Minutes of Hillam Parish Council 05 DECEMBER 2012

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Minutes of Hillam Parish Council held on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 in the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre. Present: Councillors: Collinson (Chairman), Robertson, Sadler, Lorriman, Wright and the Clerk to the Council. Absence: - Councillor Tuddenham Guests: (1)


The minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 having been circulated to all members of the Council were read, approved and signed by the Chairman Councillor Collinson. (1A)

There were no declarations of interest expressed by the members present.


Matters Arising

2.1 Councillor Robertson informed the meeting that he had not had the opportunity of liaising with Mark Johnson at this time. Action: Councillor Robertson. 2.2 Councillor Sadler confirmed she had completed the Gypsy/Traveller Needs Assessment and provided a copy for the Clerk for information. 2.3 Councillor Sadler referred to the Planning Appeal regarding the planning application submitted by Mr T Cannon. Thirty people attended the appeal meeting and it was well represented by villagers and residents from adjoining villages. National Policy changes were referred to. The appeal meeting was discussed by the members. It is not clear at this time how the appeal will end. A response is expected by mid January, 2013 for a decision to be given. The Chairman thanked Councillor Sadler for her contribution in attending and representing Hillam Parish Council at the appeal hearing. (3) (3.1)

Finance Bank balances as at 5th December 2012: Barclays Bank plc – Current Account “ “ – High Interest Account


£ 4,538.68 (cr) £ 6,201.21 (cr)

Cheques drawn as at 5th December 2012 PAYEE B Wright SLCC S G Parkin M H Walton H M Revenue & Customs

CHEQUE NO. 101301 302 303 304 305


£ 12.00 Cancelled 355.00 180.00 45.00

NARRATIVE Plants Grass cutting November Salary Tax due – Dec.

(3.3) It was agreed by the members not to renew the annual subscription to the Society of Local Council Clerk, making an annual saving of £145. (3.4)

Donation – Hillam Historians

Councillor Wright informed the members that Hillam Historians has disbanded in its present form and does not wish to operate through official officers. Because of this decision, Hillam Historians wish to donate the sum of £300 to Hillam Parish Council. The donation to be earmarked for any future works or costs which the body may wish to become involved with. The Chairman thanked Councillor Wright and Hillam Historians for the donation and confirmed the monies will only be used for such projects. The Chairman asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks to Mr Max Layton, the current Chairman of Hillam Historians for the new Finger Post in the Square. (3.5)

Donation Proposals

Councillor Wright suggested that the sum of £385 be awarded to the Christmas Lights Committee to cover the costs of putting up and taking down the lights. Proposed Councillor Wright, seconded Councillor Lorriman. The donation to be reviewed annually. Clerk to write to Karen Merry regarding the suggestion. The final date for the applications of donation requests is to be 25/02/2013. (4)

Correspondence Received

Invoice received from S G Parkin, grass cutting from July to September. Total cost £355.00 Payment approved. Request for reimbursement of £12 for the purchase of plants on behalf of the parish council. Payment approved. Letter received from SDC, submission Draft Core Strategy, further proposed changes. Confirmation received from Mr M Pattison to the acceptance of the co-option onto Hillam Parish Council. E-mail from Councillor Wright offering the donation of £300 from Hillam Historians. Clerk’s pay details provided by Thirsk Community Association for November. Clerks Salary, net of tax £180 and tax deduced from gross of £45.00. Payment approved. Membership renewal for the year 2013, SLCC. (Not renewed). E-mail received from Councillor Wright confirming the parish boundary. E-mail from Councillor Sadler regarding the planning appeal hearing to the appeal lodged by Mr Cannon. E-mail received from Steve Tope, Chairman MF Junior Football Club and concerns over dog fouling on the football pitch. Clerk to reply to Mr Tope with a suggestion over signage and consideration to make a financial contribution for signs etc. SAIDB – Response to the enquiry regarding flooding on Rose Lea Close. 2

SAIDB – Response to the enquiry made regarding the grill to the culvert with Betteras Hill Road and the blocked dykes on Betteras Hill Road. (5)

Correspondence Out Letter to Mr M Crane, Leader of Selby DC regarding the Cannon Planning appeal.

E-mail to CSR Electrical Contractors confirming the two streetlights do have a damaged power cable. Work in hand with Power Grid. Letter to Mr Trench, Hanover Housing requesting a copy of the covenants affecting properties on Manor Court. SAIDB – Letters regarding the Grill to the culvert at junction with Betteras Hill Road and blocked dykes on Betteras Hill Road. SDC – Parish requirements 2013/2014. Letter to Mr Harron, Thirsk Community Care Association regarding Revenue changed effective from April 2013. E-mail to Mr Grogan, Enforcement Officer, SDC re the Alcohol Free Zone. Barclays Bank Mandate Team submission of application for three signatories. (6)

Planning Matters (6.1)


Two Notice of Decision were received in the month. (i)

Applicant – Mr N Silcock

Proposal – Lawful Development Certificate for the construction of a chimney to the south elevation, and construction of a single storey rear extension at Orchard View, Main Street, Hillam. (ii) Applicant – Mr N Scroggs Proposal – Two-storey extension to form lounge, bedrooms, entrance hall, and single storey extension for a swimming pool. Permission GRANTED. (7)




Regular updates are made available to residents who subscribe to the service provided by Howard Ferguson in respect of the various planning applications in hand at SDC. (7.2)

Other Environmental Issues

(i) The Chairman reported that the footpath Finger Post on Stocking Lane, adjacent to the football pitch is missing. Councillor Collinson to speak with the Footpaths Officer, NYCC to request a replacement. Action: Councillor Collinson. 3

(ii) Councillor Sadler informed the members that Councillor Robertson would deal with any snow clearing issues, which may arise at Manor Court, over the two weeks she is on holiday. Action: Councillor Robertson. (iii) Councillor Lorriman he e-mailed Councillor Holmes regarding the A63 Traffic calming. A reply awaited. Action: Councillor Lorriman. (iv) Councillor Wright gave an update of the meeting held with Councillor Holmes, MFPC. A meeting is to be held with Councillor Holmes re the A63. Currently NYCC, Highways are not offering what MFPC are wanting. (v) Councillor Lorriman enquired about the trimming back of the hedge on Austfield Lane outside Cherry Tree Farm. Councillor Collinson will contact the landowner. Action: Councillor Collinson. (8)



Burial Committee The Chairman, Councillor Collinson gave no report.

(8.2) .

Community Association Councillor Robertson gave a brief reported covering a firework incident. A Conservatory is to be installed at the Centre at a cost of ÂŁ12,000 to ÂŁ15,000 covering thirty-two square metres.


CEF Meeting

Councillor Lorriman provided notes of the November meeting prior to the PC meeting. Partnership meetings are to be held later and not after a CEF meeting resulting in inefficiency as two meetings are to be held instead of one.



Liaison Meeting

Councillor Wright stated that the meeting held with Councillor Holmes covering the liaison role between the two parishes councils are awaiting a formal report of the points discussed. In brief, the issues discussed are referred to below: • • • • •

Alcohol Free Zone Street Lighting safety check survey undertaken by NYCC, Street Lighting Department Burial Board pursuing the documented rules/Constitution appertaining to the Joint Burial Board Grant availability between the two PC’s Footpaths and the trimming back of vegetation

A further meeting is proposed in six months time. (9)

Any Other Business There was no other business to conduct. The meeting closed at 9.50 pm.

The next meeting of Hillam Parish Council to be held on Wednesday, 6 th February 2013 at 7:30pm at the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre.

Signed……………………………………………………….. Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date:

6 th February 2013


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