Superfast The voice of Hillam village. founded 1989 by mary little . Delivered free to all homes in hillam. Volume 26 Issue 4. Aug– sept 2013
Olympic legacy So here we are one year on from the Olympics. The promise was that the Olympics would bring a handsome payback on the money spent. This payback was never defined very clearly, so in this Olympics anniversary issue we are featuring a few of the sporting and fund raising events that relate to Hillam and Monk Fryston. Experience over recent months suggests that there is indeed a payback to the Olympics and in our community we are making the best of it. As editor of this issue and of the same issue last year I am the least expert on matters sporting. I always enjoy Doug’s column and it is probably the only article on sport that I ever read. But such is the appeal of Hillam News that there is always something of interest to be found, all you have to do is look. This issue is no exception, or at least I hope that’s the case .
So what about the legacy - the first part must be continued success and there is no better marker of this than this years Tour de France win by Chris Froome. We can now look forward with great anticipation to next years Tour de France starting here in Yorkshire. But lets come back to Hillam and Monk Fryston. Has there been a positive impact locally and will it last? The answer has to be yes on both counts as this issue of Hillam News clearly show. Who would have thought that cyclists and cycling by villagers would have played a big part in enabling the St Wilfrid’s church to get a new roof. What better legacy than a new roof for the church, a church that has nearly a thousand years of history. The village cycling club did the coast to coast ride of 124 miles through the Lake District and over the pennines in under 11 and a half hours to raise money for the new roof. See our full report.
If that wasn’t enough, Jay Gilbert from Burton Salmon is busy raising money for Sheffield Children’s Hospital. Not content with 124 miles he is going for 767 miles of racing: Given the recent triumph in the Tour de France it was 632.2 miles of cycling, plus 198.7 miles of running and clear that cycling had to feature, we just seem to get better 8.1 miles of swimming. and better as time goes by. Along Hillam Common Lane I am sure that the groups of cyclists are twice as big as they An impressive legacy ! And were a year ago and that there are twice as many groups as maybe leg aching as well. there used to be. There is no doubt that cycling has become more popular, both to take part in and to follow.
Also in this issue…
Farmers will published - see who gets the barley.
Clay pigeon shooting - more bangs for the buck, and the church roof.
Birding column - be careful not to fall into any parapraxism on the river bank.
Monk Fryston Hall - new owners struck by the tranquillity but murders will continue.
Art Club - An artful way to raise money for the church roof.
Only here for the beer - it could be a lot of fun for the children. Freshers week - or another case of “Only here for the beer”, by the keg.
Traveller site row rumbles on - Burn is an issue. Gardens - look after your garden, look after the wildlife.
If it looks too good to be true - it probably is. Like this Tax Refund Scam. Something to sing about - yes , you got it, the church roof. It reminds me of that song by the Drifters.
Issue editor - Howard Ferguson Hillam News is financed by advertising and the generosity of contributors, copiers and distributors. If you have an article for publication, please phone David Atkinson on 684577 or email dsa99uk@yahoo.co.uk Advertising enquiries to David Edwards on 682346 or exSite@talktalk.net
THE BIRDING COLUMN In April, I expanded my activities into liquid habitat, when I participated in a survey of the River Went looking for signs of Water Voles, hosted by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. The most effective method for estimating numbers of this threatened rodent is to try to spot their latrines on the riverbank. This entails looking for very small piles of pooh which are rounded at both ends, as distinct from those of the Brown Rat, which are pointed. Not very scientific, but effective, if a little disgusting! After getting togged up in thigh length waders I waddled off, scouring the riverbank of this rather surprisingly clean river, just downstream of Ackworth. I soon heard a Kingfisher announce its departure from the dense foliage overhanging this fast, clear flowing river, with its “chee chee”, call. Yellowhammers sang their characteristic song from the tops of bushes - “a little bit of bread and no cheeeese”. After about an hour without noticing anything of interest on the slimy banks, I found a paw print of a Badger in the mud, but alas no firm evidence of Water Voles. The intrepid band of volunteers then decamped, moving to another stretch of the river near Thorpe Audlin, where to my absolute horror, because of my height, I was allocated the stretch immediately downstream of the sewage farm, the next stretch of the river being pretty deep. Needless to say, I was not too happy about this, particularly as I was soon slightly out of my depth, the river bottom shelving sharply at this point. It was altogether too smelly, and when I started seeing lots of pointed ended pooh, (rodent sized thankfully), that was the absolute limit. Rats and sewage is a combination I do not relish, but to show willing, I soldiered on. Astonishingly, after about a hundred yards I looked down, and there below me, swimming around quite happily, was a Goldfish in the by now, fairly clear water. It took one look at me in horror, and then headed off back towards the sewage works.
I haven’t spent much time around here this spring, with interludes on Tiree, then The Camargue and Corsica, so I am always grateful for others emailing me with their sightings. I was therefore pleased when Howard Ferguson told me that he had had a Cuckoo in the garden at Maspin House, an extreme rarity this spring. Howard, our very own Don Quixote*, in parapraxis mode, also reported many Lapwinds in the surrounding fields, reducing in numbers following a brief spell of warmer weather. I still laugh at this, and in future I shall use the collective noun “A Quixote” when describing a group of Lapwings. (Sorry Howard, but it was a belter!) Rob Preston emailed me to say that he has regularly seen Great Spotted Woodpecker, Blackcap and Goldfinches whilst walking his dog along Betteras Hill Road and recently a Little Owl, too. Dai Jones told Jenny that he had seen a Peregrine over The Square, which is nice to hear, but is perhaps not as remarkable as you may think these days, as the species has spread into more urban and less remote parts of the countryside. I would love to say more on this as I am actively involved in nest monitoring, but because of the threat from despicable egg collectors, who may well read this article online, I am precluded from doing
by Graham Todd
so. On the Red Kite front the birds have been pretty late nesting this year, but all my pairs have produced young and I am pretty optimistic of a favourable outcome for 2013.
In early May, I spent a couple of weeks on Tiree, hoping to witness some of the spring migration of waders and geese back north to Iceland. The day I arrived on the island, a persistent and strong wind was blowing from the north, not exactly conducive to northwards migration to Arctic climes, and after a few days of this, I began to notice a build up of Blacktailed Godwits on the machair. In spring, these distinctive large, long legged birds with their long, up curved bill have an orange head, neck and chest in breeding plumage and are quite spectacular, so it was fairly easy to spot the flocks as they began to increase in size, the rust red birds standing out amongst the short dry grass. Eventually, because of the unfavourable winds, the numbers increased to several hundred birds throughout the island, most of the birds being relatively tame and having little fear of humans, so I was able to approach them fairly closely and take some decent photographs. During the night, the strong north wind dropped to a gentle susurration, the flocks clearing out en masse to their breeding grounds in Iceland. The only other birds of note on this trip were two Golden Eagles soaring around in the mist atop the highest point on the island, and a close encounter with nest of Ravens which I discovered whilst exploring cliffs in a remote cove in the north of the island. Unfortunately the latter proved to be rather expensive, as I tore my winter Rohan trousers, whilst climbing a high fence to access the ravine below the cliff. In the few days of calm weather during my trip I was able to get to grips with the rather reclusive otter at last, watching a family with two cubs cavorting around in the shallows of an inland lochan, and another, fishing in the fast tidal race between Tiree and Coll.
Back home, our favourite Blackbird failed to return this spring, but two others took her place on the arm of the bench, waiting for chopped up dates. The joy of having two tame birds was short lived however, as both were killed in quick succession by our “friendly neighbourhood Sparrowhawk”. Apparently, there has been similar carnage at The Chocolate Kabin in Bedfords Fold, where Rustic Mike has also witnessed Sparrowhawks taking song birds and doves, and I must confess that my love of raptors has been severely tested at times. I’m not sure what the answer is, but what I do suspect is that the dearth of small birds in the heavily cultivated fields to the east of us is a factor that influences the hunting patterns of birds which find it easier to find prey in our gardens where the food we put out encourages small birds.
