Minutes of Hillam Parish Council held on Wednesday, 6 February 2013 in the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre. Present: Councillors: Collinson (Chairman), Robertson, Sadler, Lorriman, Wright and the Clerk to the Council. Absence: - Councillor Tuddenham Guests: (1)
Martyn Pattison
The minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 having been circulated to all members of the Council were read, approved and signed by the Chairman Councillor Collinson. (1A)
There are no declarations of interest expressed by the members present.
(1B) The Chairman, Councillor Collinson welcomed Mr M Pattison to the February Parish Council meeting. Mr Pattison had been co-opted onto the parish council at a previous meeting. The clerk presented him with the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor form that he duly signed in the presence of the Clerk and Chairman. On completion of the legal formalities, Mr Pattison was welcomed as a parish councillor. (2)
Matters Arising
2.1 Councillor Robertson asked the Clerk if Mr M Johnson had been invited to attend a parish meeting. The Clerk confirmed he had been requested via e-mail, but no response/acknowledgement had been received. Councillor Robertson said he would contact Mr Johnson. Action: Councillor Robertson. 2.2 Councillor Sadler informed the members that she had contacted the Planning Inspector regarding the planning appeal lodged by Mr T Cannon. A response to the appeal was expected towards the end of January 2013. Response still awaited. 2.3
Displaying of Parish Council Minutes
The question of displaying the monthly parish council minutes was discussed following an enquiry raised by Councillor Wright. Councillor Wright stated that one resident had enquired if the minutes could be displayed in the Parish Council Notice Board. The minutes are recorded in Hillam News, as a prĂŠcis of the full minutes. Councillor Wright suggested the Hillam web site could be used for this purpose. It was agreed that the Minutes be made available via the Hillam web site, which is managed by Mr Atkinson. Councillor Wright confirmed Mr Atkinson is willing to post the minutes on the web site. It was agreed that this would be done. Clerk to submit via e-mail the monthly minutes once they have been approved. Action: Clerk.
Precept Funding
The Clerk referred to the information provided to the parish council from Selby District Council regarding precept funding. The explanation to the funding was forwarded to members, which explain the reasons behind the funding proposals for 2013/2014 and beyond. The change in funding is a Central Government initiative and has resulted in the Local Authority receiving less grant than in previous years. The changes take place from 1st April 2013 and due to the short time scale, SDC have reimbursed the shortfall in funding of £542.56 that would have arisen under the new proposals on Local Authority funding. The effect on the parish council from 2014/2015 et sq, will result in the parish council having to raise the charge to residents via the precept. This is based upon the number of Band D properties advised to the council by SDC. If the same level of precept is required as previously and approved by the parish council, this will be achieved by reducing expenditure and/or increasing the charge to residents or a bit of both. If the level of precept proposed is to be less than the current level, then a reduction to residents will ensue. Councillor Wright informed the members that an article would be inserted in the next edition to advise residents of the funding arrangements and the effect this will have on residents. Action: Councillor Wright. (3.2)
Bank balances as at 6th February 2013: Barclays Bank plc – Current Account “ “ – High Interest Account
£ 4,018.72 (cr) £ 6,202.00 (cr)
Cheques drawn as at 6th February 2013 PAYEE MFPC MF & Hillam C/Assoc. Thirsk C/Care Assoc. M H Walton H M Revenue & Customs H M Revenue & Customs M H Walton
CHEQUE NO. 101306 307 308 309 310 311 312
£ 253.56 72.00 34.50 180.00 45.00 45.00 180.00
NARRATIVE Grass cutting Hire of Hall PAYE Admin. December Salary Tax due – Dec. Tax Due – Jan. 2013 January Salary.
