Minutes of hillam parish council 03 april 2013

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Minutes of Hillam Parish Council held on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 in the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre. Present: Councillors: Collinson (Chairman), Robertson, Lorriman, Pattison, Wright, Sadler and the Clerk to the Council. Apologies for Absence: Absent: Councillor Tuddenham Guests: (1)


The minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 having been circulated to all members of the Council were read, approved and signed by the Chairman, Councillor Collinson. (1A) Councillor Sadler expressed a declaration of interest with Hillam and Monk Fryston Cricket Club and the Prince’s Trust. The member’s interest was noted. No further declarations of interest were made. (2)

Matters Arising

2.1 Councillor Robertson reported again to members that he had not received a response from Mark Johnson, who had been invited to attend a monthly parish council meeting. 2.2 Councillor Robertson provided brief details of the bungalow for sale at Manor Court. Properties coming on to the market located at Manor Court can only be sold to Elderly persons. 2.3 Councillor Wright asked if any information had been received from the Planning Inspectorate regarding the planning appeal lodged by Mr T Cannon. No response received to date. Councillor Wright advised members regarding the Alcohol Free Zone that had been discussed at an earlier meeting. The Parish Council are not able to apply for such an application as no problem has been identified in the village, as was the case in Monk Fryston last year. Action can only be taken when a problem is identified and has occurred. The football and cricket clubs could place restrictions on their grounds if they so wish to pre-empt any problems in the future. Councillor Wright confirmed the grass cutting contract for the coming season, 2013 is the same as last year with the costs the same as previously. A public planning meeting is to be held on 10/04/2013 in connection with the Wind Farm planning application. (3)



Bank balances as at 3 April 2013: Barclays Bank plc – Current Account “ “ – High Interest Account


£ 585.07 (cr) £ 5,202.00(cr)


Cheques drawn as at 3rd April 2013 PAYEE Hillam & MF Cricket Club M H Walton H M Revenue & Customs M F & Hillam C/Association M H Walton Thirsk C/Care Association Came & Co MF & Hillam C/Association St Wilfred’s Church MF Pre-school Hillam & MF Luncheon Club Hillam Football Club Hillam & MF Cricket Club


CHEQUE NO. 101318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330



30.00 Sponsorship 180.00 March salary 45.00 March PAYE tax 48.00 Hire of hall 197.63 Admin.Costs for year 34.50 PAYE Fees 662.07 Annual Insurance 760.00 Donation 500.00 Donation 300.00 Donation 100 .00 Donation 129.00 Donation 500.00 Donation

Appointment of Internal Auditor

The Clerk advised the members that Mr Ian Smithson had been requested to undertake the annual internal audit for the year ended 31 March 2013 and he expressed his confirmation to act for the Parish Council. All members agreed to the appointment. (3.4)

Cash Transfer

The clerk requested the sum of £1,000 be transferred from the High Interest Account to the Current Account in order for the cheques drawn this month to be cleared. All members agreed to the request. Councillor Collinson to arrange the bank transfer and will advise the Clerk once the transfer has been affected. Action: Councillor Collinson, (4)

Correspondence Received

Quotation received from S Booth for the refurbishment of the Ring Tree seating located in the Square. Quote value £160.00. Acceptance of the quotation proposed by Councillor Wright and seconded by Councillor Lorriman. All members agreed. Clerk to advise the Contractor the quote has been accepted. Action: Clerk. Letter of thanks received from the Chairman of Hillam and Monk Fryston Cricket Club for the donation made of £500. Letter received from the Secretary, Hillam Football Club providing additional information regarding the make-up of the club. Members approved the donation of £120. Invoice received from Monk Fryston and Hillam Community Association for hire of the hall. Invoice value £72. Amended by Clerk to exclude the January charge as no meeting held in January. Payment approved of £48 after adjustment. Invoice received from Thirsk Community Care Association for the PAYE administration services. Invoice value for the quarter ended 31 March 2013, £34.50. Invoice received from the Clerk for the payment of administration costs of £197.63 to cover the years charges incurred. Salary and Tax details received for March from Thirk Community Care Association. 2

Insurance renewal notification received from Came & Co for the year to 06/05/2014. Renewal charge £662.07. SDC, Planning advising of the receipt of complaint received from HPC in respect of the development at Orchard View, Main Street, Hillam. Quotation received from SC Horticultural Services for the refurbishment of the seating at the Ring tree. Quote value £230.00. quote rejected. Letter from NYCC advising of changes to local bus services in the Selby Area. Annual Return received from the external auditors, Littlejohn LLP. Letter and enclosures received from Knottingley Power advising of the proposed Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Station. E-mail received from NYCC, Highways advising of the blocked drains which had been previously reported. SDC, request for the forthcoming County Elections on 2nd May be displayed in the PC notice board. Action: Chairman, Councillor Collinson. End of year documentation received from Thirsk Community Care Association for information. Letter from Network Rail regarding the complaint of rubbish left at Hillam Gates. The company will take action. Councillor stated the rubbish has now been removed. (5)

Correspondence Out VAT repayment claim for the year to 31/03/2013. Repayment claimed £328.35.