Enough of the desk work, time to get out birding again. In the next issue I hope to write more about an exhausting but successful excursion to The Camargue and Corsica, with a group of birdwatchers. * Tilting at windmills, Don Quixote
Open Sunday
WILFILEAKS CYCLE TEAM COMPLETE BLISTERING COAST TO COAST On Saturday 13 July, nine members of Monk Fryston Cycle Club completed a Coast to Coast route from the Irish Sea to the North Sea in 11 hours and 25 minutes. With temperatures approaching 30 ºC, the ride took place amid heatwave warnings from the Met Office. The cyclists were raising money for the Wilfileaks group - the fundraising body for St Wilfrid's roof restoration. At the time of the race the fund was £8,000.00 short of the required total. Monk Fryston Cycle Club has about 30 members, some from other villages. The Wilfileaks Cycle Team was Andy Clark, Nick Hodgson, Grahame Megilley, Nathan Mills, Iain Mitchell, Martin Newman, Stuart Proctor, Mike Thornton and Jim Wood. Coast to coast is usually tackled over three days. The cyclists had previously ridden it over two days. So they knew that they were attempting something greater than any of them had done before. Completing in a day is equivalent to a Tour de France stage. Starting point was Whitehaven with a first stop at Langwathby near Penrith. Welcome refreshments were provided by their support crew. "Our support crew came up with pasta salad, sandwiches, flapjack and granola biscuits, as well as iced water and squash. Without it we would never have managed the next hill, let alone the Of course, for the cyclists it wasn’t all about the challenge of the rest of the ride," said Stuart Proctor, club member from Hillam. ride, it was about doing their bit for their village and community. Then came Hartside Pass, the longest climb of the day. One Club member - Scott Fawcett - who was unable to join the ride summed it up. Once over the highest point the next scheduled stop was Stanhope. The Revd John Hetherington with his wife, Yvonne, were "It’s amazing what the Club has managed to achieve for our comdue to meet the cyclists there, but as the riders were now ahead of munity. The church is where we were married and where our schedule this was pushed forward to Tow Law where sanddaughter was baptised. Now it’s future seems secure for the next wiches, Lucozade and Mars bars were on offer before the final generation. Maybe one day our children will be married there leg to Sunderland. too! Reverend John Hetherington, Rector of St Wilfrid’s Church Scott Fawcett, from Hillam has ridden Land’s End to John Monk Fryston, is no stranger to cycle challenges himself, having O’Groats with his wife, Sarah. pedaled 80 miles last September in a dawn to dusk around all 25 So was it all worth it? The cyclists kicked off their fundraising at churches in the Selby Deanery to raise funds for Wilfileaks. the Monk Fryston and Hillam Village Fayre on Sunday 23 June It was hot that day too. 2013 where they raisied over £350. Since then they have been Just before the 100-mile mark came the final big climb of the day sponsored by friends, family and neighbours. Money is still being to Burnhope; the team turned a corner to be met by a 20% gradi- pledged; the total they have raised to date is over £1,700. ent sign! Sponsors entered a sweepstake to guess the total journey time. Throughout the ride, the cyclists had been tailed by a support car Maxene Wells won a couple of bottles of wine. Her guess was amazing - just one minute out at 11 hours and 26 minutes. driven by Monk Fryston Cycle Club member, Andy Gatenby, ready for any emergency. To donate, contact Ride organiser Iain Mitchell The roadside sign for Sunderland was a welcome sight but proved to be a false dawn as they still had 15 miles to complete before reaching the North Sea.
iain.mitchell90@btinternet.com or 07931 148 779 or contact John Hetherington.
David (Dai) Jones
Dip Arch RIBA Fletton House The Square HILLAM North Yorkshire LS25 5HE
Phone 01977 685534 Consultation Welcome – Initial Discussion Free
CHURCH ROOF - SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF Villagers and parishioners from Hillam, Monk Fryston and Burton Salmon can be justifiably proud of their achievements over the past two years. St Wilfrid's has got its new hat on as the roof restoration campaign draws to a close, dead on schedule. The scaffolding has gone. A youthful band of parishioners got our parish church and churchyard spick and span for the first wedding in the renovated building. (There were also two christenings and a funeral in quick succession). The roll of honour, listing villagers who fell in two world wars, can return to its place on the north wall, where the first signs of a leaking roof became evident. Archbishop Sentanu has recovered from his illness and will conduct the Dedication Service on Sunday October 6th. This will be the culmination of a weekend of celebration. There has probably been a church on the site for 1,000 years and we can now guarantee that St Wilfrid's, the church on the hill, will dominate the local skyline for years to come. There is good reason to be proud of the fundraising skills of the strikingly named Wilfileaks group who had the daunting task of locating deep pocketed donors, just one year on from the TRIO campaign. The prowess with which a dedicated group found and tied down public sources of funding may never be fully disclosed. One estimate is that 90% of the cost is already in, with the search still on to find a few more 21st century benefactors, who might want to rival the generosity of the Hemsworth family.
History of St Wilfrid's The church was originally called St Mary's. 1050 Anglo Saxon origins, particularly the lower tower 1109 Archbishop Thomas of York gave land including the church to the Benedictine monks 1400 Completion of medieval work on nave, aisles and chancel 1700 (circa) St Mary's renamed St Wilfrid's 1889-91 Major changes and improvements funded by the Hemsworth family of Monk Fryston Hall 2013 Roof restored and paid for, all within 12 months
Précis minutes Hillam Parish Council July 2013
Minutes of previous meeting approved. Matters arising Despite assurances to the contrary by NYCC, the drains on Chapel Street, still not cleared. Clerk to request check and clearance of all village drains. Street light repairs instigated but not yet completed opposite Ashfield Villas. Cllr Pattison will instigate temporary safety repairs.
Finances H/I A/C £5207.77 C/A £4180.43 Cheques drawn MF and H CA £48.00 hall hire S.Booth £73.00 seat refurbishment MH Walton £180.00 June salary Tax £45.00 PAYE Thirsk C A £38.25 PAYE admin costs D Lorriman £20.60 plants
Mr T Cannon’s appeal. Planning Matters - None
Environment Proprietor of Hillam Gardens to be requested to remove brown signs located in the village now they have ceased trading. Action Clerk Weight limit restriction to be requested for Austfield Lane. Hedgerow cut back along Betteras Hill road to be requested from the land owner. Clerk to write to Tim Morley. Cllr Collinson to liaise with owner to action hedgerow cut back on Austfield Lane.
Burial Board AGM report referred to refurbishment of perimeter wall and railings.. Unauthorised inclusion of ashes into existing graves. Unauthorised erection of headstones SDC are considering levying a charge to cover the rates and water charges. CA Correspondence in Cllr Robertson reported on Invoices related to above payments The purchase and hire of a Gazebo, the usage of the luncheon R. Newton CA – Thanks for CA support Cllr Wright – re instructions given to contractor for cutting back club, proposed Girl Guide group to start January 2014 and the success of the Village Fayre. vegetation along footpath – cost £70 CEF Cllrs Mackman –re invite to speak to PC Next meeting September SDC – various strategy and consultation papers NYCC - Street lighting dept confirming inspection costs of street Letter of support to be sent for No to the proposed incinerator at Kellingley Colliery site. Request for Cllrs Mackman to request lighting columns now £10 each. Survey offer declined. SDC Street Scene to implement our unsuccessful request for the clearing and cleaning of Chapel Street footpath.
Correspondence out
NYCC - re curbing, etc, request made by Mrs Adamson. Mrs Adamson - re request/action above CSR – cover repair request CA – confirming approval of flexible usage of recent PC donation. Supporting proposed project at the community centre. Planning Inspectorate - requesting progress report on
Next meeting Community Centre Wed 7th August.
EMAIL: info@beerfans.co.uk for further information. For anyone who wants to help our Youngsters and have some fun at the joint PTA and Community Association Beer Festival The PTA and CA are raising money to help our children's development in and out of school. We need funds to enhance the Children's IT equipment, for music, to maintain the CC facilities and develop the New Youth Club and Scout Group. Tickets can be reserved by speaking to any member of the PTA and CA committees. More details of the event and 20+ beers on offer will follow shortly. This promises be another superb Community Event so get your tickets now to avoid disappointment.
Xscape to Castleford Back in response to popular demand, from July 31st and connecting Selby bus station with Xscape, Castleford is the ever popular Arriva bus service. It runs every Wednesday in August (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th) leaving Selby at 12 noon with subsequent buses at two hourly intervals. times in Monk Fryston, Water Lane are as follows outwards leaves Xscape to return 12:20 12:40 14:20 14:40 16:20 16:40 18:20 18:40 Young people can travel half price with a Club 17 permit and Arriva day saver tickets are available but there are no concessions for seniors. Other stops are Brayton, Thorpe Willoughby and Hambleton. Selby Town Council and Selby Youth Council are behind the service. (acknowledgements to Selby Post)
Village Fayre: 'How far can you cycle in one minute' competition. It was lots of fun and the leader board changed through the day. The eventual winners are: Under 16's: Daniel Crick with 637m Women under 30: Ellie Horsley with 390m Women over 30: Trish Birch with 723m Men under 30: Tom Lineham with 1060m Men over 30: Mike Roberts with 1030m
The return of Simon Dingwall South Milford Women's Institute Hall Saturday 28th September Sherburn Eversley Park Centre Saturday 7th September Barkston Ash Village Hall Saturday 17th August
Tommy Cooper one liners
Sherburn All Saints' Church Hall Saturday 12th October
1.Two blondes walk into a building .........you'd think at least one of them would have seen it.
