the natural world and their own experiences – develop a sense of curiosity through reflection on their own and other people’s lives and beliefs

Develop their self-esteem and self-knowledge and belief in themselves

Encourage the development of relationships and the need to show empathy for

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others •

Allow them to express themselves in a variety of ways and give them time to reflect on their own experiences

Explore the values of others for example in stories, drama, music, art and religious education

Allow them to understand, express, use and control feelings and emotions

Explore and encourage respect for beliefs of other people in the school and the wider Community

Some of the ways in which Spiritual Development is nurtures at Hill West Primary School are: •

Educational visits, to expose pupils to a range of experiences, which may promote a sense of awe and wonder

Achievement certificates, stickers and Assembly Apples to develop the pupils’ self esteem

Intervention Programmes such as Forest Schools, Nurture Groups and Talking Partners which aim to develop confidence and self-esteem

The PSHE programme which develops self-esteem and knowledge of us and others.

This incorporates the SEAL programme.

Elected School Council and Eco-Club for pupils to advocate their views and concerns

Visiting musicians, artists and science specialists who provide interactive workshops

• •

Displays of pupils’ work Assessment procedures which allow children time to reflect on their own learning and that of their peers. A curriculum which has an emphasis on values and beliefs, community and conservation.

• •

High quality collective worship which reflects a range of values, beliefs and encourages children to reflect through prayer

Moral Development Moral development refers to the pupils’ knowledge, understanding, intentions, attitudes and behaviour in relation to what is right and wrong. The school has a wellestablished Behaviour Policy and the staff actively promote the notion of avoiding confrontational behaviours at all times. The school has the following School Rules Policies/SMSC 01/11/2013


• • • • • •

We are kind and considerate We respect our own and others’ property We co-operate and respond to each other positively We are polite, confident and articulate We take ownership of our own learning We regulate our own behaviour

Some of the ways in which Moral Development is promoted at Hill West Primary School are: •

Clear models of good behaviour

Drama and role-play and story telling

Group work and discussions

Assembly themes

Fund raising activities for others

Incidents which occur in school which may give an opportunity for teaching about morality and behaviour.

Reward assemblies which celebrate morals and good behaviour.

Nurturing school ethos used throughout school to promote good learning behaviours

Social Development Social development relates to the skills and personal qualities necessary for individuals to live and function effectively in society. At Hill West Primary School the pupils will be encouraged to: •

Maintain and develop relationships within the school

Work successfully with other children and adults in the school community

Participate co-operatively and productively in the school community

Respond to the opportunities being offered to show initiative and to take some responsibility for their own learning

To become co-operative and productive members of the community beyond school

Gain an understanding of society through their family and carers, the school, local and wider Communities

Some of the ways in which we promote Social development are: • PSHE/SMSC lessons and SEAL • Core Values Policies/SMSC 01/11/2013


• The overall ethos of the school • School’s creative curriculum • School Vision

Cultural Development Cultural development refers to pupils increasing understanding and response to those elements, which give societies, and groups their unique character. The school will promote the cultural traditions of our own area and the ethnic and cultural diversity of the world. The pupils will be encouraged to: • Appreciate, understand and respect aspects of their own and other cultural environments in terms of beliefs, values, attitudes, customs, knowledge and skills. Recognise those similarities and differences may exist between different societies and groups. •

Experience a range of cultural activities in terms of literature, music, technology, art and design, dance, drama, sport and other media

Broaden, develop and enrich their interests and insights

Some of the ways in which we promote cultural development are: •

Educational visits

Religious Education

Collective worship


Topic work

Sensory experiences from other cultures including food tasting linked to the Creative Curriculum

The overall ethos of the school

Visiting artists, musicians, and people from other cultures

Visits to the libraries and museums

Access to the Internet (Supervised)

Multicultural topics and themed days

National and International links with other schools

Visits to places of worship

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Teaching and Learning Development in SMSC will take place across all curriculum areas, within activities that encourage pupils to recognise the spiritual dimension of their learning, reflect on the significance of what they are learning, and to recognise any challenges that there may be to their own attitude and lifestyle. All curriculum areas should seek illustrations and examples drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible. Class discussions and circle time will give pupils opportunities to: •

Talk about personal experiences and feelings.

Express and clarify their own ideas and beliefs.

Speak about difficult events, eg bullying, death etc.

Share thoughts and feelings with other people.

Explore relationships with friends/family/others.

Consider others’ needs and behaviour.

Show empathy.

Develop self-esteem and a respect for others.

Develop a sense of belonging.

Develop the skills and attitudes that enable pupils to develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally — eg empathy, respect, open mindedness, sensitivity, critical awareness

Many curriculum areas provide opportunities to: •

Listen and talk to each other.

Learn an awareness of treating all as equals.

Agree and disagree.

Take turns and share equipment.

Work cooperatively and collaboratively.

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Links with the wider community

Visitors are welcomed into school. Links with the All Saints Church are fostered through close working partnerships with the clergy of the church i.e. Christingle Services and also within whole-school assemblies. The development of a strong home-school link is regarded as very important, enabling parents and teachers to work in an effective partnership to support the pupil. Pupils will be taught to appreciate their local environment and to develop a sense of responsibility to it. We also have an Eco Club who work together to promote our responsibility to looking after our immediate environment and also our local environment.

Monitoring and Evaluation Provision for SMSC is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. This is achieved by: •

Staff identify aspects of SMSC within their subjects to be included in teacher planning. Coordinators monitor teacher plans and their evaluations and assessments.

Coordinators will monitor resource provision, identifying shortfalls.

Our Core Values At Hill West Primary we are dedicated to the development of the whole child and as such we endeavour to: • •

• • • •

Develop and foster strong home-school partnerships Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that shows progress and continuity from Foundation Stage to the end of Key Stage Two so that each child meets their full learning potential Develop challenging experiences and activities to foster individual self-esteem and confidence Develop stimulating and inclusive learning environments Promote the awareness that each child is unique celebrating our similarities and differences Develop in each child a real love of learning

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We work hard to enable all of our pupils to become responsible citizens so that they can make a positive contribution to the society in which we live. We do this through explicitly promoting a core set of values which we all share and celebrate.

Determination Commitment Cooperation Ambition Motivation Pride Trust Honesty Confidence Humility Thoughtfulness Respect Sense of Fun Awe and wonderment Success

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