Minutes of Hillam Parish Council held on Wednesday, 6th November 2013 at the Monk Fryston and Hillam Community Centre Present: Councillors: Collinson (Chairman), Sadler (Vice Chairman), Robertson, Tuddenham, Wright, Pattison and the Clerk to the Council. Apologies for Absence: - Councillor Tuddenham Absent: Guests: (1)
The minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 having been circulated to all members of the Council were read, approved and signed by the Chairman, Councillor Collinson. (1A) Councillor Sadler expressed a declaration of interest with Hillam and Monk Fryston Cricket Club and the Prince’s Trust. No further declarations of interest were made. (2)
Matters Arising
2.1 Councillor Sadler reported that she has spoken to a local farmer who is willing to assist the parish council in removing the soil overspill from the grassed verge near to Tom Lane in order to make the road wider. The parish council offer their thanks for the kind assistance offered. 2.2 Councillor Sadler reported that she has examined the drains on Chapel Street, and believes they are coping when it rains. 2.3 Councillor Wright has purchased plants to enable the thoughtful resident to undertake the planting of the planters in the village square. The parish council are grateful for the resident willing to give her free time to improve the appearance of the Square. 2.4 The question of street lighting costs was discussed in relation to the level of expenditure incurred on street lighting repairs. Councillor Robertson suggested that the costs incurred by the parish council over the last two years be reviewed and the frequency of repair of the individual lamps be reported. This will enable the members to determine whether to repair faulty lights that occur regularly or to replace the lamp with a more energy and efficient lamp. Action: Clerk. (3)
Bank balances as at 06/11/2013: Barclays Bank plc – Current Account “ “ – High Interest Account
£ 7,691.79 (cr) £ 5,204.11 (cr)
Cheques drawn as at 6th November 2013 PAYEE S Booth Burial Board Community Association M H Walton H M Revenue & Customs J Collinson B Wright
CHEQUE NO. 101361 362 363 364 365 366 367
£ 48.00 417.30 72.00 180.00 45.00 17.00 19.60
NARRATIVE Repairs Precept Hire of hall October salary Tax – October Wreath Plants
Cash Transfer No transfer of funds was required this month.
Monies Received No monies received during the period.
Correspondence Received
Receipt received from Councillor Wright for reimbursement of purchase of plants for local planting. Payment Approved. Invoice received for hire of hall from Monk Fryston Community Association Remittance for £72.00. Payment Approved. Request for reimbursement for the donation in respect of the Poppy appeal wreath. Cost £17.00. Payment Approved. Invoice received from S Booth for the repair of the broken rail on the bridge off Betteras Hill Road. Invoice value £45.00. Payment Approved. Application proposal by Multifuel Energy for the proposed Multifuel Energy Power Station at Ferrybridge. E-mail received from the Christmas Lights Committee requesting a copy of the parish council insurance. Action: Clerk. Letter from DSC, Selby District Core Strategy Local Plan Adoption. E-mail received from Councillor Mackman regarding the Hillam flooding update. E-mail from NYCC, Highways advising that the Authority have they have issued YWA with a Section 81 Notice to deal with the drainage problem on Hillam Hall Lane. E-mail from Selby DC advising of the reasons for having all planning notices published in the Pontefract & Castleford Express and the cost savings to the Council. Invoice from the Joint Burial committee for the second half of the annual precept of £417.30. Payment Approved.