All events - 8pm start Doors open 7:45pm, bring your own refreshments (no alcohol)
2. Phone answering machine message - '...If you want to buy marijuana, press the hash key...'
Please note: There will be no set admission fee, however at each concert voluntary contributions towards running costs will be collected, with any surplus going to the British Red Cross.
LOCAL REPORTS Hillam Book Group - great fun Enjoy a good read? Enjoy a good chat? If so, perhaps you would enjoy joining us. Usually we meet from 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month in the Cross Keys, but our next meeting is on 3rd September. We read a book a month and then, in and amongst other things, discuss it. Reading with a book club introduces you to authors and books you probably would not otherwise read. Additionally, personal endorsements of books read individually by other members often guide us into pastures new. We are light hearted in attitude........ and wide ranging in age. We do not take ourselves or our discussions very seriously, and would welcome you warmly should you choose to join us. Want to know more? Come and meet us and find out. Our next meeting is on 3rd September.
Monk Fryston Heritage Trail Night A balmy summer evening of sunshine and clear skies was the perfect backdrop to showcase Monk Fryston’s village heritage on July 16th. Time Team’s Village Trail night was well attended by 60 residents and Sherburn History Society members. After a short introductory talk from Chairman Ray Newton in the church, 4 separate groups were guided around the village to see first hand some of the special features of the village; including some of the 15 listed English Heritage monuments. The trails finished at St Wilfrid’s church where Time Team discoveries were displayed. A tour of the Church interior was also available. Proceeds from the sale of Trail leaflets and refreshments were put into St Wilfrid’s Roof Restoration Fund. Trails are on sale at the Post Office, Monk Fyston Hall and The Crown.
Sue Newton July 20th 2013 15 months of rain... then heatwave.
Gary Sobers' cricket record equalled at Burton Salmon Burton Salmon cricketers are challenging for a place in the Guinness Book of Records, if not the top of the York Vale League, after five of their batsmen were dismissed in successive balls. Such a feat has only ever been achieved once, by Gary Sobers—and he was bowling. They still managed to score 113 against Dunnington who knocked off the runs with ease. Their tormentor was identified as 17 year old Josh Archer who in winter is better known as York City's reserve goalkeeper.
Will this be enough to cheer the farmers? It was great for the Yorkshire Show but - will it enable the crops to "catch up." Many fields now have strange patterns in them. First drillings have been torn up in places and a second one sown or sometimes a different crop altogether is growing. It is debatable whether all crops will reach maturity. Possibly the only land that will make the winter rape drilling window is now in summer fallow. This is because the wheat harvest will be late and after the most favourable oilseed rape drilling time. Farmers are having more success getting permission to erect single wind turbines than larger scale windfarm developers are enjoying. As well as getting subsidies and free electricity, they may well in the future benefit from farm assurance and traceability schemes. Perhaps one day it will become necessary, in order to sell wheat and sugar beet, to show steps have been taken to reduce the carbon footprint. A wind turbine at the bottom of the garden might then be quite useful.
Armchair Farmer
I never did understand twitter × û׎ùë zóžºë 6×~ö÷Ž:ç]õß}B¢{^žÔò¥é®– Ø©j» j[^®v-Š÷›¢éÝj¼µã~õã¾zç¾üï} zó wïoxã®uß]÷×^7ï^;ç®{ïÎ÷×‾8×~ö÷Ž:ç]
Sent by anonymous contributor
SOMETHING TO LOOK OUT FOR - CRIME REPORTS Arson - why do they do it ? On 24 July, 2 or 3 attempts were made to light fires in a field of barley on Wentedge Road, Kirk Smeaton. If a fire had started 15 acres of crop would have been lost. Please remain vigilant and report any small fires to the Fire Service and report suspicious persons or activities to North Yorkshire Police on 101
Fuel theft from parked vehicles Within the York and Selby district we have had reports of vehicles having their fuel tanks drilled so offenders can take the fuel. Please be vigilant when parking your car so you are not a victim. If any suspect activity is seen please report this on 101.
Stop and search consultation You may wish to contribute to the Government’s consultation on police powers of stop and search, which was announced by the Home Secretary on 2 July. As the Home Secretary has made clear, stop and search is an important tool in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour. It is especially important in relation to combating gangs, knife crime and drug offences. But stop and search must be applied fairly and in a way that builds community confidence in the police rather than undermining it. And given that there are just under 1.2 million stop and search incidents every year, if the power is poorly used it risks being a dreadful waste of police time. The consultation announced by the Home Secretary is a chance to have your say about the future use of stop and search. Along with a forthcoming report on the issue by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, it will inform plans to get stop and search right – in terms of higher search-to-arrest ratios, better community engagement, and more efficient recording practices across the country. The consultation will run for six weeks from 2 July until 13 August. You can find a copy at www.gov.uk/government/consultations/stop-and-search .
...and a consultation on firearms licenses It does seem that you can get almost anything on-line these days. The latest proposal is that you will be able to get a new firearms licence as easily as you can renew the tax disc for your car. Following national eCommerce guidance, applications and renewals for Firearms Licences will soon be available online. If you want to take part in the consultation google Julia Mulligan and firearms license.
Bank card con—full details and video released by police. Police in York and Harrogate are asking members of the public to help identify suspects who have conned elderly people into handing over their bank or credit cards. Detectives have issued CCTV images of some of the suspects who are described as charming and friendly as they convince elderly people to part with their bank cards and personal identification (pin) numbers. The callous tricksters call up their victims on the phone and pretend to be from their bank or a utility company and claim that there has been fraud committed against the victim’s bank account or that they have not paid a bill. They then offer to send someone to the victim’s house to pick up their bank card to enable them to sort out the fraud or to settle the bill. At some point during their conversations they persuade the unsuspecting victim to give them their pin number. The conmen struck in Harrogate and York in late June and early July and have succeeded in stealing thousands of pounds after going to banks and travel agencies to withdraw money using their victim’s bank cards. Police issued a warning asking residents to be on their guard. Police have issued video footage of some of the suspects as they used the stolen cards to withdraw cash and attempted to buy goods. Detective Sergeant Lydia Davenport of Harrogate CID, said: “These people are very plausible and charming when they contact the elderly people and it is easy to see how they can be convinced by what they are saying. In reality they are preying on elderly people’s vulnerability and trusting nature. The suspects go to some lengths to disguise their identity, including dressing up as the opposite sex. We are determined to catch them and bring them to justice. Firstly, I would ask that if you recognise the suspects or know who they may be, to contact the police as a matter of urgency. Secondly, anyone who sees any suspicious activity or vehicles in their neighbourhood, please alert the police by calling 101.” The CCTV shows one suspect in a bank and a jewellers store, one in a travel agency and one attempting to withdraw cash at a cash machine. You can see the video at http://youtu.be/4zWhKcmCg74
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE Monk Fryston Time Team DIG, DIG, DIG: the archaeological excavations in the woods continue. We returned this summer to carry on looking for further signs of the old road and buildings that appear on the Ordnance Survey 1850 maps and then vanish from the 1892 survey. After several days ...and nights of scraping with trowels and trugs of dirt later we think we have found what we set out to discover. We have dug through woodland soil, Victorian rubbish pits and ‘quarry bottom’ to gaze on the floor of an old building – its date yet to be confirmed, a ‘robber’ trench , a construction trench and a hard packed road surface of cobbles and native limestone rock. In the process we filled over 25 trays of finds, again these have still to be catalogued by our Archaeologist. This successful dig brings together the new skills learnt by the Time Team members from our Introduction to Archaeology course, which has one more unit to complete: Field Walking. We hope to do this in the next couple of months and as before it is open to anyone who wants to join in. Contact the secretary for further details on 01977 682084. SCHOOL VISIT Time Team were invited to visit the school in July to talk to Year 6 about aspects of Victorian life in the village such as the use of steam power for milling the corn, pumping the water supply and tilling the fields and the arrival of steam driven railways. Various items were brought for the children to handle including pottery recently dug up.
S. Newton 15th July 2013 North Yorkshire school holiday dates Summer: Wednesday 24th July – Monday 2nd September 2013 Half term: Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November 2013
Mrs Bolton's Reception Class on Facebook You can see them on Arriva Yorkshire and Hillam News Facebook pages, the happy faces of Monk Fryston School Reception Class https://www.facebook.com/ arrivainyorkshire . Pupils however were not so sure when a strange looking conductor joined them on board a double-decker bus. Padre John says he can see the picture even though he hasn't found Facebook yet.
