Minutes of Hillam Parish Council held on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 at the Monk Fryston and Hillam Community Centre Present: Councillors: Collinson (Chairman), Sadler (Vice Chairman), Robertson, Lorriman, Pattison and the Clerk to the Council. Apologies for Absence: - Councillor Wright Absent: Councillor Tuddenham Guests: (1)
The minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 having been circulated to all members of the Council were read, approved and signed by the Chairman, Councillor Collinson. (1A) Councillor Sadler expressed a declaration of interest with Hillam and Monk Fryston Cricket Club and the Prince’s Trust. Councillor Lorriman expressed a declaration of interest as a member of CEF and Martin House Hospice. No further declarations of interest were made. (2)
Matters Arising
2.1 Councillor Robertson referred to item 7.2 of the June Minutes stating the drains along Chapel Street have still not been cleared, despite assurances from NYCC, Highways that the work would be carried out. The Clerk was asked to write to Councillors Mackman and ask if they can assist in arranging for the drains to be cleared. The request to NYCC, Highways was for all drains in the village to be checked, not just on Chapel Street. The clearing of the drains may assist in minimising any flooding in the coming months. Action: Clerk. 2.2 Councillor Robertson reported that the street light electrical cover had not been repaired on the light opposite Ashfield Villas. The Clerk reported the electrical contractors had been asked to undertake the repair. In the absence of the repair being undertaken, the Clerk asked if a member could strap the cover to make safe the street light. Councillor Pattison offered his services to secure the cover. Action: Councillor Pattison. 2.3 Councillor Collinson reported a risen cover on the road opposite Hillam Hall Lane had been seen. Councillor Roberson will investigate the report. Action: Councillor Robertson. (3)
Bank balances as at 3 July 2013: Barclays Bank plc – Current Account “ “ – High Interest Account
£ 4,180.43 (cr) £ 5,207.77 (cr)
Cheques drawn as at 3 July 2013 PAYEE MF & Hillam C. Assoc. S Booth M H Walton H M revenue & Customs Thirsk Community C/Assoc. D Lorriman
CHEQUE NO. 101343 344 345 346 347 348
£ 48.00 73.00 180.00 45.00 38.25 20.60
NARRATIVE Hire of hall Seat refurbishment June salary June PAYE Tax PAYE Admin. costs Plants
Cash Transfer No transfer of funds was required this month.
(3.4) The cheque for £50, received from E Smales & Sons for the rent of land was banked in the month. (4)
Correspondence Received
Reimbursement request made by Councillor Lorriman for the purchase of plants for the village troughs etc. Amount claimed £20.60. Payment Approved. Invoice received from Thirsk Community Care association in respect of the quarterly charge for PAYE services. Invoice value £38.25. Payment Approved. Invoice from Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Association for the hire of the hall for April and June 2013. Charge £48.00. Payment Approved. Invoice from S Booth for the re-oiling of he seat round the Ringtree. Invoice value £73.00. Payment Approved. E-mail received from Ray Newton, Community Association thanking the parish council for the support the council are able to offer to the proposed project at the Community Centre. Receipt received from the Burial Board for the first half of the annual precept for 2013/2014. E-mail received from Councillor Wright advising of the instruction given to the contractor for the cutting back of vegetation along the pathway from Betteras Hill Road to Monk Fryston. E-mail received from Councillors Mackman thanking the parish council for the invitation to speak at the June meeting and being allowed to update the members. Letter received from SDC, Inspector’s Report on the examination into the Selby District Core Strategy. Letter received from SDC – consultation on draft empty homes strategy 2013-2016. Letter from SDC – consultation on draft National Non-Domestic Rates. E-mail received from Councillor Wright advising that the cost of cutting the vegetation on the footpath payable by the parish council (their share) will be £70. 2
E-mail from Councillor Wright regarding the Street Lighting survey offered by NYCC. The members decided at the July meeting not to take up the survey. Clerk to write to the electrical contractor and ask that the streetlights be examined every time they are repaired. Action: Clerk. E-mail received from NYCC, Street Lighting department confirming the service they offer for the inspection of street lighting columns etc at a cost of £10 plus VAT. Members to consider if such an inspection is needed. (5)
Correspondence Out
