Minutes of Hillam Parish Council held on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 at the Monk Fryston and Hillam Community Centre Present: Councillors: Collinson (Chairman), Sadler (Vice Chairman), Robertson, Lorriman, Pattison, Wright and the Clerk to the Council. Apologies for Absence: Absent: Councillor Tuddenham Guests: (1)
The minutes of the Parish Council held on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 having been circulated to all members of the Council were read, approved and signed by the Chairman, Councillor Collinson. (1A) Councillor Sadler expressed a declaration of interest with Hillam and Monk Fryston Cricket Club and the Prince’s Trust. Councillor Lorriman expressed a declaration of interest as a member of CEF and Martin House Hospice. No further declarations of interest were made. (2)
Matters Arising
2.1 Councillor Pattison advised the members that he had received a letter from a local resident, Mrs M Little regarding the flooding that had occurred over the last three months and the surface area of the pavements on Rose Lea Close. Clerk to write to NYCC, Highways to request the pavements on Rose Lea Close, and repairs/cleaning be undertaken as a matter of urgency. The points raised by Mrs Little were discussed at length. The problems arising on Rose Lea Close have arisen on numerous occasions in the past and the problems of flooding brought to the attention of the respective Authorities. The culvert opposite Rose Lea Close has been improved by the authority and the drains cleared a week ago. The engineers employed by the NYCC and Yorkshire Water have not been able to provide an adequate response or solution to what has been an ongoing problem. The Clerk to write to Mrs Little advising regarding her concerns and those of the residents of Rose Lea Close. Action: Clerk. 2.2 The members asked the clerk to contact NYCC, Highways and enquire what constitutes a blocked drain. This request relates to item 2.1 of the July Minutes. Action: Clerk. 2.3 Councillor’s Pattison and Robertson confirmed the electrical cover has been secured to the streetlight opposite Ashfield Villas. (3)
Bank balances as at 07/08/2013: Barclays Bank plc – Current Account “ “ – High Interest Account 1
£ 3,295.43 (cr) £ 5,207.77 (cr)
Cheques drawn as at 7 August 2013 PAYEE S G Parkin H M Revenue & Customs M H Walton Selby DIAL
CHEQUE NO. 101349 350 351 352
630.00 Grass cutting 45.00 July PAYE 180.00 July salary 50.00 Donation
Cash Transfer No transfer of funds was required this month.
(3.4) A repayment of the £120 donation made to Hillam Football Club was returned due to the club ceasing. (4)
Correspondence Received
Request from Selby DIAL for a financial contribution to assist the work of the charity. Members agreed to donate £50. Payment Approved. E-mail to Network Rail requesting the rubbish left at Hillam Gates is removed. Letter from Monk Fryston Educational Foundation advising that the former Councillor, Mrs K Cole’s term o office has ended. A Trustee from Hillam Parish Council is now sought. Councillor Sadler expressed her wishes to sit on the committee. Clerk to advise Reverend John Hetherington of the decision. Action: Clerk. Invoice received from S G Parkin for grass cutting between April to June 2013. Invoice value £630.00. Payment Approved. PAYE and salary details received from Thirsk Community Care Association. SDC – Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document. NYCC Election to fill vacancies for Co-opted Members. (5)
Correspondence Out
E-mail to SDC, Planning to report alleged unauthorised construction works at a property on Betteras Hill Road. Planning Department to check and report their findings. Letter to Mr M Leighton regarding the current position of the Garden Centre. Letter to Mr T Morley, requesting the cutting back of hedges on Betteras Hill Road. E-mail to NYCC, Highways requesting the clearing of blocked drains on Chapel Street, and for all of the drains in the village to be checked and cleared where necessary. E-mail to Councillor Mackman, requesting assistance for the drains on Chapel Street to be cleared.
E-mail to NYCC, Planning Services lodging an objection to the application for the proposed waste burning incinerator at the Kellingley Colliery site, Knottingley. (6)
Planning Matters (6.1)
Two Planning Applications were received in the month.
Planning Application:(i)
Applicant – Mr J Blaza
Proposal – Planning permission and conservation area consent to demolish a garage and construct a new garage and store at White Cottage, The Square, Hillam The parish council expressed concern over the planning application because the proposed development is out of character for the area and the size of the development is disproportionate to the land it is to occupy in a conservation area. The points of concern have been advised to SDC, Planning Department. (ii) Applicant – N Kershaw Proposal – Application for listed building consent for a proposed loft conversion at Burton Cottage, chapel Street, Hillam. No objection raised by the Parish Council. (7)
Regular updates are made available to residents who subscribe to the service provided by Howard Ferguson in respect of the various planning applications in hand at SDC. (7.2)
Other Environmental Issues
(i) Councillor Lorriman reported that Ragwort has been identified in a number of fields within the village. On enquiries made by councillor Lorriman, with DEFRA, there is no action available to the Authority, as the problem is that of the landowner. (ii) Councillor Lorriman informed the members that he had E-mailed to the members, the response received from NYCC, Highways relating to the report of HGV are using Austfield Lane to gain access to the main road. NYCC are to investigate and report. Action: Councillor Lorriman. (iii) It was reported that a hedge on Austfield Lane is overgrown and is causing a problem for passing vehicles, resulting in minor paint damage to vehicles. Councillor Collinson will liaise with the landowners to ask for the hedge to be cut back as soon as possible. Action: Councillor Collinson.
Burial Committee
The Chairman, Councillor Collinson reported that an Extra Ordinary General Meting ha been held following the receipt of a letter from SDC. The Authority is considering reinstating Business Rates for the cemetery. Also new rules are to be introduced by the Authority in respect of Cemetery administration. The next meeting of the Burial Board is on 10/09/2013 at 07:30 pm. Meeting to be held in the Community Centre. (8.2)
Community Association Councillor Robertson provided a brief report of the Association, covering the School Fayre that raised £4,733, which is an increase of £600 over the previous year. The Community Association received £1,200. Grants are being sought of £100k to cover the proposed development works intended at the Community Centre. The Social Programme is to include a Beer Festival, Bonfire at south Milford on 02/11/13 and the village bonfire on 09/11/2013 at the Community Centre. A grant received from the CEF of £20,000 to assist with the proposed developments.
CEF Meeting
Councillor Lorriman informed the meeting that the next meeting is to be held in September. (9)
Any Other Business
(9.1) Councillor Lorriman expressed concern that the parish council ought to be investigating the possibility of attracting affordable housing to the village for the benefit of local people. The members considered the initiative, but the consensus was that affordable housing is the responsibility of SDC and is included in their planning strategy for the area. No other business was brought forward for discussion. The meeting closed at 9.35 pm. The next meeting of Hillam Parish Council to be held on Wednesday, 4 September 2013 at 7:30pm prompt, at the Monk Fryston & Hillam Community Centre.
Signed……………………………………………………….. Chairman/Vice-Chairman Date:
4 September 2013