HILLAM FARMER’S WILL - THE FULL TEXT In Dei noie Amen: The yeare of oure Lorde God a thousand fyve hundreth fourtie and foure, and the XIIIJ day of May. I Willm Turpine, of Hillome, in the pishe Monkefriston, holl of mynde and goode of remembrance, thanke be to Jhu, make this my testament and last will in manner and forme followinge. First I bequeath my soull to God Almightie, to his blissed mother oure ladie sancte Marie, and to all the gloriouse company of heauen, and my bodie to be buried in the pishe church yerde of Monkefriston, nere my wif. And I bequeath unto the blessed sacrament for tithes and oblacons forgotten XXd. Also I bequeath to Elizabeth my doughter one quye, one girdle, and a pare of beades which was here mother’s, and a quarter of barlie. Also I bequeth to Robert my sone one tawny cote and a fuschian dublett. Also I bequeath to Henrie my sone a marble coite and a worstede dublett. Also I bequeath to Willm my sone one violett coite and a fuschian dublett, and one one acre of barlie of the hidderside of Oldfelde, and IJ rodes of Soddoills. Also I bequeath to Hamleton cawsey XLd. Also I bequeth unto my wif one rede cowe beside her thirde parte. Also I bequeath to James my sone XXVJs and VIIJd. Also to Elizabeth my doughter XXs. Also to John my sone XXVJs and VIIJd. Also to Richarde my sone XXs, and half and acre of barlie of shorte Barton Mores of the hidderside. Also to Willm my sone XIIJs IIIJd. Also I will to be honestlie brought forth at the day of my buriall, and also I bequeath to Jane Prynce, my seruant, one lynnen kirchif and one harden smoke. Also I bequeath to eu,y one of my godchilder IIIJd. Also I make all my childer my executors, and to theme I giue all the Residue of my goodes not bequeathed. And also I make Nicholas Harteley supvisor of this my last will, and this is my true will. Thes to witnes, Willm Birton, Willm Richarson, John Metther, Sr Peter M,shal, and Nicholas Hartely. The will was proved 31st July 1544. From a collection of wills by the Thoresby Society 1539 to 1553.
Rugby News Congratulations to 19 year old Jay Robinson who was part of the winning Selby Rugby Union first team when they played at Twickenham in May. Selby won the RFU Senior Vase final. Over a thousand supporters went down to watch the game (many Hillam and Monk Fryston residents amongst them). A fantastic game, a wonderful atmosphere and a great result. Also well done to the Selby U15 Rugby Union team who won the Yorkshire Plate final at West Park against Heath at the end of the season. The team have 4 boys from Hillam and Monk Fryston in the first XV – they are Jack Phillips, Finlay Wotton, Dylan Tonks and Edward Kelly. The final score was 26-10 with Dylan scoring two of the tries. The team have had a very successful campaign losing only one game all season. Jack and Finlay also represented their school team, QEGS when they played at Twickenham in the prestigious Daily Mail cup final. Sadly on this occasion they were on the losing side. Oli Raywood from Hillam and Josh Wilby from Monk Fryston helped Sherburn White Rose U15’s win the league and cup double this season.
Hillam News Rugby Reporter
Chernobyl Auction The Auction held at the Cricket Club on Friday 14th June was in aid of Humanitarian Aid convoys to Belarus. With over 50 lots we raised £1,760 in just under two hours. A great total and a very enjoyable night. Thanks to the providers of lots, those who worked to put the show on and our hosts at the cricket club.
Mike Allison
Notes: Money is in shillings (s) and old pence (d). The Roman numeral ‘J’ represents an ‘I’ and was used to prevent the dishonest changing of numbers; for example VI might be represented by VJ to prevent it being changed to VIII. The presence of a comma indicates missing letters, eg ‘eu,y’ should read ‘euery’ or ‘every’. Other spelling differences are probably obvious.
MONK FRYSTON HALL - WELCOME TO NEW OWNERS The new owners of Monk Fryston Hall, Sharon Mason and Geoff Davies have made it their goal to breathe new life into the hotel. In a recent conversation with Hillam News Mr Davies said : “Sharon and I searched the length and breadth of the country for the right hotel. This was a huge decision for us and it had to be right. Apart from instantly falling in love with the Hall and it’s grounds we could see the potential it has with the sympathetic care and attention ‘live in’ owners could give it.” Mr Davies went on to say “We are both lovers of old buildings and part of the Hall’s charm is it’s authenticity so any alterations have to be carefully thought out and remain in total sympathy with it’s historic nature. We were also struck by the tranquillity and natural beauty of the grounds which we also want to preserve and enhance”.
When we moved into the Hall in March we had big plans for redecoration, refurbishment and improving the gardens and grounds but these were immediately delayed as we attended to essentials such as leaking roofs, corroded pipes and old broken boilers. This was a serious setback for us but there is always a silver lining to every cloud and after attending a talk at the Hall given by our local MP Nigel Adams we were inspired to look further into the benefits of biomass heating. If successful in attracting the necessary funding we aim to have biomass at the hall by the end of this year’’ I asked Mr Davies if he would like to comment about reports of a possible restriction of dog walking in the grounds and he responded “Both Sharon and I are dog lovers and the Hall is a dog friendly hotel but we do have a big responsibility to ensure both the safety of our guests and preservation of the indigenous wildlife. Strictly speaking the grounds are private property and all dog walkers are asked to keep their dogs on a lead and clean up after them. Unfortunately the very high incidence of non-guests running their dogs free in the grounds and allowing them to soil has to be controlled. We have also had some unfortunate incidents where even our own pets have been attacked by loose dogs. There are a number of ideas at the moment and one of them is to issue passes to non-guests who make a very small annual contribution to the upkeep of the grounds and accept the rules such as keeping their dogs on leads and clearing up after them. We hope this will not be seen as being unreasonable and look forward to continuing to welcome people into the grounds and the other hotel facilities”.
Hillam News Correspondent Editorial Note: There is no evidence that Queen Victoria ever slept there, but Diana Dors and Johnny Ray spent the night at Monk Fryston Hall, while performing at the Grand Theatre, Leeds and (believe me) The Owl, Hambleton. And then there was the secret meeting between Arthur Scargill and Margaret Thatcher during the miners' strike. Local members of staff used to point out which bedroom was occupied by the prime minister and where her body guard spent the night. That was when the Hall was owned by the Duke of Rutland. As well as biomass, Geoff has mentioned cask ale. That would go down rather well. Recently the Hall's image has been enhanced by James BaileyHague, the tweeting chef @jimlad30.
INSANE CHARITY CHALLENGE AND SELBY JOBS FAIR Insane Charity Challenge In support of The Sheffield Children’s Hospital I have taken on an Insane Charity Challenge by participating in events totaling 767 miles of racing: 632.2 miles of cycling 198.7 miles of running 8.1 miles of swimming The events include 4 Iron Distance Triathlons (making up the Ultimate Ironman Challenge which to date only 7 people have completed), 5 Marathons and an Ultra-Marathon. I may also throw in a few more events as time and energy permits.
These will include: single rooms and en-suite facilities, a special play tower, gardens, specialist medical equipment and artwork. To find out more about the charity visit www.tchc.org.uk
The Insane Challenge List: Completed: 7 April – Blackpool Marathon 26.2 mile run 19 May – Brathay Windermere Marathon 26.2 mile run 27 May – Wetherby Olympic Triathlon - 0.9 mile swim, 26.2 mile ride, 6.25 mile run 16 June – Ironman 70.3 – 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile ride, 13.1 mile run - Wimberball 7 July – Outlaw Triathlon (Full Ironman distance) - 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, 26.2 mile run – Nottingham
Remaining Events:
4 August – UK Ironman - 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, 26.2 mile run – Bolton The Worthy Cause: 18 August – York 100 Charity Ride Over the next three years, The Children’s Hospital Charity needs 1 September – Rubicon 70.3 Ironman to raise £20m to support a £40m transformation of The Children's 13 – 15 September– Meadowhall Coast to Coast Ride – 170 mile. Hospital in Sheffield. The hospital already has a world class team providing expert care around the clock. What it needs now is a world class environment to match. We are going to help make an Please donate whatever you can by clicking on the following link. http://www.justgiving.com/Jay-Gilbert1 extraordinary hospital even better by supporting the “Make it Better” appeal. The charity appeal is needed for enhancements Jay Gilbert Burton Salmon that will transform the building into a state-of-the-art facility.
Selby Jobs Fair - 3 October “Local jobs for local people” is the theme of this years jobs fair which for the third year running will be organised and sponsored by Nigel Adams MP. The event will once again be held in the sports hall at Selby College. This is a perfect venue for the event because it has easy parking and good facilities. Last year 45 companies attended the jobs fair which was visited by over 1000 people either seeking employment, an apprenticeship or further training. Companies included the power industry, construction, estate agency, solicitors and food. The event is organised jointly with Selby college and Selby Job Centre. The Selby Jobs fair is free for employers and free for job seekers. Further details can be found at selbyandainsty.com. This year there will be a focus on apprenticeships, with information about how to find one as well as companies offering apprenticeship opportunities. In Selby District unemployment is down by 25% over three years and the Jobs Fairs have been an important factor in this. The Jobs Fair has also brought about some other lasting benefits. Last year a new bus service was introduced to enable people to get from Selby to Sherburn Industrial estate for the early and late shifts. This has been a great success and the service has now been made permanent. While the objective of the event is to help employers recruit and for people to find a job in the area it will also be a valuable source of information for youngsters trying to decide on the best way to start their careers. Entrance is free , just turn up on the day starts at 10.00am and closes at 3pm.
