Minutes of Hillam Parish Council held on Wednesday, 2 nd October 2013 at the Monk Fryston and Hillam Community Centre Present: Councillors: Collinson (Chairman), Sadler (Vice Chairman), Robertson, Tuddenham, Wright, Pattison and the Clerk to the Council. Apologies for Absence: - Councillor Lorriman Absent: Guests: (1)
The minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 4th September 2013 having been circulated to all members of the Council were read, approved and signed by the Chairman, Councillor Collinson. (1A) Councillor Sadler expressed a declaration of interest with Hillam and Monk Fryston Cricket Club and the Prince’s Trust. No further declarations of interest were made. (2)
Matters Arising
2.1 Councillor Collinson asked that Reverend Hetherington be informed that the Parish Council will be laying a wreath on Remembrance Sunday. Action: Clerk. 2.2 A local resident has offered to supply and plant hbs in the troughs in the Square. The offer was gratefully accepted by the members. Councillor wright willliaise with the resident regarding the planting etc. 2.3 Councillor Robertson made reference to the drains on Chapel Street as the drains previously reported still appear to be blocked. Councillor Wright asked that the request initially made to NYCC, Highways asking what is the definition of a blocked drain be reiterated to the Authority. Action: Clerk. 2.4 The Clerk was asked to write to NYCC, Highways regarding the poor surface area on the pathways on Rose Lea Close as it is considered the surface area is poor. Due to the poor condiution of the surface area, members believe the poor surface is an accident waiting to happen. If a site visit is considered to be appropriate by the Authority in order to discuss the matter, members are willing to meet with a representative. Action: Clerk. (3)
Bank balances as at 02/10/2013: Barclays Bank plc – Current Account “ “ – High Interest Account
£ 8,559.68 (cr) £ 5,203.46 (cr)
Cheques drawn as at 2nd October 2013 PAYEE Thirsk C/Care Associ. P K F Littlejohn M H Walton H M Revenue & Customs S G Parkin
CHEQUE NO. 101356 357 358 359 360
38.25 PAYE service 120.00 Audit Fee 180.00 Sept. Salary 45.00 PAYE Sept. 630.00 Replac’t Cheque
Cash Transfer No transfer of funds was required this month.
Monies Received
The second half of the 2013/2014 precept was received from Selby district council for the sum of £5,647.50. The monies were credited to the Current Account during the month. (4)
Correspondence Received
Invoice and PAYE details received from Thirsk Community Care Association. Invoice value £38.25 covering the quarterly charge for PAYE services. Payment Approved. Remittance Advice received from SDC covering the second instalment of the annual precept. Amount received £5,647.50 E-mail received from S G Parkin advising the cheque sent in August had not been received or has been misplaced. Cheque value £630.00. Letter from the Burial Board advising of the precept charge per Band D properties for the year 2014/2015. Precept charge increased from £2.60 to £2.70. E-mail received from the Christmas Lights Committee requesting a copy of the parish council insurance. Action: Clerk. E-mail received from Councillor Lorriman providing details of an enquiry made with NYCC, Highways in respect of localised flooding in the village. E-mail received from a contractor, just Gardens, offering his services relating to grass cutting etc. from Reverend Hetherington regarding the nomination of Councillor Sadler to the Board of Trustees to the Education Foundation. E-mail received from NYCC, Highways advising the parish council that no repairs are as yet deemed necessary on Hillam Lane following the parish councils concerns over pot holes that had been reported. Acknowledgement received from Nigel Adams, MP in respect of the inordinate delay from the Planning Inspectorate in giving a decision on the planning application and appeal submitted by Mr T Cannon. E-mail from NYCC, Highways advising that a 60m section of drainage appears to be missing in the top section of the village. Clerk to write to the Authority for an explanation of what is meant by top section and for the location to be defined. 2
E-mail received from SDC, Planning advising on the current position regarding the construction works at Shiraz, Betteras Hill Road. SDC – Notification o changes to the publication of advertisements for applications made under the Town and ~Country Planning Acts. Clerk asked to write informing the Authority that the correct publication for such advertisements is the Selby Times and not the Ponteftact and Castleford Express. Action: Clerk. (5)
Correspondence Out
Letter to Nigel Adams, MP regarding the outstanding planning appeal submitted by Mr T Cannon. E-mail to S Booth requesting the broken hand rail on the footbridge off Betteras Hill road be repaired. E-mail advising Mr S G Parkin that the missing cheque will be replaced following the October parish council meeting. Action: Clerk. E-mail to the SDC, Planning enforcement Officer advising of the materials being used in the construction of the structure at Shirax, Betteras Hill Road. (6)
Planning Matters (6.1)
No Planning Applications were received in the month.
No Notices of Decision were received in the month:
Windfarms Updates will be reported when items of public interest are made available to the parish
council. (7.2)
Other Environmental Issues
(i) Councillor Collinson informed the meeting that last five planning applications for Traveller sites are being considered. It was agreed that Nigel Adams, MP for the Selby Area be lobbied to explain again the member’s concerns and objections, which have been raised on previous occasions. Councillor Wright will prepare a letter for consideration by the members. Once agreement has been made to its content, this will be passed to the Clerk to forward to the MP. Action: Councillor Wright. (ii) Councillor Sadler reported that eight bags of Pine needles had been indiscriminately dumped on Stocking Lane by person/s unknown. (iii) A local resident has been kindly watering the various plant/flower tubs in the village Square. The actions of the concerned resident are very much appreciated by the parish council. (iv) Councillor Sadler suggested the planting various herbs, which could be used by residents if required. Proposed by councillor Sadler and Seconded by Councillor Tuddenham. (v) Councillor Collinson reported that a complaint had been made to the parish council regarding a hedge that was overhanging from a landowner’s field. The hedge was 3
allegedly causing a problem when the resident was exiting their drive on Betteras Hill Road. The name and address of the landowner is not known, except to say the owner is not local. It was suggested that the resident could lawfully cut back any overhanging branches in order to improve the line of vision. The matter is not, however, an issue that the parish council would be involved with, unless the branches etc were causing a problem to road users, which it is, believed this is not the case. Councillor Collinson will, however, endeavour to obtain contact details for the concerned resident and pass the details to the resident concerned. Action: Councillor Collinson. (8)
Burial Committee The Chairman, Councillor Collinson reported no meeting has been held.
Community Association
Councillor Robertson did not provide a report of the last meeting due to none attendance. He did, however, inform the members that the first Monk Fryston and Hillam Beer Festival is to be held on the 13th and 14th September 2013, and organised with the PTA which is currently in the final planning stages. (8.3)
CEF Meeting Councillor Lorriman gave a brief report of the issues covered to the members.
Any Other Business
(9.1) Councillor Sadler informed the meeting that an attempt burglary had occurred at the Cricket Club. Access was not successful. The police are investigating. No other business was brought forward for discussion. The meeting closed at 9.00 pm. The next meeting of Hillam Parish Council to be held on Wednesday, 2 nd October 2013 at 7:30pm prompt, at the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre.
Signed……………………………………………………….. Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date:
2 nd October 2013