(3.3) Interest was received in December on the High Interest Account amounting to £0.79. (4)
Correspondence Received
Invoice received from Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Association for hire of hall for the three months to December 2012. Charge £72. Payment approved. Invoice from Thirsk Community Care Association for PAYE services for the quarter to December 2012. Invoice value £34.50. Payment approved. E-mail received from the Xmas Lights Committee accepting the proposal that HPC make a donation towards the costs of putting up and taking down the Christmas tree lights annually. 2
Letter from SDC regarding the proposed Council Tax Base rate and the effect on the Parish Council precept for 2013/014. Invoice received from MFPC for the sum of £263.56 for grass cutting including an additional eighth cut during the season 2012/2013. Payment approved. Letter received from Hanover Housing providing details of the covenants affecting Manor Court, Hillam. The Covenants in force refer to land and not the actual properties. Salary and PAYE details received from Thirsk Community Care Association for the months of December and January. Letter from K E Lunness Aggregates confirming the use of the quarry on Betteras Hill Road, Hillam will be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the planning license. E-mail SDC setting out details of the Council Tax freeze issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government. E-mail, SDC – Green Space Strategy. E-mail from SDA of voluntary Service – detailing monies available from the Proceeds of Crime available for communities. Letter from Barclays Bank plc advising of the three authorised signatories. SDC – Response received from Councillor Mark Crane relating to the planning meeting that was adjourned in October 2012. SDC – Notification of Band D properties for the year 2013/14 of 321.85. The Clerk is to contact SDC to request an explanation on how the figure is computed as it varies year on year. Action: Clerk. Letter from Booth & Son offering their services as a general builder/gardening. Notification from NYCC advising of various road closure notices for Hillam. (5)
Correspondence Out
E-mail to CSR Electrical to report 2x faulty streetlights, No 23 o/s the Dower House and one o/s the entrance to Rose Lea Close. Letter to Lunness Aggregates Ltd requesting confirmation of the type of material to be tipped on the site on Betteras Hill Road. Letter to JBA consulting regarding the flooding of fields on Hillam Common Lane. Initial letter sent on 25/09/12. The Clerk confirmed that the company had not responded to the most recent letter of 07/01/2013. Councillor Robertson said he would contact the company to expedite a reply to the earlier correspondence. Action: Councillor Robertson. E-mail reminder to Mr Grogan, SDC requesting a response to the initial E-mail of 12/11/2012 re- the Alcohol Free Zone enquiry. No response received to either communication. Letter to Mr Tope regarding the dog fouling on the football pitch in response to his enquiry. 3
E-mail to the Hillam Xmas Lights Committee regarding a donation the parish council are to make. Letter of thanks to Mr M Leighton, Hillam Historians for the fingerpost donated by the committee that was installed in the Square. E-mail to Mr M Johnson inviting him to attend a Parish Council meeting. No response received. (6)
Planning Matters (6.1) One Planning Application and one application for consent were received in the month. Planning Application:(i)
Applicant – Mr M Lambeth
Proposal – Construction of a detached carport and store at Orchard View, Main Street, Hillam. No objection raised by Hillam Parish Council. Application for Consent:(ii) Applicant – Mr A Adamson Proposal – Application for consent to fell one sycamore and crown thin 30% on sycamore of TPO No. 5/1982 at The Priory, Chapel Street, Hillam. Permission GRANTED. (7)
Regular updates are made available to residents who subscribe to the service provided by Howard Ferguson in respect of the various planning applications in hand at SDC. (7.2)
Other Environmental Issues
(i) Councillor Collinson requested that 2x bags of grit salt be made available for use on Betteras Hill Road. Approved. (ii) Councillor Sadler asked if the parish council would prosecute offenders responsible for dog fouling. The stated that if sufficient evidence were provided to the parish council, then the matter would be reported to the Local Authority for action to be taken. In order for a satisfactory prosecution, photographic evidence is the best with a report of the name, address of the offender and details of the offence, date, time location and witnessed by. (iii) Councillor Lorriman reported that fly tipping of tree prunings had occurred again on Lowfield Lane that blocked the roadway. The matter was reported to SDC who removed the offending material quickly. (iv) Councillor Robertson requested that SDC Street Cleaning department be asked to clean the paths and kerb edges. Acton: Clerk.
(v) Councillor Robertson reported a street light was not working on Lumby Hill near to Dunsmire Lane. The Chairman believed the light is the responsibility of MFPC and not that of HPC. The light will be inspected and if it is HPC’s it will be reported for repair. Action: Clerk. (8)
Burial Committee
The Chairman, Councillor Collinson reported there had been three burials during January and a further burial is due this month. The cost of refurbishment of the railings etc was £974.00. (8.2)
Community Association Councillor Robertson gave a brief verbal report. A proposal has been put forward by the committee to enlarge the community Centre at a cost of £85,000. Funding to be obtained from external sources. Councillor Robertson informed the members that Ray Newton of the Community Association would be willing to attend a parish meeting if asked. The Film night was a success with 97 patrons.
CEF Meeting Councillor Lorriman reported no meeting until 05/03/13.
Any Other Business There was no other business to conduct. The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.
The next meeting of Hillam Parish Council to be held on Wednesday, 6 th March 2013 at 7:30pm at the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre.
Signed……………………………………………………….. Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date:
6 th March 2013