GOING TO UNIVERSITY... This is the time of year when a new group of school leav- sounding like a bore, the sooner you get stuck into a society, the ers is preparing for university. There is a mixture of ex- more likely you are to rise through the ranks - and being Presicitement, tension and pride. And that's just the parents. dent of a society in your third year will look pretty great on the old CV.
After Hillam News' last issue we noticed a comment on Twitter from Hillam university student, Victoria Finan, who edited a student newspaper. "I've just seen Hillam News and it's rather good." The writer who comes from placements with the York Press and the Independent has agreed to tell our readers about 'Going to University.' You’ve done it. The slog to achieve your A Levels paid off, UCAS have confirmed your place and the car is packed with more stuff than you ever realised you have. You’re going to university- and despite being told by the media that you’re in for three years of non-stop partying, you don’t really know what to expect.
In between the partying and the polo-ing, you’re also there to study for a little thing called a degree. You will hear yourself time and time again justifying a night out before a deadline by saying ‘but first year doesn’t count!’, and you’re right to an extent- enjoy the freedom of knowing your marks won’t contribute towards your degree for as long as you can. However, second year very much DOES count- and you’ll save yourself a massive academic headache later on by sussing out what your degree requires of you pretty early. Take an afternoon to familiarise yourself with the library and referencing systems, and make sure you do at least some work in your first year!
Budget at the start of term- you’ll feel like the richest person on Earth when your loan comes through, but you’re not. Buying a bottle of Moet in Freshers may seem impressive, but you’ll rue There are many things I wish someone had told me before I began my first year, and I hope to impart just a few of them here. the day six weeks later when you’re living off tap water and dry bread. Arrange to cook with flatmates to save money on decent Everyone’s university experience is different, but it truly is a case of ‘you get out as much as you put in.’ That should begin in meals, and remember supermarket’s own brands are your new best friends. Freshers’ Week. Take a bottle of wine or some party snacks along for your first night, and you’ll quickly become popular But what if you hate uni? Everyone has at least one moment in amongst your new flatmates. It can be daunting facing the pros- their first term which involves locking yourself into a room and pect of living with a group of strangers for a year, but everyone crying down the phone to your mum about how much you don’t is in the same boat and within a few days your flat may well feel belong- and the relief I felt knowing it wasn’t just me who got more like a family. homesick was huge. University is scary and daunting but also And yes, what you’ve heard is true - Freshers’ Week will more than likely pass in a blur of meeting a thousand different students whilst downing as much vodka as you can afford. However, in between the dodgy student nights out, it’s definitely worth going to the Societies fair that your uni will put on. University is the only chance you’ll have to try out activities as diverse as sky-diving, ballet, Dr Who appreciation and polo for a ridiculously cheap cost, so take advantage. With the risk of
exhilarating and amazing, so just stick on a smile and persuade a flatmate to go to the Union Pub for a drink. Hillam will always be waiting for you in the holidays!
Victoria Finan Victoria has completed her second year of a BA (Hons) degree in Literature and History at the University of East Anglia (UEA). She is Co-Chief Editor of the Norwich Tab UEA’s most read student publication. She writes about feminism, literature and mental health issues, and hopes to one day form a serious career in journalism. (Huffington Post)
A VIEW FROM THE BOUNDARY View from the boundary is slightly different this month. Hillam News contributors are too busy scoring runs, bowling out the opposition and serving cream teas to spectators and ball sponsors. A year ago there was no cricket report because the season was a washout. You can still keep up with Hillam Cricket Club on the Internet. There is a new club website, which is right up to date with fixtures and results, although I could not find the team for Saturday so I don't know if they have left me out again! http://hmfcc.cricketclubwebsite.co.uk/ Then there is the less formal Facebook and this has moved as well. You will find it at https://www.facebook.com/HMFCClub Anyone can make comments on Facebook - and they do. For a more spontaneous approach look at Twitter. Here you have to be brief and to the point and what you write will be forgotten tomorrow. You can find match results complete with details of individual performances at @hmfcc For the sake of completeness Burton Salmon is at @BurtonSalmoncc and more racy and unpredictable tweets are available from @adicundy who seems to have cancelled his blog on 'how to bat' and concentrating now on activity 'in the middle.'
@WGGrace We are still waiting After the Selby hearing last November of Mr Cannon's appeal to have his settlement in the green belt at Ten Acre Field, Hillam declared permanent, the Inquiry chairman promised a decision by February 2013. There was no news until last month when those who attended learnt by post that the Secretary of State (Eric Pickles) had taken over the case and it would be decided by the Department for Communities and Local Government. His decision is promised by mid October. When the minister 'recovered' the appeal over the gypsy settlement at Hillcrest, South Milford (near the Watermill Restaurant) he rejected plans for more caravans on the land. Councillor John Mackman said at the Hillam Inquiry that health and education needs of children were not accepted by the Secretary of State as being paramount at Hillcrest and they should not be accepted at Hillam. However the Hillam case will be complicated by Selby's failure to provide an alternative site. The proposed extension of the existing site at Burn has run into problems. The planning application was recently withdrawn and resubmitted following an administrative error and the proposal is vigorously opposed within Burn.
Meanwhile over at Burn The opposition to expanding the existing gypsy and traveller site continues to grow. With the proposal for the site to be extended to 29 pitches the settled community and travellers on the existing site are working together to oppose the proposed expansion which would make the site one of the largest in the region. An interesting tactic adopted by the group is to submit a new objection every day at 08.00am and to copy it to Eric Pickles. It is an impressive, well run campaign, which is putting a sustained effort into getting the application by Selby Planners to Selby Planners refused. Enough is enough.
Remember, the Community Centre is available to hire for private gatherings and parties (contact Becky on 689230)
GARDENING – LOOKING AFTER WILDLIFE Nearly every week, statistics are revealed to inform us that our wildlife is under stress. We are advised that the amount of land given to producing crops has increased and that the amount of land left untouched by chemicals is a small fraction of what it was in the late 1940's. Farmland sustains less wildlife than the garden land of the 21st century. Gardeners are now becoming the protectors of wildlife.
During the summer I, with countless others, was asked to participate in a butterfly count. The time was set at the end of July and we were asked to select a sunny spot and spend fifteen minutes counting the sightings of 21 species of butterfly and moths. This could take place in our garden, park, railway edge, city sight or country setting. The results will be interesting to read.
der, hebe, mint, phlox, wallflower, pansy, forget-me-not, primrose, pot marigold, hyacinth, and grape hyacinth.
Now is the time to plant bulbs for spring flowering and to sow seed of hardy annuals such as candytuft, pot marigold and virginia stock. Primroses violas and pansies, favourites of spring bedding schemes, brighten up our gardens and provide valuable nectar. Children can be encouraged to take part in this activity as the hardy annuals are very easy to grow and use in a garden design. Perhaps the butterfly shape can be used as the basis for a butterfly garden.
part and collect suitable 'logs' to build the piles under trees and shrubs. Hollow plant stems can be used to create bug hotels. Packed tightly into plastic plant pots, the spaces between the stems and in the stems provide shelter for solitary bees, spiders and ladybirds to overwinter. These should be placed in a warm spot in the garden - in walls on trees. There are ready made bug hotels available but if you are thinking of building a new feature in the garden consider the inclusion of a bug hotel using recycled materials to add interest.