Letter from the Department for Communities and Local Government advising of the current position regarding the Cannon Planning application. Explanation from NYCC, Highways explaining what constitutes a blocked drain. NYCC – proposal relating to the Household Waste recycling centres and the need to save £240,000 in the financial year 2014/2015. Request for a £100 donation from the charity Voices for People. Request denied. SDC advising the number of Band D properties in the financial year 2014/15 of 321.5 Band D properties. Clerk to submit the parish requirements to members for consideration of the precept for 2014/15 at the December meeting. NYCC – advising of the Post 16 home to school and college transport and proposed charges. E-mail received from NYCC, Street Lighting advising of the estimated costs for the replacement of the street lighting columns would be £1,000 inclusive of VAT but subject to any variation on third party costs. Members asked the Clerk to request a structural survey be undertaken on all of the streetlights. The cost is £10.00 per light when last advised of the costs. In order to e-mail the request to the Authority, Councillor Pattison to provide the Clerk with an E-mail copy of the street lighting schedule which identifies the location of each light. Action: Councillor Pattison and Clerk. . (5)
Correspondence Out
Request to CSR Electrical to repair four faulty lights two outside West View opposite Pine Tree Lane and two in the location of the Square. Letter to Hanover Housing requesting financial support for the provision of grit salt for Manor Court. E-mail to S Booth requesting the broken handrail on the footbridge off Betteras Hill road is repaired. E-mail advising Mr S G Parkin that the missing cheque will be replaced following the October parish council meeting. Action: Clerk. E-mail to the NYCC, Highways advising of the poor surface area to the paths on rose Lea Close. E-mail to SDC Planning expressing concern over the Councils intention to publish all future planning application the Pontefract & Castleford Express in place of the Selby Times and Post. Letter to NYCC Highways requesting an estimated cost to replace a streetlight owned by the parish council. E-mail to NYCC, Highways requesting further information regarding the alleged damaged section of drainage located by the Authority consisting of some 60 metres.
Planning Matters (6.1)
One planning application was received in the month:
Applicant – Mr Sanjay. Proposal – Retrospective planning application for the erection of a Summer House in the grounds of the existing dwelling. Location – ‘Shiraz’, Betteras Hill road, Hillam. No objections raised. Notices of Decision (6.2)
No Notices of Decision were received during the month.
Windfarms Updates will be reported when items of public interest are made available to the parish
council. (7.2)
Other Environmental Issues
(i) Councillor Lorriman reported that no response had been received from NYCC regarding the request made for a weight limit restriction to be placed on Austfield Lane to 7.5 tonnes vehicles. Councillor Lorriman will contact the respective officer of the Authority for an update. Action: Councillor Lorriman. (ii) Councillor Pattison reported that at the 30 mph sped sign on the right hand side of the road from Burton Salmon to Hillam is in a poor state and not clear. Clerk asked to contact NYCC, Highways to request a replacement sign or for the sign to be refurbished. Action: Clerk. (iv) Councillor Sadler discussed the planning appeal of the Burn traveller site that had been refused and the implication this may have on the appeal that Mr Cannon lodged with the Planning Inspectorate. (v) Councillor Sadler reported on the storm damage review that was undertaken. No further action necessary. (vi) Councillor Wright asked for the proposed contractor details that were received last meeting to enable the contractor to be included in the tendering process. The Clerk confirmed the details are with Councillor Collinson who will provide the information. Action: Councillor Collinson. (vii) Councillor Wright informed the members that Councillor Holmes, MFPC has suggested an informal meeting of the representatives of both parish councils. It was agreed that currently there are no issues requiring such a meeting. Councillor Wright will convey this to Councillor Holmes. Action: Councillor Wright. 4
(viii) Councillor Collinson advised the members that Network Rail contractor’s vehicles had caused damage to the grassed verge near to the level crossing. The matter to be kept under review, in the anticipation the damaged area will be repaired.
Burial Committee
The Chairman, Councillor Collinson reported the next meeting of the Joint Burial Committee is to be held on 7th November 2013. The draft Terms of Reference are to be discussed by the members of the committee. (8.2)
Community Association
Councillor Robertson reported the Beer Festival was a great social and financial success, with greater profit being made than originally reported, despite substantial investment in the bar equipment. Community Association involvement in the South Milford area bonfire is expected to return extra funding. Planned marquee coverage for the visitors at Hillam and Monk Fryston village coming bonfire event will, it is hoped, generate additional income through increased attendance. (8.3)
CEF Meeting
Councillor Lorriman reported the next meeting of the CEF would be held on 3 December 2013 at Monk Fryston School. (9)
Any Other Business
No other business was brought forward for discussion. The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.
The next meeting of Hillam Parish Council to be held on Wednesday, 4th December 2013 at 7:30pm prompt, at the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre.
Signed……………………………………………………….. Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date:
4 th December 2013