E-mail to NYCC, Highways regarding the request made by Mrs Adamson in connection with the kerbing etc outside the resident’s property. Reply waited following the parish councils request for the matter raised by the resident to be addressed. E-mail to Mrs Adamson acknowledging her concern regarding the kerbing outside the property, The Priory, Chapel Street. The parish council to take up the residents concerns with NYCC, Highways. E-mail to CSR Electrical requesting the electrical street light cover be repaired. E-mail to Ray Newton confirming the parish council have no objection to the Community Association using the donation of £760 to the betterment of the Community Centre. E-mail to Ray Newton, Community Association offering support of the parish council to the innovative proposed project at the Centre. E-mail to NYCC, Street Lighting department enquiring on the facility provided by the authority for the inspection of street lighting columns etc. E-mail to SDC requesting the pathways on Chapel Street is swept to clear grit that was laying on the surface following the winter. E-mail to Mr & Mrs Hoare regarding dog fouling. Letter to the Planning Inspector enquiring as to the current position relating to the planning application submitted by Mr T Cannon. (6)
Planning Matters
No planning applications or Notices of Decision had been received during the month.
Regular updates are made available to residents who subscribe to the service provided by Howard Ferguson in respect of the various planning applications in hand at SDC. (7.2)
Other Environmental Issues
(i) Councillor Lorriman asked that Hillam Gardens be contacted to request the removal of the brown signs that are located in the village as the business has now ceased trading. A number of visitors to the premises have complained that the signs are still in position following the closure of the business. Clerk to write to the proprietor of the former Hillam Gardens. Action: Clerk. (ii) Councillor Lorriman reported HGV vehicles are using Austfield Lane to gain access to the main road. Such activity does pose a danger to other road users, as the road is not very wide and will be damaged by the heavy vehicles. NYCC rarely repair the road surface, and subsequent damage will cause greater road erosion. Clerk asked to write to NYCC requesting a weight limit restriction be placed on Austfield Lane to help to protect the road and reduce potential damager. Action: Clerk. (iii) It was reported that the hedge along Betteras Hill Road required to be cut back. Clerk to write to the owner, Mr Tim Morley to request the work be carried out. Action: Clerk. (v) Councillor Collinson reported the hedge on Austfield Lane is in need of trimming and the owners of the hedge will be requested to trim and cut back off the roadway. Action: Councillor Collinson. (8)
Burial Committee
The Chairman, Councillor Collinson gave a brief report of the AGM, held on 21 May 2013. The report referred to the refurbishment of the cemetery railing and perimeter wall, which had been repointed. A number of people had put ashes into existing graves without permission or erected headstones without authority. Councillor Collinson remains as Chairperson with the Vice – Chairperson position remaining unfilled at the moment. The financial report of the Board was discussed and the balance of the Burial Board of £3,121.97 is to be carried forward to 2013/2014 Grass cutting of the cemetery remains a problem with grass cuttings strewn across the graves, resulting in the cemetery looking somewhat untidy. SDC have indicated that they may levy a charge to cover the rates of the cemetery and a charge for water may be levied. The Board await a further update over this matter. (8.2)
Community Association Councillor Robertson provided a brief report of the Association, covering the purchase and hire of a Gazebo, the usage of the Luncheon Club, proposed Girl Guide group to commence in January 2014 and the success of the village Fayre.
CEF Meeting
Councillor Lorriman informed the meeting no report was to be made. The next meeting of the CEF group is September 2013. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of support for No to the proposed incinerator at the Kellingley Colliery site. In addition, Clerk asked to write to Councillors Mackman to request SDC, Street Scene or the clearing of grot off the pathway on Chapel Street as the parish council have not been successful in their request. Action: Clerk. (9)
Any Other Business No other business was brought forward for discussion. The meeting closed at 8.35 pm.
The next meeting of Hillam Parish Council to be held on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 at 7:30pm at the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre.
Signed……………………………………………………….. Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date:
3 July 2013