Remember when autumn sets
in to check for hedgehogs as they will If we are to help native and visiting select piles of leaves to nestle in for butterflies we should ensure our gardens hibernation. I once nearly stepped on a include a variety of nectar plants sleeping hedgehog when clearing a pile throughout the year. of leaves. He had found the pile before Autumn is a great time for tidy- I did and chosen this spot to huddle up As part of this I decided to involve for the winter. ing the garden. Out come the garden other groups of people and gave them vacs and rakes. Leaves to move, stems Once you have added to your nectar the information supplied by Butterfly rich plants and built shelters for wildConservation. This included a list of the to cut down, shrubs to cut back. Give a thought to wildlife. Many creatures life you may wish to add your observabest nectar plants for butterflies. When tions to the Big Butterfly Count in we examined this we found that contrary overwinter in our gardens, in and around the base of herbaceous plants, 2014.If so you will find information on to popular belief, most of the plants included were not wild or weeds but com- in hollow plant stems, under stones and their website at www.butterflyconservation monly grown cultivated plants. Buddleia in decaying wood. Too much tidiness came out as top plant attracting 18 of the leaves no resting place for ladybirds, amphibians and hedgehogs. Using species of the butterflies (moths were Susan Scott some of the prunings of trees and not attracted). shrubs to create log piles helps to re01977 685205 Other cultivated plants included lavendress the balance. Children can take
BARN DANCE In aid of Monk Fryston JFC unders 15s Tour SATURDAY 7th SEPT @ 19:30
MONK FRYSTON COMMUNITY CENTRE / MARQUEE CEILIDH (KAYLEE BAND) & DISCO £10:00 per adult – includes ‘Starkeys’ Pie and Peas Supper £5:00 per child (under 16) – includes Hotdog BAR AVAILABLE Tickets available from: Monk Fryston Post Office Anne Buckthorpe – 07827357618
Debbie Burdekin - 07918051500
Tax refund scam Automated Tax Refund Notification - says the attention grabbing title of the elegant scam. You have to admire the creativity of this scam and also the level of detail that it presents. The objective of the scam is to get you to enter your on-line banking details into a spoof web site which looks for all the world like the real banking website that you might use. Having got your details the next step will of course be to remove all your money. I have now received the e-mail a few times and curiosity got the better of me so I thought I would see how it worked. The first big clue that it’s a scam is the golden rule, if its too good to be true it probably is. Setting that aside the e-mail is addressed to Recipients - and is not personalized in any way. But in the excitement of being offered a refund this may be missed. So the next step is to click on the “Get started “ button. This takes you to a website with a creditable impersonation of an Inland Revenue website. You are asked for a few details and offered a set of options to choose your bank. The buttons all work and take you to another set of spoof sites. One for each bank. If you have forgotten your password they even offer you the opportunity to enter your memorable data. This was as far as I was prepared to go, but I must say that at every step of the way it appeared to be realistic. The big give away was the lack of personalization, the very strange web addresses and the slightly fuzzy graphics. While checking it out as I write this I see that the site has been taken down and you get redirected to a come back later message. I wonder how many people got caught and how much they lost. Editor
Clay Pigeon Shoot at Burton Salmon “50 BIRDS SPORTING”
Sunday 11th August from 11am till 4pm Common Lane - next to Burton Salmon Cricket Field Contact Barry Paterson 07796-654269 In support of Wilfileaks the fund raising group putting a new roof on our parish church http://wilfileaks.org.uk Open to everyone, beginners welcome Guns provided
100-Club winners APRIL 1st - £20 - Gillian Thompson (No. 86) 2nd - £10 - Steve Tope (No. 97) 3rd - £5 - Roger Everson (No. 25)
MAY 1st - £20 - Neal and Julie Wilson (No. 40) 2nd - £10 - Billy the Kid (No. 78) 3rd - £5 - Phyllis Earless (No. 39)
JUNE 1st - £20 - David Knights (No. 13) 2nd - £10 - Diane Sharp (No. 50) 3rd - £5 - Jenny & Rich Milne (No. 23) Christmas Tree Lights Committee
BURTON SALMON FITCAMP “After just 8 sessions you will feel better. After 16 sessions you will start to see the difference. After 24 sessions you will have a whole new body.’’ 44 Guaranteed No joining fee No contract Only £45 for 8 sessions per calendar month FREE personal training consultation “We do not sell memberships. We sell results.” For more information call Jane at Burton Salmon Fitcamp T: 673553 M: 0792 1689931 W: burtonsalmonfitcamp.com E: info@burtonsalmonfitcamp.com The Dormers, Poole Lane, Burton Salmon, North Yorkshire, LS25 5JU
WIND TURBINES - DRIVEN BY SUBSIDY - THE SPIN UNRAVELS Wind energy spin unravelling It is now 5 years since the Woodlane proposal emerged. The early promise of clean, green, free energy with no drawbacks is seen by more and more people as a scam. Gradually people are seeing through the slick presentations and realising that this is about big business and a £1,000M per year subsidy. Wind turbines and birds. Turbines kill birds. The wind industry claim that many more are killed by cars and cats. They might be right. The problem is that it is rare birds like eagles that are being killed. The Woodlane developer told me that turbines are no threat to swallows because they fly too fast. The incident when the worlds fastest bird, the Needletail was killed by a turbine in front of bird watchers shows that speed is no protection. You don’t get much rarer than a Needletail. Turbines and property values. The wind industry has been forced to withdraw literature that says wind farms do not affect property values. The claim was based on studies which were limited in scope. There are now enough case examples of large losses for it to be accepted that the claim that property prices are not affected is untrue. A wind developer in Selby District has been challenged about using literature which made a similar claim and has been forced to withdraw the literature. Noise nuisance. The wind industry claim that they adhere strictly to noise rules known as ETSU. The Government hold that these rules provide a reasonable degree of protection for local residents. If you visit the people who are complaining that they are unable to sleep in their homes because of noise and the council says that noise limits are not being exceeded you know there is a problem - with the rules. There are worldwide reports of noise and lack of sleep causing health problems for wind farm neighbours.
These are just three of the claims that have been proven wrong. Gradually the false claims are being exposed and the problems revealed. Each new proposal produces another group of victims. More people who recognised that wind farms are not a solution to our energy needs. The countryside should not be sacrificed to provide a miniscule amount of energy.
Grow your own vegetables Garden tools, barbecues, patio furniture
First turbine goes up near Hillam As predicted in the last Hillam News we now have our first turbine near Hillam, a relatively small one. Even so it will get a subsidy of nearly £250K / year - paid even if the owner uses all the power generated. The turbine is only 67 metres high. While higher than the pylons it is only about half as high as the 14 turbines proposed at Woodlane. The Birkin turbine is 1.2km from the nearest point on Hillam Common Lane. Woodlane turbines are proposed closer to homes than 600 metres.
Woodlane turbines - Visual impact 4 times greater At twice the height and half the distance the visual impact is at least four times greater. It is not just the distance and the total height that need to be considered. The blades on the Birkin turbine are 26 metres long and those proposed at Woodlane are 45 metres - a three times bigger swept area.
Woodlane noise pushing the limit all round The Birkin turbine is unlikely to be heard in Hillam because of the distance and the power rating. However it has been heard at Burton Common Farm - 800 metres away. Noise is worse if turbines are in groups. With 14 turbines at five times the power rating, the Woodlane turbines will generate a significant amount of noise. Serious noise complaints near wind farms are common, with reported problems at over 60 wind farms including Sancton Hill (near Holme on Spalding Moor) where five turbines with the closest at 1km have prevented a neighbour from sleeping when the wind is from the South West. Similar problems have arisen at Lissett near Bridlington.
Woodlane - 14 x as many turbines With 14 densely packed turbines, the nearest homes as close as 600 metres and villages closer than 1km Woodlane poses a major threat to our villages. We will continue to fight the Woodlane planning application. It is completely unacceptable. www.stopwoodlanewindfarm.co.uk
Howard Ferguson
SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT Ruth Strydon who was absolutely brilliant. The star of the show, however, was their conductor and musical director Simon Earl, a very energetic young man who has been working with them since Many people in Hillam and Monk Fryston will know of Fairburn January this year. His Day Job is Assistant Director of Music at Singers who form a choir to support our Carol Singing at the Wakefield Cathedral and I believe he has done wonders for their Lights switch on in December. I have recently started attending range of repertoire, enthusiasm and professionalism. The eyes of the Singing for Fun group of the U3A, started and run by Lorna the singers were constantly on his hands as he waved and pointed Pope of the Fairburn Singers. She has introduced us to singing in and emphasised, lovely to watch. Above all they all looked to be different parts in harmony and when it works it is a lovely sound. having great fun and enjoying every minute. When I saw advertised in June a concert by Fairburn Singers in Monk Fryston in aid of the church roof fund I decided to go along I was so impressed and uplifted by the music that I went again in July when they put on a similar concert at Birkin Church. They and see how more experienced amateurs sound. are holding a Christmas Concert at Fairburn Community Centre on 16th December. Watch out for more dates next Summer. For anyone interested they meet in Fairburn on Monday evening and would particularly like more men! For anyone who is slightly less ambitious our singing for fun group meets in South Milford on 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings of the month, see the U3A website for more details.
Fairburn Singers
One word of advice, if you go to a concert in one of our lovely old churches, take a cushion, 2 hours sitting on a hard church pew is quite a pain.