Letter to Mr D L Hammerton, Secretary, Hillam football club requesting additional information in support of the request made to HPC for financial assistance. Letter to SDC regarding construction taking place at Orchard Close, Main Street, Hillam. Letter to NYCC, Highways regarding reported blocked drains outside Hillam Hall and Pinfold lane with the Cross Keys public house. Letter to Network rail regarding rubbish left at Hillam Gates following contractor’ working on site. E-mail to SDC, Street Scene section requesting roadways and pavements be swept. E-mail to S Booth requesting a quote for the refurbishment of the Ring tree. E-mail to SDC, finance Department enquiring about the alleged increase in the precept for Hillam of 4.1%. Letter of confirmation to S G Parkin Landscapes for the grass-cutting contract for 2013.



Planning Matters (6.1) Three Planning Applications and one Notice of Decision were received during the month. Planning Application:(i)

Applicant – Mr M Darby

Proposal – Application for first floor extension at 21 Hillside Close, Hillam. No objection raised by Hillam Parish Council. (ii)

Applicant – Mr & Mrs George

Proposal – Application for single storey front and rear extensions including internal alterations at ‘The Granary’, Main Street, Hillam. No objection raised by Hillam Parish Council. (i)

Applicant – Mr & Mrs Pickington

Proposal – Application for single storey front porch extension following demolition of the existing porch at ‘Yew House’, Main Street, Hillam. No objection raised by Hillam Parish Council.

Notice of Decision:(ii) Applicant – Mr T Morley

(7) (7.1)

Proposal – Application for ménage in connection with equestrian use at ‘Hillam Grange’, Austfield Lane, Hillam. Permission GRANTED . Environment Windfarms

Regular updates are made available to residents who subscribe to the service provided by Howard Ferguson in respect of the various planning applications in hand at SDC. A public planning meeting is to be held on 10 April 2013. (7.2)

Other Environmental Issues

(i) Councillor Sadler to write to Network Rail to ask the Company if they will create more parking bays than there is at present. Councillor Sadler to contact other local parish councils to seek their support. Action: Councillor Sadler. (ii) Councillor Collinson reported that fly posters are not taken down promptly by the organisations that initially put them up. Members are asked to remove all out of date fly posters and others that are of a commercial nature and not relevant/pertinent to the village. Action: All Members. (iii) Councillor Collinson reported that the area round the brick pond is becoming untidy with general debris. The brick pond is the responsibility of the Castleford Angling Club. Clerk asked to telephone the club Secretary to request the area be cleaned up. Action: Clerk. 4




Burial Committee

The Chairman, Councillor Collinson reported no meeting has been held. The Annual General Meeting is to be held on 21 May 2013. (8.2)

Community Association Councillor Robertson provided a brief report of the Association: Development plans have been discussed as previously reported. A Scout Group has been discussed to operate from the community hall. Fund raising was discussed and a Race Night is to be organised to help in raising funds.


CEF Meeting

Councillor Lorriman reported that no meting has been held and the next meting will be in June 2013. Councillor Lorriman is to provide details of two meetings held within the CEF as discussed at this month’s parish council meeting. Details of the programme for the CEF are to be provided by Councillor Lorriman. Action: Councillor Lorriman. (9)

Any Other Business

Councillor Robertson expressed some concern that the two local District Councillors (Councillors Mackman) are not invited to the monthly parish council meetings. The Chairman stated the Councillors have been invited previously to attend meetings and to update the members on current issues. Councillor Robertson proposed they be asked to attend more regularly and be given a thirty-minute slot. This was agreed. The Clerk asked the members they inform the Clerk of the issues they wish Councillors Mackman to address. The Clerk can put the issues before them to allow a meaningful meeting. Action: All Councillors. The Annual Parish an Annual General meeting to be held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, 1 May 2013, followed by the monthly Parish Council meeting at 7:30 pm. The meeting closed at 9.25 pm. The next meeting of Hillam Parish Council to be held on Wednesday, 1 st May 2013 at 7:30pm at the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre.

Signed……………………………………………………….. Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date:

1 st May 2013


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