Susan Ferguson Zoopla The property market around Hillam and Monk Fryston 10 Hillside Close, Hillam, The programme was well chosen and varied with old favourites and some songs new to me. They ranged from ‘And I Love Her’ and ‘Be Thou My Vision’ to ‘River of Life’ and a spirited and gleeful rendition of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ with Medleys from ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ and ‘Les Miserables’ plus a few brave solos. The voices blended and soared and I was enchanted. They were very ably supported and accompanied by their pianist
4 Deer Park Court, Monk Fryston,
4th Apr
£142,000 4th Apr
5 Abbeystone Way, Monk Fryston,
2 Top Stone Close, Burton Salmon,
£135,000 17th May
3rd May
DOWN MEMORY LANE ….. Though its not usually Hillam News’s policy to reprint previously grunted and replied, ‘Leave me alone. Go and wake some t’others up – they’ve been here longer than me. published material, we’re hoping that the following, which was kindly given to Hillam Historians, by Arthur Warren, some years I hope the darts match at the Cross Keys went off successfully. ago from his scrap book, might be an acceptable exception. Mine Host, John William Lawton (Eggie – because he is an egg The full version was originally published in Wayfarer’s column, merchant) said there was so much excitement you’d think the probably in the Yorkshire Post. It gives an opportunity to savour match (against Burton Salmon) would be for £100 a side. a glimpse into a summer’s day in our village nearly 80 years ago. Happy, friendly people, Most of them waved goodbye, or gave us a cheery nod of farewell. The chug-chugging of a threshing machine engine attracted us into the yard of Mr Claud Longbottom’s farm, a scene of great Though much has changed, the last sentence confirms that some activity and corn-dust, at Hillam. things remain constant. Sun burned Mr Albert Bedford stood at the controls of the maThe above article was sent in for the previous issue, when the chine, while others tossed bundle of wheat into the contraption and some carried sacks and busied themselves in other ways. Mr horse meat scandal was a breaking story. The large number of Bedford, from Knottingley way, has been travelling about with contributions received for the April-May Hillam News had the unfortunate consequence that some items had to be held over. the engines for 18 years. We make no apology in publishing the article now, as its We made our way into a big barn, dodged out of the way of a relevance is undiminished. burly man who heaved a 16st sack onto a cart. Its 15 stone steps up to the granary, and no light task to carry sacks up there. Mr G. W. Saggers, Burton Salmon corn merchant, said the farm lads sometimes ‘swank’ who can carry most. Some can manage Jack Longbottom 1928 to 2013 20stone, but it’s a daft game. Retired Monk Fryston farmer Jack Longbottom has died just 12 Mr Saggers came from the town (Todmorden) 20 years ago, but weeks after his son Stephen. The funeral was the first service in doesn’t want to go back. The rural life’s the life for him. St Wilfrid's following the completion of the new roof. ‘Its long hours but there is pleasure with it: you’re not bottled up in a mill. All this has to be done for our daily bread, you know.’ Jack came from a long line of farmers in Monk Fryston and ‘Here,’ he said to Mr Longbottom, ‘give him a job’ ‘He can have Hambleton. His grandfather Tom farmed at Brecks Farm and his mine if he likes’ was the reply. ‘But here’ (to me) ‘you can take father Edwin in Monk Fryston. Jack lived through some difficult this with you, if you like’. ‘This’ was young Margaret. She fled, farming years but was strengthened by his love and knowledge with a whirl of her blue coat. of working horses. In the words of his daughter quoted at his In the village square is a red wooden pump standing on a stone throne with steps up to it ....an aristocratic pump; with a little commoner pump near its foot. And a heavy stone trough. They tell a tale in this village of a gravedigger called ‘Patch’ Newby who was discovered one evening asleep beside the grave he was digging in Monk Fryston churchyard. Someody shook him half awake and said, ‘Here, do you know what time it is?’ Patch
MONK FRYSTON Pre-SCHOOL We welcome children from two years to school age* We provide lots of different activities including: Toys, Songs, Rhymes, Stories, Painting, Modelling, Sand and Water Play, Cutting and Glueing, Playdough, Puzzles and much more…! Monday to Friday 9:00 – 12:00 am Tuesday and Thursday 12:30 – 3:00 pm Contact Jayne Wood 681050 Church Hall, Monk Fryston We are OFSTED inspected and LEA funded and we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum *places are offered subject to availability
funeral, he was 'proud, honourable, if stubborn and unmovable.' These were qualities which ensured him a well deserved long life. The service was followed by interment in Monk Fryston Cemetery and a gathering at Monk Fryston Hall.
ST WILFRID’S CHURCH RECTOR’S RAMBLINGS We are presently going through major changes in the Parish, especially in relation to the education of our children. In July we saw the retirement of Carole Middleton after 16 years of service as Headteacher at our Church School. On Tuesday 16th of July at 3.45pm in the School Hall, many of Carole’s friends from within the community, and also those who have known her throughout her teaching career, gathered together to acknowledge all that she had achieved during her life in teaching. Cynthia Welbourne, who recently retired as Director of Education for North Yorkshire, came along to pay tribute to Carole’s marvellous career. Listening to Cynthia’s words only confirmed what most of us already knew, that we were losing an incredible teacher and an inspired leader who has done so much to make Monk Fryston (Voluntary Controlled) Church of England School, one of the best – if not the best – primary school in North Yorkshire. The following day at 9.30am St Wilfrid’s Church was full with children from the school, teachers and staff, and other friends, as we held a Service of Thanksgiving for Carole’s work among us. Each of the Year Groups from School offered their contribution, their vote of thanks to Carole for all that she had achieved. There were greetings and messages from students who had been there many years ago when Carole first started at Monk Fryston in the Old School Building on Lumby Hill. Bob Archbold, one of St Wilfrid’s Church Foundation Governors and a former Deputy Headteacher at the School, presented Carole with a leather-bound Bible as a gift from St Wilfrid’s Church in thanks for all her work. Needless to say, on both of the occasions above, there wasn’t a ‘dry eye in the house’ as they say. But now we move onto a new era, as our new Headteacher, Rick Weights, takes the baton that Carole has handed onto him. I do hope and pray that we, as a community, will give Rick all the support, help and assistance that we have afforded Carole over the past 16 years. Working together we can help ensure that Monk Fryston Church of England School can continue to be the amazingly wonderful school it is, and a place that everyone living in our community can be truly proud off – whether they have children who attend the school, or not. Carole, we wish you all the best in retirement, and hope that you and Rodger enjoy many happy years together. Blessings
1ST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH 8am Holy Communion at St Wilfrid’s, Monk Fryston 9.30am Parish Communion at St Mary’s, South Milford 11am Parish Communion at St Wilfrid’s, Monk Fryston 11am Sunday Club in St Wilfrid’s Church Hall
2ND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH 9.30am Parish Communion at St Mary’s, South Milford 11am Parish Communion at St Wilfrid’s, Monk Fryston 6pm Evensong at St Mary’s, South Milford
3RD SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH 8am Holy Communion at St Wilfrid’s, Monk Fryston 9.30am Parish Communion at St Mary’s, South Milford 11am Family Service at St Wilfrid’s, Monk Fryston 11am Ignite at St Mary’s, South Milford
4TH SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH 9.30am Morning Prayer at St Mary’s, South Milford 11am Parish Communion at St Wilfrid’s, Monk Fryston 6pm Holy Communion at St Mary’s, South Milford
ST WILFRID’S FLOWER FESTIVAL WEEKEND Friday 4th – Monday 7th of October 2013 To celebrate the completion of the restoration work at St Wilfrid’s the Parochial Church Council are planning a Flower Festival Weekend which will begin on the evening of 4th October with a concert featuring Simeon Wood who plays over 30 different instruments and has been described as one of the best story-tellers of the present generation. Church will be open all weekend for the Flower Festival with further details and opening times being published over the coming weeks. ARCHBISHOP OF YORK TO VISIT ST WILFRID’S As part of the Flower Festival weekend, the Archbishop of York will visit St Wilfrid’s on Sunday 6th of October to dedicate the new roof and restoration work undertaken over recent month. This will take place in the morning service at the slightly earlier time of 10.30am.
BOOKINGS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR WEDDINGS AND BAPTISMS FOR 2013 AND BEYOND Enquiries to the Rector on 01977 680788 or email at
CLUBS AND GROUPS Monk Fryston Art Club Roy Johansen visited the club for the first time on the 17th June. Roy is a qualified Bob Ross instructor and devotee, and he demonstrated a 'method' in the style of the late Bob Ross. Roy was informative as to how he started painting: it was therapy which considerably helped his recovery following a very serious illness. Roy painted two pictures in oil which he kindly donated to the club for charity. At the time the church was under scaffolding so Roy expressed a thought that we might like to give the pictures to the Church, to help the roof funds. This we are delighted to do. The committee now have the pictures and perhaps they will be raffled or auctioned at the Flower Festival and Art Exhibition in October. Our old friend Mike Dobson led a watercolour paintalong on 8th July. A typical Italian village scene [where Mike had just been] along with the lovely weather here, put us all in holiday mood. The results were excellent and can be seen on our Blog. http://monkfrystonartclub.blogspot.com We finish this Summer session with a group outing to The Bowes Museum, on the 18th of July, after which, the club will remain open during the rest of July, and August for those who wish to use the Hall on a free painting basis. All members are welcome to use the facilities and maybe some will be tempted to sketch and paint outside whilst the lovely weather lasts. Or perhaps members will be busy working towards our Autumn Exhibition, which this year will be held in conjunction with The Flower Festival, in October. A chance to get ahead! The club will restart the second week in September. We wish everyone a happy Summer.
Jean Dearn
THEATRE LUNCH at Monk Fryston Hall (Performed by the Library Theatre Touring Company)
Happy Jack by John Godber Sunday 20 October 2013 The life of Jack and Liz, his essential ‘other half’ but at the same time his long suffering wife, is told through a series of vignettes. Scenes of the drama of ordinary life, sometimes funny, sometimes sad touch a chord of familiarity as Godber's wry incisive humour comes through. £23.00 per person - 2 Course Luncheon followed by coffee and the Theatre Presentation (1:45pm to 5:45pm. approx) tel 01977 - 682369
Murder Mystery Dinner at Monk Fryston Hall A Murder of Crowes Friday 27th September 2013 Relations are not as harmonious as they seem in the talented and musical Crowe family and a song will not be the only thing that gets murdered tonight! Join our police inspector to solve the mystery of this dastardly deed. The evening includes a 3 course dinner with coffee and mints. Arrive at 7 pm (ends 10.30 pm approx)
Cost £38.50 / person
Accommodation available. Please ask for details at Reception tel 01977-682369
SPORT - IN - NEWS Well it’s finally happened and depending on when you read this, it’s likely to have been a staggering 4 weeks or so since Britain last produced a Men’s Wimbledon champion! Andy Murray’s fantastic effort over the two weeks of Wimbledon finally secured a second grand-slam which goes very well with the Olympic gold he won last year. In addition it’s clear he’s finally capturing the mood and hearts of the nation with his heroic efforts to beat arguably the best collection of men’s tennis players which have ever played together at the same time. If he’d have been born in any other era surely he would have already amassed a significant number of titles but that makes his current achievements all the more impressive. Let’s hope he can retain his US Open title in early September and continue to play well as the season moves towards the end of year jamboree at London’s O2. Anybody care to think who’ll be second in this year’s Sports Personality of the Year......!
cricket. Would Lionel Messi, knowing that he was offside, still proceed to score the winning goal in a world cup final if the linesman failed to spot the infringement? Or would he pick up the ball and apologise to the referee saying he was offside.... Coming back to cricket, would an Australian bowler have called back an English batsmen for a catch ‘down the leg side’ when the bowler knew the ball had not been hit? I fear the answer to both is no. The truth is therefore that players have invariably always tried to get away with it and in this instance Broad has done just that. Time will tell whether it proves to be decisive in the context of the entire series but there’s little doubt it’s got people talking about cricket. The final point to be made on this subject is with regards to those Australians who are berating Broad and England for their actions. History tells us that when it comes to gamesmanship or bending the rules to suit then Australia not only wrote the book, they published it and serialised it!
Let’s keep the Aussie bashing theme going by taking
a look back at Wales’s (I mean the British & Irish Lions) demolishing the Green & Gold’s in the recent three test series. Each game had something for both sides to cheer and there was plenty of controversy mixed in with it. One thing it also showed with The Ashes has got underway with an unbelievable first test taking place at Nottingham which augurs well for the remain- three capacity crowds flocking to the test matches is that the Lions tradition continues to capture the public’s imagination. Any der of the series. England managed to take a one-nil lead away suggestion that the Lions has no place in the modern, professional from Trent Bridge but only after a series of controversial incidents not least the decision of Stuart Broad to ignore the fact he era can be safely banished not least when you consider that at least 30,000 of those watching the test matches came from the hit the ball on the way to a grateful Aussie fielder. That is the latest incident where a player has chosen to go with the umpire’s home shores. Most of those are now planning their trips to New decision as opposed to doing what was morally correct. For me I Zealand in four years time when the Lions will be chasing backwould always like to see honesty and fair play upheld so that if a to-back tour wins. Bring it on! player knows that he has hit a ball he should therefore ‘walk’ in the event that a catch is made. That is however, I am afraid, too Yours in sport, naive in today’s modern game where it is perceived that too much Doug Hought is at stake for that to happen. Many people say that in football you play to the whistle so why not play to the umpire’s decision in
IN CONCLUSION Treasurer’s comment One of the duties of the Hillam News Treasurer is to invoice advertisers annually and to keep track of monies owing, together with ensuring that at all times Hillam News has sufficient cash to pay its not inconsiderable publication costs.
Personal small adverts £1.00 per issue Business small adverts £4.00 per issue please contact David Edwards on 682346 or exSite@talktalk.net
As with all organisations, we experience fast payers, slow payers and those who are very slow payers. Our postage bill is significant and rising, as postal costs escalate, and I am not prepared to post out reminders to advertisers that will add to that cost. So, how do I propose to deal with this situation whilst being fair to all? First, any advertiser who has more than one subscription (this year and the previous year) outstanding will find that their advert will not appear in the next edition. This will be an ongoing rule and reinstatement of the advert will only be done if the subscriptions are brought completely up to date. There are, sadly, several advertisers in this position. Second, if advertisers need reminding of their payment status, I am quite happy to email them if they supply their email address. The people who produce Hillam News do it as a voluntary activity for the benefit of the community and it is the income from advertisers that covers the costs of production. It would be very much appreciated if the effort that goes into producing Hillam News could be supported by prompt payment of subscriptions.
LC1000: 2 black, 1 yellow, 1 magenta Phone 683332
Finally, thank you to all of those advertisers (most of them) who settle their subscriptions quickly.
David Edwards , Treasurer
ZUMBA Latin-inspired dance fitness workout St Wilfrid’s Church Hall Every Thursday, 6:45-7:30 pm, £3 For more details contact Hannah Howcroft Qualified Fitness Instructor 07707 929393
LOCAL SERVICES To amend or to add to the information below, please phone Jenny Hoare (683332) Service
Monk Fryston Stores Post Office counter
Mon - Fri 6.30 am - 8 pm; Sat 6.30 am - 7 pm; Sun 6.30 am - 2 pm Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri 9 am - 5.30 pm; Wed & Sat 9 am - 1 pm
682252 682201 691940
Hillam Square Monk Fryston PO South Milford PO Pontefract, Trinity St
Public transport
0113 2457676
Local bus and train timetables and enquiries: www.wymetro.com
South Milford Surgery Dr A Mackenzie & Partners
Mon - Fri 8 am - 1 pm, 2 - 6 pm www.southmilfordsurgery.co.uk
Monk Fryston Surgery Dr D James & Partners
Mon 4 - 8 pm; Tues & Wed 8 - 12 am; Thur 2 - 6 pm; Fri 9 - 11 am www.gibsonlanemedicalpractice.co.uk
Selby War Memorial Hospital
01757 702664
Pontefract General Infirmary
0844 8118110
Visiting Scheme for the Elderly
Transport, shopping, social events for the housebound, and much more www.sherburnvisitingscheme.co.uk
St Wilfrid’s Church, Monk Fryston
Rector: Rev John Hetherington www.stwilfridandstmary.org.uk
Hillam Parish Council
01609 760345
Clerk: Malcolm Walton 1st Wed of month (except Jan) 7.30 pm, Community Centre
Selby District Council
01757 705101
Western Area Community Engagement Forum
01757 705101
Environmental Health, SDC
01757 292113
Refuse disposal: removal of bulky items
Last postal collections
Mon - Fri 4.30 pm, Sat 9.30 am Mon - Fri 4.15 pm, Sat 11 am Mon - Fri 5.30 pm, Sat 11 am Mon - Fri 6.30 pm, Sat 12.30 pm
NYCC Recycling Centre, Canal 01609 780780 Road, Selby
Recycling centre for household waste: cardboard, metals, textiles, masonry, bottles, green waste, batteries, TVs, monitors, oils
Wakefield MDC Recycling Centre, Ferrybridge
677792 01609 532512
Permits necessary for NYCC residents: waste.management@northyorks.gov.uk
Police (non-emergency)
Police Community Support Officer
Dion Wood dion.wood@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk
Neighbourhood Watch
Tony Hudson
Gas (leaks)
0800 111999
Electricity (supply failure)
0800 375675
Yorkshire Water (sewerage and leaks)
0845 1242429
Citizens’ Advice Bureau
01757 293015 0845 1203718
- for appointments at Sherburn - advice line www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Venue bookings
684180 689230
Church Hall: Paddy Twidale Community Centre: Becky Gatenby
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